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根据137°E断面1967~1995年冬、夏季的温、盐资料,计算和分析该断面的地转流;分析144°E断面上投放卫星跟踪漂流浮标的漂移轨迹;结合CSK图集中的海面重力势分布,对副热带逆流、北赤道流和北赤道逆流几个特征的相同点和不同点进行比较,得出若干有益的结论:(1)副热带逆流、北赤道流、北赤道逆流,并不是单纯的单支海流,而是存在着两支或多支现象;(2)流速结构的带状分布,东、西向流相互交错间隔出现,流层较浅,均为表层流或近表层流;(3)多年平均而言,3支海流的流速以北赤道逆流最强,北赤道流次之,副热带逆流最弱;流量则不同,北赤道流最大,副热带逆流最小,北赤道逆流居中.3支海流的流速夏季均大于冬季,但流量稍有差异:副热带逆流和北赤道流均具有夏强、冬弱的特点,而北赤道逆流为冬强、夏弱;(4)冬季,副热带逆流的源地,位于巴士海峡和台湾以东副热带脊的一个暖脊中心附近海域;(5)冬季,卫星跟踪漂流浮标的漂移轨迹,基本上反映出北赤道流和北赤道逆流的路径.但因副热带逆流区为涡旋频繁区,致使浮标漂移轨迹难以反映出副热带逆流的路径. 相似文献
This paper contains estimations of the spatial variability of the kinetic energy density in semidiurnal tidal waves of the lowest baroclinic mode in the North Equatorial Countercurrent region. We have noted an essential reduction in the energetic density of semi-diurnal waves at the north boundary of the North Equatorial Countercurrent and a build-up of energy in short-period internal waves. The hydrodynamic instability of baroclinic tidal waves may be regarded as the mechanism responsible for the frequency energy redistribution.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin. 相似文献
Spectral analysis techniques have been applied to data sets of gravity and topography selected across fracture zones with large offset in the Equatorial and Central Atlantic Ocean and processed independently for each fracture zone. Three simple compensation models, two in local isostatic equilibrium (Airy I and II) and one in regional equilibrium (Plate model) have been tested. It is found that the free-air anomalies are primarily controlled by the topography and its isostatic response. For short wavelengths, admittance can be explained either by the effect of uncompensated sea floor topography with high density basement or by the effect of uncompensated sea floor topography with normal oceanic basement density but accompanied by a crust of constant thickness. For intermediate wavelengths, admittance for the Romanche fracture zone agrees best with a local isostatic model in which compensation is achieved by a less dense material in the upper mantle. No such evidence exists for the Vema and Chain fracture zones for which topography could just as well be regionally supported by an elastic plate 3 to 10 km thick. For longer wavelengths, the admittances computed for the three fracture zones are compatible with a thermal compensation of the topography. 相似文献
Oceanology - Abstract—The research is dedicated to the suspended particulate matter (SPM) distribution and the hydrological–hydrochemical conditions within the oceanic upwelling of the... 相似文献
Yu. F. Bezrukov 《Physical Oceanography》1990,1(3):211-218
Analytical data based on hydrological observations (34th cruise of the R/VAkademik Vernadsky) are used to show that the basic element contributing to oceanic circulation is the well-developed North Equatorial countercurrent. The latter is considered as a frontal zone separating two structures of water mass. It has been demonstrated that in the salinity field—besides the meridional exchange of subtropical and Antarctic waters—the zonal advection of low-salinity waters also plays an essential role. The water masses have been specified, their parameters determined, and volumes calculated. We have found that the thermohaline indices in the cores, of tropical and west equatorial water masses have different salinity values.Translated by V. Puchkin. 相似文献
A method for the computation of the spatial-temporal variability of the upper mixed layer (UML) within the framework of a model for the multilayer ocean is proposed. Using a three-layer ocean (UML, thermocline, and abyssal regions) as an example, the formation of the UML topography from the state of rest and the current and temperature fields in the Tropical Atlantic are considered.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov. 相似文献
Seismic reflection profiles from the equatorial Atlantic off Africa between 12°N and 1°N reveal remarkably widespread deformation of oceanic sediments in an area lacking teleseismic activity. Uplift of abyssal plain sequences has occurred along the eastern extensions of large-offset fracture zones on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Between the major transforms pervasive deformation is imaged in the sedimentary column. Diapirism and faulting may have been associated with extensive fluid migration and sediment mobilization. The deformation occurred during the late Cenozoic and was probably related to reactivation of Cretaceous transforms. 相似文献
The problem of the seasonal variations of temperature and salinity in the intermediate zone located between the West African and the Gulf of Guinea upwellings is considered. The vertical distribution of the phase-amplitude characteristics of the annual and semi-annual variations is examined in good detail and their parameters are defined from the monthly means using the least-squares fit technique. The contribution of isopycnic advection to the formation of seasonal thermohaline variations is studied.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin. 相似文献
The peculiarities of the vertical fine thermohaline structure of waters in the north-west Tropical Atlantic are considered on the data of STD surveys recorded in winter-spring 1984. The variability of the characteristics of staircase and inversion elements of stratification with depth is analysed over the horizontal as well as related to the mesoscale and large-scale dynamics of waters. The coefficients of horizontal turbulent exchange are estimated within the framework of Joyce's hypothesis on quasi-compensation of vertical and turbulent horizontal transport. The effects of double diffusion are considered to dominate in vertical transport.UDK 551.465.15Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov. 相似文献
We present a multilayer ocean model incorporating a non-local integral model of the upper mixed layer (UML). In the framework of a three-layer Tropical Atlantic model, we study the model's response to various closure hypotheses for heat fluxes at the UML lower boundary.Translated by V. Puchkin. 相似文献
N. P. Bulgakov R. A. Yaroshenya E. A. Skripaleva L. A. Voskresenskaya 《Physical Oceanography》2000,10(4):331-350
Climatic frontal zones are selected in the thermohaline fields of the Tropical Atlantic by analyzing the many-year-average
seasonal database reduced to the nodes of a one-degree grid. We determine physical characteristics of the frontal zones, study
their spatial and temporal variability, and reveal basic regularities of the appearance of frontal zones in the fields of
thermohaline characteristics.
Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev 相似文献
Ceara海隆ODP92 7站位(5°2 7 7′N ,44°2 8 8′W )的陆源和钙质粉砂组分的颗粒分析,浮游有孔虫和底栖有孔虫稳定同位素(C Wuellerstorfi的δ1 3C、δ1 8O值)保存数据被用来重建0 3~0 8Ma时段底层流的强度、水体交换和深层水碳酸盐溶蚀变化的历史。与间冰期相比,冰期一般具有陆源粉砂组分的平均粒径较小、δ1 3C值较低和浮游有孔虫保存较差的特征,表明底层流的流速较快、营养成分较高和深层水的溶蚀性较强。与此相反,较大的平均粒径、高δ1 3C值和保存完好的浮游有孔虫表明,间冰期存在强环流和水体交换好的深水团。上述变化与大西… 相似文献
The paper discusses a non-linear barotropic model of large-scale circulation which incorporates a mechanism of lateral friction. Some numerically calculated data on the interaction of two large-scale gyres induced by a meridionally-inhomogeneous wind field are reported which enable modelling of the Equatorial Countercurrent (EC) formation in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Consideration of the coastline in the western part of the region leads to the meandering of the EC and the emergene of quasi-stationary eddies in the area of its origin, thereby providing good compatibility with the experimentally documented data.Translated by V. Puchkin 相似文献
Large-scale CTD survey data are used to calculate the acoustic velocity in the North Tropical Atlantic. It has been stated that a characteristic feature of the vertical hydroacoustic structure in this region is associated with the presence of numerous local sound channels in the subsurface and intermediate layers. Characteristics of these channels are given and possible causes of their origin are discussed. It is shown how local acoustic waveguides affect the sound beam trajectory.Translated by V. Puchkin. 相似文献
利用1993年4月至2001年3月的TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计遥感资料,研究了热带大西洋(15°S-25°N,50°W-5°W)海面高度距平和表层环流结构的季节性变化。研究结果表明:夏季和冬季海面高度距平分布呈相反的结构,低纬度海区(0°-15°N之间的海区)海表风应力旋度所产生的Ekman抽吸而导致的海面升降是该海区海面高度距平季节性振荡的重要影响因素。热带大西洋表层流结构大部分海域季节变化不明显,部分流系具有明显季节振荡,东向的北赤道逆流夏季强度较大,冬、春季流速较小;非洲沿岸流冬季流向为东南向,其他季节流向为东北向。值得一提的是,几内亚海湾表层流秋、冬季为东向,而春、夏季为西向。通过卫星跟踪ARGOS漂流浮标观测结果进行的对比验证表明,上述遥感资料分析的表层地转流场与海上观测结果一致。 相似文献
A stochastic prognostic model of the atmospheric precipitation in the tropical area of the Atlantic Ocean is developed on the basis of a large data array. The data represent a series of monthly precipitation rates for 31 towns in the Republic of Guinea covering a period of 35–64 years as well as satellite data on the meridional displacement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during 11 years. The model takes into account major regularities of the tropical precipitation: their impulsive periodic regime, trends, and the modulation of the stochastic component by the determined variability.Translated by Mikhai M. Trufanov. 相似文献
S. G. Demyshev 《Physical Oceanography》1990,1(6):487-494
A numerical model for ocean thermohydrodynamics is considered whose difference scheme permits a number of linear and quadratic invariants to be retained. The model is used as the basis for adaptive computations in the Equatorial Atlantic ocean. Model equations were integrated using different values of the coefficients of diffusion and momentum turbulent exchange. It has been shown that variations of these coefficients strongly influence the intensity of jet streams and the structure of the thermocline.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin. 相似文献
《Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers》2005,52(5):861-880
Phytoplankton and bacterial abundance, size-fractionated phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and production together with bacterial production, microbial oxygen production and respiration rates were measured along a transect that crossed the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean (10°N–10°S) in September 2000, as part of the Atlantic Meridional Transect 11 (AMT 11) cruise. From 2°N to 5°S, the equatorial divergence resulted in a shallowing of the pycnocline and the presence of relatively high nitrate (>1 μM) concentrations in surface waters. In contrast, a typical tropical structure (TTS) was found near the ends of the transect. Photic zone integrated 14C primary production ranged from ∼200 mg C m−2 d−1 in the TTS region to ∼1300 mg C m−2 d−1 in the equatorial divergence area. In spite of the relatively high primary production rates measured in the equatorial upwelling region, only a moderate rise in phytoplankton biomass was observed as compared to nearby nutrient-depleted areas (22 vs. 18 mg Chl-a m−2, respectively). Picophytoplankton were the main contributors (>60%) to both Chl-a biomass and primary production throughout the region. The equatorial upwelling did not alter the phytoplankton size structure typically found in the tropical open ocean, which suggests a strong top-down control of primary producers by zooplankton. However, the impact of nutrient supply on net microbial community metabolism, integrated over the euphotic layer, was evidenced by an average net microbial community production within the equatorial divergence (1130 mg C m−2 d−1) three-fold larger than net production measured in the TTS region (370 mg C m−2 d−1). The entire region under study showed net autotrophic community metabolism, since respiration accounted on average for 51% of gross primary production integrated over the euphotic layer. 相似文献
N. P. Bulgakov R. A. Yaroshenya E. A. Skripaleva L. A. Voskresenskaya 《Physical Oceanography》1999,10(1):31-45
We determine the zones of maximum horizontal gradients of thermohaline characteristics and climatic frontal zones in the Tropical
Atlantic and their behavior as functions of time and spatial variables on the basis of the climatic array of data on temperature
and salinity. It is shown that the zones, where the maximum horizontal temperature, salinity, and density gradients coincide,
are located in the northern and southern tropical frontal zones.
Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev 相似文献
Yu. V. Terekhin M. V. Ivanchik V. E. Kunitsa I. L. Dergileva 《Physical Oceanography》1989,1(2):141-147
A technique for the reconstruction of the sea surface temperature (SST) fields is proposed which involves linear dual-channel methods for the atmospheric correction and four procedures of cloudiness filtration. The technique was employed for processing the IR images obtained from NOAA satellites at night in the Tropical Atlantic (36th cruise of theRV AKADEMIK VERNADSKY). Analysis of the SST charts showed the high efficiency of the technique proposed.UDK 551.465.16(261.5)Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov. 相似文献