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Recent measurements of the surface magnetic fields of classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) and magnetic cataclysmic variables show that their magnetic fields have a complex structure. Investigation of accretion onto such stars requires global three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, where the complexity of simulations strongly increases with each higher-order multipole. Previously, we were able to model disc accretion onto stars with magnetic fields described by a superposition of dipole and quadrupole moments. However, in some stars, like CTTS V2129 Oph and BP Tau, the octupolar component is significant and it was necessary to include the next octupolar component. Here, we show results of global 3D MHD simulations of accretion onto stars with superposition of the dipole and octupole fields, where we vary the ratio between components. Simulations show that if octupolar field strongly dominates at the disc-magnetosphere boundary, then matter flows into the ring-like octupolar poles, forming ring-shape spots at the surface of the star above and below equator. The light-curves are complex and may have two peaks per period. In case where the dipole field dominates, matter accretes in two ordered funnel streams towards poles, however the polar spots are meridionally-elongated due to the action of the octupolar component. In the case when the fields are of similar strengths, both, polar and belt-like spots are present. In many cases the light-curves show the evidence of complex fields, excluding the cases of small inclinations angles, where sinusoidal light-curve is observed and ‘hides’ the information about the field complexity.We also propose new mechanisms of phase shift in stars with complex magnetic fields. We suggest that the phase shifts can be connected with: (1) temporal variation of the star’s intrinsic magnetic field and subsequent redistribution of main magnetic poles; (2) variation of the accretion rate, which causes the disc to interact with the magnetic fields associated with different magnetic moments. We use our model to demonstrate these phase shift mechanisms, and we discuss possible applications of these mechanisms to accreting millisecond pulsars and young stars.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current state of the problem of magnetism in massive Main Sequence stars. Chemically peculiar Bp stars with enhanced silicon lines and anomalous helium lines in their spectra are shown to be the most promising targets for the observational verification of various mechanisms of the formation and subsequent evolution of magnetic fields in CP stars. A catalog of magnetic Bp stars, containing 125 objects is prepared. Applying different criteria, we compiled a variety of magnetic star samples, which were then used to analyze magnetic fields in objects of different ages. The results of this analysis show that massive stars generally have stronger fields in all the samples studied, and thus confirm earlier results based on smaller star samples. No tight relation is observed and the parameters of individual objects show a very large scatter about the mean relation. The strongest and most complex fields are found in the youngest Bp stars with ages below 30 Myr. Magnetic Bp stars generally rotate slower than normal B-type stars, except for the hottest objects with enhanced helium lines, which have normal rotation velocities. No systematic differences are found between the angular rotation velocities of Bp stars with anomalous helium and silicon lines. We discuss various criteria, which can be used to observationally test the alternative mechanisms of formation and evolution of magnetic fields in CP stars and, in particular, to quantitatively compare not only the magnitudes, but also the topology of fields in objects of different ages.  相似文献   

Presenting some interesting new solutions, rotating models of anisotropic two-fluid universes coupled with a magnetic field are investigated and studied, where the anisotropic pressure is generated by the presence of two non-interacting perfect fluids which are in relative motion with respect to each other. Here special discussion is made of the physically interesting class of models in which one fluid is a comoving radiative perfect fluid which is taken to model the cosmic microwave background and the second a non-comoving perfect fluid which will model the observed material content of the universe. Besides studying their physical and dynamical properties the effects of rotation on these models are studied and the reactions of the magnetic and gravitational fields with respect to the rotational motion are discussed. Analysis on the rotational perturbations are also made, in the course of which the amount of anisotropy induced in pressure distribution by a small deviation from the Friedmann metric is also investigated. The models obtained here are found to be theoretically satisfactory and thereby substantiates the possibilities of existence of such astrophysical objects in this Universe and may be taken as good examples of real astrophysical situations.  相似文献   

Analysis of ultraviolet (UV) observations with the FAUST shuttle-borne telescope toward the Antennae and NGC 6752 celestial regions resulted in the detection of 46 and 221 candidate sources respectively, for a signal-to-noise ratio of 8. We discuss the source detection process and the identification of UV sources with optical counterparts. Using correlations with existing catalogues, we present reliable identifications for approximately 60 per cent of the sources. We find that most identified objects are B, A and F stars. The remaining identified objects are galaxies, a white dwarf in a binary system, and two K-type stars. Nearly all of the remaining unidentified objects have assigned optical counterparts but, lacking additional information, we give these only as best estimates. With help from new diagnostic diagrams, we suggest that these unclassified objects are main-sequence (or giant) stars within the local spiral arm or halo; or other hot evolved objects within the local spiral arm. We discuss the nature of the objects found and compare our results with those predicted from spectral and Galactic models.  相似文献   

The various modes of plasma turbulence waves (including MHD waves) are easily excited under cosmic circumstances. In this paper, if we consider that the celestial bodies rotate, there is a source term generated for the magnetic induced equation by the excited plasma turbulence waves. If we expand the turbulent field in the Fourier series and include rotation velocity, the dynamo equation for turbulent waves is obtained. We have also obtained the solutions of various wave forms corresponding to different rotation velocities and then we significantly discuss the magnetic fields in the Sun, planets, and other celestial bodies.  相似文献   

The origin of global magnetic fields in celestial bodies is generally ascribed to dynamo action by fluid motions in their electrically conducting interiors. Some objects – e.g. close‐in extra‐solar planets or the moons of some giant planets – are embedded in ambient magnetic fields which modify the generation of the internal field in these bodies. Recently, the feedback of the magnetospheric field by Chapman‐Ferraro currents in the magnetopause onto the interior dynamo has been proposed to explain the observed weakness of the intrinsic magnetic field of planet Mercury. We study a simplified mean‐field dynamo model which allows us to analytically address various issues like positive and negative feedback situations, stationary versus time‐dependent solutions, and the stability of weak and strong field branches. We discuss the influence of the response function on the solutions when the external field depends on the strength of the intrinsic field like in the situation of the feedback dynamo of Mercury. We find that the feedback mechanism works only for a narrow range of dynamo numbers in the case of Mercury which makes him unique in our solar system. We conclude with some implications for extra‐solar planets (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

从知道某些天体具有磁场起,人们就对其磁场的起源提出种种解释,例如有电池说,转子说,化石说,发电机说等等。但由于这些学说都分别与某些观测事实相抵触而未被公认,因此星球磁场的起源一直是未能解决的命题。余先河先生提出,星球的磁场起源可能与所受的引力有关,行星的磁场强度正比于其所受卫星的引力;正比于卫星与行星的引力连线转动的相对角速度。本文对这两方面的命题分别进行了相关分析,得到其相关系数分别为:r=0.8481和r=0.8425,它们都在a=0.01的信度水平上相关。结果表明余新河关于行星磁场起源的设想是有基础的。本文还对其统计结果和可能机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the possibilty of interpreting the magnetic fields of astronomical bodies in the framework of a unified field theory.Using one of the solutions of the generalized field theory, a direct relation between the polar magnetic field, the angular velocity and the gravitational potential of the body considered, is obtained. The geometric model used for applications has spherical symmetry and is of the type (FIGI).The predictions of the theoretical formula, obtained from the model, are compared with available observational data, and with the empirical formula of Blackett. The theoretical formula gives a possible interpretation of a seed magnetic field which will develop and produce the large-scale magnetic field observed for celestial objects. The formula shows that the field is generated as a result of rotation of a massive object.  相似文献   

During 1987–1994, observational campaigns with different telescopes at several observatories have been initiated by the author in order to discover new Trojans. The importance of Trojan asteroids comes from celestial mechanics, where they represent the physical solution of the famous Lagrange triangular problem. Their importance lies also in the fact, that they may have some relation with comets. Furthermore, the Trojan belt may be as large as the belt of asteroids. Moreover, recently “families” have been discovered between the already well known Trojans. Enough reasons to continue to search for these interesting objects.  相似文献   

The 80 high-mass X-ray binary(HMXB) pulsars that are known to reside in the Magellanic Clouds(MCs) have been observed by the XMM-Newton and Chandra X-ray telescopes on a regular basis for 15 years,and the XMM-Newton and Chandra archives contain nearly complete information about the duty cycles of the sources with spin periods P_S 100 s.We have reprocessed the archival data from both observatories and we combined the output products with all the published observations of 31 MC pulsars with P_S 100 s in an attempt to investigate the faintest X-ray emission states of these objects that occur when accretion to the polar caps proceeds at the smallest possible rates.These states determine the so-called propeller lines of the accreting pulsars and yield information about the magnitudes of their surface magnetic fields.We have found that the faintest states of the pulsars segregate into five discrete groups which obey to a high degree of accuracy the theoretical relation between spin period and X-ray luminosity.So the entire population of these pulsars can be described by just five propeller lines and the five corresponding magnetic moments(0.29,0.53,1.2,2.9 and 7.3,in units of 10~(30) G cm~3).  相似文献   

For application to the auroral ionosphere we have calculated ion velocity distributions for a weakly-ionized plasma subjected to crossed electric and magnetic fields. By replacing the Boltzmann collision integral with a simple relaxation model, we have been able to obtain an exact solution to Boltzmann's equation. This solution has the advantage over a series expansion in that all the higher order velocity moments are inherent in it. The exact solution is particularly advantageous when studying large departures of the distribution from its Maxwellian form because these departures are caused by the higher velocity moments. In general, however, a simple relaxation model can only be used to obtain qualitative information on the distribution function. Consequently, we can determine when the higher order velocity moments affect the ion velocity distribution and the nature of their effect, but we cannot obtain accurate quantitative results. The higher velocity moments have their greatest effect on the distribution function above about 120 km, where the ion-neutral collision frequency is less than the ion cyclotron frequency. As the magnitude of the electric field increases, these higher moments act to decrease the number of ions at the peak of the distribution function. Peak densities are reduced by a few per cent for perpendicular electric fields of about 20 mV m?1.  相似文献   

Recent observations of sunspots have revealed a rich range of behaviour and a complicated magnetic field structure; magnetoconvection is the key physical process underlying these phenomena. Traditional studies of magnetoconvection have considered vertical, or sometimes horizontal, imposed fields. Tilted fields have received less attention, and yet these are crucial to sunspot dynamics, particularly in the penumbra where field lines are inclined at a variety of angles to the vertical. Tilting the field is also interesting from a purely theoretical viewpoint since it breaks many of the symmetries usually associated with convection problems. In this paper we study the linear stability of a layer permeated by an inclined magnetic field and go on to set up model equations in order to study the patterns formed in the weakly non-linear regime. Possible applications of the results to sunspots are discussed.  相似文献   

Predictions of future potential Earth impacts by near-Earth objects (NEOs) have become commonplace in recent years, and the rate of these detections is likely to accelerate as asteroid survey efforts continue to mature. In order to conveniently compare and categorize the numerous potential impact solutions being discovered we propose a new hazard scale that will describe the risk posed by a particular potential impact in both absolute and relative terms. To this end, we measure each event in two ways, first without any consideration of the event's time proximity or its significance relative to the so-called background threat, and then in the context of the expected risk from other objects over the intervening years until the impact. This approach is designed principally to facilitate communication among astronomers, and it is not intended for public communication of impact risks. The scale characterizes impacts across all impact energies, probabilities and dates, and it is useful, in particular, when dealing with those cases which fall below the threshold of public interest. The scale also reflects the urgency of the situation in a natural way and thus can guide specialists in assessing the computational and observational effort appropriate for a given situation. In this paper we describe the metrics introduced, and we give numerous examples of their application. This enables us to establish in rough terms the levels at which events become interesting to various parties.  相似文献   

Radio galaxies are known to inflate lobes of hot relativistic plasmas into the intergalactic medium. Here we present hydrodynamical and magnetohydrodynamical simulations of these hot plasma bubbles in FR II objects. We focus on the later stages of their evolution after the jet has died down and after the bow shock that surrounded the lobes at earlier stages has vanished. We investigate the evolution of the plasma bubbles as they become subject to Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities. From our simulations we calculate the radio and X-ray emissivities of the bubbles and discuss their appearance in observations. Finally, we investigate the influence of large-scale magnetic fields on the evolution of the bubbles. The issues of re-acceleration and diffusion of relativistic particles are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

X-ray polarimetry can be an important tool for investigating various physical processes as well as their geometries at the celestial X-ray sources. However, X-ray polarimetry has not progressed much compared to the spectroscopy, timing and imaging mainly due to the extremely photon-hungry nature of X-ray polarimetry leading to severely limited sensitivity of X-ray polarimeters. The great improvement in sensitivity in spectroscopy and imaging was possible due to focusing X-ray optics which is effective only at the soft X-ray energy range. Similar improvement in sensitivity of polarisation measurement at soft X-ray range is expected in near future with the advent of GEM based photoelectric polarimeters. However, at energies >10 keV, even spectroscopic and imaging sensitivities of X-ray detector are limited due to lack of focusing optics. Thus hard X-ray polarimetry so far has been largely unexplored area. On the other hand, typically the polarisation degree is expected to increase at higher energies as the radiation from non-thermal processes is dominant fraction. So polarisation measurement in hard X-ray can yield significant insights into such processes. With the recent availability of hard X-ray optics (e.g. with upcoming NuSTAR, Astro-H missions) which can focus X-rays from 5 KeV to 80 KeV, sensitivity of X-ray detectors in hard X-ray range is expected to improve significantly. In this context we explore feasibility of a focal plane hard X-ray polarimeter based on Compton scattering having a thin plastic scatterer surrounded by cylindrical array scintillator detectors. We have carried out detailed Geant4 simulation to estimate the modulation factor for 100 % polarized beam as well as polarimetric efficiency of this configuration. We have also validated these results with a semi-analytical approach. Here we present the initial results of polarisation sensitivities of such focal plane Compton polarimeter coupled with the reflection efficiency of present era hard X-ray optics.  相似文献   

Magnetic field is believed to play an important role in the collapse of a molecular cloud. In particular, due to the properties of magnetic forces, collapse should be easier along magnetic field lines. This is supported by the large-scale sheet-like structures observed in the Taurus giant molecular cloud for instance. Here we investigate whether such a preferred orientation for collapse is present at a much smaller scale, that of individual objects, i.e., about 100AU. We use recent high-angular resolution images of T Tauri stars located in the Taurus star-forming region to find the orientation of the symmetry axis of each star+jet+disk system and compare it with that of the local magnetic field. We find that (i) T Tauri stars that are associated to a jet or an outflow are generally oriented parallel to the magnetic field, as previously demonstrated. More surprising, given our current knowledge of these objects, we also find that (ii) T Tauri stars that are not at present believed to be associated to a jet or an outflow are oriented very differently, i.e., mostly perpendicular to the magnetic field. We present some implications of this puzzling new result.  相似文献   

Our spectrophotometric analysis of the atmospheres of HD 37058, HD 212454, and HD 224926 shows these objects to be typical He-w stars with close-to-zero microturbulence velocities, very different magnetic fields, and wide scatter of chemical anomalies. However, one of the main manifestations of separation is that helium moves from the outer layers of the atmosphere into the star’s interior.Our analysis of the stars HD 212454 and 224926 with Be<100 G shows that despite their weak magnetic fields they have the same degree of chemical anomaly as highly magnetized stars. Chemical composition varies over a wide range for stars with the same magnitude of magnetic field. We find the conditions in the temperature interval 13000–16000 K to be the most favorable for the formation of He-w type stars. Helium underabundance is the strongest near the maximum of the distribution and it is observed in stars with weak as well as strong fields. Because of the scatter mentioned above the degree of chemical anomalies is not strictly related to the magnitude of the magnetic field, although the field has an appreciable effect on the formation of chemical inhomogeneities at the star’s surface. Its influence is minimal in stars with very weak magnetic fields and the presence of strong chemical anomalies indicates that microturbulence in these stars is sufficiently weak even without the effect of the magnetic field. It is plausible to assume that the anomalies arise due to slow rotation.The temperature dependences of rotation velocity vsini for stars with weak magnetic fields show no apparent trends associated with the magnitude of magnetic field. The rotation velocities vsini of almost all stars are lower than those of normal stars, except for HD 131120, 142096, 142990, and 143669, which rotate with the same velocity or even faster than normal stars. These objects do not obey the general rule and their example shows that stable atmospheres can also be found among fast rotators and that magnetic field takes no part in the spin-down of CP stars. We believe that CP stars inherited their slow rotation from protostellar clouds.  相似文献   

The observation of celestial objects in the sky is a practice that helps astronomers to understand the way in which the Universe is structured. However, due to the large number of observed objects with modern telescopes, the analysis of these by hand is a difficult task. An important part in galaxy research is the morphological structure classification based on the Hubble sequence. In this research, we present an approach to solve the morphological galaxy classification problem in an automatic way by using the Sparse Representation technique and dictionary learning with K-SVD. For the tests in this work, we use a database of galaxies extracted from the Principal Galaxy Catalog (PGC) and the APM Equatorial Catalogue of Galaxies obtaining a total of 2403 useful galaxies. In order to represent each galaxy frame, we propose to calculate a set of 20 features such as Hu’s invariant moments, galaxy nucleus eccentricity, gabor galaxy ratio and some other features commonly used in galaxy classification. A stage of feature relevance analysis was performed using Relief-f in order to determine which are the best parameters for the classification tests using 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 galaxy classes making signal vectors of different length values with the most important features. For the classification task, we use a 20-random cross-validation technique to evaluate classification accuracy with all signal sets achieving a score of 82.27 % for 2 galaxy classes and up to 44.27 % for 7 galaxy classes.  相似文献   

Global magnetic fields of flare stars evolve very fast—at times of tens–hundreds of days. In our opinion, this is due to mutual addition of local magnetic fields generated by the differential rotation of these objects.With the example of two flare stars,OT Ser and YZCMi, we consider possiblemechanisms of generation and disspation of local and global magnetic fields and the mechanism of “magnetic deceleration” of these stars according to the scheme “differential rotation–generation of local magnetic fields–fluorescence of energy accumulated by local magnetic fields during flares.” We also estimated the rotation energy and global magnetic field for OT Ser and YZCMi. It is shown that even strong dissipation of the accumulated local magnetic energy in the flare on February 9, 2008 (UT 20:22:00) in YZCMi has not had any impact on the global magnetic field.  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements of meteorites suggest that small bodies (e.g. asteroids) in the Solar System have small but distinct magnetic fields produced by the bulk remanent magnetisation (NRM) of the body. Here we report calculations of magnetic fields of small bodies, assuming that they can be approximated as homogeneously magnetised spheres with dipole moments derived from NRM data on known meteorites. The magnetic fields are compared with the field of the asteroid 951 Gaspra measured by spacecraft Galileo in 1991 (Kivelson et al., 1993). The result of this comparison suggests that the field of Gaspra could be caused by an L-, H- or E-chondritic or a pallasite body. The spectral reflectance data on Gaspra suggest, however, that it is a basaltic achondrite. The problem can be resolved if Gaspra is a differentiated body, its surface material being closer to that of basaltic achondrites, and the bulk closer to ordinary chondrites or pallasites. We also present magnetic anomaly profiles along the surface of Mars such as would be measured with a magnetometer installed on a Rover-type vehicle by assuming that the main sources of the surface anomalies are the NRMs of the boulders on the Martian surface. The NRM values are taken from the data measured on SNC meteorites. The results suggest large oscillations in magnetic field intensity at the Martian surface.  相似文献   

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