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General circulation model experiments with surface albedo changes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K. Laval 《Climatic change》1986,9(1-2):91-102
In 1975, Charney proposed a biogeophysical feedback mechanism to partly explain the droughts that occur in desert border areas. He showed that a perturbation of albedo (due to a natural or anthropogenic decrease of vegetation) can be unstable and lead to a variation of precipitation in the region where albedo is changed.Several numerical experiments have been achieved with general circulation models to study the sensitivity of climate to surface albedo. We compare the GLAS and LMD model results for the Sahel. For all models, rainfall decreases when albedo increases and net radiative heating of soil decreases. We show the variations of circulation simulated by the LMD model that we obtain when albedo is increased. These changes are compared to the weakening of Easterly Jet at 200 mb observed during dry years.  相似文献   

利用NCAR/CCM3大气环流模式,模拟不同海温背景场强迫下,北半球冬季大气环流对ENSO事件的响应。结果表明,模式能够模拟出不同海温背景场下,北半球冬季大气环流对ENSO事件的不同响应,模拟结果与诊断结果基本一致。在20世纪70年代末之后的平均海温背景场强迫下,El Nio对阿留申低压的加强作用比70年代末之前更明显,而ENSO暖位相对蒙古高压的作用则由70年代末之前的轻微减弱变为明显加强。虽然70年代末以后ENSO事件的强度比70年代末之前有所增大,但ENSO对东亚大槽和东亚冬季风的减弱作用反而不再那么明显;同时在高空风场中,由ENSO激发出的PNA型异常环流在70年代末以后明显加强。  相似文献   

In this paper, the anomaly of disturbance height field over Northern Hemisphere due to SST anomaly in the tropical Atlantic Ocean is simulated by using the general circulation model of IAP. A quasi-geostrophic, 34-level spherical coordinate model is also used to compute the distribution of atmospheric circulation anomaly when there is an anomaly of heat source over the tropical Atlantic. The computed results show that, owing to the heat source anomaly over the tropical Atlantic, the EU-pattern anomaly in the winter circulation may be caused. Namely, a ridge will be enhanced over the northwest Europe, a trough will be deepened over Siberia, but a positive anomaly of disturbance height field will be formed over the northeast China, Japan and other areas of East Asia. Moreover, the numerically simulated results show that the above-mentioned EU-pattern anomalies of circulation are due to the propagations of planetary wave train. About 15 days after an anomaly of the heat source over the tropical Atlantic is injected, the EU-pattern anomaly of atmospheric circulation is formed. This is in good agreement with the results analysed theoretically. On the leave from Geophysical Institute, Faculty of Science in Tokyo University, Japan.  相似文献   

Most climate models project a weakening of the Walker circulation under global warming scenarios. It is argued, based on a global averaged moisture budget, that this weakening can be attributed to a slower rate of rainfall increase compared to that of moisture increase, which leads to a decrease in ascending motion. Through an idealized aqua-planet simulation in which a zonal wavenumber-1 SST distribution is prescribed along the equator, we find that the Walker circulation is strengthened under a uniform 2-K SST warming, even though the global mean rainfall–moisture relationship remains the same. Further diagnosis shows that the ascending branch of the Walker cell is enhanced in the upper troposphere but weakened in the lower troposphere. As a result, a "double-cell" circulation change pattern with a clockwise(anti-clockwise) circulation anomaly in the upper(lower) troposphere forms, and the upper tropospheric circulation change dominates. The mechanism for the formation of the "double cell" circulation pattern is attributed to a larger(smaller) rate of increase of diabatic heating than static stability in the upper(lower) troposphere. The result indicates that the future change of the Walker circulation cannot simply be interpreted based on a global mean moisture budget argument.  相似文献   

An assessment of six coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) is undertaken in order to evaluate their ability in simulating winter atmospheric blocking highs in the northern hemisphere. The poor representation of atmospheric blocking in climate models is a long-standing problem (e.g. D’Andrea et?al. in Clim Dyn 4:385–407, 1998), and despite considerable effort in model development, there is only a moderate improvement in blocking simulation. A modified version of the Tibaldi and Molteni (in Tellus A 42:343–365, 1990) blocking index is applied to daily averaged 500?hPa geopotential fields, from the ERA-40 reanalysis and as simulated by the climate models, during the winter periods from 1957 to 1999. The two preferred regions of blocking development, in the Euro-Atlantic and North Pacific, are relatively well captured by most of the models. However, the prominent error in blocking simulations consists of an underestimation of the total frequency of blocking episodes over both regions. A more detailed analysis revealed that this error was due to an insufficient number of medium spells and long-lasting episodes, and a shift in blocking lifetime distributions towards shorter blocks in the Euro-Atlantic sector. In the Pacific, results are more diverse; the models are equally likely to overestimate or underestimate the frequency at different spell lengths. Blocking spatial signatures are relatively well simulated in the Euro-Atlantic sector, while errors in the intensity and geographical location of the blocks emerge in the Pacific. The impact of models’ systematic errors on blocking simulation has also been analysed. The time-mean atmospheric circulation biases affect the frequency of blocking episodes, and the maximum event duration in the Euro-Atlantic region, while they sometimes cause geographical mislocations in the Pacific sector. The analysis of the systematic error in time-variability has revealed a negative relationship between the high-frequency variability of the transient eddies in the areas affected by blocking and blocking frequency. The blocking responses to errors in the low-frequency variability are different according to the region considered; the amplitude of the low-frequency variability is positively related to the blocking frequency and persistence in the Euro-Atlantic sector, while no such consistency is observed in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Large volcanic eruptions, in addition to the well-known effect of producing global cooling for a year or two, have been observed to produce shorterterm responses in the climate system involving non-linear dynamical processes. In this study, we use the ECHAM2 general circulation model forced with stratospheric aerosols to test some of these ideas. Run in a perpetual-January mode, with tropical stratospheric heating from the volcanic aerosols typical of the 1982 El Chichón eruption or the 1991 Pinatubo eruption, we find a dynamical response with an increased polar night jet in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and stronger zonal winds which extend down into the troposphere. The Azores High shifts northward with increased tropospheric westerlies at 60°N and increased easterlies at 30°N. Surface temperatures are higher both in northern Eurasia and North America, in agreement with observations for the NH winters of 1982–83 and 1991–92 as well as the winters following the other 10 largest volcanic eruptions since 1883.This paper was presented at the Second International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Variability, held in Hamburg 7–11 September 1992 under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is L. Dümenil  相似文献   

Summary The physical coupling between the occurrence of winter heavy precipitation in Europe and the surface large-scale circulation is studied by isolating their coupled modes with a singular value decomposition technique. The leading mode is a clear manifestation of the North Atlantic Oscillation forcing. The second mode reflects the influence of a centre-of-action in the pressure field westward of the British Isles. The Hadley Centre Coupled Model (3rd generation) is skilful in reproducing these two modes and an eastward extension of the North Atlantic Oscillation towards the Mediterranean Basin is projected under two future climatic scenarios. This extension yields an increase in the North Atlantic Oscillation forcing over the occurrence of heavy precipitation in several regions of Southern Europe, which is corroborated by the changes in the coupling of the daily precipitation. A combination of the first six coupled modes of the daily precipitation revealed that its amounts in some parts of Western Europe and the Mediterranean are effectively governed by the large-scale circulation. The model is still reasonably skilful in reproducing this large-scale coupling. The projected modifications, both in the strength and in the patterns of the coupled modes, explain important fractions of the projected changes in variance, which ultimately have implications in the occurrence of heavy precipitation in several European areas. Therefore, the ability of a model in reproducing the large-scale forcing over the daily precipitation is important for the reliability of its projections of the occurrence of heavy precipitation in Europe.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of the report of the (U.S.) National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on atmospheric effects of a nuclear exchange leads to conclusions that differ from those of the NAS and of the earlier TTAPS and AMBIO studies. Any cooling of the earth's surface is likely to beshort-lived because of rapid removal of the smoke clouds originating from nuclear burst-initiated fires, andminor because of appreciable green-house effects due to several distinct physical causes. (One of these, neglected in prior analyses, is the infrared absorption from cirrus clouds produced directly by the nuclear bursts.) Taken together, these effects may even induce slight surface warming (nuclear summer) instead of cooling (nuclear winter). The consequences to atmospheric ozone are similarly ambiguous; depending on the detailed nuclear scenario, the net ozone content may increase-rather than decrease as argued by TTAPS. Experiments could settle some uncertainties.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

In this paper, the first version of a new Arctic Ocean circulation and thermodynamic sea-ice model is presented by the authors based on the framework of a twenty-layer World Oceanic general circulation model developed by Zhang et al. in 1994, The model’s domain covers the Arctic Ocean and Greenland-Norwegian Seas with the horizon-tal resolution of 200 km × 200 km on a stereographic projection plane. In vertical, the model uses the Eta-coordinate (Sigma modified to have quasi-horizontal coordinate surfaces) and has ten unevenly-spaced layers to cover the deep-est water column of 3000 m. Two 150-year integrations of coupling the ocean circulation model with the sea-ice model have been performed with seasonally cyclic surface boundary conditions. The only difference between the two experiments is in the model’s geography. Some preliminary analyses of the experimental results have been done fo-cused on the following aspects: (1) surface layer temperature, salinity and current; (2) the "Atlantic Layer"; (3) sea-ice cover and its seasonal variation. In comparison with the available observational data, these results are accept-able with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Extra-tropical atmospheric circulation variability is addressed in this study using two complementary approaches: circulation types and modes of variability. Principal component analysis (PCA) in T- and S-modes has been used to estimate the features. An objective synoptic classification of Euro-Atlantic atmospheric circulation is described. Eight circulation types have been identified and described in terms of their spatial features, mean frequency and lifetime, transitions and trends. The most persistent type is connected with the presence of a ridge over the British Isles and Iceland, while the less persistent type is related to a tilted ridge west of the continent. Increases in the persistence of some circulation types such as the Scandinavian and the Euro-Atlantic blockings and a ridge with axis over Western Europe have been found in the 1990s. Data from two independent re-analyses are used to test the robustness of the results. The main differences between the two datasets have been found in the distribution of events as a function of their duration. In a second step, the main modes of variability over the Euro-Atlantic area have been identified using daily data. An analysis of the relationship between these modes and the circulation types suggests that specific circulation types shift the phases of certain modes of variability.  相似文献   

ENSO 年冬季北半球平流层大气环流异常特征分析   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
利用1957-2002年欧洲中心的再分析资料和Hadley气候预测和研究中心的全球海表温度资料,对ENSO年冬季的平流层环流进行了合成分析,分别从暖事件和冷事件年的温度场、高度场和风场,分析研究了平流层大气环流的异常特征.分析结果表明,对应El Ni(n)o年冬季,在赤道东太平洋的温度场、高度场和纬向风场都有由大气低层的正距平转变为平流层负距平的特征;与之相反,在El Ni(n)a年冬季,赤道东太平洋大气低层的负距平到了高层变为正距平.同时,在纬向平均垂直剖面图中, El Ni(n)o年冬季北半球高纬地区从对流层顶到平流层温度场和高度场为正距平,而La Ni(n)na年出现相反的情况.在热带平流层,El Ni(n)o年冬季高空纬向风场在50 hPa到15 hPa左右为负距平,从15 hPa到1 hPa为正距平;而El Ni(n)a年则相反.在El Ni(n)o年冬季100 hPa以上的北半球高纬度地区存在一个类偶极子结构的异常高度场和风场,El Ni(n)o年在极区主要为正距平,El Ni(n)a年在极区主要为负距平.  相似文献   

This paper was presented at the International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, held in Hamburg 11–15 September 1989 under the auspices of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is Dr. L. Dumenil  相似文献   

Response for anomalous circulation in relation to snow coverage is derived by use of regression coefficients in dealing with the Eurasian snow cover time series and northern mid and upper tropospheric height data. Results show that not only does the regression response pattern represent the correlation between snow coverage and circulation change but reflects the amplitude strength in correlation cores as well, with a greater amplitude of the circulation response in the mid troposphere and remarkable equivalent barotropy in the mid to upper levels, and that the response of winter-summer circulations to winter snow cover displays noticeable stationary planetary-scale wavetrain, leading to NEUP and NPNA patterns in winter, slightly changed forms in spring months and LEU and EANA in summer time. Also, the study demonstrates that the rasponse-produced wavetrain is marked by branch and propagates energy in a wave-front manner with the energy trapped at subtropical latitudes.  相似文献   

综合考虑农田生态系统中水、热、CO2输送所涉及的大气、水文、生物等生物物理过程,以Farquhar等提出的叶片尺度光合作用生物化学过程机理模型为理论基础,对其进行空间尺度扩展,并改进冠层分层方法,建立了均匀农田与大气之间物质输送和能量交换的多层模式,在模式中运用双叶模型,同时考虑叶片氮素水平垂直差异,对2008年4—5月华北平原冬小麦生长旺季农田生态系统中冠层CO2通量进行了模拟研究,并利用涡度相关观测的通量数据对模型的有效性加以验证,结果表明:在冠层多层空间,小麦拔节至孕穗期和开花至乳熟期叶片氮含量随冠层高度的衰减系数分别为0.793(R2=0.698)和1.374(R2=0.728),冠层内叶片氮含量的空间分布可以用以相对累积叶面积指数为自变量的函数来描述;模型分别计算各层阴、阳叶的光截取、气孔传导、光合作用等,最终计算冠层上方CO2通量,冬小麦农田净生态系统生产力模拟值与实测值相关显著(R2=0.78),模拟的CO2通量日变化特征晴天昼间比阴雨天和夜间的效果好;在考虑丛聚影响的叶片非随机分布的密集农田中,阴叶对总初始生产力的贡献率在35.7%左右,对生产力贡献很重要。分层统计显示,作物最终产量的形成主要...  相似文献   

The interannual variability of the European winter air temperature is partially caused by anomalous atmospheric circulation and the associated advection of air masses, mainly linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). However, a considerable part of the temperature variability is not linearly described by atmospheric circulation anomalies. Here, a long control simulation with a coupled atmosphere-ocean climate model is analyzed, with the goal of decomposing the European temperature (ET) anomalies in a part linked to the anomalous atmospheric circulation and a residual. The amount of interannual variability of each contribution is roughly 50%, although at subdecadal (overdecadal) time scales the variability of the residuals is dominant. These residuals are found to be linked to temperature anomalies of the same sign in the whole North Atlantic and Greenland, in contrast to the well-known temperature zonal seesaw associated with the NAO. The association between the residuals and other processes in the North Atlantic has been also analyzed. The thermohaline circulation, closely connected in the model to the intensity of the Gulf Stream, lags the evolution of the temperature residuals by several years and thus is not able to control their evolution. The variability of the oceanic convection in the Northern North Atlantic, on the other hand, correlates with the temperature residual at lags close to zero. It is hypothesized that oceanic convection produces a sea-surface temperature fingerprint that leads to the ET residuals. The implications of these results for multi-year predictability and for empirical climate reconstructions are discussed.  相似文献   

Tom Agnew 《大气与海洋》2013,51(2):259-280

This study looks at simultaneous changes in atmospheric circulation and extremes in sea‐ice cover during winter. Thirty‐six years of ice‐cover data and 100‐kPa height and 50–100‐kPa thickness data are used. For the entire Arctic, the study found a general weakening of the Aleutian and Icelandic lows for heavy (i.e. severe) compared with light sea‐ice conditions suggesting reduced surface heating as a possible cause. The weakening of the two lows would also reduce meridional atmospheric circulation and poleward heat transport into the Arctic. The study also looks at three regions of high sea ice and atmospheric variability: the Bering Sea, the Davis Strait/Labrador Sea and the Greenland Sea. For the Bering Sea, heavy sea‐ice conditions were accompanied by weakening and westward displacement of the Aleutian Low again suggesting reduced surface heating and the formation of a secondary low in the Gulf of Alaska. This change in circulation is consistent with increased cold air advection over the Bering Sea and changes in storm tracks and meridional heat transport found in other studies. For the Davis Strait/Labrador Sea, heavy ice‐cover winters were accompanied by intensification of the Icelandic Low suggesting atmospheric temperature and wind advection and associated changes in ocean currents as the main cause of heavy ice. For the Greenland Sea no statistically significant difference was found. It is felt that this may be due to the important role that ice export through Fram Strait and ocean currents play in determining ice extent in this region.  相似文献   

The global ocean circulation with a seasonal cycle has been simulated with a two-and-a-half layer upper-ocean model. This model was developed for the purpose of coupling to an atmospheric general circulation model for climate studies on decadal time scales. The horizontal resolution is 4° latitude by 5° longitude and is thus not eddy-resolving. Effects of bottom topography are neglected. In the vertical, the model resolves the oceanic mixed layer and the thermocline. A thermodynamic sea-ice model is coupled to the mixed layer. The model is forced at the surface with seasonally varying (a) observed wind stress, (b) heat fluxes, as defined by an atmospheric equilibrium temperature, and (c) Newtonian-type surface salt fluxes. The second layer is coupled to the underlying deep ocean through Newtonian-type diffusive heat and salt fluxes, convective overturning, and mass entrainment in the upwelling regions of the subpolar gyres. The overall global distributions of mixed layer temperature, salinity and thickness are favorably reproduced. Inherent limitations due to coarse horizontal resolution result in large mixed-layer temperature errors near continental boundaries and in weak current systems. Sea ice distributions agree well with observations except in the interiors of the Ross and Weddell Seas. A realistic time rate of change of heat storage is simulated. There is also realistic heat transport from low to high latitudes.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic aerosols (AA) have significantly caused anomalous winter mean atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere, but the main daily patterns of winter large-scale circulation change are not well understood. Here a self-organizing map analysis is applied to identify the leading patterns in AA-induced winter daily geopotential height (Z) anomaly fields simulated by three atmospheric general circulation models, with a focus on fast adjustments. Two winter daily circulation response patterns with a synoptic time scale are found: one pattern shows concurring Z anomalies over North America and North Asia with the same sign and the Bering Sea seeing the opposite, resembling the Asia–Bering–North American teleconnection; while the other is the Arctic Oscillation-like pattern with similar Z anomalies over North Pacific and North Atlantic and the opposite over the Arctic region. The AA-induced anomalous precipitation over the tropics and anomalous synoptic eddy activities over the extratropical oceans concur to support and maintain these circulation anomaly patterns. The winter-mean climate responses to AA can be understood as a result of these daily anomaly patterns, especially over the higher latitudes. Specifically, the associated changes in surface air temperature (SAT) over the mid-high latitudes are caused by the AA-driven meridional movements of polar (cold and dry) airmass and midlatitude (warm and moist) airmass in the regions, mainly through the relevant surface downward longwave radiation. This study highlights the role of AA in altering daily weather patterns, which is not sufficiently captured by seasonal mean responses.  相似文献   

The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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