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针对海洋模拟平台接触式测量方法精度低的问题,提出了适用于"海洋移动式平台"水池模型试验的非接触式测量方法并详细阐述了实时异步触发同步抓取图像功能的实现及两步法标定过程.该方法基于机器视觉原理使用双 CCD 进行平台的运动监测,利用标定内外参数来重构物体空间坐标,并由此分解浮体六自由度运动的信息.最后给出了测试结果.结果表明:所提算法在分析精度方面有了较大的提高.  相似文献   

在Fudide-Krylov假设条件下,依据船舶分离建模理论在固定和运动坐标系中计算海面船只六自由度运动数学模型。主要包括:对风、浪、流的单独建模并进行矢量叠加,并在风浪流联合作用下对船舶六自由度运动构建简化的数学建模,完成实时仿真。基于Simulink和V-Realm Builder虚拟现实技术创建船舶运动模型、海洋表面环境及船只的几何模型,对船舶六自由度运动进行视景仿真,给出了有风无浪、有浪无风和风浪兼有三种情况下船只旋回路径和船舶运动轨迹。在VR视景浏览器中创建动态海面上船舶六自由度运动模型,不仅易于实现且结果逼真。得到的结果为进一步研究动态船只目标声散射特性的精确预报提供基础。  相似文献   

浅水不规则波浪中油轮运动研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文对一般油轮在浅水不规则波浪中六自由度运动进行了试验分析,并对其碰底情况做了研究。试验时对有流情况下不同波高、不同装载的条件进行了分析比较。模型的六自由度运动是用非接触式六自由度运动测量与分析方法求得。该方法应用位置测量仪(PSD)对安置在模型上的红外线发光源(LED)进行测量,然后所编制的软件计算出模型的六个自由度运动情况。  相似文献   

基于 LabVIEW 软件实现水雷弹道的三维可视化。 利用 MATLAB 软件结合仪器舱内弹道记录仪的试验数据或者半实物仿真的六自由度数据,进行格式处理,生成水雷弹道数据。 利用弹道数据和 Lab- VIEW 软件中变形模块驱动三维模型运动,为实现水雷航行与布放的可视化提供新的技术途径,极大地方便了科研人员后期的数据处理和试验分析。  相似文献   

基于自主研发的紧致插值曲线CIP (Constrained Interpolation Profile)方法数学模型,对均匀来流条件时不同运动自由度组合下的串列双圆柱涡激振动问题开展二维数值模拟。模型针对雷诺数Re=100,质量比m*=2的串列双圆柱涡激振动问题,选取上、下游圆柱不同运动自由度组合工况进行模拟。重点分析圆柱的升阻力系数、运动位移随折合速度Ur变化的响应。研究表明:当上游圆柱双自由度运动时,随着下游圆柱运动自由度的增加,下游圆柱对上游圆柱涡激振动响应的影响减弱;当下游圆柱双自由度运动时,随着上游圆柱运动自由度的增加,上游圆柱对下游圆柱涡激振动响应的影响变强。研究结果表明圆柱运动自由度组合形式对串列双圆柱涡激振动的影响不可忽略。  相似文献   

潜器在水下发射火箭时会产生复杂的运动变化,对其研究很有实际意义。参照格特勒运动方程,建立潜器运动的非线性数学模型。导入实验模型的参数,对其六自由度基本运动进行了仿真,并与水池实验结果相比较,验证了仿真模型的有效性。导入发射火箭时潜器受到的完整载荷,计算分析了不同航速下潜器的运动响应和运动控制。结果表明,发射载荷对潜器运动将产生较长时间的显著影响,包括速度损失、升沉运动和纵倾角振荡。航速越小,运动变化越大,恢复所需时间越长,控制越困难。  相似文献   

随着油气资源开发向深水区发展,迫切需要采用一定的方法去了解块体运动的特征以及分析块体运动对深水油气资源开发的可能性.本文阐述了东海陆坡块体运动地形分析方法以及多种数据处理技术的使用.多波束测深系统为人们提供了直观的海底地貌形态特征,地层剖面仪系统能探测海底以下沉积物性质和结构的变化.GIS、Fledermaus、Delph等软件系统可以定量分析海底微地貌形态特征.  相似文献   

海上浮式风机气动性能数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法,基于RANS方程和SST k-ω湍流模型,对OC3-Hywind Spar浮式平台支撑的NREL5 MW风机进行气动性能模拟。对固定式风机的数值模型做网格无关性验证,同时考虑垂直风切变的影响,并将数值结果与NREL设计数据进行对比以验证模型的有效性。在FLUENT软件中,设定嵌入式滑移网格和用户定义程序(UDF)来模拟风机叶轮随平台的周期运动,分别研究浮式平台的纵荡、纵摇和首摇运动对风机气动荷载的影响。数值结果表明平台的纵荡和纵摇运动对输出功率影响较大,且平台运动幅值越大周期越低,其气动荷载变化越剧烈。合理控制平台的运动幅值对提高浮式风机的发电性能和疲劳强度有很大作用。  相似文献   

为了在非理想环境的测速场或者没有测速场进行相对计程仪的准确测速,在通用方法基础上,论述了两种切实可行有效的测速新方法,通过理论及实验证明,实用性较强,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外海上平台开始采用桶形基础(几米浅基础)代替一直沿用的桩基础(几十米深基础),其安装就位采用与打桩施工完全不同的负压沉贯的施工方法.介绍了一种用于桶形基础平台在负压沉贯施工中的智能化测控装置.该装置成功地用于我国首座桶形基础平台(胜利油田CB20B平台)的安装就位施工,取得了预期的效果.为我国今后桶形基础平台负压沉贯施工中的智能化测控提供了有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel model reference adaptive controller with anti-windup compensator (MRAC_AW) is proposed for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Input saturations and parametric uncertainties are among the practical problems in the control of autonomous vehicles. Hence, utilizing a proper adaptive controller with the ability to handle actuator saturations is of a particular value. The proposed technique of this paper incorporates the well-posed model reference adaptive control with integral state feedback and a modern anti-windup scheme to present an appropriate performance in practical conditions of an AUV. Stability of the proposed method is analyzed by Lyapunov theory. Then, the proposed controller is implemented in the hardware in the loop simulation of AUV. For this purpose, the introduced method is implemented in an onboard computer to be checked in a real-time dynamic simulation environment. Obtained results in the presence of real hardware of system, actuators, computational delays and real-time execution verify the effectiveness of proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Unlike most previous studies on the transverse vortex-induced vibration(VIV) of a cylinder mainly under the wallfree condition (Williamson & Govardhan,2004),this paper experimentally investigates the vortex-induced vibration of a cylinder with two degrees of freedom near a rigid wall exposed to steady flow.The amplitude and frequency responses of the cylinder are discussed.The lee wake flow patterns of the cylinder undergoing VIV were visualized by employing the hydrogen bubble technique.The effects of the gap-to-diameter ratio (e0/D) and the mass ratio on the vibration amplitude and frequency are analyzed.Comparisons of VIV response of the cylinder are made between one degree (only transverse) and two degrees of freedom (streamwise and transverse) and those between the present study and previous ones.The experimental observation indicates that there are two types of streamwise vibration,i.e.the first streamwise vibration (FSV) with small amplitude and the second streamwise vibration (SSV) which coexists with transverse vibration.The vortex shedding pattem for the FSV is approximately symmetric and that for the SSV is alternate.The first streamwise vibration tends to disappear with the decrease of e0/D.For the case of large gap-to-diameter ratios (e.g.e0/D = 0.54~1.58),the maximum amplitudes of the second streamwise vibration and transverse one increase with the increasing gapto-diameter ratio.But for the case of small gap-to-diameter ratios (e.g.e0/D = 0.16,0.23),the vibration amplitude of the cylinder increases slowly at the initial stage (i.e.at small reduced velocity V,),and across the maximum amplitude it decreases quickly at the last stage (i.e.at large Vr).Within the range ofthe examined small mass ratio (m<4),both streamwise and transverse vibration amplitude of the cylinder decrease with the increase of mass ratio for the fixed value of V,.The vibration range (in terms of Vr ) tends to widen with the decrease of the mass ratio.In the second streamwise vibration region,the vibration frequency of the cylinder with a small mass ratio (e.g.mx = 1.44) undergoes a jump at a certain Vr,.The maximum amplitudes of the transverse vibration for two-degree-of-freedom case is larger than that for one-degree-of-freedom case,but the transverse vibration frequency of the cylinder with two degrees of freedom is lower than that with one degree of freedom (transverse).  相似文献   

以天津新港三维城市建模为例,介绍了基于二维数据、DEM和3D模型等多源数据的三维城市建模的方法和关键技术。为有效利用现有数据资源快速、准确建立三维城市模型提供了一种经济、灵活、省时、高效的方法。  相似文献   

文章以具有自由表面的三维非线性Navier-Stokes方程组为基本控制方程,垂向采用σ坐标变换后得到三维浅海湍流数学模型。数值模拟求解方法采用具有自动迎风、精度高及稳定性好的混合有限分析法求解,最后,以渤海湾潮流模拟算例验证了文中模型及其混合有限分析解法模拟潮流的正确性和应用于工程实际问题的适用性。  相似文献   

Using two dimensional continuous wavelet transforms, a novel method for identification of mesoscale eddies is presented to facilitate extraction of characteristics for area, amplitude, type, and location from maps of sea level anomalies. In comparison with the previously established growing method for eddy identification, it is found that the wavelet method identifies more than twice the number of eddies and is particularly better at resolving small eddies down to the 0.25 degree resolution of the data. Such research into eddy identification and tracking is significant to the assessment of eddies with potential to impact on coastlines of small islands. The method is applied to the identification of eddies on tracks towards islands of the Eastern Caribbean over 23?years. Spatial and temporal variation in rate of occurrence and magnitude is established. For Barbados there is an average of 9 anticyclonic incidents a year with maximum amplitude of typically 0.22?m in the dry seasons and 0.16?m in the wet seasons. Seasonal variation is reversed for the other islands with twice the number of anticyclonic incidents having maximum amplitudes of about 0.20?m annually.  相似文献   

通过构建海域无人机监视监测业务流程形式化模型,为海域无人机监控与管理系统能够自适应可变的业务流程奠定基础。首先对比了各种业务流程建模方法的技术特点和适用场景,然后对海域无人机监视监测业务流程进行分析,提出了一种UML活动图转化为基于Petri网的工作流逻辑偶的方法,最后基于此方法对海域无人机监视监测业务流程进行建模。建模结果表明,该方法能有效地将海域无人机监视监测业务流程的分支、分叉以及汇合等流程逻辑转化为工作流逻辑偶,并且转化的结果满足良序性、良构性以及畅通性。  相似文献   

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