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Evolution of N.M. Strakhov’s views on the formation of diagenetic sulfides in Holocene-Quaternary rocks of the Black Sea is considered. It is shown that Strakhov actually discarded the statement of A.D. Arkhangel’skii about the migration of hydrotroilite from the Drevnechernomorsk (i.e., ancient Black Sea sediments) to the Neoeuxinian sequence and attribute the generation of sulfides in the hydrotroilite bed to the redox hydrosulfuric barrier. New data on sulfide distribution in Black Sea sediments and concept of ancient Black Sea sediments as semipermeable membranes suggest the decisive role of hydrosulfuric solutions in the generation of sulfide accumulations.  相似文献   

Study of sediments and water column in the Black Sea has been carried out for a long time. However, issues of the formation of seawater and sediments in the geological (ancient) and Recent marine history remain debatable so far. Studies of the physical, biological, and biogeochemical settings in the northeastern part of the Black Sea carried out onboard the R/V Professor Shtokman in 2009 yielded new data on this region. The present paper reports the results of study of the chemical composition of bottom sediments and interstitial waters from the meridional profile extending from the Kerch Peninsula to the central part of the eastern deep-water depression.  相似文献   

Many geophysical characteristics of the Caspian and Black Seas' deep basins are similar, having: suboceanic type of the crust, low average seismic velocity, absence of earthquakes and relatively small variation of magnetic anomalies. However, the sediments in the Caspian Sea deep basin are folded whereas in the Black Sea they are approximately horizontal. The Caspian Sea also has a far greater thickness of sediment accumulation.

The deep basins of the Caspian, Black and Mediterranean seas represent a sequence having similar crustal structures but with a decreasing thickness of sediments and consolidated layer, in that order. It is possible that the intensive sinking and accumulation of sediments began earliest in the Caspian Sea and spreaded continuously to the Black Sea and then the Mediterranean Sea. The Caspian and Black Sea deep basins have existed for long time (perhaps from Paleozoic time or even earlier) as areas with a specific and related type of evolution.  相似文献   

Organic acids were released from marine sediments by acid hydrolysis. Ion-exchange chromatography and GC-MS were used to separate and identify the acids. The major compounds detected were galacturonic, glucuronic, mannuronic, 4-O-methylglucuronic, cellobiouronic, guluronic, glyceric, glycolic, lactic and erythronic acids. Numerous biouronic (sugar-uronic acid compounds) and aldonic acids were also found. The low abundance of uronic acids characteristic of terrigenous plants and the similarity of the biouronic composition to that of marine algae indicate a marine algal source for the acids in the sediment. Results from the Black Sea are compared with those from the Baltic Sea and several diagenetic transformations are discussed.  相似文献   

The distributions of hydroxyacids in a variety of Recent and ancient sediments have been determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A lacustrine sediment (Rostherne Mere, U.K.) and two marine situations (Cariaco Trench, Black Sea) were analyzed as examples of Recent depositional environments. β-hydroxyacids occurred in all of the Recent sediments, consistent with their presumed microbial origin, whereas di- and trihydroxyacids were present in the sediments with a significant higher plant input (Black Sea and Rostherne Mere sediments). The two ancient (Eocene) sediments examined, viz. the Greene River (U.S.) and Messel (Germany) oil-shales, contained only trace amounts of hydroxyacids. These results provide evidence that hydroxyacids are in general not well preserved over geological time.  相似文献   

Syngenetic iron sulfides in sediments are formed from dissolved sulfide resulting from sulfate reduction and catabolism of organic matter by anaerobic bacteria. It has been shown that in recent marine sediments deposited below oxygenated waters there is a constant relationship between reduced sulfur and organic carbon which is generally independent of the environment of deposition. Reexamination of data from recent sediments from euxinic marine environments (e.g., the Black Sea) also shows a linear relationship between carbon and sulfur, but the slope is variable and the line intercepts the S axis at a value between 1 and 2 percent S. It is proposed that the positive S intercept is due to watercolumn microbial reduction of sulfate using metabolizable small organic molecules and the sulfide formed is precipitated and accumulates at the sediment-water interface. The variation in slope and intercept of the C to S plots for several cores and for different stratigraphic zones for the Black Sea can be interpreted in relation to thickness of the aqueous sulfide layer or thinness of the oxygen containing layer and to deposition rate, but also may be influenced by availability of iron, and perhaps the type of organic matter (Leventhal, 1979).  相似文献   

Multichannel reflection data (Tugolessov et al., 1985) have revealed two deeps in the basement topography of the Black Sea which are filled with sediments from 12 to 15 km thick. The deeps lack the “granitic layer” and are underlain by oceanic-type crust which we assume to be generated by seafloor spreading processes. The age of the deeps was interpreted previously, in a highly controversial manner, as being from the Paleozoic — Early Mesozoic to the Recent. In the paper, age estimations were undertaken using surficial heat flow data, assuming that they are related to deep-seated age-dependent heat flow generated by the cooling oceanic lithosphere, but that they are strongly distorted by the heating of continuously accumulating sediments as well as by additional heat input from radiogenic production within sediments. Using reliable thermophysical parameters of compacting sediments, the distorted heat flow in the sediments was evaluated numerically. This allowed us to estimate the age of the Black Sea deeps floor. The results show that the West Black Sea deep is 130 to 95 m.y. old, and the East Black Sea deep is nearly 110 m.y. old. These figures support an interpretation of the Black Sea deeps as remnants of a Late Mesozoic back-arc basin that evolved behind the Lesser Caucasian — Pontide island arc. The inferred Middle Cretaceous age of the deeps is the first estimate obtained quantitatively, and corresponds well with available heat flow and multichannel reflection data.  相似文献   

The Western Black Sea basin opened during Cretaceous times by back-arc rifting in association with a north dipping subduction at the rear of the Cretaceous–Early Tertiary Pontide volcanic arc. The sedimentary wedge developed on the shelf of the Romanian Black Sea sector reflects a complex interplay between large scale rifting, uplift of the orogenic flanks, large-scale post-rift subsidence and sea level changes. We examine the detailed structural configuration of this sector for a regional correlation with the adjacent offshore in Ukraine and Bulgaria. The evolution of the western Black Sea basin started in the Albian–Cenomanian times, when two extensional phases with significantly different directions (N–S and subsequently E–W) lead to the formation of a complex interplay between isolated blocks organised in horsts and grabens generally deepening eastwards. Superposition of normal faults footwall blocks from the two extensional episodes generated a deeply subsided area with enhanced accommodation space, i.e., the Histria Depression, and, consequently, recorded a larger thickness of Paleogene sediments in the post-rift stage. (Re)activation of faults and associated folding reflects repeated inversion during the Late Cretaceous–Oligocene times, associated with subsequent periods of non-deposition and/or erosion during moments of basin fill exposure. These periods of inversion recorded in the Black Sea are controlled by coeval orogenic deformations taking place in the Balkans, Pontides and the Crimean thrust belt. Sea level fluctuations during the Neogene and late Alpine tectonics in the neighbouring orogens caused massive sedimentation followed by sediment starvation and/or significant erosion. Large thicknesses of sediments accumulated during the Pontian, presumably associated with an extensional episode deepening the distal parts of the basin and with differential compaction structures. The interpretation of a high-quality seismic dataset combined with published data allowed the correlation of major structural units and lineaments defined onshore towards the Carpathians with the ones deeply buried below the western Black Sea basin sediments. Unit correlations are furthermore used to derive an integrated tectonic image of the western Black Sea area.  相似文献   

Partitioning of heavy metals in surface Black Sea sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bulk heavy metal (Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb) distributions and their chemical partitioning, together with TOC and carbonate data, were studied in oxic to anoxic surface sediments (0–2 cm) obtained at 18 stations throughout the Black Sea. TOC and carbonate contents, and available hydrographic data, indicate biogenic organic matter produced in shallower waters is transported and buried in the deeper waters of the Black Sea. Bulk metal concentrations measured in the sediments can be related to their geochemical cycles and the geology of the surrounding Black Sea region. Somewhat high Cr and Ni contents in the sediments are interpreted to reflect, in part, the weathering of basic-ultrabasic rocks on the Turkish mainland. Maximum carbonate-free levels of Mn (4347 ppm), Ni (355 ppm) and Co (64 ppm) obtained for sediment from the shallow-water station (102 m) probably result from redox cycling at the socalled ‘Mn pump zone’ where scavenging-precipitation processes of Mn prevail. Chemical partitioning of the heavy metals revealed that Cu, Cr and Fe seem to be significantly bound to the detrital phases whereas carbonate phases tend to hold considerable amounts of Mn and Pb. The sequential extraction procedures used in this study also show that the metals Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb associated with the ‘oxidizable phases’ are in far greater concentrations than the occurrences of these metals with detrital and carbonate phases. These results are in good agreement with the recent studies on suspended matter and thermodynamic calculations which have revealed that organic compounds and sulfides are the major metal carriers in the anoxic Black Sea basin, whereas Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides can also be important phases of other metals, especially at oxic sites. This study shows that, if used with a suitable combination of the various sequential extraction techniques, metal partitioning can provide important information on the varying geological sources and modes of occurrence and distribution of heavy metals in sediments, as well as, on the physical and chemical conditions prevailing in an anoxic marine environment.  相似文献   

Along the south coast of Ireland, a shelly diamict facies, the Irish Sea Till, has been variously ascribed to subglacial deposition by a grounded Irish Sea glacier or to glacimarine sedimentation by suspension settling and iceberg rafting. Observations are presented here from five sites along the south coast to directly address this question. At these sites, sedimentary evidence is preserved for the onshore advance of a grounded Irish Sea glacier, which glacitectonically disturbed and eroded pre‐existing sediments and redeposited them as deformation till. Recession of this Irish Sea glacier resulted in the damming of ice‐marginal lakes in embayments along the south coast, into which glacilacustrine sedimentation then took place. These lake sediments were subsequently glacitectonised and reworked by overriding glacier ice of inland origin, which deposited deformation till on top of the succession. There is no evidence for deposition of the Irish Sea diamicts by glacimarine sedimentation at these sites. The widespread development of subglacial deforming bed conditions reflected the abundance of fine‐grained marine and lacustrine sediments available for subglacial erosion and reworking. Stratigraphical and chronological data suggest that the advance of a grounded Irish Sea glacier along the south coast occurred during the last glaciation, and this is regionally consistent with marine geological data from the Celtic Sea. These observations demonstrate extension of glacier ice far beyond its traditional limits in the Celtic Sea and on‐land in southern Ireland during the last glaciation, and remove the stratigraphical basis for chronological differentiation of surficial glacial drifts, and thus the Munsterian Glaciation, in southern Ireland. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A total of 402 coastal sea-sediment samples were collected from the continental shelf, slope, and basin off Tsushima Island in the western Sea of Japan, and were analyzed for 51 elements as part of a nationwide marine geochemical mapping project. The samples were compared to potentially related sample sets, and the results were considered from the viewpoint of the origin of marine surface sediments in the western Sea of Japan. The spatial distribution of elemental concentrations in the coastal sea sediments correspond to texture, grain size, the presence of shells and foraminifera, and the mud content of surface marine sediments. Most elemental concentrations increased with increasing mud content. Some samples located in littoral areas included sediment particles apparently supplied from nearby rivers, but their contribution was limited. Overall, the mean chemical compositions of clastic material in coastal sea sediments appear to differ from those of stream sediments in adjacent terrestrial areas. In addition, the geochemistry of the coastal sea sediments cannot be fully explained by the mixing of the material supplied from Korean and Chinese stream sediments, which are the most feasible sources. Coastal sea sediments in the study area are well mixed by transportation processes; therefore, elemental abundances in these marine sediments may be homogenized to such an extent that it is not possible to determine their origin. Alternatively, most of the clastics in the sediment may actually represent relict reworked material, originally formed in the Yellow Sea and Tsushima Strait during the last glacial stage and subsequent transgression.  相似文献   

Past hydrological interactions between the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea are poorly resolved due to complications in establishing a high‐resolution time frame for the Black Sea. We present a new greigite‐based magnetostratigraphic age model for the Mio‐Pliocene deposits of DSDP Hole 380/380A, drilled in the southwestern Black Sea. This age model is complemented by 40Ar/39Ar dating of a volcanic ash layer, allowing a direct correlation of Black Sea deposits to the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) interval of the Mediterranean Sea. Proxy records divide these DSDP deposits into four intervals: (i) Pre‐MSC marine conditions (6.1–6.0 Ma); (ii) highstand, fresh to brackish water conditions (~6.0–5.6 Ma); (iii) lowstand, fresh‐water environment (5.6–5.4 Ma) and (iv) highstand, fresh‐water conditions (5.4–post 5.0 Ma). Our results indicate the Black Sea was a major fresh‐water source during gypsum precipitation in the Mediterranean Sea. The introduction of Lago Mare fauna during the final stage of the MSC coincides with a sea‐level rise in the Black Sea. Across the Mio‐Pliocene boundary, sea‐level and salinity in the Black Sea did not change significantly.  相似文献   

The distributions of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in modern and ancient limestones of various types were studied. Carbonate samples from modern sediments were collected in the Black and Barents Seas. Ancient carbonates were represented by Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) limestones from the central part of the West Siberian basin. Carbonate samples include remains of modern and Upper Jurassic fauna, carbonate crust from sediments of the Black Sea, carbonate tube from sediments of the Barents Sea, and Upper Jurassic limestone from the carbonate layer found at top of Abalak, bottom of Bazhenov deposits in the central part of the West Siberian basin. According to the results of the isotope analysis and comparison with modern carbonates, Upper Jurassic limestones of the West Siberian basin belong to the group of methane-derived carbonates and precipitated as a result of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). Fractures in limestones are filled with secondary calcite.  相似文献   

Lein  A. Yu.  Rusanov  I. I.  Zakharova  E. E.  Flint  M. V.  Ivanov  M. V. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2010,432(1):687-689
Within the mass of recent (unit-I) and ancient Black Sea (unit-II) sediments on the outer shelf of the Russian sector of the Black Sea, the rates of anoxic processes participating in diagenetic transformations of carbon and sulfur compounds were first measured using 35S and 14C radioactive tracers. The main energy source for biogeochemical processes in (unit-I) sediments is the organic matter (OM) supplied to the bottom from the water mass. In (unit-II) sediments, this is methane in a migratory form proved by the excess of its oxidation rate over that of its generation. In recent silt, the primary microbial process is sulfate reduction; in unit-II, this is methane anoxic oxidation by the consortium of archeides and sulfate reductants. The organic matter produced in methane oxidation, in turn, acts as an energy source for the community of anaerobic heterotrophic microorganisms in the bottom sediments, which are remote from the water-sediment interface.  相似文献   

More than 100 new heat flow measurements have been collected in recent years (2002–2004) in different tectonic environments of the northern Black Sea. The northern periphery of the Black Sea is characterized by strong geodynamic and seismic activity, high sedimentation rates, diapiric structures, mud volcanism, and fluid and gas escape at the sea floor. We present new thermal data from the shelf, continental slope and deep-water basin, measured off-shore using a marine thermo-probe and on-shore in drill holes. Heat flow density ranges from 20 to more than 2,000 mW/m2. For two local areas (the Dnieper gas seeps and the Dvurechenski mud volcano area), we discuss the relation between heat flow variability and the geological and physical processes in the near-bottom sediment layer. The Dnieper gas seeps area is characterized by strong small-scale heat flow variability and is controlled by fluid and gas migration. In the Dvurechenski active mud volcano, the near-bottom temperature in sediments is anomalously elevated because additional heat is carried out by mass flows of fluids and clay minerals. Away from the mud volcano heat flow quickly decreases to background values.  相似文献   

研究目的】在末次冰期,全球气候变化以千年尺度的快速、大幅度温度波动旋回为特征,这种波动变化在两极冰芯、深海沉积、中国黄土和洞穴石笋等诸多地质样品中均有记录。黑海位于北大西洋与东亚季风区过渡带,具有极有代表性的沉积记录。本文旨在通过对黑海沉积序列的研究,建立起其区域环境变化与北大西洋及东亚季风气候域气候变化的联系。【研究方法】研究对取自黑海西北部罗马尼亚陆坡区多瑙河峡谷北侧GAS-CS12钻孔的长22.0 m的岩芯样品,进行了粒度、矿物成分、主量元素、有机碳、总氮及碳氮同位素等分析。【研究结果】揭示出该段岩芯沉积于末次冰期中后期“Neoeuxine”湖相阶段,可划分为5个沉积单元,对应于北大西洋H4、H3、H1气候变化事件、末次冰盛期(LGM)及Bolling-Allerod气候变暖事件。【结论】建立起了其沉积序列及区域环境变化与北大西洋及东亚季风气候域气候变化的联系,印证了末次冰期千年尺度的气候变化事件在北大西洋、东亚季风区及两者过渡带上具有高度的一致性。创新点:建立了黑海西北沉积序列与区域环境变化的关系;补充了北大西洋与东亚季风区两者过渡带上气候波动事件的可靠时标。  相似文献   

黑海天然气水合物资源丰富,是我国未来开展国际合作的重要区域.论文系统地总结、分析了黑海地区天然气水合物近50年的地质调查结果,包括天然气水合物的分布、资源潜力和地质调查特点等.分析归纳要点包括:黑海地区天然气水合物类型以Ⅰ型为主,主要赋存在细粒沉积储层中,甲烷资源量最高可达850万亿m3;除俄罗斯外,黑海周边其他各国的...  相似文献   

A section, almost 20 km long and up to 80 m high, through alternating layers of diamict and sorted sediments is superbly exposed on the north coast of the Kanin Peninsula, northwestern Russia. The diamicts represent multiple glacial advances by the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea ice sheets during the Weichselian. The diamicts and stratigraphically older lacustrine, fluvial and shallow marine sediments have been thrust as nappes by the Barents Sea and Kara Sea ice sheets. Based on stratigraphic position, OSL dating, sea level information and pollen, it is evident that the sorted sediments were deposited in the Late Eemian-Early Weichselian. Sedimentation started in lake basins and continued in shallow marine embayments when the lakes opened to the sea. The observed transition from lacustrine to shallow marine sedimentation could represent coastal retreat during stable or rising sea level.  相似文献   

Sediment successions from the Kanin Peninsula and Chyoshskaya Bay in northwestern Russia contain information on the marginal behaviour of all major ice sheets centred in Scandinavia, the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea during the Eemian-Weichselian. Extensive luminescence dating of regional lithostratigraphical units, supported by biostratigraphical evidence, identifies four major ice advances at 100-90, 70-65, 55-45 and 20-18 kyr ago interbedded with lacustrine, glaciolacustrine and marine sediments. The widespread occurrence of marine tidal sediments deposited c. 65-60 kyr ago allows a stratigraphical division of the Middle Weichselian Barents Sea and Kara Sea ice sheets into two shelf-based glaciations separated by almost complete deglaciation. The first ice dispersal centre was in the Barents Sea and thereafter in the Kara Sea. It is possible to extract both flow patterns from ice marginal landforms inside the southward termination. Accordingly, it is proposed that the Markhida line and its western continuation are asynchronous and originate from two separate glaciations before and after the marine transgression. The marine sedimentation occurred during a eustatic sea-level rise of up to 20 m/1000 yr, i.e. the Mezen Transgression. We speculate that the rapid eustatic sea-level rise triggered a collapse of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet at the MIS (Marine Isotope Stage) 4 to 3 transition. This is motivated by lack of an early marine highstand, the timing of events, and the marginal position of Arkhangelsk relative to open marine conditions.  相似文献   

The Holsteinian drainage system in mid-eastern Poland and western Belarus has been reconstructed using palaeogeographical analysis based on abundant boreholes. The stratigraphic setting and palaeogeography are determined by correlation with Holsteinian marine sediments in the Kaliningrad District of Russia and the Late Elsterian glaciolacustrine series in the southern peribaltic region. At the beginning of the Holsteinian there were numerous residual overflow lakes at the Polish-Belarusian border area that gradually became interconnected with the Holsteinian Neman River and its tributaries. The base level of erosion is located in river beds of Holsteinian valleys slightly beneath beds of the recent rivers and indicates that Holsteinian sea level was apparently lower than the present Baltic Sea level. The Holsteinian Neman flowed southwestwards across the Biebrza River Basin to the Warsaw Basin. The main watershed between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea was further to the west than its present location. The secondary watershed in northern Poland has only been slightly modified since that time.  相似文献   

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