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The travel time inversion of wide-angle seismic data is a technique commonly used in the deep seismic sounding. We propose an application of this technique to a smaller scale of a sedimentary layer, where the characteristics of seismic observations changes significantly. Field observations confirmed by synthetic analysis recognize the dominant amplitudes of wide-angle post-critical reflections. A case study is presented in this paper, of a joint interpretation of conventional reflection seismic with reflection imaging, combined with the wide-angle travel time inversion of additional full-spread observations. A joint interpretation results in a precise recognition of the seismic velocity distribution, that is further used for the seismic depth conversion with the uncertainty analysis of the depth of the reflecting horizons. Despite the salt layer in the studied structure this method is able to precisely recognize the seismic velocities of the sub-salt structures.  相似文献   

The active sources generate seismic waves transmitting appropriate through the deep is underground key and can be used to image Abstract high-resolution subsurface structures.Therefore,an seismic source the factor to active source exploration.In order to study the structure of continental crust and its temporal variations,we selected an artificial seismic source generated from releasing air bubbles in water(airgun source hereinafter)out of a variety and of artificial sources like the is explosion,new electronic sparkers,source hammering,eccentric proven vibration,be heavy-duty train vibration,vibroseis etc.Airgun Three source Fixed a type of artificial that have been to environmentally friendly,safe,and highly efficient.Airgun western Signal China Transmission and Stations(FASTS)have been for built a few years ago in Yunnan,Xinjiang,and Gansu provinces in have been continuously them running several years.Seismic waves generated away by the the airgun sources are highly seismic reproducible waves and stacking in of can produce can good seismograms on 1300 stations km far from source,for instance,an produced Xinjiang FASTS be well about recorded 60 nearly away after 5000 stacking,China covering area of 6 million km2 and penetrating down to of a depth of km.Establishing about 10 FASTSs in would enable long-term illuminate continuous subsurface underground structures,monitoring can all 9.6 million km2 of land area.Treating from airgun sky active sources as lanterns to we achieve the situation with"Beidou surveys the and lantern illuminates underground".  相似文献   

采用两种方法,分别利用VSP测井资料确定沉积层的P、S波波速,利用牡丹江爆破观测资料确定黑龙江省及其邻区的地壳速度结构,再将两个结果综合起来,作为大庆台网的地壳速度模型,并与J-B走时表进行了比较。  相似文献   

太行山山前断裂西南段地壳介质各向异性特征浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴晶  高原  石玉涛  太龄雪 《地震》2008,28(2):115-122
根据太行山山前断裂西南端, 包括石家庄及其周边地区的位于太行隆起与华北盆地两大地质构造单元交汇处的构造环境复杂情况。 该文应用SAM分析方法与首都圈近4年(2002年1月至2005年8月)的观测数据, 分析该区地壳介质各向异性特征。 研究结果表明, 太行山山前断裂西南端快剪切波平均偏振方向与华北区域最大主压应力场方向一致, 是区域应力环境的较好描述。 该区慢剪切波平均时间延迟比较首都圈西北部和东南部均较小。 区内台站的快剪切偏振方向既受到区域构造背景应力环境的作用, 又受到局部的NNE向构造带的制约, 是两者共同作用的结果。 井径(JNX)台站的剪切波分裂参数与紧邻台站有明显不同, 其原因有待更多数据加以补充并做细致讨论。  相似文献   

We present finite difference forward models of elastic wave propagation through laterally heterogeneous upper oceanic crust. The finite difference formulation is a 2-D solution to the elastic wave equation for heterogeneous media and implicitly calculatesP andSV propagation, compressional to shear conversion, interference effects and interface phenomena. Random velocity perturbations with Gaussian and self-similar autocorrelation functions and different correlation lengths (a) are presented which show different characteristics of secondary scattering. Heterogeneities scatter primary energy into secondary body waves and secondary Stoneley waves along the water-solid interface. The presence of a water-solid interface in the model allows for the existence of secondary Stoneley waves which account for much of the seafloor noise seen in the synthetic seismograms for the laterally heterogeneous models.Random incoherent secondary scattering generally increases aska (wavenumber,k, and correlation length,a) approaches one. Deterministic secondary scattering from larger heterogeneities is the dominant effect in the models aska increases above one. Secondary scattering also shows up as incoherence in the primary traces of the seisograms when compared to the laterally homogeneous case. Cross-correlation analysis of the initialP-diving wave arrival shows that, in general, the correlation between traces decreases aska approaches one. Also, because many different wave types exist for these marine models, the correlation between traces is range dependent, even for the laterally homogeneous case.  相似文献   

首都圈西北部地区地壳介质地震各向异性特征初步研究   总被引:38,自引:24,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
本研究使用首都圈数字地震台网2002年01月~2003年12月的波形记录资料,采用SAM方法,进行了剪切波分裂的分析,得到首都圈西北部地区地壳介质地震各向异性的初步结果.根据对有3条以上可靠记录的14个台站的统计分析,得到首都圈西北部地区的剪切波分裂的统计平均结果为: 快剪切波平均偏振方向为NE69.9°±44.5°,慢剪切波平均时间延迟为4.44±2.93(ms/km).研究认为,NE69.9°±44.5°的快剪切波平均偏振方向暗示了该区域的水平主压应力方向,快剪切波偏振方向的第一优势取向揭示了NWW近E-W方向的原地水平主压应力的构造意义,凸现了NWW向的张家口—蓬莱断陷带.通过快剪切波偏振方向,本研究进一步证实,位于活动断裂上的台站的快剪切波偏振方向的优势取向与断裂走向一致,认为南口—孙河断裂和夏垫断裂是两个活动断裂,而八宝山断裂可能是个并不太活跃的活动断裂.华北盆地里的快剪切波偏振方向显示出复杂的分布特征,对应了盆地凹陷区里许多断裂互相交汇造成区域主压应力场受到局部调整的复杂图像.研究还认为慢剪切波时间延迟急剧的梯度变化可能与地壳深部的温度变化有关联.  相似文献   

IntroductionTheArchaeozoicfelsicrocksarethemaincomponentsoftheuppercrustincratonareas,whichmayalsoexistinthelowercrust(ZHANG,SUN,1999).Thereforethestudyontheircompressionalwavevelocitiesofthiskindofrocksisofimportance.Oneofthecharactersofthistypeofrocksisexistingofquartz.Athightemperatureandpressurethe(phaseofquartztransitsinto(phasecompaniedwithvelocitychange.Consequentlythefeatureoftemperature-velocitycurveoffelsicrocksatacertainpressureisexclusiveforothertypeofrocks.FirstFielitz(1971),…  相似文献   

利用小湾电站水库诱发地震台网之青华地震台记录到的93个远震地震事件,挑选其中效果较好的55个远震地震事件进行接收函数的计算,研究同一个台站下方地壳厚度随反方位角的变化情况。结果表明:①在青华地震台下方地壳平均厚度约为40.5 km;②不同方位的远震事件反映出台站下方不同方位的地壳厚度存在差异;③青华地震台下方地壳厚度存在由南向北逐渐增厚的特点,而东西向的横向变化不明显;④青华地震台反方位角在112°附近区域地壳厚度变化异常明显。  相似文献   

A simplified analytical methodology is presented for the computation of the seismic settlements of strip and rectangle footings resting on liquefiable soil with a clay crust. It is based on results of fully-coupled dynamic numerical analyses, performed with a critical-state constitutive model, and captures the physical mechanism of settlement accumulation, which is associated to a “sliding-block” type of punching failure through the clay crust and within the liquefied sand layer. More specifically, liquefaction-induced settlements are correlated to the seismic excitation characteristics and the post-shaking degraded static factor of safety, while the effect of shear-induced dilation of the liquefied subsoil is also taken into account. Analytical predictions are evaluated against experimental observations from centrifuge and large-scale experiments, as well as, against in-situ observations from the City of Adapazari, during the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake. Finally, easy to use, performance-based design (PBD) charts are developed for quick application of the proposed methodology in practice.  相似文献   

We performed a receiver function analysis on teleseismic data recorded along two 550 km-long profiles crossing the northeastern Tibetan plateau. Results from time to depth migration, grid-search Vp/Vs determination and simulated annealing inversion of waveforms, reveal that the crust thickens from ∼50 km near the northern edge of the plateau to ∼80 km south of the Jinsha suture in the Qiang Tang block. Crustal thickening occurs in staircase fashion with steps located beneath the main, reactivated sutures. The Vp/Vs ratio, close to the global continental average does not suggest widespread partial melting but rather a more usual separation between an upper felsic and a lower mafic part within the northeastern Tibetan crust.  相似文献   

目前,华南地区通过数条地学大断面在内的地球物理探测工作,已经获得了大量深部地壳结构的信息,然而对其基底岩石的物理性质研究程度还不够.为此,我们选择华南地区扬子克拉通和华夏陆块具代表性的不同深度地壳岩石,对其进行高温高压弹性波速特征研究.结果表明两大构造单元基底的岩石波速差异较大,从而认为两者物质组成迥异,地壳结构完全不同.进而初步建立了扬子克拉通与华夏陆块各自的地壳结构模型,认为扬子克拉通具有多层结构的结晶基底,华夏陆块具三层结构但没有结晶基底,这一模型重新构建了华南的地壳结构,对华南深部地质研究和构造格局演化研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

中国境内天山地壳上地幔结构的地震层析成像   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
根据横跨中国境内天山的库车—奎屯宽频带流动地震台阵和区域地震台网记录的近震和远震P波走时数据,利用地震层析成像方法重建了沿该地震台阵剖面下方400 km深度范围内地壳上地幔的P波速度结构.结果表明:沿新疆库车—奎屯剖面,天山地壳具有明显的横向分块结构,且南、北天山地壳显示了较为强烈的横向变形特征,表明塔里木地块对天山地壳具有强烈的侧向挤压作用;在塔里木和准噶尔地块上地幔顶部有厚度约60~90 km的高速异常体,塔里木—南天山下方的高速异常体产生了较为明显的弯曲变形,而准噶尔—北天山下方的高速异常体向南一直俯冲到中天山南侧边界下方300 km的深度,两者形成了不对称对冲构造;在塔里木和准噶尔地块下方150~400 km深度存在上地幔低速体,其中塔里木地块一侧的上地幔低速物质上涌到南天山地块的下方;在塔里木—南天山200~300 km深度范围的上地幔存在高速异常体,它可能是地幔热物质向上迁移过程融断的塔里木岩石圈的拆离体. 上述结果表明,塔里木地块的俯冲可能涉及整个岩石圈深度,但其前缘仅限于南天山的北缘;青藏高原隆升的远程效应可能不但驱动塔里木岩石圈向北俯冲,同时还造成天山造山带南侧上地幔物质的涌入;天山造山带上地幔广泛存在的低速异常有助于其上地幔的变形,而上地幔物质的强烈非均匀性应有助于推动天山造山带上地幔小尺度地幔对流的形成;根据研究区地壳上地幔速度结构特征推断,新近纪以来天山快速隆升的主要力源来自青藏高原快速隆升的远程效应,相对软弱的上地幔为加速天山造山带的变形和隆升创造了必要条件.  相似文献   

郭铁龙  高原 《地球物理学报》2020,63(3):1085-1103




海洋多道反射地震成像是研究大洋岩石圈结构、岩浆系统和热液活动等信息的重要手段.受限于缆长、水深和采集方式等因素, 水听器拖缆接收到的用于速度建模的壳内折射震相通常仅出现在较远偏移距, 同时仅利用走时信息反演获得的速度模型只含有长波长的结构信息, 严重制约了速度模型分辨率与地震成像效果.本文在传统初至波走时层析成像方法的基础上, 加入地震波场的向下延拓、全波形反演和逆时偏移成像, 发展了一套能显著提高洋中脊浅部结构分辨率的地震数据处理、建模与成像流程, 并成功应用到东太平洋北部洋中脊五条垂直于洋脊轴的代表测线中.速度模型显示上地壳2A和2B层分别表现为高和低速度梯度特征, 上地壳速度结构呈现不连续的低速异常特征, 且与断裂或热液活动信号具有较好的空间对应关系.同时, 地震成像也显示了2A/2B层存在明显的非均质性, 表明上地壳结构受到岩浆-构造-热液作用的共同影响.本研究不仅为建立快速扩张洋中脊三维岩浆-构造-热液地质模型提供了支撑, 同时为这套流程在其他研究区的应用提供了方法基础.


The existence of anomalous ionospheric reflections was shown on the basis of vertical soundings at the Moskow station. They are observed at heights of 100–200 km. These anomalous reflections are not related to the main Ne(h) ionospheric profile. Morphological characteristics of such reflections are presented: the daily, seasonal, and cyclic dependences of their appearance.  相似文献   

邵玉平  高原  戴仕贵  杜瑶  宋澄 《地球物理学报》2017,60(12):4557-4568

利用雅砻江流域地震台网2011年8月1日至2014年12月31日期间及四川省地震台网1个地震台站2008年5月1日至2015年8月31日期间记录的地震观测波形资料,采用剪切波分裂分析得到了四川锦屏水库地区中上地壳各向异性参数,即快剪切波偏振方向和慢剪切波时间延迟.结果显示,研究区内台站的快波优势偏振方向存在明显的局部特征,左侧4个台站的快波优势偏振方向与区域主压应力方向比较一致,右侧台站优势偏振方向各异.研究发现,台站MLI的快波偏振方向变化与水库水位的变化具有很好的相关性,在2013年7月,水库水位急剧升高到约1800 m后,台站的快波偏振方向也发生了90°变化,这是一种被称为90°翻转(90°-flip)的现象.蓄水导致的应力增加(以及可能的渗水)产生的高孔隙压影响了剪切波分裂特征.


The Turkish plate is covered by hundreds of accelerometer and broadband seismic stations with less than 50 km inter-station distance providing high-quality earthquake recordings within the last decade. We utilize part of these stations to extract the fundamental mode Rayleigh and Love surface wave phase and group velocity data in the period range 5–20 s to determine the crust structure beneath the Aegean region in southwest Turkey. The observed surface wave signals are interpreted using both single-station and two-station techniques. A tomographic inversion technique is employed to obtain the two-dimensional group velocity maps from the single-station group velocities. One-dimensional velocity–depth profiles under each two-dimensional mesh point, which are jointly interpreted to acquire the three-dimensional image of the shear-wave velocities underneath the study area, are attained by utilizing the least-squares inversion technique, which is repeated for both Rayleigh and Love surface waves. The isotropic crust structure cannot jointly invert the observed Rayleigh and Love surface waves where the radial anisotropic crust better describes the observed surface wave data. The intrusive magmatic activity related to the northward subducting African plate under the Turkish plate results the crust structure deformations, which we think, causing the observed radial anisotropy throughout complex pattern of dykes and sills. The magma flow resulting in the mineral alignment within dykes and sills contributes to the observed anisotropy. Due to the existence of dykes, the radial anisotropy in the upper crust is generally negative, i.e., vertically polarized S-waves (Vsv) are faster than horizontally polarized S-waves (Vsh). Due to the existence of sills, the radial anisotropy in the middle-to-lower crust is generally positive, i.e., horizontally polarized S-waves (Vsh) are faster than vertically polarized S-waves (Vsv). Similar radial anisotropic results to those of the single-station analyses are obtained by the two-station analyses utilizing the cross-correlograms. The widespread volcanic and plutonic rocks in the region are consistent with the current seismic interpretations of the crustal deformations.  相似文献   

Introduction Anisotropy of the crust is a common phenomenon(Crampin,1984).Shear-wave splitting can be used to study the earthquake anisotropic characteristic in crust,to analyze crustal stress field condition,and to describe the static and the dynamic state of the related anisotropic parameters(GAO et al,1999).Shear-wave splitting is quite sensitive to anisotropy.The domestic scholars applied shear-wave splitting to studying the crustal anisotropy(YAO et al,1992;GAO and FENG,1990).The st…  相似文献   

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