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The methods of ion exchange-elcctrodcposition, ion exchange-precipitation for source-making, and for determining 65Zn in marine environment have been studied in detail. The chemical and radiochemical yields are 90% for organism and sediment, and 85% for seawater. They have good repeatability with a precision of 3%. The decontamination factors for radioactive nuclides are larger than 103. The preconcentration of seawater and the electrode position for source-making are significantly improved and can be used on thin and even source-measucing, applicable to low background β counting.  相似文献   

According to the principle of photosythesis with sunlight and CO2 by phytoplankton supplying food for marine organisms, while the nitrogenous compounds excreted by marine animals are transferred by bacteria into the nitrate for the use of phytoplankton, an artificial microhabitat is built to investigate comprehensively distributive relationship of 127Cs, 134Cs, 65Zn, 60Co, 50Fe, 54Mn In the parts of the microhabitat. The results show that 78% of the 134Cs and 137Cs in ion state are present in sea water, with 28 % of them nearly homogenous envolved in the exchanging processes of the suspensates and organisms, and that 80% of 59Fe, 54Mn, 65Zn, 60Co were concentrated by solid substance, whose motion was mainly controlled by biological processes. The factors affecting the distribution of nuclides in each composition are discussed. As another type of research on the controlled ecological system which is a subject currently studied in the world, the present paper is of reference value for studying quantitativ  相似文献   

渤海海洋环境中90Sr分布规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据1980—1981年间渤海放射性调查获得的资料,探讨了渤海环境中~(90)Sr的含量分布及其变化规律。认为大陆径流以及~(90)Sr、~(137)Cs两核素被土壤吸附和从土壤中解吸的能力差异,是影响渤海环境中~(90)Sr分布及造成~(137)Cs/~(90)Sr比值严重反常的主要因素。  相似文献   

Uptake of 65Zn by Gammarus aequicauda results in a concentration factor of approximately 50 and it is characterised by a maximal accumulation level attained as early as the third day of the experiment. After ingestion by the gammarids of twenty contaminated meals which are distributed over a 45-day period, a transfer of 65Zn between the food and the consumer can be observed but there is no sign of the biomagnification phenomenon. The retention rate of the radionuclide is only about 1·5% and the 65Zn concentration in the gammarids remains markedly inferior to that of the ingested food.The elimination of the 65Zn fixed directly from water takes place according to an exponential model which corresponds to the existence of three biological half-lives of the radionuclide, Tb1 ? 0·5 day, Tb2 ? 3·5 days and Tb3 ? days. The excretion of 65Zn accumulated from food is a simple exponential phenomenon which corresponds to only one biological half-life of approximately 17 days.  相似文献   

A procedure for the separation and determination of ~(210)Pb in the coastal marine sediments is presented, in which a modified anion-exchange process is used for separating andpurifying of ~(210)Pb. The stable Pb carrier was added along with enough 6M HC1 to 5—10g of ignited sediment. The mixture was heated and leached for two hours. After centrifu-  相似文献   

234Th的固/液分配看海洋胶体的作用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
1994—1995年期间,利用β计数法实测了南沙群岛海域、南海东北部海域、厦门湾塔角附近海域和九龙江河口区共计116份海水样品中溶解态与颗粒态234Th的放射性比活度。结果表明,颗粒态234Th占总34Th的份额大小顺序为:九龙江河口区>厦门海塔角附近海域>南沙海域。南海东北部海域。234Th的条件分配系数Kd介于1.1×104—20×106dm3/kg之间,平均为2.2×105dm3/kdKd与总悬浮颗粒物含量(7SAN呈负相关关系:lg(Kd)=-0.59·lg(TSM)+5.67,这一“颗粒物浓度效应”可归因于海洋胶体物质的存在。由上述关系获得4个研究海区胶体浓度与悬浮颗粒物浓度的函数关系:Cc=f(TSM0.59)。  相似文献   

过去几十年中,各国多偏重于海水中~(137)Cs的研究,而对沉积物中~(137)Cs的研究较少。1981年,我们乘“科学一号”船在冲绳海槽区取得了部分沉积物。本文试就~(137)Cs在沉积物中的分布及相关因素作简单探讨。  相似文献   

Transfer rule of 137C3 and 60Co in seawater and an arrificial food web which made up of Platy-monas, Arca, tenaeus and Tilapia were studied.The results showed that the transfer of nuclide could be realized in a longer food chain in which seawater contained radioactivity, the transfer along food chain alone was slight, the pathway of nuclide uptaken by organism was mainly from seawater,but the pressnce of the food was helpful to the transfer of the nuclide, the transfer efficiency of 60Co by every member in the marine food chain was greater than that of 137C3.  相似文献   

A method of electrodeposit-PbSO4 precipitation-β counting has been developed for the determination of 210Pb in marine sediments. The chemical yield of lead is 85-90%, coincident with radiochemical yield. The decontamination factors for 90Sr, 106Ru, 137Cs, 60Co, 65Zn, 55+59Fe and 54Mn are greater than 103. The precision is 2.9%. The typical 210Pb profiles of five cores were successfully obtained in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent continental shelf. The sedimentation rates of the cores from five stations of G8132, G8133.G8134, G8135 and G8139 are 0.72, 0.86, 0.37, 0.33 and 0.42 cm/yr respectively.  相似文献   

大洋表层水中^226Ra的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用碳酸盐富集-EDTA纯化-Ba(Ra)SO4制源-α计数法,测定了我国第13,14次南极科学考察期间,从西太平洋、南大西洋和东印度洋采集的16个表层水样中的226Ra比活度.测定结果表明,表层水中溶解态226Ra的比活度范围西太平洋为0.46-0.95Bq@m-3,平均值为0.66Bq@m-3;东印度洋为0.56-1.27Bq@m-3,平均值为0.81Bq@m-3;南大西洋为1.17-1.63Bq@m-3,平均值为1.45Bq@m-3.还测定了上述海域5个表层水样中颗粒态226Ra比活度为0.006-0.030Bq@m-3,颗粒态226Ra很低,只占溶解态的1.0%-2.6%,说明226Ra主要以溶解态形式存在于上述洋区.测定结果还表明,52°S以南离南极较近的测站226Ra比活度较高,特别是60°S以南的南大洋海域,226Ra比活度更高,与其他作者的测定结果一致.  相似文献   

~3H(氚)有三个来源:宇宙射线与大气的作用、热核武器的试验、核电站及其它核动力设施的排污。由于达三个来源的累积结果,使北半球的江湖中~3H的浓度高达100—200T.U.(氚单位),雨水的~3H含量高达100—1000T.U.。现在世界各国的核电站与日俱增,估计到本世纪末核电站产生的氚将此现在提高  相似文献   

陈进兴 《海洋科学》1989,13(4):28-29
本文利用放射化学分析法测定了长江口及其邻近陆架沉积物中~(226)Ra和~(210)Pb的含量。结果表明,在该海区的沉积物中,~(226)Ra含量的水平分布随经度增加而直线下降,而~(210)Pb含量的水平分布则随经度增加而直线上升,二者形成明显的同步反向分布。  相似文献   

南海珠江口海区人工放射性核素90Sr, 137Cs分布特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘怀  陈炽  梁谦林 《海洋科学》1989,13(1):62-64

60Co、137Cs在几种海洋生物中浓集问题的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对核电站的主要废物60Co、137Cs在几种海洋生物中的浓集和若干有关的问题进行了初步研究.  相似文献   

Preliminary investigations were recently made in laboratory on the effects of low-levelradioactivity contaminated by radioisotopes using embryonic of mussel (Mytilus edulis) andsea-urchin (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus) as the material. The gametes and various stagesof fertilized eggs of mussel and sea-urchin were maintained in seawater contaminated with~(137)Cs (~(131)I or ~(32)P) over the concentration range 10~(-10)Ci/L to 10~(-2) Ci/L. The effects  相似文献   

The transfer of 137C3, 60Co along Platymonas sp., Brachionus plieatilis Muller and Tilapia mos-sambica Peters was studied by using the tracer methods of both 137C3 and 60Co with Ge (Li) Gamma ray detector and S-80 type multichannel-analyser for measuring the radioactivity of the sample. The experiment was carried out in four groups and the period of the experiment was fifteen days. It was found that 60Co could be transferred along seawater→Platymonas→Brackionus→Tilapia, and that 137C3 could only be transferred from seawater to Platymonas. 137C3 was not accumulated by Brachionus in any group of the experiment. Brachionus ingested 60Co mainly from Platymonas, when 60Co was ingested by Tilapia; Brachionus played an important role in the transfer and the Tilapia ingested 137C3 mainly from seawater.  相似文献   

The pathway by which "Co and 137C3 got into Area, and the type of uptake in animal were studied. The results showed that 60Co was taken up by gill and was transferred quickly to other organs through blood. There are more uptake pathways for 137Cs. The uptake of 60Co by Arca was mainly active transfer and the energy comes mainly from the process of biotic oxidation. On the contrary, the uptake of 137C3 by Arca was mainly a passive transfer, and for most organs the exchange through body-wall was a significant factor.  相似文献   

我国近海表层海水90Sr和总β放射性的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1954年美国在太平洋比基尼岛进行核武器试验以来,不少国家开始了海洋放射性污染的研究:1954—1956年,日本对太平洋海域进行了两次放射性调查;其间,美国原子能委员会所属组织对比基尼岛海域进行了调查;日、美、加拿大等国对大西洋海域进行了调查;日、美、法等国对太平洋赤道海域进行了调查。在这些专业性调查中,日本的两次调查最为全面,获得了太平洋海水、海洋生物等各种物质污染的资料,并发现了一些重要规律。从那时起,日本建立了许多专业组织从事海洋放射性研究。  相似文献   

关于藻类的有机物代谢,用淡水单胞藻——小球藻、栅藻类已进行了大量的研究,代谢产物的相互转化过程,已基本得到阐明。 随着对海藻各种化学成分,特别是多糖的分离、提纯、结构、性质等的深入研究,人们开始注意海藻中化学成分的代谢途径的研究。  相似文献   

用~(14)C(AMS和稀释技术),铀系和ESR方法对南海珊瑚礁进行了测年对比研究,表明这些珊瑚礁形成于全新世早、中期。此外,对测年方法的一些有关问题也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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