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The 2D morphology of coherent HF radar and optical cusp aurora has been studied for conditions of predominantly southward IMF conditions, which favours low-latitude boundary layer reconnection. Despite the variability in shape of radar cusp Doppler spectra, the spectral width criterion of 220 m s–1 proves to be a robust cusp discriminator. For extended periods of well-developed radar backscatter echoes, the equatorward boundary of the 220 m s–1 spectral width enhancement lines up remarkably well with the equatorward boundary of the optical cusp aurora. The spectral width boundary is however poorly determined during development and fading of radar cusp backscatter. Closer inspection of radar Doppler profile characteristics suggests that a combination of spectral width and shape may advance boundary layer identification by HF radar. For the two December days studied the onset of radar cusp backscatter occurred within pre-existing 630.0 nm cusp auroral activity and appear to be initiated by sunrise, i.e. favourable radio wave propagation conditions had to develop. Better methods are put forward for analysing optical data, and for physical interpretation of HF radar data, and for combining these data, as applied to detection, tracking, and better understanding of dayside aurora. The broader motivation of this work is to develop wider use by the scientific community, of results of these techniques, to accelerate understanding of dynamic high-latitude boundary-processes. The contributions in this work are: (1) improved techniques of analysis of observational data, yielding meaningfully enhanced accuracy for deduced cusp locations; (2) a correspondingly more pronounced validation of correlation of boundary locations derived from the observational data set; and (3) a firmer physical rationale as to why the good correlation observed should theoretically be expected.  相似文献   

The intensity of the wave emission in the 0.1–10 MHz band measured in the ionosphere (the APEX satellite experiment) has been presented. A jump of the plasma density and an increase in the emission intensity at a plasma frequency have been registered at altitudes of ~1300 km in the topside auroral ionosphere. The emission intensity in the whistler-mode band nonmonotonically increased along the satellite trajectory near the plasma jump wall. It has been indicated that waveguides could be formed near the wall during damping of electrostatic oscillations generated by precipitating electron fluxes. A spatially nonmonotonous separation of waveguides from the plasma inhomogeneity stretched along geomagnetic field lines is possible in this case.  相似文献   

Substorm-associated radar auroral surges (SARAS) are a short lived (15–90 minutes) and spatially localised (5° of latitude) perturbation of the plasma convection pattern observed within the auroral E-region. The understanding of such phenomena has important ramifications for the investigation of the larger scale plasma convection and ultimately the coupling of the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere system. A statistical investigation is undertaken of SARAS, observed by the Sweden And Britain Radar Experiment (SABRE), in order to provide a more extensive examination of the local time occurrence and propagation characteristics of the events. The statistical analysis has determined a local time occurrence of observations between 1420 MLT and 2200 MLT with a maximum occurrence centred around 1700 MLT. The propagation velocity of the SARAS feature through the SABRE field of view was found to be predominately L-shell aligned with a velocity centred around 1750 ms–1 and within the range 500 m s–1 and 3500 m s–1. This comprehensive examination of the SARAS provides the opportunity to discuss, qualitatively, a possible generation mechanism for SARAS based on a proposed model for the production of a similar phenomenon referred to as sub-auroral ion drifts (SAIDs). The results of the comparison suggests that SARAS may result from a similar geophysical mechanism to that which produces SAID events, but probably occurs at a different time in the evolution of the event.  相似文献   

Incoherent-scatter radar and ionospheric sounding are powerful and complementary techniques in the study of the Earths ionosphere. The work presented here involves the use of the Tromsø Dynasonde as a correlative diagnostic with the EISCAT incoherent-scatter radar. A comparison of electron-density profiles shows how a Dynasonde can be used to calibrate an incoherent-scatter radar and to monitor changes in the system. Sky-maps of the direction of Dynasonde echoes are compared with EISCAT-derived density profiles to illustrate how a Dynasonde can be used to measure the drift velocity of auroral features. Vector velocities fitted to Dynasonde echoes are compared with EISCAT-derived plasma velocities. The results show good agreement when the data are taken during quiet to moderately active conditions and averaged over time scales of 30 min or more.  相似文献   

The dynamics of auroral arcs, observed in the prenoon sector during the 2-h period, has been studied in the context of ionospheric convection. The appearance of an isolated arc, the poleward drift velocity of which pronouncedly exceeded the plasma drift velocity, accompanied the IMF impulse and could result from the Alfvén resonance oscillations of the magnetosphere. Arcs that appeared after the northward turning of the IMF vertical component drifted poleward at a velocity close to the convection velocity. The mechanism of arc generation is related to the flute instability which develops in the region of the large-scale field-aligned current. Flute instability indications are found out in the POLAR satellite data. The study confirms the previously proposed classification criterion for dayside arcs with the source on closed field lines, based on the character of arc drift as compared to convection.  相似文献   

A spatial texture based representation method including features of intensity, shape and texture, was utilized to characterize all-sky auroral images. The combination of the local binary pattern (LBP) operator and a delicately designed block partition scheme achieved both global shapes and local textures capabilities. The representation method was used in automatic recognition of four primary categories of discrete dayside aurora using observations between years 2003–2009 at the Yellow River Station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. The supervised classification results on labeled data in 2003 were in accordance with the labeling by scientists considering both spectral and morphological information. The occurrence distributions of the four categories were obtained through automatic classification of data between 2004–2009, which confirm the multiple-wavelength intensity distribution of dayside aurora, and further provide morphological interpretation of auroral types.  相似文献   

卫星应用技术与地学研究很早就存在密切的联系,从最初单一的遥感应用发展到包含遥感(RS)、地理信息技术(GIS)、全球定位系统(GPS)等多种技术在内的空间信息技术,卫星应用技术促进了地学理论研究和定性、定量的分析验证,加速了地球科学的发展.本文综述了近年来地学领域卫星应用技术的主要方向和现状.  相似文献   

A 16 mHz Pc4 pulsation was recorded on March 17, 1998, in the prenoon sector of the Earths magnetosphere by the Equator-S satellite. The event is strongly localized in radial direction at approximately L = 5 and exhibits properties of a field line resonance such as an ellipticity change as seen by applying the method of the analytical signal to the magnetic field data. The azimuthal wave number was estimated as m 150. We discuss whether this event can be explained by the FLR mechanism and find out that the change in ellipticity is more a general feature of a localized Alfvén wave than indicative of a resonant process.  相似文献   

The auroral oval concept radically changed the view that existed for a century in geophysics on the patterns in aurora planetary spatial–temporal distributions. The auroral zone, which is located around the geomagnetic pole as a continuous ring at a constant angular distance of ~23°, was replaced by the auroral oval in 1960. The auroral oval spatial position reflects the shape of the Earth’s magnetosphere, which is compressed by the solar wind on the dayside and stretches into the magnetotail on the nightside. The oval is fixed relative to the direction toward the Sun and is located around the geomagnetic pole at altitudes of the upper atmosphere at an angular distance of ~12° at noon and ~23° at midnight. After an animated discussion over several subsequent years, the existence of the auroral oval was accepted by the scientific community as a paradigm of a new science, i.e., solar–terrestrial physics. The oval location indicates the zone where electron fluxes with energies varying from ~100 eV to ~20 keV precipitate into the upper atmosphere and is related to the structure of plasma domains in the Earth’s magnetosphere. The paper describes the scientific studies that resulted in the concept of the auroral oval existence. It has been shown how this concept was subsequently justified in the publications by Y.I. Feldstein and O.B. Khorosheva. The issue of the priority of the auroral oval concept introduction into geophysics has been considered. The statement that the concept of the oval is an archaic paradigm of solar–terrestrial physics has been called into question. Some scientific fields in which the term auroral oval or simply oval was and is the paradigm have been listed.  相似文献   

About 100 breakups of different types and intensities are studied on the basis of Lovozero Observatory data. Magnetic pulsations in different frequency ranges, VLF emissions, and auroral activity are analyzed using the TV data. It is found that magnetic pulsations in all frequency ranges lag behind the moment of breakup by 0.5–2.0 min, and bursts of low-intensity broadband VLF emission hiss are observed 3–10 min before breakup. Hiss leading breakup corresponds to feeble auroras located northward of a pre-breakup arc.  相似文献   

A statistical investigation of the relationship between VHF radar auroral backscatter intensity and Doppler velocity has been undertaken with data collected from 8 years operation of the Wick site of the Sweden And Britain Radar-auroral Experiment (SABRE). The results indicate three different regimes within the statistical data set; firstly, for Doppler velocities <200 m s−1, the backscatter intensity (measured in decibels) remains relatively constant. Secondly, a linear relationship is observed between the backscatter intensity (in decibels) and Doppler velocity for velocities between 200 m s−1 and 700 m s−1. At velocities greater than 700 m s−1 the backscatter intensity saturates at a maximum value as the Doppler velocity increases. There are three possible geophysical mechanisms for the saturation in the backscatter intensity at high phase speeds: a saturation in the irregularity turbulence level, a maximisation of the scattering volume, and a modification of the local ambient electron density. There is also a difference in the dependence of the backscatter intensity on Doppler velocity for the flow towards and away from the radar. The results for flow towards the radar exhibit a consistent relationship between backscatter intensity and measured velocities throughout the solar cycle. For flow away from the radar, however, the relationship between backscatter intensity and Doppler velocity varies during the solar cycle. The geometry of the SABRE system ensures that flow towards the radar is predominantly associated with the eastward electrojet, and flow away is associated with the westward electrojet. The difference in the backscatter intensity variation as a function of Doppler velocity is attributed to asymmetries between the eastward and westward electrojets and the geophysical parameters controlling the backscatter amplitude.  相似文献   

We simulated geostationary satellite observations to assess the potential for high spatial-and temporal-resolution monitoring of air pollution in China with a focus on tropospheric ozone(O_3), nitrogen dioxide(NO_2), sulfur dioxide(SO_2), and formaldehyde(HCHO). Based on the capabilities and parameters of the payloads onboard sun-synchronous satellites, we simulated the observed spectrum based on a radiative transfer model using a geostationary satellite model. According to optimal estimation theory, we analyzed the sensitivities and retrieval uncertainties of the main parameters of the instrument for the target trace gases. Considering the retrieval error requirements of each trace gas, we determined the major instrument parameter values(e.g., observation channel, spectral resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio). To evaluate these values, retrieval simulation was performed based on the three-dimensional distribution of the atmospheric components over China using an atmospheric chemical transportation model. As many as 90% of the experiments met the retrieval requirements for all target gases. The retrieval precision of total-column and stratospheric O_3 was 2%. In addition, effective retrieval of all trace gases could be achieved at solar zenith angles larger than 70°. Therefore, the geostationary satellite observation and instrument parameters provided herein can be used in air pollution monitoring in China. This study offers a theoretical basis and simulation tool for improving the design of instruments onboard geostationary satellites.  相似文献   

Variations in the dayside ionosphere parameters as a result of a large-scale acoustic gravity wave (LS AGW) were studied for the 17 February 1998 substorm using the super dual auroral radar network (SuperDARN) measurements. This event was characterised by a sharp rise in the AE index with a maximum of ~900 nT. The source of the disturbance responsible for the LS AGW appears to have been located within the plasma convection throat and in the dayside cusp region. The location of the source was obtained from studies of a number of datasets including high-latitude convection maps, data from 4 DMSP satellites and networks of ground-based magnetometers. The propagation of the LS AGWs caused quasi-periodic variations in the skip distance (with an amplitude up to 220–260 km) of the ground backscatter measured by up to 6 SuperDARN radars, including Goose Bay and Kapuskasing, resulting in two large-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (LS TIDs). The LS TIDs had wave periods of 1.5 and 2 h, a velocity of ~400 m/s for both, and wavelengths of 2200 and 2900 km, respectively. These quasi-periodic variations were also present in the peak electron density and height of the F2 layer measured by the Goose Bay ionosonde. The numerical simulation of the inverse problem show good agreement between Goose Bay radar and Goose Bay ionosonde measurements. But these LS TIDs would be difficult to deduce from the ground based ionospheric station data alone, because hmF2 variations were 10–40 km only and fOF2 variations between 10% and 20%. The results demonstrate how important SuperDARN radars can be, and that this is a more powerful technique than routine ground-based sounding for studies of weak quasi-periodic variations in the dayside subauroral ionosphere related to LS AGW.  相似文献   

Three models for the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling feedback instability are considered. The first model is based on demagnetization of hot ions in the plasma sheet. The instability takes place in the global magnetosphere-ionosphere system when magnetospheric electrons drift through a spatial gradient of hot magnetospheric ion population. Such a situation exists on the inner and outer edges of the plasma sheet where relatively cold magnetospheric electrons move earthward through a radial gradient of hot ions. This leads to the formation of field-aligned currents. The effect of upward field-aligned current on particle precipitation and the magnitude of ionospheric conductivity leads to the instability of this earthward convection and to its division into convection streams oriented at some angle with respect to the initial convection direction. The growth rate of the instability is maximum for structures with sizes less than the ion Larmor radius in the equatorial plane. This may lead to formation of auroral arcs with widths about 10 km. This instability explains many features of such arcs, including their conjugacy in opposite hemispheres. However, it cannot explain the very high growth rates of some auroral arcs and very narrow arcs. For such arcs another type of instability must be considered. In the other two models the instability arises because of the generation of Alfven waves from growing arc-like structures in the ionospheric conductivity. One model is based on the modulation of precipitating electrons by field-aligned currents of the upward moving Alfven wave. The other model takes into consideration the reflection of Alfven waves from a maximum in the Alfven velocity at an altitude of about 3000 km. The growth of structures in both models takes place when the ionization function associated with upward field-aligned current is shifted from the edges of enhanced conductivity structures toward their centers. Such a shift arises because the structures move at a velocity different from the E × B drift. Although both models may work, the growth rate for the model, based on the modulation of the precipitating accelerated electrons, is significantly larger than that of the model based on the Alfven wave reflection. This mechanism is suitable for generation of auroral arcs with widths of about 1 km and less. The growth rate of the instability can be as large as 1 s-1, and this mechanism enables us to justify the development of auroral arcs only in one ionosphere. It is hardly suitable for excitation of wide and conjugate auroral arcs, but it may be responsible for the formation of small-scale structures inside a wide arc.Polar Geophysical Institute, Apatity, Russia  相似文献   

An isolated region of energetic electron precipitation observed near local noon in the auroral zone has been investigated using imaging riometer (IRIS) and inco-herent-scatter radar (EISCAT) techniques. IRIS revealed that the absorption event was essentially co-rotating with the Earth for about 2 h. The spatial and temporal variations in D-region electron density seen by EISCAT were able to be interpreted within a proper context when compared with the IRIS data. EISCAT detected significant increases in electron density at altitudes as low as 65 km as the event drifted through the radar beam. The altitude distribution of incremental radio absorption revealed that more than half of the absorption occurred below 75 km, with a maximum of 67 km. The energy spectrum of the precipitating electrons was highly uniform throughout the event, and could be described analytically by the sum of three exponential distributions with characteristic energies of 6, 70 and 250 keV. A profile of effective recombination coefficient that resulted in self-consistent agreement between observed electron desities and those inferred from an inversion procedure has been deduced. The observations suggest a co-rotating magnetospheric source region on closed dayside field lines. However, a mechanism is required that can sustain such hard precipitation for the relatively long duration of the event.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of F-region and topside auroral ion upflow events is presented. The study is based on observations from EISCAT Common Programmes (CP) 1 and 2 made between 1984 and 1996, and Common Programme 7 observations taken between 1990 and 1995. The occurrence frequency of ion upflow events (IUEs) is examined over the altitude range 200 to 500 km, using field-aligned observations from CP-1 and CP-2. The study is extended in altitude with vertical measurements from CP-7. Ion upflow events were identified by consideration of both velocity and flux, with threshold values of 100 m s–1 and 1013 m–2 s–1, respectively. The frequency of occurrence of IUEs is seen to increase with increasing altitude. Further analysis of the field-aligned observations reveals that the number and nature of ion upflow events vary diurnally and with season and solar activity. In particular, the diurnal distribution of upflows is strongly dependent on solar cycle. Furthermore, events identified by the velocity selection criterion dominate at solar minimum, whilst events identified by the upward field-aligned flux criterion dominated at solar maximum. The study also provides a quantitative estimate of the proportion of upflows that are associated with enhanced plasma temperature. Between 50 and 60% of upflows are simultaneous with enhanced ion temperature, and approximately 80% of events are associated with either increased F-region ion or electron temperatures.  相似文献   

The causes of the formation of neutral gas temperature and density equatorial minimums on the dayside, recently detected from satellite measurements, have been studied based on a global numerical model of the Earth’s upper atmosphere (UAM). The performed numerical experiments made it possible to conclude that these minimums are not related to the magnetospheric sources of energy and momentum and electric fields of the dynamo origin. It has been indicated that the absorbed solar ionizing radiation and rotation of the Earth are responsible for the formation of the neutral gas temperature and density equatorial minimums on the dayside.  相似文献   

The generation of auroral kilometric radiation in a narrow 3D plasma cavity, in which a weakly relativistic electron flow is propagated along the magnetic field against a low-density cold background plasma, is studied. The time dynamics of the propagation and intensification of waves are analyzed using geometric optics equations. The waves have different wave vector components and start from the cavity center at an altitude of about the Earth’s radius at plasma parameters typical for the auroral zone at this altitude. It is shown that the global inhomogeneity of the Earth’s magnetic field is of key importance in shaping the auroral kilometric radiation spectra.  相似文献   

In this paper we study an instability of the plasma moving towards the Earth near the inner plasma sheet boundary. We include both the interchange instability of the plasma sheet and the magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction instability caused by an effect of field-aligned currents (connected with electron precipitation) on ionospheric conductivity. The instability leads to the separation of steady-state magnetospheric convection into parallel layers. This instability may be responsible for the appearance of quiet auroral arcs inside region 2 of field-aligned currents flowing out of the ionosphere. This instability allows us to explain also the existence of crossing auroral arcs.  相似文献   

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