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Vulnerability assessment of an urban flood in Nigeria: Abeokuta flood 2007   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents the result of a vulnerability assessment of urban dwellers to a major flood hazard in Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria in July 2007. This was achieved by means of questionnaire survey administered to 248 flood area residents. Flood vulnerability was assessed by examining exposure, susceptibility, and coping indicators in the study area. Findings of the study show that although about 50% of respondents had experienced floods, in Abeokuta or elsewhere in the past, majority (66%) did not anticipate a flood event of such magnitude to occur despite its location on a flood plain and, therefore, were unprepared for such hazard. Pre-warning of the flood event was generally lacking among flood area residents as only 8% of respondents indicated pre-warning, which was based on personal observations. Response to the flood hazard was mainly reactive for both private and public agents as flood risk reduction measures were not in place.  相似文献   

Selenium like any other element can both be essential and toxic depending upon the concentration at which it occurs in human diet. This paper assessed the level of this trace element in twenty different (20) types of locally produced food items around Abeokuta town and the blood obtained from the antecubital fossa vein of eighty-eight (88) healthy adults resident in Abeokuta.  相似文献   

浅层地温场中热对流数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴志伟  宋汉周 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1303-1308
温度示踪的研究区域大多在地表浅层,浅层地温场主要受气象和水文影响。气温波动可用傅立叶级数精确表示,由此建立了在表层气温和垂向水流共同影响下的浅层地温场瞬态分析模型,用Laplace变换的方法得到其解析解,并用有限元模拟了垂向水流对浅层地温的影响。模拟结果表明:浅层地温有季节波动,在地下水补给区,气温波动振幅衰减速率明显减缓,表现为表层气温波动可以影响到更深的深度;在排泄区,温度波振幅衰减很快。另外,还模拟了水平集中渗漏带附近的瞬态温度场,发现由于热对流的传热能力远大于热传导,强渗漏带温度迅速与补给源温度相一致,温深剖面出现异常,温度异常带形成后,继而通过热传导改变较大范围内地质体热量分布。离低温补给源越近,地质体降温越快,温度改变越多;反之则越慢,温度改变越少。因此,由温深剖面的温度异常,可精确探查渗漏带位置。  相似文献   

以辽宁省为例,采用统计分析方法,根据辽宁省61个气象站1951-2013年0~320 cm地温资料,分析了季节性冻土区地温场结构和变化特征。结果表明:地温最冷月出现时间随着深度增加而推后,辽宁各地浅层地温最冷月基本均为1月,深层地温最冷月为1-5月,深度越深温度越高。地温最热月出现时间也随深度增加而推后,浅层地温最热月为7、8月,深层地温最热月为8-10月,深度越深温度越低。越深层地温受地表影响越小,320 cm深度与地表的月平均最大温差达到19℃左右,40 cm深度与地表的月平均最大温差仅在8℃左右。随着深度增加,地温的季节变化减小,沈阳320 cm深度地温年内温差不足8℃。5~80 cm深度3-8月为储能期,160 cm深度5-9月为储能期,320 cm深度6-10月为储能期。越接近地表,地温日变化越显著,40 cm以下深度基本可以忽略日变化。沈阳地温升高程度大于气温,以向大气输送热量为主。地表最冷月变暖率明显大于最热月,但随着土层加深各土层最冷月、最热月变暖的程度无明显规律。深层地温的年际变化有时会受到更深层热源的非气候扰动。地温变化对气候、冻土区域工程等的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

高原冻土区桩基施工温度场研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
贾晓云  朱永全  李文江 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1139-1142
结合青藏铁路沿线多年冻土的主要特点,利用Ansys5.6大型有限元计算程序,对青藏铁路冻土区桥梁混凝土灌注桩基施工过程的地温场进行了模拟计算,分析了高原冻土区桥梁桩基在施工过程中地温场的变化规律,并据此对冻土桩基施工过程中的有关问题进行讨论,所得成果可供相应工程借鉴。  相似文献   

含孔岩石加载过程的热辐射温度场变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张艳博  刘善军 《岩土力学》2011,32(4):1013-1017
选择含圆孔岩石作为试样,利用单轴加载试验系统和红外热像仪,并结合数值模拟分析手段,对模型受力及破裂过程的热辐射时空演化特征进行了试验研究。结果表明:含圆孔岩石在加载过程中压、拉应力呈对称分布,导致热像的升温和降温区对称分布,即压应力区升温,拉应力区降温,应力场与红外辐射温度场之间呈很好的对应关系。试件加载后期发生破裂,破裂的性质与红外辐射温度变化有密切关系,剪性破裂辐射温度升高,而张性破裂辐射温度无明显变化。试件最终呈剪性破裂,而该区域的带状升温是岩石破裂失稳的重要红外前兆。试验结果再次揭示,利用热成像技术可以监测岩石的应力与灾变现象。  相似文献   

施瑞  徐震  刘德仁  蒋代军  王旭  胡渊  温智 《冰川冻土》2019,41(4):865-874
我国有多条油气管道位于多年冻土地区,工程问题层出不穷。因输送介质处于正温状态,其所释放热量对管道周围冻土冻融过程有极大影响。为阐明正温管道对多年冻土温度场及冻融特征的影响,基于西部某多年冻土区正温输气管道现场实验,对管道地基温度场进行了为期1年的现场实测。数据分析表明,多年冻土天然上限为1.5~2.0 m;土体融化期及冻结期分别为6-10月、11-次年5月;监测段多年冻土热量收支基本平衡,属于不稳定冻土,在外界热扰动下极易退化;正温输气管道的存在引起了多年冻土的退化且对其温度场有很大影响,水平方向影响范围约1.5 m,管下最大融深可达7.0 m。同时指出了针对处于临界状态的多年冻土,在基于对其全面、深入了解的基础上,越早考虑相关工程建设带来的热扰动对多年冻土的不利影响,则处置难度越低且损失越小。  相似文献   

以玛多地区多年冻土为背景,建立多年冻土地温场的数值计算模型,以不同的方式考虑近 60 a 来的气温变化构成不同的上边界条件,通过模型计算分析不同上边界条件下的不同时期温度场、未来冻土退化特征.结果表明:在上边界条件中采用气象站实测近60 a波动温度值和采用近60 a平均恒定值时,浅层冻土地温差异明显,且越浅层地温与越近时间的上边界条件相关.预测未来100 a冻土地温变化趋势发现,相同升温速率和升温初始温度条件下,上边界采用实测60 a波动温度值对冻土退化过程影响较小;升温初始温度值提高到与趋势线衔接后,冻土退化起始时间从约第45年提前到约第20年;60 a实测温度和升温初始温度值均提高到与其初始温度场上边界条件衔接后,冻土退化起始时间从约第20年提前到约第15年;冻土退化从开始到完全退化经历时间为25 a左右.  相似文献   

Gabbroic enclaves ejected during the current eruption phase (A-1) and during the latest prehistoric eruption phase (A-2) of Arenal Volcano show systematic variations in texture, mineralogy and composition as a function of host rock chemistry and timing of eruption. The most differentiated enclaves occur in the more differentiated A-2 lavas. Enclaves in the A-1 volcanics are consistently less evolved. Within the current A-1 eruption, the most mafic enclaves are amphibole-bearing rocks that were erupted during the first 2–3 years of activity (1968–1970). These enclaves occur in the most differentiated A-1 volcanics and are not in equilibrium with their host rocks. They crystallized from a hydrous melt that was slightly more mafic than anything erupted during the current cycle. We interpret the enclaves as sidewall crystallization products of a melt, possibly a high-alumina basalt, that was immediately parental to the A-1 lavas. Enclaves that occur in A-1 rocks erupted after 1970 and all of the A-2 enclaves are amphibole-free and less mafic than the early A-1 enclaves. Their chemistry suggests that they formed during the early to intermediate crystallization of their host lavas. None of the enclaves contain minerals that might have equilibrated with a primary, mantle-derived melt. Geothermometry is consistent with geochemistry, with amphibole-bearing A-1 enclaves yielding the highest pyroxene temperatures (ave. 1090° C) and A-2 enclaves the lowest (ave. 1030° C). Geobarometry suggests mid- to upper crustal depths for the crystallization of all enclaves. The enclaves are cognate and reflect pre-eruptive crystallization of Arenal magmas. They record evolution from a hydrous, basaltic magma to the drier basaltic andesites that characterize the current eruption. Volatiles appear to have been lost due to depressurization during the slow ascent of the magmas through the upper levels of the crust following the initial explosive eruption. Volatile loss and depressurization resulted in the destabilization and the progressive resorption of amphibole. The A-2 lavas may represent the long-term fractionation products of basaltic andesite magmas similar in composition to the A-1 lavas. Anorthitic plagioclase, commonly thought of as a phase stabilized by high Ca/Na and high water pressure, continued to crystallize in a system with relatively low Ca/Na and which had dehydrated and/or depressurized to the point at which amphibole was no longer stable. This suggests that compositional characteristics other than high Ca/Na or high water content may have stabilized the anorthite in the basaltic and basaltic andesite melts at Arenal. We speculate that the high-alumina content of the Arenal magmas may be the stabilizing factor.  相似文献   

构造煤渗透率对温度变化响应规律的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙光中  王公忠  张瑞林 《岩土力学》2016,37(4):1042-1048
针对含瓦斯构造煤渗透率与温度变化关系,利用自主研发的含瓦斯煤岩热-流-固耦合三轴渗流试验装置,开展不同应力条件下含瓦斯构造煤原煤样的渗透率与温度变化的试验研究。试验结果表明:(1)在试验温度变化过程中,构造煤样渗透率随温度升高而降低,渗透率与温度变化呈现负指数函数分布规律;(2)在试验温度变化过程中,构造煤渗透率损失率与有效应力符合Boltzmann分布,渗透率损失率存在有效应力门槛值大约为4.515 MPa。渗透率变化主要分为渗透率加速变化与平稳变化两个阶段,构造煤样渗透率从加速阶段过渡到平稳变化温度大约为45 ℃;(3)在温度21~80 ℃范围内,渗透率敏感性系数数量级为10-2,温度变化对构造煤样渗透率影响不显著。同时,有效应力的增加使得温度敏感性系数降低。  相似文献   

为研究季节冻土区压实黄土路基变形的影响因素,通过现场监测得到路基水分场与温度场的变化规律,并结合室内试验与数值模拟分析路基变形规律. 结果表明,天然地面以上路堤土体具有明显的季节性,水分场及温度场变化剧烈,而天然地面以下土体温度场及水分场变化较平缓,季节性不强. 路堤最大冻深约1 m,经历强烈的冻融循环和干湿交替过程,含水率变化量为5%~29%. 冻融循环作用在路肩处产生的变形较大,而干湿循环作用在路基中心处产生的变形较大,且后者引起的变形大于前者.  相似文献   

广西五圩矿田成矿温度变化及找矿方向分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五圩矿田位于丹池锡多金属成矿带的南东端,发育一系列Zn-Sb-Hg-As矿床,具有良好找矿潜力。本文分析了五圩矿田八达Zn-Sb矿床、芙蓉厂Sb矿床及箭猪坡Zn-Sb-Pb-Ag矿床包裹体组成及均一温度和闪锌矿微量元素组成。八达矿床闪锌矿6个分析点Fe含量在0.13%~0.27%之间,平均为0.20%,Zn/Cd比值在81~158之间,平均103;箭猪坡矿床闪锌矿37个分析点Fe含量在1.18%~7.70%之间,平均为3.61%,27个分析点Zn/Cd比值在158~383之间,平均249。箭猪坡矿床闪锌矿的Fe含量和Zn/Cd比值比八达矿床的高,显示前者形成温度较高;矿床矿化石英及闪锌矿流体包裹体测温结果显示:芙蓉厂矿床的成矿温度主要集中于160~200℃,八达矿床的成矿温度集中于190~240℃,箭猪坡矿床的成矿温度集中于240~320℃。闪锌矿微量元素特征及成矿流体包裹体均一温度表明,从五圩矿田芙蓉厂矿床、八达矿床至其SSE向的箭猪坡矿床,成矿温度逐渐增高。成矿流体包裹体富含CO_2、CH_4、沥青质等有机物且均一温度最高达350℃等,表明五圩矿田成矿流体主要来源于盆地热卤水及混合部分高温流体。这表明五圩矿田深部存在一个高温热源,其中心位置应位于箭猪坡矿床的SSE方向,而不是过去认为的NNW方向区域,今后应注意箭猪坡矿床SSE主向背斜轴部深部找矿工作。  相似文献   

This communication presents the results of preliminary investigation of the characteristic levels of heavy metals in surface soils of an oilfield in the Niger Delta. The results indicate higher concentration of the following metals: Cd, Pb, Cu; Ni, Zn, Cr, Mn and Hg in soils around the gas plant than the pipeline areas. There is a significant temporal and spatial variation in the concentrations of the heavy metals. Samples collected during the wet season showed lower concentrations of heavy metals. The distribution pattern of heavy metals follows the following order Fe> Mn> Zn> V> Cr> Pb> Cu> Ni> Cd> Hg> As. The soils around the oilfield could be considered unpolluted since the concentrations of the metals fit into background levels and concentrations found in natural and agricultural soils. Since metal build up is a gradual process, farmland, fishing ponds and water bodies closer to these facilities will be at risk of heavy metal pollution over time.  相似文献   

Experiments from 640 to 680?°C, 200 MPa H2O at?f O2?≈?NNO, employing a natural?F-rich?vitrophyric rhyolite from Spor Mountain, Utah, assessed the effect of variable Mg′ [100Mg/(Mg?+?Mn?+?Fe)] on the partitioning of fluorine and chlorine between biotite (Bt) and melt. Over this temperature interval, Bt (?±?fluorite, ?±?quartz) is the sole liquidus phase. Partition coefficients for fluorine between biotite and glass (DF Bt/melt) show a strong dependence on the Mg′ of Bt.?DF Bt/melt varies from???1.5 to 7.2 over the range of Mg′ from 21 to 76. A strong linear correlation between?DF Bt/melt?and Mg′ has a slope of 9.4 and extrapolates through the origin (i.e., DF Bt/melt?≈?0 at Mg′?=?0, an annite-siderophyllite solid solution in these experiments). DCl Bt/melt values (???1 to 6) in the same experiments vary inversely with Mg′. The Al-content of biotite does not vary with the aluminum saturation index (ASI?=?molar Al2O3/Σ alkali and alkaline earth oxides) of melt, but two exchange mechanisms involving Al appear to operate in these micas: (1) Alvi?+?Aliv?? Siiv?+?Mgiv, and Mgiv?+?2Aliv? 2Siiv?+?□iv. The effects of other components such as Li or other intensive parameters including f O2 have yet to be evaluated?systematically. At comparable Mg′ of Bt, however, the Spor Mountain rhyolite yields higher DF Bt/melt values than an Li-rich, strongly peraluminous melt previously investigated. The results indicate that the Mg′ of Bt exerts the principal control on halogen partitioning, with ASI and T as second-order variables. The experimental partition coefficients compare well with other experimental results but not with most volcanic rocks. Magmatic Bt from most rhyolites records higher DF Bt/melt due to reequilibration with degassed (H2O-depleted) magma and perhaps with F2O?1 exchange that may accompany oxidation ([Fe3+O] [Fe2+OH]?1). This behavior is evident in magmatic biotite from a zoned peraluminous rhyolite complex near Morococala, Bolivia: Bt is sharply zoned with F-rich rims, but Bt(core)-melt inclusion pairs fall on our experimental curve for DF Bt/melt. These experimental data can be used in part to assess the preservation of magmatic volatile contents in plutonic or volcanic silicic rocks. For plutonic rocks, the actual F-content of melt, not a relative activity ratio involving HF species, can be reasonably estimated if the mica has not undergone subsolidus reequilibration. This information is potentially useful for some shallow-level Ca-poor magmas that are thought to be rich in F (e.g., A- and S-type granites) but do not conserve F well as rocks.  相似文献   

In order to consider a counterplan to preserve an ancient royal tomb in Kongju, Korea, the deformation of the wall structure, the atmospheric temperature in the tomb, and the groundwater level have been monitored. The long-term measurement of biaxial tilting of the tomb walls revealed that the brick-built subsurface opening had been subjected to severe structural instability. The measured deformation of the tomb was consistent with the displacement of soil around the tomb calculated using a numerical analysis. The instability of the tomb structure is closely related to the rainy season as the deformations measured are several times that in the dry season. A sudden change of temperature inside the tomb exerted an influence on the deformation of the tomb structure as well. It is suggested that the excavation be restored for tourists, the quicklime layer for preventing groundwater infiltration is reinforced, and a constant temperature is kept inside the tomb. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

NaCl solubility in gaseous carbon dioxide has been measured in the pressure range from 30 to 70 MPa at 623 and 673 K. Our originally-designed high pressure apparatus allows in situ sampling of a portion of the fluid phase for chemical analysis. The results indicate that the solubility of NaCl increases with both temperature and pressure, and is about 4-5 orders of magnitude higher than saturated NaCl pressure values at the same temperature conditions (6.02 × 10−12 at 623 K and 1.51 × 10−10 at 673 K). It is also 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than predictions according to the Equation of State of the ternary H2O-CO2-NaCl system by Duan, Moeller and Weare [Duan, Z., Moller, N., and Weare, J. H. (1995) Equation of state for the NaCl-H2O-CO2 system: prediction of phase equilibria and volumetric properties. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta59, 2869] and has the opposite pressure dependence. The activity values of NaCl in the vapor phase, calculated from the experiments (with pure molten NaCl as a standard state in the vapor), have been fitted to the Darken Quadratic Formalism: , where, xNaCl,v is mole the fraction of NaCl in the vapor phase, , , where P is the pressure in MPa and T the absolute temperature. Caution should be exerted while extrapolating this empirical equation far beyond the experimental P-T-compositional range.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional density-dependent flow and transport modeling of the Floridan aquifer system, USA shows that current chloride concentrations are not in equilibrium with current sea level and, second, that the geometric configuration of the aquifer has a significant effect on system responses. The modeling shows that hydraulic head equilibrates first, followed by temperatures, and then by chloride concentrations. The model was constructed using a modified version of SUTRA capable of simulating multi-species heat and solute transport, and was compared to pre-development conditions using hydraulic heads, chloride concentrations, and temperatures from 315 observation wells. Three hypothetical, sinusoidal sea-level changes occurring over 100,000 years were used to evaluate how the simulated aquifer responds to sea-level changes. Model results show that hydraulic head responses lag behind sea-level changes only where the Miocene Hawthorn confining unit is thick and represents a significant restriction to flow. Temperatures equilibrate quickly except where the Hawthorn confining unit is thick and the duration of the sea-level event is long (exceeding 30,000 years). Response times for chloride concentrations to equilibrate are shortest near the coastline and where the aquifer is unconfined; in contrast, chloride concentrations do not change significantly over the 100,000-year simulation period where the Hawthorn confining unit is thick.  相似文献   

A brackish-water, intertidal creek was sampled 19 times during the summer of 1976. Samples were analyzed to determine occurrence, abundance, and diversity of fish species present and to determine patterns of daily fish movement and utilization of intertidal creeks in an old rice field. Samples were collected from the primary station on the ebbing tide with a channel net. Three secondary stations were each sampled twice for comparative results and total biomass and average length per species calculated for each sample. We collected 125,579 individuals with a total biomass of 11.7 kg which represented 23 families and 37 species. Anchoa mitchilli was the dominant species and comprised 96.3% of the total numbers of individuals caught. The next two most abundant fish, Menidia menidia and Fundulus heteroclitus, represented 2.5% and 0.4% of the total numbers caught. The data from the nineteen sample collections were ordered by time of day and the resultant time series sequence of collections simulated a sample collection taken about once every 1.5 hours over 24 hours. A pattern of occurrence was noted for A. mitchilli as increased fish numbers occurred when the creek flooded during the daylight hours and there were significantly reduced numbers when the creek flooded during the early evening or at night. A relationship between light intensity, feeding, and predator avoidance is proposed to explain the creek loading pattern of A. mitchilli.  相似文献   

The solubility of baddeleyite (ZrO2) and the speciation of zirconium have been investigated in HF-bearing aqueous solutions at temperatures up to 400 °C and pressures up to 700 bar. The data obtained suggest that in HF-bearing solutions zirconium is transported mainly in the form of the hydroxyfluoride species ZrF(OH)3° and ZrF2(OH)2°. Formation constants determined for these species (Zr4+ + nF + mOH = ZrFn(OH)m°) range from 43.7 at 100 °C to 46.41 at 400 °C for ZrF(OH)3°, and from 37.25 at 100 °C to 43.88 at 400 °C for ZrF2(OH)2°.Although the solubility of ZrO2 is retrograde with respect to temperature, the measured concentrations of Zr are orders of magnitude higher than those predicted from theoretical extrapolations based on simple fluoride species (ZrF3+-ZrF62−). Model calculations performed for zircon show that zirconium can be transported by aqueous fluids in concentrations sufficient to account for the concentration of this metal at conditions commonly encountered in fluoride-rich natural hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

Production of CH4 and CO2 was quantified in anoxically incubated soil samples taken from an Italian rice field. The rates increased with temperature between 10 and 37°C. The δ13C of the accumulated CO2, CH4 and acetate changed with time in a systematic way. The data were used in mass balance equations to constrain isotopic fractionation factors and pathways of CH4 production. The calculations were further constrained by the determination of 14CH4 production from 14CO2 at steady state. At 50°C, CH4 was exclusively produced from CO2, indicating a fractionation factor of αCO2/CH4 = 1.073. Between 10 and 37°C, the results showed a temporal change in the methanogenic pathway. A relatively high (40-60%) CO2-derived fraction of CH4 production in the beginning was followed by a phase in which contribution of CO2-derived CH4 decreased to low (<15%) values, and ultimately by the steady state phase in which values increased to <40% (the theoretically expected value). The rate of change from one phase to the next increased with temperature. Incubation temperature had a strong effect on the overall fractionation of 13C during the formation and consumption of acetate, with stronger fractionation at low than at high temperature. The results further showed that, especially at low temperatures, fractionation occurred during acetate turnover and acetoclastic methanogenesis, despite the fact that steady-state conditions caused (apparent) substrate-limitation.  相似文献   

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