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磷的过度输入是湖泊富营养化的关键原因,由于内源(沉积物)磷的释放,即使外源磷输入得到控制,富营养化湖泊的水质仍难以改善.近年来,利用镧改性膨润土(lanthanum modified bentonite,LMB)原位钝化沉积物中的磷,抑制湖泊内源磷释放备受关注.为了更好地理解和应用镧改性膨润土钝化磷技术,本文首先介绍镧改性膨润土的组成和其钝化磷的原理,其次梳理LMB磷钝化技术在富营养化湖泊中的应用效果,再分析影响LMB钝化磷效率的因素,最后阐述LMB在应用过程中可能产生的生态风险;并根据以上分析,提出LMB磷钝化技术应用中需要注意的方面,对该技术的后续研究方向进行展望.  相似文献   

邹锐  吴桢  赵磊  陈异晖  余艳红  刘永 《湖泊科学》2017,29(4):819-826
湖泊氮、磷通量是表征湖泊营养状态的重要指标,也是探究湖泊富营养化机制的重要途径.通过氮、磷通量的计算和质量平衡关系的分析,可以识别出在湖泊富营养化过程中起关键作用的过程.以三维水动力-水质模型为计算平台,模拟湖泊水动力、水质的动态过程,并以模拟结果为基础核算湖泊氮、磷循环通量及其在氮、磷循环整体中的贡献,识别湖泊氮、磷循环关键源汇过程的变化规律.滇池是我国富营养化湖泊的代表,同时其半封闭特性为营养物质循环提供了更为稳定的环境,以滇池为案例,基于前期校正和验证过的滇池水动力-水质模型来分析循环通量计算方法的适用性.结果发现,研究年度内滇池外海总氮的年总输入量(包括外源和内源)为7620.92 t,总输出量(包括出流、反硝化和沉降)为7637.31 t;总磷的年总输入量为(包括外源和内源)450.23 t,总输出量(包括出流和沉降)为429.57 t,其中陆域输入是最主要的氮、磷输入途径,而反硝化和沉降则是主要的输出过程.相较于传统的质量平衡方法,通过三维模型计算所得的营养盐通量平衡结果能更好地揭示湖体内所发生的氮、磷转化过程.  相似文献   

太湖水体氮素污染状况研究进展   总被引:33,自引:15,他引:18  
氮是引起湖泊富营养化的关键要素之一.传统观点认为氮缺乏时,湖泊生态系统可以通过生物固氮作用从大气中获取氮来满足自身的需求,因此认为淡水湖泊水体的生产力主要受磷限制.但随着进一步的研究,发现氮限制与氮和磷共同限制更为普遍,且氮的限制常常伴随着水体的富营养化,因此了解富营养化湖泊水体的氮素污染状况具有重要意义.本文介绍了太湖水体氮素的污染状况及其发展趋势,从外源、内源两大方面介绍了太湖水体中氮素的来源,着重分析和比较了河道输入、大气输入以及沉积物释放不同污染源的输入比例.太湖水体氮素污染存在很大的空间差异,其中西部和北部污染较重而东南部相对较轻,入湖河道输入的外源污染是造成太湖水质空间分布差异的主要原因,其中农业面源污染及生活污染在太湖外源污染中占据了相当的比重;湖泊底泥所造成的内源释放也是氮素污染的一个重要原因,但目前对释放量的估算主要是基于底泥悬浮引起的总量估算,关于这些释放量能有多少比例可以被浮游植物利用还不清楚,尤其是有机颗粒物在水体中停留期间的矿化再生值得进一步研究;在氮素的生物转化过程中,生物固氮目前对太湖氮素输入的贡献很小,反硝化作用是太湖水体氮素自净的主要途径.  相似文献   

我国典型湖泊及其入湖河流氮磷水质协同控制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
入湖河流是外源氮磷输入湖泊的主要途径,是湖泊外源输入控制的关键中间环节.本文主要开展我国一些典型湖泊及其主要入湖河流总氮、总磷浓度对比研究,结合入湖河流氮磷输入对湖体营养水平和富营养化程度的影响分析,初步探讨我国入湖河流与湖体氮磷水质协同控制的必要性和途径.结果表明,目前入湖河流氮磷水平仍然是我国一些典型湖泊水体氮磷水平和富营养化程度的重要影响因素之一;单纯依靠入湖河流氮磷协同控制已经无法较好地实现我国一些湖泊氮磷水平达到Ⅲ类及以下水平和中营养化水平及以下,建议结合内源控制、生态修复等综合治理;除了入湖河流氮磷水质,水量也是湖泊水体氮磷水平和富营养化程度的重要因素之一.进一步结合国际上入湖河流和湖泊氮磷协同控制,以及《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)和相关配套政策、措施等,最终提出我国入湖河流与湖体氮磷协同控制政策建议,以期为富营养化湖泊外源氮磷输入控制,湖泊内源治理和生态修复有效开展等提供支撑和依据.  相似文献   

由于人类活动和全球气候变化的叠加影响,湖泊富营养化和蓝藻水华仍是未来相当长一段时间内的水生态环境问题.蓝藻水华暴发会引发湖泊生态系统的灾害和饮用水安全风险,因此湖内蓝藻水华防控必不可少.现有蓝藻水华防控长效方法主要基于营养盐控制理论、浅水湖泊稳态转换理论和生物操纵理论,技术措施包括内源营养盐控制、生态修复、生物操纵.应...  相似文献   

美国Apopka湖的富营养化及其生态恢复   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
本文系统地回顾了美国佛罗里达州大型浅水湖--Apopka湖富营养化和生态恢复的过程.流域水文状况的改变,围湖种植和向湖排放农业污水是Apopka湖从"草清型"转变为"藻浊型"湖泊的根本原因.50多年来,尽管内源控制的手段几经改变,但是,控制外源营养输入一直是Apopka湖整治的主要措施之一.Apopka湖富营养化的研究主要包括Apopka湖原始状态分析,浮游植物区系,生长限制因子,初级生产力,沉积物的理化特征和再悬浮,碳、氮、磷蕴藏量和释放率,富营养化的古湖沼学证据,外源磷负荷和恢复指标等.目前,Apopka湖生态恢复主要采取降低外源磷输入,通过人工湿地清除湖中悬浮物和颗粒磷,捕鱼除磷和生物操纵,种植水生植物和提高水位变动幅度等措施.最后介绍了围绕Apopka湖的富营养化及其恢复的学术争论.最后,还讨论了该湖研究和整治一些可能的存在问题和建议.  相似文献   

长江中下游浅水湖泊富营养化发生机制与控制途径初探   总被引:191,自引:22,他引:169  
秦伯强 《湖泊科学》2002,14(3):193-202
长江中下游地区是我国淡水湖泊比较集中的地区。该地区绝大多数湖泊为浅水湖泊,所有的城郊湖泊都已经富营养化,其他湖泊的营养状况均为中营养-富营养,处于富营养化的发展中,这些湖泊富营养化的原因同流域上的人类活动有很大的关系。一方面,工业,农业和城市生活污水正源源不断地向湖泊中排放。另一方面,人类通过湖泊围垦、湖岸忖砌,水产养殖等破坏自然生态环境,减少营养盐输出途径。国际上对于浅水湖泊富营养化治理的经验表明,即使流域上的外源污染排放降到历史最低点,湖泊富营养化问题依然突出,其原因与浅水湖泊底泥所造成的内源污染有关。动力作用导致底泥悬浮,,影响底泥中营养盐的释放,也影响水下光照和初级生产力。控制浅水湖泊富营养化,除了进行外源性营养盐控制之外,还必须进行湖内内源营养盐的治理。治理内源营养盐的有效途径是恢复水生植被,控制底泥动力悬浮与营养盐释放。而要进行水生植被恢复,必须进行湖泊生态系统退化机制及生态修复的实验研究。  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊中的鲢、鳙控藻问题:争议与共识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘其根  张真 《湖泊科学》2016,28(3):463-475
我国湖泊富营养化的治理方向正在从污染控制走向湖泊的生态修复与管理,因此以鲢、鳙为主导的非经典生物操纵技术受到了关注和重视.然而,鲢、鳙控藻的研究有成败两方面的案例,导致人们对能否利用鲢、鳙控制富营养化湖泊中藻类的过度增长的看法仍有分歧.本文通过对国内大量相关研究案例进行剖析,指出了导致鲢、鳙控藻试验产生不同结果的可能原因,提出了对鲢、鳙控藻研究可以得到的共识,以便为我国湖泊环境的管理和保护提供借鉴.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊内源磷负荷季节变化的生物驱动机制   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
谢平 《中国科学D辑》2005,35(Z2):11-23
由于磷是重要的生源要素,过量的磷促进浮游植物(包括有毒蓝藻)的生长而使水质恶化,水-泥界面的磷交换机制受到广泛关注.一般认为沉积物的磷释放模式在浅水湖泊和深水湖泊之间有很大的差异.在探讨沉积物中磷释放机制时,人们一直最关注的要素为铁和氧及其相关的环境因子(如扰动、分解),但是浅水湖泊中磷含量变化的大部分结果仍然无法解释.通过对欧洲温带浅水湖泊和亚热带气候的长江中下游浅水湖泊中有关沉积物磷释放模式的野外和实验研究结果的分析,认为在浅水湖泊内源磷负荷季节变动模式的驱动因子中,pH可能比溶氧更为重要,即浮游藻类的光合作用增强时导致水体pH值的上升,这又可改变沉积物表面的pH,从而促进沉积物中磷(特别是铁磷)的释放并基于藻类水华对沉积物中磷的泵吸作用,首次提出了浅水湖泊中内源磷负荷的季节波动与营养水平密切相关主要是由于藻类光合作用驱动的新的观点.此外,浅水湖泊中藻类水华对沉积物磷的选择性泵吸作用,一方面圆满地解释了为何在超富营养的武汉东湖通过非经典的生物操纵于20世纪80年代中期消除了东湖的蓝藻水华后水柱中总磷和活性磷含量均显著下降,另一方面也解释了为何在许多欧洲湖泊的群落季节演替过程中出现的春季浮游植物较少的清水期或通过经典的生物操纵降低浮游植物的现存量均可显著地降低湖水中的磷含量.相对于深水湖泊来说,浅水湖泊生态系统结构的改变引发的浮游植物的兴衰,能对水-泥界面磷的交换能产生更显著的影响.也就是说,生物的生命活动同样可以驱动沉积物中营养盐的释放,而且在浮游植物丰富的富营养化浅水湖泊中,这种静态释放作用更为明显.  相似文献   

生物操纵与非经典生物操纵的应用分析及对策探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
刘恩生 《湖泊科学》2010,22(3):307-314
分析了生物操纵(biomanipulation)和非经典生物操纵(non-traditional biomanipulation)理论的原理、应用条件及局限性,提出了在局部水体治理湖泊富营养化的对策.分析认为:生物操纵的核心内容是利用浮游动物控制藻类;但浮游动物不能有效控制丝状藻类和形成群体的蓝藻水华;我国的大型浅水湖泊浮游动物数量一般并不多,对浮游植物摄食压力不大;在浅水湖泊,浮游动物摄食藻类后很快分解、释放又进入物质循环,因此不能治理湖泊富营养化;浮游动物是浮游植物和鱼类等经济水生动物之间重要的营养通道,过分追求保护浮游动物是值得思考和研究的问题.而非经典生物操纵的核心内容是利用鱼类直接控制蓝藻水华;当鲢、鳙鱼达到阈值密度可以控制蓝藻水华,但很难控制所有藻类和降低N、P治理湖泊富营养化.在局部水体治理湖泊富营养化的对策是:把鱼类控藻、水生植被恢复和局部水域生态系统重建相结合,形成具有利用与控制蓝藻生产鱼类、吸收氮磷净化水质功能的"水质生物调控单元".  相似文献   

研究南四湖消落带底泥有机磷赋存形态及分布特征,有利于全面揭示湖区各形态磷迁移转化规律,对南四湖富营养化防控及南水北调东线调水水质保障具有重要的科学意义。以南四湖消落带底泥为研究对象,采用改进Hedley连续分级提取法测定底泥中各形态有机磷含量,通过紫外可见分光光谱与三维荧光光谱技术表征底泥有机分子结构特征及稳定性,反映消落带有机磷结构及稳定性差异,运用Pearson相关性分析及主成分分析解析底泥各形态磷与其他理化指标的相关性。研究结果表明,南四湖消落带底泥总磷含量均值为679.90 mg/kg,其中有机磷(OP)占比20.03%~45.69%。各赋存形态有机磷含量及相对比例大小依次为:残渣态有机磷(67.58%)>钙结合态有机磷(16.61%)>铁/铝结合态有机磷(7.62%)>碳酸氢钠提取态有机磷(5.97%)>水提取态有机磷(2.22%)。南四湖消落带底泥OP含量及形态主要受内源影响,主要来自内源性微生物代谢。南四湖消落带西岸底泥磷释放风险高于东岸和南岸消落带。相关性分析发现,消落带底泥pH与磷含量显著负相关,表明随着底泥碱性的增强可能导致底泥磷向水体中释放的风险更高;底泥有机质与OP显著正相关,表明有机质可能是OP的重要载体;主成分分析发现底泥各形态磷呈正相关性,表明消落带底泥各形态磷具有同源性。研究结果可为南四湖湖区内源磷释放控制及富营养化风险防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

湖北长湖富营养化状况及时空变化(2012-2013年)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为评估长湖水体富营养化程度,2012-2013年分4个季度对全湖区20个采样点的物理、化学和生物要素进行监测,在评价水质现状的基础上采用综合营养状况指数法和浮游植物细胞丰度指数法综合评价水体营养状况,并应用典型相关分析(CCA)方法揭示水体富营养化状况与湖泊理化要素之间的典型相关性.结果显示:4个季节长湖全湖区的水质均处于地表水IV类~劣V类水标准;综合营养状态指数值在49.54~82.55之间,浮游植物细胞丰度在2.88×106~61.73×106cells/L之间,均显示其处于富营养化状态;长湖富营养化状况的分布呈现一定的时空差异性;CCA分析显示,长湖理化要素变量可解释68.6%的水体富营养化状况变量的变异,影响其富营养化状况的主要理化因素有水体总磷、总氮、溶解氧、亚硝态氮、硝态氮浓度,水深和沉积物总磷、总氮含量.长湖水体富营养化主要是由于外源的磷污染,其次是氮污染,富营养化最严重的夏、秋季浮游植物的生长主要受氮营养限制,而冬、春季则部分受磷营养限制,部分属于过渡类型.因此,建议大力削减围网/围栏养殖量,同时考虑结合水生植物栽种等生态工程建设措施以降低长湖水体发生严重富营养化的风险,并进一步改善长湖的水质现状.  相似文献   


This paper is a review of research works concerning the nutrient transportation, transformation and exchange between water, sediment and biota in the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River conducted in the context of project entitled “The Processes and Mechanism of Lake Eutrophication in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River”. All the lakes from this area are shallow lakes. According to the typical lake site research, the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have a higher baseline of nutrition in the history. Normally the trophic status of these lakes can be categorized into medium-trophic or eutrophic Human activities have been enhanced during the last decades, which speed up the lake eutrophic process. Lake eutrophication control needs to reduce not only the external nutrient inputs from watershed but also the internal loading from the sediments. Investigations revealed that the lake sediments in this area are considerablly high in nutrition in which at most about 30% of phosphorus exists in the form of bio-available in the sediment. The surface sediment will exert great effects on the nutrient exchange between water-sediment interface via adsorption and release of nutrient. The nutrient release from the sediment in these shallow lakes is mainly in two ways, i.e. in the undisturbed condition the nutrient is released through diffusion created by the nutrient gradient from sediment to overlying water; whereas in disturbed condition, the nutrient release is determined by the hydrodynamic forcing intensity and the sediment resuspension. Metallic elements such as the iron, manganese and aluminium and the aerobic-anaerobic ambience will affect the release of nutrients. The disturbed release will increase the total nutrients in the water column significantly in the short period. At the beginning of sediment resuspension, the dissolved nutrient concentration will increase. This increase will be damped if the ferric oxide and aluminium are rich in sediment because of the adsorption and flocculation. This means that the lakes have capability of eliminating the nutrient loadings. Investigations for the lakes from middle and down stream of Yangtze River have suggested that most lakes have the self-cleaning capability. Dredging the control of the internal loading, therefore, is only applicable to the small lakes or undisturbed bays which normally are situated nearby the city or town and rich in organic materials in the sediment. In addition, the strong reduction condition and weak aeration of these lakes and bays make these small lakes and bays release much more bio-available nutrient and without much self-eliminating capability. Moreover, eutrophication induced algal bloom in these lakes will change the pH of water, which further induces the increase in the nutrient release. In turn, the increase in nutrient release promotes the growth of phytoplankton and results in severe algal bloom. For the heavily polluted water, research suggests that the biomass of bacteria and alkaline phosphatase activity will be higher corresponding to the higher concentration of nutrients, which accelerates the nutrient recycling between water, sediment and biota. Quick recycling of nutrient, in turn, promotes the production and biomass growth of microorganism and leads to more severe eutrophication. Further research work should focus on the nutrient transformation mechanism and the effects of microbial loop on the eutrophication.


The chronology of a gravity core sediment from Longgan Lake center was defined by210Pb, combining with historic events recorded by document and sediment. The relationship between vegetation, soil erosion and lake nutrient state was discussed based on pollen, magnetic parameters, diatoms, phosphorus and pigments. The results show that the lake has undergone twice obvious transformations from oligotrophic to mesotrophic condition. Two eutrophications occurring at about 1768AD and the beginning of the 20th century respectively were related to external nutrient loading increase resulting from the enhanced human activities in the lake catchment. It is probable that strength of human actions in historic periods was influenced more or less by climatic changes. The lake eutrophication presented a more serious tendency because of the wide use of chemical fertilizer, reclamation of wetland and wetland vegetation destruction around the lake in the last 40 years.  相似文献   

“十三五”时期,长江流域水环境质量改善明显,但湖泊水质和富营养化状况改善滞后.长江中游作为我国淡水湖泊集中分布区域之一,部分湖泊存在水环境质量恶化和富营养化加重问题.本文以长江中游区域国家开展监测的洪湖、斧头湖、梁子湖、大通湖、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖这6个典型湖泊为研究对象,科学评价其2016-2020年水质和富营养化时空变化特征及关键驱动因素,探讨其成因及治理对策.结果表明,“十三五”时期长江中游湖泊水质和富营养化程度存在较大差异,与2016年相比,2020年大通湖水质改善最为明显,梁子湖水质变差,总磷是影响长江中游湖泊水质类别的主要因子;洪湖富营养程度恶化最为严重,斧头湖次之,TLI(SD)对长江中游湖泊富营养化评价贡献最大.目前长江中游湖泊呈有机污染加重和叶绿素。浓度升高现象,洪湖、斧头湖和梁子湖主要与氮、磷营养盐浓度升高有关,而大通湖、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖受水文过程、流域纳污量和湖泊管理等非营养盐因素影响较大.总氮和总磷仍然是影响“十三五”时期长江中游湖泊水质和富营养化的最主要驱动力,且各湖泊总氮和总磷浓度变化均具有较强正相关性,建议开展河湖氮、磷标准衔接工作,提出河湖氮、磷标准限值或考核目...  相似文献   

Between 1989 and 1998 the small eutrophic stratified Lake Belau was investigated intensively and multidisciplinarily. This article is a short, comprehensive summary and re‐evaluation of the hydrochemistry of the lake, with focus on nitrogen and phosphorus. In several aspects the lake can be regarded as a typical example of the glacial north German lakes. The 1960's and 1970's are characterised by heavy nutrient inputs and fast eutrophication. During the last two decades the external nutrient load, especially the phosphorus load into Lake Belau was significantly reduced. But phosphorus‐rich sediments and large areas with summerly anoxic sediment surface conditions cause intensive release of phosphorus from older deeper sediment layers. Annual budgets reveal that despite an average sediment accumulation of 3 mm a?1 the lake has lost its function as net phosphorus sink and it is very likely that internal eutrophication by the sediments will keep the lake in its eutrophic state during the next decades. Despite that, monthly budgets of five vertical layers show that the main phosphorus supplier for the phosphorus depleted epilimnion during summer is the creek Alte Schwentine. The annual nitrogen budget indicates groundwater and interflow water as well as atmospheric input as additional important nitrogen sources. 36% (98 μmol m ?2 h?1 N) of all nitrogen input is lost to atmosphere mainly due to denitrification. The example of a heavy storm shows that about 10% of the annual nitrogen loss to the atmosphere can take place during a single day and in form of ammonia. The storm further made obvious that these unpredictable events can have strong impact on nutrient cycling and ecology in Lake Belau and the lake can become an unexpected nutrient source for downstream systems.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of research works concerning the nutrient transportation, transformation and exchange between water, sediment and biota in the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River conducted in the context of project entitled "The Processes and Mechanism of Lake Eutrophication in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River". All the lakes from this area are shallow lakes. According to the typical lake site research, the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have a higher baseline of nutrition in the history. Normally the trophic status of these lakes can be categorized into medium-trophic or eutrophic. Human activities have been enhanced during the last decades, which speed up the lake eutrophic process. Lake eutrophication control needs to reduce not only the external nutrient inputs from watershed but also the internal loading from the sediments. Investigations revealed that the lake sediments in this area are considerablly high in nutrition in which at most about 30% of phosphorus exists in the form of bio-available in the sediment. The surface sediment will exert great effects on the nutrient exchange between water-sediment interface via adsorption and release of nutrient. The nutrient release from the sediment in these shallow lakes is mainly in two ways, i.e. in the undisturbed condition the nutrient is released through diffusion created by the nutrient gradient from sediment to overlying water; whereas in disturbed condition, the nutrient release is determined by the hydrodynamic forcing intensity and the sediment resuspension. Metallic elements such as the iron, manganese and aluminium and the aerobic-anaerobic ambience will affect the release of nutrients. The disturbed release will increase the total nutrients in the water column significantly in the short period. At the beginning of sediment resuspension, the dissolved nutrient concentration will increase. This increase will be damped if the ferric oxide and aluminium are rich in sediment because of the adsorption and flocculation. This means that the lakes have capability of eliminating the nutrient loadings. Investigations for the lakes from middle and down stream of Yangtze River have suggested that most lakes have the self-cleaning capability. Dredging the control of the internal loading, therefore, is only applicable to the small lakes or undisturbed bays which normally are situated nearby the city or town and rich in organic materials in the sediment. In addition, the strong reduction condition and weak aeration of these lakes and bays make these small lakes and bays release much more bio-available nutrient and without much self-eliminating capability. Moreover, eutrophication induced algal bloom in these lakes will change the pH of water, which further induces the increase in the nutrient release. In turn, the increase in nutrient release promotes the growth of phytoplankton and results in severe algal bloom. For the heavily polluted water, research suggests that the biomass of bacteria and alkaline phosphatase activity will be higher corresponding to the higher concentration of nutrients, which accelerates the nutrient recycling between water, sediment and biota. Quick recycling of nutrient, in turn, promotes the production and biomass growth of microorganism and leads to more severe eutrophication. Further research work should focus on the nutrient transformation mechanism and the effects of microbial loop on the eutrophication.  相似文献   

环太湖河流进出湖水量及污染负荷(2000-2002年)   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:22  
翟淑华  张红举 《湖泊科学》2006,18(3):225-230
天然水域,尤其是富营养的浅水湖泊,沉积物中磷的释放是蓝藻水华发生、形成和持续生长的重要因素.分析沉积物中磷的赋存形态转化及其潜在生态效应,有助于理解沉积物中磷的迁移转化过程及其与湖泊富营养化之间的关系.本文综述国内湖泊水域中磷的主要形态、来源和转化过程以及其生物有效性的研究进展.重点讨论了近5年来中国东部浅水湖泊沉积物磷的形态分析、转化和生物有效性评估的现状,以及沉积物中磷形态与浅水湖泊富营养化之间的潜在联系.  相似文献   

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