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Seven samples of the unique St. Mesmin meteorite have been analyzed by instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis for Na, Ca, Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, Ge, Se, In, Sm, Yb, Ir and Au. St. Mesmin is unique in being the only ordinary chondrite known to contain an unmelted xenolith of another ordinary chondrite. Data for two host matrix samples and three light clasts are consistent with their classification as LL chondrite material. The composition of the large dark xenolith confirms earlier evidence that it is an H chondrite; volatile abundances are consistent with it being highly shocked, petrologic type-4 material. In an olivine microporphyry, siderophile abundances are mostly about 0.13 times LL abundances, an apparent indication of metal loss during the shock melting which produced the clast. As in other regolithic chondrites, the dark host has higher contents of highly volatile elements than do the light clasts. We suggest that this results from a combination of differences in intensity of preexisting metamorphism as well as a redistribution of volatiles during regolith gardening.The H-group xenolith in St. Mesmin is a relatively recent addition to the parent body (< 1.4 Ga ago), but it is argued that this does not require regolith activity at that time. Rather the view is supported that the regolith period occurred very early in the meteorite's history (&gsim;4.0 Ga ago) and may have been related to the growth of the parent body. The H-group fragment may be part of the projectile whose impact excavated the St. Mesmin meteoroid from the LL parent body.  相似文献   

A comprehensive rock magnetic, magnetic anisotropy and paleomagnetic study has been undertaken in the brecciated LL6 Bensour ordinary chondrite, a few months only after its fall on Earth. Microscopic observations and electronic microprobe analyses indicate the presence of Ni-rich taenite, tetrataenite and rare Co-rich kamacite. Tetrataenite is the main carrier of remanence. Magnetization and anisotropy measurements were performed on mutually oriented 125 mm3 sub-samples. A very strong coherent susceptibility and remanence anisotropy is evidenced and interpreted as due to the large impact responsible for the post-metamorphic compaction of this brecciated material and disruption of the parent body. We show that the acquisition of remanent magnetization postdates metamorphism on the parent body and predates the entering of the meteorite in Earth’s atmosphere. Three components of magnetization could be isolated. A soft coherent component is closely related to the anisotropy of the meteorite and is interpreted as a shock remanent magnetization acquired during the same large impact on the parent body. Two harder components show random directions at a few mm scale. This randomness is attributed either to the formation mechanism of tetrataenite or to post-metamorphic brecciation. All components are likely acquired in very low (≈μT) to null ambient magnetic field, as demonstrated by comparison with demagnetization behavior of isothermal remanent magnetization. Two other LL6 meteorites, Kilabo and St-Mesmin, have also been studied for comparison with Bensour.  相似文献   

The noble gas components and their distributions were studied in a variety of clasts and in separated phases of clast 2,2 using a detailed stepwise release program. The results show the presence of two distinct trapped components: one appears to be similar to Kenna-type gas [28], the other is characterized by element ratios36Ar/84Kr < 370 and36Ar/132Xe ≥ 900 and is termed Ar-rich component. Silicate phases are identified as carriers of both components; but since they are differentially released, the results imply that multiple carrier phases are required. Unlike results from other meteorites, HF attack removes all but 15% of the xenon. Substantial amounts of trapped and, in many cases, unfractionated air were observed, apparently in reaction products of reduced and easily oxidized minerals. The129Xer release systematics imply the presence of two distinct carriers of extinct129I and suggest lithophilic behavior of I in Abee. The U/Th-4He and K-40Ar data are consistent with a 4.5 Gy age. Amounts of spallogenic He, Ne and Ar yield a cosmic ray exposure age of 8 My. We compare the Ar-rich component to noble gas abundances in planetary atmospheres and we discuss a suggested model of origin.  相似文献   

Whole rock and chondrules of the Dhajala chondrite were analyzed for Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe by total melting as well as by stepwise heating techniques. The cosmic ray exposure ages for the whole rock and the chondrules are6.2 ± 0.8 and6.3 ± 1.0m.y. as determined by the21Ne method and4.8 ± 1.5 and4.2 ± 2.0m.y. by the38Ar method, respectively. The K-Ar age of the whole rock is4.2 ± 0.4b.y. The elemental composition of the trapped gas in this chondrite is of “planetary” type. The radiogenic129Xe contents in the whole rock and chondrules are similar and this component is very retentively sited in the chondrules.  相似文献   

Blithfield (EL6) is one of five known enstatite chondrite breccias. It consists of troilite-rich clasts (35 ± 5vol.%) embedded in an extremely metallic Fe,Ni-rich matrix (65 ± 5 vol.%) that contains metal nodules up to 17 mm in size. Clasts and matrix agglomerated independently in the solar nebula under conditions of high and lowpS2/pO2 ratios, respectively. The matrix accreted to an EL chondrite planetesimal and was metamorphosed to~ 1000°C, above the FeNiS eutectic; chondrule textures were obliterated. The S-rich eutectic melt was lost from the matrix. The matrix material was buried to a depth of at least 3 km; accreting troilite-rich material was incorporated into the matrix as clasts. The breccia cooled through~ 500°C at 1000–10,000°C/Myr. After cooling below~ 500°C, Blithfield was quenched, possibly by impact excavation from depth and deposition onto the surface.Clasts or inclusions that are enriched in sulfide and depleted in metallic Fe,Ni are common in brecciated enstatite chondrites. Variations in thepS2/pO2 ratio in the nebular regions where these materials formed may explain many of their petrologic properties. The silica-rich clasts in Adhi Kot (EH4) formed at very highpS2/pO2ratios(> 1027); niningerite, free silica and troilite were produced from the sulfurization of enstatite and metallic Fe. The troilite-rich clasts in Blithfield and Atlanta (EL6) as well as the troilite-rich regions of the Hvittis (EL6) matrix formed at somewhat lowerpS2/pO2 ratios where sulfurization of metalic Fe produced troilite. The Ni content of the residual metal increased, forming some metal of martensitic composition. The dark inclusions in Abee (EH 4), which contain up to 9 wt.% oldhamite, formed at highpS2/pO2 ratios in the presence of an additional Ca-rich component.  相似文献   

The abundances and isotopic compositions of noble gases in two samples from ultramafic xenoliths in alkali basalt, a young kaersutitic amphibole separated from a peridotite xenolith from Dish Hill, California and an ancient whole-rock lherzolite xenolith from Baja California, are reported and compared with the results of analyses on other mantle samples. In addition to previously recognized excesses of 3He and 129Xe, our results indicate that ambient gases in the mantle show a general enrichment of the lighter-mass nonradiogenic isotopes of Ar, Kr and Xe, and Ar with 40Ar/36Ar = 3 · 102.  相似文献   

The contents of spallogenic53Mn and target elements for its production were determined in 80- to 400-mg samples from 13 different locations of the LL6 chondrite St. Severin, along the 34.8-cm drill core AIII. The53Mn content increases from the surface to the center of the stone by ≈30%. The variation with depth is satisfactorily described by several models, presuming that appropriate primary and secondary particle fluxes are chosen. The53Mn saturation activities (53Mn*) are linearly correlated with the spallogenic3He/21Ne and22Ne/21Ne ratios, which suggests the possibility to eliminate uncertainties in the determination of53Mn cosmic ray exposure ages arising from depth effects and terrestrial residence times.  相似文献   

Noble gases were studied in six wells, located on a 4.5 km south to north section across the Larderello field. Depth of wells, flow and gas/steam ratios are known to increase from south to north. Exploitation progressed in the same direction. The following noble gas patterns are observable: (a) Atmospheric Ar, Kr and Xe reflect productions of gas-depleted water at Colombaia 2 and progressively more gas-enriched steam towards the Gabbro wells. (b) Radiogenic4He and40Ar are observed in increasing concentrations from south to north. (c) The radiogenic and atmospheric gases reveal a positive correlation, indicating that the recharging water enters deep into the system, and gets well mixed with the radiogenic gases prior to the steam separation. (d) Gas contents and relative abundances of radiogenic argon decrease with production, thus supplying markers for the degree of exploitation in a well and a guide for optimum well spacing. (e) Excess neon over argon is observed and discussed in terms of crustal origin versus possible fractionation of atmospheric noble gases due to pertial steam separation.  相似文献   

Noble gas elemental and isotopic abundances have been analysed in eight samples of youthful basaltic glass dredged from three different locations within the Lau Backarc Basin: (1) the King's Triple Junction, (2) the Central Lau Spreading Centre at 18°S and (3) the Eastern Lau Spreading Centre at 19°S. Samples from the Lau central and eastern spreading centres have MORB-like helium isotopic ratios of approximately 1.2 × 10−5 (8.5 R/RA). In contrast, the samples from the King's Triple Junction yield helium isotopic ratios averaging 9.4 (±0.8) × 10−6 (6.7 ± 0.6 R/RA), systematically lower than the MORB-like value, which may be reflecting the addition of radiogenic 4He released from the descending slab. Neon isotopic ratios are enriched in 20Ne and 21Ne with respect to atmospheric ratios by as much as 23% and 62% respectively. These observations further confirm that non-atmospheric neon is a common characteristic of samples derived from the mantle. The helium and neon isotopic signatures in the samples can be explained by mixing of a primordial solar component, radiogenic and nucleogenic components produced by radioactive processes inside the Earth, and an atmospheric component. This reconnaissance survey of noble gases in a backarc basin indicates that current volcanism is dominated by magmas from the mantle wedge, a source similar to that from which MORBs are derived. The heavier noble gases (argon, krypton and xenon), however, show more atmosphere-like compositions, either indicating strong interaction of the magmas with the atmosphere or the presence of a recycled component derived from the underlying subducting slab.  相似文献   

Rapidly cooled portions of eleven samples of mid-ocean ridge tholeiitic basalt pillows have noble gas abundance patterns which resemble the solar rare gas pattern rather than the noble gas pattern of the terrestrial atmosphere. We conclude that these samples contain primordial noble gases. In contrast, holocrystalline samples and a sample from the interior of a basalt pillow have noble gas abundance patterns which resemble the sea water pattern. Whereas the quenched glossy margins of basalt pillows record a non-atmospheric gas reservoir, these slowly cooled samples apparently have undergone exchange of their noble gases with those dissolved in sea water.  相似文献   

The abundances of 23 major and trace elements in the Pontlyfni meteorite have been measured by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The compositions of the metal and silicate fractions suggest a genetic relationship between Pontlyfni and the group IAB irons.  相似文献   

Cores and coats of five coated diamonds, one from Botswana and four from Zaire, were separately analyzed for their noble gases. Noble gases in the diamonds are essentially of a trapped origin, including radio- and nucleogenic components such as4He, 40Ar, 21Neexcess and excesses in Xe isotopes (129, 131–136). The fairly precise elemental and isotopic abundances allow us to infer the noble gas state in the ancient mantle. 20Ne/22Ne ratios are fairly constant (11.8 ± 0.4), and very close to that of SEP (solar energetic particle)-Ne, but distinctly different from the atmospheric ratio. 21Ne/22Ne ratios range from 0.028 to 0.06, which is attributed to nucleogenic 21Ne from 18O(α, n)21Ne and 24Mg(n, α)21Ne reactions. The difference in 20Ne/22Ne between atmosphere and mantle can be attributed to the hydrodynamic escape of hydrogen from the primitive atmosphere during the very early stage in the Earth's history. 38Ar/36Ar and Kr isotopic ratios are identical to the atmospheric values within 1%. After correction for 238U- or 244Pu-fission Xe, the 131–136Xe abundance ratios are indistinguishable from atmospheric ratios. Lighter Xe isotopes (124–128Xe) are also likely to be atmospheric, but a final conclusion must wait until better data are obtained.In a 136Xe/130Xe−129Xe/130Xe diagram, diamond data lie on the same line as defined for MORB. The observed identical correlation for both diamonds and MORB's appears to suggest that the progenitor of the excess131–136Xe is 244Pu, but not238U, though the direct Xe isotopic measurements was not precies enough to decide unanimously the progenitor.  相似文献   

We present a study of the textural signature of terrestrial weathering and related biological activity in the Tatahouine meteorite. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy images obtained on the weathered samples of the Tatahouine meteorite and surrounding soil show two types of bacteria-like forms lying on mineral surfaces: (1) rod-shaped forms (RSF) about 70-80 nm wide and ranging from 100 nm to 600 nm in length; (2) ovoid forms (OVF) with diameters between 70 and 300 nm. They look like single cells surrounded by a cell wall. Only Na, K, C, O and N with traces of P and S are observed in the bulk of these objects. The chemical analyses and electron diffraction patterns confirm that the RSF and OVF cannot be magnetite or other iron oxides, iron hydroxides, silicates or carbonates. The sizes of the RSF and OVF are below those commonly observed for bacteria but are very similar to some bacteria-like forms described in the Martian meteorite ALH84001. All the previous observations strongly suggest that they are bacteria or their remnants. This conclusion is further supported by microbiological experiments in which pleomorphic bacteria with morphology similar to the OVF and RSF objects are obtained from biological culture of the soil surrounding the meteorite pieces. The present results show that bacteriomorphs of diameter less than 100 nm may in fact represent real bacteria or their remnants.  相似文献   

The Soufriere of St. Vincent has been monitored for more than 25 years as part of a regional programme in the Lesser Antilles. In that time the volcano has erupted twice but our studies have shown no discernible change in regional seismicity before either event. However, very small seismic events were observed in the crater during the 1971–1972 eruption and were detected before the start of the 1979 explosive eruption; we believe that they were generated by thermally induced hydraulic fracturing within the lava mass inside the crater lake. We conclude that seismographic monitoring of Lesser Antillean volcanoes can give ambiguous results but that at least one instrument must be placed within 1 km of the vent if the earliest signs of activity are to be detected.  相似文献   

Fine textures of clinopyroxene in an excentroradial pyroxene chondrule (EPC) and a comb-like pyroxene chondrule (CPC) in the Yamato-74191 chondrite (L3) have been studied by analytical electron microscopy. Both pyroxenes consist of three regions different in composition and texture; core, mantle and marginal regions, though the pyroxenes of the CPC are more Fe-rich than those of the EPC. The core region is the most Mg-rich with no Ca component and commonly shows polysynthetic (100) twins. The mantle region is slightly calcic, and the marginal region shows a rapid increase of Ca outward.The polysynthetic twins, cracks and subgrain boundaries in the core in the EPC and CPC must have formed during the transition from proto-type to clino-type pyroxenes. The exsolution textures in the mantle and marginal regions indicate initial crystallization of pigeonite-C followed by decomposition into pigeonite-P and augite. The decomposition must have taken place by nucleation growth in the mantle region and by spinodal decomposition in the marginal region. The periodicity of 15–20 nm in the spinodal decomposition textures indicates that the cooling rate of the pyroxenes, when passing through about 1000°C, was of the order of a few tens to several degrees centigrade per hour. The cooling history of the chondrules has been explained by a monotonous cooling controlled by the cooling rate of the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

Activities of a suite of radioisotopes ranging in half-life from 5.6 days (52Mn) to 3.7 m.y. (53Mn) have been measured in the Dhajala chondrite. The results show that all the radioactivities are close to the expected levels except54Mn and 22Na. Their activities are higher than those based on the interplanetary fluxes at 1 A.U. near the ecliptic, expected immediately before the fall of Dhajala, corresponding to the time of solar minimum. Furthermore, activity ratios of 54Mn/53Mn and 22Na/26Al are higher by 30–50% than expected. The departure from the expected values is discussed in terms of spatial variations of cosmic rays based on the computed orbital parameters of the meteoroid. If the galactic cosmic ray fluxes in the equatorial region (±15°) are assumed to be the same as in the ecliptic plane then these results suggest higher fluxes by 33 ± 7% at heliographic latitudes 15–40°S, during solar minimum.  相似文献   

Melting temperatures of the silicate fraction of the Allende CV3 meteorite, at upper mantle pressures, are several hundred degrees lower than that of fertile peridotite xenoliths or ‘pyrolite’. If the Earth accreted from material similar to chondrites, then deep mantle melting could have occurred with a relatively modest heat budget. It is concluded that initial chemical composition is an important variable in realistic magma ocean models.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope measurements of the organic matter associated with the carbonate globules and the bulk matrix material in the ALH84001 Martian meteorite indicate that two distinct sources are present in the sample. The delta 13C values for the organic matter associated with the carbonate globules averaged -26% and is attributed to terrestrial contamination. In contrast, the delta 13C values for the organic matter associated with the bulk matrix material yielded a value of -15%. The only common sources of carbon on the Earth that yield similar delta 13C values, other then some diagenetically altered marine carbonates, are C4 plants. A delta 13C value of -15%, on the other hand, is consistent with a kerogen-like component, the most ubiquitous form of organic matter found in carbonaceous chondrites such as the Murchison meteorite. Examination of the carbonate globules and bulk matrix material using laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS) indicates the presence of a high molecular weight organic component which appears to be extraterrestrial in origin, possibly derived from the exogenous delivery, of meteoritic or cometary debris to the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2008,49(4):4.26-4.29
Jesús Martínez-Frías and Rosario Lunar provide a historical and scientific perspective of the outstanding fall and main features of this ordinary chondrite, in the context of its 150th anniversary.  相似文献   

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