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王慧  虞蕾  郑志超 《地球物理学报》2020,63(4):1294-1307

本文利用Swarm卫星2015-2016年高精度的磁场矢量数据,将晨昏地方时扇区高纬场向电流(Field-Aligned Currents,FACs)事件按极性和电流密度分为四类,并首次比较研究了四类FACs事件的时空分布特征及其影响因素,研究发现:极性正常事件(晨侧靠极侧电流元向下流入电离层,靠赤道侧电流元向上流出电离层,昏侧电流极性相反,即传统意义上的R1和R2 FACs)发生率约为70%,其中R1 FACs强于R2事件的发生率为R1 FACs弱于R2的3~5倍;极性异常事件(与传统的R1和R2 FACs流向相反,两片电流元定义为R1*和R2* FACs)发生率约占30%,其中R1* < R2*的发生率约为R1* > R2*的1.5~2.5倍.进一步分析发现极性正常事件主要发生在南向IMF Bz期间,与重联电场相关性较好,净电流密度随着重联电场和电离层电导率的增加而增加.其中R1 < R2事件通常位于IMF Bz北向偏转期间,与亚暴过程有关.同时,极性异常事件通常发生于北向IMF Bz期间.相对于极性正常事件,极性异常事件所处磁纬向极侧偏移4°.在北半球,晨侧R1*>R2*事件通常发生在IMF By < 0期间,昏侧事件主要发生在IMF By>0期间,而R1* < R2*事件所对应IMF By极性相反,南半球情形与北半球相反.


High-time resolution CUTLASS observations and ground-based magnetometers have been employed to study the occurrence of vortical flow structures propagating through the high-latitude ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms. Fast-moving flow vortices (800 m s–1) associated with Hall currents flowing around upward directed field-aligned currents are frequently observed propagating at high speed (1 km s–1) azimuthally away from the region of the ionosphere associated with the location of the substorm expansion phase onset. Furthermore, a statistical analysis drawn from over 1000 h of high-time resolution, nightside radar data has enabled the characterisation of the bulk properties of these vortical flow systems. Their occurrence with respect to substorm phase has been investigated and a possible generation mechanism has been suggested.  相似文献   

The structural pattern of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis in Namjagbarwa consists of two series of structures with different styles. One series compiles the earlier ductile contrac-tional and lateral-slip deformation system, formed by nearly north-south shortening within the syntaxis, left-lateral and right-lateral slipping along its western and eastern boundaries respectively. They were possibly produced by the indentation of the Indian continent into Asian continent after India-Asia collision. The peak deformation-metamorphic ages in these structures are 62-60 Ma, -23 Ma and -13 Ma. The other series is composed of ductile-brittle normal faults distributing concentrically and dipping toward the outsides of Namjagbarwa Peak. They were probably the collapse structures caused by rapid uplift in a later time and the beginning ages for the normal faulting are about 7.3-6.3 Ma.  相似文献   

The field-aligned neutral oscillations in the F-region (altitudes between 165 and 275 km) were compared using data obtained simultaneously with two independent instruments: the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) UHF radar and a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI). During the night of February 8, 1997, simultaneous observations with these instruments were conducted at Tromsø, Norway. Theoretically, the field-aligned neutral wind velocity can be obtained from the field-aligned ion velocity and by diffusion and ambipolar diffusion velocities. We thus derived field-aligned neutral wind velocities from the plasma velocities in EISCAT radar data. They were compared with those observed with the FPI (=630.0 nm), which are assumed to be weighted height averages of the actual neutral wind. The weighting function is the normalized height dependent emission rate. We used two model weighting functions to derive the neutral wind from EISCAT data. One was that the neutral wind velocity observed with the FPI is velocity integrated over the entire emission layer and multiplied by the theoretical normalized emission rate. The other was that the neutral wind velocity observed with the FPI corresponds to the velocity only around an altitude where the emission rate has a peak. Differences between the two methods were identified, but not completely clarified. However, the neutral wind velocities from both instruments had peak-to-peak correspondences at oscillation periods of about 10–40 min, shorter than that for the momentum transfer from ions to neutrals, but longer than from neutrals to ions. The synchronizing motions in the neutral wind velocities suggest that the momentum transfer from neutrals to ions was thought to be dominant for the observed field-aligned oscillations rather than the transfer from ions to neutrals. It is concluded that during the observation, the plasma oscillations observed with the EISCAT radar at different altitudes in the F-region are thought to be due to the motion of neutrals.  相似文献   

The relationship between electric fields, height-integrated conductivities and electric currents in the high-latitude nightside electrojet region is known to be complex. The tristatic nature of the EISCAT UHF radar facility provides an excellent means of exploring this interrelationship as it enables simultaneous estimates to be made of the full electric field vector and the ionospheric Hall and Pedersen conductances, further allowing the determination of both field-perpendicular electric current components. Over 1300 h of common programme observations by the UHF radar system provide the basis of a statistical study of electric fields, conductances and currents in the high-latitude ionosphere, from which preliminary results are presented. Times at which there is significant solar contribution to the ionospheric conductances have been excluded by limiting the observations according to solar zenith angle. Initial results indicate that, in general, the times of peak conductance, identified from the entire set of EISCAT observations, do not correspond to the times of the largest electric field values; the relative contribution of ionospheric conductance and electric field to the electrojet currents therefore depends critically on local time, a conclusion which corroborates work by previous authors. Simultaneous measurements confirm a tendency for a decrease in both Hall and Pedersen conductances to be accompanied by an increase in the electric field, at least for moderate and large electric field value, a tendency which is also identified to some extent in the ratio of the conductances, which acts as an indicator of the energy of precipitating particles.  相似文献   

Possible configurations of the magnetic field in the outer magnetosphere during geomagnetic polarity reversals are investigated by considering the idealized problem of a magnetic multipole of order m and degree n located at the centre of a spherical cavity surrounded by a boundless perfect diamagnetic medium. In this illustrative idealization, the fixed spherical (magnetopause) boundary layer behaves as a perfectly conducting surface that shields the external diamagnetic medium from the compressed multipole magnetic field, which is therefore confined within the spherical cavity. For a general magnetic multipole of degree n, the non-radial components of magnetic induction just inside the magnetopause are increased by the factor 1 + [(n + 1)/n] relative to their corresponding values in the absence of the perfectly conducting spherical magnetopause. An exact equation is derived for the magnetic field lines of an individual zonal (m = 0), or axisymmetric, magnetic multipole of arbitrary degree n located at the centre of the magnetospheric cavity. For such a zonal magnetic multipole, there are always two neutral points and n – 1 neutral rings on the spherical magnetopause surface. The two neutral points are located at the poles of the spherical magnetopause. If n is even, one of the neutral rings is coincident with the equator; otherwise, the neutral rings are located symmetrically with respect to the equator. The actual existence of idealized higher-degree (n > 1) axisymmetric magnetospheres would necessarily imply multiple (n + 1) magnetospheric cusps and multiple (n) ring currents. Exact equations are also derived for the magnetic field lines of an individual non-axisymmetric magnetic multipole, confined by a perfectly conducting spherical magnetopause, in two special cases; namely, a symmetric sectorial multipole (m = n) and an antisymmetric sectorial multipole (m = n – 1). For both these non-axisymmetric magnetic multipoles, there exists on the spherical magnetopause surface a set of neutral points linked by a network of magnetic field lines. Novel magnetospheric processes are likely to arise from the existence of magnetic neutral lines that extend from the magnetopause to the surface of the Earth. Finally, magnetic field lines that are confined to, or perpendicular to, either special meridional planes or the equatorial plane, when the multipole is in free space, continue to be confined to, or perpendicular to, these same planes when the perfectly conducting magnetopause is present.Also Honorary Research Associate, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, UK and Visiting Reader in Physics. University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK  相似文献   

南印度洋副热带偶极模在ENSO事件中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
晏红明  李崇银  周文 《地球物理学报》2009,52(10):2436-2449
南印度洋副热带偶极模(Subtropical Dipole Pattern,SDP)是印度洋存在的另一种很明显的偶极型海温差异现象,在年际和年代际尺度上均有十分明显的表现.而目前有关印度洋海气相互作用的研究主要集中在赤道印度洋地区,针对南印度洋地区的工作还比较少,特别是有关南印度洋海温与ENSO(El NiDo-Southern Oscillation)事件关系的研究.本文初步探讨了年际尺度上南印度洋副热带偶极型海温变化差异与ENSO事件的关系,发现SDP与ENSO事件有密切的联系,SDP事件就像连接正负ENSO位相转换的一个中间环节,SDP事件前后期ENSO的位相刚好完全相反.进一步,本文通过分析SDP事件前后期海温、高低层风、低层辐合辐散、高空云量和辐射等的变化特征研究了南印度洋偶极型海温异常在ENSO事件中的作用,结果表明:SDP在ENSO事件中的作用不仅涉及海气相互作用的正负反馈过程,还与热带和副热带大气环流之间的相互作用有关,特别是与东南印度洋海温变化所引起的异常纬向风由赤道印度洋向赤道太平洋传播的过程等有十分直接的关系;同时,SDP对ENSO事件的影响在很大程度上还依赖于大尺度平均气流随季节的变换.  相似文献   

An RH-560 rocket flight was conducted from Sriharikota rocket range (SHAR) (14°N, 80°E, dip 14°N) along with other experiments, as a part of equatorial spread F (ESF) campaign, to study the nature of irregularities in electric field and electron density. The rocket was launched at 2130 local time (LT) and it attained an apogee of 348 km. Results of vertical and horizontal electric field fluctuations are presented here. Scale sizes of electric field fluctuations were measured in the vertical direction only. Strong ESF irregularities were observed in three regions, viz., 160/190 km, 210/257 km and 290/330 km. Some of the valley region vertical electric field irregularities (at 165 km and 168 km), in the intermediate-scale size range, observed during this flight, show spectral peak at kilometer scales and can be interpreted in terms of the image striation theory suggested by Vickrey et al. The irregularities at 176 km do not exhibit any peak at kilometer scales and appear to be of a new type. Scale sizes of vertical electric field fluctuations showed a decrease with increasing altitude. The most prominent scales were of the order of a few kilometers around 170 km and a few hundred meters around 310 km. Spectra of intermediate-scale vertical electric field fluctuations below the base of the F region (210/257 km) showed a tendency to become slightly flatter (spectral index n = –2.1 ± 0.7) as compared to the valley region (n = –3.6 ± 0.8) and the region below the F peak (n = –2.8 ± 0.5). Correlation analysis of the electron density and vertical electric field fluctuations suggests the presence of a sheared flow of current in 160/330 km region.  相似文献   


本文针对中国石油集团测井有限公司(CPL)三维阵列感应测井仪器(Three Dimensional Induction Tool,TDIT)的真实结构与参数,利用2.5维数值模式匹配技术研究建立水平层状非均质TI地层中仪器偏心情况下三维感应测井响应的高效数值模拟算法.首先,利用2.5维数值模式匹配技术给出水平层状非均质TI模型中偏心磁流源并矢Green函数的半解析解.在此基础上,结合三维阵列感应测井仪器参数以及测量过程中出现的仪器偏心与旋转等实际情况,通过叠加原理推导出该仪器响应的有效计算公式.最后,通过数值模拟结果分析考察仪器偏心、仪器自旋角等参数对测井响应的影响以及变化特征,为多分量感应资料处理与解释提供理论基础.


图像信息学(PI)算法已经成为了地震较活跃地区研究中长期地震危险趋势的重要算法,近年来已被应用于多个国家和地区的地震预测工作中.为进一步探索PI算法在地震活动相对较弱地区的预测效能以及其对地区性差异的依赖情况,本文以山东及邻区为研究区,通过遍历计算模型中网格大小、预测时间窗起点及长度三种参数下的预测结果,并以定量检验算法效能的"ROC值"为统计检验方法,在目标震级ML4.0、ML4.5、ML5.0情况下分别分析不同参数组合下的预测结果,得到了针对本研究区PI算法对几种参数的依赖关系.进一步选取优势参数分布中的参数组合,以回溯性和"向前"预测两种情况分别给出了在相应预测时间窗口内发生目标地震的"热点"分布,最后针对算法的技术及物理问题进行了讨论.本工作探索了不同计算参数对算法预测效能的影响以及PI算法在地震活动相对较弱地区的适用性,简要讨论了不同震级范围表现出来的自相似特征对算法的影响,可为将算法引入到山东地区的地震危险性研究工作提供参考.  相似文献   

中国大陆活动地块边界带强震趋势研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
已有研究表明, 中国大陆活动地块边界带是我国大陆强震的主体带和集中区, 因此有必要对各边界带开展强震危险性的跟踪分析。本文分别从加卸载响应比时序演化特征、 基于对数正态分布的概率方法和b值变化特征3个方面对各边界带未来强震趋势进行了分析; 并分别根据加卸载响应比时序演化特征、 综合累积概率与条件概率、 b值下降判断了各边界带未来发生强震的危险程度。最后, 根据3种方法的分析结果, 探讨了中国大陆未来5年发生强震的可能区域。  相似文献   

大型底栖动物群落结构与水环境因子具有较强的响应关系,为了量化分析大型底栖动物群落水环境因子适宜状态以及响应关系,在太子河进行3次流域水生态调查,共获得136个站位的生态数据,通过筛选得到水环境驱动因子,并利用加权平均回归分析和临界点指示类群分析的方法,探究大型底栖动物群落物种、不同多样性水平以及功能摄食类群水环境驱动因子的最适值和阈值.结果显示,显著影响大型底栖动物群落结构的水环境因子是溶解氧、电导率、总氮.大型底栖动物敏感种的溶解氧最适值较高,耐污种较低;敏感种的电导率和总氮最适值较低,耐污种较高;大型底栖动物群落多样性水平Shannon-Wiener指数(0-1]区间的溶解氧最适值最低,(3-4]区间的溶解氧最适值最高,各Shannon-Wiener指数区间电导率和总氮最适值排序为:(0-1]区间(1-2]区间(2-3]区间(3-4]区间;在5个功能摄食类群中溶解氧最适值最高和最低分别为撕食者和直接收集者,电导率最适值最高和最低分别为直接收集者和过滤收集者,总氮最适值最高和最低分别为直接收集者和刮食者.大型底栖动物敏感种的溶解氧阈值高于耐污种类群与其他物种,而敏感种的电导率和总氮阈值低于耐污种和其他物种;大型底栖动物群落多样性水平Shannon-Wiener指数(0-1]区间与溶解氧阈值呈负响应关系,而与电导率和总氮阈值呈正响应关系,(1-2]区间、(2-3]区间、(3-4]区间与溶解氧阈值呈正响应关系,而与电导率和总氮阈值呈负响应关系;溶解氧指示的大型底栖动物功能摄食类群为撕食者,且呈正响应关系,而电导率和总氮指示的功能摄食类群都包括过滤收集者、刮食者、撕食者,且呈负响应关系,其中刮食者的电导率和总氮阈值均最高.研究表明,通过分析大型底栖动物群落水环境因子的最适值和阈值,能以数据的形式量化反映大型底栖动物群落与河流水环境因子的响应关系,对河流生态环境的保护和修复具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

Strong wind shears may result in dynamic instability, often characterised by the Richardson number lying between zero and 0.25. The extent to which electric-field driven ion flow may induce such neutral wind shears is examined. Further, it is proposed that, in the ionosphere, it is possible for electric fields to drive ion winds such that the collisionally induced neutral air response may be comparable to viscous damping of neutral motion. We shall present an analogy to the Reynolds Number Re to quantify this effect. In the same way that Re may be used to evaluate the likelihood of a flow being turbulent, the analagous metric may also indicate where in the atmosphere plasma dynamics may be strong enough to destabilise the neutral dynamics.  相似文献   

最小二乘逆时偏移方法具有复杂地质构造成像精度高、成像振幅准确等优点.但是,当地下存在强散射介质时,最小二乘逆时偏移方法很难透过上覆强散射地质体获得深部构造的高精度成像结果.本文为了提高深部精细构造的成像质量,提出时频域振幅相位联合的最小二乘逆时偏移方法.该方法主要通过构建时频域振幅相位联合目标函数,减弱振幅信息对成像结果的影响,提高深部弱散射地震信号的可成像精度.首先,对地震信号进行时频变换,构建时频域最小二乘偏移目标函数;其次,在目标函数中引入振幅权重因子,调节时频域振幅相位权重;最后,推导时频域振幅相位联合目标函数对模型参数的梯度,并利用L-BFGS局部优化算法对成像结果进行迭代.Marmousi模型和盐丘模型测试结果表明,本文方法能够很好地利用弱散射地震信号的时频域振幅相位信息,实现透过上覆强散射地质体进行深部高精度成像的目标.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the active tectonic block boundaries in the Chinese mainland are the main belts and concentration areas of strong earthquakes occurring in the Chinese mainland.It is essential to carry out follow-up analysis of strong earthquake risk of active tectonic block boundaries.In this paper,we carry out the analysis on the tendency of strong earthquakes along each active tectonic block boundary from three aspects respectively,including the evolutionary characteristics of the Load/Un...  相似文献   

长江中下游地区湖泊硅藻-总磷转换函数   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19  
硅藻转换函数的研究为湖泊环境指标的定量重建提供了有效途径.在长江中下游45个湖泊水质和表层沉积硅藻调查的基础上,利用典型对应分析方法开展了表层硅藻与营养态指标的关系研究.15个水质指标中总磷解释了硅藻数据的最大变率,是影响硅藻种群分布的最重要最显著的环境变量.通过对不同加权平均回归方法的比较,选择了反向还原加权平均回归与校正方法建立了研究区硅藻一总磷转换函数模型.依据刀割法统计检验,该模型提供了较低的推导误差(RMSEPjack=0.157).在删除异常样品后,该硅藻一总磷转换函数的推导能力明显增强,实测值与推导值的回归相关系数大大提高(R^2jackk=0.82),推导误差(RMSEPjack=0.12)也较原来降低了近21%.该转换函数同世界上其它区域的硅藻-总磷模型相比具有更强的推导能力.长江中下游地区硅藻-总磷转换函数的建立,为今后开展研究区内不同营养类型湖泊营养本底的定量重建奠定了基础,可望为湖泊治理参考目标的制定提供有效的技术支撑.  相似文献   

滕吉文  杨辉 《地球物理学报》2013,56(12):4164-4188
在当今全球各国对油、气能源的需求和我国在工业化进程中油气能源十分紧缺的前提下,共享世界油、气能源的同时,必须立足于本土,迅速建立起安全、稳定,且可保证持续供给的油、气能源战略后备基地.油、气田勘探和开采中,尚存在着大于或远大于通常所规范的油、气生成稳定温度和深度限定,而向深部勘察油、气的理念又受到传统油、气成因理论的严峻挑战.为此,近些年来,通过对沉积建造、结晶基底,深部油气生成的物理(主指温度、压力)条件、物源和聚集储存空间的研究,提出:①沉积盆地中存在双相(陆相+海相)沉积建造,而基底则分为中、新生代沉积基底和古老的变质岩结晶基底,即双层基底;②地壳深部介质的物理-化学属性和变质岩及存储空间为油、气的生成和聚集提供了物质基础;③厘定了在有机成因主导下,油、气混合成因(有机+无机)的新理念;④第二深度空间(5000~10000 m)的油、气探查和开发将必是未来深部发现大型和超大型油、气田和深化研究的必然轨迹.  相似文献   

本研究在太湖梅梁湾采集沉积柱,采用一种自制的毫米级柱状沉积物自动垂向分层切割装置对表层50 mm沉积物进行垂向切割(间隔2 mm),结合高通量测序技术分析沉积物中细菌群落的毫米级垂向分布;同时采用毫米级高分辨透析技术和薄膜扩散梯度技术(DGT)分析溶解态和DGT可获取态铵态氮(NH4+-N)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、Fe、P的垂向分布特征。结果显示,沉积物中细菌群落与溶解态和DGT可获取态氮铁磷浓度在垂向上呈现显著的异质性。细菌硝酸盐还原主要发生在-16~0 mm沉积物深度,这可能导致了溶解态和DGT可获取态NO3--N含量在该沉积物深度的明显减少。细菌铁还原主要分布在-32~-18 mm沉积物深度,细菌硫酸盐还原主要分布在-50~-34 mm的沉积物深度;细菌硫酸盐还原是导致沉积物溶解态和DGT可获取态铁磷浓度从-32 mm随沉积物的深度增加而显著增加的主要原因。本研究加深了对富营养化湖泊沉积物中细菌影响氮磷在垂向上迁移转化的认识。  相似文献   

The Holocene record of Lake Lugano (southern basin: surface area 20.3 km2, maximum depth 87 m) comprising organic carbon-rich sediments (sapropels), is divided into eight intervals based on radiocarbon- and varve-dating. The content of organic carbon, inorganic carbon, and biogenic silica, as well as the benthic remains of ostracods and oligochaetes, are converted into accumulation rates and benthic abundances in order to assess past production rates and bottom water oxygen status, respectively. The results suggest three periods of distinct palaeolimnological character: (i) low primary production combined with shifts between aerobic and anaerobic profundal conditions (prior to ca. 3000 BC), (ii) moderate rates of production combined with a relatively high profundal oxygen content (after ca. 1500 BC), and (iii), high production rates (460 g C m–2 a–1) combined with anaerobic profundal conditions (present eutrophic state). Corresponding organic carbon contents in the sediments are: up to 5% (i), 4% (ii), and 8% (iii). Until the beginning of this century, the flux of autochthonous sediments to the lake floor correlated with the fluctuations in the allochthonous sediment accumulation rate, indicating that catchment erosion largely controlled lacustrine production during the Holocene history of Lake Lugano. Pollen data show catchment-vegetational transformations at ca. 3500 BC (change from fir to beech forests), at 1400 BC (onset of cereal vegetation) and at ca. A.D. 450 (strong increase in various cultural plants). The first two changes had a relatively large imprint on lacustrine sedimentation. At ca. 3500 BP, erosion increase in the catchment was triggered by vegetation changes in the mountain zone above ca. 1000 m a. s. l., which may have been induced by climatic and human alteration (drop in the treeline altitude). Maximum catchment erosion occurred at ca. 1400 BC which was clearly dominated by human cultivation during the Bronze Age. More oxygenated profundal conditions in the lake after ca. 3000 BC are possibly related to a better mixing of the lake waters during the winter season by increased wind activity.  相似文献   

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