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The behaviour of a discrete sub‐bank‐full flow event in a small desert stream in western NSW, Australia, is analysed from direct observation and sediment sampling during the flow event and from later channel surveys. The flow event, the result of an isolated afternoon thunderstorm, had a peak discharge of 9 m3/s at an upstream station. Transmission loss totally consumed the flow over the following 7·6 km. Suspended sediment concentration was highest at the flow front (not the discharge peak) and declined linearly with the log of time since passage of the flow front, regardless of discharge variation. The transmission loss responsible for the waning and eventual cessation of flow occurred at a mean rate of 13.2% per km. This is quite rapid, and is more than twice the corresponding figure for bank‐full flows estimated by Dunkerley (1992) on the same stream system. It is proposed that transmission losses in ephemeral streams of the kind studied may be minimized in flows near bank‐full stage, and be higher in both sub‐bank‐full and overbank flows. Factors contributing to enhanced flow loss in the sub‐bank‐full flow studied included abstractions of flow to pools, scour holes and other low points along the channel, and overflow abstractions into channel filaments that did not rejoin the main flow. On the other hand, losses were curtailed by the shallow depth of banks wetted and by extensive mud drapes that were set down over sand bars and other porous channel materials during the flow. Thus, in contrast with the relatively regular pattern of transmission loss inferred from large floods, losses from low flows exhibit marked spatial variability and depend to a considerable extent on streamwise variations in channel geometry, in addition to the depth and porosity of channel perimeter sediments. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Short‐lived fallout isotopes, such as beryllium‐7 (7Be), are increasingly used as erosion and sediment tracers in watersheds. 7Be is produced in the atmosphere and delivered to the Earth's surface primarily in precipitation. However, relatively little has been published about the variation in 7Be wet deposition caused by storm type and vegetation cover. Our analysis of precipitation, throughfall, and sediments in two forested, headwater catchments in the mid‐Atlantic USA indicates significant variation in isotope deposition with storm type and storm height. Individual summer convective thunderstorms were associated with 7Be activity concentrations up to 5.0 Bq l?1 in precipitation and 4.7 Bq l?1 in throughfall, while single‐event wet depositional fluxes reached 168 Bq m?2 in precipitation and 103 Bq m?2 in throughfall. Storms originating from the continental USA were associated with lower 7Be activity concentrations and single‐event wet depositional fluxes for precipitation (0.7–1.2 Bq l?1 and 15.8–65.0 Bq m?2) and throughfall (0.1–0.3 Bq l?1 and 13.5–98.9 Bq m?2). Tropical systems had relatively low activity concentrations, 0.2–0.5 Bq l?1 in precipitation and 0.2–1.0 Bq l?1 in throughfall, but relatively high single‐event depositional fluxes due to large rainfall volumes, 32.8–67.6 Bq m?2 in precipitation and 25.7–134 Bq m?2 in throughfall. The largest sources of 7Be depositional variation were attributed to storm characteristics including precipitation amount and maximum storm height. 7Be activity associated with fluvial suspended sediments also exhibited the highest concentration and variability in summer (175–1450 Bq kg?1). We conclude the dominant source of variation on event‐level 7Be deposition is storm type. Our results illustrate the complex relationships between 7Be deposition in precipitation and throughfall and demonstrate event‐scale relationships between the 7Be in precipitation and on suspended sediment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed runoff and sediment yield from land under various traditional and current land uses in Mediterranean mountain areas, using long‐term data from an experimental station in the Aísa Valley, Central Spanish Pyrenees. Monitoring at this station has provided 20 years of data that can help explain the hydrological and geomorphological changes that have been observed at larger spatial scales, and also the changes that have occurred to some of the most characteristic landscapes of the Mediterranean middle mountains. In spite of the problems associated with the use of small experimental plots, the results obtained are consistent with other studies in the Mediterranean region, and confirm the strong influence of land use changes on runoff generation and sediment yield. The results indicate that: (i) cereal cultivation on steep slopes (both alternating cereal cultivation and fallow on sloping fields and shifting agriculture on the steepest slopes) represents a major problem for soil conservation. This explains the occurrence throughout the Mediterranean mountains of many degraded hillslopes, which show evidence of sheet wash erosion, rilling, gullying and shallow landsliding; (ii) farmland abandonment has led to a marked reduction in runoff and sediment yield as a consequence of rapid plant recolonization, particularly by dense shrubs; (iii) the natural transformation of abandoned fields into grazing meadows has reduced runoff and sediment yield. Land use trends in the Mediterranean mountains are mainly characterized by generalized farmland abandonment and a decrease in livestock pressure. From a hydrological and geomorphological point of view the main consequences have been a reduction in overland flow from the hillslopes, and a reduction in sediment sources, with differences up to one order of magnitude in sediment yield from dense shrub cover and grazing meadow areas compared with areas under shifting agriculture. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a methodology to construct a sediment budget for meso‐scale catchments. We combine extensive field surveys and expert knowledge of the catchment with a sediment delivery model. The meso‐scale Mediterranean drainage basin of the Dragonja (91 km2), southwest Slovenia, was chosen as case study area. During the field surveys, sheet wash was observed on sloping agricultural fields during numerous rainfall events, which was found to be the main source of sediment. With the sediment yield model WATEM/SEDEM the estimated net erosion on the hillslopes 4·1 t ha–1 y–1 (91% of inputs). The second source, bank erosion (4·2%; 0·25 t ha–1 y–1) was monitored during several years with erosion pins and photogrammetric techniques. The last source, channel incision, was derived from geomorphological mapping and lichenomery and provided 3·8% (0·17 t ha–1 y–1) of the sediment input. The river transports its suspended sediment mainly during high‐flow events (sampled with automated water samplers). About 27% (1·2 t ha–1 y–1) of the sediment delivered to the channel is deposited on floodplains and low terraces downstream (estimated with geomorphological mapping, coring and cesium‐137 measurements). The sediment transported as bedload disintegrates during transport to the outlet due to the softness of the bedrock material. As a result, the river carries no bedload when it reaches the sea. The results imply a build‐up of sediment in the valleys catchment. However, extreme flood events may flush large amounts of sediment stored in the lower parts of the system. Geomorphological evidence exists in the catchment that such high magnitude, low frequency events have happened in the past. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three year monitoring programme of gully‐head retreat was established to assess the significance of sediment production in a drainage network that expanded rapidly by gully‐head erosion on the low‐angled alluvio‐lacustrine Njemps Flats in semi‐arid Baringo District, Kenya. This paper discusses the factors controlling the large observed spatial and temporal variation in gully‐head retreat rates, ranging from 0 to 15 m a?1. The selected gullies differed in planform and in runoff‐contributing catchment area but soil material and land use were similar. The data were analysed at event and annual timescales. The results show that at annual timescale rainfall amount appears to be a good indicator of gully‐head retreat, while at storm‐event timescale rainfall distribution has to be taken into account. A model is proposed, including only rainfall (P) and the number of dry days (DD) between storms: which explains 56 per cent of the variation in retreat rate of the single‐headed gully of Lam1. A detailed sediment budget has been established for Lam1 and its runoff‐contributing area (RCA). By measuring sediment input from the RCA, the sediment output by channelized flow and linear retreat of the gully head for nine storms, it can be seen that erosion shifts between different components of the budget depending on the duration of the dry period (DD) between storms. Sediment input from the RCA was usually the largest component for the smaller storms. The erosion of the gully head occurred as a direct effect of runoff falling over the edge (GHwaterfall) and of the indirect destabilization of the adjacent walls by the waterfall erosion and by saturation (GHmass/storage). The latter component (GHmass/storage) was usually much larger that the former (GHwaterfall). The sediment output from the gully was strongly related to the runoff volume while the linear retreat, because of its complex behaviour, was not. Overall, the results show that the annual retreat is the optimal timescale to predict retreat patterns. More detailed knowledge about relevant processes and interactions is necessary if gully‐head erosion is to be included in event‐based soil erosion models. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the last decade advances in surveying technology have opened up the possibility of representing topography and monitoring surface changes over experimental plots (<10 m2) in high resolution (~103 points m‐1). Yet the representativeness of these small plots is limited. With ‘Structure‐from‐Motion’ (SfM) and ‘Multi‐View Stereo’ (MVS) techniques now becoming part of the geomorphologist's toolkit, there is potential to expand further the scale at which we characterise topography and monitor geomorphic change morphometrically. Moving beyond previous plot‐scale work using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) surveys, this paper validates robustly a number of SfM‐MVS surveys against total station and extensive TLS data at three nested scales: plots (<30 m2) within a small catchment (4710 m2) within an eroding marl badland landscape (~1 km2). SfM surveys from a number of platforms are evaluated based on: (i) topography; (ii) sub‐grid roughness; and (iii) change‐detection capabilities at an annual scale. Oblique ground‐based images can provide a high‐quality surface equivalent to TLS at the plot scale, but become unreliable over larger areas of complex terrain. Degradation of surface quality with range is observed clearly for SfM models derived from aerial imagery. Recently modelled ‘doming’ effects from the use of vertical imagery are proven empirically as a piloted gyrocopter survey at 50m altitude with convergent off‐nadir imagery provided higher quality data than an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) flying at the same height and collecting vertical imagery. For soil erosion monitoring, SfM can provide data comparable with TLS only from small survey ranges (~5 m) and is best limited to survey ranges ~10–20 m. Synthesis of these results with existing validation studies shows a clear degradation of root‐mean squared error (RMSE) with survey range, with a median ratio between RMSE and survey range of 1:639, and highlights the effect of the validation method (e.g. point‐cloud or raster‐based) on the estimated quality. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated rainfall, run‐off, and sediment transport dynamics (414 run‐off events and 231 events with sediment information) of a humid mountain badland area—the Araguás catchment (Central Pyrenees, Spain)—from October 2005 to September 2016. Use of this long‐term database allows characterization of the hydrological response, which consist of low‐magnitude/high‐frequency events and high‐magnitude/low‐frequency events, and identification of seasonal dynamics and rainfall‐run‐off thresholds. Our results indicate that the Araguás catchment, similarly to other humid badlands, had high hydrological responsiveness (mean annual run‐off coefficient: 0.52), a non‐linear relationship of rainfall with run‐off (common in Mediterranean environments), and seasonal hydrological and sedimentological dynamics. We created and validated a multivariate regression model to characterize the hydrological variables (stormflow and peak discharge) and sedimentological variables (mean and maximum suspended sediment concentrations and total suspended sediment load). In summer and at the beginning of autumn, the response was mainly related to rainfall intensity, suggesting a predomination of Hortonian flows. In contrast, in spring and winter, the responses were mainly related to the antecedent conditions (previous rainfall and baseflow), suggesting the occurrence of saturated excess flow processes, and the contribution of neighbouring vegetated areas. The multivariate analysis also showed that total sediment load is better predicted by a multivariate regression model that integrates pre‐event, rainfall, and run‐off variables. In general, our models provided more accurate predictions of small‐magnitude/high‐frequency events than high‐magnitude/low‐frequency events. This study highlights the high inter‐ and intra‐annual variability response in humid badland areas and that long‐term records are needed to reduce the uncertainty of hydrological and sedimentological responses in Mediterranean badland areas.  相似文献   

Nine small (2·5 ha) and four large (70–135 ha) watersheds were instrumented in 1999 to evaluate the effects of intensive silvicultural practices with best management practices (BMPs) on runoff and stream water quality in the Western Gulf Coastal Plain of East Texas, USA. Two treatments were implemented in 2002: a conventional treatment with clearcutting and herbicide site preparation, and an intensive treatment that added subsoiling, fertilization and a release herbicide application. Watershed effects were compared with results from a previously conducted study on the same watersheds in 1981, in which two combinations of harvesting and mechanical site preparation without BMPs were evaluated. Due to the reduction in evapotranspirational demand, total storm runoff increased on all six treated small watersheds following harvest by 0·94 to 13·73 cm in 2003. Runoff increases were not statistically significant on the treated large watersheds. Total first‐year sediment loss was significantly greater on two of the conventional and one of the intensive small watersheds. The greatest first‐year increase was 540·1 kg ha?1, only one‐fifth of that observed on these watersheds from shearing and windrowing without BMPs in 1981. First‐year sediment loss was significantly greater on the intensive large watershed following harvest, but not on the conventional large watershed. These data suggest that BMPs are very effective in reducing potential water quality impacts from intensive silvicultural practices. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A common explanation for intense soil erosion and gullying in SE Australia is the introduction by Europeans of new land use practices following their arrival in Australia in the late 18th century. Eucalyptus woodlands were cleared to introduce farming, and valley bottoms, characterized by chains of ponds with organic‐rich swampy meadow (SM) soils, were subsequently buried by thick deposits of ‘post‐settlement alluvium’ (PSA) generated by erosion in the catchment. In this study, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is used to evaluate the source(s) of the PSA in Grabben Gullen Creek (GGC), Australia. We use a portable OSL reader to measure total photon counts on bulk polymineral and polygrain‐size samples from nine profiles along the Creek. We use these luminescence signals as geotracers of sediment source(s) and transport pathways. We obtained higher luminescence signals in the PSA than in the SM sediments, suggesting different sources and fluvial transport conditions for these two widespread sedimentary units. Portable OSL reader data from soils in the GGC catchment that are potential sources for the SM sediments and PSA show that the high luminescence signals recorded in the PSA are similar to those from subsoil samples in granite soils, suggesting that the PSA was derived by gullying of granite subsoils. In the SM sediments, luminescence signals decrease upwards from the base of the profile, as expected in well‐reset fluvial deposits, but with one or more changes in gradient in the profile of photon counts with depth, most likely indicating changes in sediment deposition rates. To calculate deposition rates in the SM sediments, several samples were dated using OSL. The OSL ages produced low scatter in the equivalent doses, confirming the well‐reset nature of the grains composing the SM and indicating a process of sediment transport in dilute flows, as is interpreted from the portable OSL signals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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