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Five nodules of eclogite, one nodule of garnet peridotite and one sample of kimberlite from the Roberts Victor mine were analyzed for concentrations of U, Th, Pb, Rb and Sr and isotopic compositions of Pb and Sr. In the eclogites, U content ranges from 0.09 to 0.26 ppm, Th from 0.35 to 1.1 ppm, Pb from 0.79 to 5.5 ppm, Rb from 2.1 to 28 ppm and Sr from 133 to 346 ppm;206Pb/204Pb ratios range from 14.8 to 18.5,207Pb/204Pb from 14.9 to 15.7,208Pb/204Pb from 35.2 to 38.5. The garnet peridotite contains 0.22 ppm U, 0.97 ppm Th, 1.05 ppm Pb, 6.9 ppm Rb and 108 ppm Sr and the kimberlite contains 2.5 ppm U, 30 ppm Th, 37 ppm Pb, 113 ppm Rb and 2040 ppm Sr. The lead in the eclogites has two components, a lead pyroextractable at 1100–1200° and a non-pyroextractable residual lead. In three of the eclogites, which are to some extent altered, a proportion of the pyroextractable lead may be contaminating lead from the kimberlite, but an altered kyanite eclogite does not appear to be contaminated by this same kimberlite. The pyroextractable lead from a less altered eclogite contains a much larger proportion of206Pb. Compositions calculated for the residual leads vary greatly. In many of the pyroextraction runs the primary eclogitic phases disappeared and the new phases plagioclase, clinopyroxene and a magnetic iron compound were formed. Why part of the lead should have been retained by these new phases is not understood.  相似文献   

Kimberlite pipes can contain significant proportions of dark and dense kimberlite that have mostly been interpreted as intrusive coherent (hypabyssal) in origin. This study reports a well-documented occurrence of a fresh intra-crater clastogenic extrusive coherent kimberlite that is concluded to have formed as a result of lava fountaining. This paper focuses on a dark, dense, competent, generally crystal-rich, massive kimberlite unit within the Victor Northwest kimberlite pipe (Ontario, Canada). Using a comprehensive volcanological and petrographic analysis of all available drill cores, it is shown that this unit has a fresh well-crystallised coherent groundmass and is extrusive and pyroclastic in origin. The proposed clastogenic coherent extrusive origin is based on deposit morphology, gradational contacts to enveloping pyroclastic units, as well as the presence of remnant pyroclast outlines and angular broken olivines. This paper, and an increasing number of other studies, suggest that fragmental extrusive coherent kimberlite in intra-crater settings may be more common than previously thought. The emplacement history and volcanology of these pipes need to be reconsidered based on the emerging importance of this particular kimberlite facies.  相似文献   

A new K-rich sulphide phase is described from a clinopyroxene-ilmenite intergrowth from the Frank Smith kimberlite diatremes. The mineral occurs as ovoid blebs, which also contain pyrrhotite and pentlandite, in close spatial association with the ilmenite lamellae, and as individual grains in cracks in the clinopyroxene host. Chemical analyses from twelve grains show the following ranges of composition (wt.%): K, 8.12–13.01; Cu, 1.24–2.99; Fe, 38.47–41.76; Ni, 11.65–15.04; S, 32.09–34.34. Electron diffraction data indicate a primitive cubic unit cell,a = 10.29 ± 0.03Å, with no systematically absent reflections. Three models for the origin of this sulphide, liquid immiscibility, multiple exsolution, and metasomatism, are considered. The discovery of potassic sulphide in a kimberlite nodule has important implications, not only as a potential source of K in the upper mantle, but also for those models which propose removal of K and S from the lower mantle into the core.  相似文献   

δ18O values of coexisting garnet, clinopyroxene and phlogopite for twelve compositionally and texturally diverse Roberts Victor eclogite xenoliths range from +3.8 to +7.1, +4.0 to +7.4 and +5.9 to +7.4, respectively. Differences between theδ18O values of coexisting garnets and clinopyroxenes are normally zero; however, there is some variation in theδ18O values of different fractions of the same mineral in four samples which suggests the presence of isotopic zonation and inhomogeneity, possibly resulting from the introduction of a secondary fluid which metasomatized the eclogites and resulted in the formation of phlogopite, amphibole and celsian. Theδ18O value of the metasomatic fluid is generally buffered by the isotopic composition of the primary garnet and clinopyroxene, as indicated by a correlation between the isotopic composition of phlogopite and the primary pyroxene and garnet.The large range inδ18O values of the eclogites and the similarity in the isotopic composition of coexisting pyroxene and garnet support the interpretation that the Roberts Victor eclogites represent metamorphosed, altered basalts. The eclogites were subjected to infiltration metasomatism in the mantle prior to their incorporation in the kimberlite, and the source of this fluid was probably unrelated to the eclogite.  相似文献   

The distribution and isotopic composition of helium has been measured in a suite of well-characterized one-carat diamonds from the Orapa kimberlite, Botswana. Crushing of the diamonds in vacuo indicates that most of the helium is contained by the matrix (generally greater than 90%), rather than by the inclusions. Step-heating experiments, performed on inclusion-free fragments remaining after crushing, indicate that the3He/4He ratio is variablewithin individual diamonds. The fragments, as small as 10 mg, were heated in two timed steps, both at 2000°C. In every case, lower3He/4He ratios are observed in the first graphitization step (0.05–3 × atmospheric), while the last heating step releases helium with systematically higher3He/4He ratio (30–80 × atmospheric). We suggest that this internal isotopic variability is the result of stepwise graphitization: the first heating step initiates graphitization, which nucleates around defects, and the second heating step graphitizes the relatively defect-free regions of the diamond. The3He/4He ratio measured, using the partial graphitization technique, differs by up to a factor of 100 within a single specimen. The inclusion-free fragments release small quantities of helium below 2000°C, which suggests that helium release is obtained only by graphitization. The3He contents of the monocrystalline diamonds are relatively constant (at 3 × 10−13 cm3 STP/gram) and indicate that most of the isotopic variability is due to radiogenic4He. The variations in4He content are either related to zoning of Th and U in the diamonds (i.e., in-situ decay), to zoning of inherited4He, or to implantation of α-particles from a Th and U rich environment (i.e., kimberlite). Because the Orapa diamonds were mined from roughly 40 m depth in the kimberlite, spallation reactions from cosmic ray interactions are not a significant source of3He. However, calculations based on the age of the kimberlite (90 m.y.) and reasonable Th and U abundances suggest that most of the3He in the Orapa diamonds could be produced by6Li(n, α)T in the diamond. Although this may not be true of all diamonds, nuclear reactions in the crust and mantle (including spallation reactions at the surface) can explain many of the high3He/4He ratios previously reported for diamonds.  相似文献   

Six crystals of green, uvarovite-rich garnet from the Newlands kimberlite have been analysed. The range of Cr2O3 is 10.04–14.04% and CaO is 19.18–25.94% (wt.), and thus they are similar to garnets found in only one other kimberlite province, namely Yakutia. By combining data from both the Russian and South African occurrences, four models are considered for the formation of such garnets. The model which best accounts for the available chemical data, and mode of occurrence, involves formation of the uvarovitic garnets during subsolidus recrystallization of spinel wehrlitic cumulates, which themselves had been produced by a fractionating magma at a depth of about 200–250 km.  相似文献   

The emplacement of kimberlites in the North American and African continents since the early Palaeozoic appears to have occurred during periods of relatively slow motion of these continents. The distribution of kimberlites in time may reflect the global pattern of convection, which forces individual plates to move faster or slower at different times. Two-dimensional numerical experiments on a convecting layer with a moving upper boundary show two different regimes: in the first, when the upper boundary velocity is high, heat is transferred by the large-scale circulation and in the second, when the upper boundary velocity is lower, heat is predominantly transferred by thermal plumes rising from the lower boundary layer. For a reasonable mantle solidus, this second regime can give rise to partial melting beneath the moving plate, far from the plate boundaries. The transition between these modes takes place over a small range of plate velocities; for a Rayleigh number of 106 it occurs around 20 mm yr?1. We suggest that the generation of kimberlite magmas may result from thermal plumes incident on the base of a slowly moving plate.  相似文献   


The paper deals with the dynamo action of the Roberts flow, that is, a flow depending periodically on two cartesian coordinates, X and Y , but being independent of the third one, Z . In particular the case is considered in which the magnetic fields, which are periodic in X, Y and Z , have period lengths in the XY -plane being integer multiples of that of the flow. Two approaches are used. Firstly, the equations governing the magnetic field are reduced to a matrix eigenvalue problem, which is solved numerically. Secondly, a mean magnetic field is defined by averaging over proper areas in the XY -plane, corresponding equations are derived, in which the induction effect of the flow occurs as an anisotropic f -effect, and analytic solutions are given. The results are of particular interest for the Karlsruhe dynamo experiment, which works with a Roberts type flow consisting of 52 cells inside a cylindrical volume. In order to check the reliability of predictions concerning self-excitation based on the mean-field approach, analogous predictions are derived for a rectangular box containing 50 cells, and are compared with results obtained with the help of direct solutions of the eigenvalue problem mentioned. It turns out that the simple mean-field approach in general underestimates the requirements for self-excitation. The corresponding results agree with those obtained in the subharmonic approach only if the side length L of the box, its height H and the edge length l of a spin generator satisfy $ L \gg H \gg l $ . In Appendix B, some comments on previous results concerning $\cal {ABC}$ dynamos are made in the light of the subharmonic formalism used in the paper.  相似文献   

The BK9 kimberlite consists of three overlapping pipes. It contains two dark varieties of massive volcaniclastic kimberlite, informally termed dark volcaniclastic kimberlite (DVK). DVK(ns) is present in the north and south pipes and is interbedded with lenses of basalt breccia at the margins of the pipes. DVK(c) is present within the central pipe where it is overlain by a sequence of basalt breccias with interbedded volcanogenic sediments. The features observed within the DVK units of the BK9 kimberlite provide strong evidence for gas fluidisation of the accumulating pyroclastic material. These include the massive interior of the pipes, marginal epiclastic units, well-dispersed country-rock xenoliths and small-scale heterogeneities in lithic clast abundance. The upper portions of the central pipe provide a record of the transition from pyroclastic eruption and infill to passive epiclastic infilling of the crater, after the eruption has ceased. The wall-rock of the BK9 kimberlite dips inwards and is interpreted as post pipe-fill subsidence of the adjacent country rock. The two DVK units contain interstitial, silt-sized pyroclasts. The DVK(ns) has a higher fraction of former melt and displays evidence of incipient welding, as a result of differences in eruption dynamics. These units demonstrate that whilst DVK is comparable in many respects to MVK and forms part of a spectrum of volcaniclastic rocks formed by fluidisation, it differs in frequently containing silt-sized particles and including agglutinated and welded varieties with a high melt fraction. The DVK varieties, studied here, also have a distinctive hydrothermal assemblage, resulting from the abundance of low-silica accidental lithic clasts. Both the hydrothermal alteration and the abundance of silt-sized particles contribute to the DVKs distinctive dark colour.  相似文献   

If convection in the Earth's liquid outer core is disrupted, degrades to turbulence and begins to behave in a chaotic manner, it will destabilize the Earth's magnetic field and provide the seeds for kimberlite melts via turbulent jets of silicate rich core material which invade the lower mantle. These (proto-) melts may then be captured by extreme amplitude solitary nonlinear waves generated through interaction of the outer core surface with the base of the mantle. A pressure differential behind the wave front then provides a mechanism for the captured melt to ascend to the upper mantle and crust so quickly that emplacement may indirectly promote a type of impact fracture cone within the relatively brittle crust. These waves are very rare but of finite probability. The assumption of turbulence transmission between layers is justified using a simple three-layer liquid model. The core derived melts eventually become frozen in place as localised topographic highs in the Mohorovicic discontinuity (Moho), or as deep rooted intrusive events. The intrusion's final composition is a function of melt contamination by two separate sources: the core contaminated mantle base and subducted Archean crust. The mega-wave hypothesis offers a plausible vehicle for early stage emplacement of kimberlite pipes and explains the age association of diamondiferous kimberlites with magnetic reversals and tectonic plate rearrangements.  相似文献   

Marginal instabilities in a horizontal unstably stratified rapidly rotating fluid layer permeated by an azimuthal magnetic field growing linearly with distance from the vertical rotation axis, are investigated in dependence on electromagnetic boundary conditions and Roberts number . Electrical conductivities of perfectly thermally conducting boundaries are either infinite or finite Earthlike ones. Following Soward's (1979) results the case of gives the instabilities of MAC-waves with much greater frequencies than for the case of q 1. Critical frequencies of MAC waves are most sensitive on Roberts number for q 1 and lose this sensitivity for q2. On the other hand the critical Rayleigh numbers are slightly dependent on q 1. Many qualitative differences in the dependences on q do exist for infinitely and finitely conducting boundaries. The former do not allow fast eastward modes for q 1 and the latter, e.g. allow eastward MC-waves with azimuthal wave number m = 1. The MC-waves are almost independent on Roberts number q.  相似文献   

The Jurassic Muskox and Jericho kimberlites (Northern Slave Province, Nunavut, Canada) contain a variety of facies exhibiting different geometries, contact relationships, internal organisation, country rock abundance and olivine shapes, although many have similar matrix/groundmass mineralogies and textures. Five facies are examined that either have characteristics consistent with coherent rocks in general (i.e. intrusive and extrusive non-fragmental rocks) or are mineralogically and texturally similar to kimberlite described as coherent (or apparent coherent). Three facies are interpreted as coherent on the basis of: (1) geological setting, (2) apparent-porphyritic texture, (3) sharp contacts with fragmental kimberlite, (4) relative abundance of elongate and unbroken olivine crystals and (5) paucity of country rock xenoliths, while the remaining two facies are interpreted as fragmental on the basis of: (1) the gradational contacts with demonstrably fragmental kimberlite, (2) relative abundance and range of sizes of country rock lithic clasts and (3) numerous broken olivine crystals. Comparisons are made with coherent and apparent-coherent kimberlite from the literature. Our three coherent facies are similar to literature reported coherent kimberlite dykes hosted in country rock (CKd) in terms of internal organisation, low abundance of country rock xenoliths, and apparent-porphyritic texture. Conversely, our two fragmental facies share attributes with previously described pipe-filling coherent and apparent-coherent kimberlite (CKpf) in terms of geometry, internal organisation and abundance of country rock xenoliths. We conclude that CKd and most CKpf, although similar in matrix/groundmass mineralogy and texture, can be distinguished on the basis of internal organisation, country rock lithic clast abundance, texture (e.g. apparent-porphyritic texture) and possibly olivine crystal shapes and suggest that fragmental kimberlite is more common than reported.  相似文献   

Deep seismic sounding in the region of the Mirnyi kimberlite field indicates that the boundary velocity of the uppermost mantle is elevated (v b=8.6–8.8 km/sec) and extremely variable near the Mir kimberlite pipe. These velocity heterogeneities are probably associated with the kimberlite magmatism and may be useful in the identification of other kimberlite fields.  相似文献   

Kimberlites are volatile rich magmas that ascend from deep in the mantle at high velocities, then as they reach a ‘root zone’ at 1–3 km in depth they either discharge explosively through to the surface or stall to form dykes and sills. Understanding this eruptive behaviour is difficult due to a lack of data on volatile solubility, particularly at conditions where the magmas enter the ‘root zone’ (∼30–80 MPa). In this study, we perform experiments on some putative primary kimberlite magma compositions to assess the amount of CO2 and H2O retained if these compositions represent magma as it enters the root zone. At the conditions investigated (100–200 MPa and 1,275–1,100°C) the results suggest that none of these particular kimberlite compositions reproduce a magma that can retain the observed high volatile content when intruded at these pressures (∼4–8 km). In our experiments, the low volatile retention is due to a combination of factors including a high proportion of solid phases, none of which are volatile-bearing, and inadequate volatile solubilities in the subordinate amounts of melt present. Modelled solubilities also suggest that the dissolved volatile contents remain too low even at super-liquidus temperatures (i.e. 100% melt). For water, the higher values observed in natural rocks can be explained by the addition of H2O associated with ubiquitous post-emplacement serpentinization. The high CO2 contents in hypabyssal rocks are unlikely to be related to alteration. We suggest that most kimberlites originally had lower SiO2 contents and as such may have been ‘transitional’ between silicate and carbonate melts. This results in both higher CO2 solubilities and lower liquidus temperatures. For such compositions, it is possible that both CO2 and water solubility may first decrease and then increase as magmas decompress and crystallize. Such unusual behaviour can help explain why kimberlite magmas can be very explosive or form shallow hypabyssal intrusions.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic (815.4 ± 4.3 Ma) Aries kimberlite intrudes the King Leopold Sandstone and the Carson Volcanics in the central Kimberley Basin, northern Western Australia. Aries is comprised of a N–NNE-trending series of three diatremes and associated hypabyssal kimberlite dykes and plugs. The diatremes are volumetrically dominated by massive, clast-supported, accidental lithic-rich kimberlite breccias that were intruded by hypabyssal macrocrystic phlogopite kimberlite dykes and plugs with variably uniform- to globular segregationary-textured groundmasses. Lower-diatreme facies, accidental lithic-rich breccias probably formed through fall-back of debris into the vent with a major contribution from the collapse of the vent walls. These massive breccias are overlain by a sequence of bedded volcaniclastic breccias in the upper part of the north lobe diatreme. Abundant, poorly vesicular to nonvesicular, juvenile kimberlite ash and lapilli, with morphologies that are indicative of phreatomagmatic fragmentation processes, occur in a reversely graded volcaniclastic kimberlite breccia unit at the base of this sequence. This unit and overlying bedded accidental lithic-rich breccias are interpreted to be sediment gravity-flow deposits (including possible debris flows) derived from the collapse of the crater walls and/or tephra ring deposits that surrounded the crater. Diatreme-forming eruptions may have been initiated by magma–water interactions along fracture and joint-controlled aquifers within the King Leopold Sandstone. The current level of exposure of the diatremes probably extends from the lower-diatreme facies up into the base of a bedded upper-diatreme sequence.  相似文献   

Due to the complex mechanisms of rockburst, there is no current effective method to reliably predict these events. A statistical learning method, support vector machine (SVM), is employed in this paper for kimberlite burst prediction. Four indicators \(\sigma_{\theta } ,\sigma_{c} ,\sigma_{t} ,W_{\text{ET}}\) are chosen as input indices for the SVM, which is trained using 108 groups of rockburst cases from around the world. Data uniformization is used to avoid negative impact of differing dimensions across the original data. Parameter optimization is embedded in the training process of the SVM to achieve optimized predictive ability. After training and optimization, the SVM reaches an accuracy of 95% in rock burst prediction for validation samples. The constructed SVM is then employed in kimberlite burst liability evaluation. The model indicated a moderate burst risk, which matches observed instances of rockburst at a diamond mine in north Canada. The SVM method ignores the focus on rockburst mechanisms, instead relying on representative indicators to develop a predictive model through self-learning. The prediction results show an excellent accuracy, which means this method has a potential application in rockburst prediction.  相似文献   

Re–Os isotope compositions of syngenetic sulphide inclusions in both eclogite suite (E-type) and peridotite suite (P-type) parageneses in diamonds from the Koffiefontein mine, South Africa have been analysed using a technique capable of analysing single inclusion grains, or, in some cases multiple inclusions from the same diamonds. Sulphide inclusion Ni contents broadly correlate with Os abundances in that low-Ni (6.8–8.7% Ni), E-type sulphides have 4.7 to 189 ppb Os whereas the two high-Ni (25%), P-type sulphides have 5986 and 6097 ppb Os. Two P-type sulphides from the same diamond define the first mineral isochron obtained for a single diamond which has an age of 69±30 Ma with chondritic initial 187Os/188Os. This indicates that the sulphides, and hence the host diamond, crystallised close to the time of kimberlite emplacement (90 Ma), in the Mesozoic. This is supported by Pb isotopic measurements of a fragment from one of the sulphides, together with the absence of significant Type IaB nitrogen aggregation in the host diamond lattice. E-type sulphide inclusions have radiogenic Os isotopic compositions, 187Os/188Os 0.346 to 2.28, and Re–Os model ages from 1.1 to 2.9 Ga. They define an array on a Re–Os isochron diagram that may be interpreted as defining a single period of E-type sulphide growth at 1.05±0.12 Ga, with an elevated initial 187Os/188Os. Alternatively, two episodes of sulphide crystallisation, from a chondritic reservoir, may be invoked in the Archaean and in the Proterozoic. The results for both P- and E-type diamonds point to a spectrum of diamond crystallisation ages. High contents of both Re and Os, and the similarity of Re/Os ratios of sulphide inclusions in diamonds to whole rock eclogite and peridotite xenoliths indicate that small amounts of sulphides can dominate the mantle budget of both these elements during melting. Recent addition to the lithospheric mantle of high-Os material similar to that from which the P-type sulphides crystallised may explain the variable, sometimes young Os model ages seen in whole rock xenolith Re–Os data.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic techniques for estimating the emplacement temperatures of volcanic deposits have been applied to pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits in kimberlite pipes in southern Africa. Lithic clasts were sampled from a variety of lithofacies from three pipes for which the internal geology is well constrained (the Cretaceous A/K1 pipe, Orapa Mine, Botswana, and the Cambrian K1 and K2 pipes, Venetia Mine, South Africa). The sampled deposits included massive and layered vent-filling breccias with varying abundances of lithic inclusions, layered crater-filling pyroclastic deposits, talus breccias and volcaniclastic breccias. Basalt lithic clasts in the layered and massive vent-filling pyroclastic deposits in the A/K1 pipe at Orapa were emplaced at >570°C, in the pyroclastic crater-filling deposits at 200–440°C and in crater-filling talus breccias and volcaniclastic breccias at <180°C. The results from the K1 and K2 pipes at Venetia suggest emplacement temperatures for the vent-filling breccias of 260°C to >560°C, although the interpretation of these results is hampered by the presence of Mesozoic magnetic overprints. These temperatures are comparable to the estimated emplacement temperatures of other kimberlite deposits and fall within the proposed stability field for common interstitial matrix mineral assemblages within vent-filling volcaniclastic kimberlites. The temperatures are also comparable to those obtained for pyroclastic deposits in other, silicic, volcanic systems. Because the lithic content of the studied deposits is 10–30%, the initial bulk temperature of the pyroclastic mixture of cold lithic clasts and juvenile kimberlite magma could have been 300–400°C hotter than the palaeomagnetic estimates. Together with the discovery of welded and agglutinated juvenile pyroclasts in some pyroclastic kimberlites, the palaeomagnetic results indicate that there are examples of kimberlites where phreatomagmatism did not play a major role in the generation of the pyroclastic deposits. This study indicates that palaeomagnetic methods can successfully distinguish differences in the emplacement temperatures of different kimberlite facies.  相似文献   

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