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黔西地区位于上扬子地块西南缘,大地构造处于古特提斯构造域与太平洋构造域共同控制与影响的区域.该区广泛出露中上泥盆统-下三叠统(D2-T1)碳酸盐岩为主的沉积岩,下伏下泥盆统与志留系巨厚页岩和粉砂岩,构成了该区的底部滑脱层.在D2-T1碳酸盐岩为主的强硬岩层中夹有的页岩-粉砂岩、炭质页岩构成了次级滑脱层.在中生代,受上述两大构造域远程复合作用,黔西地区发生了多次构造活动与叠加变形.在挤压收缩过程中,强硬层与软弱层之间的滑脱作用形成了黔西地区复杂的构造格局.不同阶段不同规模的逆冲滑脱作用(顺层滑脱→切层滑脱→小型逆冲→大型逆冲)对铅锌富集起到了不同的控制作用.顺层滑脱形成了与层理一致的铅锌富集;切层滑动(小型逆冲)控制了稍陡于岩层的铅锌矿富集;小型平移或张性断层控制了陡倾铅锌矿的富集;而大型逆冲断层则控制了大型、超大型铅锌矿床的富集.因此,逆冲滑脱作用是控制黔西铅锌矿床富集的最重要因素.  相似文献   

By the study of metallogenetic conditions and ore-controlling factors, the metallogenetic indicators in geology, geochemistry and geophysics about Wulaga gold deposit have been obtained. Using the indicators the blind ore bodies have been forecasted in Zhangcaigou area. By drilling check, a gold-bearing ore body with 3 m thickness in an average tenor of 20.4×10-6 at the depth of 70 m has been found in the forecast area. It shows that the forecast method should be effective.  相似文献   

The natural balance conditions will be disturbed and produce a series of problems when mineral deposit has mined. This paper has researched the engineering rock masses have been researched in this study, structural planes, the distribution characteristics of tectonic geological factors and the stability of engineering structures according to the theory and research methods of rock mechanics, it will provide the engineering geological evidence for mining area exploited, meanwhile pledge the safety production. Shanmen silver deposit is a large epithermal deposit,it is controlled by NE to NNE strike faults. The stability of rock mass is acted on the tectonic movement and hot metalliferous brine in long-term. Especially,strength of rock mass becomes softened, muddy and loosed under the action of water,so the lower stability of rock mass is,the easier it can take place for harm of disaster threatening production safe of mining. For this reason,it is very important that drawing up a plan to lower harm for mine and protect.  相似文献   

The natural balance conditions will be disturbed and produce a series of problems when mineral deposit has mined.This paper has researched the engineering rock masses have been researched in this study,structural planes,the distribution characteristics of tectonic geological factors and the stability of engineering structures according to the theory and research methods of rock mechanics,it will provide the engineering geological evidence for mining area exploited,meanwhile pledge the safety production.Shanmen silver deposit is a large epithermal deposit,it is controlled by NE to NNE strike faults.The stability of rock mass is acted on the tectonic movement and hot metalliferous brine in long-term.Especially,strength of rock mass becomes softened,muddy and loosed under the action of water,so the lower stability of rock mass is,the easier it can take place for harm of disaster threatening production safe of mining.For this reason,it is very important that drawing up a plan to lower harm for mine and protect.  相似文献   

By the study of metalflogenetic conditions and ore-controUing factors, the metallogenetic indicators in geology, geochemistry and geophysics about Wulaga gold deposit have been obtained. Using the indicators the blind ore bodies have been forecasted in Zhangcaigou area. By drilling check, a gold-bearing ore body with 3 m thickness in an average tenor of 20.4 × 10^-6at the depth of 70 m has been found in the forecast area. It shows that the forecast method should be effective.  相似文献   

戴里铅锌矿集区位于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西北部,是一个主要产于页岩、具有巨型规模的Sedex型铅锌矿。通过系统的流体包裹体测试及H、O、S、Pb等同位素分析,以对其成因进行约束。分析结果表明:①戴里铅锌矿流体包裹体均一温度范围为189~315℃,峰值为220~240℃;②δDV-SMOW值范围为-68.7‰~-76.4‰,平均为-72.9‰,δ18OV-SMOW值范围为+5.9‰~+19.5‰,平均为+16.6‰;③黄铁矿δ34SCDT值为正值,集中分布在+25.49‰~+26.36‰之间;④铅同位素显示较高的μ值(9.92~10.17,平均值为10.04)和ω值(38.06~40.51,平均值为39.26)。该矿床成矿流体温度为中温(220~240℃),成矿流体可能以岩浆水为主,有少量浅源水的加入,硫、铅均为单一来源,其中硫主要来自海水,铅来源于上地壳。   相似文献   

董家河矿区位于加里东—印支褶皱带的西北边缘,江南地轴中段"辰溪—安江坳陷"的北东部,是古生代的坳陷区,下古生界震旦系不整合或假整合于板溪群之上。区内褶皱比较发育,为北东向开阔型褶皱,断裂构造以北东向断层为主,次为北西向断裂。区内含矿岩系为震旦系陡山沱阶底部(Z1bd),为包括容矿微晶白云岩、隔矿层炭质板岩和无矿结晶白云岩的一套含黄铁矿、铅锌矿的岩性自然组合。矿床成因严格受层位控制,具海相沉积特征;陡山沱组底部Pb、Zn丰度高,断裂构造为矿床后期的改造富集提供了必要的导热、导液通道。控矿因素主要受岩相古地理、褶皱构造、矿化层及围岩、岩石化学特征、地下卤水等控制。找矿标志:震旦系陡山沱阶(Z_1bd)为该区的找矿层位、潮下—泻湖白云岩相的背斜、地表金属氧化物、物化探异常等。  相似文献   

1 Regional geologyThere are a series of lead -- zinc deposits in theLiao-ji paleo-rift, for exarnple, the Kumduk Pb -- Zndeposit of Korea, the Huanggoushan Pb -- Zn depositof Jilin Province, the Qingchengzi Pb -- Zn dePOsitand Beiwagou Pb -- Zn deposit of…  相似文献   

扬子地块东南缘是我国重要的铅锌成矿带,而其中凤凰矿田尚缺系统研究。以凤凰铅锌矿床为研究对象,运用流体包裹体地质学、同位素地球化学以及显微激光拉曼光谱等方法对成矿流体特征、流体来源及流体成分开展了系统研究。结果表明:矿床中闪锌矿和与成矿有关的脉石矿物中流体包裹体较发育;包裹体主要为气液两相,其均一温度介于111.2~177℃,盐度介于4.1%~25.2%,密度介于0.98~1.09 g/cm3,总体为低温、中高盐度、中等密度流体;石英、闪锌矿中单个包裹体成分拉曼光谱测试结果表明,气液两相包裹体中气相成分主要为CH4,液相主要为H2O,纯气相包裹体主要成分为CH4;H-O同位素分析结果表明,成矿流体主要为建造水,表明来自盆地中的建造水萃取了深部地层中的成矿物质,并与沉积物中有机物干馏作用产生的CH4等一起形成还原性成矿流体,沿同生断裂构造等通道向上运移,铅锌等成矿物质在浅部敖溪组白云岩中沉淀成矿。   相似文献   

青海省柴达木盆地北缘锡铁山铅锌矿是我国大型的喷流沉积型(SEDEX)矿床,赋矿围岩主要是大理岩和片岩,浅部主要为大理岩型矿体,深部主要为片岩型矿体。系统描述了不同矿石类型中铅锌矿体与黄铁矿的空间共生关系、矿体空间形态三维变化规律;利用局部奇异性分析方法、相关性分析方法对矿区Pb、Zn、Ag、Au等成矿元素物质场结构特征及变化趋势进行了系统分析,2种分析方法均可表现元素物质场不同的结构特征,即:Pb、Zn、Au元素整体上沿着矿体的侧伏方向仍然有明显的向深部富集的趋势,且不受大理岩的影响,在片岩中物质场所反映的元素富集程度依然很强;Ag元素整体上从浅部到深部在矿化空间内均有明显的不连续富集特征。锡铁山铅锌矿水平方向上元素分带由远至近(由西向东)依次为Mn-Fe-S-Ag-Pb-Zn-S-Au,垂向上元素分带由上到下依次为Mn-S-Ag-Pb-Zn-S-Au,同时系统研究了成矿元素物质场中元素富集结构的变化规律,分析讨论了锡铁山深部找矿潜力。   相似文献   

A section of the Nanliang high speed railway tunnel on Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan high-speed passenger railway line in China was instrumented and studied for its mechanical properties and performances. The cross section for the tunnel was 300 m2 and is classified as the largest cross section for railway tunnels in China. Through in situ experimental studies, mechanistic properties of the tunnel were identified, including the surrounding rock pressure, convergences along tunnel perimeter and safety of primary support and lining structure. Based on the field measured data, the surrounding rock pressure demand for large-span deep tunnel in hard rock is recommended as double peak type in the vertical direction and fold line type was recommended for horizontal pressure. The results suggested that Promojiyfakonov's theory was most close to the monitored value. Specific recommendations were also generated for the use of bolts in tunnel structures. Numerical simulation was used to evaluate the safety of the tunnel and it confirmed that the current design can satisfy the requirement of the current code.  相似文献   

龙山金锑矿床处于华南板块之江南地块南东,往南与南华活动带相邻,区域构造兼具隆起带和活动带的特点。白马山—龙山EW向构造隆起带控制了区域钨锑金矿带的展布,龙山穹窿控制了龙山金锑矿床的就位。龙山地区经历了四次主要构造运动,雪峰运动形成EW向龙山穹窿雏形,加里东运动形成NE向复式褶皱,印支运动主要表现为NNE向劈理(硅质条带充填)叠加,燕山运动以NNE向断裂为主要特色,经历了由塑性到脆性、由褶皱为主到断裂为主的形变过程。龙山倒转复式背斜控制了龙山金锑矿床的就位及矿脉(体)的展布,核部发育的多组断裂控制了矿体的就位,其中与区域劈理大角度相交的NWW组断裂为主要容矿构造,与NNE、NE向断裂及密集的轴面劈理相交部位成矿有利,沿其交线附近往往有板柱状矿体分布,矿体倾向延深大于走向长,一般延深为走向长的1~5倍,并明显向北西侧伏,与褶皱轴面倾向大体一致。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地玉北地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩发育多种形式的岩溶作用,其中埋藏岩溶作用是形成有利储层的重要机制之一。利用岩心观察、岩石薄片鉴定、阴极发光、扫描电镜、测井解释和地化分析等方法,分析研究区埋藏型岩溶发育特征,预测有利储层分布。结果表明:埋藏型岩溶主要发育层位为蓬莱坝组及东部断裂带的鹰山组;发育特征表现为高角度裂缝发育导致的溶蚀作用、沿缝合线发育导致的溶蚀作用、沿晚期裂缝发育的"串珠状"溶孔及与断裂作用相关的油气或沥青充注等,成岩介质流体为多种流体组合。受海西运动影响,蓬莱坝组地层深部断层发育;海西运动晚期,成岩介质流体沿深部断裂向上运移,使下部岩溶相对上部岩溶更为发育,并具有顺层溶蚀特点。断层的发育对埋藏型岩溶具有良好的控制作用,低角度裂缝对埋藏流体的侧向运移具有良好的疏导作用。海西运动晚期发育的断裂带为研究区主要岩溶作用区及优质储层分布区。  相似文献   

会泽铅锌矿床成矿作用受构造控制明显,主要与压扭性断裂作用有关.H、O、C、S、Pb同位素和包裹体资料、断裂构造地球化学和矿床地球化学分析表明,矿床形成于持续开放体系条件,并且持续开放体系下的(断裂)构造作用控制了矿床成矿元素的活化迁移与含矿流体的形成、流体的迁移汇聚及矿液的沉淀与矿床的定位.持续开放体系下的构造(断裂)作用对矿床的形成起了决定性作用.  相似文献   

探讨黔西北普宜地区富关键金属元素硫铁矿的同位素地球化学特征、元素地球化学特征及成因, 可以为硫铁矿资源开发、伴生有益元素综合利用与评价及理解富关键金属元素硫铁矿聚集机制提供更为丰富的信息。在全面收集已有地质、矿产资料的基础上, 结合野外实地调查, 应用元素地球化学及硫同位素分析等方法, 对该区硫铁矿地球化学特征及成因做了较为深入研究, 并初步建立成矿模式。结果表明: 富关键金属元素硫铁矿主要赋存于中二叠统龙潭组(P2l)底部的晶屑凝灰岩中, 矿体形态简单, 呈层状分布, 硫铁矿中共(伴)生的稀土, Li, Nb, Zr, Ga等有益元素均可综合利用。w(ΣREE)平均为431.24×10-6, 最大值为1 634.57×10-6, 一般在180×10-6~1 630×10-6之间; w(Ga)平均为32.51×10-6, 一般为25×10-6~120×10-6, 最大为120.00×10-6; w(Nd)平均为103.29×10-6, 一般为40×10-6~380×10-6, 最大为380.00×10-6; w(Li)最大值为1 366.00×10-6; w(Al2O3)最大值为42.17%。硫铁矿稀土元素配分模式表现为轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素相对亏损的右倾型。矿石中成矿元素Ga, Li, Zr, Ti, Se, Cd, Nb, V, Hg等元素相对富集, Ba, Sr, Zn, Te等元素相对贫化。硫铁矿石中黄铁矿硫同位素δ34S变化范围主要在-33.90‰~-18.60‰之间, 平均值-16.04‰, 为轻硫富集型, 富关键金属元素硫铁矿的硫源受生物细菌还原作用影响较大。硫铁矿主要是在沉积阶段通过微生物铁还原、微生物硫酸盐还原和化学铁还原驱动下形成的。初步认为赋存于硫铁矿中的稀土主要以类质同象替代形式赋存于黏土矿物中, 形成过程可分为风化搬运阶段、沉积成矿阶段和成岩后生作用阶段。   相似文献   

徐家围子断陷是我国东部富含火山岩天然气藏的重点断陷.探讨徐家围子断陷火山岩气藏基础地质条件和火山岩含气系统,分析火山岩气藏主控因素及耦合关系,揭示火山岩天然气成藏规律.结果表明:徐家围子断陷火山岩气藏控制因素包括优质、成熟的气源岩为火山岩气藏提供充足的气源条件;原生和后期改造型火山岩体为火山岩气藏提供有利的储集空间;基底断裂控制火山岩体的分布并提供天然气高效运移的疏导通道;火山岩气藏成藏主控因素、时空匹配关系控制天然气富集.火山岩气藏主要分布于构造高部位和斜坡带,全区发育原生型火山岩气藏,徐中地区和安达地区发育后期改造型火山岩(风化壳)天然气藏.徐家围子地区存在一定范围的风化壳,厚度在100m左右,主要分布于安达地区和徐中地区;距火山岩风化壳顶面由近及远,单井日产气量从26×104 m3降至8×104 m3,火山岩孔隙度从26%降至8%,风化剥蚀改善火山岩储集性能.  相似文献   

The Qiangsheng gold deposit belongs to quartz vein type. The fluid inclusions consist of four types:aqueous single-phase inclusions,aqueous two-phase inclusions,carbonated two-phase inclusions and carbonated three-phase inclusions. The fluid inclusions are characterized by low salinity( 5%-9% Na Cl eqv),low density( 0. 66--0. 72 g / cm~3) and medium temperature( 210℃--250℃). The pressure of ore-forming is 60--95 MPa and the metallogenic depth is about 5. 49--7. 56 km. During the mineralizing process,ore-forming fluid underwent fluid unmixing in CO_2-H_2O-Na Cl system. The stable isotope results indicate that the ore-forming fluids mainly generated from mantle,with the participation of a small amount of atmospheric water. Comprehensive studies have suggested that Qiangsheng gold deposit belongs to the type of mesothermal hydrotherm with mantlederived fluid participating in mineralization.  相似文献   

为确定农坪金铜矿床的成矿流体特征及矿床形成机制,采集细脉浸染状金铜矿石中的石英-硫化物细脉,对石英颗粒中的流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温和激光拉曼光谱分析。结果表明:脉石英中主要发育Ⅰ型气液两相、Ⅱ型含CO2三相、Ⅲ型含子矿物多相、Ⅳ型纯气相和Ⅴ型纯液相等5种类型的原生流体包裹体。不同类型包裹体的均一温度变化范围为237.8℃~399.4℃,主要集中于310℃~370℃,盐度w ( NaCl )变化范围于1.39%~12.3%和33.32%~42.03%两个区间。代表性包裹体的激光拉曼光谱分析结果显示,成矿流体主要气相成分为H2 O、 CO2,并含有少量的CH4。综合研究后认为,农坪矿床成矿流体曾发生过沸腾作用,以至流体中的H2 O、 CO2等挥发组分大量逸出,引起金、铜等有用组分的沉淀富集。农坪金铜矿床与小西南岔金铜矿床在成矿条件及矿化特征等方面具有相似性,二者同为斑岩型金铜矿床,均属燕山晚期构造岩浆作用的产物。  相似文献   

The authors presented geochronology and geochemical data of diorites from Nancha gold deposit in Tonghua region,with the aim to constraining its formation age,magma source and tectonic setting.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating results of zircons from the diorites indicate that the rocks were formed in the Middle Jurassic( 171± 2 Ma,MSWD = 1.19).Geochemically,these rocks have Si O_2 concentrations of 52.52%--54.90%,K_2 O of2.14%--3.84%,Na_2 O of 3.17%--3.35%,Mg O of 7.43%--9.34% and high Mg~# of 68.57-72.57.These rocks are characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements( LILE,such as K,Ba,Rb and Sr) and light rare earth elements( LREE),relatively depletion in high field strength elements( HFSE,such as Ta,Nb,Ti and Zr),and heavy rare earth elements( HREE).These characteristics suggest that primary magma of the rocks were derived from the partial melting of mantle with miner crustal contamination,which may related to partial melting of mantle wedge by addition of sediment melt from subducting oceanic crust.Based on former and present studies,the authors consider that the Nancha ore deposit high-Mg diorites were formed in compressional structural setting which is similar to volcanic arc.It could be related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate beneath the Eurasian continent.  相似文献   

Altai polymetallic mineralization belt is famous copper-polymetallic mineralization belt in the world. There are a lot of gold deposits in the Altai ore belt in Xinjiang, China. These gold deposits belong to two genetic types: volcanogene late-stage hydrothermal type and fractured altered rock type. The authors discuss mainly the geological and mineralized features of fractured altered rock type of gold deposits in Altai gold ore belt. Base on this study, the metallogenic law is summarized and the deep metallogenic prognosis has been done in Duolanasayi and Tuokuzibayi gold deposits, and some mineralized anomalys have been discovered.  相似文献   

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