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关于港口经济和港城一体化的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用经济资源配置中的成本一收益分析、区域经济生长的极核理论等,对港口的经济性、港城经济一体化发生的内在机理和模型、建设重点等进行理论分析。  相似文献   

区域经济发展新思路多中心发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域经济发展形成了各种不同的发展理论,如罗森斯坦一罗丹(Rosenstein.Rodan)的平均增长理论:赫尔希曼(A.Hirschman)的不平衡增长理论;佩鲁(F.Perroux)的增长极理论等以及中国区域经济的梯度理论,反梯度理论.战略西移理论等,他们都为经济发展做出了重要贡献。尽管区域经济发展理论林林总总,归根结底分为两种:平衡增长与不  相似文献   

随着经济全球一体化快速发展,国际海运贸易的规模不断扩大,全球海运网络研究成为当前的研究热点领域。该研究是海洋运输、地理信息科学、数学物理、统计科学、复杂网络科学、大数据科学、计算机科学等多学科交叉领域共同关注的研究主题,对国家宏观战略与政策制定具有重要作用。本文总结了海运网络研究数据基础、理论模型和研究方法,包括数学物理统计理论方法,基于复杂网络的分析方法、数据挖掘理论方法等,然后从海运网络运输模式设计与优化,网络结构静动态特征,网络结构和交通流演化机制等角度总结海运网络的研究进展、分析所存在的问题,提出海运网络研究在跨学科跨领域研究方法的交叉、多源异构数据融合分析、理论与实际应用结合等方面的未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

基于社交媒体的签到数据,运用社会网络分析方法,选取长三角26个地级市作为研究对象,以从百度地图获得的时间距离作为各城市间距离,结合游客微博签到数据计算了长三角城市联系网络的网络密度、中心度等指标,分析了城市联系的网络特征。同时利用2015年各城市统计年鉴数据与从百度地图获得的城市间的距离,利用经济引力模型计算了城市间的理论联系强度。以社交媒体签到数据为地区实际联系强度,以计算出的经济联系指数为理论联系强度,探讨实际联系强度与理论联系强度之间的耦合协调度,得到各城市理论与实际的协调状况,为相关决策提供支持。  相似文献   

人类社会发展的历史就是一部矿产资源开发利用的历史。人类从利用石器、金属、矿物能源〔煤、石油、天然气)到今天的单晶硅,无不与矿产资源有关。但矿产资源开发利用的有关理论、模式的形成则是近一二百年的事。从古典经济学派到今天的二百多年中,伴随社会生产力的发展,经济发展理论也得到不断丰富和发展,形成了包括区位论、工业化理论、空间结构理论等在内的学科体系。目前大致可分为两大类:一是与矿产资源相关的可持续发展理论,二是与矿产资源相关的区域经济发展理论。在这里重点分析介绍这两大类理论,然后结合西部矿产资源的基本…  相似文献   

为提高语言交际效率,作者或发话人往往选择最精简的语言符号表达特定的思想,这就是语言经济原则,它作为规约语言使用的语用机制,对有关语用理论如会话含义理论、关联论和模因论等语用理论具有普遍约束力。  相似文献   

城市增长与土地增值的综合理论研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对城市增长、土地增值研究上的一些观点,本文将城市增长与土地增值的综合理论研究分为四个步骤:1.研究城市增长的动力,提出向心力、离心力和摩擦力的相互作用理论;以新制度经济学理沦为支撑背景,使这三种力的分析具有坚实的微观经济基础。2.城市增长的理论研究,提出向心力驱动为主的集聚化增长,离心力驱动为主的郊区化增长与向心力、离心力、摩擦力相互作用的网络化增长三大阶段的观点。3.建立城市土地价值与增值的理论,认为土地价值是社会使用价值、经济价值和生态学价值的总和;在土地增值方面,公共增值,特别是土地利用的外部效果导致的土地增值是分析的瓶颈;利用交易费用理论系统分析土地使用的外部效果。 在前述理论基础下,以城市增长与土地增值的经典模型入手,探讨城市增长各阶段的典型土地增值模式,提出城市增长与土地增值的理论。  相似文献   

土地整理效益研究是土地整理理论及实践研究的重要组成部分,也是当今土地科学领域专家和学者关注的重要课题。结合商河县郑路镇项目区的自然和社会经济条件以及土地利用状况,对土地开发整理项目进行社会效益、生态效益及经济效益分析,指出土地整理应寻求社会、生态和经济三大效益的最大结合,实现效益最大化,最终促进农村经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文多方面系统地分析了中国西部地区的经济态势,从生产总值、产业结构(第一产业、工业、矿产、能源,第三产业等)以及生态环境等,论述西部的经济开发。  相似文献   

国家尺度社会经济数据格网化原理和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空间信息获取和处理技术,可将传统关系型社会经济数据转变为空间化的矢量或者格网数据.首先,分析了传统关系型社会经济数据库的不足,并对社会经济数据格网化理论研究及格网数据库建设的历史做了回顾;在明确社会经济数据格网化基本概念的基础上,提出了社会经济数据格网化的3个基本要求,即时间可比、空间一致和逻辑自洽;同时提出了一个包括...  相似文献   

Along with the development of urban economy, the growth of urban population and the increase of needs of urban society, the suburban ecological and economic system changes constantly and profoundly in its structure and function. Intensifying the research on structural analysis of suburban ecological and economic system is of great significance for grasping light the laws governing the development and evolution of the suburban ecological and economic system and leading this system onto a path of sound circle. By making comprehensive use of the cluster analysis and latent structural analysis the author attempts to explore a new avenue of revealing the structure of suburban ecological and economic system, taking Tianjin suburbs and counties as an example. The results obtained from the above-stated analyses show that it is entirely possible and extremely effective to study the structure and function of suburban ecological and economic system and provide scientific evidence for control of this system by using mathematical methods and statistical analyses.  相似文献   

从矿山生产经营的主要指标分析入手,建立以效益为目标函数的经济分析模型,全面进行矿产经济评价,探讨生产成本、出矿品位、贫化率、矿石产量等对矿山经营效果的影响,从而找出影响矿山经济效益的主要因素,进行指导矿山生产。  相似文献   


地勘单位的仓储物资是重要资产形式之一 ,在流动资产中占有相当比重。由于历史原因 ,地勘单位对这一资产的管理从理论到操作上都存在诸多误区 ,从而制约地勘单位的经济效益。作者在分析当前经济形势的基础上 ,针对地勘单位的仓储及无法核实的物资消耗问题提出系统解决措施 ,切实减少仓储损耗 ,控制成本支出 ,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

Based on the interprovincial panel data of 2000–2014, this paper carries out an empirical analysis on the relationship between energy abundance and economic growth to test the theoretical hypothesis of ‘resource curse' and explore its transmission mechanism for China and its three regions. The results show that, at the national level, positive correlation is present between energy abundance and economic growth, proving that the ‘resource curse' phenomenon does not exist in China as a whole. Moreover, material capital input, human capital input and the level of opening to the outside world could promote economic growth, while technology innovation input may hinder economic growth. As seen by region, a positive correlation also exists between the energy abundance and economic growth in the eastern and western regions, and there is no ‘resource curse' phenomenon either. In all three regions, the human capital input could promote economic growth. Material capital input could promote economic growth in the eastern but hinder economic growth in the western region; the level of opening to the outside world could promote economic growth in the eastern region. It is known through further survey and analysis on the transmission mechanism of resource curse that, at the national level, material capital input, human capital input, and the level of opening to the outside world present positive correlation with energy abundance, indicating that energy development becomes an important transmission factor by strengthening material capital input and human capital input and raising the level of opening to the outside world. However, technology innovation input presents negative correlation with energy development. As seen by region, both the material capital input and human capital input present positive correlation with energy development strength in the three regions. Similar as the eastern region, the level of opening to the outside world presents positive correlation with energy industry development in the middle and western regions; however, the energy development presents negative correlation with technology input level in the western region.  相似文献   

The development of any analytical method should have to experience at least four stages: its initial status, growth, mature and declining. However, although the regional input-output analysis has been widely applied for more than forty years, it is still one of the most important approach in regional economic analysis and forecast at present in the world. This is due to the never ended modifications and its great potentials. In this paper, we review the historical development of the regional input-output analysis.  相似文献   

As one kind of organizational relation of regional space, in essence, urban system is the spatial reflection of the deep social economic movement.(HERZOG,1991). Since the 1980s, by means of the globalization of economy and high technology and the particular spatial effect, the evolution of urban system has taken on one brand-new landscape different from the traditional one, which also raise new concepts and requirements for urban system planning. Meanwhile, it′s no doubt that active plannin…  相似文献   

To meet the challenge of sustainable development, sustainability must be made. Ecological network analysis(ENA) was introduced in this paper as an approach to quantitatively measure the growth, development, and sustainability of an economic system. The Guangdong economic networks from 1987 to 2010 were analyzed by applying the ENA approach. Firstly, a currency flow network among economic sectors was constructed to represent the Guangdong economic system by adapting the input-output(I-O) table data. Then, the network indicators from the ENA framework involving the total system throughput(TST), average mutual information(AMI), ascendency(A), redundancy(R) and development capacity(C) were calculated. Lastly, the network indicators were analyzed to acquire the overall features of Guangdong's economic operations during 1987–2010. The results are as follows: the trends of the network indicators show that the size of the Guangdong economic network grows exponentially at a high rate during 1987–2010, whereas its efficiency does not present a clear trend over its whole period. The growth is the main characteristic of the Guangdong economy during 1987–2010, with no clear evidence regarding its development. The quantitative results of the network also confirmed that the growth contributed to a great majority of the Guangdong economy during 1987–2010, whereas the development's contribution was tiny during the same period. The average value of the sustainability indicator(α) of the Guangdong economic network was 0.222 during 1987–2010, which is less than the theoretically optimal value of 0.37 for a sustainable human-influenced system. The results suggest that the Guangdong economic system needs a further autocatalysis to improve its efficiency to support the system maintaining a sustainable evolvement.  相似文献   

为了获得全国公路交通网络空间分布特征和趋势变化,以国家1:50000地形数据库的公路交通数据(2012~2015年4个时间序列)为研究对象,利用空间自相关的统计方法对其展开分析研究。实验结果表明全国公路交通网络的空间分布具有显著的空间自相关性和聚类特征,同时其分布与区域经济指标存在空间显著正相关。  相似文献   

在开放条件的今天,历时50余年的农业合作银行已不适应当前形势的发展,农村合作金融的生存和发展是一个迫切需要解决的问题。通过对我国农村合作金融的变迁进行回顾与分析,总结历史经验和教训,提出应对目前农村合作金融管理体制和相关金融法律法规政策制度进行改革。  相似文献   

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