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Evapotranspiration was studied at a salt marsh site in the Hunter River estuary, NSW, Australia, during 1996–8. Estimates of actual evapotranspiration (Ea) were obtained for three sites using the eddy correlation method. These values were compared with results obtained with the Penman and Penman–Monteith equations, and with pan evaporation. The Penman–Monteith method was found to be most reliable in estimating daily and hourly evapotranspiration. Surface resistance values averaging 12 s m?1 were derived from the eddy correlation estimates. Recent tidal flooding and rainfall were found to decrease surface resistance and increase Ea/Ep ratios. Estimates of evapotranspiration obtained using the Penman–Monteith method were shown to be sensitive to changes in surface resistance, canopy height and the method used to estimate net radiation from incoming solar radiation. These results underline the importance of accurately estimating such parameters based on site‐specific data rather than relying on empirical equations, which are derived primarily for crops and forests. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The scenario assumed for this study was that of a region with a complete or first‐order weather station surrounded by a network of second‐order stations, where only monthly air temperature data were available. The objective was to evaluate procedures to estimate the monthly α parameter of the Priestley–Taylor equation in the second‐order stations by adjusting and extrapolating α values determined at the first‐order station. These procedures were applied in two climatic zones of north‐east Spain with semi‐arid continental and semi‐arid Mediterranean climates, respectively. Procedure A assumed α to be constant over each zone for each month (direct extrapolation). Procedure B accounted for differences in vapour pressure deficit and available energy for evapotranspiration between the first‐ and second‐order stations. Procedure C was based on equating the Penman–Monteith (P–M) and Priestley–Taylor (P–T) equations on a monthly basis to solve for α. Methods to estimate monthly mean vapour pressure deficit, net radiation and wind speed were developed and evaluated. A total of 11 automated first‐order weather stations with a minimum period of record of 6 years (ranging from 6 to 10 years) were used for this study. Six of these stations were located in the continental zone and five in the Mediterranean zone. One station in each zone was assumed to be first‐order whereas the remainder were taken as second‐order stations. Monthly α parameters were calibrated using P–M reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) values, calculated hourly and integrated for monthly periods, which were taken as ‘true’ values of ET0. For the extrapolation of monthly α parameters, procedure A was found to perform slightly better than procedure B in the Mediterranean zone. The opposite was true in the continental zone. Procedure C had the worst performance owing to the non‐linearity of the P–M equation and errors in the estimation of monthly available energy, vapour pressure deficit and wind speed. Procedures A and B are simpler and performed better. Overall, monthly P–T ET0 estimates using extrapolated α parameters and Rn?G values were in a reasonable agreement with P–M ET0 calculated on an hourly basis and integrated for monthly periods. The methods presented for the spatial extrapolation of monthly available energy, vapour pressure deficit and wind speed from first‐ to second‐order stations could be useful for other applications. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is a critical component in the hydrological cycle. However, its actual values appear to be difficult to obtain, especially in areas in which precipitation has high inter‐annual variability. Here, we evaluated eight commonly used ET models in semi‐arid and semi‐humid areas of China. The order of overall performance from best to worst is as follows: the revised Priestley–Taylor model (PT‐JPL, 0.71, 1.65 [18.37%], 4.72 [49.19%]) a a Statistics (model abbreviation, coefficient of determination, bias [relative value], standard deviation [relative value]).
, the modified PT‐JPL model (M1‐PT‐JPL, 0.67, ?0.68 [7.56%], 3.87 [40.31%]), the Community Land Model (CLM, 0.68, ?2.52 [28.01%], 5.10 [53.17%]), the modified PT‐JPL model (M2‐PT‐JPL, 0.63, 0.57 [6.27%], 5.04 [52.52%]), the revised Penman–Monteith model (RS‐PM, 0.62, 3.56 [37.40%], 6.11 [63.68%]), an empirical model (Wang, 0.59, ?1.04 [11.57%], 5.61 [58.43%]), the advection‐aridity model (AA, 0.55, 5.56 [61.78%], 7.45 [77.60%]), and the energy balance model (SEBS, 0.35, 5.11 [56.72%], 9.43 [98.18%]). The performance of all of the models is comparably poor in winter and summer, except for the PT‐JPL model, and relatively good in spring and autumn. Because of the vegetation control on ET, the Wang, RS‐PM, PT‐JPL, M1‐PT‐JPL, and M2‐PT‐JPL models perform better for cropland, whereas the AA model, SEBS model and CLM perform better for grassland. The CLM, PT‐JPL, and Wang models perform better in semi‐arid region than in semi‐humid region, whereas the opposite is true for SEBS and RS‐PM. The AA, M1‐PT‐JPL, and M2‐PT‐JPL models perform similarly in semi‐arid and semi‐humid regions. When considering the inter‐annual variability in precipitation, the Wang model has relatively good performance under only some annual precipitation conditions; the performance of the PT‐JPL and AA models is reduced under conditions of high precipitation; the two modified PT‐JPL models inherited the steady performance of the PT‐JPL model and improved the performance under conditions of high annual precipitation by the modification of the soil moisture constraint. RS‐PM is more appropriate for humid conditions. CLM and PT‐JPL models could be effectively applied to all precipitation conditions because of their good performance across a wide annual precipitation range. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Penman–Monteith (PM) model has been widely used to estimate crop evapotranspiration (ET), but it performs poorly with sparse vegetation. By combining the Jarvis canopy resistance model and the soil resistance model, we have developed a coupled surface resistance model to address this issue. Maize field and vineyard ET, measured by the eddy covariance method during 2007 and 2008, were used to test the estimations produced by the PM model combined with our coupled surface resistance model and Jarvis model, respectively. Results indicate that PM model combined with the coupled surface resistance model produces higher determination coefficient and lower root mean square error when compared with the PM–Jarvis method, either for maize field or for the sparse vineyard, on half‐hourly or daily time scales. Our study confirms that the coupled surface resistance model produces higher accuracy than the Jarvis model and provides a method to calculate resistance parameters for using the PM model to simulate the ET of sparse vegetation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines a model for estimating canopy resistance rc and reference evapotranspiration ETo on an hourly basis. The experimental data refer to grass at two sites in Spain with semiarid and windy conditions in a typical Mediterranean climate. Measured hourly ETo values were obtained over grass during a 4 year period between 1997 and 2000 using a weighing lysimeter (Zaragoza, northeastern Spain) and an eddy covariance system (Córdoba, southern Spain). The present model is based on the Penman–Monteith (PM) approach, but incorporates a variable canopy resistance rc as an empirical function of the square root of a climatic resistance r* that depends on climatic variables. Values for the variable rc were also computed according to two other approaches: with the rc variable as a straight‐line function of r* (Katerji and Perrier, 1983, Agronomie 3 (6): 513–521) and as a mechanistic function of weather variables as proposed by Todorovic (1999, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE 125 (5): 235–245). In the proposed model, the results show that rc/ra (where ra is the aerodynamic resistance) presents a dependence on the square root of r*/ra, as the best approach with empirically derived global parameters. When estimating hourly ETo values, we compared the performance of the PM equation using those estimated variable rc values with the PM equation as proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization, with a constant rc = 70 s m?1. The results confirmed the relative robustness of the PM method with constant rc, but also revealed a tendency to underestimate the measured values when ETo is high. Under the semiarid conditions of the two experimental sites, slightly better estimates of ETo were obtained when an estimated variable rc was used. Although the improvement was limited, the best estimates were provided by the Todorovic and the proposed methods. The proposed approach for rc as a function of the square root of r* may be considered as an alternative for modelling rc, since the results suggest that the global coefficients of this locally calibrated relationship might be generalized to other climatic regions. It may also be useful to incorporate the effects of variable canopy resistances into other climatic and hydrological models. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thus far, measurements and estimations of actual evapotranspiration (ET) from high‐altitude grassland ecosystems in remote areas like the Qinghai‐Tibetan plateau are still insufficient. To address these issues, a comparison between the results of the eddy covariance (EC) measurements and the estimates, considering the Katerji and Perrier (KP), the Todorovic (TD) and the Priestley–Taylor (PT) models, was carried out over an alpine grassland (38o03'1.7'' N, 100o 27’ 26'' E; 3032 m a.s.l.) during the growing seasons in 2008 and 2009. The results indicated that the KP model after a particularly simple calibration gave the most effective ET values in different time scales, the PT model slightly underestimate ET at night and the TD model significantly overestimated ET at noon. In addition, the canopy resistance calculated by the TD model was completely different from that calculated using the inverted EC‐measured data and the KP model, which may be due to some unrealistic assumptions made by the TD model. The KP parameters were a = 0.17 and b = 1.50 for the alpine grassland and appeared to be interannually stable. However, the PT parameter showed some interannual variations (α = 0.83 and 0.74 for 2008 and 2009, respectively). Therefore, the KP model was preferred to estimate the actual ET at both hourly and daily time scales. The PT model, being the simplest approach and field condition dependent, was recommended when available weather data were rare. On the contrary, the TD model always overestimated the actual ET and should be avoided in case of the alpine grassland ecosystems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

David A. Chin 《水文研究》2011,25(2):288-301
This study investigates the validity of fundamental assumptions regarding the partitioning of energy that are implicit in the Penman–Monteith (PM) and Priestly–Taylor (PT) models of potential evapotranspiration (PET). Both these models require energy conservation, but differ in the partitioning of sensible and latent heat fluxes as measured by the Bowen ratio. Application of these models at four research sites in Florida collectively show that these models can be calibrated to provide adequate PET prediction at all sites. The prediction of Bowen ratios using the calibrated PET models showed that the PT model is preferable for lakes and is acceptable for marsh and forest; the crop‐coefficient application of the PM model is preferable for grass and is acceptable for marsh; and the standard PM model is acceptable for marsh. For the marsh and forest covers, the margins of preference between the three models are not very strong. This investigation was limited to climatic conditions in Florida and caution should be exercised in extending these results to other sites and climates. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is an essential component of the hydrological cycle and plays a critical role in water resource management. However, ET is often overlooked in order to transform rainfall to runoff for better streamflow simulation. Hydrological models are commonly used to estimate areal actual evapotranspiration (AET) after calibration against observed discharge. However, classical approaches are often inadequate to appropriately simulate other hydrologic components. Hence, it is important to introduce natural heterogeneity to enhance hydrological processes and reduce water balance errors. In this study, the effectiveness of introducing a constant crop coefficient (Kc), flux tower‐based Kc, and leaf area index (LAI) to three hydrological models (Three‐Parametric Hydrologic Model [TPHM], Génie Rural à 4 paramètres Journalier [GR4J], and Catchment hydrologic cycle Assessment Tool [CAT]) is assessed for the simulation of daily streamflow and AET in a mountainous mixed forest watershed (8.54 km2) in South Korea. The results show that the streamflow simulations after introduction of Kc and LAI to the original models are quite similar. However, the effectiveness of the AET estimation was significantly enhanced after introduction of the flux tower‐based Kc and LAI. The information criterion computed to compare the models reveals that the flux tower‐based Kc‐simulated AET demonstrated better agreement with the observed AET. The Pearson's correlation coefficients (R2) of the TPHM (8%), GR4J (55%), and CAT (55%) models also showed improvements that were greater than the constant based Kc simulation. Similarly, the limitations of the three models with respect to capturing seasonal variation as well as high and low flows were enhanced after the introduction of the flux tower‐based Kc, which adequately reproduced hydrological processes with minimum water balance errors and bias. A regression analysis revealed the potential of estimating Kc as a linear function of LAI (R2 = 0.84). The results of this study indicate that introduction of Kc and LAI to the conceptual rainfall–runoff models can be considered an effective approach to reduce water balance errors and uncertainties in hydrological models and improve the reliability of climate change studies and water resource management.  相似文献   

Two methods, indirect and direct, for simulating the actual evapotranspiration (E) were applied to an irrigated overhead table grape vineyard during summer, situated in the Mediterranean region (south Italy), over two successive years. The first method, indirect but more practical, uses the crop coefficient (Kc) approach and requires determination of the reference evapotranspiration E0 (FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) method). This method underestimated on average by 17% the daily values of the actual evapotranspiration E. The analysis in this paper shows that the values of Kc for the table grapes determined by the FAO method seem to not be valid in our experimental conditions. Similar conclusions can be found in the literature for the table grape cultivated under different experimental conditions and using different training systems. The second method, is a direct method for estimating the evapotranspiration. It requires development of a model for the overhead table grape vineyard E, following the Penman–Monteith one‐step approach, and using standard meteorological variables as inputs for the determination of the canopy resistance. This method, which needs a particularly simple calibration, provided a better simulation of the hourly and daily evapotranspiration than the indirect method. In additon, the standard error of the daily values for the direct method ( ± 0 · 41 mm) was about 50% lower than that obtained for the indirect method, also when the indirect method used a locally calibrated coefficient Kc instead of a generic Kc. Both, for practical application and theoretical issues, the advantages and disadvantages linked to the use of each tested method are discussed in detail. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the basic components of the hydrologic cycle and is essential for estimating irrigation water requirements. In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) model for reference evapotranspiration (ET0) calculation was investigated. ANNs were trained and tested for arid (west), semi‐arid (middle) and sub‐humid (east) areas of the Inner Mongolia district of China. Three or four climate factors, i.e. air temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), wind speed (U) and duration of sunshine (N) from 135 meteorological stations distributed throughout the study area, were used as the inputs of the ANNs. A comparison was conducted between the estimates provided by the ANNs and by multilinear regression (MLR). The results showed that ANNs using the climatic data successfully estimated ET0 and the ANNs simulated ET0 better than the MLRs. The ANNs with four inputs were more accurate than those with three inputs. The errors of the ANNs with four inputs were lower (with RMSE of 0·130 mm d?1, RE of 2·7% and R2 of 0·986) in the semi‐arid area than in the other two areas, but the errors of the ANNs with three inputs were lower in the sub‐humid area (with RMSE of 0·21 mm d?1, RE of 5·2% and R2 of 0·961. For the different seasons, the results indicated that the highest errors occurred in September and the lowest in April for the ANNs with four inputs. Similarly, the errors were higher in September for the ANNs with three inputs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comparison between half‐hourly and daily measured and computed evapotranspiration (ET) using three models of different complexity, namely, the Priestley–Taylor (P‐T), the reference Penman–Monteith (P‐M) and the Common Land Model (CLM), was conducted using three AmeriFlux sites under different land cover and climate conditions (i.e. arid grassland, temperate forest and subhumid cropland). Using the reference P‐M model with a semiempirical soil moisture function to adjust for water‐limiting conditions yielded ET estimates in reasonable agreement with the observations [root mean square error (RMSE) of 64–87 W m?2 for half‐hourly and RMSE of 0.5–1.9 mm day?1 for daily] and similar to the complex Common Land Model (RMSE of 60–94 W m?2 for half‐hourly and RMSE of 0.4–2.1 mm day?1 for daily) at the grassland and cropland sites. However, the semiempirical soil moisture function was not applicable particularly for the P‐T model at the forest site, suggesting that adjustments to key model variables may be required when applied to diverse land covers. On the other hand, under certain land cover/environmental conditions, the use of microwave‐derived soil moisture information was found to be a reliable metric of regional moisture conditions to adjust simple ET models for water‐limited cases. Further studies are needed to evaluate the utility of the simplified methods for different landscapes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using high‐quality dataset from 12 flux towers in north China, the performance of four evapotranspiration (ET) models and the multi‐model ensemble approaches including the simple averaging (SA) and Bayesian model average (BMA) were systematically evaluated in this study. The four models were the single‐layer Penman–Monteith (P–M) model, the two‐layer Shuttleworthe–Wallace (S–W) model, the advection–aridity (A–A) model, and a modified Priestley–Taylor (PT‐JPL). Based on the mean value of Taylor skill (S) and the regression slope between measured and simulated ET values across all sites, the order of overall performance of the individual models from the best to the worst were: S–W (0.88, 0.87), PT‐JPL (0.80, 1.17), P–M (0.63, 1.73) and A–A (0.60, 1.68) [statistics stated as (Taylor skill, regression slope)]. Here, all models used the same values of parameters, LAI and fractional vegetation cover as well as the forcing meteorological data. Thus, the differences in model performance were mainly attributed to errors in model structure. To the ensemble approach, the BMA method has the advantage of generating more skillful and reliable predictions than the SA scheme. However, successful implementation of BMA requires accurate estimates of its parameters, and some degradation in performance were observed when the BMA parameters generated from the training period were used for the validation period. Thus, it is necessary to explore the seasonal variations of the BMA parameters according the different growth stages. Finally, the optimal conditional density function of half‐hourly ET approximated well by the double‐exponential distribution. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many applications in diverse disciplines require estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) at hourly or smaller time steps. The primary objectives of this study were to compare the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and FAO-56 Penman–Monteith equations for 15-min ET0 (ET0,15-min,ASCE and ET0,15-min,FAO) estimations for humid climate conditions and to compare the 24 h sum of ASCE (ET0,24 h,ASCE) and FAO-56 15-min ET0 (ET0,24 h,FAO) with the daily ET0 (ET0,d,FAO) computed from the daily FAO-56 equation, which is identical to ASCE daily ET0 equation. Ten-year, i.e., 1997–2006 continuous 15-min and daily weather data for 11 representative and well-distributed sites throughout Georgia, USA were used. It was evident that during the day, ET0,15-min,ASCE was higher than ET0,15-min,FAO due to a lower surface resistance parameter value, while at night ET0,15-min,ASCE was lower than ET0,15-min,FAO due to a higher surface resistance parameter value. The ET0,15-min,FAO was about 5% less than ET0,15-min,ASCE and ET0,24 h,FAO was about 5% lower than ET0,24 h,ASCE. The difference between ET0,15-min,ASCE and ET0,15-min,FAO during the day and night was highly dependent on wind speed. During the three summer months, i.e., June, July and August, on average, ET0,24 h,FAO was only 1% higher than ET0,d,FAO while ET0,24 h,ASCE was 5% higher than ET0,d,FAO. For the entire year, ET0,24 h,FAO was 8% higher than ET0,d,FAO while ET0,24 h,ASCE was 13% higher than ET0,d,FAO. The ET0,24 h,FAO and ET0,d,FAO had a better agreement than ET0,24 h,ASCE and ET0,d,FAO throughout the year and during the summer months. It is also worth noting that the daily calculations for FAO-56 and ASCE were identical. These results demonstrated that for applications that require 15-min time steps or daily ET0 for the entire year, the use of ET0,15-min,FAO and ET0,24 h,FAO, respectively, will yield more consistent outcomes. The use of ET0,d,FAO during the summer months can be as accurate as the use of ET0,24 h,FAO for applications that require daily time steps, such as irrigation scheduling.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of climatic variability on inter‐annual variations in each component of evapotranspiration (ET) and the total ET in a temperate coniferous forest in Japan. We conducted eddy covariance flux and meteorological measurements for 7 years and parameterized a one‐dimensional multi‐layer biosphere‐atmosphere model (Kosugi et al., 2006 ) that partitions ET to transpiration (Tr), wet‐canopy evaporation (Ewet), and soil evaporation (Esoil). The model was validated with the observed flux data. Using the model, the components of ET were estimated for the 7 years. Annual precipitation, ET, Tr, Ewet, and Esoil over the 7 years were 1536 ± 334 mm, 752 ± 29 mm, 425 ± 37 mm, 219 ± 34 mm, and 108 ± 10 mm, respectively. The maximum inter‐annual fluctuation of observed ET was 64 mm with a coefficient of variance (CV) of 2.7%, in contrast to relatively large year‐to‐year variations in annual rainfall (CV = 20.1%). Tr was related to the vapour pressure deficit, incoming radiation, and air temperature with relatively small inter‐annual variations (CV = 8.2%). Esoil (CV = 8.6%) was related mainly to the vapour pressure deficit. Ewet was related to precipitation with large inter‐annual variations (CV = 14.3%) because of the variability in precipitation. The variations in Ewet were counterbalanced by the variations in Tr and Esoil, producing the small inter‐annual variations in total ET. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatially distributed hydrometeorological and plant information within the mountainous tropical Panama Canal watershed is used to estimate parameters of the Penman–Monteith evapotranspiration formulation. Hydrometeorological data from a few surface climate stations located at low elevations in the watershed are complemented by (a) typical wet‐ and dry‐season fields of temperature, wind, water vapour and pressure produced by a mesoscale atmospheric model with a 3 × 3 km2 spatial and hourly temporal resolution, and (b) leaf area index fields estimated over the watershed during a few years using satellite data with two different spatial and temporal resolutions. The mesoscale model estimates of spatially distributed surface hydrometeorological variables provide the basis for the extrapolation of the surface climate station data to produce input for the Penman–Monteith equation. The satellite information and existing digital spatial databases of land use and land cover form the basis for the estimation of Penman–Monteith spatially distributed parameter values. Spatially distributed 3 × 3 km2 potential evapotranspiration estimates are obtained for the 3300 km2 Panama Canal watershed. Estimates for Gatun Lake within the watershed are found to reproduce well the monthly and annual lake evaporation obtained from submerged pans. Sensitivity analysis results of potential evapotranspiration estimates with respect to cloud cover, dew formation, leaf area index distribution and mesoscale model estimates of surface climate are presented and discussed. The main conclusion is that even the limited spatially distributed hydrometeorological and plant information used in this study contributes significantly toward explaining the substantial spatial variability of potential evapotranspiration in the watershed. These results also allow the determination of key locations within the watershed where additional surface stations may be profitably placed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measurements of water vapour flux from semi‐arid perennial woodland (mallee) were made for 3 years using eddy covariance instrumentation. There have been no previous long‐term, detailed measures of water use in this ecosystem. Latent energy flux (LE) on a half hourly basis was the measure of the combined soil and plant evaporation, ‘evapotranspiration’ (ELE) of the site. Aggregation over 3 years of the site measured rain (1136 mm) and the estimated evaporation (794 mm) suggests that 342 mm or 30% of rain had moved into or past the root zone of the vegetation. Above average rainfall during 2011 and the first quarter of 2012 (633 mm, 15 months) would likely have been the period during which significant groundwater recharge occurred. At times immediately after rainfall, ELE rates were the same or exceeded estimates of potential E calculated from a suitably parameterized Penman–Monteith (EPMo) equation. Apparent free water E from plant interception and soil evaporation was about 2.3 mm and lasted for 1.3 days following rainfall in summer, while in autumn, E was 5.1 mm that lasted over 5.4 days. The leaf area index (LAI) needed to adjust a wind function calibrated Penman equation (EPMe) to match the ELE values could be back calculated to generate seasonal change in LAI from 0.12 to 0.46 and compared well with normalized difference vegetation index; r = 0.38 and p = 0.0213* and LAI calculated from digital cover photography. The apparently conservative response of perennial vegetation evaporation to available water in these semi‐arid environments reinforces the conclusion that these ecosystems use this mechanism to survive the reasonably common dry periods. Plant response to soil water availability is primarily through gradual changes in leaf area. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hiroki Oue 《水文研究》2005,19(8):1567-1583
Observations made in a paddy field were analysed to show the influences of meteorological and vegetational factors on the crop's energy budget. Energy budget in the paddy field was characterized by the major partitioning to latent heat flux LE and by the negative Bowen ratio B mostly in the afternoon. Canopy resistance rc, estimated with the Penman–Monteith equation, was related to the influences of solar radiation SR, vapour pressure deficit VPD and plant height. The results demonstrated that rc could not directly account for B but that critical canopy resistance rcc, defined as the canopy resistance when B = 0, could be used to standardize rc, and that rcrcc proved to be a good parameter to account for B. Influences of bulk stomatal response on energy partitioning were assessed as follows: the Bowen ratio dropped below zero, while the bulk stomatal aperture dwindled with the increase of VPD. In addition, stomata of a big leaf acted to promote the partitioning to LE against the rise of SR in the condition of higher VPD. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential in water resources management and hydrological practices. Estimation of ET in areas, where adequate meteorological data are not available, is one of the challenges faced by water resource managers. Hence, a simplified approach, which is less data intensive, is crucial. The FAO‐56 Penman–Monteith (FAO‐56 PM) is a sole global standard method, but it requires numerous weather data for the estimation of reference ET. A new simple temperature method is developed, which uses only maximum temperature data to estimate ET. Ten class I weather stations data were collected from the National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia. This method was compared with the global standard PM method, the observed Piche evaporimeter data, and the well‐known Hargreaves (HAR) temperature method. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the new method was as high as 0.74, 0.75, and 0.91, when compared with that of PM reference evapotranspiration (ETo), Piche evaporimeter data, and HAR methods, respectively. The annual average R2 over the ten stations when compared with PM, Piche, and HAR methods were 0.65, 0.67, and 0.84, respectively. The Nash–Sutcliff efficiency of the new method compared with that of PM was as high as 0.67. The method was able to estimate daily ET with an average root mean square error and an average absolute mean error of 0.59 and 0.47 mm, respectively, from the PM ETo method. The method was also tested in dry and wet seasons and found to perform well in both seasons. The average R2 of the new method with the HAR method was 0.82 and 0.84 in dry and wet seasons, respectively. During validation, the average R2 and Nash–Sutcliff values when compared with Piche evaporation were 0.67 and 0.51, respectively. The method could be used for the estimation of daily ETo where there are insufficient data. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Components of the energy budget were measured continuously above a 300‐year‐old temperate mixed forest at the Changbaishan site, northeastern China, from 1 January to 31 December 2003, as a part of the ChinaFlux programme. The albedo values above the canopy were lower than most temperate forests, and the values for snow‐covered canopy were over 50% higher than for the snow‐free canopy. In winter, net radiation Rn was generally less than 5% of the summer value due to high albedo and low incoming solar radiation. The annual mean latent heat LE was 37·5 W m?2, accounting for 52% of Rn. The maximum daily evaporation was about 4·6 mm day?1 in summer. Over the year, the accumulated precipitation was 578 mm; this compares with 493 mm of evapotranspiration, which shows that more than 85% of water was returned to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration. The LE was strongly affected by the transpiration activity and increased quickly as the broadleaved trees began to foliate. The sensible heat H dropped at that time, although Rn increased. Consequently, the seasonal variation in the Bowen ratio β was clearly U‐shaped, and the minimum value (0·1) occurred on a sunny day just after rain, when most of the available energy was used for evapotranspiration. Negative β values occurred occasionally in the non‐growing season as a result of intensive radiative cooling and the presence of water on the surface. The β was very high (up to 13·0) in snow‐covered winter, when evapotranspiration was small due to low surface temperature and available soil water. Vegetation phenology and soil moisture were the key variables controlling the available energy partitioning between H and LE. Energy budget closure averaged better than 86% on a half‐hourly basis, with slightly greater closure on a daily basis. The degree of closure showed a dependence on friction velocity u*. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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