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Helium, neon and argon were analysed in matrix samples and in different clasts of the polymict-brecciated LL-chondrite St. Mesmin. All clasts have high K-Ar ages with a mean value of4.40 ± 0.26Ga. One exotic H-group xenolith, however, has a K-Ar age of only1.36 ± 0.05Ga. The low age indicates that the St. Mesmin breccia was compacted to its present structure relatively late in its history and that the St. Mesmin meteorite developed from regolith material on the meteorite's parent body. This is further demonstrated by the high concentrations of solar noble gases in the matrix and the cosmic ray pre-exposure of one individual clast.  相似文献   

Melting temperatures of the silicate fraction of the Allende CV3 meteorite, at upper mantle pressures, are several hundred degrees lower than that of fertile peridotite xenoliths or ‘pyrolite’. If the Earth accreted from material similar to chondrites, then deep mantle melting could have occurred with a relatively modest heat budget. It is concluded that initial chemical composition is an important variable in realistic magma ocean models.  相似文献   

A comprehensive rock magnetic, magnetic anisotropy and paleomagnetic study has been undertaken in the brecciated LL6 Bensour ordinary chondrite, a few months only after its fall on Earth. Microscopic observations and electronic microprobe analyses indicate the presence of Ni-rich taenite, tetrataenite and rare Co-rich kamacite. Tetrataenite is the main carrier of remanence. Magnetization and anisotropy measurements were performed on mutually oriented 125 mm3 sub-samples. A very strong coherent susceptibility and remanence anisotropy is evidenced and interpreted as due to the large impact responsible for the post-metamorphic compaction of this brecciated material and disruption of the parent body. We show that the acquisition of remanent magnetization postdates metamorphism on the parent body and predates the entering of the meteorite in Earth’s atmosphere. Three components of magnetization could be isolated. A soft coherent component is closely related to the anisotropy of the meteorite and is interpreted as a shock remanent magnetization acquired during the same large impact on the parent body. Two harder components show random directions at a few mm scale. This randomness is attributed either to the formation mechanism of tetrataenite or to post-metamorphic brecciation. All components are likely acquired in very low (≈μT) to null ambient magnetic field, as demonstrated by comparison with demagnetization behavior of isothermal remanent magnetization. Two other LL6 meteorites, Kilabo and St-Mesmin, have also been studied for comparison with Bensour.  相似文献   

The date of fall of a meteorite may be estimated from its thermoluminescence (TL) and in this paper the principle of a method of utilising TL to determine the terrestrial ages of eight Antarctic meteorites (Allan Hills-77) is described. The TL in a meteorite is primarily induced by cosmic ray irradiation in space and once the meteorite is on the Earth's surface, it is shielded from further cosmic ray irradiation. Under these conditions the TL will decay at a rate governed by the thermal stability of the TL and by the environmental temperature.An estimate of the decay rate may be arrived at by using recently calculated data for the trapping parameters associated with meteorite TL. A major problem is the environmental storage temperature. The “effective” storage temperature of the Antarctic meteorites is unknown, but appears to be greater than the mean annual temperature of the region of the meteorite find.Only upper limits to the terrestrial ages can be calculated because the TL at the time of the fall to Earth is highly variable from sample to sample.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2008,49(4):4.26-4.29
Jesús Martínez-Frías and Rosario Lunar provide a historical and scientific perspective of the outstanding fall and main features of this ordinary chondrite, in the context of its 150th anniversary.  相似文献   

We present a study of the textural signature of terrestrial weathering and related biological activity in the Tatahouine meteorite. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy images obtained on the weathered samples of the Tatahouine meteorite and surrounding soil show two types of bacteria-like forms lying on mineral surfaces: (1) rod-shaped forms (RSF) about 70-80 nm wide and ranging from 100 nm to 600 nm in length; (2) ovoid forms (OVF) with diameters between 70 and 300 nm. They look like single cells surrounded by a cell wall. Only Na, K, C, O and N with traces of P and S are observed in the bulk of these objects. The chemical analyses and electron diffraction patterns confirm that the RSF and OVF cannot be magnetite or other iron oxides, iron hydroxides, silicates or carbonates. The sizes of the RSF and OVF are below those commonly observed for bacteria but are very similar to some bacteria-like forms described in the Martian meteorite ALH84001. All the previous observations strongly suggest that they are bacteria or their remnants. This conclusion is further supported by microbiological experiments in which pleomorphic bacteria with morphology similar to the OVF and RSF objects are obtained from biological culture of the soil surrounding the meteorite pieces. The present results show that bacteriomorphs of diameter less than 100 nm may in fact represent real bacteria or their remnants.  相似文献   

Large, coarse-grained fragments of granite, containing plagioclase, a silica polymorph, potash feldspar, and exsolved pyroxene, with minor ilmenite, a phosphate, Fe-metal, and troilite, occur in sample 15405. A similar coarse-grained clast type (KREEP-rich quartz-monzodiorite) has a similar mineralogy but contains more ilmenite, large phosphates, less silica, and lacks troilite. One unusual KREEPy olivine vitrophyre fragment is also present. All the other fragments in 15405 are of Apollo 15-type KREEP basalt; ANT-suite and breccia fragments are conspicuously absent. The groundmass of 15405, of a KREEP basalt composition, is vesicular with a variolitic texture and is interpreted as an impact melt. Except for the olivine vitrophyre, the fragments are believed to be the remnants of a shallow-level KREEP basalt-granite differentiated pluton, in which granite was produced as the residual liquid without involvement of immiscibility effects.The large amount of melt required to produce the pluton, and the retention of the pluton's integrity from crystallization until the formation of the source boulder of 15405 suggest that KREEP basalt magma is not ancient (~4.3 b.y.), but was produced by the partial melting of the interior of the moon at around 3.90–3.95 b.y.; this conclusion is supported by the presence of KREEP basalt in soil breccia 15205, to the exclusion of other highland rock types. If this interpretation is correct, the source of Apollo 15-type KREEP basalt had a Rb/Sr ratio higher than anorthositic norite, commonly proposed as the source rock.  相似文献   

Minerals from a large (~1.5 cm diameter) Type B inclusion of the C3V-carbonaceous chondrite Leoville have been analyzed mass spectrometrically for their Mg isotopic composition.25Mg/24Mg ratios were found to be indistinguishable in all cases from those of terrestrial Mg while in anorthites26Mg is overabundant by up to 15%. The excess26Mg(=26Mg*) is linearly correlated with the27Al/24Mg ratio, with the constant of proportionality26Mg*/27Al=(5.9±0.3)×10?5. This is in agreement with values reported for Allende and another Type B inclusion from Leoville; it is at variance with the twenty times higher ratio found in Leoville hibonites.  相似文献   

The response of pile foundations near a quay wall under liquefaction-induced lateral spreading remains a complex problem. This study presents the results of a shake-table test on a 2×2 pile group behind a sheet-pile quay wall that was subjected to lateral spreading. The quay wall was employed to trigger liquefaction-induced large lateral ground deformation. The discussions focus on the behavior of the pile and the soil and on the bending moment distributions within the group pile and the restoring force characteristics at the superstructure. Overall, the piles exhibited apparent pinning effects that reduced soil deformation. In addition, the rear-row piles near the quay wall experienced larger bending moments than did the front-row piles, indicating significant pile group effects. The tests showed that lateral spreading could be a primary cause of larger monotonic deformations and bending moments. It can also be concluded that the monotonic bending moments were significantly decreased due to the presence of slow soil flow. The stiffness at the superstructure was reduced because of accumulated excess pore pressure before liquefaction, and it was recovered during lateral spreading. The present study further enhances current understanding of the behavior of low-cap pile foundations under lateral spreading.  相似文献   

Because uncertainties in experimental data are large, one has considerable latitude in choosing the input parameters needed to calculate iron meteorite cooling rates. The best way to test input parameters is by examining their ability to yield the observed properties of the meteorites. Our phase diagram yields fits to kamacite profiles that are superior to those based on the Moren-Goldstein phase diagram. Our method of allowing for the effect of P on the Ni diffusion coefficient takes into account the enhancement in this effect with decreasing temperature; Moren and Goldstein use a relationship derived for a temperature of 1100°C, well outside the 700–350°C range where kamacite growth occurs. Use of our input parameters yields cooling rates in IVA irons that are independent of composition, consistent with a core origin. Since the fractionation of siderophiles in group IVA also indicates a core origin, we conclude that this is the correct model for this group.  相似文献   

The impact of the June 2000 South Iceland earthquakes has been assessed applying data collected in field surveys and strong-motion recordings from the Icelandic Strong-Motion Network. The areas within approximately 20 km of the causative faults suffered considerable damage, including transportation and utility systems as well as buildings, both with regard to structure and inventories. Ground subsidence and dislocations were significant in the near-fault zone. Aftershocks and permanent displacements of building foundations resulted in progressive structural damage. By introducing holistic measures derived from the acceleration data, a fair correlation was achieved between the obtained earthquake intensities and the recorded accelerations. The measures adopted were square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) values of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and the trace of the Arias intensity tensor. It was found that the overall attenuation tended to be more rapid than reflected by common strong-motion models reported in the literature. There is no simple explanation for this behaviour but it is reasonable to suggest that it can be partly attributed to the heterogeneous and fractured crust that is characteristic of Icelandic geology.  相似文献   

Abstract A water injection experiment was carried out by the scientific drilling program named the 'Nojima Fault Zone Probe' during the two periods 9–13 February and 16–25 March 1997. The pumping pressure at the surface was approximately 4 MPa. The total amount of injected water was 258 m3. The injection was made between depths of 1480 m and 1670 m in the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (DPRI) 1800 m borehole drilled into the Nojima Fault zone. A seismic observation network was deployed to monitor seismic activity related to the water injections. Seismicity suddenly increased in the region not far from the injection hole 4 or 5 days after the beginning of each water injection. These earthquakes were likely to be induced by the water injections. Most of the earthquakes had magnitudes ranging from −2 to +1. Numerous earthquakes occurred during the first injection, but only one could be reliably located and it was approximately 2 km north of the injection site. Between the two injection periods, earthquakes concentrated in the region approximately 1 km northwest of the injection site. During and after the second injection experiment, earthquakes were located approximately 1.5 km west of the injection site. Those earthquakes were located approximately 3 km or 4 km from the injection point and between 2 km and 4 km in depth. Values of intrinsic permeability of 10−14–10−15 m2 were estimated from the time lapse of the induced seismic activity. The coefficient of friction in the area where the induced earthquakes occurred was estimated to be less than 0.3.  相似文献   

A small particle (ca. 10?6 g) was magnetically separated from a Ca,Al-rich inclusion of the Allende meteorite. By using instrumental neutron activation analysis it was found that the elements Os, W, Re, Ir, Mo, Ru and Pt were enriched by a mean factor of about 7000 relative to Cl chondrites.A polished section of the grain showed that it consisted mainly of silicates, with a rounded particle of metal and sulfide (20 μm across) attached to it.Concentrations of up to 11% Pt were determined with the microprobe in the Ni-Fe center of the particle. Furthermore, Rh was for the first time measured in an Allende inclusion. It is enriched in about the same degree as Pt, Ir and W. The Ni-Fe center was surrounded by troilite. Mo was concentrated in the sulfide, while Os and Ru were inhomogeneously distributed over the metal + sulfide phases. The particle is interpreted as direct product of metal condensation of the solar nebula. The sulfide phase formed at lower temperatures and caused redistribution of the refractory siderophile elements. Condensation calculations for a metal alloy show that Fe and Ni are expected to be already present at higher temperatures than the condensation temperatures of pure Fe. Pt and Rh, having lower condensation temperatures than pure Fe should also be completely condensed above the condensation temperature of pure Fe. Kinetic considerations show that minimum times to grow this kind of particle should be of the order of 500 years at 10?3 atm.  相似文献   

In this study, we present evidence, in the form of unusual silicate glasses, for a meteorite impact event ∼ 200–100 ka in the Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. These glasses, known locally as Dakhleh Glass, were derived from the shock melting of a series of unconsolidated sediments underlain by interbedded carbonates, sandstones and phosphate-rich lithologies. Hypervelocity impact in to a volatile-rich target resulted in the production of impact glasses with CaO and Al2O3 contents of up to ∼ 25 and 18 wt.%, respectively. Other notable properties include the presence of globules of immiscible calcite and pyrrhotite melt phases, shattered quartz grains, and fragments of silicified plant matter. Dating of geoarchaeological artefacts associated with the Dakhleh Glass support preliminary 40Ar/39Ar data, indicating a ∼ 200–100 ka age for the impact event. Geoarchaeological evidence indicates that archaic Homo sapiens and early modern humans continually inhabited this region of the Western Desert during this period. While it is unclear at present whether the Dakhleh Glass was formed during a cratering event or a large aerial burst, the effect on the environment and inhabitants of Dakhleh would have been catastrophic.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of a finite number of flexible surface foundations subjected to harmonic incident Rayleigh or SH waves is presented. The foundations are assumed to be resting on an elastic half-space. The results show that the foundation stiffness has a marked effect on the vertical response, while there is only a minor effect on the horizontal displacements. In general, the dynamic response decreases with increasing foundation stiffness. In cases of Rayleigh wave incidence, the existence of an adjacent foundation generates a certain amount of horizontal response in the direction perpendicular to the incident wave and subsequently causes the system to undergo a torsional motion; while in cases of horizontally incident SH waves, a vertical response has been observed and its magnitude is comparable to the response in the direction of the incident wave.  相似文献   

Our aim was to examine the health effects on bathers from exposure to recreational seawater on three beaches with different microbiology quality and bather density through a cohort study. An initial questionnaire and a 10 day follow up were used. Univariate and backward logistic regression analyses were used to asses the risk of developing symptoms or diseases among the bathers. In total, 3805 bathers were included in the study and 149 samples were collected from the three beaches. Despite all the beaches being characterized of high quality the levels of bacterial indicators differed among them. Health effects among bathers were not associated with bacterial indicators. A statistically significant increased risk for symptoms related to respiratory illness, gastroenteritis, medical consultation and use of medication was observed among bathers at the higher bather density beaches. Beach bather numbers should always be taken into account when considering a risk assessment approach.  相似文献   

Kilauea's 1955 eruption was the first major eruption (longer than 2 days) on its east rift zone in 115 years. It lasted 88 days during which 108 × 106 m3 of lava was erupted along a discontinuous, 15-km-long system of fissures. A wide compositional range of lavas was erupted including the most differentiated lavas (5.0 wt% MgO) from a historic Kilauea eruption. Lavas from the first half of the eruption are strongly differentiated (5.0–5.7 wt% MgO); later lavas are weakly to moderately differentiated (6.2–6.7 wt% MgO). Previous studies using only major-element compositions invoked either crystal fractionation (Macdonald and Eaton 1964) or magma mixing (Wright and Fiske 1971) as models to explain the wide compositional variation in the lavas. To further evaluate these models detailed petrographic, mineralogical, and whole-rock, major, and trace element XRF analyses were made of the 1955 lavas. Plagioclase and clinopyroxene in the early and late lavas show no petrographic evidence for magma mixing. Olivines from both the early and late lavas show minor resorption, which is typical of tholeiitic lavas with low MgO contents. Core-to-rim microprobe analyses across olivine, augite, and plagioclase mineral grains give no evidence of disequilibrium features related to mixing. Instead, plots of An/Ab vs distance from the core (D) and %Fo vs (D)4.5 generated essentially linear trends indicative of simple crystal fractionation. Least-squares, mass-balance calculations for major- and trace-element data using observed mineral compositions yield excellent results for crystal fractionation (sum of residuals squared <0.01 for major elements, and <5% for trace elements); magma mixing produced less satisfactory results especially for Cr. Furthermore, trace-element plots of Zr vs Sr, Cr, and A12O3 generate curved trends indicative of crystal fractionation processes. There is no evidence that mixing occurred in the 1955 lavas. Instead, the data are best explained by crystal fractionation involving a reservoir that extends at least 15 km along Kilauea's east rift zone. A dike was intruded into the rift zone from the summit reservoir eight days after the eruption started. Instead of causing magma mixing, the dike probably acted as a hydraulic plunger forcing more of the stored magma to be erupted.  相似文献   

Adequate knowledge of soil moisture storage as well as evaporation and transpiration at the land surface is essential to the understanding and prediction of the reciprocal influences between land surface processes and weather and climate. Traditional techniques for soil moisture measurements are ground-based, but space-based sampling is becoming available due to recent improvement of remote sensing techniques. A fundamental question regarding the soil moisture observation is to estimate the sampling error for a given sampling scheme [G.R. North, S. Nakamoto, J Atmos. Ocean Tech. 6 (1989) 985–992; G. Kim, J.B. Valdes, G.R. North, C. Yoo, J. Hydrol., submitted]. In this study we provide the formalism for estimating the sampling errors for the cases of ground-based sensors and space-based sensors used both separately and together. For the study a model for soil moisture dynamics by D. Entekhabi, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe [Adv. Water Res. 17 (1994) 35–45] is introduced and an example application is given to the Little Washita basin using the Washita '92 soil moisture data. As a result of the study we found that the ground-based sensor network is ineffective for large or continental scale observation, but should be limited to a small-scale intensive observation such as for a preliminary study.  相似文献   

Hydrographic data taken from the fishery research ship Dr. Holmberg and an infrared image from the NOAA-6 satellite show the location of shelf-sea fronts over the Patagonian Shelf off the coast of Argentina.High tidal dissipation rates in this area [Simpson and Bowers (1981) Deep-Sea Research, 28, 727–738], intensified by headlands such as the Peninsula of Valdes, generate zones of enhanced vertical mixing in the near-shore waters, which lowers the sea-surface temperature. Shelf fronts separate this water from the seasonally stratified water offshore. The irregular sea-surface temperature pattern suggests the transfer of some of the cold mixed water into the upper layer of stratified water farther offshore, leading to the inference of a northeastward mean flow.  相似文献   

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