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The Photogrammetric Society and the Remote Sensing Society held a joint symposium at Burlington House, London on 13th March, 1985. A number of papers were presented which related early experience gained with the use of Metric Camera photography taken from Spacelab in December 1983. Their authors described the Metric Camera experiment, the quality of satellite photography and presented and considered results from a number of applications in topographic and hydrographic mapping and land classification. It had been intended to include reports on the use of Large Format Camera photography taken in October 1984 but delays in release of this photography meant that insufficient time had elapsed,for the accomplishment of useful investigations.  相似文献   

A short review is given of the involvement of the Institut Géographique National (IGN) in the European Space Agency Spacelab Metric Camera (MC) experiment. IGN has participated in this project from the early stages of its preparation in 1974. The assessment of MC data has been carried out for both metric and thematic purposes. Using a Matra Traster analytical plotter, a contoured map of Carpentras. included in the European standard test site of Marseille, has been prepared at a scale of 1:100 000 with 100 m and 50 m contour intervals. Preliminary comparison of this map with the topographic data base shows a height accuracy of about 30 m. Orthophotographs have been produced of the same area, at 1:100000 scale and at 1:250000 scale. showing good agreement with the basic line map. An infrared colour pseudo-orthophotograph has been produced for Khartoum (assuming that the ground was flat) and a space map of a desert area of Algeria has been printed at 1:200000 scale, allowing a good comparison with the drainage shown on the existing line map. Interpretation of the MC photography has also been assessed and compared with conventional IGN aerial photography taken over the European standard test site. Due to the low sun elevation and the apparent image motion which affected the MC photography, the result is not as good as was expected. Some linear features of 6m width are visible (for example, roads and hedges) but for positive identification a width of 18m is necessary. It is difficult to determine the extent of cities and land parcels less than 40 × 40m are not visible. However, the MC data can be used for checking and revising some features of small scale maps (smaller than 1:100000). Two experiments have been performed in thematic interpretation, one concerned with land use and the other with forest mapping. Some improvements of the MC are suggested in order to satisfy the major requirements of users while the possibilities of topographic mapping from these data are summarised.  相似文献   

Pictometry倾斜摄影技术及其在3维城市建模中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
倾斜摄影技术是国际测绘领域近些年发展起来的一项高新技术.它颠覆了以往正射影像只能从垂直角度拍摄的局限,通过在同一飞行平台上搭载多台传感器,同时从一个垂直、四个倾斜等五个不同的角度采集影像,将用户引入了符合人眼视觉的真实直观世界.倾斜影像技术的引进和应用,使得目前高昂的3维城市建模成本将得以大大降低.由于倾斜影像为用户提...  相似文献   

本文论述了空间实验室测量相机(MC)拍摄的彩色红外立体像对在中比例尺地形制图、正射影像地图以及土地资源调查中的应用可能性,给出1:10万和1:20万比例尺的制图例证,表明平面位置和高程精度能满足1:10万比例尺地形图规范要求;1:10万比例尺影像图可以满足专题制图精度要求。 应用数字图像处理技术,将二种来源(MC,MSS)的遥感数据做数字匹配,并进行信息提取、组合、增强和分类等处理,其结果与原始图像比较表明有独特的优越性,与MSS原始数据相比,图像的空间分辨率明显提高,各种类型界线更分明,可分辨类目增多;而与MC原始图像相比,其光谱特性获得改善且能保持原有的空间分辨率。土地利用类型解释精度与MSS和MC原始图像比较分别提高7—20%左右。  相似文献   

In attempting to assess the possibilities of mapping from earth satellites, various factors which do not occur with aerial photography must be considered. The orbital characteristics of satellites are discussed from the point of view of their effects on photographic scale and coverage and the problems of taking and retrieving photography from satellites are outlined. An evaluation of the possibilities and limitations of mapping from both single and stereoscopic television pictures and normal frame photography is made and the tentative conclusion reached that topographic mapping from earth satellite photography may only be considered seriously for the scales 1 : 250 000 to 1 : 1 000 000 and for a minimum contour interval of 100 m. The economy of this very small-scale mapping is at present very doubtful in view of the current costs of building and launching a suitable satellite. Any extensive programme of satellite photography for mapping purposes could pose some difficult legal and political problems if the photography was made freely available.  相似文献   

Many of the data needs for efficient management of forest resources can be met by aerial photographs. Commercially important tree species can be distinguished from other less important miscellaneous species with the help of aerial photographs. Forests can be classified according to their height and density classes. Aerial photographs have become indispensable for mapping of forests and preparation of forest inventories. A comparison of interpretation results obtained from landsat imagery and aerial photographs (1 ∶ 10,000 Black and White panchromatic photography) with respect to forestry interpretation is given. It is pointed out that the imagery obtained from satellities can be used for reconnaissance of a region and for deciding the priorities for carrying out more detailed surveys of forest resources with the help of air photointerpretation techniques  相似文献   

基础航空摄影产品是服务于社会各行各业的重要基础测绘成果,但多数市、县级基础测绘规划任务中缺少对基础航空摄影的规划。本文以测绘行业的相关法律法规为基础,探索了在市、县级基础测绘规划实施过程中,基础航空摄影的规划方案和基于基础航空摄影测量的数据采集方法,从而提高了基础测绘产品服务经济社会发展的水平和效率。  相似文献   

基于无人直升机开展应急测绘具有重要意义,但目前缺乏针对无人直升机航摄系统的测绘质量检查体系及量化指标。本文提出基于Z-5无人直升机及配套航摄系统的测绘质量检查体系,包含数字航空摄影成果检查、空三加密成果检查和数字正射影像成果检查,并明确重要指标的量化数据。通过实际飞行验证,结果表明,Z-5无人直升机航摄系统能够满足应急测绘精度要求,其中4项内容可以进一步提高量化指标阈值,满足更为精准的无人机测绘要求。  相似文献   

Ordnance Survey experimental work has shown that colour film developed to a reversed positive image is best suited to the photogrammetric problems of large-scale mapping. Tests have shown no difference in accuracy between maps produced from colour photography and those produced from monochrome photography. The economy of using colour photography in this field has yet to he demonstrated.  相似文献   

The full provision of ground control points for oblique, small format photography used for mapping purposes is uneconomic because each photograph covers a small area of ground. This paper describes the implementation of a bundle adjustment program for 35 mm oblique aerial photography. Image co-ordinates are measured on enlarged prints, with a digitizing tablet driven by Carto MDSD software, and are then processed with the NLHBUNT program. The measurement system was proved by using vertical standard format photographs of a test block saturated with high quality ground control. Measurements taken with the MDSD system gave acceptable accuracy when compared with a set taken with a Zeiss P3 analytical workstation. A bundle adjustment was then carried out with the MDSD data; the results obtained compared satisfactorily with known ground values. A hand-held 35 mm Pentax LX camera was flown over the test site and three strips of 1:30 000 scale oblique photography were obtained. Following bundle adjustment, the empirical accuracy of derived co-ordinates was about 1.5 m in X, 3 m in Y and 2 m in Z. Factors affecting this accuracy are discussed and further developments of the system are proposed.  相似文献   

针对当前市场上基于倾斜摄影三维模型采编大比例尺地形图软件种类繁多的现状,本文以目前市场上主流的3款采编软件--EPS,DP-Modeler和Idata3D为例,通过选取一个测试区域,对3款软件加载倾斜摄影三维模型、采集建筑物模型、采编DLG等技术性能进行深入对比分析。本文提出科学客观的分析以及评价意见,从而为基于倾斜摄影三维模型的大比例尺地形图测图应用提供翔实的技术指导,进一步推广应用新型地形图采编技术方法。  相似文献   


When Lord Kitchener ordered Sir Ian Hamilton in 1915 to command land operations on Gallipoli he gave him a solitary old One Inch map and denied him any air forces. When Winston Churchill had earlier sent the Royal Navy to break through to the Black Sea, he had ensured that the Royal Naval Division withdrawn from fighting on the Western Front was accompanied by a Naval Air Squadron as its forward reconnaissance element. Ernest Dowson, the Surveyor General of Egypt, appointed to provide local mapping support, soon convinced the Naval pilots of the value of air photography taken systematically to meet his map-making requirements. In September 1915 Dowson wrote a Secret technical report demonstrating for the first time to British Commanders the practicality of mapping from specified aeroplane photographs of the operational area.  相似文献   

利用倾斜摄影技术生成的实景三维模型一般都仅仅作为一种浏览演示的方式,使用方式较为粗糙单一,其成果并没有真正应用到常规测绘产品生产的各个环节。本文对一种利用倾斜摄影三维模型的房檐改正方法进行了分析与精度评估。在已有倾斜摄影快速建立三维模型的基础上,采用建筑物立面散点正交原理直接对倾斜摄影三维模型居民地区域进行去房檐采集。该方法提供了一种全内业测图的模式,对地形图生产方法的改进具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文以LandsatTM图像为主信息源,对研究区内影响土地持续利用的自然环境要素地貌、地表土壤质地、温度、湿润度和地势进行了遥感判读。在综合分析制约区域内部土地资源持续利用的环境问题基础上,提出了土地利用与环境相互协调的发展途径  相似文献   

本文以LandsatTM图像为主信息源,对研究区内影响土地持续利用的自然环境要素地貌、地表土壤质地、温度、湿润度和地势进行了遥感判读。在综合分析制约区域内部土地资源持续利用的环境问题基础上,提出了土地利用与环境相互协调的发展途径。  相似文献   

数字航空摄影具有从测量到成图的全过程数字化的优点。结合1∶2000地形图DMC全数字摄影测量项目对面阵CCD航摄像机用于大比例尺航测成图的基本要求进行了分析研究,提出数字像机的几何标定、数字摄影的质量检验和生产作业规范制订的必要性。  相似文献   

以无人机航摄技术在大比例尺(1∶1 000、1∶500)地形图测绘中的应用为研究目的,采用固定翼无人机平台,搭载非量测型数码相机,于河北某矿区进行航摄大比例尺地形图制作实验,通过外业实测点位数据对测图高程及平面精度进行评估。实验结果表明:通过严控误差影响因素无人机航摄技术可以满足1∶1 000比例尺测图精度要求,1∶500比例尺测图精度无法满足。最后,基于精度评定数据对误差产生的原因进行了深入分析与探讨,为无人机航摄技术测绘大比例尺地形图应用的可行性及可靠性提供了经验。  相似文献   

岩溶塌陷及遥感探测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶塌陷是岩溶发育地区所特有的灾害地质现象。它随着人类的经济活动的频繁而加剧。在我国,可溶性岩石覆盖了全国三分之一强的面积,因此,岩溶塌陷的防治和预测则格外重要。对岩溶塌陷进行探测,遥感技术是一个有效的方法。航空摄影是最常用的,其解译规范已建立了。热红外扫描技术在一些调查中也是很好的方法,这种方法关键应测得地物的温度,并选择合适的飞行高度。卫星影像解译结合实地调查是进行塌陷预测和调查塌陷分布的一种辅助方法。  相似文献   

分析了数字摄影测量相机(DMC)在航空摄影测量及大比例尺数字化成图中遇到的问题,如摄影比例尺的选择;数字解析空中三角测量野外像控点间航向基线数、旁向航线数、区域网总航线数的确定;摄影测量平台软件的选择;对计算机硬件的要求;摄影精度、加密精度、成图精度等.  相似文献   

Land-use and land-cover (LULC) conversions have an important impact on land degradation, erosion and water availability. Information on historical land cover (change) is crucial for studying and modelling land- and ecosystem degradation. During the past decades major LULC conversions occurred in Africa, Southeast Asia and South America as a consequence of a growing population and economy. Most distinct is the conversion of natural vegetation into cropland. Historical LULC information can be derived from satellite imagery, but these only date back until approximately 1972. Before the emergence of satellite imagery, landscapes were monitored by black-and-white (B&W) aerial photography. This photography is often visually interpreted, which is a very time-consuming approach. This study presents an innovative, semi-automated method to map cropland acreage from B&W photography. Cropland acreage was mapped on two study sites in Ethiopia and in The Netherlands. For this purpose we used Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) and a Random Forest classification on a set of variables comprising texture, shape, slope, neighbour and spectral information. Overall mapping accuracies attained are 90% and 96% for the two study areas respectively. This mapping method increases the timeline at which historical cropland expansion can be mapped purely from brightness information in B&W photography up to the 1930s, which is beneficial for regions where historical land-use statistics are mostly absent.  相似文献   

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