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Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in Nepal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The seismic ground motion hazard for Nepal has been estimated using a probabilistic approach. A catalogue of earthquakes has been compiled for Nepal and the surrounding region (latitude 26% N and 31.7% N and longitude 79° E and 90° E) from 1255 to 2011. The distribution of catalogued earthquakes, together with available geological and tectonic information were used to delineate twenty-three seismic source seismic source information and probabilistic earthquake hazard prediction relationship, peak ground accelerations (PGAs) have zones in Nepal and the surrounding region. By using the parameters in conjunction with a selected ground motion been calculated at bedrock level with 63%, 10%, and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The estimated PGA values are in the range of 0.07-0.16 g, 0.21 0.62 g, and 0.38-1.1 g for 63%, 10%, and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years, respectively. The resulting ground motion maps show different characteristics of PGA distribution, i.e., high hazard in the far-western and eastern sections, and low hazard in southern Nepal. The quantified PGA values at bedrock level provide information for microzonation studies in different parts of the country.  相似文献   

We present the results of a new genera tion of probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Switzerland. This study replaces the previous intensity-based generation of national hazard maps of 1978. Based on a revised moment-magnitude earthquake catalog for Switzerland and the surrounding regions, covering the period 1300–2003, sets of recurrence parameters (a and b values, M max ) are estimated. Information on active faulting in Switzerland is too sparse to be used as source model. We develop instead two models of areal sources. The first oriented towards capturing historical and instrumental seismicity, the second guided largely by tectonic principles and express ing the alterative view that seismicity is less stationary and thus future activity may occur in previously quiet regions. To estimate three alterna tive a and b value sets and their relative weighting, we introduce a novel approach based on the modified Akaike information criterion, which allows us to decide when the data in a zone deserves to be fitted with a zone-specific b value. From these input parameters, we simulate synthetic earthquake catalogs of one-million-year duration down to magnitude 4.0, which also reflect the difference in depth distribution between the Alpine Foreland and the Alps. Using a specific predictive spectral ground motion model for Switzerland, we estimate expected ground motions in units of the 5% damped acceleration response spectrum at frequencies of 0.5–10 Hz for all of Switzerland, referenced to rock sites with an estimated shear wave velocity of 1,500 m/s2 in the upper 30 m. The highest hazard is found in the Wallis, in the Basel region, in Graubünden and along the Alpine front, with maximum spectral accelerations at 5 Hz frequency reaching 150 cm/s2 for a return period of 475 years and 720 cm/s2 for 10,000 years. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A methodology is proposed to determine design earthquakes for site-specific studies such as the siting of critical structures (power plants, waste disposals, large dams, etc.), strategic structures (fire stations, military commands, hospitals, etc.), or for seismic microzoning studies, matching the results of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses. This goal is achieved by calculating the source contribution to hazard and the magnitude–distance deaggregation, showing that, varying the selected frequency and the level of hazard, the reference earthquakes are changed as a result. A procedure is then adopted to minimize the residuals between the uniform hazard spectrum (target motion) and the design earthquake spectrum, to provide a specific earthquake scenario encompassing all the frequencies of the target motion. Finally, some considerations on the use and the influence exerted by ground motion uncertainty (σ) on hazard deaggregation are outlined.  相似文献   

Two key issues distinguish probabilistic seismic risk analysis of a lifeline or portfolio of structures from that of a single structure. Regional analysis must consider the correlation among lifeline components or structures in the portfolio, and the larger scope makes it much more computationally demanding. In this paper, we systematically identify and compare alternative methods for regional hazard analysis that can be used as the first part of a computationally efficient regional probabilistic seismic risk analysis that properly considers spatial correlation. Specifically, each method results in a set of probabilistic ground motion maps with associated hazard‐consistent annual occurrence probabilities that together represent the regional hazard. The methods are compared according to how replicable and computationally tractable they are and the extent to which the resulting maps are physically realistic, consistent with the regional hazard and regional spatial correlation, and few in number. On the basis of a conceptual comparison and an empirical comparison for Los Angeles, we recommend a combination of simulation and optimization approaches: (i) Monte Carlo simulation with importance sampling of the earthquake magnitudes to generate a set of probabilistic earthquake scenarios (defined by source and magnitude); (ii) the optimization‐based probabilistic scenario method, a mixed‐integer linear program, to reduce the size of that set; (iii) Monte Carlo simulation to generate a set of probabilistic ground motion maps, varying the number of maps sampled from each earthquake scenario so as to minimize the sampling variance; and (iv) the optimization‐based probabilistic scenario again to reduce the set of probabilistic ground motion maps. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了双场点地震危险性分析方法,用以计算在相同地震构造环境中,相同地震作用下的相邻两个工程场点同时超越其给定地震动参数的概率.该方法是确定系统的危险段落、场点遭受的附加地震危险的有效工具.基于汶川MS8.0地震后大渡河干流及邻近地区的地震环境,以大渡河干流梯级水电站系统为例,确定了大渡河干流梯级水电站各个河段的地震危险性.其中危险性最高的3个河段是:龚嘴—铜街子河段、沙坪—龚嘴河段和大岗山—龙头石河段.  相似文献   

A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) was conducted to establish the hazard spectra for a site located at Dubai Creek on the west coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The PSHA considered all the seismogenic sources that affect the site, including plate boundaries such as the Makran subduction zone, the Zagros fold-thrust region and the transition fault system between them; and local crustal faults in UAE. PSHA indicated that local faults dominate the hazard. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) for the 475-year return period spectrum is 0.17 g and 0.33 g for the 2,475-year return period spectrum. The hazard spectra are then employed to establish rock ground motions using the spectral matching technique.  相似文献   

An improved seismic hazard model for use in performance‐based earthquake engineering is presented. The model is an improved approximation from the so‐called ‘power law’ model, which is linear in log–log space. The mathematics of the model and uncertainty incorporation is briefly discussed. Various means of fitting the approximation to hazard data derived from probabilistic seismic hazard analysis are discussed, including the limitations of the model. Based on these ‘exact’ hazard data for major centres in New Zealand, the parameters for the proposed model are calibrated. To illustrate the significance of the proposed model, a performance‐based assessment is conducted on a typical bridge, via probabilistic seismic demand analysis. The new hazard model is compared to the current power law relationship to illustrate its effects on the risk assessment. The propagation of epistemic uncertainty in the seismic hazard is also considered. To allow further use of the model in conceptual calculations, a semi‐analytical method is proposed to calculate the demand hazard in closed form. For the case study shown, the resulting semi‐analytical closed form solution is shown to be significantly more accurate than the analytical closed‐form solution using the power law hazard model, capturing the ‘exact’ numerical integration solution to within 7% accuracy over the entire range of exceedance rate. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用概率地震危险性分析(CPSHA)方法,对山东某场地进行地震危险性分析,通过对该场地划分潜在震源区,确定地震活动性参数及地震动衰减关系,计算分析地震危险性概率,基本确定对该场地地震动峰值加速度起主要贡献的几个潜在震源区及贡献值,并确定该场地50年超越概率10%的水平向基岩地震动加速度峰值。结果发现,CPSHA方法以具体的构造尺度和更加细致的构造标志来划分潜在震源区,使潜在震源区规模缩减,从而更能反映地震活动在空间分布上的不均匀性。  相似文献   

A detailed study of the most significant seismic effects that took place in the city of Catania has been performed in order to build up a site catalogue, to assess seismic hazard directly from it and to provide the picture of damage scenarios which happened in the past. In the last 1000 years Catania was destroyed twice (1169 and 1693) and more or less severely damaged twelve times (e.g., 1542, 1818, 1848, etc.). Destruction or severe damage are mainly related to earthquakes occurring in the coastal sector of the Hyblean foreland, while slighter, moderate effects are usually due to earthquakes taking place in the seismogenic sources of the Messina Straits and in the inner Hyblean region. The analysis of the historical reports allowed to delineate the damage scenarios of the most relevant events. In particular, for the 1693 case-history it has also been possible to map the damage distribution with reference to the existing urban settlement of the city. The site catalogue was used for assessing seismic hazard; the obtained estimates show that the probability of occurrence for intensity 7 and 10 exceeds 99.9% for 150 and 500 years, respectively. These values, associated with the high vulnerability caused by the city growth which occurred mainly before the introduction of the seismic code (1981) and without ad-hoc planning policies, implies that the urban system is exposed to high seismic risk.  相似文献   

An integrated probabilistic seismic hazard analysis procedure that incorporates nonlinear site effects, PSHA-NL, is developed and used to characterize the influence of thick deposits of the upper Mississippi Embayment (ME) on seismic site coefficients. PSHA-NL follows the methodology of the 2002 USGS hazard maps and generates a compatible set of ground motion records. The motions are propagated using nonlinear and equivalent linear site response analyses and ME properties developed in a companion paper and used to derive surface uniform hazard response spectra. A set of generic site coefficients are derived and summarized in a format similar to NEHRP site coefficients, with an added dimension of ME deposits thickness to the Paleozoic rock, a physically meaningful impedance boundary. These coefficients compare well with NEHRP site coefficients for 30 m profiles. For thicker soil profiles, developed site coefficients are lower at short periods and higher at long periods than NEHRP site coefficients.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study undertaken todetermine the seismic hazard of Lebanon. The seismic hazard evaluation wasconducted using probabilistic methods of hazard analysis. Potential sourcesof seismic activities that affect Lebanon were identified and the earthquakerecurrence relationships of these sources were developed from instrumentalseismology data, historical records, and earlier studies undertaken toevaluate the seismic hazard of neighboring countries. The sensitivityof the results to different assumptions regarding the seismic sources in theLebanese segment and choice of the attenuation relationship wasevaluated. Maps of peak ground acceleration contours, based on 10percent of probability of exceedance in 50 years and 100 years time spans,were developed.  相似文献   

Based on previous observations of the phenomenon of precursory seismic quiescence before crustal main shocks and recent results that indicate an increase in the occurrence of main shocks in the next years, we focus this study on the detection of the seismic quiescence situation in Greece in the beginning of 1999. We use the declustered seismicity catalogue of the Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens (NOA) from 1968–1998, to investigate the significance of seismic quiescence for the region 19°–29°E and 34°–42°N. We searched for seismicity rate changes at every node of the grid by a moving time window and we present the results for the beginning of 1999. The results map four (4) areas having a quiescence which duration ranges from 3.8 to6 years in the beginning of 1999. Three of these areas have been devestated by catastrophic earthquakes 17–21 years ago and significant quiescence also preceded those main shocks. Based on these results, an estimate of the future seismic hazard of these areas is made.  相似文献   

A project has been implemented in recent years for assessing seismic hazard in the Italian territory on probabilistic bases, to be used as scientific background for the revision of the current seismic zonation. A consolidated approach was considered for the purpose; seismic hazard was estimated in terms of peak ground acceleration and macroseismic intensity. As the computer code employed allows the user to make specific choices on some input data, some rather unorthodox decisions were taken regarding earthquake catalogue completeness, seismicity rates, boundaries of the seismogenic zones, definition of the maximum magnitude, attenuation relation, etc. The overwhelming amount of geological and seismological data for Italy (just consider, for example, that the earthquake catalogue collects events which occurred over the last ten centuries) permits the operator to make different choices, more or less cautiously. It is quite interesting, then, to evaluate the influence of the specific choices on the final hazard results as a comparison to traditional possibilities. The tests performed clearly indicate the critical choices and quantify their contribution. In particular, we consider thorough comprehension of the space geometry of the earthquake source boundaries and the adequacy of the attenuation relation in modelling the radiation pattern very important.  相似文献   

The intterrelation among strong earthquakes and its application are emphatically studied in this paper. Taking North China seismic region as study area, we have investigated how a great earthquake influence other strong earthqukaes in neighbouring area? Does there exist earthqukae immunity phenomenon? If it exists, what distributional pattern did it has in space-time domain? The results show that occurrence of earthquakes withM⩾7 has cetain immunity phenomenon to earthquakes withM⩾6 in North China. Among others, the immunity area of earthquakes withM=8 is much larger than that ofM=7. For earthquakes withM⩾8, the immunity area to the earthquakes ofM=7 is larger than toM=6. Based on the above analysis, using some statistical methods, we gave the variational regularity of seismic immunity factor with space and time, and explored its concrete application in seismic hazard analysis. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 339–346, 1993.  相似文献   

基于改进云图法的结构概率地震需求分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概率地震需求分析是美国太平洋地震工程研究中心(Pacific Earthquake Engineering ResearchCenter,PEER)提出的新一代"性能化地震工程(Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering,PBEE)"理论框架的重要一环。传统的概率地震需求分析方法称为"云图法",这种方法针对确定性结构进行一系列地震动作用下的非线性动力分析,从而得到地震动强度参数与结构地震需求的"云图"。然而,传统的云图法只能考虑地震动的不确定性,而无法考虑结构的不确定性。为此,结合拉丁超立方体抽样技术,提出一种能综合考虑地震动不确定性和结构不确定性的改进云图法,并将传统的概率地震需求分析内容拓展为概率地震需求模型、概率地震需求易损性分析、概率地震需求危险性分析三个层次。以一榀五层三跨钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,分别采用传统云图法和改进云图法对其进行概率地震需求分析,得到了该结构的概率地震需求模型、地震需求易损性曲线和地震需求危险性曲线。分析结果表明:提出的方法可以有效地考虑地震动与结构的不确定性,避免不考虑结构的不确定性而低估结构的地震风险性。  相似文献   

Parametersensitivityanalysesinseismichaz┐ardJIANWANG(王健)andMENG-TANGAO(高孟潭)InstituteofGeophysics,StateSeismologicalBureau,Be...  相似文献   

On unified analysis of uncertainty in seismic hazard assessment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(胡聿贤,陈汉尧)Onunifiedanalysisofuncertaintyinseismichazardassessment¥Yu-XianHUandHan-YaoCHEN(InstituteofGeophysics,StateSeismolog...  相似文献   

Potential sources are simplified as point sources or linear sources in current probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) methods. Focus size of large earthquakes is considerable, and fault rupture attitudes may have great influ-ence upon the seismic hazard of a site which is near the source. Under this circumstance, it is unreasonable to use the simplified potential source models in the PSHA, so a potential rupture surface model is proposed in this paper. Adopting this model, we analyze the seismic hazard near the Chelungpu fault that generated the Chi-Chi (Jiji) earthquake with magnitude 7.6 and the following conclusions are reached. 1 This model is reasonable on the base of focal mechanism, especially for sites near potential earthquakes with large magnitude; 2 The attitudes of poten-tial rupture surfaces have great influence on the results of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and seismic zoning.  相似文献   

The characterisation of the seismic hazard input is a critical element of any seismic design code, not only in terms of the absolute levels of ground motion considered but also of the shape of the design spectrum. In the case of Europe, future revisions of the seismic design provisions, both at a national and a pan‐European level, may implement considerable modifications to the existing provisions in light of recent seismic hazard models, such as the 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model. Constraint of the shape of the long‐period design spectrum from seismic hazard estimates on such a scale has not been possible, however, owing to the limited spectral period range of existing ground motion models. Building upon recent developments in ground motion modelling, the 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model is adapted here with a new ground motion logic tree to provide a broadband Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for rock sites across a spectral period range from 0.05 seconds to 10.0 seconds. The resulting uniform hazard spectra (UHS) are compared against existing results for European and broadband Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis and against a proposed formulation of a generalised design spectrum in which controlling parameters can be optimised to best fit the uniform hazard spectra in order to demonstrate their variability on a European scale. Significant variations in the controlling parameters of the design spectrum are seen both across and within stable and active regions. These trends can help guide recalibrations of the code spectra in future revisions to seismic design codes, particularly for the longer‐period displacement spectrum.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology to incorporate vague information, based upon heuristic knowledge and expertise, into the conventional probabilistic approach for the seismic hazard analysis.

The interval analysis method is introduced to process interval information with interpretation from Dempster and Shafer's evidence theory. The Vertex Method is discussed to handle fuzzy information which is a generalization of interval information.

These methods, along with the current approach of seismic hazard analysis, are used to assess the seismic hazard for the San Francisco Bay Area in California and to provide information for deciding strengthening policy of existing buildings.  相似文献   

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