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The atmospheric properties above three sites (Dome C, Dome A and the South Pole) on the Internal Antarctic Plateau are investigated for astronomical applications using the monthly median of the analyses from ECMWF (the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). Radiosoundings extended on a yearly time-scale at the South Pole and Dome C are used to quantify the reliability of the ECMWF analyses in the free atmosphere as well as in the boundary and surface layers, and to characterize the median wind speed in the first 100 m above the two sites. Thermodynamic instability properties in the free atmosphere above the three sites are quantified with monthly median values of the Richardson number. We find that the probability to trigger thermodynamic instabilities above 100 m is smaller on the Internal Antarctic Plateau than on mid-latitude sites. In spite of the generally more stable atmospheric conditions of the Antarctic sites compared to mid-latitude sites, Dome C shows worse thermodynamic instability conditions than those predicted above the South Pole and Dome A above 100 m. A rank of the Antarctic sites done with respect to the strength of the wind speed in the free atmosphere (ECMWF analyses) as well as the wind shear in the surface layer (radiosoundings) is presented.  相似文献   

Ice divide–dome behaviour is used for ice sheet mass balance studies and interpretation of ice core records. In order to characterize the historical behaviour (last 400 yr) of Dome C and Talos Dome (East Antarctica), ice velocities have been measured since 1996 using a GPS system, and the palaeo-spatial variability of snow accumulation has been surveyed using snow radar and firn cores. The snow accumulation distribution of both domes indicates distributions of accumulation that are non-symmetrical in relation to dome morphology. Changes in spatial distributions have been observed over the last few centuries, with a decrease in snow accumulation gradient along the wind direction at Talos Dome and a counter-clockwise rotation of accumulation distribution in the northern part of Dome C. Observations at Dome C reveal a significant increase in accumulation since the 1950s, which could correlate to altered snow accumulation patterns due to changes in snowfall trajectory. Snow accumulation mechanisms are different at the two domes: a wind-driven snow accumulation process operates at Talos Dome, whereas snowfall trajectory direction is the main factor at Dome C. Repeated GPS measurements made at Talos Dome have highlighted changes in ice velocity, with a deceleration in the NE portion, acceleration in the SW portion and migration of dome summit, which are apparently correlated with changes in accumulation distribution. The observed behaviour in accumulation and velocity indicates that even the most remote areas of East Antarctica have changed from a decadal to secular scale.  相似文献   

We summarize some of the work on optical fibres carried out at the 4.2 m (WHT) telescope. We will briefly describe the Fibre Linked Experimental spectrograph.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

As the highest, coldest and driest place in Antarctica, Dome A provides exceptionally good observing conditions for ground-based observations over terahertz wavebands. The 5 m Dome A Terahertz Explorer (DATES) has been proposed to explore new terahertz windows, primarily over wavelengths between 350 and 200 pm. DATE5 will be an open-air, fully-steerable telescope that can function by unmanned operation with remote control. The telescope will be able to endure the harsh polar environment, including high altitude, very low temperature and very low air pressure. The unique specifications, including high accuracies for surface shape and pointing and fully automatic year-around remote operation, along with a stringent limit on the periods of on-site assembly, testing and maintenance, bring a number of challenges to the design, construction, assembly and operation of this telescope. This paper intro- duces general concepts related to the design of the DATE5 antenna. Beginning from an overview of the environmental and operational limitations, the design specifications and requirements of the DATE5 antenna are listed. From these, major aspects on the conceptual design studies, including the antenna optics, the backup structure, the pan- els, the subreflector, the mounting and the antenna base structure, are explained. Some critical issues of performance are justified through analyses that use computational fluid dynamics, thermal analysis and de-icing studies, and the proposed approaches for test operation and on-site assembly. Based on these studies, we conclude that the specifications of the DATE5 antenna can generally be met by using enhanced technological approaches.  相似文献   

Three selected asteroids, numbered 58, 360 and405, were observed during 2000at Yunnan Observatory, China. Thenew lightcurves are presented inthis paper. The synodic period of (58)Concordia is estimated as 9.90 ± 0.01hfor the first time. The synodic period of (405) Thia derived from ourobservation is 9.96 ± 0.01h, which is slightly different from the previousresult. For 360, we obtained the synodic period of 6.18 ± 0.02h which isconsistent with previous values. Additionally, the BV and UB-colourindexes for the three asteriods were also determined.  相似文献   

In 2007–2010, ten asteroids were observed in the JHK bands. The color indexes J-H and H-K were determined from the observations. Their positions in the two-color diagram generally correspond to the areas occupied by the asteroids of the corresponding taxonomic types. For two asteroids, (624) Hektor and (762) Pulcova, the light curves in the J and H bands and the curves of the color index J-H were constructed. The changes in the color index J-H from 0.05 m to 0.1 m were revealed; it may be supposed that they are caused by the heterogeneity in structure or mineral composition of the surface. For all of the asteroids, the astrometric positions were obtained. It was found that the best reference catalogue for the astrometric processing of observations of asteroids in the JHK bands under a small field of view is the 2MASS survey.  相似文献   

An effort towards understanding the problems associated with stray light related to the Xinglong2.16-m telescope is presented to estimate the stray light performance of the telescope itself and provide a method for improving stray light suppression. Stray light analysis for the 2.16-m telescope model, which consists of an onion shaped dome, telescope structure, equatorial mount and telescope optics, has been developed in two cases(1) pointing to 60?and(2) pointing to zenith, in both azimuth and elevation directions.The Point Source Normalized Irradiance Transmittance(PSNIT), which is generally used for assessing stray light and is uncorrelated to entrance aperture, is calculated with a series of off-axis angles. It shows that the PSNIT values are less than 10~(-7) when off-axis angles are larger than ±20?. The dominant contributors to stray light(primary and secondary mirror, telescope structure and dome) are identified to guide performance improvement. The analyses indicate that significant benefit can be realized by adding only five vanes inside the bottom portion of the secondary baffle. In the case of pointing to zenith, the PSNIT values will decrease about 40% on average.  相似文献   

TIGRE is a new robotic spectroscopy telescope located in central Mexico at the La Luz Observatory of the University of Guanajuato. The 1.2 m telescope is fiber‐coupled to an ´echelle spectrograph with a spectral resolving power exceeding 20000 over most of the covered spectral range between 3800 Å and 8800 Å, with a small gap of 130 Å around 5800 Å. TIGRE operates robotically, i.e. it (normally) carries out all observations without any human intervention, including, in particular, the target selection in any given observing night. In this paper we describe the properties of the TIGRE instrumentation and its technical realization, as well as our first operational experience with the performance and efficiency of the overall system. Finally, we present some examples of recent TIGRE observations. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report the observations of the solar chromosphere from a newly commissioned solar telescope at the incursion site near Pangong Tso lake in Merak (Leh/Ladakh). This new \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) telescope at the Merak site is identical to the Kodaikanal \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) telescope. The telescope was installed in the month of August 2017 at the Merak site. The telescope consists of a 20-cm doublet lens with additional re-imaging optics. A Lyot filter with 0.5 Å passband isolates the Balmer line of the hydrogen spectra to make the observations of the solar chromosphere. The observations made in \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) wavelength delineates the magnetic field directions at the sunspot and the quiet regions. A CCD detector records the images of the chromosphere with a pixel resolution of 0.27\(^{\prime \prime }\) and covers 9.2\(^{\prime }\) field-of-view. This telescope has a good guiding system that keeps the FoV in the intended position. We report the development of control software for tuning the filter unit, control detector system, observations and calibration of the data to make it useful for the scientific community. Some preliminary results obtained from the Merak \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) telescope are also presented. This high altitude facility is a timely addition to regularly obtain \(\hbox {H}_{\alpha }\) images around the globe.  相似文献   

A technique to detect man-made interference in the visibility data of the Mauritius Radio Telescope (MRT) has been developed. This technique is based on the understanding that the interference is generally ‘spiky’ in nature and has Fourier components beyond the maximum frequency which can arise from the radio sky and can therefore be identified. We take the sum of magnitudes of visibilities on all the baselines measured at a given time to improve detectability. This is then high-pass filtered to get a time series from which the contribution of the sky is removed. Interference is detected in the high-pass data using an iterative scheme. In each iteration, interference with amplitudes beyond a certain threshold is detected. These points are then removed from the original time series and the resulting data are high-pass filtered and the process repeated. We have also studied the statistics of the strength, numbers, time of occurrence and duration of the interference at the MRT. The statistics indicate that most often the interference excision can be carried out while post-integrating the visibilities by giving a zero weight to the interference points.  相似文献   

We describe the first intercontinental planetary radar initiative undertaken in Italy.We present the results of the observations of Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) 33342 (1998 WT24), performed in December 2001 using the bistatic configurations Goldstone-Medicina and Evpatoria-Medicina, with the 32-m Medicina dish used to receive echoes in both cases.The experiment goal was to characterise the system for radar follow-up observations of NEA and artificial orbiting debris, in the framework of a feasibility study which aims at using the Sardinia Radio Telescope, at present under construction, also as a planetary radar facility.  相似文献   

Measurements of the hydroxyl rotational temperature for the (8, 3) Meinel band are reported for observations made at Mawson, East Antarctica (67° 36′ S, 62° 53′ E) over the austral winter of 1979. Mean values of the rotational temperature are given for 54 nights. The average value lies in the range 160–170 K. The measured temperatures appear lower than those that have been reported at similar latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. A gradual decrease in the value of the temperature throughout the course of the evening is the only diurnal trend observed. There is little evidence for any impulsive heating associated with auroral activity.  相似文献   

Flat-field reflects the non-uniformity of the photometric response at the focal plane of an instrument, which uses digital image sensors, such as Charge Coupled Device(CCD) and Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor(CMOS). This non-uniformity must be corrected before being used for scientific research. In this paper, we assess various candidate methods via simulation using available data so as to figure the in-flight flat-field calibration methodology for the Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope(LST). LST is one of the payloads for the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission and consists of three instruments: a White-light Solar Telescope(WST), a Solar Disk Imager(SDI) and a dual-waveband Solar Corona Imager(SCI). In our simulations, data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager(HMI) and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly(AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory(SDO) mission are used.Our results show that the normal KLL method is appropriate for in-flight flat-field calibration of WST and implementing a transmissive diffuser is applicable for SCI. For the in-flight flat-field calibration of SDI, we recommend the KLL method with off-pointing images with defocused resolution of around 18′′, and use the local correlation tracking(LCT) algorithm instead of limb-fitting to determine the relative displacements between different images.  相似文献   

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