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The Torlesse terrane of New Zealand is an ancient subduction complex consisting of deformed turbidite-facies rocks. These are mainly thick-bedded sandstone (facies B and C) with subordinate mudstone (facies D and E), comparable to inner- and middle-fan deposits of a submarine fan. Strata were deposited in trench-floor and trench-slope settings that received sandy sediment from slope-cutting submarine canyons. The dominance of sandstone suggests that some mudstone may have been selectively subducted. Construction of a detailed sediment dispersal model is not possible because tectonic deformation has largely destroyed original facies relationships and paleocurrent patterns.  相似文献   

Turbidites of the Upper Cretaceous Chugach terrane of southern Alaska were deposited in a trench during northward-directed subduction. The fault-bounded outcrop belt of the Chugach terrane is about 2000-km long and 100-km wide and was accreted to Alaska during the Cenozoic. Turbidites are at least 5000 m thick, are extensively deformed, have been regionally metamorphosed, and have been intruded by anatectic granites. Facies associations indicate an east-to-west progression from inner-fan to middle-fan, outer-fan, fan-fringe, and basin-plain deposits. To the north is a marginal trench-slope facies association and a basin.  相似文献   

Turbidites of the Upper Cretaceous Chugach terrane of southern Alaska were deposited in a trench during northward-directed subduction. The fault-bounded outcrop belt of the Chugach terrane is about 2000-km long and 100-km wide and was accreted to Alaska during the Cenozoic. Turbidites are at least 5000 m thick, are extensively deformed, have been regionally metamorphosed, and have been intruded by anatectic granites. Facies associations indicate an east-to-west progression from inner-fan to middle-fan, outer-fan, fan-fringe, and basin-plain deposits. To the north is a marginal trench-slope facies association and a basin. Margin setting represents fan and/or source area  相似文献   

Cape Rodney is a large headland that protrudes 3–4 km into deep water in the Hauraki Gulf and separates the Mangawhai‐Pakiri and Omaha littoral cells. Detailed swath mapping of seabed sediments around Cape Rodney was carried out using by side‐scan sonar and ground‐truthed by SCUBA, grab sampling, and video. Despite the barrier imposed by the headland two pathways of sand transport around the headland, separated by the topographic high of Leigh Reef, have been identified. One lies close to the headland, where sand from the beach and nearshore of the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment is driven by waves and currents along a 500‐m‐wide pathway in c. 20–25 m depth around the headland to the vicinity of Leigh Harbour. The other lies in 50 m water‐depth seawards of Leigh Reef. Here fine sand, sourced from the nearshore of the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment and driven offshore from the tip of the headland, is transported back and forth by tidal currents in 50 m water depth on the floor of the Jellicoe Channel. The sand bodies along both these pathways are thin and so sand leakage from the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment is thought to be small. Transport at these depths is dependent on both tide and wave generated currents and episodic occurring during storm events. The sediment facies associated with little sand transport about a headland in deep water is one of thin and discontinuous and patchy sand cover between rocky areas and over coarser megarippled substrate. Ocean swell, tidally driven phase eddies that spin up on both sides of the headland, and bathymetry all play a role in shaping those facies.  相似文献   

The Geodynz-sud cruise on board the R/V l'Atalante collected bathymetric, side-scan sonar and seismic reflection data along the obliquely convergent boundary between the Australian and Pacific plates southwest of the South Island, New Zealand. The survey area extended from 44°05 S to 49°40 S, covering the transition zone between the offshore extension of the Alpine Fault and the Puysegur Trench and Puysegur Ridge. Based on variations in the nature and structure of the crust on either side of the margin, the plate boundary zone can be divided into three domains with distinctive structural and sedimentary characteristics. The northern domain involves subduction of probably thinned continental crust of the southern Challenger Plateau beneath the continental crust of Fiordland. It is characterized by thick sediments on the downgoing slab and a steep continental slope disrupted by fault scarps and canyons. The middle domain marks the transition between subduction of likely continental and oceanic crust defined by a series of en echelon ridges on the downgoing slab. This domain is characterized by a large collapse terrace on the continental slope which appears to be due to the collision of the en echelon ridges with the plate margin. The southern domain involves subduction of oceanic crust beneath continental and oceanic crust. This domain is characterized by exposed fabric of seafloor spreading on the downgoing slab, a steep inner trench wall and linear ridges and valleys on the Puysegur ridge crest. The data collected on this cruise provide insights into the nature and history of both plates, and factors influencing the distribution of strike-slip and compressive strain and the evolution of subduction processes along a highly oblique convergent margin.  相似文献   


Benthos near a sewage outfall discharging 69 000 m3 d?1 of municipal sewage into Tauranga Harbour was studied to determine the nature and extent of the impact caused by a small organic input. Sediment samples were collected about the outfall and analysed for particle size, sorting, mud content, readily oxidisable carbon (ROC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus (TP), “oil and grease” (OG), and macroinvertebrates. It is concluded that observed patterns of physical sediment characteristics are mainly natural. Levels of ROC, TKN, TP, and OG were all highest at or nearby the outfall. However, chemical changes in the sediment related to the discharge seemed to be limited to within less than 50 m distance of the outfall. The distributions of ROC, TKN, and TP in the sediments were closely related to natural changes in mud content. The outfall had little effect on the distribution of total numbers of taxa or individuals, or the composition of macro‐invertebrate assemblages. Rather, these were most closely related to the (probably natural) variability in sediment particle size and sorting. Analysis of the distributions of common species showed that several were responding to the discharge, but such responses were limited to within 10 m of the outfall. Trie absence of extensive impact on benthos from the outfall probably related to high water velocities (up to 0.5 m sr?1 on a mean tide) over the outfall diffuser, which would ensure that any drop in sediment oxygen levels is small.  相似文献   

Balaena Bay, Wellington Harbour, New Zealand, has a small pocket beach that was covered originally by pebbles and cobbles. In February and October 1982, the beach was nourished with sandy granular gravel, the stability of which was monitored until February 1984. Although isolated from oceanic swell, the new beach readily responded to locally generated wind waves which induced both northwards and southwards longshore drift. The net effect was erosion of the southern beach, aggradation over the central beach, and minor fluctuations at the northern end. Yet despite this mobility nearly all the nourishment sediment was retained in the littoral zone. Beach volumes, calculated for each survey, varied little and sediment distribution patterns revealed negligable transport of nourishment sediment to adjacent beaches and offshore areas. Stability is further confirmed by compositional data which record no preferential loss of the sandstone, argillite, and quartz components. The only compositional changes were the incorporation into the new beach of small (< 10%) quantities of sediment derived from the old beach surface and from biogenic productivity.  相似文献   

Photographs and a preserved head are identified as Odontaspis herbsti Whitley, 1950, an Australian sand shark growing to about 3 m long and similar to the Mediterranean O. ferox Risso, but differing in having a uniform grey body without black markings on the back or sides. No living odontaspidids have previously been reported from New Zealand. Six specimens were trawled in 119–165 m off Table Cape, Hawke Bay, in October‐November 1972. Californian and. East Atlantic (Madeira) specimens are treated as conspecific with O. herbsti. It is suggested that O. herbsti is normally an inhabitant of the continental slope, and that the present records are of a few individuals that have strayed on to the shelf.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed an unprecedented increase in the number of international treaties, conventions and agreements dealing with maritime issues and oceans governance. Most nations are attempting to cope with this expanding agenda at a time of fiscal constraint, competing environmental demands and the emergence of a new global strategic, political and economic order. However, similar issues do not always lead to similar outcomes. Australia and New Zealand share some common oceanic and coastal management problems, but variations in response arise from geographical differences, constitutional provisions, political style and administrative arrangements. This paper provides a brief overview of contemporary maritime issues and attempted solutions in both nations.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the New Zealand fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson), on the Snares Islands, New Zealand, were investigated during November and December 1970. Excluding pups, 1,021 seals were counted on the main island in late November, giving an amended total of 1,156 when correction factors for time of day were applied. The greatest number of seals was ashore between 1200 h and 1500 h daily.

Fur seals were widely but discontinuously distributed along the coast of the main island. Rookeries were present only on the boulder beaches of the west and south‐west coasts and the South‐West Promontory. Non‐breeding seals aggregated on rocky headlands, points and spurs mainly on the east coast.

Breeding bulls defended territories containing, on average, three females. The first pup was seen on 30 November 1970, and pupping continued throughout December. On 30 December, when pupping appeared to have finished, 234 pups were counted on the island.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to identify an invasive swimming crab found in Waitemata Harbour, New Zealand. A 457 base sequence of the cytochrome oxidase 1 gene was compared in New Zealand specimens and nine species of Charybdis from Australia and Asia. The New Zealand specimens aligned with C. japonica. The diagnostic morphological characters of C. japonica were also checked in 54 specimens of the species collected in Waitemata Harbour, and concur with the mtDNA result. This is the first record of C. japonica establishing populations outside its native range. C. japonica, along with C. hellerii and the Lessepsian migrant C. longicollis, are the only known invasive species of Charybdis. C. japonica and C. hellerii are two of the few Charybdis species that inhabit the intertidal zone, and it is likely that the intertidal characteristics of these species contribute to their success as invasive species.  相似文献   

The results of a hydrological survey of the Karamea Bight, on the west coast of the South Island, are presented and discussed. The hydrology of the region was dominated by the Westland Current, the river outflow and wind‐induced upwelling. The existence of a southwards flowing undercurrent associated with the upwelling is postulated at 150 m depth over the continental slope, and the name of Westland Undercurrent is proposed for this feature.  相似文献   

A fish trap in the upper reaches of the South Branch stream, Canterbury, New Zealand, caught eels from December 1957 to October 1964. The downstream migrations of immature and adult eels of both New Zealand freshwater species (short‐finned Anguilla australis and long‐finned A. dieffenbachii) were recorded. These migrations showed a seasonal and a lunar periodicity, and the larger runs were also influenced by rainfall, water volume, or the passage of a depression. Seasonal peaks were marked for mature eels of both species, and for immature A. australis, but not for immature A. dieffenbachii.  相似文献   

Lake Wakatipu occupies an overdeepened glacial trough dammed by former terminal moraine. The steep subaerial slopes above the lake continue steeply below the surface of the water to a plane floor that is horizontal in the central and most of the southern sections and slopes longitudinally in the northern section. Below the general level of the sediment surface, a system of current channels has been developed, extending from the delta of the Dart and Rees Rivers to the flat‐floored sedimentary basin in the central and southern section. Active deposition of sediment from density currents is taking place; the action of such currents is discussed.  相似文献   

Neothyris lecticularis (Deshayes, 1839) live mainly south o'f 44°S in waters 90–180 m (extremes 18–384 m) deep where bottom temperatures are always >7°c. Fossil N. “avails” (Hutton, 1886) in the early Pleistocene limestone at Castlepoint (41 °S) are associated with an assemblage of animals generioally the same as the living N. lenticularis assemblage of Foveaux Strait. The granular substrate occupied by the living animals is similar to the matrix of the Castlepoint limestone. Thus the early Pleistocene marine climate in 90–180 m at 43°S may have been about 5°c cooler than it is today; the possible use is mentioned of the presence of the fossil assemblage in studies of palaeoelimates.

Population analysis of living and fossil stocks show a constant bias toward the older age‐groups; this finding is discussed. Various ecological observations are recorded.  相似文献   

Quantitative data are presented on the distribution of adult and larval stages of the euphausiid Nyctiphanes australis G. O. Sars, in western Cook Strait, New Zealand, an area influenced by an upwelling plume. The behaviour of N. australis in the Kahurangi Point region at different stages of its life history appears to ensure its maintenance, in general, over the continental shelf on an upwelling coast. Population structure at the source of the upwelling near Kahurangi Point differed from that in regions “down stream” from the plume. Nyctiphanes australis was most abundant at the “downstream” eastern end of the upwelling plume, and the evidence suggesting that the dense populations there may be resident is discussed. Possible reasons for low densities of furcilia II and III stages in the eastern plume region are considered.  相似文献   

A limnological survey over 12 months was made of Western Springs, a small urban lake which has had an explosive growth of macrophytes in recent years. Seasonal data given for the lake include physical, chemical and biological factors. These are presented in an attempt to elucidate the reasons for the very high primary productivity exhibited by this ecosystem.  相似文献   

B. Manighetti  L. Carter 《Marine Geology》1999,160(3-4):271-300
Side-scan, seismic and surficial sediment data accompanied by current meter records highlight across-shelf sediment transport in Hauraki Gulf, an island-studded embayment off northern New Zealand. Calm weather currents are locally dominated by the tides, with periodic incursions of oceanic water from detached meanders of the East Auckland Current. Under these conditions, bedload transport occurs mainly in three 15–20 km-wide channels, where bathymetric intensification of the flow brings about near-bottom speeds of up to 82 cm s−1 for Colville Channel and 33–44 cm s−1 in Jellicoe and Cradock Channels. Surficial sediments are gravelly to muddy sand, winnowed in places, leaving a lag deposit of mainly biogenic carbonate gravel. Modelling results suggest that in Colville Channel, dominant fine to medium sand modes are mobile for 20–60% of the time, with a net eastward movement for fine sand. In Jellicoe and Cradock Channels, the prevailing direction of transport is southwards across the shelf, with sand mobile for up to 33% of the time. Oceanic incursions have the potential to boost flow in the western Gulf, however such incursions are transitory, and there is no measurable expression of oceanic water in the sedimentary record. Because of their association with prolonged periods of calm weather, the incursions are unlikely to accompany storm events, where their cumulative effect might be important for sediment transport. Near-bottom currents resulting from oceanic incursion may reinforce peak tides inside the Gulf by up to 2–4 cm s−1. Enhancement of prevailing water motions occurs during periods of extreme weather. During cyclone Drena (January 1997), measured flow speeds in Jellicoe Channel reached 48 cm s−1. Furthermore, the disturbance generated large waves that stirred bottom sediments down to over 100 m water depth. Such events are probably the major agent of sediment redistribution in the Hauraki Gulf. The net effect of storm and calm weather currents is to move sediment across the outer to middle shelf where, in the western and central Gulf it accumulates, and in the eastern Gulf it escapes eastward via Colville Channel.  相似文献   

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