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梁嘉俊  孙即霖   《山东气象》2020,40(2):62-70
利用1981—2017年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和ECMWF再分析资料,研究了北美洲冬季高纬度冷空气对南美洲夏季降水异常的影响。结果表明,北美洲冬季高纬度冷空气通过影响向南越赤道气流的强弱,影响南美洲热带辐合带(intertropical convergence zone, ITCZ)位置和强度的变化,进一步引起南美洲天气的变化。北美洲冬季冷空气的南下过程能够引起80°~70°W的向南越赤道气流明显加强,导致2011年南美洲热带辐合带的位置异常偏南,强度异常偏强,是造成降水异常偏多的重要成因。通过相关分析发现北美洲冬季冷空气对南美洲ITCZ位置的影响更明显。  相似文献   

Intraseasonal (IS) variability in South America is analyzed during the cold season using 10–90 day bandpass filtered OLR anomalies (FOLR). IS variability explains a large percentage of variance with maximum values over Paraguay, northeastern Argentina, and southern Brazil. The leading pattern of FOLR, as isolated from an EOF analysis, (Cold Season IS pattern, CSIS), is characterized by a monopole centered over southeastern South America (SESA) with a northwest-southeast orientation. CSIS induces a large modulation on daily precipitation anomalies, especially on both wet spells and daily precipitation extremes, which are favored during positive (wet) CSIS phases. Large-Scale OLR anomalies over the tropical Indian and west Pacific Oceans associated with CSIS exhibit eastward propagation along tropical latitudes. In addition, circulation anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere reveal the presence of an anticyclonic anomaly over Antarctica with opposite-sign anomalies in middle latitudes 10 days before CSIS is maximum as well as evidence of Rossby wave-like patterns. Positive precipitation anomalies in SESA are favored during wet CSIS phases by the intensification of a cyclonic anomaly located further south, which is discernible over the southeastern Pacific for at least 14 days before CSIS peaks. The cyclonic anomaly evolution is accompanied by the intensification of an upstream anticyclonic anomaly, which remains quasi-stationary near the Antarctica Peninsula before the CSIS peak. We speculate that the stationary behavior of the anticyclonic center is favored by a hemispheric circulation anomaly pattern resembling that associated with a negative southern annular mode phase and a wavenumber 3–4 pattern at middle latitudes.  相似文献   

齐力 《大气科学》1979,3(4):381-384
本文通过个例分析,看到两次不同系统的云系合并,大大增强了中尺度系统,以及降雹和雷暴大风天气的事实;看到降雹初期,中尺度系统的存在,在雷达回波上的反映比地面资料分析的早而明显;看到地面上的露点锋可能是开始降雹的一个条件。  相似文献   

Cold air outbreaks can be identified by the formation of cloud streets downwind from a land-sea boundary, as can be seen in numerous satellite pictures. These cloud streets are caused by horizontal roll vortices which in turn are due to dynamic and convective instability of the planetary boundary layer over sea. The development of these roll vortices is simulated with a numerical model and compared to observations obtained over the Bering Sea. Vertical heat transport is found to be due to turbulent diffusion in the initial stage of a cold air outbreak before organized roll vortices contribute to the heat flux in the higher levels of the boundary layer. The influence of a capping inversion on the dynamic and convective instability is also elucidated.  相似文献   

通过2005-2008年4-6月Micaps资料,查找500 hPa东北有冷涡,500 hPa和700 hPa江苏境内为大片的西北气流,当天午后到夜里出现强对流天气的若干典型个例,借助Micaps系统通过对一些个例的物理量资料分析,得出它们共同的发生强对流天气的机理;同时还分析得出诊断该类对流天气的不太适合使用的物理量和较适合使用的物理量;并分析个例的大气探空层结曲线,得出它们的对流层结与其它类型的区别,并剖析它们的一日转变情况;同时用Q矢量锋生函数方法分析,发现低层强锋生区域与强对流天气区域有较好的对应关系,锋生函数正值中心区域常出现个别站龙卷或大范围冰雹.  相似文献   

利用1979年1月至2019年12月的ERA5资料,采用小波分析、突变M-K检验等统计方法,对1979—2019年持续时间在3 d及以上的东北冷涡过程特征进行分析。结果表明: 持续性东北冷涡过程的年平均发生次数为32.8次,最多41次,最少22次; 其中5—6月最多。年总频次存在17 a、9 a、5 a和3 a的变化周期。东北冷涡过程持续时间越长,出现的几率越小,持续时间最长的一次为13 d; 持续3 d的东北冷涡过程最多,持续9 d和10 d的过程出现频率接近十年一遇,出现10 d以上的冷涡过程6月最多。南涡出现的频次明显少于北涡和中涡,中涡最多; 北涡各月频次差异不明显,中涡、南涡5月和6月明显多于其他月份。在120°—130°E、45°—55°N的区域冷涡中心相对密集。夏、冬半年东北冷涡极端偏多月份东亚地区均为两脊一槽型。  相似文献   

The regional influence of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) on South America is described. Maps of probability of weekly-averaged rainfall exceeding the upper tercile were computed for all seasons and related statistically with the phase of the MJO as characterized by the Wheeler–Hendon real-time multivariate MJO (RMM) index and with the OLR MJO Index. The accompanying surface air temperature and circulation anomalies were also calculated. The influence of the MJO on regional scales along with their marked seasonal variations was documented. During December–February when the South American monsoon system is active, chances of enhanced rainfall are observed in southeastern South America (SESA) region mainly during RMM phases 3 and 4, accompanied by cold anomalies in the extratropics, while enhanced rainfall in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) region is observed in phases 8 and 1. The SESA (SACZ) signal is characterized by upper-level convergence (divergence) over tropical South America and a cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomaly near the southern tip of the continent. Impacts during March–May are similar, but attenuated in the extratropics. Conversely, in June–November, reduced rainfall and cold anomalies are observed near the coast of the SACZ region during phases 4 and 5, favored by upper-level convergence over tropical South America and an anticyclonic anomaly over southern South America. In September–November, enhanced rainfall and upper-level divergence are observed in the SACZ region during phases 7 and 8. These signals are generated primarily through the propagation of Rossby wave energy generated in the region of anomalous heating associated with the MJO.  相似文献   

利用ERA-Interim逐日再分析资料及中国753站逐日降水资料,对2008年3月23—28日的东北冷涡天气过程进行诊断分析,并探讨了冷涡降水的主要影响因子。结果表明:1)与夏季冷涡过程不同,此次初春冷涡过程高层环流场由经向环流向纬向环流转变;冷涡发展初期,经向环流的建立使得冷涡向南移动,而成熟阶段冷涡后部的低槽引导冷空气向冷涡输送,导致了冷涡环流的维持。2)亚欧大陆上空强阻塞形势的发展是初春东北冷涡形成的关键因子;乌拉尔山和鄂霍次克海阻塞高压分别受到前期北大西洋和热带太平洋海温异常的调控,为冷涡向南发展维持提供了有利的环流背景,并影响了高低空急流的配置,有利于冷涡降水的形成。3)涡度场和温度场的高低空配置使得东北冷涡发展成深厚的环流系统,干侵入对冷涡的形成和维持同样有重要作用。冷涡环流的发展为东北地区降水提供了有利的水汽和垂直运动条件,冷暖平流交汇引起的锋面过程则促进大范围降水的形成。  相似文献   

Summary ?This paper presents an objective analysis of the structure of daily rainfall variability over the South American/South Atlantic region (15°–60° W and 0°–40° S) during individual austral summer months of November to March. From EOF analysis of satellite derived daily rainfall we find that the leading mode of variability is represented by a highly coherent meridional dipole structure, organised into 2 extensive bands, oriented northwest to southeast across the continent and Atlantic Ocean. We argue that this dipole structure represents variability in the meridional position of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ). During early and later summer, in the positive (negative) phase of the dipole, enhanced (suppressed) rainfall over eastern tropical Brazil links with that over the subtropical and extra-tropical Atlantic and is associated with suppressed (enhanced) rainfall over the sub-tropical plains and adjacent Atlantic Ocean. This structure is indicative of interaction between the tropical, subtropical and temperate zones. Composite fields from NCEP reanalysis products (associated with the major positive and negative events) show that in early and late summer the position of the SACZ is associated with variability in: (a) the midlatitude wave structure, (b) the position of the continental low, and (c) the zonal position of the South Atlantic Subtropical High. Harmonic analysis of the 200 hPa geopotential anomaly structure in the midlatitudes indicates that reversals in the rainfall dipole structure are associated primarily with variability in zonal wave 4. There is evidence of a wave train extending throughout the midlatitudes from the western Pacific into the SACZ region. During positive (negative) events the largest anomalous moisture advection occurs within westerlies (easterlies) primarily from Amazonia (the South Atlantic). In both phases a convergent poleward flow results along the leading edge of the low-level trough extending from the tropics into temperate latitudes. High summer events differ from those in early and late summer in that the rainfall dipole is primarily associated with variability in the phase of zonal wave 3, and that tropical-temperate link is not clearly evident in positive events. Received May 31, 2001; revised October 17, 2001; accepted June 13, 2002  相似文献   

将卫星水汽图像与高层动力场进行叠合分析,可为强对流天气监测预报提供有价值的信息。将卫星水汽图像和大气动力场相结合,对山东省一次冷涡背景下连续强对流过程的环境特征进行分析。结果表明,冷涡云系具有非对称结构特征;冷涡东南侧的暖湿对流与涡后动力干带入侵时爆发的暗区新生对流,这两个阶段的热、动力不稳定增长机制有所不同。与高位涡、急流相伴的水汽暗带是对流层上部的动力活跃区。当涡后具有高位涡特征的动力干带入侵时,高层动力活跃区叠加于低层暖湿平流区上空,促使对流爆发。卫星水汽图像体现了冷涡发展不同阶段高空动力强迫的差异。水汽图像上动力干带色调变暗,干湿边界锐化的特征,与高层位涡和高空急流增强有关。通过卫星水汽图像上连续时次的干湿对比,可以跟踪识别这些高层特征,进而判断高层动力特征的演变,为深厚湿对流环境条件的诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

一次华北冷涡动力热力结构及发展机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2008年6月22-30日产生强对流天气过程中的华北冷涡动力、热力结构和演变特征的分析,发现:此次冷涡发展深厚,300 hPa冷涡中心明显,冷涡还在地面诱发了锋面气旋.在冷涡发展直至初步减弱阶段对流层整层都为正涡度区,中高层正涡度逐渐向低层传播.冷涡发展加强阶段,冷涡南侧高空西风急流发展加强,东西两侧的经向风分布...  相似文献   

During the Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS), winds in the St. Louis region were recorded by surface stations (hourly averages) and by multiple upper air releases (on-the-hour). This study analyzes differences (1) between upper air and surface resultant winds, (2) among upper air winds at 4 sites, and (3) among surface winds at 25 sites. The extensive data set provides a statistical basis for indicating the representativeness of individual observations, and the results show considerable variation between simultaneously-measured winds determined by alternate means. Based on Gaussian plume dispersion, the spatial variations in wind direction are translated into expected departures between predictions and observations of pollutant concentrations. Inaccurate specification of winds in air quality simulation models is likely to be a substantial contributor to differences between short-term predictions and observations on an urban scale.On assignment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce.  相似文献   

Summary Latitude-altitude structure of ozone QBO over the tropical-subtropical stratosphere (40° S–40° N) has been explored by analyzing Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) data for the period 1992–1999 using the multifunctional regression model. The inferred ozone QBO shows two maxima located at 22 hPa and 10 hPa with coefficient of 2–3% per 10 m/s centered at the equator. The equatorial maxima are out of phase with each other. Subtropics exhibit two peak structure near 14 hPa but of opposite sign to that of equatorial maximum near 10 hPa. Over the equatorial region, positive (zonal winds westerly) coefficients overlay negative (zonal winds easterlies) coefficients which descend with time. A pattern of equatorial maximum and two subtropical minima appears in the months December to February near 10 hpa and it propagates upward with progression of seasons. Equatorial QBO is seasonally asynchronous while subtropical QBO is seasonally synchronous. Correspondence: Suvarna Fadnavis, Physical Meteorology and Aerology Division, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411008, India  相似文献   

利用辽宁阜新国家站(121.7458°E,42.0672°N)的毫米波云雷达(8 mm)和微雨雷达(12.5 mm)对2020年8月12—13日东北冷涡影响下的一次降水过程进行了观测,分析了云降水的垂直结构特征并探讨了降水机制.结果表明:本次过程中,云水平方向发展不均匀,以层状云和层积混合云为主,云内有时还嵌有对流泡....  相似文献   

基于中国国家气象信息中心提供的中国第一代全球大气和陆面再分析产品(CRA)的逐日气温资料、美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)重建的逐月海表温度资料以及美国国家环境预报中心/国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)提供的大气环流再分析资料,研究了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)对中国东部前、后冬天气尺度气温变率的影响及其物理机制。结果表明,ENSO对中国东部天气尺度气温变率的影响在前、后冬存在显著差异。ENSO对前冬中国东部天气尺度气温变率影响较弱,后冬则显著增强。后冬时期,ENSO与长江中下游地区天气尺度气温变率呈现显著正相关,即厄尔尼诺年后冬天气尺度气温变率增强,气温波动幅度增大;拉尼娜年后冬天气尺度气温变率减弱,气温变化较为平缓。ENSO在后冬可通过影响与欧亚大陆上空南北温度梯度相关的大气斜压性调节下游东亚地区大气环流的天气尺度变率,进而影响天气尺度气温变率。厄尔尼诺年后冬,南北温度梯度大,大气斜压性较强,经向风活跃,冷空气活动较为频繁,天气尺度气温变率增大;拉尼娜年后冬,异常情况与之大致相反。在前冬ENSO对欧亚大陆上空南北梯度即大气斜压性影响较小,因而对中国东部天气尺度气温变率的影响也较弱。本研究的成果丰富了对ENSO影响中国气温变率的理解,有利于中国冬季气温季节预测水平的提升。  相似文献   

影响化州的寒潮强冷空气特征及其与ENSO事件的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用化州1959年以来的气温资料与ENSO资料,分析了化州近54a中寒潮及强冷空气爆发的天气气候特征和在全球大气环流和天气气候异常的大背景下,ENSO事件对影响化州的寒潮及强冷空气异常活动产生的作用,得到一些相关性的结论.统计分析表明,化州出现寒潮的拉尼娜影响年,其时拉尼娜事件爆发型均为东部型,强度中等或偏强,而化州出现寒潮的厄尔尼诺影响年,其时厄尔尼诺事件爆发型均为中部型,强度中等或偏弱.化州寒潮和强冷空气活动多的年份一般出现在中等或弱的厄尔尼诺事件期间或非ENSO年期间.少寒潮和强冷空气活动容易发生在拉尼娜事件影响年期间以及非ENSO事件影响年期间.  相似文献   

We statistically reconstruct austral summer (winter) surface air temperature fields back to ad 900 (1706) using 22 (20) annually resolved predictors from natural and human archives from southern South America (SSA). This represents the first regional-scale climate field reconstruction for parts of the Southern Hemisphere at this high temporal resolution. We apply three different reconstruction techniques: multivariate principal component regression, composite plus scaling, and regularized expectation maximization. There is generally good agreement between the results of the three methods on interannual and decadal timescales. The field reconstructions allow us to describe differences and similarities in the temperature evolution of different sub-regions of SSA. The reconstructed SSA mean summer temperatures between 900 and 1350 are mostly above the 1901?C1995 climatology. After 1350, we reconstruct a sharp transition to colder conditions, which last until approximately 1700. The summers in the eighteenth century are relatively warm with a subsequent cold relapse peaking around 1850. In the twentieth century, summer temperatures reach conditions similar to earlier warm periods. The winter temperatures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were mostly below the twentieth century average. The uncertainties of our reconstructions are generally largest in the eastern lowlands of SSA, where the coverage with proxy data is poorest. Verifications with independent summer temperature proxies and instrumental measurements suggest that the interannual and multi-decadal variations of SSA temperatures are well captured by our reconstructions. This new dataset can be used for data/model comparison and data assimilation as well as for detection and attribution studies at sub-continental scales.  相似文献   

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