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Ships are a dominant vector for biological invasions through ballast water discharge (BWD) and hull fouling. Here, we provide a first comprehensive analysis of shipping in Alaska, summarizing (a) the number, type and origin of vessel arrivals to Alaska for 2003 and 2004, (b) the spatial and temporal variation in vessel traffic, and (c) the available data on ballast water discharge in order to prioritize locations for tracking biological invasions. Most arrivals were passenger vessels, followed by ferries and fishing vessels, all of which carried little ballast water. Regional and seasonal patterns in arrivals and BWD were unevenly distributed among vessel types. The majority of vessels reporting BWD were from foreign ports, and most of this ballast was untreated. The largest volumes of ballast were from tankers at Valdez and Kenai Peninsula ports. Although Alaska has few documented invasions, opportunities for ship-mediated transfer now appear high and warrant further scrutiny.  相似文献   

The ongoing transfer of harmful organisms by shipping, especially via ballast water transport, may result in a change of biodiversity, alteration of ecosystems, negative impacts on human health and economic loss. Species introductions which cause irreversible consequences to receiving environments and economies call for particular attention. One critical issue is a need to evaluate the quantities and processes of species introductions. Consequently ballast water was sampled on 15 ships calling at the Port of Koper, Slovenia. This was the first ballast water sampling study in the Mediterranean Sea. This paper summarises the sampling results. Samples were analysed for all types of aquatic organisms including bacteria. The results may be considered as background information for an initial risk assessment of future species introductions - an important tool for the implementation of ballast water management measures.  相似文献   

We investigated the frequency domain relationships between four atmospheric teleconnections (Trans-Niño Index TNI, Pacific Decadal Oscillation PDO, Northern Annular Mode/Arctic Oscillation Index NAM/AO, and Pacific/North American PNA pattern) and water levels in the Great Lakes from 1948 to 2002 by quantifying the coherence between these time series. The levels in all Great Lakes are significantly correlated with the TNI in the frequency range (3–7)−1 cycles year−1, and with the PDO in interdecadal frequencies. The levels in Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Erie are significantly correlated with the PNA pattern in interdecadal frequencies, and the levels in all Great Lakes are significantly correlated with the NAM/AO in interannual frequencies.  相似文献   

Ballast water is a potential source of invasive species, including viruses that target a variety of hosts. We sampled ballast during two trans-Pacific voyages and analyzed the efficacy of mid-oceanic exchange in reducing virus-like particle (VLP) abundance. Exchange did not significantly reduce virus abundance during the first voyage (P = 0.874), whereas it reduced viral abundance 3.9-fold from 1.8 × 107 to 0.47 × 107 VLP mL−1 during the second voyage (P < 0.0001). Despite the impact of exchange during the second voyage, virus abundances were not significantly different between exchanged and unexchanged tanks upon arrival in Canada (P = 0.363) and Canadian port water samples (P = 0.502). Regressions between environmental parameters and VLP abundance uncovered negative correlations between salinity and viral abundance during one, and dissolved oxygen and viral abundance during the second voyage. In summary, ballast tanks are highly variable with respect to total virus abundance, and the efficacy of exchange requires investigation into the dynamics of specific viruses.  相似文献   

From January 1964 through January 1966, Dr. F.P. Ide and colleagues at the University of Toronto Great Lakes Institute (GLI) collected benthic macroinvertebrates from up to 63 stations during each of 16 cruises on Lake Ontario. This intensive survey was conducted at a time of rapidly increasing anthropogenic impact. Total invertebrate abundance decreased with increasing depth; this distribution was bimodal on the northern side of the lake, with peaks at ca. 35 and 80 m. Oligochaeta were more abundant along the southern than on the northern side of the lake, except in Humber Bay. The amphipodDiporeia was rarely collected at most stations near the mouth of the Niagara River. Chironomidae were most abundant in the Kingston Basin but were common throughout the lake at depths less than 50 m. Sphaeriidae were confined to water <100 m deep and were most abundant along the southern shore. When compared with the results of subsequent surveys of the deepwater zone, the GLI data provide evidence of two major shifts in the abundance of benthic animals. Numbers of Oligochaeta decreased by about 40% during 1965 and remained at the lower levels through 1990. The abundance ofDiporeia changed little from 1964 through 1977, but increased sharply between 1977 and 1981. These shifts do not appear to reflect implementation of controls on the discharge of phosphorus, or direct predation by fish. Changes in fish and zooplankton communities and inputs of toxic contaminants seem equally likely to be responsible for the shifts in the deepwater benthic community. We have proposed several predictions which could test the relative importance of biotic interactions or chemical stressors.  相似文献   

Bacteria (and viruses) numerically dominate ballast water communities, but what controls their population dynamics during transit is largely unexplored. Here, bacterial abundance, net and intrinsic growth rates, and grazing mortality were determined during a trans-Atlantic voyage. The effects of grazing pressure by microzooplankton on heterotrophic bacteria during transit were determined for source port, mid-ocean exchange (MOE), and six-day-old source port ballast water. When the grazer component was removed, bacterial abundances significantly increased. Additionally, we determined that the grazer-mediated mortality for ballast water originating from ports was greater than MOE water and that mortality decreased over time for the source port ballast water. This study shows that bacterial populations in transit are controlled by microzooplankton grazing. If these findings are representative of ballast water environments, they suggest that if the grazing component is selectively removed by various treatment methods, bacterial populations may increase; this could have environmental and human health consequences.  相似文献   

In the Great Lakes basin of North America, annual run‐off is dominated by snowmelt. This snowmelt‐induced run‐off plays an important role within the hydrologic cycle of the basin, influencing soil moisture availability and driving the seasonal cycle of spring and summer lake levels. Despite this, relatively little is understood about the patterns and trends of snow ablation event frequency and magnitude within the Great Lakes basin. This study uses a gridded dataset of Canadian and United States surface snow depth observations to develop a regional climatology of snow ablation events from 1960 to 2009. An ablation event is defined as an interdiurnal snow depth decrease within an individual grid cell. A clear seasonal cycle in ablation event frequency exists within the basin and peak ablation event probability is latitudinally dependent. Most of the basin experiences peak ablation frequency in March, while the northern and southern regions of the basin experience respective peaks in April and February. An investigation into the interannual frequency of ablation events reveals ablation events significantly decrease within the northeastern and northwestern Lake Superior drainage basins and significantly increase within the eastern Lake Huron and Georgian Bay drainage basins. In the eastern Lake Huron and Georgian Bay drainage basins, larger ablation events are occurring more frequently, and a larger impact to the hydrology can be expected. Trends in ablation events are attributed primarily to changes in snowfall and snow depth across the region.  相似文献   

The human mediated transfer of harmful organisms via shipping, specifically via ballast water transport, leading to the loss of biodiversity, alteration of ecosystems, negative impacts on human health and in some regions economic loss, has raised considerable attention especially in the last decade. Ballast water sampling is very important for biological invasions risk management. The complexity of ballast water sampling is a result of both the variety of organism diversity and behaviour, as well as ship design including availability of ballast water sampling points. Furthermore, ballast water sampling methodology is influenced by the objectives of the sampling study. In the course of research conducted in Slovenia, new sampling equipment for ships' ballast water was developed and tested. In this paper new ballast water sampling methods and equipment together with practical shipboard testing results are presented.  相似文献   

The transport of non-indigenous species (NIS) with ship ballast water is a major environmental problem. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) have recommended that ballast tanks are flushed through with sea water to remove NIS contaminants. The flushing efficiency is studied using mathematical models and a scaled experimental model of a ballast tank. The density contrast between the ballast water and water used for flushing is important when the Froude number Fr(w)=U(w)/sqr rt|g(')|H < 1 (defined in terms of average horizontal flow U(w), reduced buoyancy g', and H the vertical dimension in the tank). When denser water is used to flush a ballast tank, from below, it efficiently displaces lighter ballast water; but flushing through with light water creates a buoyant gravity current which effectively short circuits part of the tank. When Fr(w)>1, the density contrast between the ballast water and water used for flushing is not important and flushing is controlled by a bulk Péclet number, Pe(w). For Pe(w)<1 perfect mixing occurs, while for Pe(w)>1 displacement flushing occurs. Laboratory experiments of flushing were performed using a model two-dimensional ballast tank employing dye attenuation to measure the whole concentration field and these experiments confirm the essential features of the mathematical models. The results of this study are discussed in the context of current IMO flushing protocols.  相似文献   

The Caulerpa racemosa invasion: a critical review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea is a marine Chlorophyta introduced into the Mediterranean Sea from south-western Australia. Since 1990, it has been invading the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands, raising ecological problems. Although this invasion event can be considered as one of the most serious in the history of species introduced into the Mediterranean Sea, C. racemosa has not triggered as much attention as the famous "killer alga"Caulerpa taxifolia. The aim of the present study was: (i) to summarize the current state of knowledge with regard to the distribution, the various biological and ecological characteristics of the introduced C. racemosa and its impact on the Mediterranean coastal environment; (ii) to discuss the various hypotheses regarding the explanation for its rapid and successful spread; (iii) to investigate the disparity in the treatment of C. racemosa and Caulerpa taxifolia invasions; and (iv) to outline future research needs.  相似文献   

Under certain circumstances vessels do not need to meet ballast water management requirements as stated in the International Convention for the Management and Control of Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention). Besides exceptions to ensure e.g., (a) the safety of a ship, (b) discharge of ballast water for the purpose of avoiding or minimizing pollution incidents, (c) uptake and discharge on high seas of the same ballast water, the same location concept comes into play as ballast water discharges from a ship at the same location where it was taken up is also excepted from BWM requirements. The term same location was not defined in this instrument, hence it is exposed to different interpretations (e.g., a terminal, a port, a larger area where two or more ports may be located). As the BWM Convention is an instrument with biological meaning, the authors recommend a biologically meaningful definition of the same location in this contribution.  相似文献   

Changes in climate may significantly affect how sediment moves through watersheds into harbours and channels that are dredged for navigation or flood control. Here, we applied a hydrologic model driven by a large suite of climate change scenarios to simulate both historical and future sediment yield and transport in two large, adjacent watersheds in the Great Lakes region. Using historical dredging expenditure data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, we then developed a pair of statistical models that link sediment discharge from each river to dredging costs at the watershed outlet. Although both watersheds show similar slight decreases in streamflow and sediment yield in the near‐term, by Mid‐Century, they diverge substantially. Dredging costs are projected to change in opposite directions for the two watersheds; we estimate that future dredging costs will decline in the St. Joseph River by 8–16% by Mid‐Century but increase by 1–6% in the Maumee River. Our results show that the impacts of climate change on sediment yield and dredging may vary significantly by watershed even within a region and that agricultural practices will play a large role in determining future streamflow and sediment loads. We also show that there are large variations in responses across climate projections that cause significant uncertainty in sediment and dredging projections.  相似文献   

Ship board testing of a deoxygenation ballast water treatment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A ship board trial of a deoxygenation method for treating ballast water was carried out during a voyage from Southampton (United Kingdom) to Manzanillo (Panama). A nutrient solution added to two ballast tanks encouraged bacterial growth, resulting in a gradual change to an anoxic environment. Samples were taken from two treated tanks and two untreated tanks to assess changes in the abundance and viability of zooplankton, phytoplankton and bacteria. The work was carried out before the International Maritime Organization (IMO) standard was agreed so only a broad indication of whether the results achieved the standard was given. For the zooplankton, the standard would have been achieved within 5 or 7 days but the phytoplankton results were inconclusive. The biological efficacy was the result of the combination of several factors, including the treatment, pump damage and an increase in the water temperature during the voyage.  相似文献   

Survivorship of ballast-entrained marine heterotrophic protists was examined following freshwater flushing. The recovered taxa, including typical marine rhizopods such as Platyamoeba murchelanoi, Labyrinthula spp, Pontifex maximus, Thecamoeba orbis, and the ciliate Condylostoma arenarium, were reared in waters of various salinities. After 2 months, the original salinity subsample retained five protist taxa, the freshwater six, including the amoeba Cochliopodium bilimbosum, the brackish water 22 taxa, and the seawater 19 taxa. Since protists form a major component of marine microbial food webs, their survival may be instrumental in supporting complex ballast-entrained food webs. Our study raises questions as to the reliability of open-ocean exchange (OOE) or freshwater flushing as effective control measures.  相似文献   

The proposed MTB is a process to expedite the implementation of international standards and regulations, and the subsequent testing, certification, and regulatory approval of new ballast water treatment ("control") technologies. This would expedite their acceptance in the global marketplace and reduce risks of shipowners following international regulation. The cost to test and evaluate and certify new ballast water treatment technologies for the global marketplace has been estimated to be less than US $1 per day per ship. It is time for the shipping industry, national regulatory bodies, and IMO to endorse the concept of the MTB and for the shipping industry to support a proactive cost-saving solution for sustainable shipping and protecting the environment from unwanted invasions of aquatic species with their potential negative impacts.  相似文献   

Shipping is a vital industry for the global economy. Stability of ships, provided by ballast water, is a crucial factor for cargo loading and unloading processes. Ballast water treatment has practical significance in terms of environmental issues, ecosystem, and human health, because ships discharge this water into the environment before loading their cargos. This study reviews the common methods for ballast water management – exchange, heating, filtration, ultrasonic treatment, ultraviolet irradiation, chemicals, and gas supersaturation – to select the best one. This study compares water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heavy metals (Co, Cr, Ni, Pb) for ballast tanks of selected ships with the recipient port environment in the Persian Gulf as a case study. The exchange of ballast water in the ocean and/or its treatment on board to prevent inadvertent effects on the environment's physicochemical conditions is related to vessel characteristics, legislation, and the environmental condition. Ecological risk study showed that the salt content in ballast water is close to that of seawater, but the values of Cr (2.1 mg/l) and Ni (0.029 mg/l) in ballast water are higher than those in seawater (1 and 0.004 mg/l, respectively).  相似文献   

Globally, the number of people experiencing water stress is expected to increase by millions by the end of the century. The Great Lakes region, representing 20% of the world's surface freshwater, is not immune to stresses on water supply due to uncertainties on the impacts of climate and land use change. It is imperative for researchers and policy makers to assess the changing state of water resources, even if the region is water rich. This research developed the integrated surface water-groundwater GSFLOW model and investigated the effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities on water resources in the lower Great Lakes region of Western New York. To capture a range of scenarios, two climate emission pathways and three land development projections were used, specifically RCP 4.5, RCP 8.5, increased urbanization by 50%, decreased urbanization by 50%, and current land cover, respectively. Model outputs of surface water and groundwater discharge into the Great Lakes and groundwater storage for mid- and late century were compared to historical to determine the direction and amplitude of changes. Both surface water and groundwater systems show no statistically significant changes under RCP 4.5 but substantial and worrisome losses with RCP 8.5 by mid-century and end of century. Under RCP 8.5, streamflow decreased by 22% for mid-century and 42% for late century. Adjusting impervious surfaces revealed complex land use effects, resulting in spatially varying groundwater head fluctuations. For instance, increasing impervious surfaces lowered groundwater levels from 0.5 to 3.8 m under Buffalo, the largest city in the model domain, due to reduced recharge in surrounding suburban areas. Ultimately, results of this study highlight the necessity of integrated modelling in assessing temporal changes to water resources. This research has implications for other water-rich areas, which may not be immune to effects of climate change and human activities.  相似文献   

There is enormous potential for global transfer of microorganisms, including pathogens, in ships' ballast water. We contend that a major advancement in the study of ballast-water microorganisms in particular, and of aquatic pathogens in general, will be expedited sample analysis, such as provided by the elegant technology of DNA microarrays. In order to use DNA microarrays, however, one must establish the appropriate conditions to bind target sequences in samples to multiple probes on the microarrays. We conducted proof-of-concept experiments to optimize simultaneous detection of multiple microorganisms using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern hybridization. We chose three target organisms, all potentially found in ballast water: a calicivirus, the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, and the photosynthetic protist Aureococcus anophagefferens. Here, we show simultaneous detection of multiple pathogens is possible, a result supporting the promising future use of microarrays for simultaneous detection of pathogens in ballast water.  相似文献   

The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a physically‐based hydrologic model developed for agricultural watersheds, which has been infrequently validated for forested watersheds, particularly those with deep overwinter snow accumulation and abundant lakes and wetlands. The goal of this study was to determine the applicability of SWAT for modelling streamflow in two watersheds of the Ontonagon River basin of northern Michigan which differ in proportion of wetland and lake area. The forest‐dominated East Branch watershed contains 17% wetland and lake area, whereas the wetland/lake‐dominated Middle Branch watershed contains 26% wetland and lake area. The specific objectives were to: (1) calibrate and validate SWAT models for the East Branch and Middle Branch watersheds to simulate monthly stream flow, and (2) compare the effects of wetland and lake abundance on the magnitude and timing of streamflow. Model calibration and validation was satisfactory, as determined by deviation of discharge D and Nash and Sutcliffe coefficient values E that compared simulated monthly mean discharge versus measured monthly mean discharge. Streamflow simulation discrepancies occurred during summer and fall months and dry years. Several snow melting parameters were found to be critical for the SWAT simulation: TIMP (snow temperature lag factor) and SMFMX and SMFMN (melting factors). Snow melting parameters were not transferable between adjacent watersheds. Differences in seasonal pattern of long‐term monthly streamflow were found, with the forest‐dominated watershed having a higher peak flow during April but a lower flow during the remainder of the year in comparison to the wetland and lake‐dominated watershed. The results suggested that a greater proportion of wetland and lake area increases the capacity of a watershed to impound surface runoff and to delay storm and snow melting events. Representation of wetlands and lakes in a watershed model is required to simulate monthly stream flow in a wetland/lake‐dominated watershed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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