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利用GAMIT软件处理了2005年9月、2006年1月和2月每天17个IGS国际GNSS服务(International GNSS Service, IGS)站的GPS观测数据,获得了地球自转参数(Earth rotation parameter, ERP)和日长变化(ΔLOD),并与IGS综合解进行了对比。利用OCCAM 6.2软件处理了相同时间内的甚长基线干涉测量(very long baseline interferometry,VLBI)观测数据,将解算结果与国际VLBI服务(International VLBI Service, IVS)结果进行了对比。分别采用基于内符合精度和IERS 08C04序列的定权方法对VLBI解算结果与GPS解算结果进行了加权平均,获得了VLBI和GPS技术对ERP和ΔLOD的协议结果。研究结果表明,VLBI解算结果与采用的插值方法有较大的关系,基于IERS 08C04序列的加权平均方法达到了利用VLBI解算结果对GPS解算结果进行修正的目的。VLBI和GPS技术的联合弥补了VLBI观测数据密度不够和GPS解算结果不稳定的缺陷,使解算结果的稳定性和可靠性有所提高。  相似文献   

国际VLBI测天测地服务机构(IVS)已组织了多次VLBI连续加密观测(CONT),提供了高精度连续的原始观测数据,在地球自转参数(ERP)的连续高频解算中起到积极的作用,揭示了地球自转高频变化的观测资料和理论模型之间的差异,有助于进一步解析其激发机制改进模型.这里使用VLBI资料处理软件系统OCCAM处理了CONT02,CONT05和CONT08数据,并进行ERP高频解算及频谱分析.从各次CONT观测的残差频谱中发现较强周期信号,反映了地球自转的特性.特别是CONT08残差频谱中存在明显的周日项信患,揭示了北半球夏季月份大气激发对地球自转的作用.  相似文献   

针对甚长基线干涉测量技术以其极高的测角精度和稳定性在解算地球定向参数和维持地球参考框架方面发挥着不可替代的作用,但是由于其设备庞大昂贵,因此测站较少且观测不连续的问题,该文首先利用VieVS软件解算了2012—2016年的甚长基线干涉测量数据,获得地球定向参数。提出了采用极坐标插值法对极移参数进行插值,以获取连续的极移参数解。对插值后的极移时间序列进行频谱分析,得到较为明显的周年、半周年等周期项,验证了本文采用插值方法的可行性和可靠性。  相似文献   

处理了2008-01~2009-03的VLBI观测数据,提取了日长变化信息,并与IVS网站的结果进行了对比;计算了日长变化的月周期长度和半月周期长度;利用近几年VLBI数据中的日长变化信息绘制日长变化曲线,分析了日长的季节性变化及引起日长变化的因素。  相似文献   

地球同步卫星定位是利用三球交会原理精确解算用户位置参数的定位方式。定位的精度体现为解算结果的位置精度,它受到多方面因素的影响。定位解算所需的主要源是用户观测量(伪距),因此伪距的精度直接影响了定位的精度。在观测到的伪距中包含了多项误差,而地球自转的影响是其中一项主要的误来源,必须加以修正。在实际的定位解算中,伪距的误差将会给定位结果带来相同量级的位置误差。本文详细讨论了地球同点卫星定位中的地球自转  相似文献   

目的 选取不同数量的IGS站,分别利用GPS和GPS+GLONASS观测数据计算ERP参数,并将结果和IGS公布值进行比较,分析测站数量增加和加入GLONASS观测数据对解算ERP参数的影响。此外,还利用GLO-NASS卫星的全部卫星激光测距(SLR)数据进行ERP参数解算,并将SLR结果和GNSS解算结果联合计算ERP,结果表明,联合SLR可改善GNSS数据解算ERP参数及高频ERP参数的系统性误差影响和稳定性。  相似文献   

介绍了改善解算未合格基线的解算条件、使尽可能多的基线得到满意解、提高基线解算质量、得到可靠的网平差结果、避免大量的基线重测工作、以提高工作效率的方法。  相似文献   

针对倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)是特殊的地球同步圆轨道,轨道稳定性较好,可以覆盖高纬度地区的特点,研究了北斗三频单历元基线解算中IGSO卫星对其精度的影响。采用内蒙古地区和安徽地区的两条短基线,在GEO和MEO卫星的基础上,按可见性增加一颗IGSO卫星参与解算。实验结果表明:增加1~3颗可见性较好的IGSO卫星时,模糊度解算成功率最高,且定位精度最佳;增加4~5颗IGSO卫星时,模糊度解算成功率和定位精度相对于1~3颗均有所下降。   相似文献   

GNSS(global navigation satellite system)静态基线网的解算方法通常采用单基线解算模式或多基线解算模式。这两种方法均有一定的局限性。本文综合两类方法的优点,提出了单基线和多基线联合解算模式的两步法。首先基于单基线模式利用多频率的载波相位观测值解算监测站间的双差整周模糊度,并使用严格的固定准则确定模糊度;然后利用多基线模式进行联合坐标和天顶对流层参数的估计,再结合最小二乘估计解算定位结果。选取国内某水电站静态形变监测数据为研究对象,进行基线解算方法测试和分析。实验结果表明多基线联合解算两步法在精度和可靠性上有较大优势,平面定位精度为亚毫米级,高程定位精度提高1~2倍;并可以明显改善基线网的解算速度,在高精度变形监测应用中具有可行性与通用性。  相似文献   

VLBI观测的电离层延迟改正模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
电离层是大气层中的一个电离区域,高度范围大约在60-1000km。电磁波信号穿越电离层时其传播速度会发生变化,传播路径也会略微发生弯曲,从而使信号的传播时间乘以在真空中的光速不等于信号源至测站的几何距离。对VLBI观测来讲,电离层引起的差异可达近百米百米。文中从电磁波的传播原理出发,讨论了信号传播速度和传播路径变化引起的VLBI观测延迟;对目前采用的各种电离层延迟模型进行了分析总结;并指出单频率VLBI观测应顾及高阶项和路径弯曲的影响或使用区域性电离层延迟改正模型。  相似文献   

Combinations of station coordinates and velocities from independent space-geodetic techniques have long been the standard method to realize robust global terrestrial reference frames (TRFs). In principle, the particular strengths of one observing method can compensate for weaknesses in others if the combination is properly constructed, suitable weights are found, and accurate co-location ties are available. More recently, the methodology has been extended to combine time-series of results at the normal equation level. This allows Earth orientation parameters (EOPs) to be included and aligned in a fully consistent way with the TRF. While the utility of such multi-technique combinations is generally recognized for the reference frame, the benefits for the EOPs are yet to be quantitatively assessed. In this contribution, which is a sequel to a recent paper on co-location ties (Ray and Altamimi in J Geod 79(4–5): 189–195, 2005), we have studied test combinations of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) and Global Positioning System (GPS) time-series solutions to evaluate the effects on combined EOP measurements compared with geophysical excitations. One expects any effect to be small, considering that GPS dominates the polar motion estimates due to its relatively dense and uniform global network coverage, high precision, continuous daily sampling, and homogeneity, while VLBI alone observes UT1-UTC. Presently, although clearly desirable, we see no practical method to rigorously include the GPS estimates of length-of-day variations due to significant time-varying biases. Nevertheless, our results, which are the first of this type, indicate that more accurate polar motion from GPS contributes to improved UT1-UTC results from VLBI. The situation with combined polar motion is more complex. The VLBI data contribute directly only very slightly, if at all, with an impact that is probably affected by the weakness of the current VLBI networks (small size and sparseness) and the quality of local ties relating the VLBI and GPS frames. Instead, the VLBI polar motion information is used primarily in rotationally aligning the VLBI and GPS frames, thereby reducing the dependence on co-location tie information. Further research is needed to determine an optimal VLBI-GPS combination strategy that yields the highest quality EOP estimates. Improved local ties (including internal systematic effects within the techniques) will be critically important in such an effort.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new geometry index of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observing networks, the volume of network V, is examined as an indicator of the errors in the Earth orientation parameters (EOP) obtained from VLBI observations. It has been shown that both EOP precision and accuracy can be well described by the power law σ = aV c in a wide range of the network size from domestic to global VLBI networks. In other words, as the network volume grows, the EOP errors become smaller following a power law. This should be taken into account for a proper comparison of EOP estimates obtained from different VLBI networks. Thus, performing correct EOP comparison allows us to investigate accurately finer factors affecting the EOP errors. In particular, it was found that the dependence of the EOP precision and accuracy on the recording data rate can also be described by a power law. One important conclusion is that the EOP accuracy depends primarily on the network geometry and to lesser extent on other factors, such as recording mode and data rate and scheduling parameters, whereas these factors have a stronger impact on the EOP precision.  相似文献   

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) plays a unique and fundamental role in the maintenance of the global (terrestrial and celestial) reference frames, which are required for precise positioning in many research areas such as the understanding and monitoring of global changes, and for space missions. The International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) coordinates the global VLBI components and resources on an international basis. The service is tasked by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and International Astronomical Union (IAU) to provide products for the realization of the Celestial Reference Frame (CRF) through the positions of quasars, to deliver products for the maintenance of the terrestrial reference frame (TRF), such as station positions and their changes with time, and to generate products describing the rotation and orientation of the Earth. In particular, VLBI uniquely provides direct observations of nutation parameters and of the time difference UT1-UTC. This paper summarizes the evolution and current status of the IVS. It points out the activities to improve further on the product quality to meet future service requirements.  相似文献   

Earth orientation parameters (EOPs) provide a link between the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). Natural geodynamic processes, such as earthquakes, can cause the motion of stations to become discontinuous and/or non-linear, thereby corrupting the EOP estimates if the sites are assumed to move linearly. The VLBI antenna at the Gilcreek Geophysical Observatory has undergone non-linear, post-seismic motion as a result of the Mw=7.9 Denali earthquake in November 2002, yet some VLBI analysts have adopted co-seismic offsets and a linear velocity model to represent the motion of the site after the earthquake. Ignoring the effects of the Denali earthquake leads to error on the order of 300–600 μas for the EOP, while modelling the post-seismic motion of Gilcreek with a linear velocity generates errors of 20–50 μas. Only by modelling the site motion with a non-linear function is the same level of accuracy of EOP estimates maintained. The effect of post-seismic motion on EOP estimates derived from the International VLBI Service IVS-R1 and IVS-R4 networks are not the same, although changes in network geometries and equipment improvements have probably affected the estimates more significantly than the earthquake-induced deformation at Gilcreek.  相似文献   

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