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In this article, we investigate the possibilities of energy extraction from an over-spinning Kerr spacetime using collisional Penrose process. This phenomenon can produce a high-energy ejecta of particles under certain favourable conditions. Unlike black holes, in this case, the particles endowed with higher energy can escape to infinity. We use this model to explore various possibilities of jet formation in an over-spinning geometry. Primarily we concentrate on the energy extraction associated with collisions taking place on the off-equatorial planes and find the signature of jets from them. We also apply this formalism to a toy model which could be useful in practical astrophysical scenarios. This is motivated from the atomic model where we have considered the decay of a circular orbit because of energy extraction via Penrose mechanism.  相似文献   

The shadow of a rotating black hole with nonvanishing gravitomagnetic charge has been studied. It was shown that in addition to the angular momentum of black hole the gravitomagnetic charge term deforms the shape of the black hole shadow. From the numerical results we have obtained that for a given value of the rotation parameter, the presence of a gravitomagnetic charge enlarges the shadow and reduces its deformation with respect to the spacetime without gravitomagnetic charge. Finally we have studied the capture cross section for massive particles by black hole with the nonvanishing gravitomagnetic charge.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results of axisymmetric relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations for the problem of a Kerr black hole immersed in a rarefied plasma with 'uniform' magnetic field. The long-term solution shows properties that are significantly different from those of the initial transient phase studied recently by Koide. The topology of magnetic field lines within the ergosphere is similar to that of the split-monopole model with a strong current sheet in the equatorial plane. Closer inspection reveals a system of isolated magnetic islands inside the sheet and ongoing magnetic reconnection. No regions of negative hydrodynamic 'energy at infinity' are seen inside the ergosphere and the so-called MHD Penrose process does not operate. However, the rotational energy of the black hole continues to be extracted via the purely electromagnetic Blandford–Znajek mechanism. In spite of this, no strong relativistic outflows from the black hole are seen to be developing. Combined with results of other recent simulations, our results signal a potential problem for the standard MHD model of relativistic astrophysical jets should they be found at distances as small as a few tens of gravitational radii from the central black hole.  相似文献   

It has become apparent that our intuitive notions of space and time are inadequate for developing a theory of quantum gravity. It is perhaps worthwhile to understand where our macroscopically-developed spatial instinct is implicit in the concept of manifold, and to consider alternative methods for defining (vis-a-vis explicating) space and time. A simple example for generating atopos over a fundamental set is provided to illustrate the potential basis of such a definition.  相似文献   

Using a static massive spherically symmetric scalar field coupled to gravity in the Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS) background, first we consider some asymptotic solutions near horizon and their local equations of state (E.O.S.) on them. We show that near cosmological and event horizons our scalar field behaves as a dust. At the next step near two pure de Sitter or Schwarzschild horizons we obtain a coupling dependent pressure to energy density ratio. In the case of a minimally coupling this ratio is ?1 which springs to the mind thermodynamical behavior of dark energy. If having a negative pressure behavior near these horizons we concluded that the coupling constant must be ξ<¼. Therefore we derive a new constraint on the value of our coupling ξ. These two different behaviors of unique matter in the distinct regions of spacetime at present era can be interpreted as a phase transition from dark matter to dark energy in the cosmic scales and construct a unified scenario.  相似文献   

In present article, we have formulated the new physical generalized polytropic models with anisotropic matter distribution in the absence of electromagnetic field. We have assumed the Finch-Skea spacetime to develop the models, which fulfill all the criteria for the physical adequacy. Distinct physical features of the obtained models have been examined and evaluated. Furthermore, the physical quantities are presented graphically to meet the physical conditions of viable astronomical models. These results can be reduced to the different cases of uncharged anisotropic fluid such as linear, quadratic and polytropic equations of state.  相似文献   

We show that on the future horizon of a certain type of 4-dimensional, stationary, pseudo-Riemannian spacetime, Hawking radiation will generally be produced, with a temperature proportional to the surface gravity at the horizon. The Hawking radiations of the Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr-Mewman black-holes and the de Sitter universe appear as particular instances of our proof. Unlike a uniformly accelerated detector, a uniformly rotating detector cannot detect Rindler radiation  相似文献   

Using the analytic extension method, we study Hawking radiation of an (n+4)-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole. Under the condition that the total energy is conserved, taking the reaction of the radiation of particles to the spacetime into consideration and considering the relation between the black hole event horizon and cosmological horizon, we obtain the radiation spectrum of de Sitter spacetime. This radiation spectrum is no longer a strictly pure thermal spectrum. It is related to the change of the Bekenstein-Hawking (B-H) entropy corresponding the black hole event horizon and cosmological horizon. The result satisfies the unitary principle. At the same time, we also testify that the entropy of de Sitter spacetime is the sum of the entropy of black hole event horizon and the one of cosmological horizon.  相似文献   

Recently Liebscher & Brosche (1998) proposed a new procedure to derive astronomical aberration for electromagnetic waves in the linear v/c limit using a non‐conventional definition of simultaneity for classical spacetime. The question of conventional and non‐conventional simultaneity will be analysed in this context.  相似文献   

Using the quantum statistical method, we calculate quantum statistical entropy between the black hole horizon and the cosmological horizon in Schwarzchild spacetime and derive the expression of quantum statistical entropy in de Sitter spacetime. Under the Unruh-Verlinde temperature of Schwarzchild-de Sitter spacetime in the entropic force views, we obtain the expression of quantum statistical entropy in de Sitter spacetime. It is shown that in de Sitter spacetime quantum statistical entropy is the sum of thermodynamic entropy corresponding black hole horizon and the one corresponding cosmological horizon. And the correction term of de Sitter spacetime entropy is obtained. Therefore, it is confirmed that the black hole entropy is the entropy of quantum field outside the black hole horizon. The entropy of de Sitter spacetime is the entropy of quantum field between the black hole horizon and the cosmological horizon.  相似文献   

We have obtained a solution of the Dirac equation near the horizon of a Kerr-Newman black hole and compared it with the solution of the Klein-Gordon equation. We first generalized the work of LIU Liao and XU Dian-yan for a quasi-extreme Kerr black hole to a quasi-extreme Kerr-Newman black hole, then further generalized to a general Kerr-Newman black hole, and thereby verified that the Dirac particles emitted by a general Kerr-Newman black hole do have a black-body energy spectrum.  相似文献   

A spacetime manifold generated by the pencil of conics defined by two distinct pairs of complex-conjugated lines and a pair of real lines is considered. The manifold, originally endowed with two spatial and two temporal dimensions, is shown to substantially change its properties as we change the affine properties of the pencil. Two kinds of transformation are of particular interest. A dimensionality-preserving process, characterized by the transmutation of a temporal coordinate into a spatial one and leading to familiar (3+1)D spacetime, and a dimensionality-reducing scenario, featuring simultaneous annihilation of one temporal and one spatia dimension and ending up with a (1+1)D spacetime. A striking difference between the nature of temporal and spatial is revealed; whereas we find purely spatial manifolds, those comprising exclusively temporal dimensions donot exist.  相似文献   

Fermat's principle has been used to derive expressions for the curvature and torsion of the path of the electromagnetic radiation in a medium of refractive indexn (= function of space coordinates). Levi-Civita's notion of parallelism further, in conjunction with Brill's results (cf. reference in text) have enabled the derivation (1) of Einstein's formula for the deflection of light, and (2) an expression for the rotation of the plane of polarization, an entirely general relativistic effect, unaccountable in Newtonian physics. Finally, the idea is put forward that the observed rotation of polarization in pulsars might be a purely general relativistic effect due to the non-Minkowskian geometry around them.  相似文献   

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