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The isotopic compositions of strontium in 25 basalts and relatedvolcanic rocks from both oceanic and continental localitieshave been determined. The isotopic abundance of Sr87, convenientlyexpressed as the Sr87/Sr86 ratio, was found to vary from 0?7047to 0?7101. The range of variation is outside experimental errorsand is considered to be significant. No consistent differencein the value of the Sr87/Sr86 ratio was observed for basaltsfrom continental and oceanic localities. The average Sr87/Sr86ratio for eleven oceanic basalts was found to be 0?7072?0?0003,whereas fourteen continental basalts and related volcanic rocksaveraged Sr87/Sr86=0?7082?0?0003. The errors are the standarddeviations of the mean. The average Sr87/Sr86 ratio for all25 basalts is 0?7078 with limits of variation of +0?002 and–0?003. The concentrations of rubidium and strontium in a representativenumber of the basalts were determined by isotope dilution. Fiveolivine basalts averaged Rb=17?6 p.p.m., Sr=390?55 p.p.m., Rb/Sr=0?044?0?018;whereas six tholeiitic basalts were found to contain 30?7 p.p.m.Rb, 504?167 p.p.m. Sr, Rb/Sr=0?060?0?024. On the basis of the most reliable rubidium and strontium analysesof igneous and sedimentary rocks available in the literaturethe Rb/Sr ratio of the near-surface part of the continentalcrust is estimated to be 0?25. If its average age is approximately2 billion years and its initial Sr87/Sr86 ratio was 0?704, thepresent average value would be 0?725. This estimate is compatiblewith results obtained for two composites of Palaeozoic shalewhich averaged Sr87/Sr86=0?7215?0?001. The hypothesis is advanced that there is sufficient enrichmentof Sr87 in crustal materials so that the value of the Sr87/Sr86ratio of igneous rocks at the time of crystallization can beused as a criterion for the origin of the material. The initialSr87/Sr86 ratio of an igneous rock formed by assimilation, remelting,or granitization of old crustal material enriched in rubidiumis expected to be measurably higher than that of igneous rockswhich are products of fractional crystallization of basalt magmaor were derived from undifferentiated basaltic material at depthin the crust. The initial Sr87/Sr86 ratio, time of crystallization, and possibleco-magmatic relationships of differentiated intrusive igneousrocks or series of lava flows of different compositions canbe indicated by the convergence of the whole-rock strontiumdevelopment lines. This method is illustrated by the intrusivealkaline rocks of the Monteregian hills, Quebec.  相似文献   

The isotopic abundance of strontium has been measured in representativerock-types from the Tertiary igneous suite in the Isle of Skye,north-west Scotland. The isotopic abundance of Sr87, expressedas the Sr87/Sr86 ratio, for twelve basalts, dolerites, gabbros,and peridotites is 0.7058?0.0010. On the other hand, the averageinitial Sr87/Sr86 ratio for one granite from the Eastern RedhillsComplex and for three granites from the Western Redhills Complexis 0.7124?0.0015. The three principal members of the marscoitesuite of the Western Redhills Centre, namely, ferrodiorite,porphyritic felsite, and marscoite, also have significantlyhigher initial Sr87/Sr86 ratios than the basaltic rocks. Itis concluded that the rocks with high initial ratios were derivedfrom a source with significantly higher Rb/Sr ratio than thatof the basaltic rocks. The hypothesis which is most in accordwith the isotopic evidence is that the granitic rocks and themarscoite suite were produced by partial melting of ancientLewisian rocks, which form the underlying basement at no greatdepth in this area. Rb—Sr (and K-Ar) age determinations were carried out onsome representative rocks from the Eastern and Western RedhillsCentres. It was not possible to establish a significant agedifference between any of the rock units from either Centres.The mean age is 54?3 m.y. and suggests that intrusion of thegranitic rocks of Skye occurred during a relatively short periodof time within the Lower or Middle Eocene peroid.  相似文献   

Lavas from Heard Island, located on the Kerguelen Plateau inthe southern Indian Ocean, exhibit the largest range (e.g.,87Sr/86Sr=0.7047–0.7079) of isotopic compositions yetobserved on a single oceanic island. Isotopic compositions arewell correlated and are accompanied by systematic changes inincompatible trace element ratios, particularly those involvingNb. These variations are interpreted as resulting from mixingbetween two components. One is characterized by high 87Sr/86Sr,low 206Pb/204Pb and 143Nd/144Nd ratios, and negative Nb andEu anomalies, and is derived ultimately from the upper continentalcrust. The other has lower 87Sr/86Sr, and higher 206Pb/204Pband 143Nd/144Nd ratios, and lacks the depletions in Nb and Eu.Two possible compositions are considered for the low-87Sr/86Srcomponent of the source. The first is at the low-87Sr/86Sr endof the Heard Island data array, represented most closely bylavas from the Laurens Peninsula. However, trace element variationssuggest that these lavas might not be representive of the Heardplume. The second is close to the low-87Sr/86Sr end of the isotopicarray for lavas from the main volcano. In this case a lithosphericmantle origin is suggested for the Laurens Peninsula lavas.The relationships between isotopic data, major element compositions,and incompatible trace element ratios indicate that the continent-derivedmaterial is probably present in the mantle source, where itmakes a maximum contribution of <4 wt.% for all but one HeardIsland sample. However, if the Kerguelen Plateau is a submergedcontinental block, shallow-level contamination cannot be ruledout. The binary mixing model developed to explain the Heard Islandgeochemical variations is extended to include other Indian Oceanoceanic island and mid-ocean ridge basalts (OIB and MORB). Weshow that isotopic compositions of Indian Ocean OIB are consistentwith sampling of a regional reservoir in which the same twocomponents exist in variable proportions (generally 1–5wt.% of the continent-derived component). The distinctive isotopiccompositions of Indian Ocean MORB are consistent with mixingof a similar component into an Atlantic-or Pacific-like MORBmantle source. The relatively unradiogenic 206Pb/204Pb isotopiccompositions of these ‘enriched’ Indian Ocean mantlecomponents are unlike any present-day marine sediments and indicatethat their source has had 238U/204Pb ratios (µ) much lowerthan typical upper continental crust for > 1 Ga. These agespre-date the formation of Gondwana (600-130 Ma) and thereforedo not support sediment subduction beneath Gondwana as the causeof enrichment in the sub-Indian Ocean mantle. We propose thatthe enrichment of Indian Ocean OIB sources was due to subductionof upper-crustal material beneath a Proterozoic precursor ofGondwana at 1–2 Ga. The enrichment of the Indian OceanMORB sources could have had a similar origin, or could havebeen derived from sub-continental lithospheric mantle returnedto the asthenospheric mantle, perhaps during the break-up ofGondwana (200–130 Ma).  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Sr and the abundances of Rb andSr have been determined in the alkaline rocks of the Fen Complex,South Norway. The 87Sr/88Sr ratios range from as low as 0.703in carbonatite (s?vite) to as high as 0.710 in rauhaugite. Thewhole rock analyses do not plot on a Nicolaysen diagram as anisochron. Calculation of the initial isotopic composition ofSr in the rocks at the time of intrusion of the complex, approximately550 m.y. ago, shows that the rocks are not simply related asthe differentiation products of a single magma, since they donot possess similar initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The lowest initialratio is seen in the s?vites and it is concluded that this rockrepresents the magma from which the other rocks of the complexwere derived. Production of hybrid rocks by bulk assimilationof granite gneiss in carbonatite is inadequate to account forthe observed Rb/Sr ratios. It is envisaged that selective concentrationof granitic Sr of high 87Sr/86Sr ratio together with loss orgain of variable amounts of Rb has taken place. The processis closely connected with the fenitization observed at the marginsof the complex and is of a metasomatic nature. Thus, the genesisof rocks of the melteigite-ijolite-urtite series may be consideredto be a rheomorphic process. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios observed inr?dberg and rauhaugite can be explained in terms of the metasomaticalteration of damtjernite.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of strontium in the different partsof the differentiated Skaergaard intrusion has been determined.The average Sr87/Sr86 ratio for the basic rocks was found tobe 0?7065?0?002. Higher values, between 0?7101 and 0?7303, wererestricted to the late-stage acid granophyres. The Sr87/Sr86ratios for the basic Skaergaard rocks are similar to those foundby previous workers. The enrichment in Sr87 expressed in theSr87/Sr86 ratio is taken to indicate contamination of the acidgranophyres by a source enriched in Sr87. From considerationsbased upon circumstantial evidence the average country rock,composed of old Precambrian acid to intermediate gneiss, isnot sufficiently enriched in.Sr87 to account for the Sr87 enrichmentobserved in the acid granophyres by a simple assimilation process.At the present stage of the investigation the enrichment ofthe acid granophyres in Sr87 is unexplained.  相似文献   

Twenty representative rocks ranging from lamprophyric to granitic composition, from the Spanish Peaks igneous Complex, south-central Colorado, were analyzed for Sr isotopic compositions and their concentrations of K, Rb, Sr and Ba. The various igneous rocks from this Cenozoic complex do not have a comagmatic relationship from the evidence of their Sr isotopic compositions. Due to the generally low Sr87/Sr86 isotopic ratios, the possibility of the highly radiogenic underlying Precambrian basement as the source of magma generation can be ruled out. The sources for the magmas of this igneous complex must be in the upper mantle or the lower crust. Model calculations using elemental distribution coefficients and assumed mantle materials suggest that the abundant lamprophyric magmas in this region could be derived from a phlogopite-bearing hornblende peridotite by a small degree of partial melting (<5%) at lower pressure environment (<50 km). Other possibilities for lamprophyric magma generation were also examined. The slightly higher Sr87/Sr86 ratios observed in the granitic rocks are interpreted as reflecting the nature of this source-the lower crust. Alternatively, they may suggest a limited contamination of the original liquid by upper crustal material. For the entire igneous complex, mixing of two independent magmas, lymprophyric and granitic, is suggested to be the mechanism responsible for the complicated and diverse chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The Sr- and Nd-isotopic compositions of large mid-Cenozoic caldera-forming eruptions, and related rocks, from the western portion of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field have been determined. The average initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 27 samples from felsic flows range from 0.70629 to 0.72872; however, all but two flows are 0.71337 or less. Ten analyses of intermediate and mafic rocks showed a tendency towards lower initial 87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.70363 to 0.70968. Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios of II felsic and intermediate rocks range from 0.51216 to 0.51231. Two basalts analyzed for 143Nd/144Nd have ratios of 0.51250 and 0.51291. During the course of the volcanic activity from 34 Ma to the present, there was a shift towards lower initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and lower SiO2 contents. A number of models of crustal melting, fractionation, mixing, and assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC), using a variety of possible endmembers, were tested, to see if they could explain the isotopic and geochemical characteristics of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic rocks. The best fit was an AFC model using two components, one a mantle-sourced primary magma, with isotopic ratios of the Kilbourne Hole, N. M., basanite, and the other an upper crust with average continental isotopic ratios, and Sr and Nd abundances similar to the Texas Canyon pluton of Arizona.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Pb and Sr and the abundances of Rb, Sr, U, Th, and Pb were determined for whole rock samples from all major volcanic centres of the Cenozoic alkaline volcanism of Central and South Italy, together with some samples from the contemporaneous anatectic Tuscan volcanism. The Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the alkaline rocks show a negative correlation combined with a regional trend: the 87Sr86Sr ratios decrease from 0.711 in the north-west to 0.704 in the south-east, while the 206Pb204Pb ratios increase from 18.7 to 20.0. Variations in both isotopic compositions are generally small throughout erupted rock sequences for any volcanic centre.The Pb and Sr isotopic abundance variations are interpreted on the basis of two alternative models, which correspond to two groups of geological processes: variations can result (i) from a time dependent development in subsystems with different RbSr or U(Th)Pb ratios or, (ii) from mixing of Sr or Pb with different isotopic compositions. Combining both Pb and Sr isotope abundance measurements it is shown that the source of each volcanic centre is formed by various degrees of mixing between two components. One component and the most southern Tuscan anatectic rocks most likely have a common source, whereas the other component of the mixing process is suggested to be a liquid fraction derived from a small degree of partial fusion of a hydrous mantle. Thus at least a two-stage evolution of the Italian alkaline rocks is indicated: first a mixing process leading to the formation of the parental material followed by differentiation processes leading to the formation of the erupted rock sequences.The geodynamic model which explains the data best is that of a lateral inhomogeneous mantle. The lateral inhomogeneities in the mantle would be the result of mixing between originally mantle and crustal derived material. The mixing process itself would not have any primary connection with the Quarternary volcanic activity.  相似文献   

Strontium isotopic studies of kimberlites reveal no significant differences between the respective whole-rock Sr87/Sr86 ratios of fissure and pipe kimberlites. Kimberlites from the Swartruggens fissure (calcareous micaceous kimberlite) have Sr87/Sr86 ratios of from 0.709 to 0.716, whilst those from the Wesselton pipe have Sr87/Sr86 ratios of from 0.708 to 0.715. Other kimberlites range from 0.706 to 0.715. Samples are considered to be late Cretaceous to early Tertiary and thus the ratios are approximately initial ratios. The Sr87/Sr86 ratios bear no relation to the Rb or Sr content of individual kimberlite bodies. The high initial ratios are not due to bulk assimilation of granitic material in either a kimberlite or carbonatitic magma. Rb-Sr data for garnet peridotites and eclogite xenoliths in kimberlite are not compatible with production of kimberlite by eclogite fractionation from a melt derived from garnet lherzolite. The Sr isotopic composition of kimberlite is compatible with partial melting of garnet mica peridotite. The isotopic composition of liquids formed by partial melting of this rock can be modified by (i) gross contamination with material of low Sr87/Sr86 ratio or (ii) selective diffusion of material of high Sr87/Sr86 ratio into kimberlitic fluids.  相似文献   

The strontium isotopic compositions have been determined for twelve tholeiitic basalts dredged from the Gordo and Juan de Fuca Rises. Sr87/Sr86 ratios range from 0.7012 to 0.7031 and average 0.7026. These data, combined with other data from the East Pacific Rise indicate that tholeiite basalts being erupted along the active rises, in the Pacific Ocean, contain less radiogenic Sr87 than basalts erupted on the islands. These isotopic differences between the ocean-ridge tholeiite and the more alkali island basalts indicate that variations in Rb/Sr have persisted in the mantle for billions of years. The possible origins and distribution of these heterogeneties are discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis has been made of the Rb-Sr geochronologyof an area of regional metamorpnism at Cooma, N.S.W. The areacontains a central granite mass surrounded by meta-morphic zonesdecreasing radially in metamorphic grade. Rb–Sr measurements on total-rock and mineral samples definea high uniform Sr87/Sr86 ratio, 0?7179?0?0005, in the graniteat 415?12 m.yrs. This indicates either the inheritance of radiogenicSr, if the 415 m.yr age represents the time of formation ofthe granite, or else a re-arrangement of radiogenic Sr withinthe granite after its formation. The values for the indicated age and initial Sr87/Sr86 of thehigh-grade metasediments are very close to those of the granite,suggesting a genetic relationship between the two. In contrastto this, the more distant greenschist facies metasediments havea significantly greater age, 460?11 m.yrs, and a lower initialSr87/Sr86, 0?710?0?002. By considering the movement of strontium isotopes necessaryto produce the linear correlations between Sr87/Sr86 and Rb87/Sr86observed in the various samples, and the restrictions to suchmovement apparently set by geological evidence, it is concludedthat no extensive rearrangement of isotopes occurred at Coomalater than the high-grade metamorphism. The high initial Sr87/Sr86in the granite is therefore regarded as an original feature. The age and Sr/Rb ratios of the adjacent metasedimentary rocksyield a range in the Sr87/ Sr86 values at the times of graniteformation whose mean value would approximate to the primaryvalue observed in the granite. Production of the granite byanatexis of these sediments is, therefore, quite compatiblewith its particular Sr87 abundance.  相似文献   

Ultramafic xenoliths from alkali basalts in the Perjani Mountainsin the Eastern Transylvanian Basin (ETB) of Romania are mainlyspinel Iherzolites, although spinel harzburgites, websterites,clinopyroxenites and amphibole pyroxenites are also present.Amphibole veins cut some spinel peridotite samples. All arederived from the shallow lithospheric upper mantle. In general,textural variations are restricted to protogranular and porphyroclastictypes, compared with the more varied textures found in mantlexenoliths from the alkali basalts of the neighbouring PannonianBasin. Also, ETB peridotites are richer in amphibole. Thus,the mantle beneath the edge of the ETB is less deformed butmore strongly metasomatized than the mantle closer to the centreof the Pannonian Basin.Mineralogical and bulk-rock geochemicalvariations resemble those of spinel Iherzolites from other sub-continentalshallow mantle xenolith suites. There is no apparent correlationbetween deformation and geochemistry, and much of the majorand trace element variation is due to variable extraction ofpicritic melts. The REE patterns of separated clinopyroxenesfrom the peridotite xenoliths are mostly LREE depleted, althoughclinopyroxenes from regions adjacent to amphibole veins haveexperienced an enrichment in La and Ce and a change in theirSr and Nd isotopic values towards those of the vein, while stillretaining an overall LREE depletion. Clinopyroxenes from thewebsterites and clinopyroxenites are more variable. Amphibolein the hydrous pyroxenites and amphibole veins is strongly LREEenriched and is considered to be metasomatic in origin. 87Sr/86Srand 143Nd/l44Nd isotopic ratios of the xenoliths vary between07018 and 07044, and 051355 and 0 51275, respectively. Thesevalue are more depleted than those obtained for xenoliths fromthe Pannonian Basin. The lower l43Nd/l44Nd and higher 87Sr/Sr86values are found in anhydrous pyroxenites, metasomatic amphibolesin veins and amphibole pyroxenites, and in the only exampleof an equigranular spinel Iherzolite in the suite.The ETB xenolithswere brought to the surface in alkaline vokanism which post-dateda period of Miocene to Pliocene subduction-related cak-alkalinevolcanism. However, the effects of the passage of either slab-derivedfluids or cak-alkaline magmas through the ETB lithospheric mantlecannot be discerned in the chemistry of the xenoliths. The metasomaticamphibole has 87Sr/Sr86 and 143Sr/Sr144 ratios similar to thehost alkali basalts, but the least evoked cak-alkaline magmasalso have similar Sr and Nd isotope compositions. The REE patternsof the amphibole resembk those of amphiboles considered to havecrystallized from alkaline melts. No preferential enrichmentin elements typically associated with slab-derivedfluids (K,Rb and Sr) relative to elements typically depleted in cak-alkalinemagmas (Ti, 2jr and Nb) has been observed in the vein amphiboles,although some interstitial amphibole is depleted in all incompatibletrace elements, including LREE. Thus, despite its position closeto the calc-alkaline volcanic arc of the Eastern Carpathians,we cannot readily detect any interaction between the lithosphericupper mantle beneath the ETB and subduction-related magmas orfluids. Metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle is instead largelyrelated to the passage of a primitive alkaline magma similarto the host alkali basal *corresponding author  相似文献   

The processes operating in the development of chemical zonationin silicic magma chambers have been addressed with a Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Thisotope study of the chemically zoned trachyte pumice depositof the Fogo A eruption, Fogo volcano, Azores. Sr isotopic variationis observed in whole rocks, glass separates and sanidine phenocrysts(whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr: 0·7049–0·7061; glass87Sr/86Sr: 0·7048–0·7052; sanidine 87Sr/86Sr:0·7048–0·7062). Thorium isotopic variationis observed in glass separates, with (230Th/232Th)o rangingfrom 0·8737 to 0·8841, and exhibiting a negativecorrelation with Sr isotopes. The Nd, Pb and Hf isotopic compositionsof the whole-rock trachytic pumices are invariant and indistinguishablefrom basalts flanking the volcano. The Sr isotope variationsin the whole rocks are proposed to be the result of three distinctprocesses: contamination of the Fogo A magma by assimilationof radiogenic seawater-altered syenite wall rock, to explainthe Sr and Th isotopic compositions of the glass separates;incorporation of xenocrysts into the trachytic magma, requiredto explain the range in feldspar Sr isotopic compositions; andpost-eruptive surface alteration. This study emphasizes theimportance of determining the isotopic composition of glassand mineral separates rather than whole rocks when pre-eruptivemagmatic processes are being investigated. KEY WORDS: Azores; open-system processes; Sr isotopes; trachytic pumices; zoned magma chambers  相似文献   

K-feldspar megacrysts (Kfm) are used to investigate the magmaticevolution of the 7 Ma Monte Capanne (MC) monzogranite (Elba,Italy). Dissolution and regrowth of Kfm during magma mixingor mingling events produce indented resorption surfaces associatedwith high Ba contents. Diffusion calculations demonstrate thatKfm chemical zoning is primary. Core-to-rim variations in Ba,Rb, Sr, Li and P support magma mixing (i.e. high Ba and P andlow Rb/Sr at rims), but more complex variations require othermechanisms. In particular, we show that disequilibrium growth(related to variations in diffusion rates in the melt) may haveoccurred as a result of thermal disturbance following influxof mafic magma in the magma chamber. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios(ISr) (obtained by microdrilling) decrease from core to rim.Inner core analyses define a mixing trend extending towardsa high ISr–Rb/Sr melt component, whereas the outer coresand rims display a more restricted range of ISr, but a largerrange of Rb/Sr. Lower ISr at the rim of one megacryst suggestsmixing with high-K calc-alkaline mantle-derived volcanics ofsimilar age on Capraia. Trace element and isotopic profilessuggest (1) early megacryst growth in magmas contaminated bycrust and refreshed by high ISr silicic melts (as seen in theinner cores) and (2) later recharge with mafic magmas (as seenin the outer cores) followed by (3) crystal fractionation, withpossible interaction with hydrothermal fluids (as seen in therim). The model is compatible with the field occurrence of maficenclaves and xenoliths. KEY WORDS: Elba; monzogranite; K-feldspar megacrysts; zoning; magma mixing; trace element; Sr isotopes; petrogenesis  相似文献   

Major and trace element, and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositionswere determined for whole-rock samples from the ‘isotopicallyanomalous’ Akagi volcano in the volcanic front of theNE Japan arc. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of phenocrystswere also analyzed together with their major and trace elementcompositions. Compared with the other volcanoes from the volcanicfront, the whole-rock isotope compositions of Akagi show highlyenriched characteristics; 87Sr/86Sr = 0·7060–0·7088,  相似文献   

 One diamond-bearing and eight graphite-bearing eclogite xenoliths are described from the Bellsbank kimberlites, Cape Province, South Africa. Graphite mostly occurs as discrete grains which are commonly in the form of tabular prisms. Diamond is octahedral. Both Group I and Group II eclogite varieties are represented by the graphite-bearing specimens, while the single diamond-bearing eclogite is of the Group I variety. The carbon isotopic composition of the graphite varies from δ13C=−7‰ to δ13C=−2.8‰. This is within the range of carbon isotopic compositions for inclusion-free diamonds in kimberlite from this locality, suggesting that the carbon for the eclogites as well as some of the kimberlite diamonds are derived from the same source. The present day Nd isotopic compositions of clinopyroxene from three graphite-bearing xenoliths are slightly higher than the bulk earth estimate. Sr isotopic compositions of the clinopyroxene in these xenoliths vary from 87Sr/86Sr=0.703 to 87Sr/86Sr=0.706. This could be due to derivation of the xenoliths from a protolith with variable 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition or could be the result of mixing between a low-Sr, high 87Sr/86Sr component and a high Sr, low 87Sr/86Sr component. Received: 1 June 1994/Accepted: 6 March 1995  相似文献   

Chemical and Sr isotopic analyses have been made of waters from 16 geothermal sites in Iceland with particular reference to the systems at Reykjanes and Svartsengi for which compositions of geothermal sea water and fresh and hydrothermally-altered rocks have been compared. The alkalies display mixing relationships indicating a hydrothermal input of Rb and K to local meteoric and sea waters as do results for Sr and Ca involving high-temperature fluids. 87Sr86Sr ratios of the geothermal waters of meteoric origin parallel those of associated rocks but are higher. Ratios for geothermal sea waters are 0.7042 (Reykjanes) and 0.7040 (Svartsengi), lower than for normal sea water (0.7092) because of leaching of Sr from rocks followed by partial removal into alteration minerals, of which epidote and chlorite may be most important. Consequently, associated hydrothermally-altered rocks have been subject to significant Sr isotopic contamination by sea water Sr raising 87Sr86Sr ratios from 0.7032 for fresh rock to 0.7038–0.7042 (Reykjanes) and to 0.7039–0.7041 (Svartsengi). Altered basalt is only ~50% equilibrated isotopically with geothermal sea water, at a water/rock ratio of ~2, but is internally equilibrated whereas palagonitized rocks (water/rock ratio of 3 to 4) are close to Sr isotopic equilibrium with associated sea water but show significant internal Sr disequilibrium. Hydrothermal input is unlikely to be important in the oceanic mass balance of Sr but is likely to be highly significant in controlling the strontium isotopic composition of sea water.  相似文献   

TAMURA  Y.; NAKAMURA  E. 《Journal of Petrology》1996,37(6):1307-1319
New Sr and Nd isotopic data are presented and integrated withprevious data for the Shirahama Group Mio-Pliocene medium-Kvolcanic are suite of south-central Honshu, Japan. Main resultsare: (1) The Shirahama lavas range in 87Sr/86Sr from 0.70315to 0.70337 and in 143Nd/144Nd from 0.51298 to 0.51306; the Srand Nd isotopic data cluster tightly within the mantle array,and all lie within an overlapping field of mid-ocean ridge basaltand ocean island basalt; (2) small differences exist among theShirahama tholeiitic series, calc-alkaline series and mixedlavas. The present isotopic data are consistent with a previouslypublished model, which proposes that chemical variations inmagmas of coexisting tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series areproduced through crystal fractionation from mantle-derived magmasof basalt and magnesian andesite, respectively. Moreover, thetholeiitic series and the calc-alkaline series are isotopicallyidentical. Thus, both magma series can be derived from a sourcemantle with the same isotopic composition, supporting the hypothesisof simultaneous generation of basalt and magnesian andesitemagmas from a single diapir rising through the mantle wedgeabove the subduction zone. The differences of water contentand temperature within the diapir are again thought to havebeen produced through dehydration and heating of an isotopicallyhomogeneous hydrous diapir. The isotopic data show that thehigh-SiO2 lavas have the same isotopic compositions as moremafic lavas. These data and liquid lines of descent of the Shirahamamagmas suggest that even rhyolites can be produced by differentiationfrom mantle-derived magmas without crustal contamination. Analysesfrom 38 other arc volcanoes have been compiled to investigatethe intravolcano variability of 87Sr/86Sr. Twelve of these displayno intravolcano strontium isotopic variability, as is the casewith the Shirahama Group, but others show greater variationof 87Sr/86Sr from individual volcanic centers, presumably reflectingcrustal contamination. Most of the latter volcanoes are underlainby thick continental crust. It is noteworthy, however, thatthe greater variations of 87Sr/86Sr correlate with SiO2 content;andesites or dacites, not basalts, from the same volcano havethe lowest 87Sr/86Sr, and these rocks are calc-alkaline in termsof FeO*/MgO and SiO2 Theoretically, assimilation of continentalcrust by the isotopically uniform Shirahama magmas could producethese relationships. Given that mantle-derived basalt and magnesianandesite both encounter continental crust on their ascent tothe surface, the hotter basalt magma would assimilate more crustalwallrocks than the cooler andesite, resulting in the basaltbeing more radiogenic. Fractional crystallization, magma mixing,and/or assimilation-fractional crystallization of these magmasin crustal magma chambers could produce large compositionalvariations, but the derivatives of the hotter basaltic magmas(tholeiitic series in the broad sense) would display greatercontamination than those derived from the cooler andesitic magmas(calc-alkaline series). *Telephone: 81-858-43-1215. Fax: 81-858-43-2184. e-mail: tamura{at}misasa.okayam-u.ac.jp  相似文献   

Ultramafic (lherzolites, metasomatized peridotites, harzburgites,websterites and clinopyroxenites) and mafic igneous (basalts,dolerites, diorites and gabbros) rocks exposed at the sea-flooralong the West Iberia continental margin represent a rare opportunityto study the transition zone between continental and oceaniclithosphere. The igneous rocks are enriched in LREE, unlikeNorth Atlantic MORB. A correlation between their 143Nd/144Ndisotopic composition and Ce/Yb ratio suggests that they originatefrom mixing between partial melts of a depleted mantle sourcesimilar to DMM and of an enriched mantle source which may residewithin the continental lithosphere. Clinopyroxenes and amphibolesin the ultramafic rocks are LREE depleted and have flat HREEpatterns with concentrations higher than those of abyssal peridotites.Clinopyroxenes in the harzburgites are less LREE depleted buthave lower HREE concentrations. The clinopyroxenes in the GaliciaBank (GB) lherzolites have radiogenic Nd (143Nd/144Nd rangingfrom 0·512937 to 0·513402) and unradiogenic Sr(87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0·702100 to 0·702311)isotopic ratios similar to, or higher than, DMM (Depleted MORBMantle) whereas the clinopyroxenes in the Iberia Abyssal Plainwebsterites have low-Nd isotopic compositions (143Nd/144Nd rangingfrom 0·512283 to 0·512553) with high-Sr isotopicratios (87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0·704170 to 0·705919).Amphiboles in Galicia Bank lherzolites and diorites have Nd–Srisotopic compositions (143Nd/144Nd from 0·512804 to 0·512938and 87Sr/86Sr from 0·703243 to 0·703887) intermediatebetween those of the clinopyroxenes from the Galicia Bank andthe Iberia Abyssal Plain, but similar to the clinopyroxenesin the 5100 Hill harzburgite (143Nd/144Nd = 0·512865and 87Sr/86Sr = 0·703591) and to the igneous rocks (143Nd/144Ndranging from 0·512729 to 0·513121 and 87Sr/86Srranging from 0·702255 to 0·705109). The majorand trace element compositions of cpx in the Galicia Bank spinellherzolites provide evidence for large-scale refertilizationof the lithospheric upper mantle by MORB-like tholeiitic melts.The associated harzburgites did not undergo partial meltingduring the rifting stage, but, in earlier times, probably during,or even before, the Hercynian orogeny. Iberia Abyssal Plainwebsterites are interpreted as high-pressure cumulates formedin the mantle. Their high Sm/Nd ratios (from 0·43 to0·67) coupled with very low-Nd isotopic compositionsare best explained by a two-stage history: formation of thecumulates from the percolation of enriched melts long beforethe rifting, followed by low-degree partial melting of the pyroxenites,accounting for their LREE depletion. This last event probablyoccurs during the rifting episode, 122 Myr ago. The isotopicheterogeneities observed in the ultramafic rocks of the Iberiamargin were already present at the time of the rifting event.They reflect a long and complex history of depletion and enrichmentevents in an old part of the mantle, and provide strong argumentsfor a sub-continental origin of this part of the upper mantle. KEY WORDS: Iberia margin; mantle peridotites; igneous rocks; petrology; geochemistry  相似文献   

Chemical and Sr isotopic zoning patterns in plagioclase megacrysts from gabbroic dykes in the Gardar Province can be used to elucidate magma-chamber and emplacement processes. The megacrysts occur either as single crystals or assembled as anorthosite xenoliths. The size of the megacrysts varies from <1 cm to 1 m. They consist of a large core with variable zonation (An58-39) and a relatively small (<600 µm), normally zoned rim (An62-27). The contact between core and rim is sharp and marked by a sharp increase in anorthite content which can reach 11 mol% An. This gap is interpreted as having formed during dyke emplacement due to a sudden pressure release. Some of the megacryst cores show a fairly constant composition whereas others exhibit an unusual wavy-oscillatory zoning which has not been reported elsewhere to our knowledge. The oscillatory zoning has wavelengths of up to 2,500 µm and a maximum amplitude of 7 mol% An. It is interpreted as reflecting movements of the crystals in the magma reservoir. The Sr isotopic composition of one crystal shows a radiogenic inner core ((87Sr/86Sr)i=0.7044) and a less radiogenic outer core ((87Sr/86Sr)i=0.7039-0.7036). The lack of a significant change between outer core and rim ((87Sr/86Sr)i=0.7037) is consistent with formation of the more An-rich rim due to pressure release. Variations in the core may be related to movements of the crystal and/or magma mixing. A trace-element profile across a megacryst shows a small increase in Sr and small decreases in Ba and La contents of the recalculated melt composition across the core-rim boundary, whereas P, Ce, Nd and Eu remain constant. Melt compositional changes upon emplacement are therefore considered to be of minor importance. Constant ratios of incompatible trace elements in the megacryst cores indicate a dominant influence of a lower crustal source on trace-element budgets.  相似文献   

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