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Snow samples were taken from a 5-m-deep pit located near the South Pole station in January 1975 and continuous deuterium, tritium and β activity profiles have been obtained from them. These three measurements and the stratigraphic observations allow us to deduce a precise chronology of the pit from 1950 to 1975, providing a continuous record of artificial tritium fallout in the southern hemisphere; this record has been extended to 1978 using samples from a second pit taken this last year. Taking advantage of the unusual 1957–1958 stable isotope content in the snow, we have demonstrated that an important part of the isotopic signal in the precipitation is retained in the snow in spite of the low accumulation rate (8.2 g cm?2 yr?1).The first artificial tritium, due to the 1952 Ivy experiments was detected during 1954. A two-year delay between explosions and fallout is well established and allows us to relate the tritium fallout to the main nuclear tests from 1952 to 1960. This delay appears longer for the large 1961–1962 devices. A stratospheric half residence time equal to 20 months is deduced from the fallout decrease occurring after the 1966 peak. For the French southern hemisphere experiments, it is about one year. A sharp tritium decrease is observed after a high 1973 peak, providing a new tritium reference level for future glaciological studies in Antarctica.The β and tritium peaks occur respectively during the Antarctic summer and the Antarctic winter, showing different injection mechanisms. This winter input and the high tritium values registered at the South Pole indicate a preferential tritium transfer over the pole area. Two mechanisms, stratospheric-tropospheric exchange and direct stratospheric cloud precipitation could account for this injection.  相似文献   

Mean annual rates of tritium input into the ocean averaged over 5° latitude bands are presented for the major oceans, for the period 1952–1975. The rates are obtained by converting tritium concentrations in marine precipitation into net oceanic tritium input, by means of a hydrological model. The tropospheric tritium pattern is specified on the basis of available observations, and climatological means from the literature are used for the rates of evaporation and precipitation and for the relative humidity in ship's height, that enter the model. Tritium input by water vapor exchange exceeds that by precipitation about three-fold. Tritium input by river runoff and by net tropospheric tritium outflow from the continents is also accounted for. This contribution is small except for the northern Indian Ocean and the North Atlantic.The inputs have hemispheric maxima near 50° latitude. The northern hemisphere inputs were strongly peaked in 1963–1964, whereas temporal changes in the southern hemisphere were much more gradual. By 1972, about 75% of the total oceanic input had been received by the northern ocean. For the Pacific, the computed total input agrees with the actual tritium inventory within the limits of uncertainty (about ±20%). The global tritium inventory is estimated at 1.9 GCi in 1972, which corresponds to an average tritium yield of 0.9 kg tritium per megaton TNT equivalent of nuclear fusion.  相似文献   

Two models which attempt to correlate the tritium concentration of water taken from aquifers to aquifer parameters are discussed. The first takes into account flow along individual streamlines and relates aquifer parameters to the observed tritium concentration at outflow. For the Gambier Plain unconfined aquifer in southern Australia, the calculated tritium concentration at outflow derived from known aquifer parameters and an environmental tritium input function for the area, is 0.7 T.U. The mean tritium concentration of several springs at outflow is also 0.7 T.U.Using the complete mixing model and the approximation that samples withdrawn from an aquifer on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, are fully mixed, mean annual recharge for the area is estimated at 3 cm/year.  相似文献   


In 1958 the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Weather Bureau jointly conducted a study of tritium fallout distribution over the continental United States, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. The observation period extended from early April to late July in most areas. While this was insufficient to cover the decay side of the curve, it was sufficiently long to establish general trends of tritium activity contours. Tritium activities were found to be maximum in the north central part of the country and minimum in coastal areas. The tritium activities show an inverse correlation with chloride concentrations in precipitation. Tritium activities in precipitation appear to be influenced by several “low altitude effects” particularly in storms of brief duration. Ground level tritium activity measurements are not directly representative of tritium in cloud moisture because of these effects.  相似文献   

The transport of water through the sediments of Lake Kinneret was estimated using tritium of fallout origin as a tracer. The calculation model takes into account the diffusion of the tracer and its decay, and allows for the advective flux through the sediment pores as a free parameter. The dependence of the interstitial diffusion constant on the porosity was assumed identical to that for chloride ions. Tritium profiles in nine cores were used for estimating the advective fluxes and velocities, by finding the best fit between data and model. Water advective fluxes of 3.4 g cm?2 yr?1 into the lake were found. This water flux is negligible in the hydrological balance of Lake Kinneret; but it carries along 7% of the unaccounted-for chloride input to the lake.  相似文献   

A modified global model for predicting the tritium concentration in precipitation has been developed using the dataset of International Atomic Energy Agency/the World Meteorological Organization (IAEA/WMO) over the period from 1960 to 2005. The tritium concentration in precipitation and its history can be estimated at any location using the model. The modified global model of tritium in precipitation (MGMTP) here presented has higher accuracy than the global model of tritium in precipitation (GMTP) developed by Doney et al. ( 1992 ). The new model is not only more appropriate for a particular station but also applicable for the un‐normalized observations directly. Another advantage of MGMTP is that it can estimate a longer history (from 1960 to 2005) of tritium content in precipitation than GMTP (from 1960 to 1986). The seasonal cycle of tritium in precipitation has also been modelled in the form of a simple cosine function with five parameters. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Models are presented for the cooling of tephra during fallout from explosive eruption columns. All tephra particles are assumed to be spherical and heat loss is considered to occur by radiation and forced convection. Grainsize is the most important control on the cooling. Clasts larger than 25 cm diameter suffer little heat loss, whereas clasts smaller than 1.6 cm diameter are completely cold on deposition. Large clasts form a well-developed chilled margin during fallout and a breadcrust texture can result if vesiculation of the hot interior occurs. The results of these calculations are combined with a model for fallout from the margins of an eruption column to predict the proximal temperature variation with distance from the vent in the deposits. Temperatures high enough for dense welding in proximal fallout deposits can extend from a few hundred metres to nearly 2 km. Extent of the welded facies increases with column height, mean grainsize and magmatic temperature. Welded fallout deposits are only predicted to occur for high temperature silicic and intermediate magmas with temperatures >850°C. These predictions are in good agreement with observations, in that welded fallout deposits have only been documented in high temperature dacites, rhyolites and panellerites. A postulated fallout origin for welded rocks that can be traced significantly further than 2 km from vent must be suspect.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of the chlorofluoromethanes (CFM), CFCl3 and CF2Cl2, have been obtained together with tritium profiles from water samples collected in the Norwegian Sea between surface and 2800 m depth. CFM analysis was performed by vacuum extraction of the dissolved gases from 500 ml samples of seawater and subsequent gaschromatographic measurement. The CFM concentration decreases with depth to about 10 percent of surface concentration at depths below 2000 m. The same behaviour is found for the tritium content. From a correlation of the CFM and tritium concentration the upper limit of the preindustrial atmospheric CFM levels can be estimated to 5 percent of the present day concentrations.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometric analyses of low levels of global fallout plutonium separated from Atlantic marine samples have differentiated fallout239Pu and240Pu in aquatic samples for the first time. The results show no single characteristic240Pu/239Pu ratio in marine samples; the observed range is from 0.11 to 0.24 on an atom basis. There are indications that differences exist in the chemical or physical form of plutonium from atmospheric fallout in Atlantic surface water and that selective concentration in surface organisms is occurring. No single240Pu/239Pu value is found in pelagic sediments collected from different depths and locations. Discounting sources other than fallout, our results show that the plutonium deposited at any given time since atmospheric testing began may have carried a unique240Pu/239Pu tag. This label may be extremely useful to trace fallout plutonium through biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   

Explosive activity at Arenal and associated tephra fall that has occurred over the 14-year period from 1987–2001 is described. Explosions have been notably variable in both frequency and size. A marked decrease in both frequency and quantity of tephra fallout occurred in early 1998 until the end of 2001. Grainsize distributions of cumulative tephra samples collected once a month are typically bimodal. Aggregation causing premature fallout of fine ash and possibly fallout from ash plumes produced by pyroclastic flows are considered responsible for the bimodality of fallout. Scanning electron microscopy of the glass component of tephra from single explosions show predominantly blocky and blocky/fluidal clast types, interpreted as being the product of vulcanian type explosions. Fragmentation of a mainly rigid, degassed magma body, and a minor molten component is inferred for these explosions. Pyroclastic flows were produced either associated with the larger explosions by a mechanism of column collapse (1987–1990), or unrelated to explosions by partial collapse of the crater wall (1993, 1998, 2000, 2001). Pyroclastic flow activity has migrated from west to north during the period reported. Pyroclastic flow deposits are variable in the quantity of juvenile material and any associated surge component. Large juvenile blocks were partially molten on emplacement and many have a typical cauliform texture. Blocks with both juvenile and lithic textures indicate that at the summit magma was in intimate contact with the pre-existing edifice, rather than as a simple open crater or lava pool. Crater wall collapse may have been promoted by the reduction in explosive activity, which has increased the lava accumulation at the summit and in turn increased instability of the summit region. Thus although explosive activity has waned, if the lava output is maintained, the hazard of pyroclastic flows is likely to continue.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   

Products of the latest eruptions from the Valles caldera, New Mexico, consist of the El Cajete Pyroclastic Beds and Battleship Rock Ignimbrite, a sequence of pyroclastic fall and density current deposits erupted at ~ 55 ka, capped by the later Banco Bonito Flow erupted at ~ 40 ka, and collectively named the East Fork Member of the Valles Rhyolite. The stratigraphy of the East Fork Member has been the subject of conflicting interpretations in the past; a long-running investigation of short-lived exposures over a period of many years enables us to present a more complete event stratigraphy for these eruptions than has hitherto been possible. The volume of rhyolitic magma erupted during the 55 ka event may have been more than 10 km3, and for the 40 ka event can be estimated with rather more confidence at 4 km3. During the earlier event, plinian eruptions dispersed fallout pumice over much of the Valles caldera, the southern Jemez Mountains, and the Rio Grande rift. We infer a fallout thickness of several decimeters at the site of the city of Santa Fe, and significant ash fall in eastern New Mexico. In contrast, pyroclastic density currents were channeled within the caldera moat and southwestward into the head of Cañon de San Diego, the principal drainage from the caldera. Simultaneous (or rapidly alternating) pyroclastic fallout and density current activity characterized the ~ 55 ka event, with density currents becoming more frequent as the eruption progressed through two distinct stages separated by a brief hiatus. One early pyroclastic surge razed a forest in the southern caldera moat, in a similar manner to the initial blast of the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Ignimbrite outflow from the caldera through the drainage notch may have been restricted in runout distance due to steep, rugged topography in this vicinity promoting mixing between flows and air, and the formation of phoenix clouds. Lavas erupted during both the ~ 55 and ~ 40 ka events were largely confined to the caldera moat. Any future rhyolitic eruptions of similar magnitude in the southern or western parts of the Valles caldera will likely affect similar areas.  相似文献   

The southern coastal plain of Laizhou Bay, which is the area most seriously affected by salt water intrusion in north China, is a large alluvial depression, which represents one of the most important hydrogeological units in the coastal region of northern China. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, including CFC‐11, CFC‐12 and CFC‐113) and tritium were used together for dating groundwater up to 50 years old in the study area. There are two cones of depression, caused by intensive over‐exploitation of fresh groundwater in the south and brine water in the north. The assigned CFC apparent ages for shallow groundwater range from 8 a to >50 a. A binary mixing model based on CFC‐113 and CFC‐12 concentrations in groundwater was used to estimate fractions of young and pre‐modern water in shallow aquifers and to identify groundwater mixing processes during saltwater intrusion. Discordance between concentrations of different CFC compounds indicate that shallow groundwater around the Changyi cone of depression is vulnerable to contamination. Pumping activities, CFC contamination, mixing and/or a large unsaturated zone thickness (e.g. >20 m) may be reasons for some groundwater containing CFCs without tritium. Saline intrusion mainly occurs because of large head gradients between fresh groundwater in the south and saline water bodies in the north, forming a wedge of saline water below/within fresh aquifer layers. Both CFC and tritium dates indicate that the majority of the saline water is from >50 a, with little or no modern seawater component. Based on the distribution of CFC apparent ages, tritium contents plus chemical and physical data, a conceptual model of groundwater flow along the investigated Changyi‐Xiaying transect has been developed to describe the hydrogeological processes. Three regimes are identified from south to north: (i) fresh groundwater zone, with a mixing fraction of 0.80–0.65 ‘young’ water calculated with the CFC binary mixing model (groundwater ages <34 a) and 1.9–7.8TU of tritium; (ii) mixing zone characterized by a mixing fraction of 0.05–0.65 young groundwater (ages of 23–44 a), accompanied by local vertical recharge and upward leakage of older groundwater; and (iii) salt water zone, mostly comprising waters with ages beyond the dating range of both CFCs and tritium. Some shallow groundwater in the north of the Changyi groundwater depression belongs to the >50a water group (iii), indicating slow velocity of groundwater circulation and possible drawing in of saline or deep groundwater that is tracer‐free. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Future use of tritium in mapping pre-bomb groundwater volumes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tritium input to groundwater, represented as volume-weighted mean tritium concentrations in precipitation, has been close to constant in Tucson and Albuquerque since 1992, and the decrease in tritium concentrations at the tail end of the bomb tritium pulse has ceased. To determine the future usefulness of tritium measurements in southwestern North America, volume-weighted mean tritium levels in seasonal aggregate precipitation samples have been gathered from 26 sites. The averages range from 2 to 9 tritium units (TU). Tritium concentrations increase with site latitude, and possibly with distance from the coast and with site altitude, reflecting local ratios of combination of low-tritium moisture advected from the oceans with high-tritium moisture originating near the tropopause. Tritium used alone as a tool for mapping aquifer volumes containing only pre-bomb recharge to groundwater will become ambiguous when the tritium in precipitation at the end of the bomb tritium pulse decays to levels close to the analytical detection limit. At such a time, tritium in precipitation from the last one to two decades of the bomb pulse will become indistinguishable from pre-bomb recharge. The threshold of ambiguity has already arrived in coastal areas with a mean of 2 TU in precipitation and will follow in the next three decades throughout the study region. Where the mean tritium level is near 5 TU, the threshold will occur between 2025 and 2030, given a detection limit of 0.6 TU. Similar thresholds of ambiguity, with different local timing possible, apply globally.  相似文献   

Environmental tracers, such as tritium, have generally been used to estimate aquifer recharge under natural conditions. A tritium tracer test is presented for estimating recharge under semi‐arid and irrigated conditions. The test was performed along 429 days (June 2007–August 2008) on an experimental plot located in SE Spain with drip irrigation and annual row crops (rotation of lettuce and melon), in which common agricultural practices were followed in open air. Tritiated water was sprinkled (simulated rainfall) over the plot, soil cores were taken at different depths and a liquid scintillation analyzer was used to measure tritium concentration in soil water samples. Tritium transport, as liquid or vapor phase, was simulated with the one‐dimensional numerical code SOLVEG. Simulations show that the crop water use was below potential levels, despite regular irrigation. Continuous high water content in soil promoted a great impact of rainfall events on the aquifer recharge. The results obtained from tritium tracer test have been compared with other independent recharge assessment, soil water balance method, to evaluate the reliability of the first one. Total recharge from tracer test was 476 mm for the October 2007–September 2008 period versus 561 mm from soil water balance method for the same period, which represents 37.1% and 43.7% of the applied water (1284 mm, irrigation + precipitation), respectively. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mean residence time (MRT) of karst groundwater in three mountainous catchments of the Western Himalaya was estimated using multiple approaches: the tritium method, the sine wave model and tracer tests. Water samples were collected from precipitation, glacier melt, streams and karst springs for δ2H and tritium analysis during 2012 and 2013. High tritium values were observed in winter precipitation and low values in summer precipitation. The variation of tritium in karst springs was similar to that of the streams, whereas glacier melt showed lower tritium values. The MRT of cold karst springs was shorter than that of warm karst springs. The tracer breakthrough curves (TBC) retrieved for different springs suggested a short travel time for groundwater and possibly conduit flow. Deterioration of water quality and variation in flux magnitude are the two main practical consequences of the short travel time of karst groundwater in the region.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis


Recent studies on Teide–Pico Viejo (TPV) complex have revealed that explosive activity of phonolitic and basaltic magmas, including plinian and subplinian eruptions, and the generation of a wide range of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) have also been significant. We perform a statistical analysis of the time series of past eruptions and the spatial extent of their erupted products, including lava flows, fallout and PDCs. We use an extreme value theory statistical method to calculate eruption recurrence. The analysis of past activity and extent of some well-identified deposits is used to calculate the eruption recurrence probabilities of various sizes and for different time periods. With this information, we compute several significant scenarios using the GIS-based VORIS 2 software (Felpeto et al., J Volcanol Geotherm Res 166:106–116, 2007) in order to evaluate the potential extent of the main eruption hazards that could be expected from TPV. The simulated hazard scenarios show that the southern flank of Tenerife is protected by Las Cañadas caldera wall against lava flows and pyroclastic density currents, but not against ash fallout. The Icod Valley, and to a minor extent also the La Orotava valley, is directly exposed to most of TPV hazards, in particular to the gravity driven flows. This study represents a step forward in the evaluation of volcanic hazard at TPV with regard to previous studies, and the results obtained should be useful for intermediate and long-term land-use and emergency planning.  相似文献   

The Las Cañadas caldera wall and the outer slopes of the caldera provide three-dimensional exposures of numerous proximal-welded fallout deposits and have been mapped in detail. As a result, some parts of the Ucanca and Guajara Formations of the stratigraphy of Martí et al. (1994) have been divided into members that correspond to individual eruptions. Mapping has also revealed the occurrence of conduit-vent structures associated with proximal-welded fallout deposits. Conduit-vent structures consist of an upper flaring area and a lower narrow conduit. Conduit-vent geometry and dimensions include cylindrical plugs and eruptive fissures steeply dipping towards the caldera depression and elongated vents. The flaring area can be rather asymmetric and is usually filled by down-vent rheomorphic flow of the proximal fallout deposit. The lower conduits are filled by lava plug, agglutination of juveniles onto conduit walls and dyke intrusion with eventual dome extrusion. The eruption dynamics of welded fallout deposits and magma fragmentation within the conduit are consistent with an evolution from explosive to effusive. In this context conduit flow regimes evolve from turbulent to annular flow in which the conduit is progressively choked, and laminar flow leading to the final conduit closure.  相似文献   

Robert L. Michel 《水文研究》2004,18(7):1255-1269
In the early 1960s, the US Geological Survey began routinely analysing river water samples for tritium concentrations at locations within the Mississippi River basin. The sites included the main stem of the Mississippi River (at Luling Ferry, Louisiana), and three of its major tributaries, the Ohio River (at Markland Dam, Kentucky), the upper Missouri River (at Nebraska City, Nebraska) and the Arkansas River (near Van Buren, Arkansas). The measurements cover the period during the peak of the bomb‐produced tritium transient when tritium concentrations in precipitation rose above natural levels by two to three orders of magnitude. Using measurements of tritium concentrations in precipitation, a tritium input function was established for the river basins above the Ohio River, Missouri River and Arkansas River sampling locations. Owing to the extent of the basin above the Luling Ferry site, no input function was developed for that location. The input functions for the Ohio and Missouri Rivers were then used in a two‐component mixing model to estimate residence times of water within these two basins. (The Arkansas River was not modelled because of extremely large yearly variations in flow during the peak of the tritium transient.) The two components used were: (i) recent precipitation (prompt outflow) and (ii) waters derived from the long‐term groundwater reservoir of the basin. The tritium concentration of the second component is a function of the atmospheric input and the residence times of the groundwaters within the basin. Using yearly time periods, the parameters of the model were varied until a best fit was obtained between modelled and measured tritium data. The results from the model indicate that about 40% of the flow in the Ohio River was from prompt outflow, as compared with 10% for the Missouri River. Mean residence times of 10 years were calculated for the groundwater component of the Ohio River versus 4 years for the Missouri River. The mass flux of tritium through the Mississippi Basin and its tributaries was calculated during the years that tritium measurements were made. The cumulative fluxes, calculated in grams of 3H were: (i) 160 g for the Ohio (1961–1986), (ii) 98 g for the upper Missouri (1963–1997), (iii) 30 g for the Arkansas (1961–1997) and (iv) 780 g for the Mississippi (1961–1997). Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The potential for using fallout (unsupported) Pb-210 (210Pb) measurements to estimate rates of overbank sediment deposition on the floodplains of lowland rivers is explored. A model which distinguishes the contribution from direct atmospheric fallout and the catchment-derived input associated with the deposition of suspended sediment has been developed to interpret the fallout Pb-210 inventories at floodplain sampling sites and to estimate average sediment accumulation rates over the past 100 years. The approach has been successfully used to estimate rates of overbank sedimentation on the floodplains of the Rivers Culm and Exe in Devon, U.K. A detailed investigation of the pattern of longer-term sedimentation rates within a small reach of the floodplain of the River Culm indicated a range of deposition rates between 0.07 and 0.59 g cm−2 a−1, which was in close agreement with estimates of current sedimentation rates obtained using sedimentation traps.  相似文献   

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