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Till-covered sand and silt sediments with organic material from Boliden, northern Sweden, have been resampled and reinvestigated. Texture and petrographic analyses demonstrated one till bed overlying, and one underlying the sandy sediments. Low frequencies of diatoms were noted, representing freshwater, halophilous and brackish water taxa. The diatoms may be allochthonous or autochthonous, or redeposited from older deposits. Pollen analysis revealed a new picture of the composition of the vegetation, as compared with earlier investigations. The flora consisted of an arctic-subarctic treeless shrub and herb vegetation dominated by Salix, Betula nana , Gramineae and Cyperaceae. Artemisia and several arctic-alpine herbs were important elements. The identification of Salix wood as well as fruits and fruit scales of Betula nana and Betula cf. humilis is in agreement with the pollen-analytical results, as is the occurrence of Nordicboreal species of Coleoptera. Two radiocarbon datings resulted in an age of c. 45,000 B. P. and >40,000 B.P. The Boliden till-covered sediments were most probably deposited during an Early or Middle Weichselian interstadial, but the initial or final stage of an interglacial (Eemian) is also possible.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphical and palynological investigations of a coastal cliff section at Kobbelgård, Møn (Denmark) reveal a sedimentary sequence of Weichselian age. Bedded clayey sediments are overlain by stratified silt, sand and occasional beds of clay and gravel. The clay was deposited in water, and most of the silt and sand is aeolian, forming fairly thick units of loess and sand-loess. The lower part of the sequence forms an anticlinal structure, probably of glacio-tectonic orìgìn. The upper part of the sequence appears to represent a depression filling. In the lower part of this, clayey layers alternating with loess deposits suggest wet conditions periodically. In the upper part, loess and fine sand were deposited, interfingering with slope sediments in a periglacial environment from around 24,000 BP almost until the Weichselian glacial maximum. Pollen investigations at the site point to three periods of vegetation. The lowest pollen sequence contains much Ericales, Empetrum and occasionally also Pinus , and is thought to be of Early Glacial or Lower Pleniglacial age. Overlying pollen-bearing strata with high proportions of herbs, including Artemisia , antedate a TL dating of c. 27,000 BP. An upper pollen sequence, derived from slightly organic layers in the depression fill, points to a palaeovegetation almost exclusively of herbs, with Artemisia as an important component. This vegetation is thought to represent a relatively moist site, and is TL dated to c. 24,000 P.  相似文献   

三江平原位于我国东北的边陲,系黑龙江、松花江、乌苏里江汇流而成的冲积平原。其位置在东经129°11′20″至135°5′10″,北纬43°49′55′至48°27′40″(图1)。  相似文献   

内蒙古东部植被是我国北方重要的生态系统屏障,东亚夏季风降水变化是影响当地水资源分布、植被演替、农牧业经济发展的重要因素.为了更好预测未来季风边缘带植被景观、降水变化趋势和评估干旱事件可能产生的影响,需要在该区域开展更多地质增温期历史相似型研究.本文选择生态系统脆弱、对夏季风变化响应敏感的内蒙古东部布日敦湖作为研究点,通过钻取长386 cm的湖泊沉积物并选取底部厚度176 cm(386~210 cm),分析其中的花粉指标,结合高精度AMS 14C测年,来重建该地区末次冰消期高分辨率植被演替过程和降水不稳定性特征.结果表明,布日敦湖岩芯386~210 cm沉积物年代跨度为14918~10693 a B. P..湖泊周围植被在14918~14167 a B. P.为以蒿属、禾本科等草本植物为主的草原景观;而在14167~12695 a B. P.,以桦属为代表的先锋树种出现在湖泊西部山地丘陵区,并逐渐发展成为以桦属为建群种的温带落叶阔叶林;12695~11505 a B. P.,桦属和其他阔叶乔木明显减少,湖泊西部地区植被迅速退化为开阔的疏林草原景观;11505~10693 a B. P.,植被逐渐恢复为与现今类似的森林草原交错生长群落.乔木/非乔木花粉含量比值( AP/NAP)和主要陆生植物花粉百分比主成分分析(PCA)结果说明,研究区植被演替主要受降水控制.将该结果与沉积相、沉积速率变化相结合,证明14512 a B. P.布日敦湖流域内降水突然增加,在14512~12695 a B. P.期间气候最为湿润,并伴随3次百年尺度降水波动事件.而12695 a B. P.时降水迅速减少,在12695~11505 a B. P.发生千年尺度干旱事件.布日敦湖地区降水变化总体趋势与北方季风边缘带其他高分辨率湖泊记录相似,但内部结构存在一定差异.在年代误差范围内,降水突变与北高纬博令-阿勒罗德(BA)间冰阶和新仙女木(YD)冰阶温度异常事件发生时间相一致.北半球夏季太阳辐射岁差周期变化、北大西洋经向反转环流(AMOC)循环速率、西风急流强度和位置等均可能导致西太平洋副热带高压位置异常偏移,进而影响东亚夏季风北部边缘带降水变化.  相似文献   

The Middle Weichselian (OIS 4‐3) and the transition from Early to Middle Weichselian are the most problematic and disputed time intervals of the Late Pleistocene with regard to the palaeogeography of the Fennoscandian glaciations. The number of sites with sediments of Middle Weichselian age in the Baltic region is very limited. An extensive area (77 km2) of lacustrine sediments (sand, clay, silt with humus and interlayers of peat), under the relief‐forming Upper Weichselian till, was discovered in the vicinity of the Venta settlement, northwestern Lithuania, and named the Venta Palaeolacustrine Basin. The Svirkanciai outcrop (56°18′05″N, 22°53′00″E) (15 m in height) of this palaeobasin is composed of two sediment complexes of different genesis and age. The lower part consists of silt and very fine‐grained sand of lacustrine origin. According to palynological data, the lacustrine sediments accumulated under boreo‐arctic climatic conditions. The pollen records suggest that local vegetation was sparse forest with open areas. An Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) date of the lacustrine sand yielded an age of >79±6 ka, which indicates that lacustrine conditions may have occurred during part of the Early Weichselian Odderade Interstadial (Jonionys 2). However, the palynological data from Svirkanciai suggest a Middle Weichselian age, possibly correlating with the Oerel Interstadial (Jonionys 3) 55 ka ago. No traces of early Middle Weichselian Schalkholz (Nemunas 2a) stadial glacial advance have been found in the Venta sections. This also suggests a Middle Weichselian age for the Svirkanciai lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

A peat layer beneath two till beds was found at Seitevare in Swedish Lapland. The pollen flora layer indicates deposition during the later part of the Eemian Interglacial. The vegetation consisted of open forests predominated by pine and birch, mixed with alder and spruce. The sedimentation took place in a small oligotrophic-dystrophic water basin with a pH about 5, according to the diatom flora. In an adjacent section, silty sediments with pollen indicating interstadial vegetation (birches, herbs) are covered by one till bed. These sediments are tentatively correlated with the Peräpohjola Interstadial in northern Finland and north-eastern Sweden. The lithostratigraphy indicates one pre-Eemian and probably three Weichselian glacial advances.  相似文献   

Birks, H. H. & van Dinter, M. 2010: Lateglacial and early Holocene vegetation and climate gradients in the Nordfjord–Ålesund area, western Norway. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 783–798. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00161.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Modern climate in western Norway shows a strong west–east gradient in oceanicity–continentality (coast to inner fjord) and altitudinal temperature gradients that control the regional and altitudinal zonation of vegetation. To discover if similar gradients existed during the Lateglacial and early Holocene, plant‐macrofossil analyses were made from five lacustrine sediment sequences in the Nordfjord–Ålesund region selected to sample the present climatic gradients. The macrofossil assemblages could be interpreted as analogues of the present vegetation, thus allowing reconstruction of past vegetation and climates. When the five sites were compared, climatic gradients could be detected. During the Lateglacial interstadial, mid‐alpine assemblages with Salix herbacea and S. polaris occurred at the lowland coast and upland inland sites, whereas the inland lowland site had low‐alpine dwarf‐shrub heath dominated by Betula nana, demonstrating a strong west–east gradient in temperature and precipitation and an altitudinal gradient inland. During the Younger Dryas stadial, assemblages at the lowland coast and upland inland sites resembled high‐alpine vegetation, whereas the inland lowland site was warmer with mid‐alpine vegetation, demonstrating west–east and altitudinal temperature gradients. Gradients became less pronounced in the Holocene. The early abundance of Betula nana in the inner fjord sites but its rarity at the coast is striking and reflects the oceanicity gradient. All sites became forested with Betula pubescens a few centuries into the Holocene. This forest was probably close to tree line at 370 m a.s.l. at the coast. Inland, there was no detectable altitudinal gradient, with the tree line well above 400 m a.s.l. reflecting the present pattern of tree‐line elevation.  相似文献   

Grain‐size distribution is a fundamental tool for interpreting sedimentary units within depositional systems. The techniques assessed in this study are commonly used to determine grain‐size distributions for sand‐dominated sediments. However, the degree of consistency and differences in interpretation when using a combination of grain‐size methods have not yet been assessed systematically for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments. Results obtained from laser diffraction, X‐ray attenuation and scanning electron microscopy grain‐size analysis techniques were compared with those obtained from the traditional sieve/hydrometer method. Scanning electron microscopy was shown to provide an inaccurate quantitative analysis of grain‐size distributions because of difficulties in obtaining representative samples for examination. The X‐ray attenuation method is unsuitable for sand‐dominated sediments because of its upper size range of only 300 μm. The consistently strong correlation between the laser diffraction results and the sieve/hydrometer results shows that these methods are comparable for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments. Provided that sample preparation is consistent, the latter two methods can be used together within a study of such sediments while maintaining a high degree of accuracy. These results indicate that data for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments gained from the long‐established sieve/hydrometer method can be compared with confidence to those obtained by modern studies using laser diffraction techniques.  相似文献   

This paper examines the results of wind tunnel experiments on models of nabkha, based on those studied in the Hotan River basin. Semi-spherical and conical models of nabkhas were constructed at a ratio of 40:1 in light of the on-site observation. Artificial vegetation of simulated Tamarix spp. was put on top of each model. Parameters of the shape, including height, width, and diameter of vegetated semi-spherical and conical nabkha, were measured in the Hotan River basin. Wind tunnel experiments on the semi-spherical and conical nabkha used clean air devoid of additional sediments at five different wind speeds (6–14 m/s) to study the influence of vegetation on airflow patterns. Results of the experiments indicate that vegetation at the top of the nabkhas enhances the surface roughness of the sand mounds, retards airflow over the sand mounds, reduces airflow energy, eliminates erosional pits occurring on the top surface of non-vegetated sand mounds and enhances the range of influence of the vortex that forms on the leeward slope. Vegetation changes the airflow pattern upwind and downwind of the sand mound and reduces the transport of sand away from the nabkha. This entrapment of sediment by the vegetation plays an important role in sustaining the nabkha landscape of the study area. The existence of vegetation makes fine materials in wind-sand flow to possibly deposit, and promotes nabkha formation. The imitative flow patterns of different morphological nabkhas have also been verified by on-site observation in the river basin. __________ Translated from Journal of Desert Research, 2007, 27(1): 15–19 [译自: 中国沙漠]  相似文献   

对大箐梁子剖面进行了系统的磁性地层学研究和孢粉分析。磁性地层结果显示,剖面中B/M界线出现于32.6m处,剖面下部出现了C1r.2r-1n极性事件; 本次测试结合已有研究成果表明,大箐梁子组形成于1.256~0.195MaB.P.。孢粉记录反映在此期间该区经历了凉湿(1.256~1.180MaB.P.)—暖干,后期偏潮湿(1.18~0.94MaB.P.)—暖湿(0.94~0.66MaB.P.)—温湿(0.66~0.59MaB.P.)—凉干(0.59~0.40MaB.P.)—干旱(0.400~0.195MaB.P.)的6个气候演变阶段,揭示出5次明显气候转型事件。通过与青藏高原和黄土高原地区不同或相同季风环流系统中其他剖面气候特征的比较,探讨了气候转型的控制因素。分析结果表明大箐梁子剖面环境演变过程主要受青藏高原"昆黄运动"阶段性隆升与全球气候变化控制,同时也受该区季风环流的复杂性、特殊的地貌部位等区域环境的影响。  相似文献   

The Ouémé River estuary is located on the seasonally humid tropical coast of Benin, west Africa. A striking feature of this microtidal estuary is the presence of a large sand barrier bounding a 120 km2 circular central basin, Lake Nokoué, that is being infilled by heterogeneous fluvial deposits supplied by a relatively large catchment (50 000 km2). Borehole cores from the lower estuary show basal Pleistocene lowstand alluvial sediments overlain by Holocene transgressive–highstand lagoonal mud and by transgressive to probably early highstand tidal inlet and flood‐tidal delta sand deposited in association with non‐preserved transgressive sand barriers. The change in estuary‐mouth sedimentation from a transgressive barrier‐inlet system to a regressive highstand barrier reflects regional modifications in marine sand supply and in the cross‐barrier tidal flux associated with barrier‐inlet systems. As barrier formation west of the Ouémé River led to an increasingly rectilinear shoreline, the longshore drift cell matured, ensuring voluminous eastward transport of sand from the Volta Delta in Ghana, the major purveyor of sand, to the Ouémé embayment, 200 km east. Concomitantly, the number of tidal inlets, and the tidal flux associated with a hitherto interlinked lagoonal system on this coast, diminished. Complete sealing of Lake Nokoué has produced a large, permanently closed estuary, where tidal intrusion is assured through the interconnected coastal lagoon via an inlet located 60 km east. Since 1885, tides have entered the estuary directly through an artificial outlet cut across the sand barrier. Although precluding the seaward loss of fluvial sediments, permanent estuary‐mouth closure has especially deprived the highstand estuary of marine sand, a potentially important component in estuarine infill on wave‐dominated coasts. In spite of a significant fluvial sediment supply, estuarine infill has been moderate, because of the size of the central basin. Estuarine closure has resulted in two co‐existing highstand sediment suites, with limited admixture, the marine‐derived, estuary‐mouth barrier and upland‐derived back‐barrier sediments. This situation differs from that of mature barrier estuaries characterized by active fluvial‐marine sediment mixing and facies interfingering.  相似文献   

Chronological, sedimentological and geochemical analyses of a clastic infill from Kelly Hill Cave (5K1), Kangaroo Island, document a palaeoenvironmental record that spans from the Late Pleistocene to the middle Holocene. We AMS radiocarbon‐dated bone collagen and U–Th‐dated speleothem to determine that fossiliferous sediments were deposited between >20 ka and 7 ka ago. Most of the 15 sedimentary layers are dominated by sand‐ and silt‐sized quartz that is physically and geochemically comparable with surface soils in the Kelly Hill area. Late Pleistocene and Last Glacial Maximum strata are represented primarily by homogeneous, poorly sorted quartz‐rich sediments that contain little organic matter, but include a thin layer composed largely of silt‐sized clay pellets that resemble sediments deflated from playa lakes. Microstructures observed in petrographic slides indicate that, with the exception of one layer, all sediments experienced little reworking once deposited in the cave. Some layers display pedogenic microstructures such as redeposited clays and opaline silica infilling that indicate postdepositional modification; that is, cave‐floor soil development. Overlying Holocene‐aged sediments also consist mainly of quartz but have much greater organic matter content. Some of these sediments have been strongly influenced by re‐precipitated organic matter that appears to have been transported into the cave via vadose drip water. The presence of dissolved organic matter in soil/vadose waters suggests a high vegetation density and acidic soils, which are congruent with the more equitable climatic conditions characteristic of the Holocene. The sediments described here provide a valuable palaeoenvironmental record that will facilitate future interpretation of associated vertebrate fossils.  相似文献   

A complete interglacial cycle, named the Fjøsangerian and correlated with the Eemian by means of its pollen stratigraphy, is found in marine sediments just above the present day sea level outside Bergen, western Norway. At the base of the section there are two basal tills of assumed Saalian ( sensu lato ) age in which the mineralogy and geochemistry indicate local provenance. Above occur beds of marine silt, sand and gravel, deposited at water depths of between 10 and 50 m. The terrestrial pollen and the marine foraminifera and molluscs indicate a cold-warm-cold sequence with parallel development of the atmospheric and sea surface temperatures. In both environments the flora/fauna indicate an interglacial climatic optimum at least as warm as that during the Holocene. The high relative sea level during the Eemian (at least 30 m above sea level) requires younger neotectonic uplift. The uppermost marine beds are partly glaciomarine silts, as indicated by their mineralogy, drop stones and fauna, and partly interstadial gravels. The pollen indicates an open vegetation throughout these upper beds, and the correlation of the described interstadial with Early Weichselian interstadials elsewhere is essentially unknown. The section is capped by an Early Weichselian basal till containing redeposited fossils, sediments, and weathering products. Several clastic dikes injected from the glacier sole penetrate the till and the interglacial sediments. Radiocarbon dates on wood and shells gave infinite ages. Amino acid epimerization ratios in molluscs support the inferred Eemian age of the deposit. The Fjøsangerian is correlated with the Eemian and deep sea oxygen isotope stage 5e; other possible correlations are also discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed assessment of the impact of a far-field tsunami on the Australian coastline was carried out in the Steep Point region of Western Australia following the July 17 2006 Java tsunami. Tsunami inundation and run-up were mapped on the basis of eyewitness accounts, debris lines, vegetation damage and the occurrence of recently deposited fish, starfish, corals and sea urchins well above high-tide mark. A topographic survey using kinematic GPS with accuracies of 0.02 m in the horizontal and 0.04 m in the vertical recorded flow depths of between 1 and 2 m, inundation of up to 200 m inland, and a maximum recorded run-up of 7.9 m AHD (Australian Height Datum). The tsunami impacted the sparsely populated Steep Point coastline close to low tide. It caused widespread erosion in the littoral zone, extensive vegetation damage and destroyed several campsites. Eyewitnesses reported three waves in the tsunami wave train, the second being the largest. A sand sheet, up to 14 cm thick and tapering landwards over 200 m, was deposited over coastal dunes. The deposits are predominantly composed of moderately well-sorted, medium-grained carbonate sand with some gravel and organic debris. A basal unconformity defines the boundary between tsunami sediments and underlying aeolian dune sand. Evidence for up to three individual waves is preserved as normally graded sequences mantled by layers of dark grey, organic-rich fine silty sand. Given the strong wind regimes in the area and the similarity of the underlying dune deposits to the tsunami sediments, it is likely that seasonal erosion will remove all traces of these sediment sheets within years to decades.  相似文献   

Studies on surface water characters of the estuarine environment of Iraq, northwestern Arabian Gulf, define three subdivisions of salinity: oligohaline, polyhaline, and euhaline. Textural analysis reveals that surface sediments covering the bottom are composed of six distinct classes: silty clay, clayey silt, sand-silt-clays, clayey sand, silty sand and sand. Five physiographic subdivisions are identified and described fluvial-estuarine, tidal mud flats (subtidal flat, lower intertidal flat, upper intertidal flat, supratidal flat), sand bars, Abdallah-Shetana channel and submerged estuarine distributary channel and bar systems. The content of organic matter in the sediments ranges from 0.24-3.69 per cent by weight. High values were recorded from the Abdallah-Shetana channel while lower values are confined to sand bars and submerged estuarine distributary channel and bar systems. Carbonates, quartz, feldspar, and halite are the main mineral constituents of the non-clay grade sediments; carbonates are present mainly as low-magnesium calcite followed by dolomite and high-magnesium calcite. Aragonite is present only in trace amounts. Both detrital and biogenic sources are suggested for low-magnesium calcite. A detrital source for dolomite and a biogenic source for high-magnesium calcite and aragonite are proposed.  相似文献   

Sediments from two small lakes distal to the Tromsø–Lyngen moraine at Tromsø, northern Norway, indicate that the area was deglaciated prior to c. 11.7 14C ka BP. The earliest vegetation was dominated by calciphilous and heliophilous pioneer plants on unstable soils; this changed to a vegetation reflecting a dry continental climate until c. 10.7 14Cka BP. A phase (10.7–10.5 14Cka BP) with snow-bed communities was followed by one with a mosaic of plant communities. This was succeeded by Empetrum heaths c. 10.3 14Cka BP, then by an open forest with Betula pubescens after 10.0 14Cka BP. Ice-front oscillations in the Tromsø area are evaluated. The main part of the Younger Dryas glacial readvance, the Tromsø–Lyngen event, probably occurred between 10.7 and 10.3 14Cka BP.  相似文献   

The influence of vegetation on aeolian sediment transport rate in the region from a backshore to a foredune was investigated at the Hasaki Coast in Japan, where an onshore wind was predominant and the creeping beach grasses Carex kobomugi and Calystegia soldanella were major species. The comparison of cross-shore distributions of the cross-shore component of aeolian sand transport rate with and without vegetation, which were estimated on the basis of the beach profile changes and a mass conservation equation, showed that the creeping grasses influenced the aeolian sand transport rate. The landward aeolian sand transport rate rapidly decreased landward from the seaward limit of vegetation when the grasses grew. The aeolian sand transport rate reduced by 95% with a vegetation cover of 28%. On the other hand, when the grasses were absent, the landward aeolian sand transport rate did not decrease near the seaward vegetation limit, but near the foot of the foredune.  相似文献   

阿尔泰山圆叶桦由于生长周期短、对气候变化反应灵敏,具有典型的指示意义.以长时间序列遥感数据为基础,借助GIS技术和分形插值方法,研究近24 a来阿尔泰山圆叶桦的空间分布对温度变化的响应,结果表明:近24 a来阿尔泰山气温上升速率为0.18℃·(10a)-1,圆叶桦面积增速达7.28%,圆叶桦随随温度上升呈显著增长,且温度上升速率越大,圆叶桦面积增长越快;圆叶桦分布的平均海拔随温度升高呈上升趋势,温度上升不仅促进了圆叶桦面积的扩大,还抬高了圆叶桦分布的平均海拔,且温度变化对海拔较高区域的植被生长影响力较大;各坡向圆叶桦面积随温度的上升均有所增加,温度上升对阳坡圆叶桦影响显著,对阴坡圆叶桦影响微弱.  相似文献   

青藏高原晚新生代孢粉组合与古环境演化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
对取自沱沱河盆地、通天河盆地、那曲盆地、东温泉盆地、乌郁盆地的新近纪湖相沉积与取自巴斯错、错鄂、纳木错的晚第四纪湖相沉积,进行孢粉分析;结合西宁—民和盆地、伦坡拉盆地、南木林盆地、渭河盆地的孢粉资料,分析青藏及邻区新生代晚期古植被和古环境的演化过程。发现渐新世晚期—中新世早期青藏与周边邻区的古环境发生了显著分异,导致青藏地区热带亚热带植物濒临消亡,与全球温暖气候条件和青藏地区古纬度环境不符,是青藏高原隆升的重要标志。中新世早期—第四纪晚期,青藏高原落叶阔叶林和针叶林呈现总体减少趋势和准周期性波动,与全球气候变化呈良好对应关系。第四纪晚期草本植物含量逐步增高,出现蒿—松—桦为主,针叶林、落叶阔叶林、灌木、草本植物混生的植被景观。  相似文献   

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