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We construct a galaxy groups catalogue from the public 100-K data release of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. The group identification is carried out using a slightly modified version of the group-finding algorithm developed by Huchra & Geller. Several tests using mock catalogues allow us to find the optimal conditions to increase the reliability of the final group sample. A minimum number of four members, an outer number density enhancement of 80 and a linking radial cut-off of 200 km s−1 are the best obtained values from the analysis. Using these parameters, approximately 90 per cent of groups identified in real space have a redshift space counterpart. On the other hand, the level of contamination in redshift space reaches 30 per cent, including ∼6 per cent of artificial groups and ∼24 per cent of groups associated with binaries or triplets in real space. The final sample comprises 2209 galaxy groups covering the sky region described by Colless et al.spanning over the redshift range of  0.003 ≤ z ≤ 0.25  with a mean redshift of 0.1.  相似文献   

We investigate the environments and clustering properties of starburst galaxies selected from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) in order to determine which, if any, environmental factors play a role in triggering a starburst. We quantify the local environments, clustering properties and luminosity functions of our starburst galaxies and compare to random control samples. The starburst galaxies are also classified morphologically in terms of their broad Hubble type and evidence of tidal merger/interaction signatures. We find the starburst galaxies to be much less clustered on large (5–15 Mpc) scales compared to the overall 2dFGRS galaxy population. In terms of their environments, we find just over half of the starburst galaxies to reside in low to intermediate luminosity groups, and a further ∼30 per cent residing in the outskirts and infall regions of rich clusters. Their luminosity functions also differ significantly from that of the overall 2dFGRS galaxy population, with the sense of the difference being critically dependent on the way their star formation rates are measured. In terms of pin-pointing what might trigger the starburst, it would appear that factors relating to their local environment are most germane. Specifically, we find clear evidence that the presence of a near neighbour of comparable luminosity/mass within 20 kpc is likely to be important in triggering a starburst. We also find that a significant fraction (20–30 per cent) of the galaxies in our starburst samples have morphologies indicative of either an ongoing or a recent tidal interaction and/or merger. These findings notwithstanding, there remain a significant portion of starburst galaxies where such local environmental influences are not in any obvious way playing a triggering role, leading us to conclude that starbursts can also be internally driven.  相似文献   

We present the multiwavelength properties and catalogue of the 15 μm and 1.4 GHz radio sources detected in the European Large Area ISO Survey ( ELAIS ) areas N1 and N2. Using the optical data from the Wide Field Survey we use a likelihood ratio method to search for the counterparts of the 1056 and 691 sources detected at 15 μm and 1.4 GHz, respectively, down to flux limits of   S 15= 0.5 mJy  and   S 1.4 GHz= 0.135 mJy  . We find that ∼92 per cent of the 15 μm ELAIS sources have an optical counterpart down to   r '= 24  . All mid-infrared (IR) sources with fluxes   S 15≥ 3 mJy  have an optical counterpart. The magnitude distribution of the sources shows a well-defined peak at relatively bright magnitudes   r '∼ 18  . The mid-IR-to-optical and radio-to-optical flux diagrams are presented and discussed in terms of actual galaxy models. About 15 per cent of the sources are bright galactic stars; of the extragalactic objects ∼65 per cent are compatible with being normal or starburst galaxies and ∼25 per cent active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Objects with mid-IR-to-optical fluxes larger than 100 are found, comprising ∼20 per cent of the sample. We suggest that that these sources are highly obscured luminous and ultraluminous starburst galaxies and AGNs.  相似文献   

We use an 850-μm SCUBA map of the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) to study the dust properties of optically-selected starburst galaxies at high redshift. The optical/infrared (IR) data in the HDF allow a photometric redshift to be estimated for each galaxy, together with an estimate of the visible star-formation rate. The 850-μm flux density of each source provides the complementary information: the amount of hidden, dust-enshrouded star formation activity. Although the 850-μm map does not allow detection of the majority of individual sources, we show that the galaxies with the highest UV star-formation rates are detected statistically, with a flux density of about S 850=0.2 mJy for an apparent UV star-formation rate of 1  h −2 M yr−1. This level of submillimetre output indicates that the total star-forming activity is on average a factor of approximately 6 times larger than the rate inferred from the UV output of these galaxies. The general population of optical starbursts is then predicted to contribute at least 25 per cent of the 850-μm background. We carry out a power-spectrum analysis of the map, which yields some evidence for angular clustering of the background source population, but at a level lower than that seen in Lyman-break galaxies. Together with other lines of argument, particularly from the NICMOS HDF data, this suggests that the 850-μm background originates over an extremely wide range of redshifts – perhaps 1≲ z ≲6.  相似文献   

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