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Variability of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) versus discharge relationships in streams is often high and illustrates variable particle origins or availability. Particle availability depends on both new sediment supply and deposited sediment stock. The aim of this study is to improve SSC–discharge relationship interpretation, in order to determine the origins of particles and to understand the temporal dynamics of particles for two small streams in agricultural catchments from northwestern France. SSC and discharge were continuously recorded at the outlets and data were examined at different time‐scales: yearly, monthly, with distinction between flood periods and non‐flooding periods, and individual flood events. Floods are classified in relation to SSC–discharge hysteresis, and this typology is completed by the analysis of SSC–discharge ranges during rising and falling flow. We show that particles are mainly coming from channel, banks, either by hydraulic erosion or by cattle trampling. Particle availability presents a seasonal dynamics with a maximum at the beginning of autumn when discharge is low, decreasing progressively during autumn to become a minimum in winter when discharge is the highest, and increasing again in spring. Bank degradation by cattle is the determining factor in the suspended sediment dynamics. Cattle bank‐trampling produces sediment, mostly from spring to autumn, that supplies the deposited sediment stock even outside floods. This hydrologically independent process hides SSC–discharge correlation classically linked to hydraulic erosion and transport. Differences in SSC–discharge relationships and suspended sediment budgets between streams are related to differences in transport capacity and bank degradation by cattle trampling and channelization. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The major goals of this study were to determine stream bed sediment erosion/deposition rates, sediment age, percent ‘new’ sediment, and suspended sediment origin during two storm events of contrasting magnitudes (11.9 mm over 5 h and 58.9 mm over 39 h) using fallout radionuclides (excess lead 210 – 210Pbxs and beryllium 7 – 7Be) and link the nature and type of sediment source contributions to potential phosphorus (P) off‐site transport. The study was conducted in cropland‐dominated and mixed land use subwatersheds in the non‐glaciated Pleasant Valley watershed (50 km2) in South Central Wisconsin. Fine sediment deposition and erosion rates on stream beds varied from 0.76 to 119.29 mg cm?2 day?1 (at sites near the watershed outlet) and 1.72 to 7.72 mg cm?2 day?1 (at sites in the headwaters), respectively, during the two storm events. The suspended sediment age ranged from 123 ± 12 to 234 ± 33 days during the smaller storm event; however, older sediment was more prevalent (p = 0.037) in the streams during the larger event with suspended sediment age ranging from 226 ± 9 to 322 ± 114 days. During the small and large storm event, percent new sediment in suspended sediment ranged from 5.3 ± 2.1 to 21.0 ± 2.9% and 5.3 ± 2.7 to 6.7 ± 5.7%, respectively. In the cropland‐dominated subwatershed, upland soils were the major source of suspended sediment, whereas in the mixed land use subwatershed, both uplands and stream banks had relatively similar contributions to suspended sediment. In‐stream (suspended and bed) sediment P levels ranged from 703 ± 193 to 963 ± 84 mg kg?1 during the two storm events. The P concentrations in suspended and bed sediment were reflective of the dominant sediment source (upland or stream bank or mixed). Overall, sediment transport dynamics showed significant variability between subwatersheds of different land use characteristics during two contrasting storm events. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Observations of suspended sediment concentration and discharge at two sites on the proglacial river network draining from a predominantly cold-based, High-Arctic glacier (Austre Brøggerbreen) are described. Analysis of these observations illustrates: (i) the relatively low suspended sediment yield from this basin in comparison with many other glacier basins reported in the open literature; (ii) sustained and possibly increasing availability of suspended sediment to the fluvial system as the ablation season progresses; and (iii) the role of the proglacial sandur as both a sediment source and sink. Field observations coupled with the results of the data analysis are used to make inferences concerning the changing nature and relative importance of sediment sources within the basin. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G. Richards  R. D. Moore 《水文研究》2003,17(9):1733-1753
This study examined suspended sediment concentration (SSC) during the ablation seasons of 2000 and 2001 in Place Creek, Canada, a steep, glacier‐fed mountain stream. Comparison of stream flow in Place Creek with that in an adjacent, almost unglacierized catchment provided a rational basis for separating the ablation seasons into nival, nival–glacial, glacial and autumn recession subseasons. Distinct groupings of points in plots of electrical conductivity against discharge supported the validity of the subseasonal divisions in terms of varying hydrological conditions. Relationships between SSC and discharge (Q) varied between the two study seasons, and between subseasons. Hysteresis in the SSC–Q relationship was evident at both event and weekly time‐scales. Some suspended sediment released from pro‐glacial Place Lake (the source of Place Creek) appeared to be lost to channel storage at low flows, especially early in the ablation season, with re‐entrainment at higher flows. Multiple regression models were derived for the subseasons using predictor variables including Q, Q2, the change in Q over the previous 3 h, cumulative discharge over the ablation season, total precipitation over the previous 24 h and SSC measured at 1500 hours as an index value for each day. The models produced adjusted R2 values ranging from 0·71 to 0·91, and provided tentative insights into the differences in SSC dynamics amongst subseasons. Introduction of the index value of SSC significantly improved the model fit during the nival–glacial and glacial subseasons for both years, as it adjusts the model to the current condition of sediment supply. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In debris‐flow‐prone channels, normal fluvial sediment transport occurs (nearly exclusively in suspended mode) between episodic debris‐flow events. Observations of suspended sediment transport through a winter season in a steepland gully in logged terrain revealed two event types. When flows exceeded a threshold of 270 l s−1, events yielded significant quantities of sediment and suspended sediment concentration increased with flow. Smaller events were strongly ‘supply limited’; sediment concentration decreased as flow increased. Overall, there is no consistent correlation between runoff and sediment yield. Within the season, three subseasons were identified (demarcated by periods of freezing weather) within which a pattern of fine sediment replenishment and evacuation occurred. Finally, a signature of fine sediment mobilization and exhaustion was observed within individual events. Fine sediment transport occurred in discrete pulses within storm periods, most of the yield occurring within 5 to 15% of storm runoff duration, so that it is unlikely that scheduled sampling programs would identify significant transport. Significant events are, however, generally forecastable on the basis of regional heavy rainfall warnings, providing a basis for targeted observations. Radiative snowmelt events and rain‐on‐snow remain difficult to forecast, since the projection of temperatures from the nearest regular weather station yields variable results. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Lake Tahoe basin is experiencing an environmental decline that is partly due to sediment intakes from its tributaries. Many studies have estimated suspended sediment loads in these streams with a discrete sampling programme by collecting water samples and using a rating technique. However, the relationship between stream discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in these tributaries is known to differ during the rising and falling limbs of the snowmelt‐dominated hydrograph. Because of this hysteresis effect, sediment rating curves are poor predictors of suspended sediment dynamics in the stream. In this study, suspended sediment transport was investigated using a turbidity meter to provide a continuous record of sediment concentration during the snowmelt period. Hysteresis in suspended sediment transport was also investigated and is quantified with an H index, which is the ratio of the areas under the curve at different stages of the hydrograph. The temporal lag between the peak of SSC and the peak of stream discharge was quantified using cross‐correlation analysis. For almost all events, SSCs were higher during the rising limb of the hydrograph for a given discharge, with SSC peaks occurring before discharge peaks, resulting in clockwise hysteresis (H > 1). The H indices increased (looser hysteresis loop) as the availability of sediments increased and as the lag between peaks in SSC and discharge was larger. A restriction of the proposed H index was that it could only be computed when stream discharge increased by more than 30% during a melt event. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The proportional contributions of stream bank and surface sources to fine sediment loads in watersheds in New York State were quantified with uncertainty analysis. Eroding streamside glacial drift, including glaciolacustrine deposits, were examined to help explain variations in the proportional contributions made by bank erosion. Sediment sources were quantified by comparing concentrations of the bomb‐derived radionuclide 137Cs in fluvial sediment with sediment from potential source areas such as agricultural soils, forest soils and stream banks. To compare sediment sources in streams containing abundant deposits of fine‐grained glacial drift with watersheds that lacked moderate or extensive streamside deposits, samples were taken from 15 watersheds in the region. The mean contribution of bank erosion to sediment loads in the six streams with glaciolacustrine deposits was 60% (range 46–76%). The proportional contribution of bank erosion was also important in one stream lacking glaciolacustrine deposits (57%) but was less important in the remainder, with contributions ranging from 0 to 46%. Data from this study on the varying contributions of bank erosion and data from past studies of sediment yield in 15 watersheds of New York State suggest that eroding streamside glacial deposits dominate sediment yield in many watersheds. In other watersheds, past impacts to streams, such as channelization, have also resulted in high levels of bank erosion. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment budget of the small research catchment of Cal Parisa (Vallcebre, Eastern Pyrenees) was studied by hydrological monitoring and assessment of the erosion rates in the major sediment sources. This area is characterized by clayey mudrock prone to landsliding and badland erosion, but the catchment was selected in an area free of major badland features, as a representative of middle mountain regions where a system of terraces and drainage ditches had been built for agricultural use but is now abandoned. Streamwater chemistry is dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3 at concentrations close to calcite saturation. Total dissolved solids show dilution during runoff peaks and positive hysteresis loops that support a slow contribution of subsurface water. Relative dissolved ion concentrations are different for each event analysed. Particulate sediment yield is very low and represents only about 1 per cent of gross erosion in the catchment. Mineralogical analysis of suspended sediments shows an enrichment in calcite because of precipitation. Chemical analysis of suspended sediments, using common one-litre water samples, shows higher contents of Ca, P and Mn in transported sediment than in sediment source areas, attributed to the precipitation of calcite, and enrichment in organic particulate matter during events respectively for the two first elements, whereas enrichment in Mn remains uncertain. Solid matter yield is therefore clearly dominated by dissolved transport as a result of both high calcium bicarbonate concentrations in runoff waters and strong suspended sediment conveyance discontinuities. Land conservation structures are very effective because they are in good condition whereas the soil is covered by dense permanent vegetation. Nevertheless, this state is unstable because the network of drainage ditches needs maintenance; its spontaneous breakdown after abandonment may result in the rearrangement of the elementary stream network and gullying of old fields in hollows. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Investigating factors controlling the temporal patterns of nitrogen (N) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) exports on the basis of a comparative study of different land uses is beneficial for managing water resources, especially in agricultural watersheds. We focused our research on an agricultural watershed (AW) and a forested watershed (FW) located in the Shibetsu watershed of eastern Hokkaido, Japan, to investigate the temporal patterns of N and DOC exports and factors controlling those patterns at different timescales (inter‐annual, seasonal, and hydrological event scales). Results showed that the annual patterns of N and DOC exports significantly varied over time and were probably controlled by climate. Higher discharge volumes in 2003, a wet year, showed higher N and DOC loadings in both watersheds. However, this process was also regulated by land use associated with N inputs. Higher concentrations and loadings were shown in the agricultural watershed. At the seasonal scale, N and DOC exports in the AW and the FW were more likely controlled by sources associated with land use. The Total N (TN) and Nitrate‐N (NO3?‐N) had higher concentrations during snowmelt season in the AW, which may be attributed to manure application in late autumn or early winter in the agricultural watershed. Concentrations of TN, NO3?‐N, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and DOC showed higher values during the summer rainy season in the FW, related to higher litter decomposition during summer and autumn and the fertilizer application in the agricultural area during summer. Higher DOC concentrations and loadings were observed during the rainy season in the AW, which is probably attributed to higher DOC production related to temperature and microbial activity during summer and autumn in grasslands. Correlations between discharge and concentrations differed during different periods or in different watersheds, suggesting that weather discharge can adequately represent the fact that N export depends on N concentrations, discharge level, and other factors. The differing correlations between N/DOC concentrations and the Si concentration indicated that the N/DOC exports might occur along different flow paths during different periods. During baseflow, the high NO3?‐N exports were probably derived from deep groundwater and might have percolated from uplands during hydrological events. During hydrological events, NO3?‐N exports may occur along near‐surface flow paths and in deep groundwater, whereas DOC exports could be related to near‐surface flow paths. At the event scale, the relationships between discharge and concentrations of N and DOC were regulated by antecedent soil moisture (shallow groundwater condition) in each watershed. These results indicated that factors controlling N and DOC exports varied at different timescales in the Shibetsu area and that better management of manure application during winter in agricultural lands is urgently needed to control water pollution in streams. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Faecal indicator bacteria (thermotolerant coliform and faecal streptococci) were enumerated in a Mediterranean coastal river to evaluate bacterial contamination levels in relation to hydrological conditions, to estimate delivery of bacterial loads to transitional and coastal waters (Thau lagoon) and to identify bacterial sources of pollution and their contribution to the bacterial flow. Results showed that (1) in low flow conditions, mean bacterial concentrations were higher than EU guidelines for bathing waters; (2) floods had higher concentrations of indicator bacteria than low flows; (3) low flow conditions represented a negligible proportion of bacterial loads compared with high flow and flood periods; (4) during medium and low flow conditions, bacteria were stored in riverbed fine sediments forming in‐stream stores that may be flushed during floods; (5) the first flush effect was highlighted during an early autumn flood as was the role of in‐stream stores during the course of the flood; and (6) point sources that continuously feed the river are contributing to the pool of bacteria accumulated in the riverbed sediment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a severe problem hindering sustainable agriculture on the Loess Plateau of China. Plot experiments were conducted under the natural rainfall condition during 1995–1997 at Wangdongguo and Aobao catchments in this region to evaluate the effects of various land use, cropping systems, land slopes and rainfall on runoff and sediment losses, as well as the differences in catchment responses. The experiments included various surface conditions ranging from bare soil to vegetated surfaces (maize, wheat residue, Robinia pseudoacacia L., Amorpha fruticosa L., Stipa capillata L., buckwheat and Astragarus adsurgens L.). The measurements were carried out on hill slopes with different gradients (i.e. 0 ° to 36 °). These plots varied from 20 to 60 m in length. Results indicated that runoff and erosion in this region occurred mainly during summer storms. Summer runoff and sediment losses under cropping and other vegetation were significantly less than those from ploughed bare soil (i.e. without crop/plant or crop residue). There were fewer runoff and sediment losses with increasing canopy cover. Land slope had a major effect on runoff and sediment losses and this effect was markedly larger in the tillage plots than that in the natural grass and forest plots, although this effect was very small when the maximum rainfall intensity was larger than 58·8 mm/h or smaller than 2·4 mm/h. Sediment losses per unit area rose with increasing slope length for the same land slope and same land use. The effect of slope length on sediment losses was stronger on a bare soil plot than on a crop/plant plot. The runoff volume and sediment losses were both closely related to rainfall volume and maximum intensity, while runoff coefficient was mainly controlled by maximum rainfall intensity. Hortonian overland flow is the dominant runoff process in the region. The differences in runoff volume, runoff coefficient and sediment losses between the catchments are mainly controlled by the maximum rainfall intensity and infiltration characteristics. The Aobao catchment yielded much larger runoff volume, runoff coefficient and sediment than the Wangdongguo catchment. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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