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Results of more than 800 new measurements of methane (CH4) concentrations in the Southern Hemisphere troposphere (34–41° S, 130–150° E) are reported. These were obtained between September 1980 and March 1983 from the surface at Cape Grim, Tasmania, through the middle (3.5–5.5 km) to the upper troposphere (7–10 km). The concentration of CH4 increased throughout the entire troposphere over the measurement period, adding further support to the view that CH4 concentrations are currently increasing on a global scale. For data averaged vertically through the troposphere the rate of increase found was 20 ppbv/yr or 1.3%/yr at December 1981. In the surface CH4 data a seasonal cycle with a peak to peak amplitude of approximately 28 ppbv is seen, with the minimum concentration occurring in March and the maximum in September–October. A cycle with the same phase as that seen at the surface, but with a significantly decreased amplitude, is apparent in the mid troposphere but no cycle is detected in the upper tropospheric data. The phase and amplitude of the cycle are qualitatively in agreement with the concept that the major sink for methane is oxidation by hydroxyl radicals. Also presented is evidence of a positive vertical gradient in methane, with a suggestion that the magnitude of this gradient has changed over the period of measurements.  相似文献   

东亚对流层上部和平流层中下部大气环流的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据1957—1961平东亚九十余个探空站的记录,对东亚对流层中上部和平流层中下部的大气环流特点作了初步的分析,得到如下几点结果: 1.在冬季,对流层中上部的气压场和风场特点和过去研究的结论基本一致。在夏季,高原部分的环流特征却和过去的结论不同,夏季在高原上对流层中部出现微弱的气旋性环流,但在300毫巴已在反气旋的控制之下,而且反气旋的势力愈往上去愈强,在100毫巴处高原上空的反气旋达到最大强度,这是与青藏高原的热力性质有关系的。此外,从1月到7月东亚对流层上部的气压场和风场变化甚大,在中高纬度气压场有相反的趋势,并且副热带高压脊线从冬季的北纬15°位置移到夏季的北纬28°。 2.在东亚沿海,中纬度的几个测站在平流层中部的温度年变程呈双峰型,最高温度出现在1月和6—7月。在低纬度温度的年变程也呈双峰,但位相与中纬度相反。低纬温度年变化特点与辐射有关;中纬度的温度年变化,经过计算表明,1月的高峰与温度平流有密切关系。 3.东亚对流层中上部和平流层中下部风场的季节变化,与对流层中下部一样显著。从夏到冬的环流季节变化过程,高低空有一致性,而从冬到夏的环流季节变化过程,高低空变化并不一致。  相似文献   

利用ACTIVE(aerosol and chemical transport in tropical convection)试验资料,取2006年1月20日澳大利亚北部达尔文岛附近发生的一次飑线强对流天气的AE17航次和2006年1月27日无对流天气的AE21航次飞行路径中的探测资料,对澳大利亚达尔文地区夏季风盛行期间发生的有无强对流发生时O3和CO浓度垂直分布变化进行对比,考察强对流性天气发生对O3和CO浓度垂直输送作用。深对流云内强烈的垂直上升运动将O3和CO等化学气体携带输送至对流层上部并在对流层顶堆积,从而在对流层上部产生浓度峰值。当有强对流发生,飞机进入对流云上层时,O3浓度和CO浓度升高,O3和CO浓度变率增大,在对流层上部浓度出现峰值;当飞机飞出对流云时,O3和CO浓度相对较低,在对流云外出现谷值。在无对流发生的条件下O3和CO浓度相对较小,浓度变率也较小,无峰值产生。分析表明:O3和CO浓度分布不仅与强对流的垂直输送作用关系密切,且与气象要素垂直和水平分布以及动力输送过程密切相关。  相似文献   

The results of a research study of the carbon monoxide concentration from California to 90° S, Antarctica are presented. The data both extend and support other research studies of the latitudinal distribution of carbon monoxide in that higher concentrations are evident over the Northern Hemisphere than over the Southern Hemisphere. Carbon monoxide concentrations range between 50 to 60 ppb with a few peaks into the 60s in the latitudinal area south of the ITCZ and values of 80 ppb or higher at latitudes north of Hawaii. A comparison is also made of carbon monoxide and ozone concentrations along the flight tract between California and Antarctica, over the Ellsworth Mountains of Antarctica, and between 78° S and the South Pole. These ozone-carbon monoxide data show statistically significant negative correlations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over Antarctica. It is believed that this is a good indication of mixing across the tropopause.  相似文献   

Summary In this study the horizontal component of the meridional circulation at the 100, 50 and 30 mb levels in the stratosphere is computed for the IGY period July 1957 through June 1958. Radiosonde data from approximately 240 stations, well distributed over the northern hemisphere, are used in the analysis of the north-south component of the wind. Values of the mean meridional circulation for the four seasons are presented at every 5° latitude from the equator to 80°N.In the annual average at 100 mb an apparent three cell pattern is obseered, consisting of a region of strong poleward motion north of 55°N, equatorward motion from 15° to 55°N and weak poleward motion from 0° to 15°N. In the annual averages at 50 and 30 mb poleward motions appear only at high latitudes and diminsih in strength with height. Equatorward motions dominate at 30 mb. A maximum value of the mean meridional circulation of +60 cm sec–1 is found at 100 mb at 70°N.
Zusammenfassung In dieser Untersuchung ist für die 100-, 50- und 30 mb-Niveaus die horizontale Komponente der meridionalen Zirkulation in der Stratosphäre im internationalen geophysikalischen Jahr (Juli 1957 bis Juni 1958) berechnet worden. Es werden dabei Radiosonden-Daten von etwa 240 Stationen, die über die nördliche Hemisphäre gut verteilt sind, für die Analyse der Nord-Süd-Windkomponente verwendet. Für jeden fünften Breitengrad vom Äquator bis 80°N werden Werte der durchschnittlichen Meridionalkomponente der Zirkulation für die vier Jahreszeiten mitgeteilt.Im Jahresdurchschnitt zeigt sich im 100 mb-Niveau eine Verteilung der Meridionalkomponente, die anscheinend einem aus drei Zellen bestehenden Zirkulationssystem entspricht, wobei nördlich von 55°N eine starke polwärts gerichtete Bewegung, zwischen 15° und 55°N eine Strömung gegen den Äquator und zwischen 0° und 15°N wieder eine schwache polwärts gerichtete Strömung besteht. In den Jahresdurchschnittswerten aus den Niveaus der 50- und 30 mb-Flächen sind polwärts gerichtete Strömungskomponenten nur in hohen geographischen Breiten festzustellen, die mit zunehmender Höhe an Stärke abnehmen. Im Niveau von 30 mb herrscht eine zum Äquator hin gerichtete Meridionalkomponente der Strömung vor. Ein Maximalwert der durchschnittlichen meridionalen Zirkulation von +60 cm sec–1 wurde in der 100 mb-Höhenlage bei 70°N festgestellt.

Résumé Dans cette étude, la composante horizontale de la circulation méridionale dans la stratosphère aux niveaux de 100, 50 et 30mb est calculée pour la période de Juillet 1957au Juin 1958 pour l'Année Géophysique Internationale. Les données de radiosondage d'environ 240 stations bien réparties sur l'hémisphère du nord sont employées dans l'analyse de la composante nord-sud du vent. Les valeurs de la circulation moyenne méridionale des quatre saisons sont présententées pour tous les 5° de latitude de l'équateur jusqu'à 80°N.En moyenne d'un an, on peut apparemment observer, à 100mb, une distribution en trois cellules consistant d'une région de mouvement fort vers le pôle au nord de 55°N, d'un mouvement vers l'équateur de 15° à 55°N et d'un mouvement faible vers le pôle de 0° à 15° N. A 50 et 30 mb en moyenne d'un an des mouvements vers le pôle apparaissent seulement dans les hautes altitudes et ils diminuent en force suivant la hauteur. Dans le niveau de 30 mb, c'est un mouvement vers l'équateur qui domine. Use valeur maxima de la circulation méridionale moyenne de +60 cm·sec–1 a été constatée à 100 mb à 70°N.

With 6 Figures

The research reported in this paper has been made possible through the support of the Atomic Energy Commission and of the Geophysics Research Directorate of the U.S. Air Force under contracts No. At (30-2) 2241 and 19(604)-5223.  相似文献   

This is a study of ozone profile shapes in the 800 to 100 millibar range obtained with balloonsonde data over Trivandrum (8.5° N) during 1975–76 and possible associations of these shapes to some meteorological parameters.Whereas monotonic ozone profiles were noted with clear weather conditions, those associated with cloud cover show three basic anomalous features. Some bulges of increased values are observed in the range of 800 to 500 mb. In the 500–100 mb range, short range or localized cloud cover or passing weather disturbances are associated with fluctuation patterns in the ozone profile and an average depleted value of ozone. The fluctuations are also associated with changing wind speed and direction at these heights.Possible causative mechanisms are discussed. Lightning associated with thundestorm, producing additional CO and NO are sought to interpret the bulges at lower heights. The decrease in values as well as the fluctuation patterns are suggested as due to possible incursion of water vapour from troposphere to stratosphere in the tropical region and dynamical effects associated with it.  相似文献   

The bulk transfer coefficient for latent heat flux (Ce) has been estimated over the Arabian Sea from the moisture budget during the pre-monsoon season of 1988.The computations have been made over two regions (A: 0–8 ° N; 60–68 ° E; B: 0–4 ° N; 56–60 ° E) with the upper computational boundary fixed at the 300 mb level. The precipitation amount (P) was negligible for region A while the observed values of P have been used for region B. The Ce estimates have been compared with those obtained with other available schemes (Kondo, 1975: Bunker, 1976). which are based on wind speed and atmospheric stability within the surface layer. Our value of Ce is higher in region A and lower in region B than the other estimates.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Zahlenwerte des horizontalen Wärmetransportes durch Großaustausch, die man bisher kennt, sind schwierig zu deuten; insbesondere gilt dies für die Umkehr des meridionalen Stromes in der mittleren Troposphäre. Es wird deshalb ein Verfahren angegeben, aus den Radiosondenaufstiegen eines Stationsdreiecks die Wärmebilanz in der freien Atmosphäre zu bestimmen. Für das Jahr von April 1949 bis März 1950 wird in einem England, die Nordsee und Nordwestdeutschland überdeckenden Gebiet eine Abkühlung der Troposphäre von 0,5°/Tag am Boden, zunehmend auf 1,8°/Tag bei 300 mb gefunden; die Stratosphäre zeigt eine leichte Erwärmung. Über dem Ozeangebiet westlich Englands besteht am Boden Erwärmung von 0,4°/Tag, in 300 mb Abkühlung von 1,3°/Tag. In beiden Gebieten ist der Wärmeentzug größer als nach den bekannten Abschätzungen der Wärmehaushaltsüberschüsse zu erwarten war.Eine ähnliche Bestimmung des Feuchtigkeitshaushaltes erlaubt die Angabe der Differenz Verdunstung minus Niederschlag, die sich für das Nordseegebiet im Jahresmittel negativ, für den Nordostatlantik positiv ergibt; die Jahresgänge beider Gebiete sind nahezu entgegengesetzt. Die Verdunstung selbst hat über der Nordsee das Maximum im Sommer, das Minimum im Spätwinter, über dem NE-Atlantik das Maximum etwa im November, das Minimum im Mai und Juni.
Summary The numerical values of the horizontal heat transport by large scale mass exchange, as known until now, are difficult to interpret; this is the case particularly for the reversal of the meridional stream in the middle troposphere. Therefore a method is described to determine the heatbalance in the free atmosphere from ascents of radio-sondes in a triangle of stations. A cooling of the troposphere of 0.5°/day at ground, increasing to 1.8°/day at 300 mb, is found in the period from April 1949 to March 1950 in an area covering England, the North Sea and northwestern Germany; the stratosphere shows a slight warming. Above the ocean west of England there is a warming of 0.4°/day at ground and a cooling of 1.3°/day at 300 mb. In both these areas loss of heat is greater than was to be expected from the hitherto known estimates of the balance of thermal economy.A similar determination of the economy of humidity yields the difference between evaporation and precipitation which results, in the annual mean, to be negative for the North Sea area and positive for the northeastern Atlantic Ocean; the annual variation of these two areas is almost contrary. Evaporation over the North Sea has its maximum in summer, its minimum towards the end of winter; over NE-Atlantic maximum is roughly in November, minimum in May and June.

Résumé Il est difficile d'interpréter les valeurs numériques du transport horizontal de chaleur dû à l'échange turbulent à grande échelle; cela est particulièrement vrai de l'inversion du flux méridien dans la troposphère moyenne. On expose donc ici un procédé capable de déterminer le bilan thermique dans l'atmosphère libre à partir de radiosondages de trois stations. On trouve que d'avril 1949 à mars 1950, dans une région comprenant l'Angleterre, la Mer du Nord et le Nord-Ouest de l'Allemagne, il y a eu refroidissement de la troposphère de 0,5° par jour au sol et atteignant 1,8° par jour au niveau de 300 mb; il y a eu léger réchauffement de la stratosphère. Sur l'Océan à l'Ouest de l'Angleterre, il y a èu au sol un réchauffement de 0,4° par jour et un refroidissement de 1,3° par jour à 300 mb. Dans les deux régions la perte de chaleur est plus grande que ne le voudraient les estimations connues des excédents du bilan thermique.Une détermination analogue de l'humidité fournit la différence entre l'évaporation et les précipitations qui, dans la Mer du Nord, est négative en moyenne annuelle, positive pour le Nord-Est atlantique. Les marches annuelles des deux domaines sont à peu près contraires. L'évaporation présente un maximum en été sur la Mer du Nord et un minimum à la fin de l'hiver; sur le Nord-Est atlantique le maximum est à peu près en novembre et le minimum en mai et juin.

Mit 2 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   


Using GATE A/B‐scale U.S.S.R. ship data, heat and moisture budget analyses have been carried out for the three‐day period: 0000 GMT, 7 September to 2400 GMT, 9 September, 1974. The period has been subdivided into an undisturbed period (0000 GMT, 7 September ‐1800 GMT, 8 September) and a disturbed period (1800 GMT, 8 September ‐ 2400 GMT, 9 September) based on surface precipitation and satellite cloud observations. During the undisturbed period, precipitation was very light (1–3 mm day‐1). On the other hand, the precipitation rate became well over 10 mm day‐1 during the disturbed period. A/B‐scale heat and moisture budget results for both periods are presented.

It is found that during the undisturbed period, cumulus clouds have heating and moistening effects in the lower troposphere below 700 mb, and cooling and moistening effects in the upper troposphere above 600mb. In the disturbed period, clouds have strong heating and drying effects throughout the entire cloud layer.

Using the diagnostic scheme developed by Cho (1977), the collective properties of cumulus clouds for both the undisturbed and the disturbed periods are also determined. During the undisturbed period, some clouds reached as high as the 300‐mb level, however, little precipitation was produced. The total cloud mass flux is found to be negative in the upper troposphere and can be attributed to downdrafts induced by the evaporation of cloud liquid water. On the other hand, total cloud mass flux for the disturbed period is positive throughout the entire troposphere.  相似文献   

台风低压发展的数值模拟研究——凝结加热廓线的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用一个同时考虑Ekman抽吸和积云动量输送作用的二维轴对称原始方程模式,就对流凝结加热廓线对台风低压发展的影响进行了数值模拟研究。试验结果表明,对流层中下部有较强加热时,模式台风低压的低压环流发展较快;对流层上部有较强加热时,系统结构更类似于实际台风。在台风低压发展过程中,对流凝结加热廓线也会改变,最强加热可能由对流层中下部向中上层发展和传播,从而,台风低压发展既快、系统结构又类似于实际台风。这样一种过程可能正是热带低压发展为台风的一般过程。   相似文献   

簡单斜压大气中热成风的建立和破坏(一)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈秋士 《气象学报》1963,33(1):51-63
本文第一部分利用两层模式討論了热成风的适应問題.如果起始非热成风流場的热成风涡度大于溫度場的热成风涡度时,促使上升运动加强,反之,促使下沉运动加强。对于250—750毫巴之間的斜压系統,适应的特征尺度L_0,是决定流場向溫度場調整,还是溫度場向流場調整的临界水平尺度。 第二部分根据溫度場和流場的平流作用,分析了非热成风产生的机制.并由热成风适应速率和破坏速率的对比,討論了准地轉运动和非地轉运动的形成。 最后,用热成风不断破坏和建立的观点和方法,分析了长波斜压不稳定发展的过程,并进一步揭示了它的物理本貭。  相似文献   

We present 1-D eddy diffusion model calculations of the distributions of propane and acetone in the atmosphere for continental conditions. The magnitude of the surface seasonal variation in propane mixing ratios that we obtain is in general agreement with measurements at the surface and in the free troposphere. A comparison of the absolute values of the model with propane measurements suggests that a larger surface flux than we have used may be more appropriate for continental conditions. The acetone model results for summer conditions that we obtain are also in reasonable accord with measurements. However, we find serious disagreement between the model winter profiles of acetone and the measurements at the tropopause and in the lower stratosphere. The measured values are lower than the model values at 45° N by a factor of 7–30. In addition, it is also surprising that, given the relatively long lifetime of acetone, free tropospheric values of acetone more representative of surface values have not been measured. The results simulating the decay of elevated levels of propane in the upper troposphere caused by rapid convective transport of boundary layer air indicate that propane will be primarily dispersed by transport rather than destroyed photochemically. Thus, the impact on acetone and PAN is minimal.  相似文献   

王林  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2007,31(3):377-388
利用高分辨率的再分析资料ERA40,分析了纬向平均状态下北半球不同尺度的定常波对西风动量沿经向输送的气候态及其年变化。结果表明,对流层中定常波对西风动量输送最强的区域位于中纬度对流层的中上层,定常波在该区域长年向北输送纬向动量,且输送中心随季节有南北移动和强弱变化。此外,在高纬度地区的对流层中上层以及赤道对流层顶附近还有两个相对较弱的输送中心。前者对西风动量的输送长年向南,其垂直范围从对流层低层一直伸展到平流层下层,中心位置相对固定,强度有明显的季节变化。后者位置也相对固定,但输送方向随季节改变。平流层中定常波对西风动量的输送主要位于中高纬度的平流层中上层,定常波在该区域长年向北输送西风动量,中心位置非常稳定,而强度则随季节变化明显。行星尺度定常波的输送作用与总波动的输送作用非常一致,并在很大程度上决定了波动对动量输送强度的季节变化。天气尺度定常波和10波以上的短波的输送作用主要集中在中纬度对流层的中高层。前者与行星尺度定常波共同决定了该区域内的输送强度,并主导了输送中心的南北移动;后者的作用很小,除夏季外均可以忽略。作者给出的不同尺度定常波对西风动量输送的气候态分布不但可以作为日后研究其年际变化的基础,而且还可以为大气环流模式对大气环流模拟能力的评估提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

During aircraft flights in May 1981 from Munich (40°N) to north of the Spitsbergen Islands (82°N) and to Monrovia, Liberia (6°N), air samples were obtained in the altitude range of 8 to 11 km and during the ascents and descents near the airports. These samples have been analyzed for the trace gas mixing ratios of CH4, CO and N2O. The results of these analyses are presented and discussed.The results provide new evidence of tropospheric-stratospheric exchange events in the vicinity of the subpolar and subtropical tropopause foldings and possibly show a case of transport of CO-enriched air in the upper troposphere above the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

During the past decade (1977–1986) ozone has been measured on board various research vessels between 83° N and 76° S. The latitudinal distribution shows nearly twice as high an ozone concentration in the Northern Hemisphere (30 ppb) as compared to the Southern Hemisphere (15 ppb). North of 70° N the concentration rapidly drops to low values (17 ppb). In the ITCZ we frequently observed a pronounced secondary maximum which indicates that tropospheric-stratospheric exchange may be induced by deep convection. During other occasions, ozone concentrations below 10 ppb were observed in the ITCZ. Secondary maxima are also found in each hemisphere, indicating the latitudes in which stratospheric-tropospheric exchange occurs. One such pronounced maximum is found between 60 and 65° N. A comparable counterpart does not, however, occur in the respective southern latitudes.The observations, although incomplete, allow for conclusions with respect to seasonal cycles, at least in some of the latitudes or for some part of the year. In the tropics differences between continental and maritime yearly cycles are found. In mid to high northern latitudes, a sharp maximum is found which extends to the summer months over continental European sites. In the respective southern latitudes, such a spring maximum is only indicated.Comparison with occasionally concurrent Kr 85 measurements by other groups allows for the conclusion that in some cases photochemically produced ozone in polluted air masses is seen over the Atlantic ocean.  相似文献   

The aim of the 222Rn measurements during the airborne campaign TROPOZ II, was first to help in the interpretation of the photochemical studies, and secondly to furnish a data set of 222Rn in the troposphere, for validation of atmospheric transport models. In this paper we present the 222Rn measurements, and their simulation with a 3-D atmospheric transport model based on observed winds. The 222Rn was measured using the active daughters deposit technique with isokinetic aerosol sampling. We have obtained 44 measurements distributed between 65° North and 55° South, from 1 to 11 km height. In 25% of cases, we found relatively high concentrations (> 300 mBq·scm) of 222Rn in the high troposphere (>8 km). The results of 3D simulations and the calculations of back-trajectories allow us to find the origins of the high 222Rn concentrations. The transport model reproduced most of the observed synoptic variations, but it overestimates the concentrations which implies a vertical transport of excessive velocity.  相似文献   

我国北方地区对流层中下层臭氧收支   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了揭示我国北方地区对流层中下层臭氧(O3) 的形成机理以及周边地区的污染输送对我国北方地区对流层中下层O3收支的影响, 在与外场观测数据比较分析的基础上, 利用全球化学输送模式(MOZART-2) 采用收支分析方法定量分析了影响我国北方地区对流层中下层O3的各个物理化学过程。结果表明:我国北方地区对流层下层O3最重要的来源是光化学生成作用, 约占总来源的58.3%(41.5 Tg), 光化学生成反应中HO2对于O3生成的贡献最大; 最大的汇是干沉降过程, 约占总汇的43.2%(26.2Tg); 水平净输送作用对我国北方地区对流层中下层O3收支的影响非常大, 在我国北方地区对流层下层, 41.6%左右的O3来自水平净输送, 随高度增加, 水平输送影响增大, 我国北方地区对流层中层大约81.5%的O3来自水平净输送。  相似文献   

An idealized coupled general circulation model is used to demonstrate that the surface warming due to the doubling of CO2 can still be stronger in high latitudes than in low latitudes even without the negative evaporation feedback in low latitudes and positive ice-albedo feedback in high latitudes, as well as without the poleward latent heat transport. The new climate feedback analysis method formulated in Lu and Cai (Clim Dyn 32:873–885, 2009) is used to isolate contributions from both radiative and non-radiative feedback processes to the total temperature change obtained with the coupled GCM. These partial temperature changes are additive and their sum is convergent to the total temperature change. The radiative energy flux perturbations due to the doubling of CO2 and water vapor feedback lead to a stronger warming in low latitudes than in high latitudes at the surface and throughout the entire troposphere. In the vertical, the temperature changes due to the doubling of CO2 and water vapor feedback are maximum near the surface and decrease with height at all latitudes. The simultaneous warming reduction in low latitudes and amplification in high latitudes by the enhanced poleward dry static energy transport reverses the poleward decreasing warming pattern at the surface and in the lower troposphere, but it is not able to do so in the upper troposphere. The enhanced vertical moist convection in the tropics acts to amplify the warming in the upper troposphere at an expense of reducing the warming in the lower troposphere and surface warming in the tropics. As a result, the final warming pattern shows the co-existence of a reduction of the meridional temperature gradient at the surface and in the lower troposphere with an increase of the meridional temperature gradient in the upper troposphere. In the tropics, the total warming in the upper troposphere is stronger than the surface warming.  相似文献   

A series of ozone transects measured each year from 1987 to 1990 over thewestern Pacific and eastern Indian oceans between mid-November andmid-Decembershows a prominent ozone maximum reaching 50–80 ppbv between 5 and 10 kmin the 20° S–40° S latitude band. This maximum contrasts with ozonemixing ratios lower than20 ppbv measured at the same altitudes in equatorial regions. Analyses witha globalchemical transport model suggest that these elevated ozone values are part ofa large-scale tropospheric ozone plume extending from Africa to the western Pacific acrosstheIndian ocean. These plumes occur several months after the peak in biomassburninginfluence and during a period of high lightning activity in the SouthernHemispheretropical belt. The composition and geographical extent of these plumes aresimilar to theozone layers previously encountered during the biomass burning season in thisregion.Our model results suggest that production of nitrogen oxides from lightningstrokes sustains the NOx (= NO+NO2) levels and the ozonephotochemical productionrequired in the upper troposphere to form these persistent elevated ozonelayers emanating from biomass burning regions.  相似文献   

Ozone throughout the troposphere is subject of significant temporal and spatial variability due to photochemical production in the planetary boundary layer and free troposphere, stratospheric intrusions, convective events and long range transport. However, high resolving observations of ozone in the troposphere are generally rare today. That is of special disadvantage for limited area models, which represent mathematically a differential equation system with an initial and boundary problem. As ozone concentrations usually increase from the earth surface to the stratosphere, a proper choice of the background ozone concentrations is necessary to reproduce or even predict the amount and distribution of ozone in a specific region of interest.In this paper the impact of background concentrations of ozone on regional scale model results is analysed during a summer smog episode over Europe. For this purpose ozone is artificially partitioned into individual categories. For each category, transport and chemical transformation is calculated separately. Initial and boundary concentrations of ozone dominate total ozone concentrations increasingly with height. But also in the planetary boundary layer they contribute with more than 30% to thetotal ozone changes and are therefore far from being negligible. Moderately modified assumptions of background ozone concentrations reveal an uncertainty of near surface ozone concentrations of 5–15%depending on the weather situation.  相似文献   

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