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The tidal residual current is produced by a non-linear effect caused by flow separation of the tidal current due to a complicated coastline. This paper shows that the similar non-linear effect is produced also by the coastal boundary layer with a theoretical model having a simple coastline. It is found that the shear of the tidal oscillatory current produces the non-linear effect and its longitudinal gradient generates the tidal residual current flowing from the bay head to the bay mouth inside the boundary layer or shear region. The velocity of the residual current is proportional to the square of tidal current amplitude. Consideration of the generating mechanism suggests that the tidal residual current is generated by the change in depth of the bay.  相似文献   

Investigated is a possibility of two-dimensional model in the study of the dynamics of the western boundary current by a numerical experiment. Emphasis is laid on the effect of bottom barrier corresponding to the Izu Ridge.The western boundary current in the model is formed by source and sink of the water prescribed at an artificial eastern wall (600 km offshore). The bottom topographyconsists of a continental slope parallel to the straight western coast, and a ridge protruding from the western coast to 500 km offshore (1,500 m deep and 400 km wide). The grid size of 12 km× 25 km (offshore and longshore directions, respectively) resolves both the western boundary current and the bottom topography.The assumption of homogeneity of the water density makes the western boundary current detour along the isobath of the ridge.A steady state solution is obtained under the assumptions that the horizontal velocity does not change direction vertically (equivalent barotropic), and that the geostrophic relationship holds at the bottom. Homogeneity of the water density is not assumed. The solution shows that most of the volume transport of the western boundary current cross the ridge and the current has cyclonic vorticity near the summit of the ridge. It seems to suggest that the investigation by three-dimensional models is neccesary in order to study the complete dynamics of the western boundary current crossing the ridge.  相似文献   

The origin of a western boundary current as a jet is accounted for by a transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy, and poleward changes along the western boundary are directly correlated to variation in Coriolis parameter.  相似文献   

Surface water waves in coastal waters are commonly modeled using the mild slope equation. One of the parameters in the coastal boundary condition for this equation is the direction at which waves approach a coast. Three published methods of estimating this direction are examined, and it is demonstrated that the wave fields obtained using these estimates deviate significantly from the corresponding analytic solution. A new method of estimating the direction of approaching waves is presented and it is shown that this method correctly reproduces the analytic solution. The ability of these methods to simulate waves in a rectangular harbor is examined.  相似文献   

Benthic boundary layer processes in coastal environments: An introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This special issue ofGeo-Marine Letters Benthic Boundary Layer Processes in Coastal Environments includes 20 papers devoted to results of recent near-shore experiments supported by the Coastal Benthic Boundary Layer (CBBL) program. Experiments were conducted in gas-rich muddy sediments of Eckernförde Bay of the Baltic Sea and on relict sandy sediments of the West Florida Sand Sheet. In this introductory paper we present scientific justification for experiments and summarize preliminary results.  相似文献   

Dynamical downscaling is developed to better predict the regional impact of global changes in the framework of scenarios. As an intermediary step towards this objective we used the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to downscale a low resolution coupled atmosphere–ocean global circulation model (AOGCM; IPSL-CM4) for simulating the recent-past dynamics and biogeochemistry of the Benguela eastern boundary current. Both physical and biogeochemical improvements are discussed over the present climate scenario (1980–1999) under the light of downscaling.Despite biases introduced through boundary conditions (atmospheric and oceanic), the physical and biogeochemical processes in the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) have been improved by the ROMS model, relative to the IPSL-CM4 simulation. Nevertheless, using coarse-resolution AOGCM daily atmospheric forcing interpolated on ROMS grids resulted in a shifted SST seasonality in the southern BUS, a deterioration of the northern Benguela region and a very shallow mixed layer depth over the whole regional domain. We then investigated the effect of wind downscaling on ROMS solution. Together with a finer resolution of dynamical processes and of bathymetric features (continental shelf and Walvis Ridge), wind downscaling allowed correction of the seasonality, the mixed layer depth, and provided a better circulation over the domain and substantial modifications of subsurface biogeochemical properties. It has also changed the structure of the lower trophic levels by shifting large offshore areas from autotrophic to heterotrophic regimes with potential important consequences on ecosystem functioning. The regional downscaling also improved the phytoplankton distribution and the southward extension of low oxygen waters in the Northern Benguela. It allowed simulating low oxygen events in the northern BUS and highlighted a potential upscaling effect related to the nitrogen irrigation from the productive BUS towards the tropical/subtropical South Atlantic basin. This study shows that forcing a downscaled ocean model with higher resolution winds than those issued from an AOGCM, results in improved representation of physical and biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

Water column samples have been collected in the outer channel of the Ferrol Ria (NW Spain) during four occasions over a tidal cycle. The objective was to study the exchange of dissolved and particulate Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn and particulate Al, Fe and Si between the ria and the adjacent coastal waters. This study provides the first extensive dataset on dissolved and particulate metal concentrations in the water column of a Galician ria. Typical concentrations of dissolved Cd (96 ± 31 pM), Cu (8 ± 4 nM), Pb (270 ± 170 pM) and Zn (21 ± 10 nM) were similar than in other European Atlantic shelf and coastal waters. The fraction of metals in the particulate phase followed the trend: Pb > Cu Zn > Cd. The outgoing water from the ria was enriched in dissolved and particulate Cu, Pb and Zn compared with incoming waters, whereas Cd concentrations were similar for both waters. The suspended particulate matter was composed of a mixture of marine and continental material. The latter end-member was found to arise from the metal-rich ria bed sediments, which is diluted by the dominant metal-poor marine end-member. The net output flux of Cu from the channel is balanced by the freshwater inputs to the ria, and the net Zn flux gave a positive output to coastal waters. For Pb, the net flux to the coastal waters is less than that input from the rivers, as a result of its particle reactivity and deposition in sediments. On the contrary, a net input flux of dissolved Cd from coastal waters was observed, highlighting the oceanic source of this metal in the Galician rias. Results from the budget calculations are in agreement with the differential geochemical behavior of these elements in coastal waters.  相似文献   

A numerical experiment is made with a three-dimensional source-sink flow model in order to study effects of a marine ridge to the western boundary current. The model represents the Kuroshio current crossing the Izu Ridge which has a submarine narrow passage. It is indicated that most of the surface water of the western boundary current crosses the ridge through the narrow passage. A part of the surface water circulates around a warm eddy formed in an upstream region of the ridge. A water below the thermocline makes a long detour around the ridge and forms a subsurface northward current along the eastern slope of the ridge.  相似文献   

使用1.5层准地转约化重力模式研究了周期性的或伴有贯穿流的西边界流跨隙流动的迟滞变异过程。当西边界流变化的周期比罗斯贝波在缺口处调整的时间尺度大得多时,在雷诺数增加和减少过程的霍夫分叉点都发生延迟,从而产生新的雷诺数迟滞区间;并且西边界流流态转变的临界值变化显著;且周期强迫越短,雷诺数迟滞区间越大。当西边界流变化的周期与罗斯贝波在缺口处调整的时间尺度相当时,西边界流在缺口的流态呈无迟滞的周期性变化,且西边界流入侵西海盆的程度随周期减少而变小。此外,当贯穿流的流量大于西边界流的一半时,会显著影响西边界流在缺口处的迟滞变异过程;西边界流向西入侵程度和流态转变发生的临界雷诺值均发生变化,且贯穿流流量越大变化越大。  相似文献   

The amount of penetration of a western boundary current into a marginal sea which is connected to an open ocean by two narrow straits is estimated from a linear, steady and barotropic theoretical model. In this model the western boundary current in the open ocean is driven by a wind stress imposed at the sea surface. The inflow of the water of the open ocean into the marginal sea is caused by the pressure difference between two straits produced by the wind-driven circulation in the open ocean.Main external parameters are combined into two non-dimensional parameters; and (the ratio of the depth of the marginal sea to that of the open ocean), whereb is the distance between north and south boundaries of the ocean,D 0 is the depth of the open ocean, is the latitudinal variation of the Coriolis parameter andR is the coefficient of friction. The friction is assumed to be proportional to the flow velocity.In the limit of infinite the volume transport into the marginal sea is not affected by the width of two straits and . It is mainly controlled by the wind stress and the positions of two straits. For finite values of , however, the volume transport depends considerably on and the width of the straits.Guided by both this model and physical considerations, we obtained a relation between the volume transport into the marginal sea and the external parameters. This relation predicts that about 2 % of the volume transport of the Kuroshio penetrates into the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

A reduced-gravity primitive equation eddy resolving model has been used to study the decay of a mesoscale eddy as it migrates toward a western boundary current (WBC) region. The model results indicated that the gradient of the relative vorticity to the east of the WBC is an important factor in the interaction between an eddy and a WBC. A circular eddy is deformed into an elliptical form during the eddy–WBC interaction with the major axis of a cyclonic/anticyclonic eddy aligning in the NW/NNE direction, respectively. Because of the difference in the major axes orientations for the cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies, the kinetic energy transfer between a WBC and a particular eddy has very different behavior. A cyclonic eddy loses its energy to the mean field, whereas an anticyclonic eddy can obtain energy from the mean flow during the WBC–eddy interaction. An anticyclonic eddy, however, still decayed from losing its water and friction dissipation during the interaction period.  相似文献   

根据河海划界的可操作性的要求,探讨了海岸地貌学指标在河口区划分中的作用,并通过对河口区与河流、海洋之间的动态联系的阐述,提出河口区管理方式的建议.河口是海岸带陆海相互作用的典型环境,具有物理、化学、地质、生物和环境等多种复杂动力学过程,每一个河口都是高度个性化的.在为数不多的体现河口共性的参数中,海岸地貌学指标可用来确定河口区的内、外边界.根据河流水力学特征和河口过程的可容空间范围特征,河口-河流的分界点可用B-L曲线(B为河岸宽度,L为距离原点沿河流轴线的累积长度)上的拐点位置来表示.而按照河口为"半封闭水域"的定义,河口-海洋分界线可采用围封河口水域的海岸线的包络线.河口水域受到河流和海洋的双重影响,且河口区的自然演化和人类开发活动也会影响河流和海洋.因此,在我国河口区管理上应建立海洋和其他管理部门之间的协调机制.  相似文献   

河口及近岸海域底边界层生物地球化学过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口及近岸海域底边界层的生物地球化学过程在很大程度上影响着陆源物质的迁移转化及向海洋的输送通量,是陆海相互作用研究、海洋碳的"源、汇"研究以及氮、磷循环研究的关键。本文对河口及近岸海域底边界层生物地球化学过程研究进展进行了综述,重点介绍了底边界层中移动泥的特点和功能及微生物在其生物地球化学过程中的作用,并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

线边界法在潮流模拟中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文针对有限差分法在模拟潮流运动中遇到的边界问题,如岸边界问题,动边界问题和工程边界问题等,引入线边界的概念,并以此为研究对象,提出了较普遍适用的线边界法,实例应有分析表明,用线边界法处理各类边界问题,实用有效,简便易行。  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of coastal circulation encompassing the nearshore requires forcing by tide, surface gravity waves, and possibly other factors. In the nearshore, the wave-induced longshore current and setup are dominant hydrodynamic processes, and lateral boundary conditions representing tide and oceanic forcing typically do not include surface-wave contributions. Without proper boundary conditions, significant gradients in current and water level can occur that contaminate the solution in the internal domain. A standard strategy is to place the boundaries far from the site of interest, but this strategy greatly increases computational demands, and it may not be appropriate for long-term simulations. This paper describes a wave-adjusted boundary condition that accounts for wave-induced water level and current acting in combination with tidal forcing. The wave-adjusted boundary condition is demonstrated for an idealized case of a parallel-contour beach and for an engineering application at Ocean City, MD.  相似文献   

江苏近海的激流   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
海洋激流,尽管已在1963年就由美国WoodsHole海洋研究所海洋地质学家Hollister在旧金山召开的IUGG会议上提出,但几十年来,却因资料的缺乏而未能作进一步的论证和分析.一些国家的海洋工作者,在解释大洋海底一些沟渠的冲刷原因时,认为这是大洋海底激流所致[1~3].我国研究者修日晨在对海流异常观测记录进行分析的基础上,于1978年提出“不论在大洋或近海,均存在着一种急流”[4],讨论了海洋中存在的激流现象.  相似文献   

The Bransfield Strait west of the Antarctic Peninsula has been considered as a highly productive region for all trophic levels from primary production, to zooplankton aggregations, especially krill, to birds and mammals. The western boundary current, referred to as the Bransfield Current, plays an important role in determining the transport and retention of biota in the Bransfield Strait. Following the study of surface current characteristics in the strait using 39 tracks of mixed-layer drifters deployed between 1988 and 1990, a high-resolution transect of temperature, salinity and current measurements crossing the Bransfield Current was conducted between 13 and 14 March 2004, for understanding its horizontal and vertical structure and dynamics. The results from current, temperature and salinity measurements using a vessel mounted narrow band acoustic doppler current profiler and conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) sensors revealed the magnitude of this current of approximately 50 cm/s within a horizontal distance of 15 km associated with a narrow and deep density front 4–6 km wide and 500 m deep. The comparison between the direct current measurements and the geostrophic current estimates from the density field implies that the Bransfield Current is geostrophically balanced. The mechanism forming this current is explored with Sverdrup dynamics. Results indicate that the negative wind stress curl and β-effect lead to a southwestward transport in the Bransfield Strait. When this transport is restricted by land and shelves, a narrow western boundary current is formed.  相似文献   

Frank Chew 《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(1):103-116
Western boundary currents, such as the Gulf Stream, are often modeled as flows in near cross‐stream geostrophic balance with paths that are straight or nearly straight. The effect of planetary vorticity advection on the downstream sea‐level slope in these rectilinear flows is re‐examined and found negligible. Instead, the re‐examination reveals a much greater effect of the ageostrophic component of the horizontal divergence in determining the downstream slope. Overlooked in previous studies is the geostrophic component of the horizontal divergence because of a hidden assumption of parallel flow. To avoid this pitfall, we employ a natural coordinate system to follow precisely the downstream direction. Further, we differentiate between weak geostrophic flows with small accelerations and flows in cross‐stream geostrophic balance where downstream acceleration might be appreciable. Two Rossby numbers are employed: a small cross‐stream number (≤0.01) to describe the near cross‐stream balance, and a large downstream number (≤0.1) to describe the large downstream accelerations that are found in western boundary flows. Finally, by means of a scale analysis we show that over the whole range of possible Rossby numbers, the advection effect of planetary vorticity on downstream sea level slope is negligible compared to the effect of the ageostrophic component of the horizontal divergence. Some new data on the nearshore gradient of the Reynolds stress are also included.  相似文献   

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