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The effect of monsoon, coastal current and temperature on the distribution and seasonal variations of Calanus sinicus abundance were studied. The samples from the northwest continental shelf of South China Sea were collected with 505 μm planktonic nets from July 2006 to October 2007. The abundance of C. sinicus made up 34.28% and 12.34% of all copepods in spring and summer, respectively. The distribution of C. sinicus varied seasonally and regionally. The distribution of C. sinicus ranged between east inshore and offshore waters from the Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island, with a mean of 23.00 (±77.78) ind. m−3 in spring. In summer it had a mean of 13.74 (±45.10) ind. m−3 occurring only in the east inshore waters from Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island. C. sinicus was not abundant during autumn and winter seasons. The surveyed area was divided into three sub-regions based on topographical analysis and water mass, region I (included the east inshore waters of Leizhou Peninsula), region II (included the east inshore waters of Hainan Island) and region III (included the offshore waters from Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island). The average abundance of C. sinicus within region I was determined to be 115.63 (±145.93) and 68.12 (±84.00) ind. m−3 in spring and summer, respectively, values higher than those of regions II and III. Our findings suggested that C. sinicus was transported from the East China Sea to the northwest continental shelf of South China Sea by the Guangdong Coastal Current, which was driven by the northeast monsoon in spring. The presence of a cold eddy, in addition to coastal upwelling driven by the southwest monsoon, provided suitable survival conditions for C. sinicus in summer. This species disappeared in autumn due to high temperatures (>27 °C) and did not begin to enter into the northwest continental shelf of South China Sea from the East China Sea during the period of investigation in winter. The frequency of C. sinicus was low in region III during the year as a result of the South China Sea Warm Current and pelagic waters with high temperature during the spring and summer months.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton abundance (BA) and biomass (BB) from the eutrophic Pearl River Estuary (PRE) to the oligotrophic northern South China Sea (NSCS) were studied in the wet season. BA was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in PRE (12.51 ± 3.52 × 108 cells L−1), than in the continental shelf neritic province (CSNP, 4.95 ± 2.21 × 108 cells L−1) and in the deep oceanic province (OP, 3.16 ± 1.56 × 108 cells L−1). Nutrient-replete PRE waters (DIN > 100 μM and PO4 > 1 μM) resulted in high chl a and BB, whereas nutrient-depleted offshore waters (DIN <5 μM and PO4 < 0.5 μM) had low biomass. Temperature (>26 °C) was not the controlling factor of BA. BB was significantly correlated with chl a biomass both in PRE and NSCS. The bacteria to phytoplankton biomass (BB/PB) ratio increased clearly along the gradient from near-shore PRE (0.15) to offshore CSNP (0.93) and deep OP (2.75), indicating the important role of small cells in the open ocean compared to estuarine and coastal zones.  相似文献   

华南地区岩石圈电性特征及其地球动力学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
岩石圈-软流圈界面(The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary,LAB)是地球内部主要界面之一.大地电磁测深(Magnetotelluric,MT)是研究地球壳幔电性结构最有效的方法,利用长周期大地电磁测深数据可以较好地探测LAB.在SinoProbe-01-03课题的资助下,首次获得了华南地区4°×4°网度的高质量大地电磁测深数据.利用一维奥卡姆(Occam)算法反演了MT阻抗的反对角线元素所计算出的平均视电阻率.根据一维地电结构可以将华南地区岩石圈划分为五种类型:以湖南邵阳和贵州施秉为代表的克拉通型,以四川达州和彭州及湖北荆门为代表的构造边界型,以浙江湖州和广东云浮为代表的岩石圈中等改造型,以江西赣州、广东揭阳及福建霞浦为代表的岩石圈强烈改造型,以湖北英山为代表的造山带型.除湖南邵阳、贵州施秉及广东揭阳外,华南地区岩石圈厚度为60~145 km.本文研究表明华南地区岩石圈显示出南北两侧上抬、中部下凹、东部受不均匀改造的趋势,这一结果与之前发表的文献所揭示的华南地区岩石圈东薄西厚的典型特征是不同的.研究结果反映华南地区岩石圈稳定性较好,晚中生代以来的构造伸展作用对岩石圈的改造程度有限,可能主要以不同形式的软流圈底辟为主.  相似文献   

麻坑通常是由海底流体逸散形成的一种海底表面的残留地貌.本文所研究的区域主要位于南海的西北部,包括琼东南盆地的西南部和中建南盆地的中北部.该区域海底表面主要覆盖细粒沉积物,并且底流活动强烈,底流水道发育,为麻坑的形成和发育提供了有利条件.麻坑发育的主要因素是流体逸散系统,本文通过反射地震资料在本区发现了断层、气烟囱、泥火山、泥底辟、声空白/声混浊、强反射等多种与流体逸散相关的指示特征.麻坑的几何特征随着区域的不同会有较大变化.首先本区麻坑的尺寸跨度较大,与底流水道伴生的麻坑和广乐隆起的麻坑表面宽度通常是几十米到数百米,其他区域麻坑的表面宽度通常可达数千米,被称为巨型麻坑.其次本区麻坑的表面形态复杂多样,有圆形、椭圆形、新月形、环形等.各种不同的形态有可能指示了麻坑的不同发育阶段,新月形麻坑可能发育程度较低,其次是环形,圆形则相对较为成熟.据此推断发育程度较低的新月形麻坑有可能是活动麻坑,而地震海洋学的资料也倾向于证实这一点.  相似文献   

南海油气资源潜力及勘探现状   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
南海的油气资源极为丰富,享有“第二个波斯湾”的美誉.南海地貌类型多样,地形复杂,其战略位置极为重要,是东亚及相邻各国必经之路.资源之争,使得周边各国使出浑身解数,发展海洋经济与技术,1981年至2002年,越南就从南沙海域的油田中开采了1亿吨石油、15亿多立方米的天然气,获利250亿美元,南海石油已成为越南国民经济的第一大支柱产业.近半世纪中国南海油气勘探工作取得巨大的成就,发现了26个新生代盆地,取得了南海海域的基本石油地质成果,为南海的勘探开发奠定了基础.南海具有巨大的勘探空间及技术发展空间,每一次的技术进步,都会带来南海油气勘探的质的飞跃.  相似文献   

末次盛冰期以来南海南部海平面及海洋底水温度均发生了很大的变化. 为了研究南海南部天然气水合物稳定带厚度在这个过程中的变化情况及其对环境的影响,我们利用相关的计算公式,并编制了计算稳定带厚度的程序,在南海南部的南沙海槽、曾母盆地、巴拉望盆地和苏禄海等四个重点海域选取了35个点进行末次盛冰期及目前稳定带厚度的计算. 计算结果表明,南海南部末次盛冰期和目前的天然气水合物稳定带厚度分别为262m和233m;甲烷资源量分别为2.69×1013m3和2.39×1013m3;水合物资源量分别为1.64×1011m3和1.46×1011m3. 这说明自末次盛冰期以来,南海南部稳定带厚度平均减薄了29m,平均减薄百分比为12%,同时释放了大约3.0×1012m3的甲烷,这些甲烷对环境产生了较大影响,对末次冰期的结束起了较大作用.  相似文献   

Three layers of volcanic tephra, sampled from ODP 1143 Site in the South China Sea,were observed at the mcd depth of 5.55 m, 42.66 m, and 48.25 m, and named, in this paper, lay ers of A, B, and C, respectively. All of these tephra layers have an average thickness of ca. 2 cm.They were constrained in age of ca. 0.070 Ma, ca. 0.80 Ma, and ca. 1.00 Ma, respectively, by the microbiostratigraphy data. These tephra layers were predominated by volcanic glass shards with a median grain size of 70-75 μm in diameter. Major chemical compositions analyzed by EMPA and comparison with the previous data from other scatter areas suggest that these three layers of tephra can correspond to the three layers of Toba tephra, YTT, OTT, and HDT, respectively, erupt ing during the Quaternary. The occurrence of these tephra layers in the South China Sea implies that the Toba eruptions often occurred in the summer monsoon seasons of the South China Sea during the Quaternary, and that the strength of eruptions was probably stronger than that previously estimated.  相似文献   

Based on the geothermal and gravitation methods, this paper investigated the rheological and thermal structure of the lithosphere under the northern margin of South China Sea. The result shows that the temperature of the upper crust is 150–300°C lower than that of the lower crust, and the viscous coefficient of the upper crust is 2–3 orders of magnitude larger than that of the lower crust. It reveals that the upper crust is characterized by brittle deformation while the lower crust by ductile deformation. A channel of lower-viscosity should be formed between the upper and lower crust when the lithosphere is scattered and spreads out toward ocean from northwest to southeast along the northern margin of South China Sea. And, a brittle deformation takes place in the upper part of the lithosphere while a ductile deformation takes place in the lower part of the lithosphere due to different viscous coefficients and temperature. The layered deformation leads the faulted blocks to rotate along the faulting and the marginal grabens to appear in the northern margin of South China Sea in Cenozoic tectonic expansion.  相似文献   

本文报道了莺歌海盆地、北部湾盆地共148个新测热导率数据,根据收集的钻井温度数据新增计算65个大地热流数据;结合前人研究成果绘制了南海北部大陆边缘沉积盆地的地温梯度图、大地热流分布图;系统归纳了南海北部大陆边缘油气勘探成果.结果表明,南海北部大陆边缘珠江口盆地、琼东南盆地、北部湾盆地、莺歌海盆地的平均热流值分别为68.7±11 mW/m2、71.1±13 mW/m2、65.7±8.9 mW/m2、74.7±10 mW/m2,属于典型的“热盆”.热流区域分布特征总体上受大地构造背景控制,随地壳厚度从北向南,由陆架到陆坡区逐渐减薄而增高,水热活动与岩浆活动等是引起局部高热流异常的原因.盆地地温场的差异控制和约束了油气分布富集规律,从研究区油气勘探成果中可以发现,该区域的气田多发育于高热流盆地(凹陷),而中-低热流盆地(凹陷)则多孕育油田,油气田具有“北油南气”的分布特征.  相似文献   

南海北部盆地基底岩性地震-重磁响应特征与识别   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对性选取东南沿海露头剖面18条,采集245件南海盆地基底可能出现的岩性样品,测定其密度和磁化率,建立各种岩性的密度-磁化率交会图版,以此约束过井地震剖面和重磁异常的地质解释,总结出南海北部盆地基底火山岩、侵入岩、变质岩和沉积岩4大类11亚类岩性的地震-重磁响应特征.应用重磁震-岩性解释模型逐一对南海盆地北部主干剖面进行地质-地球物理综合解释,从而实现了盆地基底岩性的平面填图.这种从盆缘剖面到盆地内部、从岩石物性测量到地质-地球物理综合解释的方法,在资料获取难度大、地质条件复杂的南海盆地基底地质研究中,业已证明是行之有效的,相信在其他盆地研究中也会有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

南海西南次海盆的地热流特征与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

为系统地了解南海西南次海盆的地热流特征,本文通过对研究区及邻域地热流数据的补充采集、收集整理和统计分析,获得了87个有效的地热流数据、一批热导率和生热率的地热参数资料,地热流测点在空间上覆盖了整个区域.研究区的地热流数据分布结果表明,西南次海盆热流密度的平均值为98.1±14.8 mW·m-2,洋陆过渡带为103.6±19.4 mW·m-2,南沙岛礁区和西部陆缘分别为79.0±15.5 mW·m-2和78.3±15.6 mW·m-2.研究区表层沉积物热导率的平均值0.86±0.06 W·mK-1,生热率的平均值1.11±0.17 μW·m-3,海底温度的平均值为2.43±0.01℃.综合海底地形地貌、地质与地球物理资料,认为研究区的热流特征在空间上具有一定的分布规律,表现为:(1)洋盆区测点的热流密度平均值高于两侧陆缘;(2)东南缘洋陆过渡带上测点的地热流密度值高于邻近海盆和南沙岛礁区的测点,而西北缘这种特征不明显;(3)西北翼的热流密度值总体比东南翼高;(4)沿着古扩张中心方向,西南次海盆热流值具有自东北向西南端方向逐步增大的趋势,表明海盆区同时存在着洋中脊与大陆裂谷两种不同的热状态,西南段裂谷热流值比东北段洋中脊高.对西南次海盆沉积物的热导率和生热率值参数的测量及数据空间分析可见,这两种热参数的空间分布无明显规律性,可能与海盆形成之后复杂的沉积环境相关.根据热流-洋壳年龄之间的关系,在西南次海盆东北段26个测站数据中,发现靠近古扩张中心的数据与理论值呈负偏移,而远离古扩张中心的数据呈正偏移,此现象是海盆内地热流数据受不同类型的地下流体影响所致.


Rapid economic development in East Asian countries has inevitably resulted in environmental degradation in the surrounding seas, and concern for the environment and its protection against pollutants is increasing. Identification of sources of contaminants and evaluation of current environmental status are essential to environmental pollution management, but relatively little has been done in the South China Sea (SCS). In order to investigate the abundance, distribution, and sources of Pb within the SCS, stable Pb isotopes and their ratios were employed to assess the contamination status and to differentiate between natural and anthropogenic origins of Pb in the surface sediments. The total Pb concentrations in sediments varied from 4.18 to 58.7 mg kg−1, with an average concentration of 23.6 ± 8.9 mg kg−1. The observed Pb isotope ratios varied from 18.039 to 19.211 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.228 to 16.080 for 207Pb/204Pb, 37.786 to 39.951 for 208Pb/204Pb, 1.176 to 1.235 for 206Pb/207Pb, and 2.468 to 2.521 for 208Pb/207Pb. The majority of these ratios are similar to those reported for natural detrital materials. Combined with Pb enrichment factor values, our results show that Pb found within most of the SCS sediments was mainly derived from natural sources, and that there was not significant Pb pollution from anthropogenic sources before 1998. Further studies are needed to reconstruct deposition history and for trend analysis.  相似文献   

孟加拉湾西南季风与南海热带季风的气候特征比较   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文运用NCAR/NCEP再分析数据和APHRO_MA_V1003R1降水数据,对比分析了孟加拉湾西南季风和南海热带季风的气候特征异同以及对降水分布的影响,得到如下结论:(1)孟加拉湾西南季风比南海热带季风爆发更早、强度更强、持续时间更久、向北推进更北.(2)孟加拉湾西南季风建立过程缓慢,主要是索马里越赤道西南气流的逐渐加强和热带印度洋ITCZ(赤道辐合带)的逐渐北移;而南海热带季风建立过程迅速,主要是东亚大槽的一次替换过程伴随西太平洋副热带高压的突然东撤和热带西太平洋ITCZ的突然北跳.(3)孟加拉湾西南风纬向分量较强,季风建立前后主要变化在于偏西风的强度;而南海西南风经向分量较强,季风建立后风向突然逆转,东南风由于副高东撤而迅速被西南风取代.(4)孟加拉湾西南季风撤退较快,而南海季风则撤退较慢.(5)根据季风进程将夏季风期划分为季风发展期(5月)、强盛期(6-8月)和减退期(9-10月).其间对流活跃区的发展和推进、季风槽的位置以及对应降水区域均有明显差异.(6)在夏季风期,孟加拉湾和南海经度上分别存在着由ITCZ北抬引起的、在季风槽对流活跃区上升而在南北两侧下沉的、南北对称分布的季风经向次级环流.由于孟加拉湾和青藏高原强大热源的存在,孟加拉湾上升区南北跨度比南海的更大;孟加拉湾经圈环流更加稳定,而南海经圈环流的南北摆动更明显;孟加拉湾上升中心区比南海的偏北;在季风减退期,由于南海ITCZ撤退较慢,其上升区比孟加拉湾上升区偏北.  相似文献   

利用地震海洋学方法估算南海中尺度涡的地转流速   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中尺度涡是重要的海洋学现象,它在很大程度上影响着海洋内部的能量传递过程.由于传统海洋学观测手段的固有局限性,一直以来对中尺度涡观测和研究的程度都比较低.地震海洋学的诞生和发展为海洋学观测提供了一个全新的手段.对南海的历史地震数据重新处理后,我们首次在本研究海域的地震剖面上看到了透镜状结构.它位于南海西南次海盆(~113.6°E,11.4°N),中心深度约为450 m,中心厚度约为300 m,半径约为55~65 km,具有典型的中尺度涡特征,综合解释为反气旋.我们利用地震海洋学方法估算了地转剪切,结合来自于卫星高度数据的海表面地转流速度进一步得到了绝对流速的垂向剖面.结果显示,流速的最大值约为0.7 m/s,出现在400~450 m处,对应于涡旋的中心深度;西北部分为正,东南部分为负,整体呈现出顺时针的转动方向,说明了它是一个反气旋结构.  相似文献   

本文利用新的高分辨率海底多波束地形数据与以往研究资料对南海台西南盆地及以西和中建南盆地北部及以北陆缘区域内的麻坑与泥火山分布区进行了统计、分析与总结.本文提出根据麻坑的个体平面形态、规模量级和组合形式建立麻坑的三类分类体系并进行总结阐述.麻坑的直径与坑深总体具有线性变化关系但又有区域性分布特征,可能反映了不同海区底质性质、浅地层构造活动、海底倾斜程度和海底底流等因素的不同影响;同一区域泥火山的直径与高度具有线性关系而不同区域拟合斜率差异较大,可能说明同区域泥火山形态、流体成分和来源具有高度一致性,但其分布具有区域差异性特征.研究表明,麻坑、泥火山的产生与近5Ma新构造运动期内台湾南部和南海西缘区域性走滑断裂活动相一致,主要分布在构造活动较为活跃,沉积较为薄弱的近坡折带和大陆坡区域,在具有走滑性质的台西南、莺歌海和中建南盆地分布较广、规模较大,而在其他主要张裂性质盆地中分布较少,规模较小.其分布特征一方面能够说明某些区域流体的大量渗漏与逸散,另一方面也能够说明某些区域持续的构造活动有利于该区域深部流体的重新聚集与成藏,从而成为指导油气资源勘探的重要参考指标.  相似文献   

The history of natural fire since 37 kaBP and its relationship to climate for the northern part of the South China Sea are revealed from the statistic study of charcoal particles and associated pollen data from deep sea core 17940 (20° 07’N, 117° 23’E, 1 727 m in water depth). Our study indicates that, during the last glaciation, the concentration of charcoal and the ratio of con centration between charcoal and terrestrial pollen are much higher than that of the Holocene. This can be explained as the relatively high strength and frequency of natural fire during glaciation which is probably due to the drier climate; during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the substantial rising of the concentration of large and medium charcoal particles probably suggests the local source area of the natural fires, i.e. the exposed continental shelf; moreover, the correlation between charcoal concentration with different size and pollen percentage may elucidate different transport dynamics. During the glacial time, almost all the peak concentrations of small particles correspond with the peak pollen percentage ofArtemisia, an indicator of comparatively dry climate, while for large particles, their concentrations always lag behind small particles and thus change with pollen percentage of montane conifers implying relatively cold and humid climate. So, it is possible to assume that small particles reflect regional emissions under drier climate and were brought over by strengthened winter monsoon. When the climate became relatively humid, the increasing precipitation carried the large particles accumulated on continental shelf before under arid condition to the studied area.  相似文献   

南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海,地处欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度洋板块的交汇处.过去通过磁异常条带对比分析南海扩张年龄的研究很多,但是所依赖的资料有限.本文对南海海盆高密度大批量磁异常测量数据进行了系统分析,实现了平面2D磁异常数据的带通滤波处理,消除了短波长噪音和由深部下地壳和上地幔顶部磁源体引起的长波长背景信息,因此突出了海底扩张所引起的磁异常条带.利用CK95地磁倒转模型和Talwani磁异常正演方法,对南海东部和西南次海盆内的重点磁异常测线进行了正演分析.通过对不同测线之间、不同海盆之间以及同一条测线中的正演磁异常与实测磁异常之间进行对比分析,进一步验证了南海东部次海盆的扩张年龄为32~16.5 Ma;西南次海盆可能的扩张年龄仍具有较大不确定性,可能为42~33 Ma或者24~16 Ma.不同的时间模型所依赖的扩张速率的变化情况不同,全扩张速率随时间变化明显,但主要在40~80 km/Ma之间.单纯根据目前的磁异常资料很难确定西南次海盆与东部次海盆之间的扩张次序.单期次扩张模式很难解释中南断裂两侧的构造物理差异,这种差异可能主要受控于其基底岩石成分、岩石磁化率、岩浆活动、扩张速率以及深部物质冷却磁化的影响,基底深度的变化也对观测磁异常的强度有所影响.相对地,大部分扩张后玄武岩海山的存在对观测的磁异常的影响不明显,针对目前磁异常解释中不可避免的多解性问题,需要运用其他不同的手段和方法,譬如大洋钻探和深拖高分辨率磁异常测量等,来实现对南海不同次海盆扩张年龄的精确估计.我们目前的工作是通向对深拖高分辨率磁异常、船测和航测磁异常、以及卫星磁异常综合解释的第一步.  相似文献   

南海含天然气水合物地层地震反射特征及可能分布研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天然气水合物是当前能源与环境领域的研究热点之一,南中国海是天然气水合物赋存的有利区域。天然气水合物的存在改变了沉积地层的声学特征,这一性质使多道地震勘探成为发现海洋天然气水合物的主要手段。本文首先根据地震成像结果定性分析南海可能含天然气水合物沉积地层的地震反射特征,初步确定天然气水合物存在的可能性并指出地震成像关键技术。在无井条件下,构建虚拟井进行波阻抗反演得到定量的地层速度参数进一步证实这一可能性,最后将反演获得的速度场与ODP184 航次在此区域获得的地球物理、地球化学信息综合分析,可以确定此区域天然气水合物的存在及其空间展布。  相似文献   

为了测试我国自主设计与研发的海洋可控源电磁仪器性能及其在水合物探测中的适用性,本文从海洋可控源电磁法基本原理出发,首先根据试验海域水合物地质特征,建立简化地电模型开展理论研究,确定海洋可控源电磁试验的技术方案;利用研发的海洋可控源电磁仪器,在南海天然气水合物远景区开展探测试验,首次获得了我国深水海域的海洋可控源电磁数据.通过对采集数据进行处理与反演,获得了试验剖面的海底电性结构模型,揭示了4号测点下方存在一个50 m厚的高阻层,其电阻率为25 Ωm、顶部埋深为181 m,为该区天然气水合物调查提供了有价值的电性参考资料.研究结果表明,自主研发的海洋可控源电磁仪器性能达到了预期的设计指标,这标志着我国海洋可控源电磁探测技术向实用化进程迈出了重要一步.  相似文献   

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