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We calculate the disc and boundary layer luminosities for accreting rapidly rotating neutron stars with low magnetic fields in a fully general relativistic manner. Rotation increases the disc luminosity and decreases the boundary layer luminosity. A rapid rotation of the neutron star substantially modifies these quantities as compared with the static limit. For a neutron star rotating close to the centrifugal mass shed limit, the total luminosity has contribution only from the extended disc. For such maximal rotation rates, we find that well before the maximum stable gravitational mass configuration is reached, there exists a limiting central density, for which particles in the innermost stable orbit will be more tightly bound than those at the surface of the neutron star. We also calculate the angular velocity profiles of particles in Keplerian orbits around the rapidly rotating neutron star. The results are illustrated for a representative set of equation of state models of neutron star matter.  相似文献   

The interior of neutron stars consists of the densest, although relatively cold, matter known in the universe. Here, baryon number densities might reach values close to ten times the nuclear saturation density. These suggest that the constituents of neutron star cores not only consist of nucleons, but also of more exotic baryons like hyperons or a phase of deconfined quarks. We discuss the consequences of such exotic particles on the gross properties and phenomenology of neutron stars. In addition, we determine the general phase structure of dense and also hot matter in the chiral parity-doublet model and confront model results with the recent constraints derived from the neutron star merger observation.  相似文献   

As a neutron star spins down, the nuclear matter is continuously converted into quark matter due to the core density increase, and then latent heat is released. We have investigated the thermal evolution of neutron stars undergoing such deconfinement phase transition. We have taken into account the conversion in the frame of the general theory of relativity. The released energy has been estimated as a function of changed rate of deconfinement baryon number. The numerical solutions to the cooling equation are seen to be very different from those without the heating effect. The results show that neutron stars may be heated to higher temperatures which is well matched with pulsar's data despite the onset of fast cooling in neutron stars with quark matter cores. It is also found that the heating effect has a magnetic field strength dependence. This feature could be particularly interesting for high temperatures of low-field millisecond pulsars at a later stage. The high temperature could fit the observed temperature for PSR J0437−4715.  相似文献   

The final nuclear composition of the matter expanding from the density of a neutron star is investigated. It is assumed that starquakes cause the cracks which penetrate the neutron star crust and that the neutron star fluid can flow out through the cracks into space. The change with time of the nuclear composition of this matter is calculated by use of the compressible nuclear mass formula, and the hydrodynamics of the system is followed by the effect of nuclear transformation with time of the second fission of heavy neutron-rich nuclei, which is followed by a rapid rise to above 109 K. If the value of the -strength function exceeds about 10–5.5 MeV–1 s–1, the system proceeds to a state of nuclear equilibrium in the later expansion stage and the nuclear composition is reshuffled, finally to be transformed into neutron-excess, stable nuclei within the atomic mass region 80A120. It also becomes clear that if the strength function has a value smaller than the above critical value, then the neutron-rich nuclides withA[200, 400] are copiously produced. These results will also be applied in the cases of a neutron-star-black-hole collision and the explosion of a neutron star associated with the catastrophic phase transition within the neutron star core. The astrophysical implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The fast neutron capture process (the r-process) occurs in the neutron-rich circumstance. However its concrete physical environment is not very clear. With recent progress in observations, many extremely metal-poor halo stars have been discovered. They have two characteristics: one is the overabundance of fast neutron elements with the relative abundance consistent with that of the sun; the other is that fast neutron element contents in stars at the same metal abundance have a very large dispersion. This provides a particular way to study the origin of the r-process. Simulation was used to study the galaxy's evolution process and the resulting dispersion of fast neutron nuclide contents in stars. The model of galaxy evolution obtained in this way not only contains spontaneous star formation in the gas region, but also includes the star formation excited by the supernova explosion. It is shown from our results that the supernovae at the low mass end should be the place producing the fast neutron nuclides. In addition, it is also shown that the non-uniformity of the galaxy evolution caused by the supernova explosion is not enough to explain the observed dispersion of fast neutron element contents in halo stars. This problem should be further studied.  相似文献   

The cooling history of a quark star in the colour superconductive phase is investigated. Here we specifically focus on the two-flavour colour (2SC) phase where the novel process of photon generation via glueball (GLB) decay has already been investigated. The picture we present here can, in principle, be generalized to quark stars entering a superconductive phase where similar photon generation mechanisms are at play. As much as 1045–1047 erg of energy is provided by the GLB decay in the 2SC phase. The generated photons slowly diffuse out of the quark star, keeping it hot and radiating as a blackbody (with possibly a Wien spectrum in gamma-rays) for millions of years. We discuss hot radio-quiet isolated neutron stars in our picture (such as RX J185635–3754 and RX J0720.4–3125) and argue that their nearly blackbody spectra (with a few broad features) and their remarkably tiny hydrogen atmosphere are indications that these might be quark stars in the colour superconductive phase where some sort of photon generation mechanism (reminiscent of the GLB decay) has taken place. Fits to observed data of cooling compact stars favour models with superconductive gaps of  Δ2SC∼ 15–35 MeV  and densities  ρ2SC= (2.5–3.0) ×ρN  (ρN being the nuclear matter saturation density) for quark matter in the 2SC phase. If correct, our model combined with more observations of isolated compact stars could provide vital information to studies of quark matter and its exotic phases.  相似文献   

Fast rotation of compact stars (at sub-millisecond period) and, in particular, their stability, are sensitive to the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter. Recent observations of XTE J1739-285 suggest that it contains a neutron star rotating at 1122 Hz. At such rotational frequency the effects of rotation on star’s structure are significant. We study the interplay of fast rotation, EOS, and gravitational mass of a sub-millisecond pulsar. We discuss the EOS dependence of spin-up to a sub-millisecond period, via mass accretion from a disk in a low-mass X-ray binary.  相似文献   

Recent proper motion and parallax measurements for the pulsar PSR B1508+55 indicate a transverse velocity of  ∼1100 km s−1  , which exceeds earlier measurements for any neutron star. The spin-down characteristics of PSR B1508+55 are typical for a non-recycled pulsar, which implies that the velocity of the pulsar cannot have originated from the second supernova disruption of a massive binary system. The high velocity of PSR B1508+55 can be accounted for by assuming that it received a kick at birth or that the neutron star was accelerated after its formation in the supernova explosion. We propose an explanation for the origin of hyperfast neutron stars based on the hypothesis that they could be the remnants of a symmetric supernova explosion of a high-velocity massive star which attained its peculiar velocity (similar to that of the pulsar) in the course of a strong dynamical three- or four-body encounter in the core of dense young star cluster. To check this hypothesis, we investigated three dynamical processes involving close encounters between: (i) two hard massive binaries, (ii) a hard binary and an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) and (iii) a single stars and a hard binary IMBH. We find that main-sequence O-type stars cannot be ejected from young massive star clusters with peculiar velocities high enough to explain the origin of hyperfast neutron stars, but lower mass main-sequence stars or the stripped helium cores of massive stars could be accelerated to hypervelocities. Our explanation for the origin of hyperfast pulsars requires a very dense stellar environment of the order of  106– 107 stars pc−3  . Although such high densities may exist during the core collapse of young massive star clusters, we caution that they have never been observed.  相似文献   

A gravitationless black hole model is proposed in accord with a five-dimensional fully covariant Kaluza-Klein (K-K) theory with a scalar field, which unifies the four-dimensional Einsteinian general theory of relativity and Maxwellian electromagnetic theory. It is shown that a dense compact core of a star, when it collapses to a critical density, suddenly turns off or shields its gravitational field. The core, if its mass exceeds an upper limit, directly collapses into a black hole. Otherwise, the extremely large pressure, as the gravity is turned off, immediately stops the collapse and drives the mantle material of supernova moving outward, which leads to an impulsive explosion and forms a neutron star as a remnant. A neutron star can further evolve into a black hole when it accretes enough matter from a companion star such that the total mass exceeds a lower limit. The black hole in the K-K theory is gravitationless at the surface because the scalar field is infinitely strong, which varies the equivalent gravitational constant to zero. In general, a star, at the end of its evolution, is relatively harder to collapse into a gravitationless K-K black hole than a strong gravitational Schwarzschild black hole. This is consistent with the observation of some very massive stars to form neutron stars rather than expected black holes. In addition, the gravitationless K-K black hole should be easier to generate jets than a Schwarzschild black hole.  相似文献   

The long awaited event of the detection of a gravitational wave from a binary neutron star merger and its electromagnetic counterparts marked the beginning of a new era in observational astrophysics. The brand-new field of gravitational wave astronomy combined with multi-messenger observations will uncover violent, highly energetic astrophysical events that could not be explored before by humankind. This article focuses on the presumable appearance of a hadron–quark phase transition and the formation of regions of deconfined quark matter in the interior of a neutron star merger product. The evolution of density and temperature profiles inside the inner region of the produced hypermassive/supramassive neutron star advises an incorporation of a hadron–quark phase transition in the equation of state of neutron star matter. The highly densed and hot neutron star matter of the remnant populate regions in the QCD phase diagram where a non neglectable amount of deconfined quark matter is expected to be present. If a strong hadron–quark phase transition would happen during the post-merger phase, it will be imprinted in the spectral properties of the emitted gravitational wave signal and might give an additional contribution to the dynamically emitted outflow of mass.  相似文献   

早期中子星和夸克物质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夸克禁闭的解除与夸克物质的存在一直是物理学家极感兴趣的问题。尽管理论上已指出在超高温或超高密的条件下可以有夸克物质存在,但是由于地面实验室的条件所限,目前还不能通过实验证实这一点.宇宙中被观测到的中子星(例如crab和Vela脉冲星)的中心密度大于4倍的核物质密度,其中心温度也可以达到10~8—10~9K,于是人们希  相似文献   

We describe the cooling theory for isolated neutron stars that are several tens of years old. Their cooling differs greatly from the cooling of older stars that has been well studied in the literature. It is sensitive to the physics of the inner stellar crust and even to the thermal conductivity of the stellar core, which is never important at later cooling stages. The absence of observational evidence for the formation of a neutron star during the explosion of Supernova 1987A is consistent with the fact that the star was actually born there. It may still be hidden in the dense center of the supernova remnant. If, however, the star is not hidden, then it should have a low thermal luminosity (below ~1034 erg s?1) and a short internal thermal relaxation time (shorter than 13 yr). This requires that the star undergo intense neutrino cooling (e.g., via the direct Urca process) and have a thin crust with strong superfluidity of free neutrons and/or an anomalously high thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

Summary. Soft X–ray Transients (SXRTs) have long been suspected to contain old, weakly magnetic neutron stars that have been spun up by accretion torques. After reviewing their observational properties, we analyse the different regimes that likely characterise the neutron stars in these systems across the very large range of mass inflow rates, from the peak of the outbursts to the quiescent emission. While it is clear that close to the outburst maxima accretion onto the neutron star surface takes place, as the mass inflow rate decreases, accretion might stop at the magnetospheric boundary because of the centrifugal barrier provided by the neutron star. For low enough mass inflow rates (and sufficiently short rotation periods), the radio pulsar mechanism might turn on and sweep the inflowing matter away. The origin of the quiescent emission, observed in a number of SXRTs at a level of , plays a crucial role in constraining the neutron star magnetic field and spin period. Accretion onto the neutron star surface is an unlikely mechanism for the quiescent emission of SXRTs, as it requires very low magnetic fields and/or long spin periods. Thermal radiation from a cooling neutron star surface in between the outbursts can be ruled out as the only cause of the quiescent emission. We find that accretion onto the neutron star magnetosphere and shock emission powered by an enshrouded radio pulsar provide far more plausible models. In the latter case the range of allowed neutron star spin periods and magnetic fields is consistent with the values recently inferred from the properties of kHz quasi-periodic oscillation in low mass X–ray binaries. If quiescent SXRTs contain enshrouded radio pulsars, they provide a missing link between X–ray binaries and millisecond pulsars. Received 4 November 1997; Accepted 15 April 1998  相似文献   

Neutron stars are studied in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory of interacting nucleons, hyperons, and mesons. Within the hadronic freedom, the cores of neutron stars are found to be dominated by hyperons when the density is sufficiently high. The influence of hyperon coupling constants on the transition from a neutron star to a hyperon-dominated strange neutron star is also investigated. It is found that the transition density gets its minimum value when the ratio of hyperon coupling constant to nucleon's takes the value of 0.65, and the calculated maximum mass of the neutron star is 1.4 M which lies within the range of the observational results.  相似文献   

A new model of the internal structure of certain types of celestial bodies is proposed. It is based on the concept that some neutron stars might have been formed earlier than all other type of stars, at an early stage of expansion of the universe, directly from continuous cosmic matter. Under such conditions, a neutron star after forming becomes an efficient center for the accretion of cosmic plasma. The plasma streams falling onto the neutron star carry magnetic fields with them that are created in the process (by thermoelectric currents and the dynamo process) and pack the fields tightly around the star. After a certain time, an extended and strongly magnetized plasma layer is formed around the neutron star. As a result, a stellar configuration is formed with an outer layer, mass, radius, and luminosity similar to those of an ordinary star. In the magnetized part of such a configuration, the gravitational attraction of the masses is compensated for by a magnetic pressure gradient, while the plasma is confifned by the magnetic field itself. Numerical estimates corroborate the possibility that magnetized stars exist. The radii and masses of the magnetized spheres of such stars are considerably less than the radii and masses of the corresponding configurations, so in observations they should not differ from ordinary stars: the outer layers (intermediate layer, photosphere, and chromosphere) of the magnetized configuration are the same as for an ordinary star. Structural differences may appear in the inner regions, however, involving magnetic activity and neutrino luminosity, for example.  相似文献   

We study acoustic oscillations (eigenfrequencies, velocity distributions, damping times) of normal crusts of strange stars. These oscillations are very specific because of huge density jump at the interface between the normal crust and the strange matter core. The oscillation problem is shown to be self-similar. For a low (but non-zero) multipolarity l , the fundamental mode (without radial nodes) has a frequency of ∼300 Hz and mostly horizontal oscillation velocity; other pressure modes have frequencies ≳20 kHz and almost radial oscillation velocities. The latter modes are similar to radial oscillations (having approximately the same frequencies and radial velocity profiles). The oscillation spectrum of strange stars with crust differs from the spectrum of neutron stars. If detected, acoustic oscillations would allow one to discriminate between strange stars with crust and neutron stars and constrain the mass and radius of the star.  相似文献   

Both relativistic and non-relativistic two-fluid models of neutron star cores are constructed, using the constrained variational formalism developed by Brandon Carter and co-workers. We consider a mixture of superfluid neutrons and superconducting protons at zero temperature, taking into account mutual entrainment effects. Leptons, which affect the interior composition of the neutron star and contribute to the pressure, are also included. We provide the analytic expression of the Lagrangian density of the system, the so-called master function, from which the dynamical equations can be obtained. All the microscopic parameters of the models are calculated consistently using the non-relativistic nuclear energy density functional theory. For comparison, we have also considered relativistic mean field models. The correspondence between relativistic and non-relativistic hydrodynamical models is discussed in the framework of the recently developed 4D covariant formalism of Newtonian multifluid hydrodynamics. We have shown that entrainment effects can be interpreted in terms of dynamical effective masses that are larger in the relativistic case than in the Newtonian case. With the nuclear models considered in this work, we have found that the neutron relativistic effective mass is even greater than the bare neutron mass in the liquid core of neutron stars.  相似文献   

We derive an upper bound on neutron star masses by using model equations of state in the nuclear matter density region and the causality limited equation of state in the ultradense region. Supposing that the model equations of state describe neutron star matter at nuclear matter density correctly we find as bound 3.75 M. For large fiducial densities one gets a maximum mass which is above a previous estimate.  相似文献   

Recently discovered quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray brightness of low-mass X-ray binaries are used to derive constraints on the mass of the neutron star component and the equation of state of neutron star matter. The observations are compared with models of rapidly rotating neutron stars which are calculated by means of an exact numerical method in full relativity. For the equations of state we select a broad collection of models representing different assumptions about the many-body structure and the complexity of the composition of superdense matter. The mass constraints differ from their values in the approximate treatment by ∼10 per cent. Under the assumption that the maximum frequency of the quasi-periodic oscillations originates from the innermost stable orbit, the mass of the neutron star is in the range M ∼1.92–2.25 M. The quasi-periodic oscillation in the Atoll-source 4U 1820−30 in particular is only consistent with equations of state that are rather stiff at high densities, which is explainable, so far, only with pure nucleonic/leptonic composition. This interpretation contradicts the hypothesis that the protoneutron star formed in SN 1987A collapsed to a black hole, since this would demand a maximum neutron star mass below 1.6 M. The recently suggested identification of quasi-periodic oscillations with frequencies of about 10 Hz with the Lense–Thirring precession of the accretion disc is found to be inconsistent with the models studied in this work, unless it is assumed that the first overtone of the precession is observed.  相似文献   

中子星的相对论平均场描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从相对论平均场理沦出发,考虑核子、超子和介子的相互作用,研究了中子星的结构和性质以及超子耦合常数对中子星性质的影响.发现当密度较高时,中子星的核心区主要由超子组成,即中子星转变成以超子为主要成分的奇异中子星,并且这种转变受到超子相互作用的影响.当超子耦合常数与核子耦合常数的比值为0.65时,中子星转变为奇异中子星所对应的密度最小,此时计算的中子星的最大质量为1.4 M⊙,与天文观测结果较好符合.  相似文献   

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