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The solution describing the wellbore flow rate in a constant‐head test integrated with an optimization approach is commonly used to analyze observed wellbore flow‐rate data for estimating the hydrogeological parameters of low‐permeability aquifers. To our knowledge, the wellbore flow‐rate solution for the constant‐head test in a two‐zone finite‐extent confined aquifer has never been reported so far in the literature. This article is first to develop a mathematical model for describing the head distribution in the two‐zone aquifer. The Laplace domain solutions for the head distributions and wellbore flow rate in a two‐zone finite confined aquifer are derived using the Laplace transform, and their corresponding time domain solutions are then obtained using the Bromwich integral method and residue theorem. These new solutions are expressed in terms of an infinite series with Bessel functions and not straightforward to calculate numerically. A large‐time solution for the wellbore flow rate is therefore developed by employing the relationship of small Laplace variable versus large time variable and L'Hospital's rule. The result shows that the large‐time solution is identical to the steady‐state solution obtained after applying the Tauberian theorem into the Laplace domain solution. This large‐time solution can reduce to the Thiem equation in the case of no skin. Finally, the newly developed solution is used to investigate the effects of outer boundary distance and conductivity ratio on the wellbore flow rate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study used a two‐dimensional steady‐state finite‐element groundwater flow model to simulate groundwater flow in two Newfoundland blanket peat complexes and to examine flow system sensitivity to changes in water table recharge and aquifer properties. The modelling results were examined within the context of peat‐forming processes in the two complexes. Modelled flow compared favourably with observed flow. The sensitivity analyses suggested that more highly decomposed bog peat along bog margins probably has/had a positive impact on net peat accumulation within bog interiors. Peat with lower hydraulic conductivity along bog margins effectively impedes lateral drainage, localizes water table drawdown to extreme bog margins, and elevates water tables along bog interiors. Peat formation and elevated water tables in adjacent poor fens/laggs currently rely on placic and ortstein horizons impeding vertical drainage and water flow inputs from adjacent bogs. Modest reductions in atmospheric recharge were found to govern bog‐flow‐system geometries in a way that would adversely affect paludification processes in adjacent fens/laggs. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peiyue Li  Hui Qian  Jianhua Wu 《水文研究》2014,28(4):2293-2301
Accurate knowledge of hydrogeological parameters is essential for groundwater modeling, protection and remediation. Three methods (type curve fitting method, inflection point method and global curve‐fitting method (GCFM)) which are frequently applied in the estimation of leaky aquifer parameters were compared using synthetic pumping tests. The results revealed GCFM could provide best parameter estimation among the three methods with fewer uncertainties associated with the processes of parameter estimation. GCFM was also found to be both time saving and of low cost and is thus more preferable for hydrogeological parameter estimation than the other two methods. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge and mounding of water‐table is a complex phenomenon involving time‐ and space‐dependent hydrologic processes. The effect of long‐term groundwater mounding in the aquifer depends on soil, aquifer geometry and the area contributing to recharge. In this paper, a GIS‐based spatio‐temporal algorithm has been developed for the groundwater mound dynamics to estimate the potential rise in the water‐table and groundwater volume balance residual in an unconfined aquifer. The recharge and mound dynamics as predicted using the methodology recommended here were compared with those using the Hantush equation, and the differences were quite significant. The significance of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the basin in terms of its hydrologic and hydraulic properties for sustainable management of groundwater recharge. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Air flows from the atmosphere into an unconfined aquifer when the water table falls during pumping tests. Pumping test results in unconfined aquifers may be significantly affected by low‐permeability zones (LPZs) near the initial water table position, because they restrict the downward movement of air. A transient, three‐dimensional air–water two‐phase flow model is employed to investigate numerically the effects of local heterogeneity on pumping test results in unconfined aquifers. Two cases of local heterogeneities are considered herein: a LPZ around the pumping well and on one side of the pumping well. Results show that the drawdown with the LPZ is significantly greater than that of the homogeneous aquifer. The differences in drawdown are the most significant at intermediate times and gradually diminish at later times. The LPZ significantly reduces air flow from the atmosphere to the aquifer. The pore air velocity in the LPZ is very low. The air pressure at the observation point under the LPZ when air begins to enter is significantly lower than the air pressure of the homogeneous aquifer at the same point. After that, the air pressure increases quickly and then increases slowly. The time for the air pressure to reach the atmospheric pressure is significantly longer. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interaction between groundwater and surface water in watersheds has significant impacts on water management and water rights, nutrient loading from aquifers to streams, and in‐stream flow requirements for aquatic species. Of particular importance are the spatial patterns of these interactions. This study explores the spatio‐temporal patterns of groundwater discharge to a river system in a semi‐arid region, with methods applied to the Sprague River Watershed (4100 km2) within the Upper Klamath Basin in Oregon, USA. Patterns of groundwater–surface water interaction are explored throughout the watershed during the 1970–2003 time period using a coupled SWAT‐MODFLOW model tested against streamflow, groundwater level and field‐estimated reach‐specific groundwater discharge rates. Daily time steps and coupling are used, with groundwater discharge rates calculated for each model computational point along the stream. Model results also are averaged by month and by year to determine seasonal and decadal trends in groundwater discharge rates. Results show high spatial variability in groundwater discharge, with several locations showing no groundwater/surface water interaction. Average annual groundwater discharge is 20.5 m3/s, with maximum and minimum rates occurring in September–October and March–April, respectively. Annual average rates increase by approximately 0.02 m3/s per year over the 34‐year period, negligible compared with the average annual rate, although 70% of the stream network experiences an increase in groundwater discharge rate between 1970 and 2003. Results can assist with water management, identifying potential locations of heavy nutrient mass loading from the aquifer to streams and ecological assessment and planning focused on locations of high groundwater discharge. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chahardouly basin is located in the western part of Iran and is characterized by semi‐arid climatic conditions and scarcity in water resources. The main aquifer systems are developed within alluvial deposits. The availability of groundwater is rather erratic owing to the occurrence of hard rock formation and a saline zone in some parts of the area. The aquifer systems of the area show signs of depletion, which have taken place in recent years due to a decline in water levels. Groundwater samples collected from shallow and deep wells were analysed to examine the quality characteristics of groundwater. The major ion chemistry of groundwater is dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3?, while higher values of total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater are associated with high concentrations of all major ions. An increase in salinity is recorded in the down‐gradient part of the basin. The occurrence of saline groundwater, as witnessed by the high electrical conductivity (EC), may be attributed to the long residence time of water and the dissolution of minerals, as well as evaporation of rainfall and irrigation return flow. Based on SAR values and sodium content (%Na), salinity appears to be responsible for the poor groundwater quality, rendering most of the samples not suitable for irrigation use. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important and valuable natural resources especially in coastal urban environment where surface water is insufficient to satisfy the water requirement. Puri city is located on the east coast of India where groundwater is the only source available to meet city water supply. As the city is situated on the sandy aquifer, quality of groundwater is deteriorating because of anthropogenic activities, lack of sewerage system, etc. The objective of the study was to assess the groundwater fluctuation during post‐monsoon and summer with respect to hydrogeological conditions, topography, and groundwater consumption pattern of the city. For this assessment and analysis, Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to visualize topography of the area through digital elevation model (DEM) and distribution of groundwater contours spatially and temporally. The probable areas prone to contamination were identified based on aquifer property and depths to water table below ground. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to investigate experimentally the development of bedforms in a configuration where the sediment supply is limited. The experimental setup is a rectangular closed duct combining an innovative system to control the rate of sediment supply Qin , and a digitizing system to measure in real time the 3D bedform topography. We carried out different sets of experiments with two sediment sizes (100 µm and 500 µm) varying both the sediment supply and the water flow rate to obtain a total of 46 different configurations. After a transient phase, steady sub‐centimeter bedforms of various shapes have been observed: barchans dunes, straight transverse dune, linguoid transverse dunes and bedload sheets. Height, spacing, migration speed, and mean bed elevation of the equilibrium bedforms were measured. For a given flow rate, two regimes were identified with fine sediment: (i) a monotonic increasing regime where the equilibrium bedform height and velocity increase with the sediment supply rate Qin and (ii) an invariant regime for which both parameters are almost independent of Qin. For coarse sediment, only the first regime is observed. We interpret the saturation of height and velocity for fine sediment bedforms as the transition from a supply‐limited regime to a transport‐limited regime in which the bedload flux has reached its maximum value under the prevailing flow conditions. We also demonstrate that all experiments can be rescaled if the migration speed and height of the bedforms are, respectively, divided and multiplied by the cube of the shear velocity. This normalization is independent of grain size and of bedform morphology. These experimental results provide a new quantification of the factors controlling equilibrium height and migration speed of bedforms in supply‐limited conditions against which theoretical and numerical models can be tested.  相似文献   

Spatially discontinuous permafrost conditions frequently occur in the European Alps. How soils under such conditions have evolved and how they may react to climate warming is largely unknown. This study focuses on the comparison of nearby soils that are characterised by the presence or absence of permafrost (active‐layer thickness: 2–3 m) in the alpine (tundra) and subalpine (forest) range of the Eastern Swiss Alps using a multi‐method (geochemical and mineralogical) approach. Moreover, a new non‐steady‐state concept was applied to determine rates of chemical weathering, soil erosion, soil formation, soil denudation, and soil production. Long‐term chemical weathering rates, soil formation and erosion rates were assessed by using immobile elements, fine‐earth stocks and meteoric 10Be. In addition, the weathering index (K + Ca)/Ti, the amount of Fe‐ and Al‐oxyhydroxides and clay minerals characteristics were considered. All methods indicated that the differences between permafrost‐affected and non‐permafrost‐affected soils were small. Furthermore, the soils did not uniformly differ in their weathering behaviour. A tendency towards less intense weathering in soils that were affected by permafrost was noted: at most sites, weathering rates, the proportion of oxyhydroxides and the weathering stage of clay minerals were lower in permafrost soils. In part, erosion rates were higher at the permafrost sites and accounted for 79–97% of the denudation rates. In general, soil formation rates (8.8–86.7 t/km2/yr) were in the expected range for Alpine soils. Independent of permafrost conditions, it seems that the local microenvironment (particularly vegetation and subsequently soil organic matter) has strongly influenced denudation rates. As the climate has varied since the beginning of soil evolution, the conditions for soil formation and weathering were not stable over time. Soil evolution in high Alpine settings is complex owing to, among others, spatio‐temporal variations of permafrost conditions and thus climate. This makes predictions of future behaviour very difficult. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore the imprint of spatial rainfall patterns on steady‐state landscapes with uniform rock uplift rate. A two‐dimensional (2D) orographic precipitation module is incorporated into the CHILD numerical landscape evolution model to provide a quantitative tool for exploring the co‐evolution of rainfall patterns and fluvial topography. Our results suggest that network organization and planform morphology are strongly impacted by rainfall patterns. Rainfall gradients that are perpendicular to a mountain range front produce narrower watersheds because channels show a tendency to flow along the rainfall gradient, rather than across it. The change in watershed shape is evidenced by smaller values of the exponent on distance in Hack's law and a less peaked width function. Narrower watersheds also lead to an increase in the valley spacing ratio and constrain trunk channels to follow a more direct path to the mountain front. Rainfall gradients also influence the distribution of topography across a watershed. Channel profiles record rainfall patterns in both the channel concavity and the channel steepness index (ksn). Across short tributaries along which rainfall rate changes little, ksn decreases systematically with tributary‐averaged rainfall rate. The hypsometric integral (HI), which increases with the amount of topography that is at relatively high elevations within a watershed, is negatively correlated with the profile concavity of the trunk channel. High rainfall rates at the ridge top lead to mainstem channels that have relatively low concavity, and watersheds with relatively higher HI in comparison with landscapes that have uniform rainfall. Finally, we contrast the impacts of rainfall patterns on landscape morphology with those resulting from a linear rock uplift gradient and uniform rainfall. Uplift patterns may have a similar impact on landscape morphology as rainfall gradients, making it challenging to decipher the relative roles of climate and tectonics on landscape evolution without a quantitative assessment of morphologic parameters. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The saltation–abrasion model predicts rates of river incision into bedrock as an explicit function of sediment supply, grain size, boundary shear stress and rock strength. Here we use this experimentally calibrated model to explore the controls on river longitudinal profile concavity and relief for the simple but illustrative case of steady‐state topography. Over a wide range of rock uplift rates we find a characteristic downstream trend, in which upstream reaches are close to the threshold of sediment motion with large extents of bedrock exposure in the channel bed, while downstream reaches have higher excess shear stresses and lesser extents of bedrock exposure. Profile concavity is most sensitive to spatial gradients in runoff and the rate of downstream sediment fining. Concavity is also sensitive to the supply rate of coarse sediment, which varies with rock uplift rate and with the fraction of the total sediment load in the bedload size class. Variations in rock strength have little influence on profile concavity. Profile relief is most sensitive to grain size and amount of runoff. Rock uplift rate and rock strength influence relief most strongly for high rates of rock uplift. Analysis of potential covariation of grain size with rock uplift rate and rock strength suggests that the influence of these variables on profile form could occur in large part through their influence on grain size. Similarly, covariation between grain size and the fraction of sediment load in the bedload size class provides another indirect avenue for rock uplift and strength to influence profile form. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil depth and soil production are highly complicated phenomena, generated from a complex interaction of physical, biological and chemical processes. It has, nevertheless, become increasingly clear that soil formation rates are closely related to chemical weathering rates. Somewhat paradoxically, it is likewise becoming apparent that such biogeochemical reactions as slowly transform rock to soil are limited by physical processes, such as flowing water and the formation of fractures. We have formulated a theoretical approach that relates soil formation rates to chemical weathering rates, and those, likewise, to solute transport rates. For such a theoretical framework to be relevant, the solute transport rates cannot equal those of the flowing water, as is the case in Gaussian solute transport. Rather, solute transport must be slowed in accordance with heavy‐tailed solute arrival time distributions. The inference is that the traditional advection–dispersion equation formulation for solute transport is inadequate in the typically heterogeneous geological media that weather to form soils. Here we examine the implications of this soil production model on the assumption of the approach to steady state. Particularly at slow erosion rates we find that many soil columns are not in equilibrium. This tendency may be accentuated in dry climates. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research has indicated that Sierra Nevada meadows are hydrologically more complex than previously considered. Improved understanding of the effects of aquifer parameters and climate change on water resources in and downstream of meadows is critically needed to effectively manage mountain meadows for ecosystem services and watershed contributions. This research investigates the roles of bedrock geometry, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and meadow gradient in affecting groundwater storage dynamics and surface‐water outflows in site‐scale high‐elevation meadows. Under current and projected lower snowpack conditions, we modeled groundwater flow in representative high‐elevation meadows considering 2 conceptual aquifer thickness models: uniform and variable thickness. Spatially, variable aquifer thicknesses interpreted from bedrock depths (0–28 m) were identified from a high‐resolution ground‐penetrating radar survey conducted at Tuolumne Meadows, CA. Our interpreted bedrock surface indicated several buried U‐shaped valleys including a buried ridge that separates 2 U‐shaped valleys. Groundwater flow simulations show that an increase in meadow gradient and hydraulic conductivity led to a decrease in seasonal storage and an increase in surface‐water outflow. However, models with varying bedrock geometries change the magnitude and timing of these processes. Uniform thickness models overestimated storage at the model edges and resulted in higher projected volumes of water being released to streams earlier than previously observed.  相似文献   

Stable water isotope ratios are measured as a tracer of environmental processes in materials such as leaves, soils, and lakes. Water in these archives may experience evaporation, which increases the abundance of heavy isotopologues proportionally to the gradients in humidity and isotope ratio between the evaporating water and the surrounding atmosphere. The isotope ratio of the atmosphere has been difficult to measure until recently, and measurements remain scarce. As a result, several assumptions have been adopted to estimate isotope ratios of atmospheric water vapour. Perhaps the most commonly employed assumption in terrestrial environments is that water vapour is in isotopic equilibrium with precipitation. We evaluate this assumption using an eight‐member ensemble of general circulation model (GCM) simulations that include explicit calculation of isotope ratios in precipitation and vapour. We find that across the model ensemble, water vapour is typically less depleted in heavy isotopologues than expected if it were in equilibrium with annual precipitation. Atmospheric vapour likely possesses higher‐than‐expected isotope ratios because precipitation isotope ratios are determined by atmospheric conditions that favour condensation, which do not reflect atmospheric mixing and advection processes outside of precipitation events. The effect of this deviation on theoretical estimates of isotope ratios of evaporating waters scales with relative humidity. As a result, the equilibrium assumption gives relatively accurate estimates of the isotope ratios of evaporating waters in low latitudes but performs increasingly poorly at increasing latitudes. Future studies of evaporative water pools should include measurements of atmospheric isotope ratios or constrain potential bias with isotope‐enabled GCM simulations.  相似文献   

Critical zone influences on hydrologic partitioning, subsurface flow paths and reactions along these flow paths dictate the timing and magnitude of groundwater and solute flux to streams. To isolate first‐order controls on seasonal streamflow generation within highly heterogeneous, snow‐dominated basins of the Colorado River, we employ a multivariate statistical approach of end‐member mixing analysis using a suite of daily chemical and isotopic observations. Mixing models are developed across 11 nested basins (0.4 to 85 km2) spanning a gradient of climatological, physical, and geological characteristics. Hydrograph separation using rain, snow, and groundwater as end‐members indicates that seasonal contributions of groundwater to streams is significant. Mean annual groundwater flux ranges from 12% to 33% whereas maximum groundwater contributions of 17% to 50% occur during baseflow. The direct relationship between snow water equivalent and groundwater flux to streams is scale dependent with a trend toward self‐similarity when basins exceed 5.5 km2. We find groundwater recharge increases in basins of high relief and within the upper subalpine where maximum snow accumulation is coincident with reduced conifer cover and lower canopy densities. The mixing model developed for the furthest downstream site did not transfer to upstream basins. The resulting error in predicted stream concentrations points toward weathering reactions as a function of source rock and seasonal shifts in flow path. Additionally, the potential for microbial sulfate reduction in floodplain sediments along a low‐gradient, meandering portion of the river is sufficient to modify hillslope contributions and alter mixing ratios in the analysis. Soil flushing in response to snowmelt is not included as an end‐member but is identified as an important mechanism for release of solutes from these mountainous watersheds. End‐member mixing analysis used in combination with high‐frequency observations reveals important aspects of catchment hydrodynamics across scale.  相似文献   

This article investigates the quantity of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) from a coastal multi‐layered aquifer system in response to constant rainfall infiltration. The system comprises an unconfined aquifer, a leaky confined aquifer and an aquitard between them and terminates at the coastline. An approximate analytical solution is derived based on the following assumptions: (i) flow is horizontal in the aquifers and vertical in the aquitard, and (ii) flow in the unconfined aquifer is described by nonlinear Boussinesq equation. The analytical solution is compared with numerical solutions of the strictly two‐dimensional nonlinear model to validate the model assumptions used for the analytical solution. The SGD from the leaky confined aquifer increases with the inland rainfall infiltration recharge and the specific leakage of aquitard. The maximum SGD ranges from 1·87 to 10·37 m3 per day per meter of shoreline when rainfall infiltration ranges from 18·2 to 182 mm/year and the specific leakage of aquitard varies from 10?9 to 10?1 l/day. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Current climate change models for the southeast UK predict changing rainfall patterns, with increased incidence of extreme events. The chalk aquifer in the UK and northern France is susceptible to groundwater‐induced flooding under such conditions. In this methodological study we apply a frequency domain analysis approach to the chalk aquifer to derive a transfer function between effective rainfall and groundwater level from 7 years of monitoring data from the North Heath Barn site, near Brighton. The derived transfer function was calibrated and validated against monitoring data and then used to predict groundwater level for rainfall models for high, medium and low emission scenarios from the UKCP09 database. The derived transfer function is most closely comparable to the linear aquifer model, despite evidence for both matrix and fracture or karst water flow in the chalk, with transmissivity and unconfined storativity at the catchment scale of 1548 m2 day?1 and 1.6 × 10?2. The application of the transfer function to UKCP09 rainfall data suggests that groundwater‐induced flooding may be about four times more frequent by 2040–2069 compared with 1961–1990 and seven times more frequent by 2070–2099. The model data also suggest an increase in the duration of groundwater minima relative to the reference period. Compared to deterministic modelling which requires detailed knowledge of aquifer heterogeneity and processes, the transfer function approach, although with limitations, is simpler, incorporating these factors into the analysis through frequency and phase coefficients, and thus may have the potential for groundwater risk assessment in other areas. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate change and sea‐level rise will have severe impacts on coastal water resources around the world. However, whereas the influence of marine inundation is well documented in the literature, the impact of groundwater inundation on coastal communities is not well known. Here, core analysis, groundwater monitoring, and ground penetrating radar are utilized to assess the groundwater regime of the surficial aquifer on Bogue Banks Barrier Island (USA). Then, geospatial techniques are used to assess the relative roles and extents of groundwater and marine inundation on the dune‐dominated barrier island under sea‐level rise scenarios of 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 m above current conditions by 2100. Additionally, the effects of rising water tables on onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS) are modelled using the projected sea‐level rise scenarios. The results indicate that the surficial aquifer comprising fine to medium sands responds quickly to precipitation. Water‐level measurements reveal varying thicknesses of the vadose zone (>3 to 0 m) and several groundwater mounds with radial flow patterns. Results from projected sea‐level rise scenarios suggest that owing to aquifer properties and morphology of the island, groundwater inundation may occur at the same rate as marine inundation. Furthermore, the area inundated by groundwater may be as significant as that affected by marine inundation. The results also show that the proportion of land in the study area where OWTS may be perpetually compromised by rising water tables under worst case scenarios may range from ~43 to ~54% over an 86‐year‐period. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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