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Studies of effects of the invasive brackish marsh plant Phragmites australis (common reed) on estuarine biota are reviewed. With few exceptions, most field studies indicate that these P. australis-dominated marshes have diverse and abundant benthic biota, and are utilized by nekton, comparable to Spartina alterniflora marshes. However, larval mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, appear to be reduced in P. australis marshes compared with S. alterniflora marshes. Small epifauna living on plant stems also appear to be denser on S. alterniflora than P. australis stems. Other studies indicate that the detritus produced by decaying P. australis litter provides food value comparable to that of S. alterniflora and that its production enters estuarine food webs. Therefore, the general assumption that these marshes are ecologically "useless" is untrue. This information should be considered by marsh managers when making decisions about restoration projects.  相似文献   

In 1983, Lay and Helmberger [Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. 75 (1983) 799–837] reported the detection of a precursor to the seismic phase ScS. They attributed this precursor to a sharp seismic discontinuity located several hundred kilometers above the core–mantle boundary. Such a lowermost mantle discontinuity implies the existence of a sharp phase change or a chemical boundary. Precursors to ScS and, less frequently, PcP have since been observed in numerous locations, but are not a global phenomenon. Frequently, PcP precursors are weak or absent when ScS precursors are observed in the same location, and vice versa. There can be significant variations in the amplitude and arrival time of the precursor relative to the main phase. The presence or absence of these precursors has led to speculations about the nature of the lowermost mantle. Here we demonstrate that ScS or PcP precursors may be produced by gradients in seismic wave speed associated with large-scale lowermost mantle heterogeneity. Rather than a phase or chemical boundary with substantial topography, such gradients require lateral variations in temperature and, close to the core–mantle boundary, composition.  相似文献   

Little is known about the fate of subsurface hydrocarbon plumes from deep-sea oil well blowouts and their effects on processes and communities. As deepwater drilling expands in the Faroe–Shetland Channel (FSC), oil well blowouts are a possibility, and the unusual ocean circulation of this region presents challenges to understanding possible subsurface oil pathways in the event of a spill. Here, an ocean general circulation model was used with a particle tracking algorithm to assess temporal variability of the oil-plume distribution from a deep-sea oil well blowout in the FSC. The drift of particles was first tracked for one year following release. Then, ambient model temperatures were used to simulate temperature-mediated biodegradation, truncating the trajectories of particles accordingly. Release depth of the modeled subsurface plumes affected both their direction of transport and distance travelled from their release location, and there was considerable interannual variability in transport.  相似文献   

The diapiric province of north-eastern Algeria and Tunisia extends NE–SW over several hundreds of kilometres. Available, geophysical and geological investigations were focused on the study of known diapiric outcrop. In contrast to the existing work, our study is focused on to identify a new hidden near surface salt diapir in the Guelma Basin, north-east of Algeria.Integrated geophysical study comprising aeromagnetic, gravimetric and DC resistivity data calibrated with existing well information provides new insights into the geometry of the geologic structure of Guelma Basin. Spatial correlation between magnetic low, strong gravity minimum and resistivity high reveal a hidden near surface salt diapir. The Guelma salt diapir is topped by a local topographic high which follows exactly the underlying salt body. Joint gravity-magnetic modelling indicates that salt is deeply rooted and has a dome-like shape. The Guelma salt diapir was triggered by normal faulting and is directly controlled by regional extension.  相似文献   

The results of precision temperature logs made to depths of several hundred meters in some 80 wells in Western Canada, most of which are located in the Prairie Provinces, show evidence of warming at the ground surface in the 0.5 K to 3.5 K range (average=2.2±0.7 K, for 80 unevenly distributed sites). Modeling shows that this warming mostly pertains to this century and it has been most substantal in the last four decades if the ramp function of the linear increase of surface temperature is assumed. Using the step function model's increase of surface temperature (land clearing, forest fires, etc.) the calculated onset of warming would pertain mostly to the last two decades. Contour maps of ground temperatures currently and previously and a contour map of the ground warming magnitude dilineate a large regional character of the ground temperature change at the southern marigin of permafrost for the large area of the Prairie Provinces. In many cases however, the magnitude of ground warming is much larger than the magnitude of air warming. This is especially evident for the northern areas of Alberta in the boreal forest ecoprovince. The magnitude of ground warming is equal to the magnitude of surface air warming in southern Alberta in the grassland and aspen parkland ecoprovinces. The analysis of the temperature depth response to the surface warming from well data shows the integrated effect of surface air warming together with the increases in ground temperature due to natural terrain effects and other anthropogenical changes to the surface of the earth.  相似文献   

Mountain lakes are the most affected by climate change; however, few of these lakes are regularly sampled because of their remoteness. We discussed limnological data (e.g. water temperature, light transparency, and plankton diversity) of Lake Campo (1944 m above sea level, Adamello Mountains, Italy) scattered over almost forty years in the light of climate change. Specifically, occasional samplings in 1980, 1988, 2016, 2017, and 2018 and more extensive surveys in 1997 and 2015 were carried out. Among the investigated years, 2015 was the warmest. Inter-year variability in water temperature was quite marked in Lake Campo. Water temperature profiles of July (1980, 1997, 2015) showed increased surface warming, while the deeper layers (> 15 m) were always isothermal at around 5 °C. Hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen never decreased below 50 % saturation. Secchi disk depth was not substantially different among years. Summer profiles of light transparency showed discontinuous light attenuation, which was tentatively attributed to algae located in deeper layers. In cluster analysis of phytoplankton and zooplankton data, differences between seasons but not years were found. The autumn decline of Bacillariophyta and the increase of mixotrophic Cryptophyta was linked to decreasing silica concentrations towards autumn. Apart from this general pattern, several observations (e.g. high abundance of Tovellia sanguinea, requiring warmer temperatures and thermal stratification to compete with Bacillariophyta; a spatially extended metalimnetic oxygen maximum in July 2015) showed the effects of particularly warm conditions of 2015 compared to 1997. The continuous presence of crustacean males and first generation of rotifers (Polyarthra f. aptera) hatching from sexual eggs indicated the importance of sexual reproduction in the lake. Length measurements of Daphnia gr. longispina before (1997) and after (2015) non-native fish removal and Arctic char introduction were similar and indicated no apparent change in predation pressure. Studies like this, despite scattered data, can provide valuable insights into the changes mountain lakes undergo through time.  相似文献   

It is very important to comprehensively interpret areal seismic data with geological data in a research area. For the structural interpretations in the middle depression of the eastern basin of Liaohe oilfield, we first analyze and study geological phenomena on outcrop pictures collected in the field and establish geological outcrop models. Second, we make fault and structural interpretations based on the structural characteristics of the outcrop pictures. Third, we analyze the migration, accumulation, and formation of oil and gas using characteristics of seismic profiles. By geologic and geophysical comprehensive interpretation, it is inferred that, in the research area, the dominant factor controlling oil and gas accumulation is strike-slip faults. Structural modes and the relationship of the oil and gas in the Huangshatuo and Oulituozi oil fields are also analyzed and investigated.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is widely known as the ‘Asian Water Tower’, due to its role in providing fresh water to downstream Asian countries. Based on the runoff data of large river basins on the TP, the weighted average proportion of the TP runoff is approximately 18% (ranging from 6% to 49%) for all the rivers. We argue that the name ‘Water Tower’ is an inappropriate and misleading perception of the TP, and such misperception would influence policy-making processes and diplomatic activities. We therefore call for correcting the misunderstanding and an ensuring accurate understanding of the TP and its role in water supply for downstream countries. We propose using the term “Towering Asian Spring” instead of “Asian Water Tower” to better illustrate the role of the TP in water supply: while it serves as the source of several major rivers in Asia, its contribution to the overall water supply is relatively limited.  相似文献   

The aim of this 6?year study was to assess whether freshwater inputs (rainfall and dam discharges) were acting as physical, physiological or trophic forcing factors on phytoplankton pigment concentrations and the dominant mysids of a temperate estuary (Guadalquivir estuary; SW, Spain). The effects of natural and human-controlled freshwater inputs modified the physico-chemical conditions and consequently biological production (bottom up control). Nutrient (nitrogen hypernutrification), suspended particulate matter and allochthonous photosynthetic pigment imports linked to freshwater inputs from adjacent habitats were observed, as well as light-limited autochthonous primary production. Seasonal and/or spatial patterns were shown by all study variables, including mysids. Freshwater management effects on dominant mysids differed depending on the species?? salinity tolerance (physiological forcing) and preferred prey availability (trophic forcing). Moreover, high inorganic matter content had a negative effect on the density of Mesopodopsis slabberi (physical forcing), which led to an increased detritivory/herbivory ratio (Neomysis integer/M. slabberi ratio). In conclusion, freshwater inputs appeared to effect estuarine lower trophic levels via a combination of different forcing mechanisms. Although several general patterns can be derived, the response of the system to freshwater inputs was not always univocal.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) and canopy wetness were measured over a 2‐year intensive field campaign at the Chi‐Lan Mountain cloud forest site in Taiwan. Eddy covariance and sap flow methods were applied to measure ET and tree sap flow of the endemic yellow cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana). ET was 553 mm yr?1 over the study period with an annual rainfall and fog deposition of 4893 and 288 mm yr–1, respectively. The duration of canopy wetness exceeded actual fog or rain events (mostly in the afternoon), and the intercepted water was evaporated later in the following dry morning. The cumulative wet duration accounted for 52% of time over the study period, which was longer than the duration of rainfall and fog altogether (41%). As it adapted to the extremely moist environment, the yellow cypress behaved in a wet‐enhanced/dry‐reduced water use strategy and was sensitive to short periods of dry atmosphere with high evaporation potential. During dry days, the sap flow rate rose quickly after dawn and led to conservative water use through midday and the afternoon. During periodically wet days, the canopy was mostly wetted in the morning, and the interception evaporation contributed largely to the morning ET. The initiation of morning sap flow was postponed 1–3 h, and the sap flow rate tended to peak later at midday. The midday canopy conductance was higher in the periodically wet days (10.6 mm s–1) as compared with 7.6 mm s?1 in the dry days. Consequently, the dry‐reduced water use strategy led to much lower annual ET with respect to the available energy (~46%) and high precipitation input (~11%). The moist‐adapted ecohydrology we report reveals the vulnerability of montane cloud forests to prolonged fog‐free periods. More research is urgently needed to better understand the resilience of these ecosystems and formulate adaptive management plans. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Serious water scarcity, low water-use efficiency, and over-exploitation of underground water have hindered socio-economic development and led to environmental degradation in the Heihe River basin, northwestern China. Price leveraging is an important tool in water demand management, and it is considered to be effective in promoting water conservation and improving water use efficiency on the premise that water demand is elastic. In the present study, we examine whether price is an effective and applicable instrument for restraining the increasing demand for agricultural irrigation water in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin and how will it affect farmers’ decisions on irrigation and crop structure. Specifically, the price elasticity of agricultural water demand was estimated based on the irrigation water demand function. The results show that the agricultural irrigation water price is statistically significant, but its elasticity is very low under current low water price. Price leverage cannot play a significant role in the context of the current pricing regime and farmers’ response to price increase is intrinsically weak. To create incentives for conserving water and improving irrigation efficiency, price mechanism should be accompanied with clearly defined and legally enforceable water rights, restricted water quota measures, and reform of water authorities and water-user associations. Furthermore, increases of surface irrigation water price may lead to the over-withdrawal of groundwater, consequently, effective groundwater licensing and levying must take place to limit the total volume of groundwater withdrawal. In all, improving irrigation efficiency through better management and the adoption of water-saving technologies is the ultimate way to deal with the challenges facing irrigated agriculture in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin.  相似文献   

Analysis of fault outcrops and trench sections indicates fault displacements of 0.2m - 6.0 m on the bottom paleosol layer of the Epipleistocene with the maximum rate of 0.047 mm/a and an average displacement of 1.1 meters. The activity appears as fissures on the fault surface in the late Epipleistocene and there is no obvious displacement. The fault activity is weak and the most active segment is the Bailuyuan segment.  相似文献   

Adakites are increasingly being recognized worldwide in a variety of tectonic settings. Models on the formation of this geochemically distinct class of volcanic rocks have evolved from partial melting of subducted young, hot oceanic slabs to magmatism resulting from oblique subduction, low‐angle or flat subduction, or even slab‐tearing. Some workers have also pointed to the partial melting of thickened crust to explain the generation of adakitic melts. Rare earth element ratios from adakites and adakitic rocks in the Philippines were used in this study to obtain approximations of the levels where they were generated. These were tied to available geophysical data that defines the crustal thickness of the areas where the samples were collected. High Sm/Yb and La/Yb ratios denote the involvement of amphiboles, and in some cases garnet, in the generation of adakites and adakitic magmas. The presence of amphibole and garnet as residual phases suggests high pressures corresponding to thicker crust (~30 to 45 km). Adakites and adakitic rocks formed through processes other than melting of subducted young oceanic crust would need ≥30 km to account for the heavy rare earth element signatures. If mantle fractionation is not the process involved, crustal thickness is critical to generate adakites and adakitic rocks.  相似文献   

In contrast to local perceptions, the impact on the local Galápagos artisanal fishery of the 16 January 2001 grounding of the Jessica and subsequent oil spill was relatively minor. No significant changes in fishing effort, total fishing catches or catch-per-unit effort were detected after the spill based on analyses of fisheries monitoring data. Nevertheless, large boats tended to move away from sites near the path of the spill following the grounding in 2001, with no fishing recorded from the oil-affected regions of Floreana and southern Isabela in February 2001. The total fishing effort of small boats operating from the Jessica-grounding island of San Cristóbal also declined immediately after the spill, probably in part because such boats were used in clean up operations. During 2001, prices paid to fishers remained stable at levels higher than in 2000, with the notable anomaly that prices fell precipitously to 30% of previous levels during a 1-2 week period in early February 2001. Fish exports remained at similar levels for the years 2000 and 2001; however, as in the previous year, little fish product was exported from Galápagos in the month following the spill, with most fish product dried and stored for up to two months prior to transport to the continent.  相似文献   

The assertion that the application of the USLE to predicting soil losses within a catchment or watershed is not sound because the USLE provides an estimate of erosion that would be measured if the entire area were divided up into 22·1 m long plots, and the output from them all added together, is incorrect. The slope length factor was derived from data obtained using a wide range of plot lengths and included the 22·1 m length simply to force it to take on a value of 1·0 when the slope length is 22·1 m. The 22·1 m length has no physical significance but the USLE slope length factor has a physical basis when applied to planar and convex hillslopes. The use of sediment delivery ratios when the USLE is applied to concave areas attempts to correct for applying the USLE beyond its design criteria. It fails because, in using the sediment delivery ratios in the prediction sediment delivery, it is incorrectly assumed that sediment delivery ratios de not vary with the amount of sediment entering a zone of deposition.  相似文献   

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