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《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):218-223
The Antarctic region is one of the best preserved environments in the world. However, human activities such as the input of sewage result in the alteration of this pristine site. We report baseline values of faecal sterols in Admiralty Bay, Antarctica. Four sediment cores were collected during the 2006/2007 austral summer at the Ezcurra (THP and BAR), Mackelar (REF) and Martel (BTP) inlets. Concentrations of faecal sterols (coprostanol + epicoprostanol) were <0.16 μg g−1, suggesting no sewage contamination and probable “biogenic” contributions for these compounds. Baseline values, calculated using the mean concentration of faecal sterols in core layers for THP, BAR, REF and BTP, were 0.04 ± 0.02, 0.03 ± 0.01, 0.07 ± 0.01 and 0.04 ± 0.02 μg g−1, respectively. These results established as natural contributions of faecal sterols, suggesting that these markers can be useful indicators of human-derived faecal input and contributing to monitoring programs to prevent anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) can reach the environment through natural and human-related sources, threatening ecosystems all over the planet due to its well known deleterious effects. Therefore, Antarctic trophic webs, despite being relatively isolated, are not exempt of its influence. To evaluate Hg concentrations in an Antarctic ecosystem, different tissues from 2 species of invertebrates, 2 of fish, 8 of birds, 4 of pinnipeds and at least 5 of vegetation were investigated (n = 176). For animals, values ranged from 0.018 to 48.7 μg g? 1 dw (whole Antarctic krill and Antarctic Fur Seal liver). They were generally correlated to trophic position (assessed by δ15N and δ13C) but also to cephalopods and myctophids consumption. For vegetation, values ranged from 0.014 to 0.227 μg g? 1 dw (Colobanthus quitensis and an unidentified lichen), with lichens presenting significantly higher values than mosses, likely due to year-round exposure and absorption of animal derived organic matter, as hypothesized by literature.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):341-348
Sources and transport processes of As, Cu, Cd and Pb were studied in different environmental compartments of Deception Island, an active volcano in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Element concentrations in fresh water samples are consistent with the lowest values reported elsewhere in Antarctica. Interestingly, higher concentration values of As were found in samples collected in or near spring water courses and its transport may be related with processes of lixiviation in underground waters. While in saline waters Cu and Pb had important punctual sources, concentration values for Cd were consistently high pointing to the existence of a natural and diffuse source possibly related with the hydrothermal activity. The high Si/Al ratio, low carbon content, and a non-significant anthropogenic heavy metal input may explain the surprisingly homogeneous heavy metal content found in sediment samples.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,65(12):2650-2655
In the present work, fat, skin, liver and muscle samples from Leptonychotes weddellii (Weddell seal, n = 2 individuals), Lobodon carcinophagus (crabeater seal, n = 2), Arctocephalus gazella (Antarctic fur seal, n = 3) and Mirounga leonina (southern elephant seal, n = 1) were collected from King George Island, Antarctica, and analysed for POPs (PCBs, organochlorine pesticides and PBDEs) and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N in all tissues but fat). PBDEs could be found in only one sample (L. weddellii fat). Generally, PCBs (from 74 to 523 ng g−1 lw), DDTs (from 14 to 168 ng g−1 lw) and chlordanes (from 9 to 78 ng g−1 lw) were the prevailing compounds. Results showed a clear stratification in accordance with ecological data. Nonetheless, stable isotope analyses provide a deeper insight into fluctuations due to migrations and nutritional stress. Correlation between δ15N and pollutants suggests, to some degree, a considerable ability to metabolize and/or excrete the majority of them.  相似文献   

This paper presents information on the levels of trace elements in sediments collected at Deception and Penguin Islands and tracks the sources of natural and anthropogenic inputs of metals into this sub-Antarctic region. The results suggest that natural processes, such as volcanic activity, hydrothermal processes and sediment transport, are more important than anthropogenic inputs in accounting for the metal concentrations measured in sediments at Deception Island. The higher levels of trace metals recorded in sediments at Penguin Island seem to reflect the composition of the source rocks of the island, which are dominated by the olivine-basalt group. Our findings show that human activities in the study areas may contribute to negligible levels of trace metals associated with anthropogenic inputs (e.g., Cr and Zn) in sediments, and these results can be used in the future as background levels related to low anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

 On King George Island during latest Oligocene/earliest Miocene time, submarine eruptions resulted in the emplacement of a small (ca. 500 m estimated original diameter) basalt lava dome at Low Head. The dome contains a central mass of columnar rock enveloped by fractured basalt and basalt breccia. The breccia is crystalline and is a joint-block deposit (lithic orthobreccia) interpreted as an unusually thick dome carapace breccia cogenetic with the columnar rock. It was formed in situ by a combination of intense dilation, fracturing and shattering caused by natural hydrofracturing during initial dome effusion and subsequent endogenous emplacement of further basalt melt, now preserved as the columnar rock. Muddy matrix with dispersed hyaloclastite and microfossils fills fractures and diffuse patches in part of the fractured basalt and breccia lithofacies. The sparse glass-rich clasts formed by cooling-contraction granulation during interaction between chilled basalt crust and surrounding water. Together with muddy sediment, they were injected into the dome by hydrofracturing, local steam fluidisation and likely explosive bulk interaction. The basalt lava was highly crystallised and degassed prior to extrusion. Together with a low effusion temperature and rapid convective heat loss in a submarine setting, these properties significantly affected the magma rheology (increased the viscosity and shear strength) and influenced the final dome-like form of the extrusion. Conversely, high heat retention was favoured by the degassed state of the magma (minimal undercooling), a thick breccia carapace and viscous shear heating, which helped to sustain magmatic (eruption) temperatures and enhanced the mobility of the flow. Received: 1 August 1996 / Accepted: 15 September 1997  相似文献   

This paper investigates the natural and anthropogenic processes controlling sediment chemistry in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, emphasizing the area affected by the Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz (Ferraz). Total and bioavailable concentrations of sixteen elements were determined in 32 sediment and 14 soils samples. Factor analysis allowed us to distinguish three groups of samples: (1) Ferraz sediments, with higher content of total trace metals and organic matter; (2) control sediments, with intermediate characteristics; (3) Ferraz soils, with higher bioavailability of most metals due to its oxidizing condition and low organic matter content. Major elements such as Fe, Al, Ca and Ti presented similar levels in all three groups. Enrichment factor calculations showed that paints, sewage and petroleum contamination enhanced metal concentrations in Ferraz surface sediments as follows: B, Mo, and Pb (>90%); V and Zn (70-80%); Ni, Cu, Mg, and Mn (30-40%). Despite evidence of contamination in these sediments, the low bioavailability, probably caused by iron-sulfide, indicates small environmental risks.  相似文献   

In this study, different types of indices were used to assess the ecological risk of trace metal contamination in sediments on the basis of sediment quality guidelines at Veraval Fishery Harbor. Sediment samples were collected from three sectors in pre-, post-, and monsoon seasons in 2006. Trace metal concentrations were higher in the inner sector during post-monsoon, and it showed the highest statistical significance (p < 0.01) among the stations. Pollution load index was higher than unity, indicating alternation by effluent discharge from industries. Enrichment factor and geo-accumulation index showed that Cd, Pb, and Zn were enriched in the northern part of the harbor and Pb had accumulated in the harbor sediment. The ecological risk assessment index revealed that Ni, Zn, and Pb were higher than the effect range median values, indicating their potential toxicity to the aquatic environment in the Veraval Harbor. Hence, the harbor is dominated by anthropogenic activities rather than natural process.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Ba, V, Sn and As in offshore bottom sediments from the Bacia de Campos oil field, SE Brazil, were measured at the beginning and at 7 months after completion of the drilling operation. Concentrations of Al, Fe, Ba, Cr, Ni and Zn were significantly higher closer to the drilling site compared to stations far from the site. Average concentrations of Al, Cu, and in particular of Ni, were significantly higher at the end of the drilling operation than at the beginning. Comparison between drilling area sediments with control sediments of the continental platform, however, showed no significant difference in trace metal concentrations. Under the operation conditions of this drilling event, the results show that while changes in some trace metal concentrations do occur during drilling operations, they are not significantly large to be distinguished from natural variability of the local background concentrations.  相似文献   

A single large volume water sample taken at the mouth of the Upper Rhone River on Lake Geneva was processed directly in parallel through two continuous flow centrifuges, a Westphalia and an Alfa-Laval. Sediment was recovered from the Westphalia, and separately from the bowl and brass core of the Alfa-Laval. The three sediment samples were analyzed for particle size and the following elements: Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, P, Co, B, V, Be, Sr, Na, Pb, Ni, Ba, Fe, Ca, and Mg. Results indicate that the particle size recovery of both machines is similar when sediment from the brass core and bowl of the Alfa-Laval are combined, and that the recovery for all elements other than Cu, V, B, and Pb are the same when the particle size differences are taken into account. Sediment from the Alfa-Laval brass core is clearly contaminated by Cu, B and is also elevated in V and Pb but not to a significant extent. The sediment recovered from the bowl of the Alfa-Laval is contaminated only with Cu, with a 10 ppm increase over the 52 ppm recovered in the Westphalia sediment. Operating procedures involve the discarding of the brass core sediment and the mixing of the Alfa-Laval bowl sediment with that from the Westphalia. The consequent increase in Cu is estimated at less than 5 ppm or within the confidence level of the analysis. These procedures are recommended to all operators of non modified Alfa-Laval units.  相似文献   

High-latitude dust (HLD) depositions on four glaciers of James Ross Island (the Ulu Peninsula) were analysed. The deposition rate on the selected glaciers varies from 11.8 to 64.0 g m−2, which is one order of magnitude higher compared to the glaciers in Antarctica or elsewhere in the world. A strong negative relationship between the sediment amount and altitude of a sampling site was found. This is most likely caused by the higher availability of aeolian material in the atmospheric boundary layer. General southerly and south-westerly wind directions over the Ulu Peninsula – with exceptions based on local terrain configuration – help to explain the significantly lower level of sediment deposition on San Jose Glacier and the high level on Triangular Glacier. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrophotometry was used to estimate the relative proportions of the main and trace (lithophile) elements in the sediment samples. Both the sediment amount and the XRF results are analysed in a depth profile at each locality and compared among the glaciers, suggesting long-range transport of fine mineral material from outside James Ross Island. The distribution of aeolian sediment among the glaciers corresponds well with the prevailing wind direction on the Ulu Peninsula. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores (Southern Branch, PC-1, and Western Branch, WB-2) were taken from the highly industrialized Elizabeth River, Virginia. The concentrations of trace metals cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc, major elements iron, manganese and aluminum, organic carbon content and the specific surface area of the sediments were determined in each of the cores. Down-core variations in metals varied significantly in each core with maximum contamination events occurring at different times in different portions of the river. In PC-1, maximum metal concentrations were seen after the appearance of (137)Cs. In contrast, the highest levels in WB-2 occurred well before the appearance of (137)Cs. Although stricter environmental regulations have caused a decrease in metal concentrations since the 1980s, the concentrations in the surface sediments of many trace metals were elevated to levels 2-5 times higher than the levels at the bottom of the cores in both the Southern and Western Branches of the river.  相似文献   

The Elizabeth River is a sub-estuary of the James River, the most southern tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. It is a highly industrialized area, and has been designated a "toxic hot spot" due to the heavy loads of contaminant metals and organic compounds in its bed sediments. Fifty surface sediment samples were taken along the channels and shoals of the Mainstem and the Southern Branch portions of the river. The samples were analyzed for trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn), Fe and particle properties (% sand, % silt, % clay and specific surface area) to discern the spatial distribution of contaminant metals in this system. Enrichment factors were calculated to assess the overall level of contamination relative to other surrounding waterways as well as historic contamination levels within the river itself. The highest levels of metals were found to be in close proximity to industrial sources of contamination. The overall level of contamination was 3-10 times higher than baseline levels within the river, and 2-3 times higher than contaminant levels in other area waters.  相似文献   

Antarctic marine bacteria were screened for their ability to degrade polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) as the sole carbon and energy source at both 4 degrees C and 15 degrees C. PCB-degrading isolates (7.1%) were identified by sequencing their 16S rDNA as Pseudoalteromonas, Psychrobacter and Arthrobacter members. One representative isolate per genera was selected for evaluating the biodegradative potential under laboratory scale and phenotypically characterized. Removal of individual PCB congeners was between 35.6% and 79.8% at 4 degrees C and between 0.4% and 82.8% at 15 degrees C. Differences in the removal patterns of PCB congeners were observed in relation to the phylogenetic affiliation: Arthrobacter isolate showed similar biodegradation efficiencies when growing at 4 degrees C and 15 degrees C, while Pseudoalteromonas better degraded PCBs at 15 degrees C. No biodegradation was detected for Psychrobacter isolate at 4 degrees C. Results obtained highlight the occurrence of PCB-degrading bacteria in Antarctic seawater and suggest the potential exploitation of autochthonous bacteria for PCB bioremediation in cold marine environments.  相似文献   

Surface sediments collected from the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and the Daya Bay (DYB) were analyzed for total metal concentrations and chemical phase partitioning. The total concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the PRE were obviously higher than those in DYB. The maximum concentrations of trace metals in DYB occurred in the four sub-basins, especially in Dapeng Cove, while the concentrations of these metals in the western side of the PRE were higher than those in the east side. Such distribution pattern was primarily due to the different hydraulic conditions and inputs of anthropogenic trace metals. The chemical partitioning of metals analyzed by the BCR sequential extraction method showed that Cr, Ni, and Zn of both areas were present dominantly in the residual fraction, while Pb was found mostly in the non-residual fractions. The partitioning of Cu showed a significant difference between the two areas.  相似文献   

The distribution of small fractures and water content of the Fourcade glacier on King George Island, Antarctica, was investigated in November 2006 and December 2007 by two ground-based (470-and 490-m-long profiles) and one helicopter-borne (470-m-long profile) ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys using 50-, 100-, and 500-MHz antennas. Radar images in the pre-migrated GPR sections are characterized by a smooth ice surface and irregular bed topography, numerous diffraction hyperbolas in the ice and at the g...  相似文献   

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