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龙王(石童)A型花岗岩地球化学特征及其地球动力学意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
龙王花岗岩岩体产于华北克拉通南缘,岩石类型主要为黑云母钾长花岗岩,局部见有霓辉石花岗岩。岩体高硅(SiO2=72.17%~76.82%)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=8.28%~10.22%,K2O/Na2O>1),碱性指数AI(agpaitic index)=0.84~0.95,分异指数DI=95~97,铝指数ASI(aluminium saturation index)=0.96~1.13。含铁指数高(FeO/(FeO+Mg)=0.90~0.99),岩石为准铝质至弱过铝质、碱性—碱钙性、铁质A型花岗岩。岩石富集大离子亲石元素,稀土元素含量很高(854~1572μg/g);高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf)的富集程度明显低于大离子亲石元素,因此在微量元素蛛网图上呈相对亏损特征;岩石显著亏损Ba、Sr、Ti、Pb;εNd(t)=-4.5~-7.2,Nd模式年龄为2.3~2.5Ga。εHf(t)=-1.11~-5.26,模式年龄tHf1=2.1~2.3Ga,tHf2=2.4~2.6Ga。黑云母钾长花岗岩中的锆石主要为无色透明柱状晶体,CL图像多数显示清晰的岩浆成因的韵律环带结构,锆石LA-ICPMSU-Pb年龄为...  相似文献   

华北克拉通南缘1600Ma麻坪A型花岗岩的成因及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
麻坪花岗岩体产于华北克拉通南缘,岩石类型主要为花岗斑岩,具斑状结构,斑晶主要为钾长石和石英。LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,岩体的形成时代为1600Ma。所有样品高SiO 2(70.51%~75.69%)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=7.42%~10.27%,K2O/Na2O23),贫MgO(0.24%~0.58%)、CaO(0.06%~0.12%)、P2O5(0.04%~0.08%)和MnO(0.01%),以及Eu、Sr和Ti负异常,表明它们在演化过程中经历了钾长石、斜长石、铁钛氧化物等的分离结晶作用。它们高的铝饱和指数(A/CNK1.11),显示强过铝质特征。然而,麻坪花岗斑岩高的Ga/Al比值以及高的锆石饱和温度(870~953℃),显示典型的A型花岗岩特征。因此,麻坪花岗斑岩为强过铝质A型花岗岩。麻坪花岗斑岩的地球化学特征、锆石Hf同位素组成以及二阶段模式年龄表明其来自太华群高温条件下部分熔融,同时基性岩浆的底侵作用为之提供了相应的热源。麻坪花岗斑岩的产生是裂谷岩浆活动的产物,其形成可能与Columbia超大陆的裂解有关。  相似文献   

河南上店和登封古元古代晚期A型花岗岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学、岩石地球化学和Nd-Hf同位素研究为讨论华北克拉通南缘中部古元古代晚期构造演化提供了依据。结果表明,上店花岗斑岩和登封正长花岗岩中锆石发育振荡生长环带,结合高的Th/U比值(0.36~1.64),表明其为岩浆成因,岩浆锆石的207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄分别为1801Ma、1801Ma和1795Ma,即它们形成于古元古代晚期;上店花岗斑岩具有高SiO_2(70.30%~71.83%)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=8.76%~11.01%)、贫Ca O(0.18%~0.36%)、P2O5(0.12%~0.15%)和MgO(0.02%~0.20%)的特征,富集LILEs(Cs、Rb、Ba和K)、贫HFSEs(Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf)和强烈亏损Sr、P、Ti元素,具有负的Eu异常(δEu=0.44~0.59),结合高的FeOT/(FeOT+MgO)比值(0.94~1.00)和10000×Ga/Al比值(2.70~3.74),暗示其为A型花岗岩,具造山后A2型花岗岩特征;上店花岗斑岩的全岩εNd(t)值变化于-8.94~-6.87之间,tDM2=3243~3049Ma,锆石εHf(t)值介于-14.1~-6.5之间,tDM2=3030~2655Ma;登封正长花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)值介于-11.3~-8.4之间,tDM2=2887~2744Ma。上述结果暗示,上店和登封A型花岗岩均来源于幔源岩浆底侵作用下的中-新太古代基底物质的部分熔融,形成于华北克拉通东部和西部陆块碰撞造山后的伸展环境。  相似文献   

白垩纪华北克拉通岩石圈经历了巨大的减薄事件,但减薄过程及机制仍存在较大争论。早白垩世的西石门杂岩体是华北克拉通东部与岩石圈减薄相关的重要杂岩体。根据西石门杂岩体形成时代和岩石结构特征将其划分为两套岩石组合。早期岩套由二长闪长岩-二长岩-正长岩系列组成,具等粒结构,形成时代约为135. 6Ma,岩石地球化学成分为SiO_2=51. 72%~68. 56%、MgO=0. 17%~4. 88%,少部分样品表现出C型埃达克岩的特征;晚期岩套由斑状二长岩-斑状正长岩系列组成,具似斑状结构,形成时代约为125. 3Ma,岩石地球化学成分为SiO_2=57. 00%~67. 51%、MgO=0. 61%~3. 37%,其中还存在大量年龄约2500Ma的继承锆石。两套侵入岩均为高钾钙碱性系列但早期岩套多具埃达克质岩特征,晚期岩套岩石中锆石具有更负的ε_(Hf)(t),显示其具有更多的壳源物质组成。角闪石温度计、压力计显示,早期岩套的定位环境为T=883. 66℃、P=194. 95MPa,相当于7. 36km深处;晚期岩套的定位环境为T=642. 34℃、P=26. 81MPa,相当于1. 01km深处。从135. 6Ma至125. 3Ma,地壳快速抬升了约6. 35km。研究认为,在约135. 6Ma时陆内岩浆作用开始影响研究区,软流圈地幔上涌促使地壳物质熔融、混合形成了早期岩套,同时大规模的岩浆活动及地壳褶皱变形导致陆壳加厚。之后岩石圈地幔发生拆沉作用,地壳快速抬升。在约125. 3Ma后,软流圈地幔继续上涌,回弹的陆壳开始发生大规模的熔融形成了晚期岩套。据此认为拆沉作用是中生代华北克拉通岩石圈减薄的主要机制。  相似文献   

严翔  陈斌  王志强  段晓侠 《岩石学报》2019,35(2):558-588
西伯利亚板块和华北克拉通之间的古亚洲洋最终消减闭合的时间问题一直存在很大的争议,对区域内A型花岗岩的研究可以为该问题的解决提供有效约束。本文详细研究了华北克拉通北缘牛圈银矿区及其外围出露的海西期A型花岗岩和相关的暗色镁铁质微粒包体及辉绿岩脉的地质年代学和地球化学特征,以期解释其岩石成因并讨论构造指示意义。牛圈银矿区的花岗岩主要包括中粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩和细粒钾长花岗岩,锆石U-Pb定年结果表明中粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩和细粒钾长花岗岩分别形成于268.7±3.2Ma和254.2±2.8Ma,基性辉绿岩脉则形成于267.6±3.9Ma,与矿区早期中粗粒黑云母花岗岩几乎同时代或略晚。矿区两期花岗岩都具有弱过铝质特征,属于高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列岩石,均以高SiO2、富碱、高FeOT/(FeOT+MgO)和Ga/Al比值;贫CaO、MgO、TiO2、P2O5;富集Rb、Th、U、Y、F而亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti、Eu等为特征,结合矿物学特征(半自形石英、他形铁质黑云母、出现条纹长石、缺乏碱性暗色矿物等)表明它们均为铝质A2型花岗岩。这也得到了较高的全岩锆石饱和温度(TZr)的支持,中粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩和细粒钾长花岗岩的岩浆结晶温度分别为784~822℃(平均值805℃)和843~871℃(平均值856℃)。中粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩中广泛发育镁铁质暗色包体。本文认为牛圈中粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩为古元古界红旗营子群基底杂岩中的花岗质片麻岩为主的中下地壳物质部分熔融,并与幔源基性岩浆发生岩浆混合作用形成的。年代学、主微量元素及Sr-Nd同位素数据表明,牛圈细粒钾长花岗岩与中粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩不是同一岩浆房演化的产物,而是代表两期岩浆活动,且晚期细粒钾长花岗岩形成过程中地幔物质添加相对更多。通过对牛圈银矿区两期A型花岗岩的研究,结合前人关于华北克拉通北缘中二叠世碱性岩浆岩带的研究,本文认为华北北缘在中二叠世伊始(~270Ma)就已经发生构造体制转换并进入后造山伸展环境,古亚洲洋的最终闭合可能早于270Ma。从牛圈早期中粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩到晚期细粒钾长花岗岩的相继侵位,伴随着更多的地幔物质的加入,其A型花岗岩特征愈发明显,指示华北北缘被破坏大陆边缘越来越强烈的伸展作用。  相似文献   


华北克拉通保存有与Columbia超大陆裂解相关的中元古代岩浆记录。本文综述了华北克拉通中元古代A型花岗岩的时空分布、岩石学和地球化学等特征, 讨论了各期次A型花岗岩的成因及构造背景, 论述了其对华北克拉通中元古代裂解事件的指示意义。华北克拉通主要发育4期A型花岗岩: 1)~1.78 Ga A型花岗岩主要分布于南缘熊耳裂陷槽和晋陕地区; 2)~1.70 Ga A型花岗岩主要分布于北缘渣尔泰-白云鄂博和燕辽裂陷槽; 3)~1.60 Ga A型花岗岩主要分布于南缘熊耳裂陷槽; 4)~1.32 Ga A型花岗岩主要分布于北缘渣尔泰-白云鄂博和燕辽裂陷槽。这4期A型花岗岩均来源于地壳物质的部分熔融, 可能与同期伸展作用导致岩浆底侵提供热源有关。整体具有造山后伸展到陆内裂谷环境的演化序列, 且存在明显的时空差异。华北克拉通中元古代A型花岗岩记录了4期主要的裂解事件, 为华北克拉通参与了Columbia超大陆裂解提供了依据。


This paper reports new whole-rock geochemical, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic, and zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic data for Early Cretaceous intrusive rocks in the Sanmenxia–Houma area of central China, and uses these data to constrain the petrogenesis of low-Mg adakitic rocks (LMAR) and the spatial extent of the influence of the deeply subducted Yangtze slab during the Triassic evolution of this region. New zircon laser-ablation inductivity coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb data indicate that the early- and late-stage southern Quli, Qiligou, and Gaomiao porphyritic quartz diorites, the Canfang granodiorite, and the northern Wangmao porphyritic quartz monzodiorite were emplaced during the Early Cretaceous (~ 130 Ma) and the late Early Cretaceous (~ 116 Ma). These rocks are characterized by high Na2O/K2O, Sr/Y, and (La/Yb)n ratios as well as high Sr concentrations, low Mg# [molar 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe2 +tot)] values, and low heavy rare earth element and Y concentrations, all of which indicate an LMAR affinity. The samples have relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7054–0.7095), and low εNd(t) (− 11.90 to − 22.20) and εHf(t) (− 16.7 to − 32.7) values, indicative of a lower continental crust origin. The presence of Neoproterozoic (754–542 Ma) and inherited Late Triassic (220 Ma) metamorphic zircons within the late Early Cretaceous LMAR and the relatively high 206Pb/204Pb ratios of these rocks suggest that they formed from primary magmas derived from partial melting of Yangtze Craton (YC) basement material that had undergone ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. In contrast, the presence of Paleoproterozoic and Archean inherited zircons within early Early Cretaceous LMAR in this area and the relatively low 206Pb/204Pb ratios of these rocks are indicative of derivation from primary magmas generated by partial melting of the thickened lower continental crust of the North China Craton (NCC). These rocks may have formed in an extensional environment associated with the upwelling of asthenospheric mantle material. The presence of YC basement material within the NCC in the Sanmenxia–Houma area suggests that the deeply subducted Yangtze slab influenced an area of ~ 100 km in lateral extent within the southern margin of the central NCC during the Triassic.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1418-1444
Quaternary volcanic rocks in the Kuandian (KD), Longgang (LG), Changbaishan (CBS), Wangqing (WQ), and Jilin (JL) volcanic centres in eastern Liaoning and southern Jilin provinces contain mantle xenoliths of spinel-facies lherzolites and minor harzburgites. Among the study sites, the KD, LG, and CBS volcanic fields are located on the northeastern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), whereas the WQ and JL fields lie on the southern margin of the Xing'an–Mongolia Orogenic Belt (XMOB). The (Fo) components of olivine (Ol) and Cr# (=Cr/(Cr + Al)) of spinel, together with trace element abundance of clinopyroxene, suggest that the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the study area has undergone a low degree (4–6%) of partial melting. The rocks do not show modal metasomatism, but clinopyroxene grains in selected samples show elevated large ion lithophile element compositions, suggesting that the mantle xenoliths underwent minor cryptic metasomatism by exchange with a silicate melt. Two-pyroxene thermometry yielded equilibration temperatures ranging from 740°C to 1210°C. The corresponding oxygen fugacity (fO2) was calculated to range from FMQ –2.64 to +0.39 with an average of –0.59 (n?=?53). The oxidation state is comparable to that of abyssal peridotites and the asthenospheric mantle. We failed to discover differences in equilibration temperatures and oxidation state between lherzolites and harzburgites, suggesting that partial melting did not affect fO2 values. In addition, similar fO2 of non-metasomatized and metasomatized samples suggest that metasomatism in the region did not affect fO2. Our data suggest that the present SCLM beneath the northeastern margin of the NCC and the southern margin of the XMOB are very similar and likely formed from a fertile asthenosphere after delamination of an old lithospheric keel below the NCC in response to the west-dipping subduction of the Pacific oceanic plate since early to middle Mesozoic time.  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction Voluminous Mesozoic magmatic rocks containing abundant Au-Mo polymetallic mineralization resources are developed in the Xiaoqinling-Xiong’ershan district of the southern margin of the North China Craton(NCC).  相似文献   

刘俊来  季雷  倪金龙  陈小宇 《地质学报》2022,96(10):3360-3380
早白垩世时期华北克拉通的演化为探索大陆再造提供了典型案例,强烈地壳伸展、岩石圈减薄及克拉通破坏的机理及动力学长期以来一直是争议的焦点。早白垩世岩石圈伸展形成了包括辽南和五莲变质核杂岩在内的地壳伸展构造组合,同时伴随着巨量壳- 幔岩浆活动性,这些构造- 岩浆活动是克拉通岩石圈壳- 幔耦合拆离与解耦拆离作用的结果,可以用克拉通岩石圈壳- 幔拆离模型(parallel extension tectonics)解释。与此同时,具有相似特点(时间、几何学、运动学和动力学)的构造- 岩浆活动遍布包含东北亚、中国华北和华南及俄罗斯远东地区等在内的整个欧亚大陆东部地区,反映在统一构造环境中发展和演化的本质,而华北克拉通成为早白垩世欧亚大陆东部地区岩石圈伸展的典型案例。广布的早白垩世伸展构造东侧紧邻古太平洋板块俯冲作用形成的陆缘增生杂岩带,构成独特的古太平洋型活动大陆边缘。这种大陆边缘保留和记录了与现今西太平洋型和安第斯型活动大陆边缘全然不一致的构造特点,包含增生杂岩(海沟增生楔处)与面状伸展构造域两个构造要素,但缺乏典型的大规模岩浆弧的存在。地幔分层对流对于古太平洋- 欧亚大陆间洋陆相互作用、大陆岩石圈伸展、克拉通岩石圈减薄与破坏提供了重要动力来源,而板块边缘力起着重要的辅助作用。  相似文献   

贺元凯  吴泰然  荆旭  罗红玲  赵磊 《岩石学报》2009,25(5):1201-1205
内蒙古四子王旗地处华北板块北缘中段,近年来在该区的早白垩世碱性玄武岩中发现了下地壳麻粒岩包体。本文研究的麻粒岩包体多数为中酸性的苏长麻粒岩,只有个别属于基性的二辉麻粒岩。麻粒岩包体的主量元素特征为SiO2含量在49.9%到69.24%之间,MgO含量在0.92%~3.56%之间,Mg#为43.0~62.9,Al2O3在13.91%~22.79%之间;稀土元素总量变化较大(∑REE在33.76×10-6~184.13×10-6之间),分配模式也不尽相同,反映这些包体来自于不同源区或经历了不同的演化过程,但总体特征是LREE相对HREE富集,大多数样品的Eu呈现明显的正异常;由于包体的来源不同或经历了不同的演化阶段,它们的微量元素特征也有很大的差异。本区研究的麻粒岩包体的地球化学特征与华北地台的麻粒岩包体和麻粒岩地体都有很大的不同,反映了地壳组成横向上的不均一性。计算得出二辉麻粒岩的平衡温压条件分别为940~947℃和1.2±0.1GPa;苏长麻粒岩的平衡温度范围为927~715℃。通过对麻粒岩包体的岩相学、平衡温压条件估算、锆石形态特征分析和锆石的LA-ICP-MS年代学研究,得到本区早白垩世时的下地壳组成和之前的演化过程:本区下地壳在约40km深处可分为上下两部分,上部主要由苏长麻粒岩组成,厚度至少为9km,下部可能由二辉麻粒岩组成;下地壳上部的苏长麻粒岩是晚太古代(2509±35Ma)的岩浆岩经历了早白垩世(约122Ma)的玄武质岩浆底侵,发生了麻粒岩相变质和部分熔融形成的。推测本区岩石圈减薄事件的起始时间为122Ma。  相似文献   


Zircon U–Pb ages, major element and trace element compositions, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions for late Mesozoic granites from the southern Jiaodong Peninsula (eastern China) were determined. Ages for the Wulianshan, Xiaozhushan, and Dazhushan plutons are 119.1–122.3, 114.2, and 108.9 Ma, respectively. Major and trace element characteristics show that these granitic rocks belong to alkaline, A-type granites formed in an extensional setting. Trace element compositions show strong, variable negative anomalies in Ba, K, P and Ti, and positive anomalies in Rb, Th, U, Pb, Ce, Zr, and Hf, which are typical characteristics of A-type granites. Variable Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70540–0.7071 and εNd(t) = ?14.5 to ?20.9. Whole-rock Pb isotopic compositions have the following ranges, (206Pb/204Pb)t = 15.707–16.561, (207Pb/204Pb)t = 15.376–16.462, and (208Pb/204Pb)t = 36.324 to 37.064. Isotopic modelling indicates an origin that lies between mantle tapped by Cenozoic basalts around the Tan-Lu megafault and lower continental crust (LCC), and which can be explained by mixing of 11–18% mantle and 82–89% LCC. Based on new and compiled data, we suggest that the southern Jiaodong Peninsula, as well as the Laoshan area, was in a regional extensional setting of an orogenic belt during 106–126 Ma. The granitic rocks may be the result of late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning and decratonization (i.e. late Mesozoic craton destruction event occurring throughout eastern China).  相似文献   

This article reports systematic zircon U–Pb dating, whole-rock geochemistry, and Sr–Nd isotopic data for the Early Cretaceous Jialou granitoids along the southernmost margin of the North China Craton (NCC), adjacent to the Tongbai Orogen. These results will provide significant constrains on the crustal evolution of the southern margin of the NCC. Zircon U–Pb analyses, using laser ablation–multicollector–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry, indicate that the Jialou granitoids were emplaced at ~130 Ma. The granitoids have high SiO2, K2O, Al2O3, Sr, and Ba contents, high Sr/Y and (La/Yb)N ratios, and low concentrations of MgO, Y, and heavy rare earth elements, indicating a low-Mg adakitic affinity. They have relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707464–0.708190) and negative εNd(t) values (–11.8 to –15.2), similar to those of the Palaeoproterozoic lower crust in the NCC. These geochemical and isotopic features indicate that the Jialou low-Mg adakitic rocks were derived by partial melting of mafic Palaeoproterozoic lower crust of the NCC at >50 km depth, leaving behind a garnet amphibolite residue. The petrogenesis of the Jialou low-Mg adakitic rocks, plus the petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids and lower crustal xenoliths entrained in the Late Jurassic Xinyang volcaniclastic diatreme, suggests that the continental crust along the southern margin of the NCC was thickened during the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, but thinned after 130 Ma. We propose that crustal thickening was caused by a late Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous intra-continental orogeny, rather than continent–continent collision between the NCC and the Yangtze Craton. We also suggest that crustal thinning and Early Cretaceous magmatism were related to subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate, rather than post-orogenic collapse of the Qinling–Tongbai–Dabie Orogen.  相似文献   


华北克拉通岩石圈减薄和破坏机理长期以来存在争议,基于岩石学、岩石地球的化学分析研究突出强调深部过程的重要性。前人提出了两种重要模式:包括以拆沉作用为代表的top-down tectonics模型和以热-机械侵蚀与化学侵蚀,或地幔置换、交代作用的bottom-up tectonics模型。然而,对于这两种模式而言尚存在许多无法合理解释的问题,比如在此深部过程中,区域性岩石圈伸展有多大的贡献?地壳伸展构造是作为深部过程的响应,还是同为岩石圈伸展的产物?本文基于早白垩世东亚地区(尤其是华北克拉通东部地区)伸展构造与岩浆活动的综合分析,揭示出华北克拉通东部不同地区伸展构造变形与岩浆活动之间的时、空和成因关系有一定的差异。但整体上看,岩石圈伸展起着主导作用,控制着岩浆上侵和就位,在拆离断层下盘侵入形成各种规模的花岗质为主的侵入体,或于上盘喷发形成火山-沉积岩盆地。在伸展构造发育的不同阶段,可以有伸展早期、伸展期及伸展期后的岩浆活动。岩浆活动的强度及岩浆源区特点有显著的时空变化。一方面,在同一地区不同演化阶段其源区有很大的差异。表现为主体上是早期以古老下地壳源为主,随着壳/幔伸展作用演化,逐渐向混合源或独立幔源的演化。同时,不同地区岩浆源区的变化规律也显著不同。以胶辽地区为例,胶东整体上是壳幔混合源区对于岩浆演化有重要贡献;而辽东地区具有显著的源区演化特点:从剪切早期古老下地壳源区为主,并伴有幔源物质加入,剪切期古老下地壳为主,到剪切晚期和剪切期后以新生下地壳为主。本文认为岩石圈伸展的壳/幔拆离模型(Parallel Extension Tectonics),可以合理地解释华北克拉通及邻区早白垩世构造-岩浆活动性。在该模型中,遭受伸展的华北克拉通岩石圈发生壳-幔拆离作用。在岩石圈伸展作用期间,地壳层次的拆离作用与岩石圈地幔层次上的拆离作用可以是耦合的或者是解耦的,从而导致华北克拉通岩石圈减薄过程中在地壳尺度上的拆离作用与变质核杂岩的剥露有三种不同的类型:同岩浆活动型伸展(C型:Co-magmatism mode extension)、无岩浆活动型伸展(A型:Amagmatism mode extension)和多阶段混合型(M型:Multi-mode extension)。


《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):859-872
Mesozoic lamprophyres are widely present in gold province in the Jiaodong Peninsula. In this study, we analyzed major and trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of lamprophyres from the Linglong and Penglai Au-ore districts in the Jiaodong Peninsula, in an attempt to better understand Mesozoic lithospheric evolution beneath the eastern North China Craton. These lamprophyre dikes are calc-alkaline in nature, and are characterized by low concentrations of SiO2, TiO2 and total Fe2O3, high concentrations of MgO, Mg# and compatible element, enriched in LREE and LILE but variably depleted in HFSE. They display initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.709134–0.710314, εNd(t) values of − 13.2 to − 18.3, 206Pb/204Pb of 17.364–17.645, 207Pb/204Pb of 15.513–15.571 and 208Pb/204Pb of 37.995–38.374. Interpretation of elemental and isotopic data suggests that the Linglong and Penglai lamprophyres were derived from partial melting of a phlogopite- and/or amphibole-bearing lherzolite in the spinel–garnet transition zone. The parental magma might have experienced fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene, and minor crustal materials were incorporated during ascent of these mafic magmas. Before ~ 120 Ma of emplacement of these calc-alkaline lamprophyres, the ancient lithospheric mantle was variably metasomatized by hydrous fluids rather than melts from subducted/foundered continental crust. It is proposed that continuous modification by slab-derived hydrous fluids from the Paleo-Pacific plate converted the old cratonic lithospheric mantle to Mesozoic enriched lithospheric mantle. Geodynamic force for generation of these lamprophyres may be related to large scale lithospheric thinning coupled with upwelling of the asthenosphere beneath the North China Craton. Continental arc-rifting related to the Paleo-Pacific plate subduction is favored as a geodynamic force for the cratonic lithosphere detachment.  相似文献   

华北克拉通南缘新太古代-古元古代变质结晶基底之上不整合覆盖着巨厚的中-新元古代陆源碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩沉积盖层,根据沉积建造特征,将其划分为三个不同的地层分布小区,分别为嵩箕地层小区、渑池-确山地层小区和熊耳山地层小区.嵩箕小区位于熊耳裂谷盆地东北缘,以硅质碎屑岩(砂岩)为主,渑池-确山地层小区位于熊耳裂谷盆地北缘,以硅质碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩(白云岩)过渡相为主,熊耳山地层小区位于熊耳裂谷盆地南缘,以碳酸盐岩为主.本文通过对三个地层小区的沉积地层剖面和岩石学特征进行研究,认为华北南缘从中元古代开始处于河流相-浅海相的沉积环境,从南向北,海水由深变浅.根据地层的岩性、沉积构造及其组合特征,将其划分为低水位、海侵和高水位沉积体系,最大海侵时期为青白口系早期.通过对熊耳山地区的官道口群的岩相学和地球化学分析,并结合其已有的碎屑锆石年龄和另外两个地层小区的五佛山群和汝阳群的碎屑锆石年龄以及它们的地球化学特征,表明三个地层区的沉积地层在中元古代均处于被动大陆边缘环境,而新元古代则可能处于与大陆岛弧相关的沉积盆地,这一结果表明从中元古代到新元古代华北南缘可能受到秦岭造山带早期微陆块俯冲碰撞的影响,由被动大陆边缘向活动大陆边缘过渡的过程.三套地层最年轻的碎屑锆石207 Pb/206Pb年龄基本上在1600Ma左右,从而限定了其最大沉积时代不早于1600Ma.其锆石年龄大多数都分布于古元古代(1700 ~ 2400Ma),太古代的年龄极少,说明其物源区以古元古代的地质体为主,且碎屑锆石年龄峰值为~ 1.93Ga,反映了华北南缘在~1.93Ga发生过重要的构造-热事件,与华北克拉通古元古代中期发生的变质作用时间(~ 1.91Ga)一致.三套沉积地层的碎屑锆石εHf(t)值变化较大(-20~ +6),表明既有新生地壳物质的加入,也有古老地壳物质的再循环.Hf两阶段模式年龄分布于2.3~3.8Ga之间,明显大于其207pb/206pb年龄,大部分锆石的Hf同位素组成集中于2.6Ga和3.0Ga地壳演化线区域内,峰值为2.75Ga,表明2.75Ga左右是华北克拉通南缘重要的陆壳生长期.  相似文献   

王栋  王天齐  李红艳 《岩石学报》2023,39(2):317-339
早白垩世崂山花岗岩位于苏鲁超高压变质带中部, 是中国东部典型的A型花岗岩之一。其岩浆源区和岩石成因目前还存在一定的争议, 而且其成岩过程中的物理化学条件及相关研究也比较缺乏。本文在详细的野外工作和岩相学研究的基础上, 采用角闪石、黑云母的成分估算了成岩的温度、压力和氧逸度条件, 并开展了岩石地球化学、Sr-Nd同位素分析, 探讨岩石的源区和成因。结果显示, 崂山花岗岩的岩浆形成于高温(>850℃)和高氧逸度条件。岩浆在地壳浅部压力较低的条件下结晶, 岩浆固结温度在700℃左右, 随后经历了快速降温的过程。岩石地球化学方面, 崂山花岗岩富SiO2、富碱, 贫Ca、Mg; 高场强元素Th、Zr、Nb、Y和大离子亲石元素Rb、K含量高, 而Ba、Sr含量低; 稀土元素含量高, 且具有显著的Eu负异常, 呈右倾"海鸥型"分配特征。同位素方面, 所有样品均显示出富集的Sr、Nd同位素特征, (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.706447~0.707876, εNd(117Ma)值为-14.8~-17.4, 全岩Nd两阶段模式年龄(tDM2)为2112~2325Ma。结合胶东地区前人的研究成果, 本文认为崂山A型花岗岩是由地壳中富K的碱性岩重熔而成, 其岩浆源区很可能与该区三叠纪碱性岩浆活动有关。崂山A型花岗岩的形成标志着碰撞造山带底部的扬子板块已经垮塌完毕, 同时岩石圈减薄达到高峰。  相似文献   

SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages and geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data are presented for the gabbroic intrusive from the southern Taihang Mountains to characterize the nature of the Mesozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the central North China Craton (NCC). The gabbroic rocks emplaced at 125 Ma and are composed of plagioclase (40–50%), amphibole (20–30%), clinopyroxene (10–15%), olivine (5–10%) and biotite (5–7%). Olivines have high MgO (Fo = 78–85) and NiO content. Clinopyroxenes are high in MgO and CaO with the dominant ones having the formula of En42–46Wo41–50Fs8–13. Plagioclases are dominantly andesine–labradorite (An = 46–78%) and have normal zonation from bytownite in the core to andesine in the rim. Amphiboles are mainly magnesio and actinolitic hornblende, distinct from those in the Precambrian high-pressure granulites of the NCC. These gabbroic rocks are characterized by high MgO (9.0–11.04%) and SiO2 (52.66–55.52%), and low Al2O3, FeOt and TiO2, and could be classified as high-mg basaltic andesites. They are enriched in LILEs and LREEs, depleted in HFSEs and HREEs, and exhibit (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.70492–0.70539, εNd(t) = − 12.47–15.07, (206Pb/204Pb)i = 16.63–17.10, Δ8/4 = 70.1–107.2 and Δ7/4 = − 2.1 to − 9.4, i.e., an EMI-like isotopic signatures. Such geochemical features indicate that these early Cretaceous gabbroic rocks were originated from a refractory pyroxenitic veined-plus-peridotite source previously modified by an SiO2-rich melt that may have been derived from Paleoproterozoic subducted crustal materials. Late Mesozoic lithospheric extension might have induced the melting of the metasomatised lithospheric mantle in response to the upwelling of the asthenosphere to generate these gabbroic rocks in the southern Taihang Mountains.  相似文献   

在华北克拉通陆续发现有大量的古元古代末-中元古代早期A-型花岗岩,它们具有独特的地球化学特征和特定的形成条件,可为进一步了解A-型花岗岩的岩石成因以及华北克拉通由结晶基底的形成向稳定盖层发育时期构造环境的转折提供重要依据。本文对华北克拉通南缘产出的垣头花岗岩体进行了岩石学、锆石U-Pb年代学、元素地球化学和Nd-Hf-O同位素研究。结果表明,垣头岩体岩石类型主要为正长花岗岩,形成时代为1841±4Ma;全岩样品具有较高的铁(FeO~T/(FeO~T+MgO)=0. 75~0. 86)、富碱(K_2O+Na_2O=8. 11%~9. 13%,K_2O/Na_2O 1)、低MgO (0. 28%~0. 56%)、P_2O_5(0. 04%~0. 08%)和MnO(0. 03%~0. 04%),富含大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Th、U、K)、亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf),具有Eu、Sr负异常,高10,000Ga/Al比值( 2. 76)、准铝质-弱过铝质且不含碱性暗色矿物,属于铝质A-型花岗岩;全岩εNd(t)=-4. 68、tC DM=2. 70Ga,锆石εHf(t)=-12. 0~-4. 71、tC8DM=3. 22~2. 78Ga,锆石δ1O=5. 4‰~6. 5‰(加权平均值为6. 1‰),指示它们是古老基底物质部分熔融的产物。结合区域上的地质特征和研究资料,我们认为垣头A-型花岗岩体形成于碰撞后的伸展环境,标志着华北克拉通1. 85Ga前后的造山运动的结束。  相似文献   




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