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The gold-bearing quartz-adularia veins of the world-class Hishikari mine in southwestern Japan occur in a geological regime where the rocks of the upper to middle crust are simple and their chemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions are well studied. Detailed comparison of Pb and Sr isotopic data of the Hishikari veins with those of all possible source materials demonstrates that metals in the veins were essentially derived from a mixture of magmatic fluid with a deep crustal fluid that originated near the boundary between the Shimanto middle crust and the underlying subcontinental crustal materials. We propose that the release of the deep crustal fluid was triggered by intrusion of the Shishimano rhyodacite magma related to timing of the mineralization. This fluid mixture carried metals to the brittle upper crust along fissures created by extensional stress forming the ore deposits. Although the deep crustal fluid has not been paid much attention, it may be distributed over a large scale in the deep crust from the continent to the arc system and play an important role in the genesis of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits and in the generation of flow-induced deep tremor.  相似文献   

Chemical reactions of plagioclase, biotite and their singleminerals, as well as a mineral mixture of (plagioclase +biotite+quartz), with KCl and (KCl+KHCO3) solutions were carried out at 150400℃ and 5080 MPa. Experiments show that alkaline fluid promotes plagioclase’s changing into potash feldspar, while acid fluid helps plagioclase, potash feldspar and biotite alteration form chlorite and sericite. After chemical reaction the acidity-alkalinity of solutions often changes reversely. It was observed that gold dissolved from the tube wall and recrystallized on the surfaces of biotite and pyrite. Therefore the transportation and enrichment of gold are related to the elementary effect of the fluid-mineral interfaces. Fe3+-Fe2+, as an oxidition-reduction agent, and volatile components Cl? and CO2 play important roles in the reaction process.  相似文献   

The organic matter of three different chronological major carbonaceous rock gold-bearing formations of South China (Middle Proterozoic Shangqiaoshan group of northeastern Jiangxi, Lower Cambrian Shuikou group of northern Guangxi and Devonian Shetianqiao group of eastern Hunan) and related carbonaceous stratabound gold deposits such as Jinshan, Longshui and Shixia deposits, respectively, has been characterized by organic geochemical techniques. These organic geochemical results show that the average total organic carbon (TOC) content of the three chronological carbonaceous rock gold-bearing formations of South China ranges from 0.15% to 1.56%. The thermal maturity of the organic matter of host rocks in the three gold-bearing formations is high. The micro-component of the organic matter of the host rocks consists primarily of solid bitumen and graphite. The organic carbon and gold of the host rocks appear to syndepositin situ during the formation of the gold-bearing formations. The organic carbon played a certain role in controlling the geochemical environment of the gold-bearing formations. The metallogenetic mechanism of the carbonaceous rock stratabound gold deposits of South China is closely associated in genesis with the sedimentation, diagenesis and thermal evolution history of the organic matter of host rocks in the gold-bearing formations.  相似文献   

The newly discovered Baogudi gold district is located in the southwestern Guizhou Province,China,where there are numerous Carlin-type gold deposits.To better understand the geological and geochemical characteristics of the Baogudi gold district,we carried out petrographic observations,elemental analyses,and fluid inclusion and isotopic composition studies.We also compared the results with those of typical Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou.Three mineralization stages,namely,the sedimentation diagenesis,hydrothermal(main-ore and late-ore substages),and supergene stages,were identified based on field and petrographic observations.The main-ore and late-ore stages correspond to Au and Sb mineralization,respectively,which are similar to typical Carlin-type mineralization.The mass transfer associated with alteration and mineralization shows that a significant amount of Au,As,Sb,Hg,Tl,Mo,and S were added to mineralized rocks during the main-ore stage.Remarkably,arsenic,Sb,and S were added to the mineralized rocks during the late-ore stage.Element migration indicates that the sulfidation process was responsible for ore formation.Four types of fluid inclusions were identified in ore-related quartz and fluorite.The main-ore stage fluids are characterized by an H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4±N2system,with medium to low temperatures(180–260℃)and low salinity(0–9.08%NaCl equivalent).The late-ore stage fluids featured H2O–NaCl±CO2±CH4,with low temperature(120–200℃)and low salinity(0–7.48%Na Cl equivalent).The temperature,salinity,and CO2and CH4concentrations of ore-forming fluids decreased from the main-ore stage to the late-ore stage.The calculated δ^13C,d D,and δ^18O values of the ore-forming fluids range from-14.3 to-7.0%,-76 to-55.7%,and 4.5–15.0%,respectively.Late-ore-stage stibnite had δ^34S values ranging from-0.6 to 1.9%.These stable isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming fluids originated mainly from deep magmatic hydrothermal fluids,with minor contributions from strata.Collectively,the Baogudi metallogenic district has geological and geochemical characteristics that are typical of Carlin-type gold deposits in southwest Guizhou.It is likely that the Baogudi gold district,together with other Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou,was formed in response to a single widespread metallogenic event.  相似文献   

The Hougou gold deposit in northwestern Hebei is a typical K-metasomatism-related gold deposit hosted by K-altered rocks overprinting alkali intrusive rocks. In order to determine the age and pulse intervals of K-metasomatism in this gold deposit, some metasomatic K-feldspars from K-altered rocks are selected to measure their formation time by laser probe 40Ar-39Ar dating method. The new analyzing data show that these metasomatic K-feldspar formed during 202.6 Ma and 176.7 Ma, and the corresponding K-metasomatism and associated gold mineralization occurred in the early stage of Mesozoic era. The pulse intervals of K-metasomatism in the Hougou area are estimated to be about 4 Ma.  相似文献   

江西省瑞昌市港南金矿是上世纪八十年代发现的小型金矿床,前人称之为"铁帽"型。本文通过对以往勘查资料的进一步分析和野外调查,发现矿体受F1硅化破碎带及溶蚀侵蚀洼地控制,产于破碎带之上的溶蚀侵蚀洼地粘土层中,顶板较平整,底板随基岩侵蚀面的起伏而波动,初步认为属残积红土型金矿,矿区及外围具有进一步找矿的前景。  相似文献   

范疙瘩金矿位于熊耳山断隆的东南部,马超营断裂带的北侧,金矿体产于北西向M14断裂带内。本文通过研究断裂构造的方向、规模、分布特征,分析断裂活动历史及矿体产出特征,总结成矿规律。金矿体严格受M14断裂控制,离断裂越远金矿化越弱,M14断裂带倾向上引张部位及断裂分支复合部位是金元素的富集地段,是成矿有利部位。  相似文献   

This paper presents gas compositions and H-, O-isotope compositions of sulfide- and quartz-hosted fluid inclusions, and S-, Pb-isotope compositions of sulfide separates collected from the principal Stage 2 ores in Veins 3 and 210 of the Jinwozi lode gold deposit, eastern Tianshan Mountains of China. Fluid inclusions trapped in quartz and sphalerite are dominantly primary. H- and O-isotopic compositions of pyrite-hosted fluid inclusions indicate two major contributions to the ore-forming fluid that include the degassed magma and the meteoric-derived but rock 18O-buffered groundwater. However, H- and O-isotopic compositions of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions essentially suggest the presence of groundwater. Sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions show considerably higher abundances of gaseous species CO2, N2, H2S, etc. Than quartz-hosted ones. The linear trends among inclusion gaseous species reflect the mixing tendency between the gas-rich magmatic fluid and the groundwater. The relative enrichment of gaseous species in sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions, coupled with the banded ore structure indicating alternate precipitation of quartz with sulfide minerals, suggests that the magmatic fluid has been inputted to the ore-forming fluid in pulsation. Sulfur and lead isotope compositions of pyrite and galena separates indicate an essential magma derivation for sulfur but the multiple sources for metallic materials from the mantle to the bulk crust.  相似文献   

This paper reports the variation rules for the typomorphic parameters of the pyrite and the gold enrichment rules of the Denggezhuang quartz vein gold deposit at a large-depth scale,providing the mineral signs for deep prospecting prediction through detailed study of the characteristics of crystal' habits,chemical composition,the thermoelectricity of pyrites,and mineralogical mapping.This paper primarily discusses the correlation between the mineralization intensity and the space-time evolution of the mineralogical parameters,clarifies the physicochemical conditions during gold mineralization,and provides information useful for deep mineralization prediction.We demonstrate that the crystal habits of the pyrites are very complex,primarily occurring as {100},{210},and their combinate form.{210} and {100}+{210} have positive correlations with gold mineralization,and {100}+{210} therefore can be useful for locating rich ore segments.The composition of pyrites is characteristically poor in S and rich in As.Their typical trace elements are composed of Mo,As,Pb,Cu,Bi,Zn,Au,Co,Se,Sb,Ag,Ni,Cr,and Te.The average contents of trace elements in pyrites from various stages show that the crystallizing temperature gradually decreased from an early stage to the metallogenic episodes.The precipitation and accumulation of Au and Ag occur primarily in the quartz-pyrite stage(III) and the polymetal minerals stage(IV).The occurrence rate of P-type pyrites(P(%)) is 83.52%.There is a larger dispersion of the thermoelectrical coefficient of pyrite(α) in the Denggezhuang gold deposit than in other deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula.The electrical conductivity assemblage of pyrites from I to V is characterized by P≥N→PN→PN→PN→P≥N,which is usually considered beneficial for mineralization.The relative contents of As+Sb+Se+Te and Co+Ni are closely correlated to P-type and N-type average values and their occurrence rates.According to the crystallizing temperature of pyrite,the mineralization intensity,and the denudation degree,the mineralization temperature of the Denggezhuang gold deposit is in the range of 150–322℃ and is of a medium-low temperature.The orebody has already become denuded to the top-middle of the orebody,and the size of the orebody is larger than 900 m.Based on the vertical zoning of the thermoelectrical coefficients of pyrites and P-type pyrite mapping,it is suggested that the segment between ?425 and ?800 m may have exploration potential to the northeast of line 94 of the No.I2-2 orebody.  相似文献   

The Anjiayingzi gold deposit in Chifeng County, Inner Mongolia is located in the central part of the gold mineralization belt of the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), and is adjacent to the Paleozoic Inner Mongolia-Da Hinggan Mountains orogenic belt in the north. The Chifeng-Kaiyuan fault, which separates the NCC from this orogenic belt, is considered to be a regional ore-controlling structure. The Anjiayingzi gold deposit is a mediate-size quartz lode-gold deposit and is hosted by the Anjiayingzi quartz monzonite that was emplaced into the basement composed of early Precambrian gneisses. Rhyolitic and porphyritic dikes are generally associated with the gold mineralization. Zircon U-Pb analyses suggest that the Anjiayingzi granite was emplaced from 132 Ma to 138 Ma, while the rhyolitic dikes that occupy the same fracture system as the gold-bearing quartz veins and locally crosscut the gold lodes crystallized from 125 Ma to 127 Ma. These results constrain the mineralization age between 126  相似文献   

The fault-controlled Nibao Carlin-type gold deposit,together with the strata-bound Shuiyindong deposit,comprise a significant amount of the disseminated gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou Province,China.Five main types and two sub-types of pyrite at the Nibao deposit(Py1a/Py1b,Py2,Py3,Py4,Py5)were distinguished based on detailed mineralogical work.Py1,Py2and Py3 are Au-poor,whereas Py4 and Py5 are Au-rich,corresponding to a sedimentary and hydrothermal origin,respectively.Through systematic in situ analyses of NanoSIMS sulfur isotopes,the framboid pyrite Py1a with negative δ^34S values(-53.3 to-14.9%)from the Nibao deposit were found to originate from bacterial sulfate reduction(BSR)processes in an open and sulfate-sufficient condition while the superheavy pyrite Py1b(73.7–114.8%)is probably due to the potential influence of closed-system Rayleigh fractionation or the lack of preservation of deepsea sediments.Data of Py2 and Py3 plot within the area of S isotope compositions from biogenic and abiogenic sulfate reduction.In view of few coeval magmatic rocks in the mining district,the near zero δ^34S values of the Au-rich pyrites(Py4 and Py5)may discount the potential involvement of magmatic but metamorphic or sedimentary origin.LA-ICP-MS and TEM work show that Au in ore-related pyrite is present as both nanoparticles and structurally bound.LA-ICP-MS analyses show that the Au-rich pyrite also contains higher As,Cu,Sb,Tl and S than other types of pyrite,which inferred a distal manifestation of deep hydrothermal mineralization systems.  相似文献   

为了探索播卡深部的找矿空间及找矿方向,本文在播卡矿区钻孔样品分析数据的基础上,研究了播卡金矿床的元素富集规律、元素组合、元素异常在地表及空间的分布特征,建立了播卡金矿的原生晕分带模型、地球化学勘查模式,提出了不同深度的原生晕判别指标,在此基础上对播卡金矿的深部隐伏矿体进行了预测。结果显示播卡金矿的深部及邻区具有寻找隐伏矿体的良好前景。  相似文献   

应用大功率激电法对深部隐伏矿体的探测是一种行之有效的方法。通过激电中梯对承德槽子沟金矿区进行激电面积性测量,圈定出与金矿伴生的金属硫化物及氧化物引起的激电异常分布区带,利用激电测深查明地下极化异常体的展布,而后结合已知地质、物性资料布置验证钻孔,并取得了较好的勘查效果。本文总结出利用大功率激电方法勘查隐伏金矿的行之有效工作模式,该找矿模式可广泛应用于同类隐伏金矿的勘探之中,必将有力提高物探方法寻找隐伏金矿的勘探水平。  相似文献   

Shallow gas reservoirs are distributed widely in Chinese heavy oil-bearing basins.At present,shallow gas resources have opened up giant potentials.The previous researches indicate the intimate genetic relationship between shallow gas and heavy oil.Shallow gas resources are generated from crude oil degraded by anaerobic microscopic organism,it belongs to biogenic gas family of secondary genesis, namely heavy oil degraded gas.Shallow gas resources are usually distributed in the upward position or the vicinity of heavy oil reservoirs.They are mainly of dry gas,which are composed of methane and only tiny C2 heavy hydrocarbon and relatively higher contents of nitrogen gas.Generally,methane isotopes are light,whose values are between biogenic gas and thermal cracking gas.Ethane isotopes are heavy,which mixed possibly with thermogenic gas.Carbon dioxide bear the characteristics of very heavy carbon isotope,so carbon isotopic fractionation effects are very obvious on the process of microscopic organism degradation crude oil.The heavy oil degraded gas formation,a very complex geological,geochemical and microbiological geochemical process,is the result of a series of reactions of organic matter-microbes and water-hydrocarbon,which is controlled by many factors.  相似文献   

The essential shallow-crust structural factors controlling the formation of Laowangzhai gold deposit include favorable tectonic and regional structural site, the release site of a great deal of the earth energy, favorable orecontrolling structure system, abundant and favorable source rocks for gold, ductile shearing, abundant minerogenetic materials source in extensive crust and mantle. And the essential deep-seated crust-mantle structure factors dominating the formation of the ore deposit include intracrustal low-velocity len, high-velocity bodies in the lower part of middle crust and lower crust, the steps on the slope of Moho, connecting site of mantle rises, the crust-mantle transition layer, upwelling of asthenosphere and the low-velocity plume. It is concluded that the fundamental reason that controls the formation of Laowangzhai superlarge gold deposit lies in the coupling between deep and shallow crust-mantle structure factors controlling the formation of the deposit and their coupling with the lithospheric evolution and geological event. Project supported by the National Climbing Plan Programme A-30.  相似文献   

Single zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and lithogeochemical studies have been performed on the Xianggou monzonitic granitic porphyry outcropped in the Ma'anqiao gold deposit.A weighted average U-Pb age of 242.0±0.8 Ma for Xianggou monzonitic porphyry has been obtained.This corresponds with the conclusions of previous studies indicating a syn-orogenic age (242±21 Ma) of the Qinling Orogenic Belt,suggesting that the formation of the Xianggou granite should be associated with the collisional event of the North China Plate and the Yangtze Plate in the Indosinian period.The Xianggou granite is characterized by the high silicon and alkali of high K calc-alkaline series granites.It is rich in Al (Al2O3=14.49%-15.61%) and Sr (457.10-630.82 ppm),poor in Y (16 ppm) and HREE (Yb0.45 ppm),and exhibits high ratios of Sr/Y (76.24-97.34) and (La/Yb)N (29.65-46.10),as well as strongly fractionated REE patterns.These geochemical characteristics suggest the Xianggou granite can be classified as C-type adakitic rock.The initial Sr isotope ratios for the Xianggou granite vary from 0.70642 to 0.70668,εNd(t) values from -4.54 to -3.98,and TDM values from 1152 Ma to 1220 Ma.The low εNd(t) and ISr and high TDM values,as well as Na2O/K2O ratios of the Xianggou granite are close to 1 (Na2O/K2O=0.95-1.10),indicating that it is not an I-type adakite formed by partial melting of the subducting oceanic crust,nor adakitic rock formed by melting of the underplated basaltic lower crust,but the product of partial melting of the nonunderplated basaltic thickened lower crust.Zircons from the Xianggou pluton have a homogeneous Hf isotopic composition with negative εHf(t) values (between -9.7 and -5.9,with an average of -6.9),indicating that the rock-forming materials were mostly extracted from the ancient crust,not from the depleted mantle.The Xianggou monzonitic granitic porphyry is rich in LILE and LREE and depleted in HSFE,HREE and Y;the composition of trace element and REE are similar to those of the syn-collisional granites.The geological and geochemical characteristics of the Xianggou granite reveal that it was a product of partial melting of the basaltic rocks from the thickened lower crust,triggered by continental collision,which occurred in the geodynamic background of continental-continental collision and shearing within the crust.The Xianggou granite was intruded in the compressive orogenic environment 242 Ma ago,but the gold mineralization occurred in the transitional environment of compression to extension around 170 Ma ago,lagging behind the intrusive age of the Xianggou granite by about 70 Ma.Meanwhile,the distribution of trace elements and REEs of the Xianggou monzonitic granitic porphyry is distinct from that of ores,suggesting the absence of direct genetic relationship between the Xianggou granite and gold mineralization.In contrast,the relatively high ore-forming elemental content of the Xianggou monzonitic granitic porphyry is due to the rock having experienced Au-bearing hydrothermal alteration.From the view of gold mineralization,considering the intrusive age,structural deformation,as well as alteration of the granite,we can conclude that the Xianggou pluton was a pre-ore-intrusion,whose intrusive age of 242 Ma constrains the lower time limit of gold metallogenesis.Following the intrusive event of the syn-collisional granitic porphyry and the intensively brittle-ductile shear deformation,large-scale fluid activity and gold mineralization took place.  相似文献   

Three carbonate ocelli-bearing lamprophyre dykes have been found in the Laowangzhai and Beiya gold orefields in the northern sector of the Ailaoshan gold deposit zone, Yunnan Province. Ocelli in the lamprophyre dykes are carbonates composed mainly of dolomite and calcite. Their trace elements, REE and C isotopic compositions are characteristic of carbonatite and the main mineral assemblages, major elements, trace elements and REE in the matrix are similar to those in the carbonate ocelli-barren lamprophyre dykes in the orefields, which are calc-alkaline lamprophyres that derived from the fertile mantle. The results indicate that the carbonate ocelli-bearing lamprophyre dykes in this area were produced at the time when the Himalayan lamprophyre magma evolved to a relatively late stage of silicate-carbonate liquid immiscibility. In the process of magmatic evolution there took place magmatic degassing with CO2 and H2O as the dominant released gases.  相似文献   

Four layers of cherts were found for the first time in the Yangla copper deposit, western Yunnan Province. The cherts possessed the following geochemical characteristics: 1 Low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents, but high ore-forming element (e.g. Cu, Au, Ag) contents; 2 low total REE contents and clear negative Eu anomalies when normalized to chondrite similar to the REE contents and distribution patterns of associated massive sulfide ores; 3 silicon isotopic compositions of cherts in the Yangla deposit being the same as cherts and geyserite of hot-water sedimentary origin; 4 lead and sulfur isotopic compositions of cherts in the Yangla deposit being similar to those of the massive sulfide ores in the Yangla deposit; 5 Rb-Sr isochron age of cherts from the Yangla deposit being identical with that of host strata. Hence, we conclude that the cherts in the Yangla deposit are of hot-water sedimentary origin, which have a close relationship with the massive sulfide ores. The discovery of hydrothermal cherts from the Yangla copper deposit provides further evidence for the hydrothermal exhalative origin of the massive sulfide deposits.  相似文献   

Examination of ores by optical microscope and EPMA from the Zhaishang gold deposit, southern Gansu Province, has revealed an abundance of rare minerals. These include native metals, Cu-Ni-Zn-Sn-Fe polymetallic compounds and S-bearing alloys of Ni, Fe, Zn, Cu and Sn, occurring as native nickel, Zn-Cu alloy, Ni-Zn-Cu alloy, Sn-Zn-Ni-Cu alloy, Zn-Cu-Ni alloy, Zn-Fe-Cu-Sn-Ni alloy, Fe-Ni-S alloy, Sn-Fe-Ni-S alloy, Fe-Zn-Cu-Ni-S alloy, Zn-Ni-Cu-Fe-S alloy and others. Compared with the Zn-Cu alloy minerals discovered previously, these Zn-Cu minerals fall in the α or α β portion in Zn-Cu alloy phase diagram, and the α portion has higher Cu content. Cu-Ni-Zn-Sn-Fe intermetallic compounds and S-bearing alloy minerals have not been previously reported in the literature. These rare alloys formed in a strongly reducing environment with absent oxygen and low sulfur activities.  相似文献   

本文通过对东湾金矿矿区的地质概况、矿床地质特征的分析研究,得出东湾金矿是岩浆热液形成的构造蚀变岩型金矿,成矿时代属燕山晚期,燕山期岩浆活动不仅提供强大的热动力条件,而且还从矿源层中携带大量的成矿物质,在构造有利部位,尤其是NNE向断裂构造部位沉淀富集成矿,总结出了找矿标志和预测了今后的找矿方向。  相似文献   

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