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Installed logjams constructed of wood are commonly used in stream restoration projects to provide habitat for lotic organisms. Macroinvertebrate densities are known to increase on logjam surfaces; however, less is known about the influence logjams have on benthic organisms inhabiting the surrounding streambed. To examine this, we conducted a before-after-control-impact (BACI) study in a stream in northern Minnesota, USA, to determine how an installed logjam affected the richness and abundance of three insect orders commonly used in biotic indices, the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (i.e., EPT taxa). A spanning logjam composed of three logs bound together was installed perpendicular to stream flow at the impact site. Initial sampling of the impact site and an upstream control found no differences among the ETP taxa. A year after installation, the logjam accumulated woody debris and altered flow so that near-bed current at the impact site was faster and more heterogeneous than at the control site. Although the richness and abundance of the macroinvertebrate community as a whole did not differ between sites after one year, it did for the Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera at the impact site. By contrast, Trichoptera richness and abundance did not change. Our results lend support to the hypothesis that installed logjams may enhance stream habitat not only by providing colonization surfaces for macroinverbrates, but also by altering the benthic environment of the surrounding habitat.  相似文献   

Many studies have assessed in unison specific biological attributes and certain environmental impacts but few studies have analyzed multiple biological variables and pressures from multiple sites at the same time. Our study’s goal was to quantify the major potential human pressures in the shallow subtidal rocky reefs along a tropical Atlantic coast; propose a relative environmental pressure index and investigate the relationships between environmental pressures, the benthic community and coral population attributes. The analysis of human pressures suggests that one-third of sites were under high or very high proportional stress. Sites with high human pressure had lower live cover, higher percent of recent mortality and density of Siderastrea stellata. These relations were species specific. The coral species S.stellata seemed to be the best indicator of present environmental stress. These findings demonstrate the need to include multiple species and stressors in monitoring programs designed to contribute to coastal management initiatives.  相似文献   

Diatom based biomonitoring tools are proven to be a practical way to indicate stream conditions, but only little is known how stable diatom inferred stream classifications are in time. We studied annual variation in diatom community–environment relationships, community structure and diatom indices (Index of Pollution Sensitivity, IPS and Trophic Diatom Index, TDI) during three consecutive years (2010–2012) in four drainage basins distributed in Finland. We also used a cluster analysis to examine if stream classifications resulted in distinct and temporally stable community types. We found only subtle temporal variation in community–environment relationships, nutrient concentrations (N, P) and conductivity consistently being the main factors structuring communities. According to Mantel tests, diatom communities resembled each other significantly at different years, and the values of IPS and TDI indices remained relatively stable in the basins through time. The stream classification based on diatoms also resulted in temporally stable and statistically distinct community types. We thus suggest that sampling of diatoms, e.g., in every three years seems to be a reliable procedure to assess biological water quality. Generally, to choose the correct metrics to assess water quality is essential, and both biological and physicochemical factors should be considered.  相似文献   

We sampled different substrates (sand, gravel, leaf litter and stones) in the rainy and dry season to study the distribution and composition of benthic macroinvertebrates in tropical streams (northeastern Brazil). Benthic macroinvertebrates were distributed according to the substrates, with stones showing a higher richness and abundance of species and abundance of collector-gatherers and filter-collectors. The results of the PCoA showed a separation of stones from the other substrates and similarities between sand and gravel.  相似文献   

We analyzed species composition and abundance of macrophytes, diatoms and non-diatom benthic algae, water chemistry and habitat structure of 24 river sites in Poland, in order to better understand which parameters structure macrophyte and benthic algae communities. Community patterns for macrophytes and diatoms are most closely related, while macrophytes and non-diatom benthic algae have the weakest relationship. Environmental parameters best explaining community patterns are channel substrate parameters for non-diatom benthic algae, and a combination of channel substrate and river bank characteristics for submerged macrophytes, emergent macrophytes and diatoms. Among the organism groups investigated, the diatom community pattern is best correlated to the environmental data similarity matrix. We hypothesize that the results can be explained by the shorter generation time of diatoms compared to macrophytes, and by a higher dispersal rate of diatoms compared to macrophytes and non-diatom benthic algae. This has several practical consequences for bioindication: (1) Diatoms are usually the organism group most closely following environmental parameters, for both increasing and decreasing impact. (2) Since the biotic indices developed for the Water Framework Directive are meant to primarily indicate ecological changes, not water chemistry, the nature of diatoms to closely reflect water chemistry is not necessarily advantageous. (3) The applicability of macrophyte and probably also non-diatom benthic algae indices is more locally restricted, while diatom indices are applicable to greater areas. (4) In ecosystems which are subject to changing environmental conditions, differences in biotic indices between macrophytes, diatoms and non-diatom benthic algae are to be expected. These differences could provide information relating to ecosystem stability. (5) In stable ecosystems, analyzing one of the three organism groups “diatoms”, “non-diatom benthic algae” and “macrophytes” will be sufficient to characterize the quality element “macrophytes and phytobenthos”, as required by the Water Framework Directive. However, in ecosystems subject to increasing pressure, macrophytes likely will have a tendency to indicate “too good”, while in ecosystems subject to decreasing pressure, diatoms will have a tendency to indicate “too good”.  相似文献   

The ecological quality of 127 stations from six Adriatic coastal lagoons was assessed using a suite of biotic indices: H', d, 1-lambda', Delta(*), Delta(+), W, AMBI, BOPA and FINE. The analysis indicated the difficulties in deriving and using the existing indices from benthic communities in highly variable environmental conditions in coastal lagoons. Different metrics rendered different results: the use of H' resulted in the classification of all stations as "Moderate/Poor/Bad", whereas BOPA classified the majority of the stations as "Good/High". Using Delta(+), most of the stations resulted as "Not anthropogenically impacted", while the W-statistics gave 82 stations as "Undisturbed" and 45 as "Moderately/Grossly disturbed". AMBI classified 55 stations as "High/Good" and 72 as "Moderate/Poor/Bad", whereas those were 32 and 95 with FINE, respectively. The latter, which was developed just for Italian coastal lagoons, was the most conservative among the indices studied. Yet, it showed the highest correlation with the species/abundance matrix. Using indices developed for coastal waters in lagoons can give the distorted indication that the water body is degraded, when it might be just a natural, low diversity, high abundance community, i.e. a lagoonal community. Moreover, the outcome of the use of a certain index has a financial dimension such that lagoons misclassified as being "poor status" will then require expensive remediation measures. For the lagoons studied, there is probably an adequate quality and quantity of benthic data available for making management decisions, but this study highlights the limits of the existing indices for lagoonal ecosystems. The challenge for the next future is to couple long term conservation of the natural environment with the highly productive activities carried out in lagoonal ecosystems.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):181-189
The HELCOM Red List biotopes project proposed a Baltic Sea wide classification consisting of six levels: The HELCOM Underwater biotopes/habitats classification system (HELCOM HUB). We present a case study from the south-western Baltic Sea where we tested the applicability of this system. More than 500 sampling stations were analyzed regarding macrozoobenthic communities and their linkage to environmental parameters. Based on the analyses of biotic and abiotic data, 21 groups were assigned to 13 biotopes of the classification. For some biotopes varying states of communities were recognized. Even though not all abiotic parameters are considered directly in the hierarchy of the classification in general, all soft-bottom communities could be allocated to a corresponding biotope. The application of the HELCOM HUB for the south-western Baltic Sea is feasible, in regard to the implementation of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive as well as the Baltic Sea Action Plan.  相似文献   

The wave-induced velocity and pressure fields beneath a large amplitude internal solitary wave of depression propagating over a smooth, flat, horizontal, and rigid boundary in a shallow two-layer fluid are computed numerically. A numerical ocean model is utilised, the set-up of which is designed and tuned to replicate the previously published experimental results of Carr and Davies (Phys Fluids 18(1):016,601–1–016,601–10, 2006). Excellent agreement is found between the two data sets and, in particular, the numerical simulation replicates the finding of a reverse flow along the bed aft of the wave. The numerically computed velocity and pressure gradients confirm that the occurrence of the reverse flow is a consequence of boundary layer separation in the adverse pressure gradient region. In addition, vortices associated with the reverse flow are seen to form near the bed.  相似文献   

The lake monitoring programme compliant with the Water Framework Directive has been implemented in Poland since 2007. Currently, the methods for three biological quality elements (BQEs): phytoplankton (the Phytoplankton Multimetric for Polish Lakes, PMPL), macrophytes (the Ecological State Macrophyte Index, ESMI) and phytobenthos (the Diatom Index for Lakes, IOJ) are officially applied and internationally intercalibrated. Based on the monitoring data from 256 lakes surveyed in 2010–2013 and assessed for all the three BQEs, we tested whether the assessment results obtained by the three biological methods were consistent and we searched for the causes of inconsistencies which we found. The lake classifications obtained from the PMPL and ESMI were highly consistent and the relationship between these metrics was relatively strong (R = 0.66, p < 0.001). Both metrics correlated equally strongly with water quality indicators. However, the PMPL and ESMI indicated systematic dissimilarities in the sensitivity to eutrophication between shallow and deep lakes. In shallow lakes, the alarming symptoms of macrophyte community deterioration (lower values of ESMI) occurred at lower nutrient and Chla concentrations and were accompanied by a better status of phytoplankton (higher values of PMPL) than in deep lakes that can be explained by a synergistic effect of inorganic suspended solids and algal growth on water transparency. As a consequence, the positions of phytoplankton and macrophytes as early warning indicators in the eutrophication gradient in shallow lakes were inverted compared to those in deep lakes. Compared to the PMPL and ESMI, the IOJ method gave the least stringent assessment results, with 22% of lakes failing to meet the environmental objectives. The relationships between IOJ and PMPL, and ESMI were relatively weak (R = 0.17, p = 0.008 and R = 0.17, p = 0.007, respectively). Moreover, the phytobenthos index IOJ correlated significantly more weakly with all the water quality indicators than either PMPL or ESMI did. The poor performance of the phytobenthos method in this study may suggest a limited indicator value of this BQE for lake assessment or inappropriate sampling design.  相似文献   

The distribution of benthic invertebrates and their subfossil remains was examined within the basin of De Waay, a dimictic, eutrophic lake in the Netherlands. We focused on Chironomidae, but also report the abundances of 11 invertebrate groups that potentially produce chitinous remains that are preserved in the fossil record, although their remains could only be identified at a coarser taxonomic resolution. Most living invertebrates sampled in different seasons were constrained to the littoral zone, with the exception of a few taxa (Ceratopogonidae, Chaoborus flavicans, and Chironomus) that are adapted to low oxygen conditions in the seasonally anoxic profundal zone. In contrast, assemblages of invertebrate remains in lake surface sediments were similar in the entire lake basin, suggesting that considerable numbers of invertebrate remains are transported and redeposited off-shore in Lake De Waay, due to its steep bathymetry. These results indicate that a single sediment sample obtained from the centre of this lake contains subfossil invertebrate remains originating from the entire lake basin. In Lake De Waay, the majority of taxa found in the living assemblages were identified as remains in lake surface sediments, at least for the Chironomidae that could be identified at a similar taxonomic level in living and subfossil assemblages. Of the total 44 chironomid taxa found in Lake De Waay, 35 taxa occurred in the living assemblages and 34 taxa occurred in the subfossil assemblages. Thirty chironomid taxa occurred both as living and subfossil specimens, and on average these 30 taxa represent 94% of the specimens encountered in a sediment sample. Five rare chironomid taxa present as living larvae were not detected in the subfossil assemblages. Conversely, eight rare and four common chironomid taxa were found in subfossil remains, but not in living assemblages. Our results indicate that subfossil assemblages in surface sediment samples provide spatially integrated and representative samples of the living assemblage. However, a combined approach examining both the living benthic invertebrate fauna and invertebrate remains in lake surface sediments will potentially give a more complete and detailed overview of benthic invertebrates in a lake ecosystem than an approach based exclusively on one of these groups.  相似文献   

The influence of the sediment’s physico-chemical properties and black carbon content, on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in benthic sediments of the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea) was determined. Sediments from port, marine dump site of dredged spoils, the Vistula river mouth, Gdansk Deep were selected.The concentrations of ∑PAHs (fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(ah)anthracene, benzo(ghi)perylene) were 294-2200 ng/g d.w. and for ∑PCBs (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) were 2.4-11.3 ng/g d.w.The sediments content of loss on ignition was 1.13-16.15%, total organic carbon was 0.89-7.15%, black carbon was 0.20-1.15%. The highest correlation coefficient values (r = 0.76-0.92, p < 0.05) for a relationship between the concentrations of organic pollutants, and organic matter, organic and black carbon contents were obtained in harbor sediments with low content of organic matter (<5%) and high share of black carbon in total carbon (up to 40%).  相似文献   

To test if phytobenthic algae provide additional important information to macrophytes and phytoplankton for lake monitoring, we sampled two large lakes in Norway. In each lake, we analyzed water chemistry and phytoplankton above the deepest site, recorded macrophytes and non-diatom phytobenthic algae at 20 sites around the shoreline and estimated site-specific nutrient input from land cover. Since no ready-to-use phytobenthos index exists for lakes in Norway, we tested the PIT index developed for rivers, commonly perceived signs of disturbance such as high algal cover, and taxon richness as well as similarity patterns. Both lakes were nutrient poor, but had potential local nutrient inputs (villages, agriculture). In neither of the lakes did phytobenthos indicate a worse overall ecological status than macrophytes and phytoplankton. Our data therefore, did not suggest that it would be useful to add phytobenthos into surveillance monitoring of lakes in Norway. There was a loose correlation between macrophyte and phytobenthic site-specific taxon richness and similarities. This means that macrophytes and phytobenthos do indeed give partly redundant information. High algal cover was found at sites with both high and low phosphorus input. Using algal cover as indicator of site-specific nutrient input is therefore overly simplistic. Urban and cultivated areas were associated with a more eutrophic PIT. This indicates that the PIT, despite being developed for lotic waters, may be used to detect site specific nutrient input in lakes.  相似文献   

For experiments concerning the formation of oil–suspended particulate matter (SPM) aggregates (OSA), oil and sediment samples were collected from Campos Basin and six stations of Paraguaçu estuary, Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil, respectively. The sediments samples were analyzed for organic matter determined by the EMBRAPA method, nitrogen determined by the Kjeldahl method, and phosphorus determined by the method described by Aspila. The oil trapped in OSA was extracted following the method described by Moreira. The experiment showed a relationship between the amount of organic matter and OSA formation and consequently the dispersion of the studied oil. On the basis of the buoyancy of OSA and the ecotoxicological effects on pelagic and benthic community, the priority areas for application of remediation techniques are Cachoeira, Maragogipe, and Salinas da Margarida because of the large amount of oil that accumulated at the bottom of the experiment flask (5.85%, 27.95%, and 38,98%; 4.2%, 17.66%, and 32.64%; and 11.82%, 8.07%, and 10.91% respectively).  相似文献   

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