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为研究凹凸棒石-双交联水凝胶微球(SA/PVA/ATP)对镉污染土壤钝化修复的效果,将SA/PVA/ATP添加到镉浓度为3.72 mg/kg的土壤中进行淹水培育,采用模拟酸雨、二乙烯三胺五乙酸(DTPA)和三乙醇胺(TEA)混合提取剂(DTPA提取剂)提取土壤有效态镉;采用欧共体标准局顺序提取方法(BCR)提取土壤中不同形态镉;讨论了SA/PVA/ATP添加量、土壤有效态镉和各形态镉的相关性;计算了钝化容量、修复效率和重金属风险评价指数,探究了SA/PVA/ATP对土壤镉的钝化机理。结果显示,随着SA/PVA/ATP的增加,DTPA提取剂和酸雨提取的有效态镉含量分别从1.72 mg/kg和0.024 mg/kg下降到0.66 mg/kg和0.004 4 mg/kg;土壤中的弱酸可提取态镉和可还原态镉含量分别从1.40 mg/kg和0.81 mg/kg下降到1.01 mg/kg和0.41 mg/kg,而可氧化态镉和残渣态镉含量分别从0.86 mg/kg和0.63 mg/kg增加到0.95 mg/kg和1.27 mg/kg。材料添加量与土壤中有效态镉、弱酸提取态镉和可还原态镉含量呈极显著负...  相似文献   

氨基膨润土对铜镍镉污染土壤的钝化修复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集土壤,加入铜、镍和镉制成重金属污染土壤。以四乙烯五胺改性膨润土和膨润土原土作为修复剂,通过模拟酸雨和混合提取剂提取有效态重金属,评价膨润土和氨基膨润土对土壤中铜、镍、镉的钝化效果。结果表明:p H=3. 5的模拟酸雨对各污染土壤中重金属离子的提取率均在0. 1%以下。混合提取剂对污染土壤中有效态金属的提取能力比模拟酸雨强很多。添加膨润土原土和氨基膨润土均能钝化土壤中的铜、镍和镉,氨基膨润土上嫁接的氨基对金属有络合作用,因而比膨润土原土对铜、镍和镉具有更强的钝化能力。综合评价表明氨基膨润土是一种对铜、镍和镉污染土壤具有应用前景的钝化修复材料。  相似文献   

凹凸棒及其改性材料具有较发达的比表面积、丰富的官能团及较强的吸附能力,被作为良好的环境修复材料而成为农田土壤重金属修复领域的研究热点。目前中国农田土壤Cd污染现状仍然严峻,为探究改性凹凸棒的钝化机制及其对碱性土壤Cd污染的钝化效果,本文采用氢氧化钠、氯化铁两种改性剂对凹凸棒改性,利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)及比表面积测定(BET)和孔径分析(BJH)对改性前后凹凸棒的微观结构和表面形态进行表征,结合表征结果分析其钝化机理,开展室内模拟Cd污染碱性土壤培养试验、生菜盆栽试验,采用原子吸收分光光度法测定土壤Cd含量,探究单一施用与复配施用两种改性凹凸棒对碱性土壤Cd的钝化效果差异。结果表明:碱处理后凹凸棒Si—O基团、结构负电荷增多,铁改性后凹凸棒微孔数量增多、比表面积增大,两种改性方法均使凹凸棒的内部结构及表面形态发生明显改变,吸附能力得以提升。碱改性凹凸棒(AM)通过更强的化学吸附能力实现对Cd的钝化,可提高土壤pH和阳离子交换量(CEC),而铁改性凹凸棒(IM)则具有更强的物理吸附能力和较强的化学吸附能力,使得土壤pH降低、CEC升高,两种材料复配施用能够在一定程度上减小了pH升高幅度、提高土壤CEC值,提高钝化效果。碱、铁改性凹凸棒按质量配比3:1、土壤质量的2.00%施用后,土壤Cd有效态含量可降低33.85%,生菜对Cd的富集系数降低24.49%,在各处理组中效果最好。因此,铁改性凹凸棒对碱性土壤重金属Cd具有良好的钝化效果。在实际应用中应避免单独施用碱改性凹凸棒,可考虑与其他钝化材料复配施用,实现在保护土壤质量的同时更好地降低土壤Cd污染。  相似文献   

为研究不同微生物肥对土壤中Cd的钝化效果和烟叶Cd含量的影响,选取南方植烟区3种不同类型(红泥田、黄泥田及青紫泥田)Cd污染土壤,以南方主栽烤烟云-87和K-326为测试品种,采用盆栽试验,测定了3种微生物肥(DY、AMS和HMD)在不同浓度下对烟草生物量、不同部位烟叶Cd含量、土壤Cd形态以及土壤中微生物种类的影响。结果表明:(1)3种微生物肥均能增加烟叶生物量,其中HMD增重效果最好。(2)与对照相比,3种微生物肥能有效地降低土壤中Cd的有效性和烟叶Cd的含量。针对3种土壤施用微生物肥浓度为1.5%时,叶片中Cd的降Cd率(与对照相比)分别达到17.2%~63.9%、20.4%~58.3%及18.9%~48.3%,DTPA-Cd下降比例分别为13.8%~17.3%、17.2%~22.8%及12.8%~16.2%;而随着施用微生物肥浓度增加到3.0%后,上述土壤烟叶中Cd的降Cd率显著增加,分别为20.3%~59%、31.3%~66.6%及25.2%~56.1%,DTPA-Cd下降比例分别为15.5%~28.2%、19.6%~26.6%及13.8%~17.3%。HMD效果最好,其次为DY和AMS。(3)3种微生物肥都增加土壤中微生物种类和数量,优化了烟草生长环境。总体来说,该植烟区土壤,DY和HMD增加产量的同时降Cd效果较好,可以在大田推广使用。  相似文献   

为探究不同浓度H2SO4溶液活化的坡缕石对土壤中Cd的钝化效果,使用浓度分别为5%、7.5%、10%、12.5%、15%的H2SO4溶液对坡缕石进行活化,加入Cd污染土壤进行钝化实验和盆栽实验.结果表明:施加不同浓度H2SO4溶液活化的坡缕石均能显著降低土壤有效态Cd含量,10%的H2SO4活化的坡缕石钝化效果最显著,...  相似文献   

本研究基于小麦、玉米、高粱籽粒及烟草烟叶镉(Cd)消减率、修复边际效率及土壤中Cd有效态含量的变化等对比了实验室与田间条件下骨炭粉与海藻肥对Cd污染农田土壤的修复效果。研究结果表明:骨炭粉与海藻肥使玉米、小麦、高粱和烟草对Cd的吸收、转运均有显著(P<0.05)降低作用;在田间条件下,骨炭粉与海藻肥对不同作物籽粒或烟叶的Cd消减率为16.2%~39.8%,可增加作物产量12.3%~38.6%。钝化剂对不同作物增产效果有一定差异,对小麦籽粒增产作用最为有效。研究发现添加钝化剂改变了Cd在土壤团聚体中的分布,使得Cd在大粒径团聚体中负载量增加,并且与对照相比,显著提高土壤pH(提高0.43~0.77),降低土壤Cd的有效性,有利于控制Cd在土壤植物系统中的迁移。总体而言,不同钝化剂的Cd污染土壤修复边际效率为3.99%~14.74%,同海藻肥相比,骨炭粉的修复边际效率较高。不同钝化剂在盆栽实验的修复效果优于田间实验的效果,可能是因为相比于田间实验,盆栽实验条件下根系的作用范围有限,钝化剂的作用效果较高。  相似文献   

凹凸棒石调控Cd污染土壤的作用及其效果   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
凹凸棒石是一种富Mg的硅酸盐粘土矿物,具有抑制土壤的Cd活性的作用。江苏拥有丰富的凹凸棒石矿产资源,在利用凹凸棒石调控土壤Cd污染方面具有资源优势。文章报道了苏南地区典型Cd污染蔬菜地和稻田添加凹凸棒石粉的现场调控试验研究成果。结果显示:(1)当土壤Cd含量为0.3~0.45 mg/kg时,每年添加750 g/m2以上的凹凸棒石粉,可以使蔬菜Cd含量平均下降30%左右,凹凸棒石的最大有效添加量为1500 g/m2;(2)当土壤Cd含量约为3 mg/kg、p H6.5时,每年添加2000 g/m2的凹凸棒石粉,连续施用2年可使稻米Cd含量从0.5 mg/kg以上降低至0.2 mg/kg以下,稻米Cd含量与土壤p H呈显著负相关;(3)添加凹凸棒石可适度提高土壤的p H和CEC,同时还能降低农产品Cu、Zn含量,在防治耕地Cd污染上具有广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

赣南离子型稀土矿的大肆开采,以及尾矿废渣不合理处置,造成矿区周边环境中重金属铅含量超标,破环矿区生态环境。本文利用不同剂量(质量分数分别为5%、10%和15%)的天然及改性凹凸棒作为钝化剂,利用扫描电镜和傅里叶红外光谱对两种钝化剂的表面特征和官能团进行分析,采用BCR重金属连续提取法对钝化能力和效果进行评价,并以此研究土壤中铅的形态变化,借鉴国外的重金属TCLP提取法评估重金属污染土壤的环境质量。结果表明:经过50d的培养,土壤pH值从4.76显著升高至接近7.0。改性后凹凸棒使铅的酸提取态含量从25.69mg/kg降低至7.42mg/kg,并促进其向残渣态转化,残渣态含量比对照组增加了1.38倍,TCLP提取态含量比对照组降低了65.70%,从而显著降低了铅的生物可利用度和生态风险。与天然凹凸棒相比,改性后凹凸棒对稀土尾矿土壤修复具有较为良好的效果。  相似文献   

重金属不可降解,长期存在于土壤环境会严重影响作物安全。添加巯基改性凹凸棒石黏土(ATP-SH)到不同Cd污染程度土壤中,进行盆栽油菜实验,以石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定了土壤有效态Cd和油菜不同部位Cd的含量;采用SPSS讨论了ATP-SH添加量、土壤有效态Cd、油菜不同部位Cd的相关性;计算了油菜对Cd的富集系数及转运系数,探究了ATP-SH对土壤Cd的钝化效果及对油菜富集和转运Cd的影响。实验结果显示,添加ATP-SH后,土壤有效态Cd、油菜各部位Cd含量显著降低,土壤有效态Cd降低率为40.65%~74.27%,油菜根、茎、枝、菜籽中Cd降低率分别为29.36%~79.46%、41.44%~88.45%、43.19%~95.89%和38.02%~95.81%;ATP-SH添加量与土壤有效态Cd、油菜各部位Cd含量均呈显著或极显著负相关,土壤有效态Cd与油菜各部位Cd含量均呈显著或极显著正相关,油菜各部位之间的Cd含量存在明显正相关关系;对照组油菜根、茎、枝、菜籽对Cd的富集系数分别是实验组的1.42~4.87倍、1.71~8.66倍、1.92~24.43倍、1.61~23.76倍,油菜各部位Cd的转运系数的大小是茎>枝>菜籽,且茎远大于枝和菜籽,是枝和菜籽转运系数的3.5~25倍。综上,ATP-SH能降低土壤Cd的生物有效性,阻隔土壤Cd向油菜迁移。  相似文献   

不同量剂凹凸棒石粘土对镉污染菜地的修复实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凹凸棒石具有较大的比表面积和超强的吸附性能,向土壤中施加一定量的凹凸棒石粘土,会使土壤中有毒重金属元素失去活性,并能有效地阻止其向农作物转移,确保农产品安全。本次试验,利用凹凸棒石粘土特有的物化性能,对八卦洲Cd含量超标的土壤进行了修复试验研究。结果表明,在Cd超标的土壤中施加适量的凹凸棒石粘土矿物,能使芦蒿中的Cd含量降低46%,并且土质及农产品的产量均没有受到不良影响。  相似文献   

污染土的工程性质研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
朱春鹏  刘汉龙 《岩土力学》2007,28(3):625-630
随着我国经济的持续发展,环境污染不断加剧,城市土地被污染亦屡见不鲜。因此,研究污染土的污染机制、勘察评价和处理措施,对保护环境有重要意义。对污染土的物理力学性质、污染机制、试验测试技术、风险评价的研究现状进行了总结,并提出今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Impact of polluted canal water on adjacent soil and groundwater systems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Received, 12 May 1999 · Accepted, 2 August 1999  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of elemental sulfur, gypsum and chelating agent (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) on copper, zinc, nickel, cadmium, chromium and lead uptake by Brassica juncea from sewage sludge. Addition of sulphur acidified the sludge, which caused the pH decrease to 5.4 with an initial pH 6.7. The shoot and root biomass were increased with sulfur addition, while decreased with Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid addition. Applications of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and sulfur resulted in a considerable increase in copper and lead concentrations in the plant. The highest root concentration of copper obtained to be 110?mg/kg?dw at Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid treatment. For sulfur treatment, lead concentrations in shoots indicated almost high concentrations 77?mg/kg, about twofold increases relative to roots (34?mg/kg). The Transportation Index of all studied metals were quite low (TI?<?0.5), whereas the Bioaccumulation Factor values were much higher, varied from 0.01 to 9.67. Furthermore, the plant showed better Bioaccumulation Factor for copper and lead metals in both shoot and root. The efficiency to remove copper and lead from sludge is high in this plant. As a result, elemental sulfur will be effective amendment for phytoextraction of heavy metals from sewage sludge.  相似文献   

王伟  卢廷浩  宰金珉 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):501-504
接触面的抗剪强度参数是土与结构相互作用课题的基本问题,分别就土与砖、土与混凝土两种接触面进行了不同含水率的改进直剪试验。修正了对土体内部剪切时剪切面积变化对试验结果的影响。试验结果表明,土与两种结构接触面的摩擦角随含水率增加变化规律一致,但对应的凝聚力随含水率增大呈剪刀型交叉,最终导致抗剪强度数值随含水率增大呈剪刀型交叉。分析表明,接触面的抗剪强度参数与结构的亲水性密切相关。试验结果为相关工程设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

With long-term use of sewage waste, heavy metals can accumulate to phytotoxic levels and resulted in reduced plant growth and/or enhanced metal concentrations in plants, as a result food chain. If these metals penetrate too rapidly in a particular soil, especially with high water table, they can pollute ground water supplies. The aim of this research is prevention of movement of waste water-borne heavy metals in soils of southern parts of Tehran. These waste waters are used for irrigation of agricultural lands at southern regions since many years ago. For this purpose, 6 soil samples from southern parts of Tehran city and 2 ones from Zanjan city without lime and organic matter were selected. In laboratory, sorption capacities of the soils for Ni, Cd and Pb were compared with those of calcite, Nabentonite, zeolite, illite and hematite amendments. The method was carried out by equilibration of known quantities of these adsorbents and soils with solutions containing these elements. The results showed that among the 5 amendments, calcite and Na-bentonite had the greatest sorption percentages of the 3 elements and illite had the least one. The retention capacity of calcite and Na-bentonite for Cd was highest in all 8 soils. However, retention capacities of these 2 minerals for Pb and Ni were higher than those of loamy soils without lime and organic matter and also sandy soils. Because of abundance and low price of calcite, this amendment is preferred to Na-bentonite. Therefore, calcite is recommended for adding to soils with low sorption capacity of Ni, Cd and Pb.  相似文献   

One of the environmental concerns in recent decades is the prevalence of different pollutants in soil. Hence, the importance of remediation has led to the development of various methods to remediate polluted soil. Among these methods, soil washing has gained significant attention to treat polluted soils. In this paper, the response surface methodology was applied in order to determine the optimal conditions for total petroleum hydrocarbon remediation using nonionic surfactant Brij35 in soil environment. The effect of different factors in soil washing process including surfactant solution concentration and volume, washing time, age of pollution and frequency of washing are evaluated. The predicted values for total petroleum hydrocarbon remediation efficiency by the response functions are in a very close agreement with experimental data (R-2= 98.75 %). The second order model was developed as experimented response and optimal conditions were obtained by analyzing the contour and surface plots and also by solving the regression equation using LINGO 9.0 software. The optimal concentrations (8 g/L), volume of surfactant solution (500 mL), washing time (75 min), age of pollution (29 days) and frequency of washing (three times) are determined. In this optimal condition, the removal efficiency has been observed to be 93.54 % which conforms to the results of process optimization using response surface methodology. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the response surface methodology is a suitable approach to determine the optimal conditions of soil washing to remediate organic hydrophobic pollutants using the nonionic surfactant Brij35 from the soil.  相似文献   

Photodegradation is the major dissipation pathway for emamectin benzoate (EB) in water. Therefore, the photolysis of EB was studied in distilled water (DW) and methanol under different irradiation conditions such as natural sunlight, UV tube, and artificially stimulated light (mercury lamp 125 W). The results of the study showed that EB degrades rapidly in DW than in methanol as evidenced by a photodegradation efficiency of about 75 % achieved in DW, after 24 h of irradiation with UV light, while in methanol, it was only 59.3 %. The addition of iron to EB solution in DW further enhanced its photodegradation. The rate of photodegradation of EB was recorded to be increased from 5.5 × 10?2 to 1.0 × 10?1 k/h after amendment with iron. The order for the rate of photodegradation of EB was DW + Fe > DW > methanol, with their respective t 1/2 values of 6.5, 12.6, and 18.7 h. Fe amendment was also found to enhance the degradation efficiency of EB even in the absence of any light (dark).  相似文献   

To asses the efficiency of two by-products (phosphogypsum (PG) and sugar foam (SF), rich in gypsum and calcium carbonate, respectively) in the immobilization of three toxic elements (As, Cd and Tl) in an acidic soil, batch-scale sorption and desorption experiments were conducted after 18 months of in situ amendment application. The Langmuir isotherms applied for sorption studies showed that the estimated maximum sorption capacity of the elements was highest in the SF-treated samples. The amount of element retained and the percentage of extraction after TCLP tests indicated that those samples amended with sugar foam (SF and PG + SF) had the potential to immobilize As, Cd and Tl in an acidic soil with low sorptive capacity. In addition to sorption and desorption experiments, scanning electron microscopy in back-scattered electron mode (SEM-BSE) showed the formation of Al-hydroxy polymers which provides the soil with additional sorption capacity. The three target elements were associated with the Al-hydroxy polymers, probably through direct coordination or the formation of ternary complexes. By means of statistical analysis it has been found that sorption processes of As, Cd and Tl in this soil mainly depend on the treatment, whereas desorption is an element-dependent process.  相似文献   

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