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The temporal variability of 210Po and 210Pb was examined in the overlying water of the Zhubi Coral Reef flat to detect nutrient-like behavior of 210Po. Different mechanisms influencing their geochemical behaviors were observed. Excess 210Po relative to 210Pb revealed an additional input of 210Po other than in situ production from 210Pb. The 210Po input comes from the reef flat sediment through diffusion. The diffusion contributes 62% of the total 210Po. This diffusion of 210Po directly highlights its nutrient-like behavior. No input, but the slight removal, of 210Pb was observed. Fractionation factors indicate that particulate matter prefers to adsorb 210Po rather than 210Pb. In combination with particulate composition, 210Po diffusion was closely related to organic matter. These results reveal that 210Po might be a potential tracer for quantifying nutrient recycling in the Coral Reef system.  相似文献   

The radionuclides (210)Po and (210)Pb were examined to trace the cycling of particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) in the Zhubi coral reef lagoon. The net export flux of POC to the open sea is 14 mg Cm(-2) d(-1). However, the net exchange of PON has not yet been observed. On average, the vertical export fluxes in the lagoon of POC and PON, as derived from (210)Po/(210)Pb disequilibria, are 43 mg Cm(-2) d(-1) and 13.8 mg Nm(-2) d(-1), respectively. The deficit of (210)Po relative to (210)Pb in particulate matter provides evidence for the degradation of particulate organic matter. According to the mass balance budgets, 310 mg Cm(-2) d(-1) and 121 mg Nm(-2) d(-1) were recycled into dissolved fractions. Based on a first-order kinetics model, the degradation rate constants of POC and PON are 0.28 and 0.30 m(-1), respectively. Thus, (210)Po and (210)Pb can quantify the cycling of carbon and nitrogen in this coral lagoon.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring 210Po (half-life 138.4d) is the granddaughter of 210Pb (half-life 22.3a), both are members of 238U decay series and have been inten-sively utilized to study kinetic aspects of material cy-cling in the ocean[1]. Based on radioactive disequilibria in the 226Ra-210Pb-210Po system, oceanographical processes with different timescales have been widely studied. Rama et al.[2] first detected excess 210Pb rela-tive to its precursor 226Ra in surface waters, and considered this exc…  相似文献   

Activities of the naturally occurring radionuclides, 210Pb and 210Po, were measured in both dissolved (<0.45 μm) and particulate (>0.45 μm) phases from surface waters of the southern South China Sea. The average activity of particulate 210Pb, 0.23 Bq/m3 (n=23), accounted for about 12% of the total 210Pb, which corresponds with values of open oceans. Particulate 210Po, with an average activity of 0.43 Bq/m3, accounted for about 40% of the total 210Po, which was much higher than those of open and eutrophic oceans. The residence times of total 210Po and 210Pb in surface waters estimated from an irreversible steady-state model were 0.82 a and 1.16 a, respectively. The consistently high fractionation factor calculated either by scavenging rate constants (5.42) or Kd values (6.69) suggested that a significant fractionation occurred between 210Po and 210Pb during their removal from solution to particles and that the two radionuclides had different biogeochemical cycling pathways in the oligotrophic South China Sea. Furthermore, our results indicated that there exist different fractionation mechanisms between 210Po and 210Pb in different marine environments: in eutrophic ocean, plankton detritus and fecal pellets are the main carrier of 210Po and 210Pb, by which 210Po and 210Pb have been scavenged and removed; while in oligotrophic ocean, microbes could become the main carrier of 210Po and fractionate 210Po and 210Pb significantly as a result of scarce plankton detritus and fecal pellets. These results suggest the use of 210Po to trace marine biogeochemical processes relating to microbial activities and the cycling of sulfur group elements (S, Se, Te and Po).  相似文献   

The phytoplankton assemblage of Zhubi Reef, a closed coral reef in Nansha Islands (South China Sea, SCS) was studied in June 2007. A total of 92 species belonging to 53 genera and four phyla have been identified. The dominant taxa in the lagoon were the diatom Chaetoceros and cyanobacteria Nostoc and Microcystis, while in reef flats were cyanobacteria Trichodesmium erythraeum, dinoflagellates Gymnodinium and Prorocentrum. The species richness and diversity were consistently lower in the lagoon than in reef flats. Classification and nMDS ordination also revealed significant dissimilarity in phytoplankton community structure between the reef flat and lagoon, with statistical difference in species composition and abundance between them (ANOSIM, p = 0.025). Nutrient concentrations also spatially varied, with ammonium-enrichment in the lagoon, while high Si-concentration existed in reef flat areas. Both nutrient levels and currents in SCS may play important roles in determining the composition and distribution of microalgae in Zhubi Reef and SCS.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the Goniopora reef profile at Dengloujiao, Xuwen County, Leizhou Peninsula, the northern coast of the South China Sea suggests that a series of high-frequency, large-amplitude and abrupt cold events occurred during the Holocene Hypsithermal, an unusual phenomenon termed “Leizhou Events” in this paper. This period (corresponding to 14C age of 6.2-6.7 kaBP or calendar age of 6.7-7.2 kaBP), when the climatic conditions were ideal for coral reefs to develop, can be divided into at least nine stages. Each stage (or called a “climate optimum”), lasting about 20 to 50 a, was terminated by an abrupt cold nap and (or) a sea-level lowering event in winter, leading to widespread emergence and death of the Goniopora corals, and growth discontinuities on the coral surface. Such a cyclic process resulted in the creation of a >4m thick Goniopora reef flat. During this period, the crust subsided periodically but the sea level was rising. The reef profile provides valuable archives for the study of decadal-scale mid-Holocene climatic oscillations in the tropical area of South China. Our results provide new evidence for high-frequency climate instability in the Holocene Hypsithermal, and challenge the traditional understanding of Holocene climate.  相似文献   

Rapid economic development in East Asian countries has inevitably resulted in environmental degradation in the surrounding seas, and concern for the environment and its protection against pollutants is increasing. Identification of sources of contaminants and evaluation of current environmental status are essential to environmental pollution management, but relatively little has been done in the South China Sea (SCS). In order to investigate the abundance, distribution, and sources of Pb within the SCS, stable Pb isotopes and their ratios were employed to assess the contamination status and to differentiate between natural and anthropogenic origins of Pb in the surface sediments. The total Pb concentrations in sediments varied from 4.18 to 58.7 mg kg−1, with an average concentration of 23.6 ± 8.9 mg kg−1. The observed Pb isotope ratios varied from 18.039 to 19.211 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.228 to 16.080 for 207Pb/204Pb, 37.786 to 39.951 for 208Pb/204Pb, 1.176 to 1.235 for 206Pb/207Pb, and 2.468 to 2.521 for 208Pb/207Pb. The majority of these ratios are similar to those reported for natural detrital materials. Combined with Pb enrichment factor values, our results show that Pb found within most of the SCS sediments was mainly derived from natural sources, and that there was not significant Pb pollution from anthropogenic sources before 1998. Further studies are needed to reconstruct deposition history and for trend analysis.  相似文献   

Meiji (Mischief) coral atoll, in Nansha (Spratly) Islands, South China Sea, consists of an annular reef rim surrounding a central lagoon. On the atoll rim there are either protuberant 'motu' (small coral patch reefs on the rim of atoll) islets or lower sandy cays that contain modern microbialite deposits on the corals in pinnacles and surrounding bottoms of the atoll. Microbialites, including villiform, hairy, and thin spine growth forms, as well as gelatinous masses, mats and encrustation, developed on coral colonies and atoll rim sediments between 0 and 15 m deep-water settings. The microbialites were produced by natural populations of filamentous cyanobacteria and grew on (1) bulbous corals together with Acropora sp., (2) on massive colonies of Galaxea fascicularis, (3) on dead Montipora digitata, and (4) on dead Acropora teres, some hairy microbialite growing around broken coral branches. This study demonstrates that microbial carbonates are developed in coral reefs of South China Sea and indicates that microbial processes may be important in the construction of modern reef systems. The results have significance in the determination of nature and composition in microorganisms implied in the formation ancient microbialites, and permit evaluation of the importance of microbial deposits in mo-dern coral reefs and of 'microbialites' in biogeochemical cycles of modern coral reef systems. The re-sults also provide evidence of modern analogues for ancient microbialites in shallow-water settings, and combine with sedimentological studies of ancient microbialites to understand their controls.  相似文献   

The Yellow River (YR) supplies a large amount of nutrients and fresh water to the northern Chinese marginal seas, and greatly influences the ecosystem and current patterns. The relocation of the YR outlet from the southern Yellow Sea (YS) to the Bohai Sea in 1855 was demonstrated using northern East China Sea (ECS) sediment characteristics. Both isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) signals and C/N ratios in the organic matter (OM) indicate that prior to 1750, the predominant source of OM to the sediments was terrestrial. The terrestrial influences continuously weakened until 1855, when the YR estuary moved; after 1855, the OM was characterized by oceanic sources. Major elements (Al, Ti, Fe, Mn) and trace elements (Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb) had a much closer association with Malan loess prior to 1855, as >90% of the YR sediment was loess-derived. These results reveal that the relocation of the YR induced significant changes in the current patterns of the northern China Seas in the last 250 years; however, more studies are needed to further examine these linkages.  相似文献   

Measurement of228Ra activities in the upper 300 m water column was conducted at two stations in the South China Sea using an MnO2-fiber extraction/β-counting technique of228Ac. Results showed that228Ra activities ranged from 0.38 to 3.60 Bq · m-3. The vertical profiles of228Ra at the time-series station favored a steady state assumption. Based on a one-dimensional steady state model,228Ra-nitrate coupled approach was applied to stations NS97-43, NS99-53 (T1), NS99-53 (T2). New production thus quantified were 4.4, 5.1 and 5.7 mmolC · m-2 · d-1, respectively,f ratios in the South China Sea were estimated from the derived new production and the documented primary productivity in the regime, to be 0.12–0.15.  相似文献   

The discharge of nutrients, phytoplankton and pathogenic bacteria through ballast water may threaten the Cayo Arcas reef system. To assess this threat, the quality of ballast water and presence of coral reef pathogenic bacteria in 30 oil tankers loaded at the PEMEX Cayo Arcas crude oil terminal were determined. The water transported in the ships originated from coastal, oceanic or riverine regions. Statistical associations among quality parameters and bacteria were tested using redundancy analysis (RDA). In contrast with coastal or oceanic water, the riverine water had high concentrations of coliforms, including Vibrio cholerae 01 and, Serratia marcescens and Sphingomona spp., which are frequently associated with “white pox” and “white plague type II” coral diseases. There were also high nutrient concentrations and low water quality index values (WQI and TRIX). The presence of V. cholerae 01 highlights the need for testing ballast water coming from endemic regions into Mexican ports.  相似文献   


南海东北部洋陆转换带及其邻区复杂的地壳结构一直是南海岩石圈结构研究和深水油气勘探的热点.本研究基于覆盖南海东北部的119条地球物理探测数据(包括二维地震和OBS/OBH/ESP等剖面),采用已有OBS数据拟合的时-深关系进行转换,提取主要沉积地层界面和Moho面深度信息;参考区域深钻资料,利用离散平滑与克里金插值法对研究区的数据稀疏区进行插值,在此基础上建立了南海东北部三维地壳结构模型.结果显示:南海东北部的地壳拉伸减薄具有空间差异性.平面上,可以分为地壳轻微、中等和强烈减薄区(拉伸系数分别小于1.5、1.5~2.5之间和大于2.5);Moho面深度向SW向变浅,洋陆转换带宽度由东部的50 km变窄至西部的20 km;北部陆架区发育一系列NE走向的断陷,推测主要受到滨海断裂带的控制,南部陆坡深水区部分凹陷发育巨厚沉积层,可能是由于深水区大型正断层活动和南海扩张过程中陆壳向海掀斜的共同作用.垂向上,Moho面深度与沉积层底界表现为镜像关系,上地壳拉伸系数基本都大于下地壳;且东沙隆起及其邻区的下地壳下部发育高速层,其厚度以近东西向为轴向南北方向变薄.研究揭示的南海东北部三维地壳结构,特别是Moho面结构特征,是认识其深部动力过程和构造活动的重要依据,可为探讨南海洋盆的扩张和演化提供参考.


Chen T  Yu K 《Marine pollution bulletin》2011,62(10):2114-2121
The P/Ca ratio in coral skeletons is considered to be a direct proxy for the nutrient P in seawater. We examined the reliability of this proxy by analyzing P/Ca in a Porites coral collected from a eutrophic area in the northern South China Sea. P concentrations were significantly higher compared to previously reported values from pristine and open seas, corresponding to the elevated nutrients from the study site. We compared coral P/Ca against recent in-situ records of seawater P concentrations. Our results show that P/Ca was primarily a function of TP sw rather than PO4sw, and that the signal of skeletal P included not only phosphate, but also organic phosphorus. Besides the form of skeletal P, sub-sampling and analytical procedures and the distinctive nutrient regime were the most reasonable explanations for our results. We suggest that total P in coral skeletons may be an efficient proxy for seawater P variations and associated phytoplankton dynamics in eutrophic environments.  相似文献   

南海岛礁场地地震稳定性研究中的关键问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前我国针对陆域地区的建筑物和构筑物已建立了比较完备的抗震设计理论和技术体系,但对于海洋工程的抗震研究工作开展得不充分,尤其是海洋岛礁场地的地震反应分析尚属空白。伴随着近年来我国南海地区的迅速开发建设,有必要对南海岛礁的地震危险性分析和抗震设计展开研究。介绍南海岛礁场地的特殊工程地质条件和地震活动性特征,通过比较目前国内外常用的场地地震反应分析方法,针对岛礁这一特殊工程地质体,提出岛礁场地地震反应分析中需要考虑的四个显著因素,包括(1)南海岛礁体的特殊地形;(2)南海岛礁特殊的岩土工程材料;(3)海水-岛礁体动力相互作用;(4)南海地区海底输入地震动的确定,并探讨解决这些问题的思路。为分析地震作用下岛礁场地的稳定性、场地反应分析提供研究思路,同时为南海岛礁建设中的地震危险性分析提供参考。  相似文献   


菲律宾海板块(Philippine Sea Plate,PSP)与南海(South China Sea,SCS)处于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和澳大利亚板块的交汇区域,其构造演化对东南亚、西太平洋乃至全球板块构造重建具有重要意义.虽然PSP和SCS的构造演化模型已经分别建立,但二者之间的协同演化关系还不明确.本文综述了PSP和SCS的古地磁数据、海底磁异常条带资料,并结合地震层析成像以及其他地质结果的约束,对二者的演化关系进行了探讨.PSP四国盆地与SCS在渐新世开始时,受控于统一的地球动力学系统,两者具有地质意义上的亲缘性.早中新世,澳大利亚板块与东南亚地块碰撞,致使PSP发生旋转,四国盆地开始与SCS发生分离,并逐渐向北运动和顺时针旋转,直至演化至现今位置.本文最后提出了这种协同构造演化模式有待解决的问题以及未来的研究展望.


本文对西沙群岛西科1井钻孔岩心晚中新世-上新世生物礁沉积进行了详细的岩石磁学、磁性扫描与磁性地层学研究.结果显示,西科1井生物礁相沉积中的载磁矿物主要是磁铁矿.我们推测,这些磁铁矿的微小颗粒主要来自海水中含有的陆源物质,在生物生长过程中通过珊瑚体或其它寄生生物对海水的过滤与吸附作用保存在生物礁沉积中.进一步的磁性地层学研究及其与地磁极性年表的对比发现,在上新统莺歌海组、上中新统黄流组内部可获得多个年龄控制点,并对莺歌海组和黄流组的底界位置给出了初步制约.其中,莺歌海组记录了C2An.3n和C3n.4n,黄流组记录了C3An.2n至C5n.2n.虽然这一对比方案存在一定不确定性,但是在现阶段生物地层年代及其它年代学资料相对匮乏的情况下,我们认为本项研究的磁性地层学结果能为西沙群岛晚中新世以来的生物礁沉积提供更多可靠的年龄控制点,并为今后的区域地层对比提供磁性地层年代学依据.  相似文献   

Polonium-210 (210Po) has been analysed in the soft parts of two bivalves species, the scallop Chlamys varia and the common mussel Mytilus edulis, from the Bay of La Rochelle and Ré Island, on the French Atlantic coast. Between those sites, the highest 210Po concentrations have been found in whole scallop soft parts from La Rochelle, reaching 1,181 +/- 29 Bq kg(-1) dry weight (dwt), a size effect being related to the highest 210Po concentration in the smallest scallops. The results show a significant difference in concentrations for similar size individuals between species in each site (C. varia > M. edulis) and between sites for each species (Ré Island > Bay of La Rochelle). Very high 210Po concentrations have been found in the digestive gland of C varia, ranging 3,150-4,637 Bq kg(-1) dwt. Thus, the digestive gland contains up to 60% of the radionuclide. Subcellular investigations have shown that approximately 40% of the 210Po contained in the digestive gland is in the cytosolic fraction, suggesting a high bioavailability of the 210Po from this fraction to the trophic upper level. Calculations will show that approximately 4 kg of scallops flesh intake would be necessary to reach the annual incorporation limit of 1 mSv.  相似文献   

Mercury deposition histories have been scarcely documented in the southern hemisphere. A sediment core was collected from the ecologically important estuarine floodplain of the Berg River (South Africa). We establish the concentration of Hg in this 210Pb-dated sediment core at <50 ng g−1 HgT throughout the core, but with 1.3 ng g−1 methylmercury in surface sediments. The 210Pb dating of the core provides a first record of mercury deposition to the site and reveals the onset of enhanced mercury deposition in 1970. The ratio of methylmercury to total mercury is relatively high in these sediments when compared to other wetlands.  相似文献   

Pleistocene radiolarian biostratigraphy in the South China Sea*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Based on a quantitative radiolarian analysis, 5 radiolarian zones (NR1-NR5) have been defined at Core. 17957-2 from the South China Sea, considering radiolarian zonations from low latitudes. The absolute age assignment of the radiolarian zones and the ranges of the six marker species is based on the direct correlation with the paleomagnetic and isotopic record, respectively. A comparison of the radiolarian stratigraphic data obtained from Core 17957-2 from the South China Sea with those from the equatorial Pacific and the tropical Indian Ocean shows a close similarity to the ages defined in the equatorial Pacific. The obtained biostratigraphic data provide an excellent tool for further dating of Pleistocene sediments in the China Sea. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49291100) and by the German Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF) as part of a GermadChinese scientific cooperation program. This is Alfred Wegener Contribution No. 1473.  相似文献   

华南及南海北部地区瑞利面波层析成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于华南及周边地区106个宽频带地震台站多年记录的MS≥5.0中浅源地震事件, 开展瑞利面波层析成像和速度结构特征研究, 获得了华南大陆及南海北部地区10~100 s瑞利波群速度分布图像和典型剖面下方地壳上地幔速度结构, 为理解该地区构造演化和深部过程提供约束.考虑到实际地震射线的覆盖情况以及华南地区主要构造的主体展布特征, 本文同时采用传统的规则网格剖分和平行主要构造走向的非规则网格剖分方法, 分别进行分格频散反演, 开展了不同参数化方案对反演结果影响的对比分析研究.基于瑞利面波层析成像结果, 进行了典型剖面横波速度结构反演, 重建了华南地区由内陆至南海海域主要构造单元的壳幔横波速度结构.研究结果表明, 扬子和华夏块体地壳上地幔结构特征差异显著, 扬子块体地壳和岩石圈厚度均大于华夏地块, 且扬子块体上地幔顶部速度较华夏块体低, 岩石圈厚度在雪峰山造山带下方发生过渡和转换;南海北部陆缘和南海海盆上地幔速度较高且形态相对完整, 表现为非火山型大陆边缘和已停止扩张海盆的壳幔结构特征.  相似文献   

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