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天然和人为地震活动性的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了充分发挥现有的区域性、地方性数字地震台站在防震减灾中的作用,中国地震局地球物理研究所与美国达拉斯南卫理大学地球科学系合作开展“中美合作延庆一怀来盆地和海城地区天然和人为地震活动性的对比研究”。该合作项目以北京西北的延庆一怀来盆地与东北辽宁的海城地区作为流动地震观测试验场,计划在现有台网的基础上,在近震源与区域性的距离上布设15套由STS—2型宽频带数字地震仪组成的流动地震台网加密观测,以改善在区域性距离上台距过长、不利于分析、解释、研究所观测到地震记录的状况。2002年秋,双方在河北怀来一带首先架设了5个宽频带数字地震台并随即投入观测。到2003年3月上旬,中方又在预定地点架设了另5个宽频带数字地震台。目前,已建成的10个宽频带数字地震台仪器运行正常,运用已获得的研究区内天然和人为地震的高质量记录,合作双方按照计划开展了相关的研究工作。  相似文献   

Quantification of river bedform variability and complexity is important for sediment transport modeling as well as for characterization of river morphology. Alluvial bedforms are shown to exhibit highly nonlinear dynamics across a range of scales, affect local bed roughness, and vary with local hydraulic, hydrologic, and geomorphic properties. This paper examines sediment sorting on the crest and trough of gravel bedforms and relates it to bed elevation statistics. The data analysed here are the spatial and temporal series of bed elevation, grain size distribution of surface and subsurface bed materials, and sediment transport rates from flume experiments. We describe surface topography through bedform variability in height and wavelength and multiscale analysis of bed elevations as a function of discharge. We further relate bedform migration to preferential distribution of coarse and fine sediments on the troughs and crests, respectively, measuring directly surface and subsurface grain size distributions, and indirectly the small scale roughness variations as estimated from high resolution topographic scans.  相似文献   

Processes induced by the channelization of the Raba River in the present century are examined to illustrate the response of a gravel-bed stream following narrowing and straightening of its channel. Up to 3 m of incision has occurred. The change from a slow and relatively steady degradation in the lower reaches to separate degradation events in the higher reaches is attributed to the differential rate of headcut retreat and to the control exerted by mid-channel bars upon the rate of river-energy dissipation. Progressive outwashing of finer grains from bed material has followed the diminishing sediment yield of the basin and the increase in stream power. The ensuing growth in mean grain size and changes in sediment fabric have increased boundary resistance to flow and reduced particle susceptibility to entrainment. Downstream magnification of peak discharges has become increasingly pronounced with the advancing incision. The decrease in flood-plain storage and self-acceleration of flows passing the relatively deep and straight channel has caused flood waves to become progressively more flashy in nature. An increase in channel depth and reduction in gradient caused by downward and backward erosion, as well as bed material coarsening has promoted the re-establishment of an equilibrium. Conversely, flow velocity increases due to flow concentration in the deepened channel. Reduction in grain mobility allows the river to attain a new equilibrium at flow-velocity and stream-power levels higher than before the channelization. Numerous disadvantages of the applied regulation scheme and its failure to reduce flood hazard raise the question of its maintenance. To be successful, any regulation design must take into account changes in sediment supply and flood hydrographs resulting from the simultaneous alterations in basin management.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the rheological behavior of kaolinite and Hendijan mud, located at the northwest part of the Persian Gulf, and the dissipative role of this muddy bed on surface water waves. A series of laboratory rheological tests was conducted to investigate the rheological response of mud to rotary and cyclic shear rates. While a viscoplastic Bingham model can successfully be applied for continuous controlled shear-stress tests, the rheology of fluid mud displays complex viscoelastic behavior in time-periodic motion. The comparisons of the behavior of natural Hendijan mud with commercial kaolinite show rheological similarities. A large number of laboratory wave-flume experiments were carried out with a focus on the dissipative role of the fluid mud. Assuming four rheological models of viscous, Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic, Bingham viscoplastic, and viscoelastic-plastic for fluid mud layer, a numerical multi-layered model was applied to analyze the effects of different parameters of surface wave and muddy bed on wave attenuation. The predicted results based on different rheological models generally agree with the obtained wave-flume data implying that the adopted rheological model does not play an important role in the accuracy of prediction.  相似文献   

Analysis and forecasting of water temperature are important for water ecological management. The objective of this study is to compare models for water temperature during the summer season for an impounded river. In a case study, we consider hydro-climatic and water temperature data for the Fourchue River (St-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada) between 2011 and 2014. Three different models are applied, which are broadly characterized as deterministic (CEQUEAU), stochastic (Auto-regressive Moving Average with eXogenous variables or ARMAX) and nonlinear (Nonlinear Autoregressive with eXogenous variables or NARX). The efficiency of each model is analysed and compared. The results show that the ARMAX is the best performing water temperature model for the Fourchue River and the CEQUEAU model also simulates water temperature adequately without the overfitting issues that seem to plague the autoregressive models.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR R. Hirsch  相似文献   

Loess tunnels are a common geo-hazard in the Loess Plateau and not only cause considerable soil and water loss, but also aggravate and even induce the occurrence and development of other disasters such as ground fissures, mudflows, collapses, and landslides. To date, research on the hydrological characteristics and erosion behaviour of loess tunnel systems has focused on field investigation data and limited river basin observation data, whereas field test information and data are very scarce. In this study, field surveys, observations, field scouring experiments, and laboratory-based sediment percentage tests were conducted to analyse the erosion characteristics, spatial distribution, and hydrological characteristics of a large-scale loess tunnel system in the hilly Loess Plateau southeast region of northern China. The results showed that the loess tunnel erosion exhibited periodicity. Tunnel erosion in each period shows a similar erosion process, that is, thin-layer water flow erosion and lateral expansion, tunnel wall collapse and deposit due to the loss of support from the lateral erosion, and erosion and transport of deposits by water flow. Waterfall erosion, lateral erosion, headward erosion, and the resulting collapses were the main forms of tunnel erosion. Besides this, the base level of erosion significantly affects the erosion characteristics of the loess tunnel. The hydrological characteristics during field scouring experiments exhibited three different stages: a lag effect, attributed to the temporary loss of water velocity in the first stage; small water flow fluctuations in the second stage; and an increase in total seepage loss with increased water injection flow in the third stage. The erosion rate was positively correlated with the flow quantity. The results of this study not only provide valuable reference data for research on the mechanism and velocity of erosion events in loess, but also provide a theoretical basis for the prevention of loess tunnel disasters in engineering construction. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大跨度桥梁风场模拟方法对比研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
本文将基于线性滤波器的ARMA模型应用于大跨度桥梁的风场模拟,推导出自回归(AR)阶数P和滑动回归(MA)阶数q不等情况下,ARMA模型用于模拟多变量稳态随机过程的公式,将ARMA风场模拟方法与目前广泛应用于大跨度桥梁风场模拟的谐波合成法应用于一座实际大跨度斜拉桥的风场模拟,通过对比研究得出一些有意义的结论,并证实了ARMA法能够在保证模拟精度的前提下,大大提高风场模拟的效率。  相似文献   

地震波走时场模拟的快速推进法和快速扫描法比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震波走时信息在叠前偏移、叠前速度分析、地震层析成像、走时反演及地震定位等中都有重要应用.快速推进法因其理论完善、精确灵活,无条件稳定,近年来已在走时计算领域得到广泛应用.快速扫描法作为求解一阶非线性双曲型偏微分方程的高效方法,已在图像处理、计算机视图、控制论等领域得到有效应用,且在走时计算方面有所应用且展现了广泛的应用前景.本文介绍了两种方法的基本原理且(通过均匀介质模型、局部低速体模型和Marmousi模型)把两种方法做了详细对比.研究结果表明:1)基于逆风差分格式的快速推进法和快速扫描法对纵横向速度变化很大的不均匀介质依然有很好的稳定性和适用性,均可以准确地计算地震波初至走时;2)对于相同的模型和在相同的计算条件下,两种方法的精度相当,但快速扫描法所耗的CPU时间较快速推进法明显减少,效率显著提高.  相似文献   

A comparative study is made of the stepped structure of atmospherics during sunrise and sunset hours at three harmonically related frequencies in the VLF band, observed at the coast of the Bay of Bengal. The occurrences of the steps, their duration, time sequence and amplitudes are critically examined. Our analysis reveals that the start times of the third and second steps of the sunrise effect are always before ground sunrise, while the start of the main step is distributed on both sides of it. During sunset hours, the onset time of the main step is before the local ground sunset, but for the second and third steps, the onset times are after that. The results are interpreted by considering the multi-hop propagation as well as the distributed noise sources surrounding the observing site.  相似文献   

Active and semi‐active anastomosing Holocene channels upstream of the delta in the lower valley of the meandering Neches River in southeast Texas represent several morphologically distinct and hydrologically independent channel systems. These appear to have a common origin as multi‐thread crevasse channels strongly influenced by antecedent morphology. Levee breaching leads to steeper cross‐valley flows toward floodplain basins associated with Pleistocene meander scars, creating multi‐thread channels that persist due to additional tributary contributions and ground water inputs. Results are consistent with the notion of plural systems where main channels, tributaries, and sub‐channels may have different morphologies and hydrogeomorphic functions. The adjacent Trinity and Sabine Rivers have similar environmental controls, yet the Trinity lacks evidence of extensive anastomosing channels on its floodplain, and those of the Sabine appear to be of different origin. The paper highlights the effects of geographical and historical contingency and hydrological idiosyncrasy. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

运用国际能量平衡实验(EBEX-2000)的湍流、净辐射和土壤观测资料,运用涡动相关法分析了非均匀灌溉引起的热内边界层发展条件下近地层感热、潜热通量特征,并对有无灌溉两种条件下的能量闭合度进行了对比分析.在计算感热、潜热通量过程中,分别将Schotanus订正和Webb订正纳入了考虑范围,研究了两种订正方法对计算湍流热通量的影响.研究结果发现,由于非均匀灌溉生成的热内边界层使得近地层感热通量受到抑制,潜热通量出现波动,该现象在8.7 m比2.7 m 更为显著.非均匀灌溉导致的热内边界层的存在使得近地层能量闭合度偏低,能量平衡比率约为0.65;而没有热内边界层存在时,近地层能量平衡比率约为0.70.本实验中,Schotanus订正使得感热通量显著减小,其订正量日平均值约为-8 W/m2,占净辐射的近4%;Webb订正量日平均值约为2 W/m2,对能量平衡的影响较小.  相似文献   

The Xiaolangdi Dam, completed in 2000, is second in scale in China to the Three Gorges Project. It has generated remarkable economic and social benefits but with profound impacts to the riverine and regional environments. This paper reports field monitoring of riparian groundwater in the Kouma section of the Yellow River to illustrate the interactions between dam‐regulated river flow and riparian groundwater. The results show that the hydrological condition in riparian zones downstream from the dam has changed from a typical wet–dry cycle to a condition of semi‐permanent dryness, resulting in degradation of the typical attributes and functions of the wetland ecosystem. Hydrological processes in the riparian zone have changed from a complex multiple flooding regime to a simple regime of dominant groundwater drainage towards the river, which only reverses temporarily during the water and sediment regulation period of the dam. Data on groundwater level and groundwater quality show that there are two key points, at ca 200 and 400 m from the river bank, which distinguish zones with different sensitivity to changes of river flow and indicate different interactions between river water and groundwater. The shallow groundwater quality also is negatively affected by the intensive agricultural development that has occurred since the dam was completed. Ecological restoration needs to be carried out to construct a protective natural riparian zone within ca 200 m from the river, this being an ecotone, which is key to the protection of both riparian groundwater and the river. The riparian zone from 200 to 400 m also should be treated as a transitional zone. In addition, ecologically sensitive agriculture and ecotourism organized by local communities would be beneficial in the area beyond 400 m. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


珠江三角洲位于华夏板块南部, 虽然已发现多个水热型地热田, 但地热研究仍然较为薄弱.岩石热物性研究是地热研究中最为基础和重要的工作之一.本研究采集并测量了珠江三角洲与周边典型地区100块地表岩石的密度、热导率、热扩散率, 以及50块岩浆岩的U、Th、K2O含量, 并分别计算了体积热容和放射性生热率.实测结果表明, 碎屑岩中细砂岩的热导率最高(3.94±0.92 W·(m·K)-1), 页岩的热导率最低(2.68±0.55 W·(m·K)-1).岩石热导率和热扩散率具有明显的正相关性.结合地层厚度建立了地层热物性柱, 其中古近系的热导率最低, 地层热物性与沉积环境有关.岩浆岩中玄武岩的热导率最低(2.17±0.13 W·(m·K)-1), 花岗岩平均热导率为3.87±0.59 W·(m·K)-1.花岗岩放射性生热率在0.36~14.23 μW·m-3之间, 平均值为5.23±3.03 μW·m-3, 属于高产热花岗岩.结合前人对研究区岩石放射性元素含量的测试结果, 我们发现, 相对于K2O, U、Th与生热率具有更强的相关性, 并对产热的贡献更高.相对于花岗岩, 玄武岩的生热率较低, K2O对产热的贡献较高.新的资料为区域热流的确定和地热资源评价提供了新的视角.模拟和计算结果表明, 三水盆地沉积层能对深部热量起到聚集和保存的作用, 并在基底附近形成高温区(>150 ℃); 上地壳中花岗岩体产生的热流超过45 mW·m-2, 占地表热流的一半以上.盆地和花岗岩体均具有形成高温地热资源的地质条件.此外, 酸性岩浆岩放射性生热率随时间逐渐降低的特征与幔源基性岩浆的混合作用有关.


Desalinization effects on benthic diatom communities were investigated in two adjacent streams in Northern Thuringia, the creek Urbach and the river Helbe. Salt-saturated stockpile effluents had been introduced into the Urbach until 1996, resulting in fluctuating chloride concentrations with maximum values up to 25.4 g · 1−1 (Helbe: max. 3.7 g · 1−1).

The diatom vegetation and hydrographical and chemical data of an Urbach site were compared to those of a sampling site further downstream. Monthly sampling in 1996 started at the end of salt influx in January. Reference samples from the years 1995, 1986 and 1963 were evaluated along with the 1996 samples.

After termination of the introduction of salt-loaded effluents, relative abundances of brackish water species greatly decreased within three months. The Halobion Index (Ziemann 1982), reflecting osmotic and ion composition effects on diatoms, decreased until May 1996, then stabilized. In summer 1996, several diatoms had a mass development, showing that salinization impacts had previously overruled effects of other environmental variables.  相似文献   

深井电极与地表电极的自然电场对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对半无限空间和全无限空间电流密度的分布理论进行讨论,得出电流密度随电极埋设深度的增大而减小。因此,在电法观测中,当供电电极深埋后,人工电场和自然电场可减少地表各种噪声的干扰,提高视电阻率ρs和自然电位Vsp的灵敏度,从而更好地捕捉地城常信息。从北京平谷台6年多来的观测结果分析认为,深井电极相对地表电极能降低诸如人为供电、雷击短路、冰冻期影响等各种干扰,经过宁河6.9级、6.5级和5.6级及离  相似文献   

Field‐measured patterns of mean velocity and turbulent airflow are reported for isolated barchan dunes. Turbulence was sampled using a high frequency sonic anemometer, deriving near‐surface Reynolds shear and normal stresses. Measurements upwind of and over a crest‐brink separated barchan indicated that shear stress was sustained despite a velocity reduction at the dune toe. The mapped streamline angles and enhanced turbulent intensities suggest the effects of positive streamline curvature are responsible for this maintenance of shear stress. This field evidence supports an existing model for dune morphodynamics based on wind tunnel turbulence measurements. Downwind, the effect of different dune profiles on flow re‐attachment and recovery was apparent. With transverse incident flow, a re‐attachment length between 2·3 and 5·0h (h is dune brink height) existed for a crest‐brink separated dune and 6·5 to 8·6h for a crest‐brink coincident dune. The lee side shear layer produced elevated turbulent stresses immediately downwind of both dunes, and a decrease in turbulence with distance characterized flow recovery. Recovery of mean velocity for the crest‐brink separated dune occurred over a distance 6·5h shorter than the crest‐brink coincident form. As the application of sonic anemometers in aeolian geomorphology is relatively new, there is debate concerning the suitability of processing their data in relation to dune surface and streamline angle. This paper demonstrates the effect on Reynolds stresses of mathematically correcting data to the local streamline over varying dune slope. Where the streamline angle was closely related to the surface (windward slope), time‐averaged shear stress agreed best with previous wind tunnel findings when data were rotated along streamlines. In the close lee, however, the angle of downwardly projected (separated) flow was not aligned with the flat ground surface. Here, shear stress appeared to be underestimated by streamline correction, and corrected shear stress values were less than half of those uncorrected. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Here we present the results from the composite analyses of the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields associated with rainy-season for the selected floods cases over the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins for the 21 years(1990–2010),using the daily rain gauge measurements taken in the 756 stations throughout China and the NCEP/reanalysis data for the rainyseasons(June–July)from 1990 to 2010.The major differences in the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields between the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins are as follows:for flooding years of the Yangtze River Basin,the South Asia high center is located further east than normal,the blocking high over the Urals and the Sea of Okhotsk maintains,and the Meiyu front is situated near 30°N whereas for flooding years of the Huaihe River Basin,the South Asia high center is further west than normal,the atmospheric circulations over the mid and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere are of meridional distribution,and the Meiyu front is situated near 33°N.In addition,there are distinct differences in water vapor sources and associated transports between the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins.The water vapor is transported by southwesterly flows from the Bay of Bengal and monsoon flows over the South China Sea for flooding years of the Yangtze River Basin whereas by southeast monsoons from the eastern and southern seas off China and monsoon flows over the South China Sea for flooding years of the Huaihe River Basin.  相似文献   

Intensive human activity has caused significant changes in the river morphology and hydrological characteristics of the Pearl River Delta. Particularly, in-channel mining and dam construction have induced remarkable levels of downward riverbed incision. Although strict control measures have been implemented for in-channel sand mining, it remains unclear how the river has evolved since the abandonment of high-intensity mining and its impact on flow diversion at the downstream confluence. This study presents the hydrological and morphological adjustments in the lower Beijiang River, the second largest tributary of the Pearl River, under the impacts of human interventions. A hydrodynamic model was developed to reveal the impacts of riverbed deformation on the flow diversion ratio at Sixianjiao, the confluence of the Beijaing River and the Xijiang River. The results showed that construction of cascade reservoirs upstream reach did not strongly influence run-off, whereas incoming sediment loads were decreased. Because of upstream damming and in-channel sand mining, a dramatic downward incision was observed in the lower Beijiang River, with a degradation volume of approximately 239.8 million m3 from 1999 to 2012. Particularly, in the upper reach, the incision depth was typically larger than 8 m. Riverbed incision caused continuous changes in the water stage–discharge relationship, and discharge increased remarkably under the same water level at the three hydrometric stations. During 2012–2020, because in-channel sand mining was strictly controlled, rapid degradation was alleviated, deposition occurred in some cross-sections and the deformation volume decreased by approximately 90% compared to that in the last period. A fast downward incision induced a change in flow exchange between the two rivers, and the flow diversion ratio of the Beijiang River increased from an average of 17% before 1998 to more than 21%.  相似文献   

Wang  Dingqi  Fang  Guohong  Xu  Tengfei  Jiang  Shumin  Teng  Fei  Qiu  Ting  Wei  Zexun  Wang  Yonggang 《Ocean Dynamics》2023,73(2):59-77
Ocean Dynamics - Mainly driven by wind stress, the upper ocean dynamic processes in the North Pacific Ocean serve as important pathways for mass and energy exchanges of the global ocean and thus...  相似文献   

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