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盆地热体制及深部温度估算对油气和区域地热能资源评估具有重要意义。南方上扬子区是海相油气勘探的重要区块,近年来更是我国页岩气勘探的主要选区。然而,由于数据不足及研究目标的分散,该区的盆地热体制特征还有待深化。结合前人已有地热数据,并整合新近开展的稳态测温数据,我们揭示了上扬子区现今地温梯度、大地热流分布特征,继而估算了1000~6000m埋深处的深部地层温度和2套主要古生界海相烃源岩底界面处的温度。结果表明,上扬子区具有中-低温的地热状态,其现今地温梯度和大地热流的范围(平均值)分别为10~74℃/km(24℃/km)和27~118mW/m2(64mW/m2),整体上从东北向西南方向递增,呈现出"东北低、西南高"的分布趋势。1000~6000m埋深处估算温度的分布格局与地温梯度及热流的分布趋势基本一致。东北部的鄂西-湘北地区为低温区,中部的四川盆地其大部分为中温区,西南的云南地区为高温区。上扬子区现今地热分布格局受区域差异构造和岩浆作用控制。结合储层温度估算并综合其他油气地质资料,提出川东的石柱-涪陵、川南的威远-自贡-泸州和宜宾-长宁等区的下...  相似文献   


塔里木盆地西北缘的沙井子断裂带, 位于塔北隆起的温宿凸起和北部坳陷的阿瓦提凹陷之间。它是塔里木盆地的一条一级断裂带, 由沙井子断裂、英雄断裂、温宿断裂和沙南断裂组成。其中沙井子断裂是主干断裂, 其它3条是其分支断裂。本轮研究新发现温宿分支断裂, 并将沙南断裂解释为英雄断裂前缘的反冲断层, 归属沙井子断裂带。沙井子断裂带的雏形形成于奥陶纪末-志留纪初, 在泥盆纪末-石炭纪、二叠纪末-三叠纪初、侏罗纪末-白垩纪初、白垩纪末-古近纪初和新近纪-第四纪发生过多期冲断作用和新近纪末-第四纪初的张扭性构造变形后, 才最终定型。沙井子断裂带是一条断控油气富集区带, 温宿油田、托探1油藏、沙南1油藏、新苏地1油气藏等都受其控制。


塔里木西北缘北西向古隆起的存在及油气勘探前景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨庚 《新疆地质》2003,21(2):157-162
塔里木西北缘柯坪逆冲带为天山和塔里木盆地在中新生代盆山耦合过程中形成,为印度板块和欧亚板块碰撞影响最显的地区之一.柯坪地区存在两种方向的构造,即NE向逆冲推覆构造和NW向的走滑构造及潜伏构造.在NE逆冲带的走向上,推覆构造变形样式从南向北,以寒武纪蒸发岩作为主要的滑动拆离面——薄皮逆冲,到北部地区卷入元古界结晶基底的逆冲推覆构造.根据变形时代分析,NW向构造为长期发育的巴楚隆起,形成时代为中生代早期,近NE向的柯坪逆冲构造形成于新生代,同时也形成NW向的走滑构造.早期形成的巴楚隆起构造南北两侧发育的阿瓦提盆地和塔里木盆地西南为生油区,巴楚隆起为油气运移指向区.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地断裂构造分期差异活动及其变形机理   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文的目的是探讨塔里木盆地断裂构造分期差异活动过程及其变形机理.在地震剖面解释、钻井资料和地质资料综合分析的基础上,通过编制塔里木盆地不同时期断裂系统图,提出控制塔里木盆地断裂构造形成和演化主要构造活动期次为:加里东早期、加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期、海西晚期、印支期、燕山期和喜马拉雅期.加里东早期断裂活动受伸展环境制约,沿先存基底断裂带形成张性正断层.加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期断裂活动以逆冲作用为主,在塔东、塔中、塘古巴斯、巴楚和麦盖提地区最为发育.海西晚期断裂活动也是以逆冲作用为特征,并从早期断裂强烈活动的塔中、塘古巴斯、玛东等地区,迁移到塔北隆起和东部地区.印支、燕山和喜马拉雅期,前陆地区断裂构造发育,形成叠瓦冲断带、褶皱-冲断带、双重构造、盐相关构造等;但在盆内稳定区,断裂构造不发育,活动性弱.古生代断裂构造发育分布的控制机理,主要与区域大地构造环境的变化和构造转换、先存基底断裂带、大型区域性不整合、滑脱带等要素密切相关.区域大地构造环境的变化和构造转换主要受控于塔里木周缘洋盆的伸展裂解、俯冲消减和洋盆闭合的时限和强度.先存基底断裂带或基底构造软弱带往往控制着后期断裂的发育位置和展布方向.大型区域性不整合和滑脱带控制着断裂构造的发育和分布层位.中、新生代断裂构造发育分布的控制机理,与区域大地构造环境及其构造转换、区域构造位置有关.中、新生代塔里木断裂构造主要分为三种环境,即前陆构造环境、盆内稳定区构造环境和隆升剥蚀区构造环境.盆内稳定区断裂构造不发育,活动性较弱.中、新生代断裂构造主体发育在前陆构造环境中,主要受控于周缘造山带强烈隆升、挤压冲断、走滑-逆冲或逆冲-走滑作用,同时与喜马拉雅晚期盆-山耦合作用及滑脱层的发育有关.  相似文献   

陈浙春  程同锦  汤玉平  蒋涛 《地质通报》2009,28(11):1628-1637
中国西部塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地油气资源丰富,是重要的油气能源基地,也是广泛应用化探技术于油气勘探过程的地区。总结这些地区油气化探的应用效果和成功案例,对现阶段西北地区的油气勘探具有重要的作用和意义。近20年,塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地陆续取得的油气化探成果,随着两大盆地油气资源的逐步发现,越来越多地得到验证。不仅表明油气勘探中运用化探技术可以带来勘探效益的提高,更证明了在现今勘探难度增大、勘探成本居高不下的形势下,综合勘探技术的成功应用可以缩短勘探周期,提高勘探成功率。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地库车坳陷中生界烃源岩生烃动力学参数研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
根据封闭体系黄金管热模拟实验结果,应用Kinetics专用软件,研究了塔里木盆地库车坳陷中生界不同类型烃源岩的生烃特征与动力学参数。库车坳陷侏罗系煤、碳质泥岩、泥岩及三叠系湖相泥岩具有各自的活化能分布和频率因子,揭示出其生烃行为的差异性。利用GOR-IsotopeKinetics软件,推导了库车坳陷侏罗系煤、泥岩和三叠系湖相泥岩3类烃源岩的碳同位素动力学参数。上述参数的获取,为盆地模拟、烃源岩评价、生烃量计算及资源量预测提供了重要的基础地球化学数据。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1829-1842
The Tarim block, one of the largest cratons in China, records an important part of the Proterozoic crustal evolution of the Earth. Many previous studies have focused on the Neoproterozoic magmatism and tectonic evolution of this block in relation to the break-up of Rodinia, although relatively little is known about its earlier tectono-magmatic history. In this article, we present detailed petrographic, geochronologic, whole-rock geochemical, and in situ zircon Hf isotope data for the pre-Neoproterozoic Xishankou granitoid pluton (XBP), one of several blue quartz-bearing granitoid intrusions well exposed in the Quruqtagh area, and discuss these intrusions in terms of their tectonic environment. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating indicates that gneissic quartz diorite and granodiorite of the XBP crystallized at 1934 ± 13 and 1944 ± 19 Ma, respectively. Both underwent metamorphism essentially coeval with emplacement, a time that is compatible with the globally distributed 2.1–1.8 Ga crustal amalgamation during formation of the supercontinent Columbia. Petrographic and geochemical evidence suggest that the XBP is a continental-arc-type granite and may have been generated by the partial melting of Archaean thickened lower crust; this would suggest that the northern Tarim block was a continental-type arc at ca. 1940 Ma. Our new data, together with previous regional geological studies, indicate that a series of Palaeoproterozoic (ca. 2.0–1.8 Ga) tectono-magmatic events occurred in the northern Tarim attending the assembly of Columbia.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地库车坳陷中生界油源岩有机成熟度和生烃历史   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
库车坳陷存在上三叠统黄山街组(T3h)和中侏罗统恰克马克组(J2q)两套湖相油源岩,从三个方面研究了这两套油源岩现今成熟度分布及其在地质历史中的演化:一是对钻孔和露头剖面两套油源岩样品镜质组反射率实测分析;二是从中下侏罗统煤系源岩,特别是煤中镜质组反射率实测数据限定分别位于中下侏罗统(J1y和J2k)煤系地层上下的两套油源岩的有机成熟度;三是从地层分层数据和地温史对人工井(中)两套油源岩成熟度的模拟分析.库车坳陷黄山街组和恰克马克组露头剖面油源岩镜质组反射率自东向西总体上呈现明显的增高趋势,在东部基本上处于临界成熟-成熟阶段,而西部则处于凝析油-湿气阶段或干气阶段.库车坳陷黄山街组油源岩主要生油阶段位于65~5 Ma,生油高峰约在23~12 Ma,油源灶最早(约65 Ma)出现在坳陷西部,不断向东部扩展;恰克马克组湖相油源岩主要生油阶段位于12 Ma至现今,生油高峰约在5~2 Ma,油源灶最早(约12 Ma)出现在拜城凹陷腹部,后向四周扩展.  相似文献   

In this study, a ca. 4000 cal. yr ancient lacustrine (or wetland) sediment record at the southern margin of Tarim Basin is used to reconstruct the history of climate change. Six radiocarbon dates on organic matter were obtained. δ18O and δ13C of carbonate, pollen and sediment particle size were analysed for climate proxies. The proxies indicate that a drier climate prevailed in the area before ca. 1010 BC and during period 1010 BC–AD 500 climate then changed rapidly and continuously from dry to moist, but after about AD 500 climate generally shows dry condition. Several centennial‐scale climatic events were revealed, with the wettest spell during AD 450–550, and a relatively wetter interval between AD 930–1030. Pollen results show that regional climate may influence human agricultural activities. Spectral analysis of mean grain size (MGS) proxy reveals statistically pronounced cyclic signals, such as ca. 200 yr, ca. 120 yr, ca. 90 yr, ca. 45 yr and ca. 33 or 30 yr, which may be associated with solar activities, implying that solar variability plays an important role in the decadal‐ and centennial‐scale climate variations in the study area. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

轮南古隆起位于塔里木盆地北部,是一个大型基底卷入型鼻状背斜。卷入背斜构造变形的地层包括下古生界及其以下地层。它的形式演化控制着轮南复式油气聚集区的形成与分布。过轮南古隆起的地震剖面上显示,这里发育上泥盆统东河砂岩底、志留系底和上奥陶统底3个与古隆起形成密切相关的不整合面。上奥陶统底是一个低角度不整合面至平行不整合面,地层间断很小。志留系与下伏地层之间是一个低角度不整合接触,存在一定规模的地层间断。东河砂岩与下伏地层之间是一个明显的角度不整合接触,是一个较大的地层间断。东河砂岩直接不整合覆盖在下志留统甚至更老地层之上。上奥陶统至下志留统(中-上志留统缺失)为生长地层;上奥陶统之下的地层是前生长地层;东河砂岩及其上覆的石炭系是生长后地层。根据已有构造分析成果,塔里木盆地中志留世—中泥盆世处于造山后区域性伸展构造背景。据此分析,轮南古隆起(背斜)的构造变形起始于中奥陶世末—晚奥陶世初,持续至早志留世。此后进入风化夷平阶段,古隆起依然存在,但是背斜构造变形已经结束。至东河砂岩沉积时,轮南古隆起基本被夷平,并逐渐被埋于地下。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(1):94-107
Based on the interpretation of two-dimensional seismic data, this paper analyzes the characteristics of three boundary fault systems including the Shajingzi fault, the Aqia fault and the Tumuxiuke fault around the Awati sag of the Tarim Basin, and studies its controlling on hydrocarbon accumulation. Neotectonic movement is ubiquitous in oil and gas bearing basins in China, such as Neogene intense activities of large boundary thrusting faults of the Awati sag: Shajingzi fault, Aqia fault and Tumuxiuke fault. Based on a large number of seismic data, it is showed that they have section wise characteristics in the direction of fault strike, and active periods and associated structures formed of different sections are different. Usually, large anticlinal structures are formed in the upper wall, and faulted anticline controlled by companion faults are formed in the bottom wall. Large faults cut the strata from Cambrian up to Neogene. For the anticline in the upper wall, fault activities caused by neotectonic movement played a destructive role in hydrocarbon accumulation, thus the preservation condition is critical for reservoir formation. In this sense, attention should be paid to formations in the upper walls of Aqia fault and Tumuxiuke fault under the Cambrian salt bed, whose plastic deformation could help to heal faults. Companion faults in the bottom wall cut down to the Cambrian and up to the Triassic serving as the pathway for hydrocarbon migration, and associated structures in the bottom wall are noteworthy exploration targets.©2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地柯坪地区奥陶系层序地层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以露头层序地层学和沉积学为指导,对塔里木盆地西北缘柯坪地区奥陶系3个剖面进行了深入研究,建立了柯坪地区奥陶系层序地层格架。柯坪地区奥陶系由6个三级层序组成,横向对比表明四石厂剖面发育最完整,同古四布隆和苏巴什剖面有地层缺失,只能识别出下部3个三级层序。碳酸盐岩磁化率测量结果表明,磁化率的变化趋势与相对海平面升降曲线之间呈负相关,并且与层序界面、层序内部各体系域之间有着较好的对应关系,可以作为划分层序的一个辅助性的定量化指标。  相似文献   

古老地层在特殊地质条件下可以晚期成烃成藏。研究表明:塔里木盆地自下古生界沉积以来,地温梯度整体递减的热史和多次地层抬升剥蚀降温,延缓了烃源岩热演化进程;差异埋藏热演化,使部分地区烃源岩的生烃潜力得以保持至喜山期;晚期的快速深埋升温使短期内大量生、排烃并高效运聚;为新构造期的断裂系统活化提供运移的通道;这些地质条件是下古生界油气可晚期成烃成藏的保证。塔中、轮南及环满加尔凹陷较深层是最具有晚期成烃成藏可能的区域。  相似文献   

Asphalts distributed widely in the Silurian sandstones of the Tarim Basin include dry asphalt, soft asphalt and heavy oil. These asphaltic sandstones underwent multi-episodic sedimentary and tectonic events, and their occurrence is diverse and complex, being mixed with normal oil usually. So far, very little work has been done on the asphaltic sandstone origin and hydrocarbon charging ages. After detailed study on the Silurian sandstones, the following highlights were obtained from the analytical results: distribution of the mixed asphalt, heavy oil and normal oil in the Silurian sandstones is the result of multi-stage hydrocarbon charging from the Lower Paleozoic marine source rocks; the characters of asphalts formed from oils of different charging ages are of difference; the most important process constraining the asphaltic sandstone origin is thought to be biodegradation. This paper was financially supported by funds of Petroleum & Natural Gas Exploration in the Tarim Basin from the “State 9th Five-Year Plan Period” Key Scientific Project (No. 96-111).  相似文献   

This study reports for the first time the occurrence of bimodal dyke in the Shuigongtuan area of Bachu County, Tarim Basin, NW China. Here, quartz syenite porphyry and diabase dykes occur in direct contact showing bimodal feature. The quartz syenitic porphyry is metaluminous, enriched in K2O + Na2O (10–11 wt.%) and total rare earth elements (REE), with low Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios, high LREE/HREE, and negative Eu anomalies. The chemical characteristics and tectonic discriminative diagrams show that the rocks have geochemical affinity with A-type granites. The diabase dyke shows 45–52 wt.% SiO2 and Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio in the range of, with high total REE, high LREE/HREE ratios and lack of Eu anomalies, broadly corresponding to tholeiitic composition. Based on low Y/Nb (as low as 0.4, and less than 1.2), enrichment in LILE and HFSE, and uniform Nb-enrichment patterns in spider diagram for the quartz syenitic porphyry, together with the geochemical patterns of the diabases, this biomodal association is interpreted to be derived from a mantle source and formed under typical within-plate environment. The quartz syenitic porphyry and diabase have Daly gap of 46 wt.%–67 wt.% in SiO2, which is explained through formation under bimodal rifting. The quartz syenitic dyke probably formed during Early Permian (277 Ma) and has geochemical affinity with the Xiaohaizi syenitic body. We propose that magmas sourced from the mantle intruded into middle–upper crust and were emplaced as dykes, which indicate large-scale extension during the Permian in Tarim Basin. The bimodal dyke has genetic affinity with the huge volume of Permian basalts and igneous rocks (248–292 Ma) that occur in the Tarim Basin. The magmatism manifests the culmination of the major thermal event in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

With the over-exploitation of water resources, water pollution and poor management of water infrastructures are exacerbated. Ecosystem degradation is apparent at the basin level. The Tarim River Basin in northwest China has seen intensive confrontation between environmental protection and economic development over the past five decades. Ambitious agricultural development and land reclamation projects implemented by the Chinese government in the early 1960s led to several influences. For example, the construction of dams like the Daxihaizi Reservoir disrupted the stream-flow to the lower reaches. Water resource reproducible ability (WRRA) refers to the ability of water resources to be continually added by the natural water cycle. It includes the supplementation of water quantity and the self-purification of water quality in the natural cycle of water resources. This study discusses the WRRA index and introduces the computational method for calculating the WRRA index for the Tarim River Basin. The following conclusions are observed: (1) from 1956 to 2005, the indices of WRRA in the Hotan River Basin, Yarkand and Aksu River Basin are 0.26, 0.55, 0.58, respectively, which are between 0 and 1. The results indicate that the hydrological cycle in these three sub-basins is in a reproducible state. (2) The WRRA index in the Kaidu-Kong River Basin is 1.23 > 1, which indicates that floods may occur in the Kaidu-Kong River Basin. (3) The index of WRRA in the main stream is 0, which indicates that the WRRA is very weak at this location, and zero-flow may occur. Calculating the WRRA of a basin can provide a basis for corresponding basin water resources management.  相似文献   

右江盆地含油气成矿流体性质及其成藏-成矿作用   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
右江盆地含油气成矿流体是一种多组分、多相态的不混溶体系,成藏流体具低温(多为90~160℃)和低盐度(多小于6wt%NaCl)的特征,其主要组分是有机质、CO2和H2O;金矿成矿流体以中低温(多集中于150~250℃)和低盐度(0.4~6.7wt%NaCl)为特征,其主要组分为H2O和CO2,次为烃类有机组分。盆地内古油藏与金矿床在空间上密切共存,在成藏和成矿流体活动时限上基本一致,在成因上一脉相承,表明两者均为盆地有机成矿流体演化的产物。加里东晚期至印支中期,"盆-台相间"的沉积构造格局为成矿和成藏奠定了物质基础,盆地有机成矿流体的活动使油气和金属分别聚集形成油气藏和金属矿床。印支晚期至燕山早期,伴随褶皱造山作用的盆地流体活动使油气的原始分布格局发生改变,并造成了油气和金属矿床的空间分带。燕山中晚期强烈的构造抬升剥蚀,使油气藏和金属矿床遭受强烈的破坏与改造。  相似文献   

Recently,a large-scale Ordovician oil and gas pool has been discovered in Xinken,north of the Tarim Basin,and it has strongly heterogeneous reservoirs and complicated fluid distribution.Through analyzing oil,gas and water samples collected from this area,in combination of field production and testing data,this study reveals that the Xinken oil pool contains dominantly normal oil characterized by low viscosity,low sulphur,and high wax.It has a low content of natural gas,which presents typical characteristics of wet gas and is oil-associated gas.Oil-gas correlation shows that the oil was from the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks and the charge and accumulation of oil and gas took place in the Late Hercynian Period.Controlled by paleogeomorphology,sedimentary facies,ancient karstification,faults,and other factors in the Caledonian Period,the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs are dominated by dissolved pores,cavities and fractures.The reservoir body of fractures and cavities is distributed in the shape of strip and laminate along faults and excellent reservoirs are mostly in the range of 70–100 m below the top of the Yijianfang Formation.As a whole,the Xinken oil pool is a fracture-cavity pool controlled by interbedded karst reservoirs and is a complex composed of stacked karst fractures and cavities of various sizes.It contains oil in large areas horizontally,which is quasi-laminated in distribution,and the accumulation of oil and gas is controlled by the distribution and development degree of the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs.The study shows that this area has abundant resources and a great exploration potential for oil and gas.  相似文献   

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