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The Permian Park City Formation consists of cyclically bedded subtidal to supratidal carbonates, cherts and siltstones. Early diagenesis of Park City Formation carbonates occurred under the influence of waters ranging from evaporative brines to dilute meteoric solutions and resulted in evaporite emplacement (syndepositional nodules and cements), as well as dolomitization, silicification and leaching of carbonate grains. Major differences are seen, however, in the diagenetic patterns of subsurface and surface sections of Park City Formation rocks. Subsurface samples are characterized by extensively preserved evaporite crystals and nodules, and preserve evidence of significant silicification (chert, chalcedony and megaquartz) and minor calcitization of evaporites. In outcrop sections, the evaporites are more poorly preserved, and have been replaced by silica and calcite and also leached. The resultant mouldic porosity is filled with widespread, very coarse, blocky calcite spar. These replacements appear to be multistage phenomena. Field and petrographic evidence indicates that silicification involved direct replacement of evaporites and occurred during the early stages of burial prior to hydrocarbon migration. Siliceous sponge spicules provided a major source of silica, and the fluids involved in replacement were probably a mixture of marine and meteoric waters. A second period of replacement and minor calcitization is inferred to have occurred during deep burial (under the influence of thermochemical sulphate reduction), although the presence of hydrocarbons probably retarded most other diagenetic reactions during this time interval. The major period of evaporite diagenesis, however, occurred during late stage uplift. The late stage replacement and pore-filling calcites have δ13C values ranging from 0·5 to -25·3%, and δ18O values of -16·1 to -24·30 (PDB), reflecting extensive modification by meteoric water. Vigorous groundwater flow, associated with mid-Tertiary block faulting, led to migration of meteoric fluids through the porous carbonates to depths of several kilometres. These waters reacted with the in situ hydrocarbon-rich pore fluids and evaporite minerals, and precipitated calcite cements. The Tosi Chert appears to have been an even more open system to fluid migration during its burial and has undergone a much more complex diagenetic history, as evidenced by multiple episodes of silicification, calcitization (ferroan and non-ferroan), and hydrocarbon emplacement. The multistage replacement processes described here do not appear to be restricted to the Permian of Wyoming. Similarly complex patterns of alteration have been noted in the Permian of west Texas, New Mexico, Greenland and other areas, as well as in strata of other ages. Thus, multistage evaporite dissolution and replacement may well be the norm rather than the exception in the geological record.  相似文献   

Development of a diagenetic anhydrite bed at the base of the Cretaceous Maha Sarakham Saline Formation (the `Basal Anhydrite' member) of the Khorat Plateau in north-eastern Thailand took place due to leaching and/or pressure dissolution of salt at the contact between an underlying active sandstone aquifer system and an overlying massive halite-dominated evaporite sequence. Basal evaporites composed of halite with intercalated anhydrite of the latter sequence are undergoing dissolution as a result of subsurface flushing, with anhydrite produced as the insoluble residue. The result is a 1·1 m thick interval of nodular anhydrite displaying unique, basin-wide continuity. Observed textures, petrographic features and chemical data from the anhydrite and associated authigenic minerals support the origin of the Basal Anhydrite Member as an accumulation residue from the dissolution of the Maha Sarakham salts. Petrographically, the anhydrite in this unit is made up of crystals that are blocky and recrystallized, sheared, generally elongated and broken, and is bounded at the bottom by organic-rich stylolite surfaces. Authigenic and euhedral dolomite and calcite crystals are associated with the anhydrite. Traces of pyrite, galena and chalcopyrite are present along the stylolite surfaces suggesting supply of fresh water from the underlying sandstone at highly reducing conditions of burial. The δ34S of sulphate in the Basal Anhydrite averages 15 ‰ (CDT) and falls within the isotopic composition of the anhydrite in the Cretaceous Maha Sarakham Formation proper and the Cretaceous values of marine evaporites. Measured δ18O in dolomite range from ?4·37 to ?14·26‰ (PDB) suggesting a re-equilibration of dolomite with basinal water depleted in 18O and possible recrystallization of dolomite under relatively elevated temperatures. The δ13C, however, varies from +1·57 to ?2·53‰ (PDB) suggesting a contribution of carbon from oxidation of organic matter. This basal anhydrite bed, similar to basinwide beds found at the bottom of many giant evaporite sequences, has always been considered to be depositional. Here, at the base of the Maha Sarakham Formation, we demonstrate that the anhydrite is diagenetic in origin and was formed by accumulation of original anhydrite by dissolution of interbedded halite from waters circulating though the underlying aquifer: it represents an `upside-down' caprock.  相似文献   

Two oolites in the Dinantian (Mississippian/Lower Carboniferous) of Glamorgan, SW Britain, were deposited in similar depositional environments but have contrasting diagenetic histories. The Brofiscin and Gully Oolites occur in the upper parts of shallowing-upward sequences, formed through strandplain progradation and sand shoal and barrier growth upon a southward-dipping carbonate ramp. The Brofiscin Oolite is characterized by a first-generation cement of equant calcite spar, preferentially located at grain-contacts and forming non-isopachous fringes around grains, interpreted as meteoric vadose and phreatic in origin. Isopachous fibrous calcite fringes of marine origin are rather rare and occur only at a few horizons. Burial compaction was not important and porosity was occluded by poikilotopic calcite spar. Fitted grain-grain contacts locally occur and could be the result of near-surface vadose dissolution-compaction. Syntaxial overgrowths on echinoderm debris are common. Pre-compaction overgrowths are cloudy (inclusion-rich) and probably of meteoric origin, and post-compaction overgrowths are inclusion-free. By contrast, the Gully Oolite has little first-generation cement. However, marine fibrous calcite is common in oolitic intraclasts, as isopachous fringes of acicular calcite crystals closely associated with peloidal internal sediment; and early equant, drusy calcite spar occurs in the uppermost part of the Gully, beneath a prominent palaeokarst where pedogenic cements also occur. The major feature of Gully diagenesis is burial compaction, resulting in extensive grain-grain dissolution and microstylolitic grain contacts, and post-compaction poikilotopic spar occluded remaining porosity. The Brofiscin Oolite is pervasively dolomitized up-dip but the Gully Oolite for the most part only contains scattered pre-compaction dolomite rhombs and late veins of baroque dolomite, with less pervasive dolomitization. The difference in diagenetic style of the two Dinantian oolites is attributed to prevailing climate. The paucity of early meteoric cements in the Gully is a result of an arid climate, and this is supported by the nature of the capping palaeokarst. The abundant meteoric cements in the Brofiscin reflect a more humid climate, and effective meteoric recharge also resulted in up-dip pervasive mixing-zone dolomitization. The style of early diagenesis in these two oolites exerted a major control on the later burial diagenesis: in the Brofiscin, the early cements inhibited grain-grain dissolution and pressure solution, while these processes operated extensively in the Gully Oolite. Thus, prevailing climate can influence a limestone's diagenetic history from near-surface through into deep burial.  相似文献   

Large volumes of carbonate breccia occur in the late syn-rift and early post-rift deposits of the Billefjorden Trough, Central Spitsbergen. Breccias are developed throughout the Moscovian Minkinfjellet Formation and in basal parts of the Kazimovian Wordiekammen Formation. Breccias can be divided into two categories: (i) thick, cross-cutting breccia-bodies up to 200 m thick that are associated with breccia pipes and large V-structures, and (ii) horizontal stratabound breccia beds interbedded with undeformed carbonate and siliciclastic rocks. The thick breccias occur in the central part of the basin, whereas the stratabound breccia beds have a much wider areal extent towards the basin margins. The breccias were formed by gravitational collapse into cavities formed by dissolution of gypsum and anhydrite beds in the Minkinfjellet Formation. Several dissolution fronts have been discovered, demonstrating the genetic relationship between dissolution of gypsum and brecciation. Textures and structures typical of collapse breccias such as inverse grading, a sharp flat base, breccia pipes (collapse dolines) and V-structures (cave roof collapse) are also observed. The breccias are cemented by calcite cements of pre-compaction, shallow burial origin. Primary fluid inclusions in the calcite are dominantly single phase containing fresh water (final melting points are ca 0 °C), suggesting that breccia diagenesis occurred in meteoric waters. Cathodoluminescence (CL) zoning of the cements shows a consistent pattern of three cement stages, but the abundance of each stage varies stratigraphically and laterally. δ18O values of breccia cements are more negative relative to marine limestones and meteoric cements developed in unbrecciated Minkinfjellet limestones. There is a clear relationship between δ18O values and the abundance of the different cement generations detected by CL. Paragenetically, later cements have lower δ18O values recording increased temperatures during their precipitation. Carbon isotope values of the cements are primarily rock-buffered although a weak trend towards more negative values with increasing burial depth is observed. The timing of gypsum dissolution and brecciation was most likely related to major intervals of exposure of the carbonate platform during Gzhelian and/or Asselian/Sakmarian times. These intervals of exposure occurred shortly after deposition of the brecciated units and before deep burial of the sediments.  相似文献   

The carbonate platforms of the Wetterstein Formation of the Eastern Alps (Drau Range and Northern Calcareous Alps) show a distinct facies zonation of reefs and lagoons. While some lagoonal areas were episodically emerged and formed lagoonal islands, others remained permanently flooded. The scale of near surface, meteoric or marine diagenesis was related to this lagoonal topography. At shallow burial depth, cementation was dominated by altered marine solutions, which additionally caused recrystallization of metastable constituents of the sediment and earlier marine cements (high magnesian calcite, aragonite) connected with a carbon and oxygen isotopic change to more negative values. Deeper burial cementation shows a succession with two types of saddle dolomite and three types of blocky calcite. Carbon and oxygen isotopic values of these cements show a trend towards more negative values from the first to the last generation, in the following succession: clear saddle dolomite—zoned blocky calcite—cloudy saddle dolomite—post-corrosion blocky calcite—replacive blocky calcite. Fluid inclusion studies of the carbonate cements are interpreted to indicate a deeper burial temperature development that first increases from 175 to 317°C, followed by a temperature decrease to 163–260°C, and subsequent increase up to 316°C, whereby the samples of the Drau Range always show the lowest values. Calculations of the isotopic composition of the water, from which the carbonate cements were precipitated, yielded positive δ18O values from 6.66 to 17.81%o (SMOW), which are characteristic for formation and/or metamorphic waters. Also, the isotopic compositions of the palaeofluids probably changed during deeper burial diagenesis, following the temperature development.  相似文献   

Comparison of Upper Guadalupian fore-reef, reef and back-reef strata from outcrops in the Guadalupe Mountains with equivalent subsurface cores from the northern and eastern margins of the Delaware Basin indicates that extensive evaporite diagenesis has occurred in both areas. In both surface and subsurface sections, the original sediments were extensively dolomitized and most primary and secondary porosity was filled with anhydrite. These evaporites were emplaced by reflux of evaporitic fluids from shelf settings through solution-enlarged fractures and karstic sink holes into the underlying strata. Outcrop areas today, however, contain no preserved evaporites in reef and fore-reef sections and only partial remnants of evaporites are retained in back-reef settings. In their place, these rocks contain minor silica, very large volumes of coarse sparry calcite and some secondary porosity. The replacement minerals locally form pseudomorphs of their evaporite precursors and, less commonly, contain solid anhydrite inclusions. Some silicification, dissolution of anhydrite and conversion of anhydrite to gypsum have occurred in these strata where they are still buried at depths in excess of 1 km; however, no calcite replacements were noted from any subsurface core samples. Subsurface alteration has also led to the widespread, late-stage development of large- and small-scale dissolution breccias. The restriction of calcite cements to very near-surface sections, petrographic evidence that the calcites post-date hydrocarbon emplacement, and the highly variable but generally ‘light’carbon and oxygen isotopic signatures of the spars all indicate that calcite precipitation is a very late diagenetic (telogenetic) phenomenon. Evaporite dissolution and calcitization reactions have only taken place where Permian strata were flushed with meteoric fluids as a consequence of Tertiary uplift, tilting and breaching of regional hydrological seals. A typical sequence of alteration involves initial corrosion of anhydrite, one or more stages of hydration/dehydration during conversion to gypsum, dissolution of gypsum and precipitation of sparry calcite. Such evaporite dissolution and replacement processes are probably continuing today in near-outcrop as well as deeper settings. This study emphasizes the potential importance of telogenetic processes in evaporite diagenesis and in the precipitation of carbonate cements. The extensive mineralogical and petrophysical transformations which these strata have undergone during their uplift indicates that considerable caution must be exercised in using surface exposures to interpret subsurface reservoir parameters in evaporitic carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Field, geochemical, and petrographic data for late Pleistocene dolomites from southeastern Barbados suggest that the dolomite precipitated in the zone of mixing between a coastal meteoric phreatic lens and normal marine waters. The dolomite is localized in packstones and wackestones from the algalAmphistegina fore-reef calcarenite facies. Stable isotopic evidence suggests that meteoric water dominated the diagenetic fluids responsible for dolomitization. Carbon isotopes in pure dolomite phases average about -15%0 PDB. This light carbon is attributed to the influence of soil gas CO2, and precludes substantial mixing with seawater. A narrow range of oxygen isotopic compositions coupled with a wide range of carbon compositions attest to the meteoric diagenetic overprint. Dolomitization likely occurred with as little as a five per cent admixture of seawater. Strontium compositions of the dolomites indicate probable replacement dolomitization of original unstable mineralogy. The dolomite is characterized by low sodium values. Low concentrations of divalent manganese and iron suggest oxidizing conditions at the time of dolomitization. A sequence of petrographic features suggests a progression of diagenetic fluids from more marine to more meteoric. Early marine diagenesis was followed by replacement dolomitization of skeletal grains and matrix. Limpid, euhedral dolomite cements precipitated in primary intra- and interparticle porosity subsequent to replacement dolomitization. As waters became progressively less saline, dolomite cements alternated with thin bands of syntaxial calcite cement. The final diagenetic phase precipitated was a blocky calcite spar cement, representing diagenesis in a fresh-water lens. This sequence of diagenetic features arose as the result of a single fall in eustatic sea-level following deposition. A stratigraphic-eustatic-diagenetic model constrains both the timing and rate of dolomitization in southeastern Barbados. Dolomitization initiated as sea-level began to fall immediately following the oxygen isotope stage 7–3 high stand, some 216 000 yr bp . Due to the rapidity of late Pleistocene glacio-eustasy, dolomitization (locally complete) is constrained to have occurred within about 5000 yr.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have so far addressed diagenetic processes in Heterozoan carbonates and the role that sediment composition and depositional facies exert over diagenetic pathways. This paper presents a study of Oligocene shallow-water, Heterozoan carbonates from the Maltese Islands. We investigate stratigraphic distribution, abundance and timing of diagenetic features and their relationship to sediment composition and depositional facies. The studied carbonate rocks comprise rud- to packstones of the Heterozoan association predominantly containing coralline red algae, bryozoans, echinoids and benthic foraminifers. XRD analyses show that all high-Mg calcite has been transformed to low-Mg calcite and that no aragonite is preserved. Diagenetic processes include dissolution of aragonitic biota, neomorphism of high-Mg calcitic biota to low-Mg calcite and cementation by fibrous, bladed, epitaxial and blocky cements. Stable isotopes on bulk rock integrated with petrographic data suggest that the study interval was not exposed to significant meteoric diagenesis. We interpret early cementation to have taken place in the marine and marine burial environment. The distribution and abundance of early diagenetic features, determining the diagenetic pathway, can be related to the primary sediment composition and depositional texture. Sorting and micrite content are important controls over the abundance of diagenetic features.  相似文献   

The most ubiquitous syn-sedimentary cements affecting Mururoa atoll are composed of magnesian calcite. Three main types are distinguished: fibrous, bladed and sparitic on the basis of petrography, morphology and MgCO3 concentration of the constituting crystals, while peloid infills, a particular form of HMC chemical precipitation, also exist. Petrographic evidence and isotopic signatures are compatible with marine precipitation. Mururoa atoll was exposed several times to meteoric diagenesis resulting in varied diagenetic alterations including selective dissolution and partial dolomitization of Mg-calcite cements. These alterations are responsible for substantial modifications of the initial cement fabrics and may introduce unconformities in the diagenetic chronology. The first stage of the partial dissolution of Mg-calcite induces the development of chalky, white friable zones within the initially crystalline, hard cement layers. At ultrascale, this is due to the creation of micro-voids along the elongate cement fibres. Advanced dissolution includes total disappearance of cement portions as attested to by large voids within the cement crust and/or between superposed cement layers. Mg-calcite dissolution is related to meteoric diagenesis during periods of Quaternary exposure. The creation of voids within Mg-calcite layers is due to the mechanical removal of previously altered calcium carbonate, a process suggesting marine or non-marine water flow, probably in the vadose environment. Selective dolomitization of Mururoa cements involves alternations of calcite and dolomite which form successive cement-like rinds within primary cavities. At Mururoa, these alternations are the result of selective dolomitization of the pre-existing Mg-calcite cements rather than successive precipitation of calcite and dolomite. Selective dolomitization of Mg-calcite cements at Mururoa indicates that a given cement succession is not necessarily a simple chronological sequence. Oxygen isotope values of dolomites are enriched in δ186 by about 3‰ PDB within calcite-dolomite pseudo-alternations. The dolomitizing fluid at Mururoa seems similar to present marine water although some mixture with meteoric water is probable to favour dissolution associated with dolomitization.  相似文献   

Petrographic examination of the dolomitized Main Limestone Series cropping out in the south, east and northeast corners of the South Wales Coalfield Basin shows evidence of the earlier presence of evaporite minerals. However, it is believed that lack of extensive evaporite deposits in these rocks may be due to the active diagenetic dissolution and oncoming humid coal conditions of post Main Limestone time.The evaporite minerals in the Main Limestone rocks seem to be overwhelmingly early diagenetic in origin in the light of the following observations: (1) calcite or dolomite pseudomorphs after gypsum crystals associated with a fine pelmicrite matrix; (2) association of such pseudomorphs with oolitic pelsparite; and (3) evaporite solution breccia texture.  相似文献   

Early marine diagenetic dolomite is a rather thermodynamically-stable carbonate phase and has potential to act as an archive of marine porewater properties. However, the variety of early to late diagenetic dolomite phases that can coexist within a single sample can result in extensive complexity. Here, the archive potential of early marine dolomites exposed to extreme post-depositional processes is tested using various types of analyses, including: petrography, fluid inclusion data, stable δ13C and δ18O isotopes, 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and U-Pb age dating of various dolomite phases. In this example, a Triassic carbonate platform was dissected and overprinted (diagenetic temperatures of 50 to 430°C) in a strike-slip zone in Southern Spain. Eight episodes of dolomitization, a dolostone cataclasite and late stage meteoric/vadose cementation were recognized. The following processes were found to be diagenetically relevant: (i) protolith deposition and fabric-preservation, and marine dolomitization of precursor aragonite and calcite during the Middle–Late Triassic; (ii) intermediate burial and formation of zebra saddle dolomite and precipitation of various dolomite cements in a Proto-Atlantic opening stress regime (T ca 250°C) during the Early–Middle Jurassic; (iii) dolomite cement precipitation during early Alpine tectonism, rapid burial to ca 15 km, and high-grade anchizone overprint during Alpine tectonic evolution in the Early Eocene to Early Miocene; (iv) brecciation of dolostones to cataclasite during the onset of the Carboneras Fault Zone activity during the Middle Miocene; and (v) late-stage regression and subsequent meteoric overprint. Data shown here document that, under favourable conditions, early diagenetic marine dolomites and their archive data may resist petrographic and geochemical resetting over time intervals of 108 or more years. Evidence for this preservation includes preserved Late Triassic seawater δ13CDIC values and primary fluid inclusion data. Data also indicate that oversimplified statements based on bulk data from other petrographically-complex dolomite archives must be considered with caution.  相似文献   

贵州紫云县猴场镇扁平村的上石炭统中的叶状藻礁及其周边灰岩中发育强烈的成岩作用和胶结物,这些胶结物在猴场研究区内是显著的和有代表性的。通过观察、分析野外露头、光片、薄片、薄片的阴极发光和染色,来研究礁体岩石的成岩作用,确定了成岩作用序列、成岩环境、成岩阶段。成岩作用类型主要有泥晶化、溶蚀、胶结、新生变形、机械压实、剪切或...  相似文献   

The Trypali carbonate unit (Upper Triassic), which crops out mainly in central‐western Crete, occurs between the parautochthonous series (Plattenkalk or Talea Ori‐Ida series, e.g. metamorphic Ionian series) and the Tripolis nappe (comprising the Tripolis carbonate series and including a basal Phyllite–Quartzite unit). It consists of interbedded dolomitic layers, represented principally by algally laminated peloidal mudstones, foraminiferal, peloidal and ooidal grainstones, as well as by fine‐grained detrital carbonate layers, in which coarse baroque dolomite crystals and dolomite nodules are dispersed. Baroque dolomite is present as pseudomorphs after evaporite crystals (nodules and rosettes), which grew penecontemporaneously by displacement and/or replacement of the host sediments (sabkha diagenesis). However, portions of the evaporites show evidence of resedimentation. Pre‐existing evaporites predominantly consisted of skeletal halite crystals that formed from fragmentation of pyramidal‐shaped hoppers, as well as of anhydrite nodules and rosettes (salt crusts). All microfacies are characteristic of peritidal depositional environments, such as sabkhas, tidal flats, shallow hypersaline lagoons, tidal bars and/or tidal channels. Along most horizons, the Trypali unit is strongly brecciated. These breccias are of solution‐collapse origin, forming after the removal of evaporite beds. Evaporite‐related diagenetic fabrics show that there was extensive dissolution and replacement of pre‐existing evaporites, which resulted in solution‐collapse of the carbonate beds. Evaporite replacement fabrics, including calcitized and silicified evaporite crystals, are present in cements in the carbonate breccias. Brecciation was a multistage process; it started in the Triassic, but was most active in the Tertiary, in association with uplift and ground‐water flow (telogenetic alteration). During late diagenesis, in zones of intense evaporite leaching and brecciation, solution‐collapse breccias were transformed to rauhwackes. The Trypali carbonate breccias (Trypali unit) are lithologically and texturally similar to the Triassic solution‐collapse breccias of the Ionian zone (continental Greece). The evaporites probably represent a major diapiric injection along the base of the parautochthonous series (metamorphic Ionian series) and also along the overthrust surface separating the parautochthonous series from the Tripolis nappe (Phyllite–Quartzite and Tripolis series). The injected evaporites were subsequently transformed into solution‐collapse breccias.  相似文献   

PAUL ENOS 《Sedimentology》1988,35(2):287-325
ABSTRACT The Poza Rica trend of the Tampico embayment, Mexico, will ultimately produce more than 2.3 × 109 barrels of oil from Mid-Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) basin-margin deposits. Bioclastic grainstone, packstone, and wackestone are interbedded with polymictic lime breccia and dolomitized debris; all were deposited by sediment gravity flow. Indigenous sediment was pelagic lime mud. Typical reservoir porosities are about 10%; permeabilities average 2 md and rarely exceed 100 md. Porosity is largely the result of selective dissolution of rudist fragments, which were originally aragonite. Detailed petrographic study, with emphasis on the diagenetic products, allows quantitative assessment of porosity at various diagenetic stages from original sediment to reservoir rock. A relatively simple diagenetic history is reflected by about 90% of the samples studied: primary porosity was reduced through lithification of matrix mud and initial cementation by clear, equant to bladed, non-ferroan calcite. Later dissolution produced extensive skelmoldic and minor vuggy porosity. Subsequently, non-ferroan calcite cement reduced porosity before the emplacement of hydrocarbons. Reconstructed sediment porosities are comparable to, but lower than, modern counterparts. The initial phase of cementation and presumed lithification of mud greatly reduced porosity in all lithologies, but appreciably more porosity persisted in grainstone and packstone than in wackestone or mudstone. Dissolution produced a porosity resurrection, which exceeded that of the initial sediment in some grainstones. Calcite cementation and local multiphase quartz cementation and dolomitization reduced porosity to present average values of 8–12% in grain-supported rocks and 3% in mud-supported rocks. The greater persistence of primary porosity and, therefore, permeability in grain-supported rocks probably accounts for their greater secondary porosity development and ultimate reservoir quality. Geometrically averaged permeabilities range from only 0.17 md in wackestone to 3.85 md in dolomite, but differ significantly with rock type and grain size. Permeability increases with porosity in all lithologies; the rate of increase is greater at higher porosities and with coarser grain sizes. The agent for both early cementation and development of secondary porosity appears to have been meteoric water. Subaerial exposure appears to be ruled out, however, by a basin-margin depositional environment and continued burial beneath Upper Cretaceous pelagic sediments. Early exposure to meteoric water can be explained by a hydrologic head developed during penecontemporaenous exposure that produced cavernous porosity in the adjacent Golden Lane trend. Descending meteoric water likely emerged as submarine springs along the Tamabra trend. Deposition of pelagic limestone during the Turonian blanketed part of the Golden Lane escarpment to enhance development of a large freshwater lens; gaps in the blanket localized springs and influenced flow patterns within the Poza Rica field. Analogous freshwater circulation exists today in northern Florida.  相似文献   

This diagenetic study (including fieldwork, petrographic, fluid inclusion, and stable isotope investigations) deals with the outcrop of Upper Permian–Lower Triassic carbonate rocks, which are equivalent to the Khuff Formation. The studied succession, which outcrops in the Ras Al Khaimah region, northern United Arab Emirates, comprises three formations, including the Bih, the Hagil, and the Ghail formations. The study focuses on unraveling the conditions and fluid compositions encountered during diagenesis of the succession. Emphasize is also made on linking diagenesis to major stratigraphic surfaces and to highlight reservoir property evolution and heterogeneity of the studied rocks. The evolution of fluids and related diagenetic products can be summarized as follows: (1) formation of near-surface to shallow burial, fine-crystalline dolomite (dolomite matrix) through pervasive dolomitization of carbonate sediments by modified marine pore waters; (2) formation of coarse-crystalline dolomite cement by highly evolved marine pore waters (13–23 wt.% NaCl eq.) at elevated temperatures (120–208°C), and (3) calcite cementation by highly saline fluid (20–23 wt.% NaCl eq.) at high temperature (170–212°C). A final calcite cement generation has been formed by the percolation of meteoric fluids during uplift. Fracture- and vug-filling diagenetic minerals are mainly restricted to the mid-Bih breccia marker level, suggesting preferential focused fluid flow through specific stratigraphic surfaces as well as along tectonic-related structures. Reservoir properties have been evolved as result of the interplay of the original sedimentary texture and the diagenetic evolution. Porosity is higher in the Bih Formation, which is dominated by dolomitized packstones and grainstones, than in the Hagil and Ghail formations, consisting mainly of dolomitized mudstones and wackestones. Image analyses were used to quantify the visual porosity in thin sections. The highest porosity values were measured in the Bih Formation, which is characterized by significant amounts of vug- and fracture-filling cements. This feature is attributed to the increase of porosity owing to substantial dissolution of abundant intergranular and vug-filling cements. In contrast, the Hagil and Ghail formations, which consist of finer-grained rock than the Bih Formation, were less cemented, and thus, the porosity enhancement by cement dissolution was insignificant.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical studies of an Upper Eocene reef and associated basinal sediments from the mixed carbonate–siliciclastic fill of the south‐eastern Pyrenean foreland basin near Igualada (NE Spain) provide new insights into the evolution of subsurface hydrology during the restriction of a marine basin. The reef deposits are located on delta‐lobe sandstones and prodelta marls, which are overlain by hypersaline carbonates and Upper Eocene evaporites. Authigenic celestite (SrSO4) is an important component in the observed diagenetic sequences. Celestite is a significant palaeohydrological indicator because its low solubility constrains transportation of Sr2+ and SO42? in the same diagenetic fluid. Stable isotopic analyses of carbonates in the reef indicate that meteoric recharge was responsible for aragonite stabilization and calcite cementation. Sulphur and oxygen isotope geochemistry of the celestite demonstrates that it formed from residual sulphate after bacterial sulphate reduction, but also requires that there was a prior episode of sulphate recycling. Meteoric water reaching the reef and basinal areas was most probably charged with SO42? from the dissolution of younger Upper Eocene marine evaporites. This sulphate, combined with organic matter present in the sediments, fuelled bacterial sulphate reduction in the meteoric palaeoaquifer. Strontium for celestite precipitation was partly derived in situ from dissolution of aragonite corals in the reef and basinal counterparts. However, 87Sr/86Sr data also suggest that Sr2+ was partly derived from dissolution of overlying evaporites. Mixing of these two fluids promoted celestite formation. The carbonate stable isotopic data suggest that the local meteoric water was enriched in 18O compared with that responsible for stabilization of other reefs along the basin margin. Furthermore, meteoric recharge at Igualada post‐dated evaporite deposition in the basin, whereas other parts of the same reef complex were stabilized before evaporite formation. This discrepancy resulted from the spatial distribution of continental siliciclastic units that acted as groundwater conduits.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian Pab Formation in the southern part of Pakistan is composed of fine- to very coarse-grained texturally mature quartz arenite and subordinate sublitharenite varieties. The sandstones have undergone intense and complex diagenetic episodes due to burial and uplift. Diagenetic modifications were dependent mainly on the clastic composition of sandstone, burial depth and thrust tectonics. Diagenetic events identified include compaction, precipitation of calcite, quartz, clay minerals and iron oxide/hydroxide, dissolution and alteration of unstable clastic grains as feldspar and volcaniclithic fragments as well as tectonically induced grain fracturing. The unstable clastic grains like feldspar and lithic volcanic fragments suffered considerable alteration to kaolinite and chlorite. Dissolution and alteration of feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments and pressure solution were the main sources of quartz cements. Mechanical compaction and authigenic cements like calcite, quartz and iron oxide/hydroxide reduced the primary porosity, whereas dissolution of clastic grains and cements has produced secondary porosity. Chlorite coatings on clastic grains have prevented quartz cementation. Coarse-grained, thick bedded packages of fluviodeltaic, shelf delta lobe and submarine channels facies have higher average porosity than fine-grained, thin bedded and bioturbated sandstone of deeper shelf and abyssal plain environments and these facies are concluded to be possible future hydrocarbon prospects.  相似文献   

四川渠县三叠系膏盐的同生、成岩、后生及表生变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隗合明 《沉积学报》1987,5(4):56-65
本文论述了四川渠县三叠系的膏盐在沉积后的不同阶段所发生的各种变化,并提出根据膏盐的变化特征推测它们的原生沉积条件、卤水咸化程度及研究区的矿床保存条件。  相似文献   

祝仲蓉 Marsh.  J 《沉积学报》1992,10(1):133-145
更新世以来,剧烈的构造运动已将巴布亚新几内亚合恩半岛东北海岸的晚第四纪珊瑚礁阶地抬升上千米.阶地中造礁珊瑚的成岩变化和成岩产物的组构特征反映了该礁的成岩历史,充分体现该区快速构造上升的影响.海水潜流带和淡水渗流带为上升礁的主要成岩环境.生物钻孔、生物碎屑填隙、珊瑚文石针粗化、珊瑚骨骼的溶解和新生变形转化,以及其不同矿物成分和组构的种种胶结物的胶结作用是造礁珊瑚经历的主要成岩作用.地球化学资料表明其成岩变化发生于开放的化学体系之中.  相似文献   

贵州紫云二叠纪生物礁的胶结作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
应用岩石学和地球化学方法研究了中国西南地区发育最好的紫云二叠纪生物礁组合的胶结作用,识别出七种胶结物类型,详细描述了它们的岩石学及地球化学特征,探讨了礁组合的胶结作用史。  相似文献   

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