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Terraces are a common feature of Mediterranean landscapes. In many places they are no longer maintained so that the number of intact terraces is in prolonged decline. The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of terrace removal and failure on hydrological connectivity and peak discharge in an agricultural catchment (475 ha) in south‐east Spain. The situation of 2006 is compared to that in 1956 and to a scenario without terraces (S2). The spatial distribution of concentrated flow was mapped after four storms in 2006. The degree of connectivity was quantified by means of connectivity functions and related to storm characteristics, land use and topography. For 1956, 2006 and scenario S2, connectivity functions and peak discharge to the river were determined for a storm with a return period of 8·2 years. The results show that the decrease in intact terraces has led to a strong increase in connectivity and discharge. The contributing area to the river system has increased by a factor 3·2 between 1956 and 2006. If all terraces were to be removed (scenario S2), the contributing area may further increase by a factor 6·0 compared to 2006. The spatial extent of concentrated flow and the degree of connectivity are related to storm magnitude as expressed by the erosivity index (EI30). Although a large part of the concentrated flow (25–50%) occurs on dirt roads, it appears that croplands become a major source of runoff with increasing rainfall. The results suggest that connectivity theory can be used to improve rainfall–runoff models in semi‐arid areas. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes from 1955 to 2002 in soil erosion and deposition due to changes in land‐use patterns in the semi‐arid territory of Craco, which is characterized by landsliding and badland erosion. The area underwent continuous degradation during the last century due not only to its lithological vulnerability but also to the anthropic pressure favoured by the introduction of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) measures, which has led to the reclamation of scrub lands and badlands for durum wheat cultivation. Our analysis integrates the Unit Stream Power Erosion Deposition (USPED) model with a geographic information system (GIS) to quantify erosion risk and predict deposition patterns. Soil data, land use inventory, digital elevation data and climatic atlases were used as resource data sets to generate USPED factor values. The obtained results correlate well with field measured erosion data by other researchers. In the investigated 47 years, stable areas decreased by about 280 ha (3·8% of the total surface area), largely attributable to the increase of the low and moderate erosion intensity without significant change in sedimentation. Results from this study have implications related to understanding the geomorphic response of sites that were abandoned following remodelling due to the application of the F measure of Regulation CEE 2078/92. The average annual erosion rates estimated for abandoned and remodelled sites are respectively 15·99 and 10·64 t ha?1, meaning that the total amount of erosion in 20 years could be estimated at around 100 t ha?1. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The tunnel systems in a semi‐arid catchment of the Loess Plateau of China were repeatedly surveyed prior to the rainy seasons of 1989, 1999 and 2001. The surveys aimed to: (1) measure tunnel development over the 12 year period 1989–2001; (2) explore how the physiographical conditions affect the spatio‐temporal variability of tunnel development; and (3) to identify the geomorphic processes associated with tunnel development. The ultimate goal was to quantify the geomorphic significance of tunnel systems in the catchment. Over the 12 year period, the number of tunnel inlets was more than doubled and most of the newly increased inlets were initiated in the few catastrophic storm events. However, tunnel enlargement can occur in storm or inter‐storm periods, mainly through earth falls and slumps in inlets, and water erosion and roof cave‐in collapses in tunnel paths. Tunnel development varied with material properties, land uses and topographic conditions. Net tunnel erosion may contribute at least 25–30% of the catchment sediment yield and was mainly produced by the initiation and enlargement of tunnel inlets rather than tunnel paths. To protect the areas against tunnel erosion, terracing of the upper slopes seems to be more effective than planting vegetation on the lower slopes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present MHYDAS‐Erosion, a dynamic and distributed single‐storm water erosion model developed as a module of the existing hydrological MHYDAS model. As with many catchment erosion models, MHYDAS‐Erosion is able to simulate sediment transport, erosion and deposition by rill and interrill processes. Its originality stems from its capacity to integrate the impact of land management practices (LMP) as key elements controlling the sedimentological connectivity in agricultural catchments. To this end, the water‐sediment pathways are first determined by a specific process‐oriented procedure defined and controlled by the user, which makes the integration of LMP easier. The LMP dynamic behaviours are then integrated into the model as a time‐dependent function of hydrological variables and LMP characteristics. The first version of the model was implemented for vegetative filters and tested using water and sediment discharge measurements at three nested scales of a densely instrumented catchment (Roujan, OMERE Observatory, southern France). The results of discharge and soil loss for simulated rainfall events have been found to acceptably compare with available data. The average R2 values for water and sediment discharge are 0·82 and 0·83, respectively. The sensitivity of the model to changes in the proportion of LMP was assessed for a single rain event by considering three scenarios of the Roujan catchment management with vegetative filters: 0% (Scenario 1), 18% (Scenario 2, real case) and 100% (Scenario 3). Compared to Scenario 2 (real case), soil losses decreased for Scenario 3 by 65% on the agricultural plot scale, 62% on the sub‐catchment scale and 45% at the outlet of the catchment and increased for Scenario 1 by 0% on the plot scale, 26% on the sub‐catchment scale and 18% at the outlet of the catchment. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A better knowledge of soil erosion by water is essential for planning effective soil and water conservation practices in semi‐arid Mediterranean environments. The special climatic and hydrological characteristics of these areas, however, make accurate soil loss predictions difficult, particularly in the absence of minimal data. Two zero‐order experimental microcatchments (328–759 m2), representative of an extensive semi‐arid watershed with a high potential erosion risk in the south‐east of Spain, were selected and monitored for 3 years (1991–93) in order to provide information on the hydrological and erosional response. A pluviogram and hydrograph recorded data at 1‐min intervals during each storm, after which the soil loss was collected and the particle size of the sediment was analysed. Runoff coefficients of about 9% and soil losses of between 84·83 and 298·9 g m?2 year?1 were observed in the area. Rapid response times (geometric mean values lower than 2 h) and low runoff thresholds (mean values between 3·5 to 5·9 mm) were the norm in the experimental areas. A rain intensity of over 15 mm h?1 was considered as ‘erosive rainfall’ in these areas because of the total soil loss and the transport capacity of the overland flow. Differences in pore‐size distribution explained the different hydrological responses observed between areas. The erosional response was more complex and basically seemed to be determined by soil aggregate stability and topographical properties. A greater proportion of finer particles in the eroded material than in the soil matrix indicated selective erosion and the transport of finer material. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment budget of the small research catchment of Cal Parisa (Vallcebre, Eastern Pyrenees) was studied by hydrological monitoring and assessment of the erosion rates in the major sediment sources. This area is characterized by clayey mudrock prone to landsliding and badland erosion, but the catchment was selected in an area free of major badland features, as a representative of middle mountain regions where a system of terraces and drainage ditches had been built for agricultural use but is now abandoned. Streamwater chemistry is dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3 at concentrations close to calcite saturation. Total dissolved solids show dilution during runoff peaks and positive hysteresis loops that support a slow contribution of subsurface water. Relative dissolved ion concentrations are different for each event analysed. Particulate sediment yield is very low and represents only about 1 per cent of gross erosion in the catchment. Mineralogical analysis of suspended sediments shows an enrichment in calcite because of precipitation. Chemical analysis of suspended sediments, using common one-litre water samples, shows higher contents of Ca, P and Mn in transported sediment than in sediment source areas, attributed to the precipitation of calcite, and enrichment in organic particulate matter during events respectively for the two first elements, whereas enrichment in Mn remains uncertain. Solid matter yield is therefore clearly dominated by dissolved transport as a result of both high calcium bicarbonate concentrations in runoff waters and strong suspended sediment conveyance discontinuities. Land conservation structures are very effective because they are in good condition whereas the soil is covered by dense permanent vegetation. Nevertheless, this state is unstable because the network of drainage ditches needs maintenance; its spontaneous breakdown after abandonment may result in the rearrangement of the elementary stream network and gullying of old fields in hollows. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine whether gully-head morphology can be used as an indicator for gully development and, hence, for sediment production. A survey was conducted at five hillslopes in the Sierra de Gata where different types of channel heads occur close to each other. The survey included measurements of morphologic and pedologic properties, ground surface, channel and catchment characteristics of every gully head present (n = 59). On the basis of the observed morphologies, the heads were subdivided into four types: gradual, transitional (a short inclined section), abrupt and rilled-abrupt. The analyses showed that it is possible to explain the differences of gully heads and the role of some environmental factors on the basis of their morphologies, at least for the gradual and the abrupt types. The results suggested that steep headcuts (abrupt) were formed from secondary headcuts in the channel, which migrated upstream. The abrupt headcuts were always formed in more than one soil layer of which one was a resistant (stony) layer. However, shear strength measurements (at saturation) showed that the top layer was not always the most resistant one. Width–depth relationships indicated that gradual type headcuts were controlled by fluvial processes and abrupt headcuts by a combination of fluvial and mass-wasting processes. Gradual types occurred more downslope than the abrupt types suggesting that the incisions started by fluvial processes and migrated upwards when knickpoints developed in the channel. The rilled-abrupt types are still actively retreating. Thus, the abrupt types correspond to slower retreat rates. Abrupt gully heads may deteriorate into transitional types when plunge-pool erosion becomes less effective. The conceptual model is supported by data from ephemeral gullies in two other study areas (Sierra de la Torrecilla, Spain, and Alentejo, Portugal). Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We characterize the precipitation and groundwater in a mountainous (peaks slightly above 3000 m a.s.l.), semi‐arid river basin in SE Spain in terms of the isotopes 18O and 2H. This basin, with an extension of about 7000 km2, is an ideal site for such a study because fronts from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean converge here. Much of the land is farmed and irrigated both by groundwater and runoff water collected in reservoirs. A total of approximately 100 water samples from precipitation and 300 from groundwater have been analysed. To sample precipitation we set up a network of 39 stations at different altitudes (800–1700 m a.s.l.), with which we were able to collect the rain and snowfall from 29 separate events between July 2005 and April 2007 and take monthly samples during the periods of maximum recharge of the aquifers. To characterize the groundwater we set up a control network of 43 points (23 springs and 20 wells) to sample every 3 months the main aquifers and both the thermal and non‐thermal groundwater. We also sampled two shallow‐water sites (a reservoir and a river). The isotope composition of the precipitation forms a local meteoric water line (LMWL) characterized by the equation δD = 7·72δ18O + 9·90, with mean values for δ18O and δD of − 10·28‰ and − 69·33‰, respectively, and 12·9‰ for the d‐excess value. To correlate the isotope composition of the rainfall water with groundwater we calculated the weighted local meteoric water line (WLMWL), characterized by the equation δD = 7·40δ18O + 7·24, which takes into account the quantity of water precipitated during each event. These values of (dδD/dδ18O)< 8 and d‐excess (δD–8δ18O)< 10 in each curve bear witness to the ‘amount effect’, an effect which is more manifest between May and September, when the ground temperature is higher. Other effects noted in the basin were those of altitude and the continental influence. The isotopic compositions of the groundwater are represented by the equation δD = 4·79δ18O − 18·64. The groundwater is richer in heavy isotopes than the rainfall, with mean values of − 8·48‰ for δ18O and − 59·27‰ for δD. The isotope enrichment processes detected include a higher rate of evaporation from detrital aquifers than from carbonate ones, the effects of recharging aquifers from irrigation return flow and/or from reservoirs' leakage and enrichment in δ18O from thermal water. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Terraces and floodplains are important indicators of near‐channel sediment dynamics, serving as potential sediment sources and sinks. Increasing availability of high resolution topography data over large areas calls for development of semi‐automated techniques for identification and measurement of these features. In this study we introduce a novel tool that accommodates user‐defined parameters including, a local‐relief threshold selected by a variable‐size moving window, minimum area threshold, and maximum distance from the channel to identify and map discrete terrace and floodplain surfaces. Each of the parameters can easily be calibrated for a given watershed or reach. Subsequently, the tool automatically measures planform area, absolute elevation, and height relative to the local river channel for each terrace polygon. We validate the tool in two locations where terrace maps were previously developed via manual digitization from lidar and extensive field mapping campaigns. The tool is also tested on six different types of rivers to provide examples of starting selection parameters, and to test effectiveness of the tool across a wide range of landscapes. Generally, the tool provides a high quality draft map of terrace and floodplain surfaces across the wide range of environmental conditions for which it has been tested. We find that the tool functions best in catchments where the terraces are spatially extensive, with distinct differences between the terrace and floodplain. The most challenging environments for semi‐automated terrace and floodplain mapping include steep catchments with dense riparian vegetation, and very small terraces (~10 m2 in areal extent). We then apply the tool to map terraces and floodplains in the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota and generate exceedance plots for terrace heights. These plots provide a first pass analysis to indicate the tributaries and reaches of the river where terraces constitute a significant source of sediment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gully cut‐and‐fill dynamics are often thought to be driven by climate and/or deforestation related to population pressure. However, in this case‐study of nine representative catchments in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands, we find that neither climate changes nor deforestation can explain gully morphology changes over the twentieth century. Firstly, by using a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate historical catchment‐wide curve numbers, we show that the landscape was already heavily degraded in the nineteenth and early twentieth century – a period with low population density. The mean catchment‐wide curve number (> 80) one century ago was, under the regional climatic conditions, already resulting in considerable simulated historical runoff responses. Secondly, twentieth century land‐cover and runoff coefficient changes were confronted with twentieth century changing gully morphologies. As the results show, large‐scale land‐cover changes and deforestation cannot explain the observed processes. The study therefore invokes interactions between authigenic factors, small‐scale plot boundary changes, cropland management and sociopolitical forces to explain the gully cut processes. Finally, semi‐structured interviews and sedistratigraphic analysis of three filled gullies confirm the dominant impact of (crop)land management (tillage, check dams in gullies and channel diversions) on gully cut‐and‐fill processes. Since agricultural land management – including land tenure and land distribution – has been commonly neglected in earlier related research, we argue therefore that it can be a very strong driver of twentieth century gully morphodynamics. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data collected in 4 years of field observations were used in conjunction with continuous simulation models to study, at the small‐basin scale, the water balance of a closed catchment‐lake system in a semi‐arid Mediterranean environment. The open water evaporation was computed with the Penman equation, using the data set collected in the middle of the lake. The surface runoff was partly measured at the main tributary and partly simulated using a distributed, catchment, hydrological model, calibrated with the observed discharge. The simplified structure of the developed modelling mainly concerns soil moisture dynamics and bedrock hydraulics, whereas the flow components are physically based. The calibration produced high efficiency coefficients and showed that surface runoff is greatly affected by soil water percolation into fractured bedrock. The bedrock reduces the storm‐flow peaks and the interflow and has important multi‐year effects on the annual runoff coefficients. The net subsurface outflow from the lake was calculated as the residual of the lake water balance. It was almost constant in the dry seasons and increased in the wet seasons, because of the moistening of the unsaturated soil. During the years of observation, rainfall 30% higher than average caused abundant runoff and a continuous rise in the lake water levels. The analysis allows to predict that, in years with lower than the average rainfall, runoff will be drastically reduced and will not be able to compensate for negative balance between precipitation and lake evaporation. Such highly unsteady situations, with great fluctuations in lake levels, are typical of closed catchment‐lake systems in the semi‐arid Mediterranean environment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three year monitoring programme of gully‐head retreat was established to assess the significance of sediment production in a drainage network that expanded rapidly by gully‐head erosion on the low‐angled alluvio‐lacustrine Njemps Flats in semi‐arid Baringo District, Kenya. This paper discusses the factors controlling the large observed spatial and temporal variation in gully‐head retreat rates, ranging from 0 to 15 m a?1. The selected gullies differed in planform and in runoff‐contributing catchment area but soil material and land use were similar. The data were analysed at event and annual timescales. The results show that at annual timescale rainfall amount appears to be a good indicator of gully‐head retreat, while at storm‐event timescale rainfall distribution has to be taken into account. A model is proposed, including only rainfall (P) and the number of dry days (DD) between storms: which explains 56 per cent of the variation in retreat rate of the single‐headed gully of Lam1. A detailed sediment budget has been established for Lam1 and its runoff‐contributing area (RCA). By measuring sediment input from the RCA, the sediment output by channelized flow and linear retreat of the gully head for nine storms, it can be seen that erosion shifts between different components of the budget depending on the duration of the dry period (DD) between storms. Sediment input from the RCA was usually the largest component for the smaller storms. The erosion of the gully head occurred as a direct effect of runoff falling over the edge (GHwaterfall) and of the indirect destabilization of the adjacent walls by the waterfall erosion and by saturation (GHmass/storage). The latter component (GHmass/storage) was usually much larger that the former (GHwaterfall). The sediment output from the gully was strongly related to the runoff volume while the linear retreat, because of its complex behaviour, was not. Overall, the results show that the annual retreat is the optimal timescale to predict retreat patterns. More detailed knowledge about relevant processes and interactions is necessary if gully‐head erosion is to be included in event‐based soil erosion models. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Knowledge of soil loss rates by water erosion under given climate, soil, topography, and management conditions is important for establishing soil conservation schemes. In Galicia, a region with Atlantic climatic conditions in Spain, field observations over the last decade indicate that interrill, rill and ephemeral gully erosion may be an important sediment source. The aim of this work was to assess concentrated erosion rates, describe types of rills and ephemeral gullies and determine their origin, evolution and importance as sediment sources. Soil surface state and concentrated flow erosion were surveyed on medium textured soils, developed over basic schists of the Ordenes Complex series (Coruña province, Spain) from 1997 to 2006. Soil surface state was characterized by crust development, tillage features and roughness degree. Soil erosion rate was directly measured in the field. Concentrated flow erosion took place mainly on seedbeds and recently tilled surfaces in late spring and by autumn or early winter. During the study period, erosion rates were highly variable and the following situations could be distinguished: (a) no incision or limited rill incision, i.e. below 2 Mg ha?1 year?1; (b) generalized rill and ephemeral gully incision in the class of mean values between 2·5 and 6·25 Mg ha?1 year?1, this was the most common erosion pattern; and (c) heavy erosion as observed during an extremely wet winter period, between October 2000 and February 2001, with erosion figures that may be about ten orders of magnitude higher, up to 55–60 Mg ha?1 year?1. Therefore, low values of soil losses are dominant, but also large values of rill and ephemeral gully erosion occurred during the study period. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers and aquifers are, in many cases, a connected resource and as such the interactions between them need to be understood and quantified for the resource to be managed appropriately. The objective of this paper is to advance the understanding of river–aquifer interactions processes in semi‐arid environments stressed by groundwater abstraction. This is performed using data from a specific catchment where records of precipitation, evapotranspiration, river flow, groundwater levels and groundwater abstraction are analysed using basic statistics, hydrograph analysis and a simple mathematical model to determine the processes causing the spatial and temporal changes in river–aquifer interactions. This combined approach provides a novel but simple methodology to analyse river–aquifer interactions, which can be applied to catchments worldwide. The analysis revealed that the groundwater levels have declined (~ 3 m) since the onset of groundwater abstraction. The decline is predominantly due to the abstraction rather than climatic changes (r = 0.84 for the relationship between groundwater abstraction and groundwater levels; r = 0.92 for the relationship between decline in groundwater levels and magnitude of seasonal drawdown). It is then demonstrated that, since the onset of abstraction, the river has changed from being gaining to losing during low‐flow periods, defined as periods with flow less than 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 GL/day (1 GL/day = 1 × 106 m3/day). If defined as < 1.0 GL/day, low‐flow periods constitute approximately 65% of the river flows; the periods where the river is losing at low‐flow conditions are thus significant. Importantly, there was a significant delay (> 10 years) between the onset of groundwater abstraction and the changeover from gaining to losing conditions. Finally, a relationship between the groundwater gradient towards the river and the river flow at low‐flow is demonstrated. The results have important implications for water management as well as water ecology and quality. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We quantify erosion rates in the higher sectors of the Huasco Valley, in the Main Cordillera of the semi‐arid Andes of Chile, using elevation differences between three successive geomorphic markers (pediments and paleo‐valleys) and the present day valley. Available Ar‐Ar ages of Neogene pediments are used to estimate mean erosion rates for the three periods (16 to 13 My, 13 to 8 My, and following 8 My). The landscape of the Huasco Valley is in a transient state, as indicated by well‐preserved pediment surfaces in interfluves, valleys deeply incised by fluvial and glacial erosion and scarped head‐valleys that represent the current knickzones. Higher erosion rates (45–75 m/My) are calculated for the more recent period (< 8 My) during which deep incision developed compared to previous periods (6–31 m/My). Quantitative data indicate that glaciers had a much higher erosional capability than fluvial activity in the higher sectors of the Main Cordillera. Comparison with erosion rates calculated in other drainage basins of the Chilean Andes suggests that the variability of erosion rates depends on the landscape's transient erosive state. The landscape's geomorphologic response to the uplift of the Main Cordillera results in the retreat of a knickzone, for which retreat velocity depends on precipitation rate pattern and glacial erosion intensity. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The flow of precipitation from the surface through to groundwater in karst systems is a complex process involving storage in the unsaturated zone and diffuse and preferential recharge pathways. The processes associated with this behaviour are not well understood, despite the prevalence of karst aquifers being used as freshwater supplies. As a result, uncertainty regarding the ecohydrological processes in this geological setting remains large. In response to the need to better understand the impact of woody vegetation on groundwater recharge, annual evapotranspiration (ET) rates and tree water sources were measured for two years above a shallow, fresh karst aquifer. Water use strategies of the co‐occurring Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. diversifolia Bonpl. and Allocasuarina verticillata (Lam.) L. Johnson were investigated using a monthly water balance approach, in conjunction with measurement of the stable isotopes of water, leaf water potentials and soil matric potentials. The results suggest that it is unlikely groundwater resources are required to sustain tree transpiration, despite its shallow proximity to the soil surface, and that similarities exist between ET losses and the estimated long‐term average rainfall for this area. Irrespective of stand and morphological differences, E. diversifolia and A. verticillata ET rates showed remarkable convergence, demonstrating the ability of these co‐occurring species to maximise their use of the available precipitation, which avoids the requirement to differentiate between these species when estimating ET at a landscape scale. We conclude that the water holding capacity of porous geological substrates, such as those associated with karst systems, will play an important role in equilibrating annual rainfall variability and should be considered when assessing ecohydrological links associated with karst systems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Process dynamics in fluvial‐based dryland environments are highly complex with fluvial, aeolian, and alluvial processes all contributing to landscape change. When anthropogenic activities such as dam‐building affect fluvial processes, the complexity in local response can be further increased by flood‐ and sediment‐limiting flows. Understanding these complexities is key to predicting landscape behavior in drylands and has important scientific and management implications, including for studies related to paleoclimatology, landscape ecology evolution, and archaeological site context and preservation. Here we use multi‐temporal LiDAR surveys, local weather data, and geomorphological observations to identify trends in site change throughout the 446‐km‐long semi‐arid Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA, where archaeological site degradation related to the effects of upstream dam operation is a concern. Using several site case studies, we show the range of landscape responses that might be expected from concomitant occurrence of dam‐controlled fluvial sand bar deposition, aeolian sand transport, and rainfall‐induced erosion. Empirical rainfall‐erosion threshold analyses coupled with a numerical rainfall–runoff–soil erosion model indicate that infiltration‐excess overland flow and gullying govern large‐scale (centimeter‐ to decimeter‐scale) landscape changes, but that aeolian deposition can in some cases mitigate gully erosion. Whereas threshold analyses identify the normalized rainfall intensity (defined as the ratio of rainfall intensity to hydraulic conductivity) as the primary factor governing hydrologic‐driven erosion, assessment of false positives and false negatives in the dataset highlight topographic slope as the next most important parameter governing site response. Analysis of 4+ years of high resolution (four‐minute) weather data and 75+ years of low resolution (daily) climate records indicates that dryland erosion is dependent on short‐term, storm‐driven rainfall intensity rather than cumulative rainfall, and that erosion can occur outside of wet seasons and even wet years. These results can apply to other similar semi‐arid landscapes where process complexity may not be fully understood. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   

Understanding flow pathways and mechanisms that generate streamflow is important to understanding agrochemical contamination in surface waters in agricultural watersheds. Two environmental tracers, δ18O and electrical conductivity (EC), were monitored in tile drainage (draining 12 ha) and stream water (draining nested catchments of 6‐5700 ha) from 2000 to 2008 in the semi‐arid agricultural Missouri Flat Creek (MFC) watershed, near Pullman Washington, USA. Tile drainage and streamflow generated in the watershed were found to have baseline δ18O value of ?14·7‰ (VSMOW) year round. Winter precipitation accounted for 67% of total annual precipitation and was found to dominate streamflow, tile drainage, and groundwater recharge. ‘Old’ and ‘new’ water partitioning in streamflow were not identifiable using δ18O, but seasonal shifts of nitrate‐corrected EC suggest that deep soil pathways primarily generated summer streamflow (mean EC 250 µS/cm) while shallow soil pathways dominated streamflow generation during winter (EC declining as low as 100 µS/cm). Using summer isotopic and EC excursions from tile drainage in larger catchment (4700‐5700 ha) stream waters, summer in‐stream evaporation fractions were estimated to be from 20% to 40%, with the greatest evaporation occurring from August to October. Seasonal watershed and environmental tracer dynamics in the MFC watershed appeared to be similar to those at larger watershed scales in the Palouse River basin. A 0·9‰ enrichment, in shallow groundwater drained to streams (tile drainage and soil seepage), of δ18O values from 2000 to 2008 may be evidence of altered precipitation conditions due to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in the Inland Northwest. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the Integrated BIosphere Simulator (IBIS) land surface model using daily soil moisture data over a 3‐year period (2005–2007) at a semi‐arid site in southeastern Australia, the Stanley catchment, using the Monte Carlo generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) approach. The model was satisfactorily calibrated for both the surface 30 cm and full profile 90 cm. However, full‐profile calibration was not as good as that for the surface, which results from some deficiencies in the evapotranspiration component in IBIS. Relatively small differences in simulated soil moisture were associated with large discrepancies in the predictions of surface runoff, drainage and evapotranspiration. We conclude that while land surface schemes may be effective at simulating heat fluxes, they may be ineffective for prediction of hydrology unless the soil moisture is accurately estimated. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the soil moisture simulations were most sensitive to soil parameters, and the wilting point was the most identifiable parameter. Significant interactions existed between three soils parameters: porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and Campbell ‘b’ exponent, so they could not be identified independent of each other. There were no significant differences in parameter sensitivity and interaction for different hydroclimatic years. Even though the data record contained a very dry year and another year with a very large rainfall event, this indicated that the soil model could be calibrated without the data needing to explore the extreme range of dry and wet conditions. IBIS was much less sensitive to vegetation parameters. The leaf area index (LAI) could affect the mean of daily soil moisture time series when LAI < 1, while the variance of the soil moisture time series was sensitive to LAI > 1. IBIS was insensitive to the Jackson rooting parameter, suggesting that the effect of the rooting depth distribution on predictions of hydrology was insignificant. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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