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Suspended particulate matter (SPM) fluxes and dynamics are investigated in the East Frisian Wadden Sea using a coupled modeling system based on a hydrodynamical model [the General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM)], a third-generation wave model [Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN)], and a SPM module attached to GETM. Sedimentological observations document that, over longer time periods, finer sediment fractions disappear from the Wadden Sea Region. In order to understand this phenomenon, a series of numerical scenarios were formulated to discriminate possible influences such as tidal currents, wind-enhanced currents, and wind-generated surface waves. Starting with a simple tidal forcing, the considered scenarios are designed to increase the realism step by step to include moderate and strong winds and waves and, finally, to encompass the full effects of one of the strongest storm surges affecting the region in the last hundred years (Storm Britta in November 2006). The results presented here indicate that moderate weather conditions with wind speeds up to 7.5 m/s and small waves lead to a net import of SPM into the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Waves play only a negligible role during these conditions. However, for stronger wind conditions with speeds above 13 m/s, wind-generated surface waves have a significant impact on SPM dynamics. Under storm conditions, the numerical results demonstrate that sediments are eroded in front of the barrier islands by enhanced wave action and are transported into the back-barrier basins by the currents. Furthermore, sediment erosion due to waves is significantly enhanced on the tidal flats. Finally, fine sediments are flushed out of the tidal basins due to the combined effect of strong erosion by wind-generated waves and a longer residence time in the water column because of their smaller settling velocities compared to coarser sediments.
Karsten A. LettmannEmail:

巢湖悬浮物中有机氯农药的分布、来源与风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用GC-MS测定了2010年5月至2011年4月巢湖4个采样点悬浮物中有机氯农药(OCPs)含量,分析了悬浮物中OCPs残留水平的时空变化及其组成特征,探讨了悬浮物中主要OCPs的可能来源与生态风险.结果表明:(1)巢湖悬浮物中共检出17种OCPs,分别为六六六类(HCHs)农药的4种异构体(α-、β-、γ-、δ-HCH)、滴滴涕类(DDTs)农药的两种母体(o,p'-、p,p'-DDT)和3种代谢产物(o,p'-、p,p'-DDE,p,p'-DDD)、六氯苯、七氯、艾氏剂、异艾氏剂、氯丹的两种异构体(α-、γ-chlordane)、硫丹-I和灭蚁灵.(2)巢湖悬浮物中∑OCPs含量为172.7±434.9 ng/g,其中∑HCHs含量为15.1±10.3 ng/g,∑DDTs含量为138.8±407.3 ng/g;DDTs在夏季污染水平达到最高;空间上,污染程度为:东部湖区西部湖区中部湖区.(3)DDTs在总OCPs中占有绝对优势,DDTs比例夏季最高而秋季最低;HCHs仅在秋季为主要污染物.(4)HCHs主要来源于近期林丹的非法使用;而DDT主要来源于工业DDT的使用,在春季可能存在DDT的非法使用;悬浮物中DDT的降解环境主要为有氧环境.(5)巢湖悬浮物中p,p'-DDT和o,p'-DDT会对水生生物产生潜在的不利影响.  相似文献   

Multi-sensor tripod measurements in the high-turbidity area of the Belgian nearshore zone (southern North Sea) allowed investigating storm effects on near bed suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations. The data have shown that during or after a storm the SPM concentration increases significantly and that high concentrated mud suspensions (HCMS) are formed. Under these conditions, about 3 times more mass of SPM was observed in the water column, as compared to calm weather conditions. The following different sources of fine-grained sediments, influencing the SPM concentration signal, have been investigated: wind direction and the advection of water masses; the previous history and occurrence of fluffy layers; freshly deposited mud near the disposal grounds of dredged material, navigation channels and adjacent areas; and the erosion of medium-consolidated mud of Holocene age.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(10-11):1568-1583
A study is presented where satellite images (SeaWiFS), in situ measurements (tidal cycle and snapshot) and a 2D hydrodynamic numerical model have been combined to calculate the long term SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) transport through the Dover Strait and in the southern North Sea. The total amount of SPM supplied to the North Sea through the Dover Strait is estimated to be 31.74×106 t. The satellite images provide synoptic views of SPM concentration distribution but do not take away the uncertainty of SPM transport calculation. This is due to the fact that SPM concentration varies as a function of tide, wind, spring-neap tidal cycles and seasons. The short term variations (tidal, spring-neap tidal cycle) have not been found in the satellite images, however seasonal variations are clearly visible. Furthermore the SPM concentration in the satellite images is generally lower than in the in situ measurements. The representativness of SPM concentration maps derived from satellites for calculating long term transports has therefore been investigated by comparing the SPM concentration variability from the in situ measurements with those of the remote sensing data. The most important constraints of satellite images are related to the fact that satellite data is evidence of clear sky conditions, whereas in situ measurements from a vessel can be carried out also during rougher meteorological conditions and that due to the too low time resolution of the satellite images the SPM concentration peaks are often missed. It is underlined that SPM concentration measurements should be carried out during at least one tidal cycle in high turbidity areas to obtain representative values of SPM concentration.  相似文献   

During four surveys at spring and neap tides in July and November 2005, continuous observations were conducted at four stations adjacent to the Changjiang (Yangtze River) mouth. The observation times lasted for 26 h that covered two consecutive semidiurnal cycles. Resuspension events and subsequently enhancements of suspended particulate matter (SPM) were commonly observed within a tidal cycle. Although nutrients (SiO32−, NO3, and PO43−) were primarily governed by salinity, their statistically significant correlations with SPM could always be extracted after partial correlation analysis. Three parameter (salinity, SPM, nutrients) regressions generally produced better results of simulating nutrient concentrations than two parameter (salinity and nutrients) regressions, although compared to the latter, the former R2 values were elevated by no more than 13%. The partial correlation between SPM and a specific nutrient could be either positive or negative in different surveys, suggesting SPM influenced the nutrients in different ways under various conditions. The minor (albeit statistically significant) impacts of highly dynamic SPM on nutrients might be ascribed to the short duration time of resuspension events and estuarine mixing process, together with the complex nature of circulation in the Changjiang plume seawater.  相似文献   

Concentrations of rare earth elements (REE), Y, Th and Sc were recently determined in marine sediments collected using a box corer along two onshore-offshore transects located in the Strait of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea). The REE + Y were enriched in offshore fine-grained sediments where clay minerals are abundant, whereas the REE + Y contents were lower in onshore coarse-grained sediments with high carbonate fractions. Considering this distribution trend, the onshore sediments in front of the southwestern Sicilian coast represent an anomaly with high REE + Y concentrations (mean value 163.4 μg g−1) associated to high Th concentrations (mean value 7.9 μg g−1). Plot of shale-normalized REE + Y data of these coastal sediments showed Middle REE enrichments relative to Light REE and Heavy REE, manifested by a convexity around Sm-Gd-Eu elements. These anomalies in the fractionation patterns of the coastal sediments were attributed to phosphogypsum-contaminated effluents from an industrial plant, located in the southern Sicilian coast.  相似文献   

The biological impact of a treated produced water (PW) was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. Mussel health status was assessed using an integrated biomarker approach in combination with chemical analysis of both water (with SPMDs), and mussel tissues. Acyl-CoA oxidase activity, neutral lipid accumulation, catalase activity, micronuclei formation, lysosomal membrane stability in digestive cells and haemocytes, cell-type composition in digestive gland epithelium, and the integrity of the digestive gland tissue were measured after 5 week exposure to 0%, 0.01%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% PW. The suite of biomarkers employed were sensitive to treated PW exposure with significant sublethal responses found at 0.01-0.5% PW, even though individual chemical compounds of PW were at extremely low concentrations in both water and mussel tissues. The study highlights the benefits of an integrated biomarker approach for determining the potential effects of exposure to complex mixtures at low concentrations. Biomarkers were integrated in the Integrative Biological Response (IBR/n) index.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples were collected from the western Baltic Sea (Arkona Basin) and the Oder River estuarine system in May and August 1995 and analysed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls. Contents of PCDF (sum) and PCDD (sum) varied from 2.5 to 820.0 pg g−1 dw and from 12.7 to 2991.0 pg g−1 dw, respectively. PCB contents (sum of 23 congeners) ranged between < 130.0 and 16267.0 pg g−1 dw. Only slight variations in PCDF/D and PCB contents on dry weight basis were found between the Oder River estuarine system and the open Baltic Sea. TOC-normalization of the data showed an approximately homogen PCDF/D distribution in the study area. The distribution pattern for PCDF/D and PCB may be attributed to high sediment dynamics combined with transport processes from the temporary sedimentation basin (Oderhaff) to the deeper parts of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The physiological and biochemical characteristics of tissue samples of the marine mussel, Donax trunculus, from an oil-polluted site (Qiryat Yam) and from a site adjacent to an industrial factory (Frutarom) producing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were compared with samples from a clean reference site (Akko). All sites were located along the sandy shores of the Israeli Mediterranean Sea. The mussels from the oil-polluted site showed increased activity of the system of active transport of organic anions (SATOA) in the gills and the renocardial organ and also of the multixenobiotic resistance transporter (MXR) in the gills. In contrast, samples collected near the PVC factory showed a decrease in SATOA activity and no increase in the activity of MXR in the gills. Specimens from the reference site demonstrated a redox state of equilibrium between energy production and utilization, while in Donax from both the oil polluted and the PVC-polluted sites, the mitochondrial redox state reflected intensive consumption of energy. No significant changes were found in the activity of reduced glutathione s-transferase (GST) in the cytosolic fraction of the digestive gland of Donax collected from any of the three sites. The data demonstrate a differential increase in the anti-chemical defense systems and an intensification of energy metabolism in the mussels exposed to pollution.  相似文献   

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