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Using mainly the 1600 Å continuum channel and also the 1216 Å Lyman-α channel (which includes some UV continuum and C iv emission) aboard the TRACE satellite, we observed the complete lifetime of a transient, bright chromospheric loop. Simultaneous observations with the SUMER instrument aboard the SOHO spacecraft revealed interesting material velocities through the Doppler effect existing above the chromospheric loop imaged with TRACE, possibly corresponding to extended nonvisible loops, or the base of an X-ray jet.  相似文献   

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) can significantly change the ultraviolet spectra of populations at age t~1 Gyr, and have been even included in the evolutionary population synthesis (EPS) models by Han et al. (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 380:1098, 2007). In this study we present the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of binary stellar populations (BSPs) by combining the EPS models of Han et al. (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 380:1098, 2007) and those of the Yunnan group (Zhang et al. in Astron. Astrophys. 415:117, 2004; Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 357:1088, 2005), which have included various binary interactions (except sdBs) in EPS models. This set of SEDs is available upon request from the authors. Using this set of SEDs of BSPs we build the spectra of Burst, E, S0–Sd and Irr types of galaxies by using the package of Bruzual and Charlot (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 344:1000, 2003). Combined with the photometric data (filters and magnitudes), we obtain the photometric redshifts and morphologies of 1502 galaxies by using the Hyperz code of Bolzonella et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 363:476, 2000). This sample of galaxies is obtained by removing those objects, mismatched with the SDSS/DR7 and GALEX/DR4, from the catalogue of Fukugita et al. (Astron. J. 134:579, 2007). By comparison the results with the SDSS spectroscopic redshifts and the morphological index of Fukugita et al. (Astron. J. 134:579, 2007), we find that the photo-z fluctuate with the SDSS spectroscopic redshifts, while the Sa–Sc galaxies in the catalogue of Fukugita et al. (Astron. J. 134:579, 2007) are classified earlier as Burst-E galaxies.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) tomographic analysis of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images is used to place empirical constraints on the corona’s temperature and density structure. The input data are images taken by the EUVI instrument on STEREO A and B spacecraft for Carrington Rotation 2069 (16 April to 13 May 2008). While the reconstructions are global, we demonstrate the capabilities of this method by examining specific structures in detail. Of particular importance are the results for coronal cavities and the surrounding helmet streamers, which our method allows to be analyzed without projection effects for the first time. During this rotation, both the northern and southern hemispheres exhibited stable polar crown filaments with overlying EUV cavities. These filaments and cavities were too low-lying to be well observed in white-light coronagraphs. Furthermore, due to projection effects, these cavities were not clearly discernible above the limb in EUV images, thus tomography offers the only option to study their plasma properties quantitatively. It is shown that, when compared to the surrounding helmet material, these cavities have lower densities (about 30%, on average) and broader local differential emission measures that are shifted to higher temperatures than the surrounding streamer plasma.  相似文献   

SOHO/LASCO data were used to obtain the latitudinal and radial distributions of the brightness of the K- and F-corona in the period of 1996 – 2007, and their solar-cycle variations were studied. Then an inversion method was employed to obtain the radial distributions of the electron density N e(R,θ) for various latitude values on the coronal images. Our values of N e(R,θ) are in good agreement with the findings of other authors. We found that in an edge-on streamer belt the electron density, like the K-corona brightness, varies with distance more slowly in the near-equatorial rays than in near-polar regions. We have developed a method for assessing the maximum values of the electron density at the center of the face-on streamer belt in its bright rays and depressions between them. Not all bright rays observed in the face-on streamer belt are found to be associated with an increased electron density in them. Mechanisms for forming such rays have been suggested.  相似文献   

We are investigating the geometric and kinematic characteristics of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) using data obtained by the LASCO coronagraphs, the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI), and the SECCHI imaging experiments on the STEREO spacecraft. The early evolution of CMEs can be tracked by the LASCO C2 and C3 and SECCHI COR1 and COR2 coronagraphs, and the HI and SMEI instruments can track their ICME counterparts through the inner heliosphere. The HI fields of view (4?–?90°) overlap with the SMEI field of view (>?20° to all sky) and, thus, both instrument sets can observe the same ICME. In this paper we present results for ICMEs observed on 24?–?29 January 2007, when the STEREO spacecraft were still near Earth so that both the SMEI and STEREO views of large ICMEs in the inner heliosphere coincided. These results include measurements of the structural and kinematic evolution of two ICMEs and comparisons with drive/drag kinematic, 3D tomographic reconstruction, the HAFv2 kinematic, and the ENLIL MHD models. We find it encouraging that the four model runs generally were in agreement on both the kinematic evolution and appearance of the events. Because it is essential to understand the effects of projection across large distances, that are not generally crucial for events observed closer to the Sun, we discuss our analysis procedure in some detail.  相似文献   

We present a previously unpublished ROSAT Wide Field Camera observation of the transient source RE J1255+266 made just 4 d before the discovery observations. The source is not detected, limiting the duration of the outburst to be less than expected for a superoutburst of a WZ Sge system.
We also present a marginal detection of X-ray emission from RE J1255+266 using ASCA . The most probable luminosity is 6×1029 erg s−1, which is very similar to WZ Sge itself.
We discuss the nature of the source in the light of these observations, and conclude that it is most probably a WZ Sge system, but that the observed outburst must have been a normal dwarf nova outburst.  相似文献   

We presented a phenomenological mode that attributes the precession of perihelion of planets to the relativistic correction. This modifies Newton’s equation by adding an inversely cube term with distance. The total energy of the new system is found to be the same as the Newtonian one. Moreover, we have deduced the deflection of light formula from Rutherford scattering. The relativistic term can be accounted for quantum correction of the gravitational potential and/or self energy of objects.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper has been to analyse the light changes of the close eclipsing system V78 in Centauri in the frequency domain. In two of his recent papers, Kopal (1977b, c) has developed new methods for the analysis of light curves using Hankel transforms of zero order. He succeeded in expressing the momentsA 2m of light curves in a closed form. The expansions, in terms of which the momentsA 2m can be expressed, converge in all circumstances. Their analytical structure presents no difficulty for automatic computation. The light variations of the eclipsing system V78 in Centauri have been studied by use of the above method. New geometrical elements are also given.  相似文献   

The “strahl” is a specific population of the solar wind, constituted by strongly field aligned electrons flowing away from the Sun, with energies >60 eV. Using the Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) onboard STEREO, we investigate the short time scale fluctuations of this population. It is shown that its phase space density (PSD) at times presents fluctuations larger than 50% at scales of the order of minutes and less. The fluctuations are particularly strong for periods of a few tens of hours in high-speed streams, following the crossing of the corotating interaction region, when the strahl is also the most collimated in pitch angle. The amplitude of the fluctuations tends to decrease in conjunction with a broadening in pitch angle. Generally, the strongly fluctuating strahl is observed when the magnetic field is also highly perturbed. That SWEA is able to perform a very rapid 3D analysis at a given energy is essential since it can be demonstrated that the observed magnetic turbulence can only marginally perturb the PSD measurements.  相似文献   

The properties of powerful (flux >10−19 W m−2 Hz−1) type III bursts observed in July – August 2002 by the radio telescope UTR-2 at frequencies 10 – 30 MHz are analyzed. Most bursts have been registered when the active regions associated to these bursts were located near the central meridian or at 40° – 60° to the East or West from it. All powerful type III bursts drift from high to low frequencies with frequency drift rates 1 – 2.5 MHz s−1. It is important to emphasize that according to our observations the drift rate is linearly increasing with frequency. The duration of the bursts changes mainly from 6 s at frequency 30 MHz up to 12 s at 10 MHz. The instantaneous frequency bandwidth does not depend on the day of observations, i.e. on the disk location of the source active region, and is increasing with frequency.  相似文献   

The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) three-dimensional (3-D) time-dependent tomography program has been used successfully for a decade to reconstruct and forecast coronal mass ejections from interplanetary scintillation observations. More recently, we have extended this tomography technique to use remote-sensing data from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) on board the Coriolis spacecraft; from the Ootacamund (Ooty) radio telescope in India; and from the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) radar telescopes in northern Scandinavia. Finally, we intend these analyses to be used with observations from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), or the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) now being developed respectively in Australia and Europe. In this article we demonstrate how in-situ velocity measurements from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) space-borne instrumentation can be used in addition to remote-sensing data to constrain the time-dependent tomographic solution. Supplementing the remote-sensing observations with in-situ measurements provides additional information to construct an iterated solar-wind parameter that is propagated outward from near the solar surface past the measurement location, and throughout the volume. While the largest changes within the volume are close to the radial directions that incorporate the in-situ measurements, their inclusion significantly reduces the uncertainty in extending these measurements to global 3-D reconstructions that are distant in time and space from the spacecraft. At Earth, this can provide a finely-tuned real-time measurement up to the latest time for which in-situ measurements are available, and enables more-accurate forecasting beyond this than remote-sensing observations alone allow.  相似文献   

The Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) on board the NASA SORCE satellite (Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment) was launched on 25 January 2003 and has been making twice-daily measurements of solar variability in the 220 to 1630 nm range and daily measurements in the 1600 to 2400 nm range. This study presents preflight and postlaunch calibration activities of the SIM instrument and its flight spare components as well as in-flight comparisons with the ATLAS 3 composite spectrum (Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science) in the ultraviolet (UV), visible, and near infrared (NIR) as well as comparisons with the SOLSTICE (Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment) in the UV. In the 258 to 1350 nm range, the SIM agrees with ATLAS 3 with a fractional difference of ?0.021±0.021 (k=1, estimated standard deviation) and with the additional corrections discussed herein the agreement improves to ?0.008±0.021 (k=1). In the ultraviolet (220–307 nm) the agreement between all the instruments in this study is better than 5%, but fractional differences reveal other instrument- and calibration-related differences. In the 1350 to 2400 nm range the agreement between SIM and ATLAS 3 is about 8%, so these SIM data are corrected to agree with ATLAS 3 in this range.  相似文献   

P. K. Manoharan 《Solar physics》2010,265(1-2):137-157
In this paper, I investigate the three-dimensional evolution of solar wind density and speed distributions associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The primary solar wind data used in this study has been obtained from the interplanetary scintillation (IPS) measurements made at the Ooty Radio Telescope, which is capable of measuring scintillation of a large number of radio sources per day and solar wind estimates along different cuts of the heliosphere that allow the reconstruction of three-dimensional structures of propagating transients in the inner heliosphere. The results of this study are: i) three-dimensional IPS images possibly show evidence for the flux-rope structure associated with the CME and its radial size evolution; the overall size and features within the CME are largely determined by the magnetic energy carried by the CME. Such a magnetically energetic CME can cause an intense geomagnetic storm, even if the trailing part of the CME passes through the Earth; ii) IPS measurements along the radial direction of a CME at ~?120 R show density turbulence enhancements linked to the shock ahead of the CME and the core of the CME. The density of the core decreases with distance, suggesting the expansion of the CME. However, the density associated with the shock increases with distance from the Sun, indicating the development of a strong compression at the leading edge of the CME. The increase of stand-off distance between ~?120 R and 1 AU is consistent with the deceleration of the CME and the continued outward expansion of the shock. The key point in this study is that the magnetic energy possessed by the transient determines its radial evolution.  相似文献   

We solve the uvbyRI light curves obtained by Wolf (1994) with a CCD photometer. Wolf did not solve the light curves, while particular interest in them stems from the fact that a secondary minimum, which other observers failed to detect, is clearly seen in the byRI light curves. This enables us to consider a new eclipse model in which we hypothesize that the secondary component at primary minimum completely obscures the primary, smaller B star, but, at the same time, the light from a third star is observed. Based on this hypothesis, we computed the brightness of each of the three stars for the six bands by analyzing the depths of the primary and secondary minima. Satisfactory agreement between theoretical and observed light curves was achieved by assuming the following parameters for the stars: effective temperature T 1=17000 K, radius R 1 = 2.5 R , spectral type Sp1 = B3—B4 for the primary; T 2=5700 K, R 2 = 8.4 R , Sp2 = G0—G2 for the secondary; and T 3=29000 K, R 3 = 1.0 R , Sp3=B0 for the third star. In the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the first star lies on the zero-age main sequence, the second is on the way from the birthline to the main sequence in the region of giants, and the third falls within the region of hot subdwarfs.  相似文献   

The stream interaction region (SIR), formed when a fast stream overtakes a preceding slow stream, is the predominant large-scale solar wind structure at this early phase of the STEREO mission. Using multi-spacecraft observations from STEREO A and B, ACE, Wind, and Ulysses in 2007, we analyze three stream interaction events in depth in May, August, and November of 2007, respectively, when the spacecraft had quite different spatial separations. We attempt to determine the causes of the differences in the SIR properties, whether they are spatial or temporal variations, and also to examine the steepening or widening of the SIR during its radial evolution. The presence and characteristics of associated shocks, the relation to the heliospheric current sheet, and other structures are also studied.  相似文献   

A set of smoothed temperature gradient profiles around overshooting layers at the solar convective zone bottom is considered. In classical local theories of convection the one point defined according to the Schwarzschild criterion is enough to describe a convective boundary. To get a sophisticated picture of the overshooting we use four points to compute the transition overshooting functions. Analyzing the transition gradient profiles we found that the overshooting convective flux may be either positive or negative. A negative overshooting flux appears in nonlocal convective theories and causes a steep temperature gradient profile. But we propose an evenly smoothed gradient which corresponds to a convective flux positive everywhere. To outline the effect of the temperature gradient on the solar oscillations the squared Brunt–Väisälä frequency N 2 is calculated. In local convective theories the N 2 profile shows the discontinuity of the first derivative at the convective boundary, while all smoothed profiles eliminate the break.  相似文献   

The interpretation of multi-spacecraft heliospheric observations and three-dimensional reconstruction of structured and evolving solar wind is challenging. This is especially true for the interpretation of white-light structures observed by the Heliospheric Imagers (HI) onboard STEREO spacecraft since their appearance depends on three-dimensional geometric factors. Numerical simulations can provide global context and suggest what may and may not be observed. We use the heliospheric code ENLIL to simulate various scenarios of well-defined corotating solar wind streams and ejected transient density structures, and we generate from the solutions synthetic white-light images at various locations. We illustrate that corotating interaction regions (CIRs) show up differently in HI-2A and HI-2B and that they may appear as transient structures in HI-2A but not in HI-2B. This asymmetry is caused by differing Thomson scattering responses. Further, we illustrate that a given interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) may exhibit drastically different white-light brightness depending on the observing position and that some ICMEs can eventually reach Earth without being detected by the imagers. Finally, we demonstrate application of the modeling system through simulation of the 24?–?25 January 2007, 31 December 2007 and 26 April 2008 CMEs.  相似文献   

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