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We investigate the instability driven by viscosity in rotating relativistic stars by means of an iterative approach. We focus on polytropic rotating equilibrium stars and impose an m=2 perturbation in the lapse. We vary both the stiffness of the equation of state and the compactness of the star to study these factors on the critical value T/W for the instability. For a rigidly rotating star, the criterion T/W, where T is the rotational kinetic energy and W the gravitational binding energy, mainly depends on the compactness of the star and takes values around 0.13–0.16, which slightly differ from that of Newtonian incompressible stars (∼0.14). For differentially rotating stars, the critical value of T/W is found to span the range 0.17–0.25. The value is significantly larger than in the rigidly rotating case with the same compactness of the star. Finally we discuss the possibility of detecting gravitational waves from viscosity-driven instabilities using ground-based interferometers.   相似文献   

Using the Submillimeter Array (SMA), we have obtained high angular-resolution (∼1″) interferometric maps of the submillimeter (0.88 mm) continuum and CO J=3–2 line from IRAS 22036+5306 (I 22036), a bipolar pre-planetary nebula (PPN) with knotty jets discovered in our HST SNAPshot survey of young PPNe. In addition, we have obtained supporting lower-resolution (∼10″) 2.6 mm continuum and CO, 13CO J=1–0 observations with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) interferometer. We find an unresolved source of submillimeter (and millimeter-wave) continuum emission in I 22036, implying a very substantial mass (0.02–0.04M ) of large (i.e., radius ≳1 mm), cold (≲50 K) dust grains associated with I 22036’s toroidal waist. The CO J=3–2 observations show the presence of a very fast (∼220 km s−1), highly collimated, massive (0.03M ) bipolar outflow with a very large scalar momentum (about 1039 g cm s−1), and the characteristic spatio-kinematic structure of bow-shocks at the tips of this outflow. The fast outflow in I 22036, as in most PPNe, cannot be driven by radiation pressure. The large mass of the torus suggests that it has most likely resulted from common-envelope evolution in a binary, however it remains to be seen whether or not the time-scales required for the growth of grains to millimeter sizes in the torus are commensurate with such a formation scenario. The presence of the torus should facilitate the formation of the accretion disk needed to launch the jet. We also find that the 13C/12C ratio in I 22036 is very high (0.16), close to the maximum value achieved in equilibrium CNO-nucleosynthesis (0.33). The combination of the high circumstellar mass (i.e., in the torus and an extended dust shell inferred from ISO far-infrared spectra) and the high 13C/12C ratio in I 22036 provides strong support for this object having evolved from a massive (≳4M ) progenitor in which hot-bottom-burning has occurred.  相似文献   

We have analyzed our long-term (1995–2008) JHKLM photometry for three variable RV Tau supergiants. It follows from this analysis that: the amplitude of the JHK brightness variations is approximately the same, 0 m . 9–1 m , for the three stars; a negative linear trend is noticeable in the variations of the mean J brightness for AC Her; and the mean J brightness of R Sct and V Vul remained constant. The observed J brightness fluctuations in the supergiants are shown to be consistent either only with the temperature pulsations (AC Her and V Vul) or with the temperature and radial pulsations (R Sct). We have detected long-term pulsations in the J brightness and J-H color variations of the supergiants with the following characteristic time scales: ∼1500 days (AC Her), ∼3500 days (R Sct), and ∼800 and ∼1500 days (V Vul). Our search for a periodic component in the infrared brightness variations of the three stars has revealed periods that differ from those obtained from optical observations. We show that relatively hot dust shells (T d ∼ 700–800 K) exist around the supergiants under study; the densest and most massive shell was observed for V Vul. The ranges of optical-depth variations for the dust shells were τ(1.25 μm) ≈ 0.04–0.10 (AC Her), ≈0.02–0.12 (R Sct), and ≈0.18–0.32 (V Vul). The spectral types in the infrared varied over narrower ranges than those that followed from optical observations of these stars.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of the helical (m=1) kink instability of an arched, line-tied flux rope demonstrate that the helical deformation enforces reconnection between the legs of the rope if modes with two helical turns are dominant as a result of high initial twist in the range Φ≳6π. Such a reconnection is complex, involving also the ambient field. In addition to breaking up the original rope, it can form a new, low-lying, less twisted flux rope. The new flux rope is pushed downward by the reconnection outflow, which typically forces it to break as well by reconnecting with the ambient field. The top part of the original rope, largely rooted in the sources of the ambient flux after the break-up, can fully erupt or be halted at low heights, producing a “failed eruption.” The helical current sheet associated with the instability is squeezed between the approaching legs, temporarily forming a double current sheet. The leg – leg reconnection proceeds at a high rate, producing sufficiently strong electric fields that it would be able to accelerate particles. It may also form plasmoids, or plasmoid-like structures, which trap energetic particles and propagate out of the reconnection region up to the top of the erupting flux rope along the helical current sheet. The kinking of a highly twisted flux rope involving leg – leg reconnection can explain key features of an eruptive but partially occulted solar flare on 18 April 2001, which ejected a relatively compact hard X-ray and microwave source and was associated with a fast coronal mass ejection.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper, Bowers (1973), ion plasma oscillations were found to be unstable in the steady state developed by Cowley (1972) for the neutral sheet in the Earth's geomagnetic tail. In this paper a similar stability analysis is carried out but for a different steady state, suggested by Dungey, with the result that unstable waves with frequencies near the electron plasma frequency are found. In the Dungey steady state the current necessary for magnetic field reversal is carried by plasma originating from both the magnetosheath and the lobes of the tail. This modifies the steady state proposed by Alfvén and subsequently developed by Cowley in which all the current is carried by plasma from the lobes of the tail thereby fixing the cross-tail potential Φ. With magnetosheath plasma present the value of Φ is no longer fixed solely by parameters in the lobes of the tail but the cross-tail electric field is still assumed localised in the dusk region of the sheet as in the Cowley model due to the balance of charge required in the neutral sheet. The value of Φ can be expected to increase as magnetic flux is transported to the tail which inflates and causes flux annihilation because the magneto-sheath plasma in the neutral sheet has insufficient pressure to keep the two lobes of the tail apart. The Vlasov-Maxwell set of equations is perturbed and linearised enabling a critical condition for instability to be found for modes propagating across the tail. Typically, this condition requireseΦ≳KT m whereT m is the temperature of magnetosheath electrons. The instability occurs in the presence of cold plasma which hasE×B drifted into the neutral sheet from the lobes of the tail. This contrasts with the usual two stream instability which is stabilised by the cold plasma. Once precipitated the instability may be explosive provided current disruption occurs, for then a further increase in Φ will result which drives a greater range of wave numbers unstable thereby causing even more turbulence and an even larger cross-tail electric field. Because of this behaviour the instability may be a trigger for a substorm.  相似文献   

A new code has been used to simulate the formation of elliptical galaxies via a dissipationless collapse by a numerical experiment. Preliminary results of numerical simulations are presented for initial 2T/|W| conditions ranging from 10–2 to 10–5. The importance of inhomogeneity in the initial density distribution and of merging is outlined.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

As a preparation step to compute Jacobian elliptic functions efficiently, we created a fast method to calculate the complete elliptic integral of the first and second kinds, K(m) and E(m), for the standard domain of the elliptic parameter, 0 < m < 1. For the case 0 < m < 0.9, the method utilizes 10 pairs of approximate polynomials of the order of 9–19 obtained by truncating Taylor series expansions of the integrals. Otherwise, the associate integrals, K(1 − m) and E(1 − m), are first computed by a pair of the approximate polynomials and then transformed to K(m) and E(m) by means of Jacobi’s nome, q, and Legendre’s identity relation. In average, the new method runs more-than-twice faster than the existing methods including Cody’s Chebyshev polynomial approximation of Hastings type and Innes’ formulation based on q-series expansions. Next, we invented a fast procedure to compute simultaneously three Jacobian elliptic functions, sn(u|m), cn(u|m), and dn(u|m), by repeated usage of the double argument formulae starting from the Maclaurin series expansions with respect to the elliptic argument, u, after its domain is reduced to the standard range, 0 ≤ u < K(m)/4, with the help of the new method to compute K(m). The new procedure is 25–70% faster than the methods based on the Gauss transformation such as Bulirsch’s algorithm, sncndn, quoted in the Numerical Recipes even if the acceleration of computation of K(m) is not taken into account.  相似文献   

We discuss the equilibrium solutions of four different types of collinear four-body problems having two pairs of equal masses. Two of these four-body models are symmetric about the center-of-mass while the other two are non-symmetric. We define two mass ratios as μ 1 = m 1/M T and μ 2 = m 2/M T, where m 1 and m 2 are the two unequal masses and M T is the total mass of the system. We discuss the existence of continuous family of equilibrium solutions for all the four types of four-body problems.  相似文献   

We consider the flow of an electrically conducting fluid between differentially rotating cylinders, in the presence of an externally imposed current-free toroidal field B0(Rin/R) ê ϕ . It is known that the classical, axisymmetric magnetorotational instability does not exist for such a purely toroidal imposed field.We show here that a nonaxisymmetric magnetorotational instability does exist, having properties very similar to the axisymmetric magnetorotational instability in the presence of an axial field. In the nonlinear regime the magnetic energy of the perturbances is shifted (in the sense of an inverse cascade) to the axisymmetric mode rather than to the modes with m > 1. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The cosmological distance ladder crucially depends on classical Cepheids (with P=3–80 days), which are primary distance indicators up to 33 Mpc. Within this volume, very few SNe Ia have been calibrated through classical Cepheids, with uncertainty related to the non-linearity and the metallicity dependence of their period–luminosity (PL) relation. Although a general consensus on these effects is still not achieved, classical Cepheids remain the most used primary distance indicators. A possible extension of these standard candles to further distances would be important. In this context, a very promising new tool is represented by the ultra-long period (ULP) Cepheids (P≳80 days), recently identified in star-forming galaxies. Only a small number of ULP Cepheids have been discovered so far. Here we present and analyse the properties of an updated sample of 37 ULP Cepheids observed in galaxies within a very large metallicity range of 12+log(O/H) from ∼7.2 to 9.2 dex. We find that their location in the colour-magnitude (VI,V) diagram as well as their Wesenheit (VI) index-period (WP) relation suggests that they are the counterparts at high luminosity of the shorter-period (P≲80 days) classical Cepheids. However, a complete pulsation and evolutionary theoretical scenario is needed to properly interpret the true nature of these objects. We do not confirm the flattening in the studied WP relation suggested by Bird et al. (Astrophys. J. 695:874, 2009). Using the whole sample, we find that ULP Cepheids lie around a WP relation similar to that of the LMC, although with a large spread (∼ 0.4 mag).  相似文献   

The interior structure of Jupiter serves as a benchmark for an entire astrophysical class of liquid–metallic hydrogen-rich objects with masses ranging from ~0.1M J to ~80M J (1M J = Jupiter mass = 1.9e30 g), comprising hydrogen-rich giant planets (mass < 13M J) and brown dwarfs (mass > 13M J but ~ < 80M J), the so-called substellar objects (SSOs). Formation of giant planets may involve nucleated collapse of nebular gas onto a solid, dense core of mass ~0.04M J rather than a stellar-like gravitational instability. Thus, detection of a primordial core in Jupiter is a prime objective for understanding the mode of origin of extrasolar giant planets and other SSOs. A basic method for core detection makes use of direct modeling of Jupiter’s external gravitational potential terms in response to rotational and tidal perturbations, and is highly sensitive to the thermodynamics of hydrogen at multi-megabar pressures. The present-day core masses of Jupiter and Saturn may be larger than their primordial core masses due to sedimentation of elements heavier than hydrogen. We show that there is a significant contribution of such sedimented mass to Saturn’s core mass. The sedimentation contribution to Jupiter’s core mass will be smaller and could be zero.  相似文献   

We discuss the scientific role of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA), the Japanese contribution to the ALMA project, for low-mass star-formation study. Our recent observations of several low-mass protostellar envelopes in the submillimeter CS (J=7–6) and HCN (J=4–3) lines with the SMA and ASTE have revealed that these submillimeter emissions are more extended than ∼2000 AU and show different velocity structures from those traced by millimeter lines. These results suggest the importance of taking short-spacing informations the ACA can offer. Our comprehensive imaging simulations of these protostellar envelopes, as well as prestellar cores and debris disks, unprecedentedly demonstrate the scientific importance of ACA.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of X-ray irradiation on the vertical structure of the outer accretion disk in low-mass X-ray binaries by performing a self-consistent calculation of the vertical structure and X-ray radiation transfer in the disk. Penetrating deep into the disk, the field of scattered X-ray photons with energy E ≳ 10 keV exerts a significant influence on the vertical structure of the accretion disk at a distance R ≳ 1010 cm from the neutron star. At a distance R ∼ 1011 cm, where the total surface density in the disk reaches Σ0 ∼ 20 g cm−2, X-ray heating affects all layers of an optically thick disk. The X-ray heating effect is enhanced significantly in the presence of an extended atmospheric layer with a temperature T atm ≈ (2–3) × 106 K above the accretion disk. We have derived simple analytic formulas for the disk heating by scattered X-ray photons using an approximate solution of the transfer equation by the Sobolev method. This approximation has a ≲10% accuracy in the range of X-ray photon energies E < 20 keV.  相似文献   

The study of the variation of equivalent width in a Rayleighscattering planetary atmosphere along the intensity equator and along the mirror meridian on whichμ =μ 0 shows that the equivalent widths decrease monotonically towards the poles, the limb and the terminator with the following characteristics: (i) the weakest lines exhibit the maximum change; (ii) theI e r component shows more change than theI e r component; (iii) the decrease towards the limb or the terminator is not as sharp as that towards the poles; (iv)I e r component shows more decrease towards the limb whileI e r component shows more decrease towards the terminator; and (v) the relationW (μ, φ;μ 0,φ 0)= W (μ 0,φ 0;μ, φ) holds for the total intensity. These results are qualitatively in agreement with the observations of absorption bands in the spectra of Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

The astrophysical jet experiment at Caltech generates a T=2–5 eV, n=1021–1022 m−3 plasma jet using coplanar disk electrodes linked by a poloidal magnetic field. A 100 kA current generates a toroidal magnetic field; the toroidal field pressure inflates the poloidal flux surface, magnetically driving the jet. The jet travels at up to 50 km/s for ∼20–25 cm before colliding with a cloud of initially neutral gas. We study the interaction of the jet and the cloud in analogy to an astrophysical jet impacting a molecular cloud. Diagnostics include magnetic probe arrays, a 12-channel spectroscopic system and a fast camera with optical filters. When a hydrogen plasma jet collides with an argon target cloud, magnetic measurements show the magnetic flux compressing as the plasma jet deforms. As the plasma jet front slows and the plasma piles up, the density of the frozen-in magnetic flux increases.  相似文献   

We present the results of our infrared observations of WR 140 (=V1687 Cyg) in 2001–2010. Analysis of the observations has shown that the J brightness at maximum increased near the periastron by about 0 m .3; the M brightness increased by ∼2 m in less than 50 days. The minimum J brightness and the minimum L and M brightnesses were observed 550–600 and 1300–1400 days after the maximum, respectively. The JHKLM brightness minimum was observed in the range of orbital phases 0.7–0.9. The parameters of the primary O5 component of the binary have been estimated to be the following: R(O5) ≈ 24.7R , L(O5) ≈ 8 × 105 L , and M bol(O5) ≈ −10 m . At the infrared brightness minimum, T g ∼ 820–880 K, R g ≈ 2.6 × 105 R , the optical depth of the shell at 3.5 μm is ∼5.3 × 10−6, and its mass is ≈1.4 × 10−8 M . At the maximum, the corresponding parameters are ∼1300 K, 8.6 × 104 R , ∼2 × 10−4, and ∼6 × 10−8 M ; the mean rate of dust inflow (condensation) into the dust structure is ∼3.3 × 10−8 M yr−1. The mean escape velocity of the shell from the heating source is ∼103 km s−1 and the mean dispersal rate of the shell is ∼1.1 × 10−8 M yr−1.  相似文献   

M. Lazar  S. Poedts 《Solar physics》2009,258(1):119-128
Electromagnetic instabilities in high-β plasmas, where β is the ratio of the kinetic plasma energy to the magnetic energy, have a broad range of astrophysical applications. The presence of temperature anisotropies T /T >1 (where and denote directions relative to the background magnetic field) in solar flares and the solar wind is sustained by the observations and robust acceleration mechanisms that heat plasma particles in the parallel direction. The surplus of parallel kinetic energy can excite either the Weibel-like instability (WI) of the ordinary mode perpendicular to the magnetic field or the firehose instability (FHI) of the circularly polarized waves at parallel propagation. The interplay of these two instabilities is examined. The growth rates and the thresholds provided by the kinetic Vlasov – Maxwell theory are compared. The WI is the fastest growing one with a growth rate that is several orders of magnitude larger than that of the FHI. These instabilities are however inhibited by the ambient magnetic field by introducing a temperature anisotropy threshold. The WI admits a larger anisotropy threshold, so that, under this threshold, the FHI remains the principal mechanism of relaxation. The criteria provided here by describing the interplay of the WI and FHI are relevant for the existence of these two instabilities in any space plasma system characterized by an excess of parallel kinetic energy.  相似文献   

We present the latest results from a multi-epoch timing and spectral study of the Transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810–197. We have acquired seven observations of this pulsar with the Newton X-ray Multi-mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) over the course of two and a half years, to follow the spectral evolution as the source fades from outburst. The spectrum is arguably best characterized by a two-temperature blackbody whose luminosities are decreasing exponentially with τ 1=870 d and τ 2=280 d, respectively. The temperatures of these components are currently cooling at a rate of 22% per year from a nearly constant value recorded at earlier epochs of kT 1=0.25 keV and kT 2=0.67 keV, respectively. The new data show that the temperature T 1 and luminosity of that component have nearly returned to their historic quiescent levels and that its pulsed fraction, which has steadily decreased with time, is now consistent with the previous lack of detected pulsations in quiescence. We also summarize the detections of radio emission from XTE J1810–197, the first confirmed for any AXP. We consider possible models for the emission geometry and mechanisms of XTE J1810–197. XMM-Newton is an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA Member States and NASA. This research is supported by XMM-Newton grant NNG05GJ61G and NASA ADP grant ADP04-0059-0024.  相似文献   

In searchs for flare stars in the vicinity of the Pleiades cluster, three flares were detected in 1970,1972, and 1977 in a star with the coordinates α 1950 = 3 h 48 m ·9, δ l950 = 25‡15’.8. The star’s brightness at a minimum is >21 m ·5. The star was tentatively assigned to the U Gem type. To confirm this assumption, we examined photographic plates for the period of 1947–1987. As a result, we found 12 more flares. The average recurrence time based on the 1963–1977 observations is about 330 days, and the maximum flare amplitude is >6 m .Narrow superflares and steady-state flares lasting over 40 days have been observed in the star. The results show that this is a dwarf nova of the UGSU subtype. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 47–52, January–March, 1999.  相似文献   

We describe technical aspects of an astrometric and photometric survey of the North Celestial Cap (NCC), from the Pole (δ=90°) to δ=80°, in support of the TAUVEX mission. This region, at galactic latitudes from ∼17° to ∼37°, has poor coverage in modern CCD-based surveys. The observations are performed with the Wise Observatory one-meter reflector and with a new mosaic CCD camera (LAIWO) that images in the Johnson–Cousins R and I bands a one-square-degree field with sub-arcsec pixels. The images are treated using IRAF and SExtractor to produce a final catalogue of sources. The astrometry, based on the USNO-A2.0 catalogue, is good to ∼1 arcsec and the photometry is good to ∼0.1 mag for point sources brighter than R=20.0 or I=19.1 mag. The limiting magnitudes of the survey, defined at photometric errors smaller than 0.15 mag, are 20.6 mag (R) and 19.6 (I). We separate stars from non-stellar objects based on the object shapes in the R and I bands, attempting to reproduce the SDSS star/galaxy dichotomy. The completeness test indicates that the catalogue is complete to the limiting magnitudes.  相似文献   

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